HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-02-15, Page 341iY, I r atY ff.7 tn., x !"4111:41174P,T,i;i[ ralt.T '7"7 J,:rprIV.310rppirnirigfjr3r1171,11[141,fri!i.1',1:ft, ' 14: 114,,Ij a it INuomtnutiiimummoulitu munoccuquiglommiluollguiscoulituom01101401tonOto , ^ OrPal tit IN FACE- OF 'ADVANCING PRICES. SA NI -FLUSH „ The most sanitary Toilet ii3o,rirl Cleanser, week 213 Era/ Sale 4 String Brooms, reg. 75c High Grade FloOr Wax -.58c Glass Globe Wash Boards 7$c qt. Aluminum, Sauce Pans, unusual Value..__33c TOILET PAPE Now is the time to lay in suppiy,.,,vbile it lasts 95 aft 7 rolls for - , . dimo 60c Bottle, OVedar Oi1.,..-.5oc 30c BOttle O'Cedar Willow Laundry Baskets-x.5o Corer Leaf Cups and Sau- cers, Xgc, or per doz.......2.25 anarrAventFonur,ocrovarnwamigan.........evarsa Kneading Pan Wil4 over large size, extra special only.... , . ... I. Salt P et r e, ' . Just received shipment, choice - D i sinfectant while . Stick Butter Bowie and ,Floading Nest Eggs,. 6 i lasts at 20e lb. , Dairy Thetmorieters, for ......25e E.. , ;a .ii We Aim ,tc; Please. .. . First and Always. E- Oitonct ra_t IT1 = Batuy iropdrtance has declined since half my future is behind. 'The sun it warns! all, both borid and free, lights other folks as well as me; the pretty girls that charmed me then, became the brides of other ince. Of many hopes has life bereft me, my- feet are flat, my hair has left: me; yet still the world is no less pleasant for being shared by prince and peasant, , When all mankind have had their share, there's golden sunshine still to spare and unclaimed, flowers bloom every- where. Though youthful loves had numbered fifty, though all were sweet and all were nifty, rvith Hannah's gentle hand in mine, I'd scorn the other forty-nine. What. should I do with teri or twenty, why ask for more when one is plenty?—Bob Adams. —BLYTI-1 Auctioneer Bennett of Winghain, was in town on business on Friday. A union Missionary service will be held on Friday afternoon in the Pres- byterian church. There died on Friday, February oth., an old -and fainlia.r figure about the yillage, in the person of Mr, fairies Scott, aged 7r years, The funeral was held on Monday afternoon frara the residence of his son, Mr. Richard Scott, Hamilton Ave, Service..was conducted by -Rev. Gco. Telford, pas- tor of .the Presbyterian church. Inter- .ment in Union cemetery. Mrs. Jos. Stothers received the sad intelligence of the death of her broth- er-in-lai,v, at Glamis. The Guild df Trinity Church are holding a pancake social on Shrove Tuesday of his. week. - Mr. Tirnotly Hay of-Wingham, was in town on. Friday. E WI -IAM inDin N Rude. Rural. Rhymes OLD CONDUCTOR DfES Donicl ' Courto well.lcnown res1- tient of London_ for P5PlonYeeeaorsf talniec,1G1,1111.:: R. for ,50 years, died at his home, 5p' I(i wccks l?ed Ign e's$5,t. g on following a two 66 Thursday ,nigh t, Mr. Connell, or ;:ii)sf anecloa as he tenp;ov ay -s better known to eea, was a eonduc- tor on the Huron & Brtice for about 20 years and held many other posi- • tions or the rail- • road during his faithful service. Owing to his advanced years and the fact that he had given faithful ser- ,. vice for. half a century, he was placed on the retired list about one Year ago. Besides Ins.vvidow, he is survived by three •daughters; Misses Nellie and Irene at home, Mrs. W, G. • 0'QU-6e of London lied two sons, -Frank of Montreal and VSTilliam of Vancouver. Deceased was a Melnber of the 0, R. C., and Catholic Order of Forest- . Forty' Phis When, I was twenty-two or three, thouglii, the world was inade for inp; was nay oyster and illy elain, rnv Pi niy cabbage and my ham, which could swallow at my pleasure and then full -fed, digest at leisure. For Die the sun arose at dawn, he brought the heat and' daylight on, And left the moon wnen he was gone, For me bloomed all the pretty flowers, in all the woods and yards and bowers; for me bloomed all tbe pretty girls with roey cheeks and fetching curls. On every aide- of every street were res- taurants where could eat, In ever charch were cushioned pews where might take a restful snooze. 331a were the skies that bended o'er me when all -my , future was before me, AVit ef• This Fruit Medicine Always Gives 'Relief LIF 917-D9Itios, Mooroomo I '811Afered terribly with Dyspepsia. 1 had it for years and all the medi. cines•I took dil not do meany good. 1 read something about "fruit.cr,- y to, es being good for,all Stomach 7'roublo I and Dismders of Digestion, so I tried e them. ter finishing, a few boxes„ 1 waa entirely relieved, of the Dyspepsia and • my general health was restored; and tun writing to tell you that 1 owe • my life to "Pruit-a-tives" Mlle. AN'I'OINET'rE B0UCT-1731. 50e a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid by Frait a-tives I.draited; Ottawa. outoiamtatoutaaraottottnivitnitootortotomotamttutattomoto. NE111111111 tionnipson Phone 30. Buchanan I 11112ill! IllaillfB11111111631111111132111131011flulialilllifl11111111211111111111t111411111111111111111111 animsgeraesseamentemiecaos.esocetmaarsangt:.,..::Aummiix . , IN , ER Essmravoirom DAIL_S' WEEKLY STORE NEWS al es of S ecial nitere'A PILLOW COTTONS—Heavy quality circular cotton, fine weave, freefrorn dressing. Extra value at this price, 40 and 42 inches wide at • -5oc a yard is HEETINGS--84 in. Sheeting made from fine cotton yarns with a soft finish a quality that will give excellent wear Si fully bleached, exceptional value at , yd. mg 78 in. SHEETING --A heavy -weight bleached quality with a firm weave, for wear and service this is a splendid value at . _8oe 'a yard ACHED SI-1EETING—A heavy and durable bleached en cotton, cleanly woven to stand much wear, 36 inch wide at _____ a yard ITE FLANNELETTE --Good quality well napped in ish, medium weight, exceptional value at this low price 20 inches wide at a yard UNDERVVEAR--Ladies) white and natural vests, V neck and short sleeves, high neck and long sleeves, drawers to match, reg. Sz.x5 to r.50 at -- LADIES' AND MISSES' -VESTS -- neck and high necks, drawers to match, medium weight, in white only, at _...--5gc LADIES' BLOOMERS—In vibite, black and greylieece lin- ed, sizes 36 to ao, elastic at waist and knee, special 85c pal HOSIERY --Ladies' 131ack !Cashmere Hose, all wool, deep • ' elastic ribbed top, sizes 81 to xo, extra value, per pair_ ._-__89c D. & A. CORSETS -a -Sizes 20, to 2g, special clearing tirne reg. 12 $2,75 to $3.5o per pair at • " • -- -$1.95 •VII Sweaters. -ladies and Children's Sweaters at greatly deduced • al prices, MI MI troasoritrourroosoomoognosetousuounagromazoonsontrainamatoommximmeniuni -,tuu REMNANTS AT 'HALF PRICE ta nalatall114111 ii1011110118111111111k have-sorne odds and d,nds left in F300ks which are gi v11 now on sate, Boolcs regularly priced at 50c are • E-2 on sale at 35e each or 3, for $1.00, Books 0 -- regularly priced 75c on sale".c.tt 45e. • UALS • 54 Boys' and Girls' Annuals Churns. etc. priced at $2,00 - •to 3,50, while, they last at 1,25 each, itg Books Stationery,,Magaiines, TOwn Ticket Agent Canadian National and.Grand Trunk Railways, Ocean Tildkets via all linen, • ill111111110111104111 .1111110101101114111XIIIIIIIIAIIINI11131111111110111141111411111111111XlitiVilitIliall114111111111111E 1 11111%056211111HISTIVM91111111R1”1611MtVIMb. wata , t 'Oki* You wili bring your. " Cream to U.s. Why Not Now Operative I a • • BELGRAVE The regular meeting of -the Wom- en's Institute „will be held at the home of Mrs. Caesar, on Tuesday, February 2oth., at 2.3o. o'clock. An address en- titled "Right and Wrong- Punishment of Children,‘ will be given by Rev. C. Jones, also an, address on the "Value of Education," by AIrs. 0. G. Ander- son; Roll Call, Egg Recipes. All the ladies of the community are cordially invited to attend, ,Fur Coats At Manufacturer's Cost ling Bros, Nine Day Sale affords you an opportunity to' select the best Hudson Seal, Persian Larrib and Mus- krat Coats at cost. , Successful Piano Exatninations Miss' Pearl Gidley; A. L. C. M., was successfutwith her seven piano pupils at the recent exaininations in connec- tion with the London, England, Col- lege of- Music. Advanced Senior, First-class Pass— Mary. A. Elliott: Wingham. Senior, Honors—Eliza.betla Mills, Myth; Janette Popleetone, Blyth. _kdvanced Intermediate, I-Innors-n. Roberta Sanderson, Blyth. • Elementary First-class Pass—Ken- neth Somers, Wingham; Olive Wit - Earns, Blyth. - • Pass -a -Leslie Poplestone, Blyth, TEMDE,RS • Sealed TenderS will be received by the undersigned "and marked Tatter,” up to the 1st. day of March, next, for the Real property, fcirrnerly occupied as a ,Public Hall in the. Village of Lucknow. • • The buildingtis about Go ft. by 62 ft., outside measurement, two storey and built of brick. Such tender shall be for the build- ing only, the lot only or the whole property., No tender necessarily accepted. This 'property is offered subject to the asseet of. the"electors Of the Vil- lage of.. Lucknow, 'qualified to vote thereon. Joseph Agnew, Clerk, Luckaow, NOTICE TO CREDITORS • The Bankruptcy ,Act. In the Estate of Pearl Copeland, of Wing:ham, Ontario. NOTICE IS, aHEREBY GIVEN* that Pearl Copeland, of Wingliam, Ontario, Grocer, did on the teeth day, of February, 1923, MAIKE ANAUTH- ORIZED ASSIGNMENT TO THE UNDERSIGNED , • ' • NOTICE is further given that the first Meeting of creditors in. the above estate will be held at my office, To Gieene Swift Blinding, London, on the twenty-second day of February, xo23, at 2.30 o'clock. in the afternoon, TO' ENTITLE YOU to vote there- at proof of youreelaim must be. lodged with -me before the meeting -18 held. PROrfES to be used at .the meet- ing must be lodged with Me prior thereto. •, ' AND FURTHER take notice that if you have any claim a,gaitist the debt- or for which'you are' entitled tO rank proof of arida claim mast be filed with me withie thirty days froth tlte date GLENANNAN Mr. Frank Grain of Purvis, Man., is visiting with his sister, Mrs, Thos. Gilmour. "Mr. Colin Eadie has been visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Chas. Cathers. Mr. Wm. Elliott jr., has returned hoine after visiting with friends in Toronto, Miss Agnes Fortune visited recently with her friend, Ms. Robt. Muir. Mr. Wni. Errington sr., has pur- chased Mr. BenRiegler's. farm on the Wroxeter gravel. Miss Nellie Inghs spent the week- end with her aurit, Mrs. John C. Mit- chell, Mrs. Thos. Gilmour and her brother, Mr. Grain, spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Omar Stakes. - The play eetitled, "An Old -Fashion- ed Mother," which was gives in Ead- ies church lent Friday night was fairly well attended owing to the condition of the roads. The proceeds amounted ta over $50.ota • TORY CORNERS Miss Reta Durst spent a few days last week with Miss Edna Taylor. Mr. J. Wylie made a business tip to Mildmay on Monday last. Miss Nellie Dane and Miss Alba erS, ' The funeral was held front the fam- ily residence to St. Mary's Church, where requiem high mass,was bratecl. -Mern.bers of the 0, R, C:: tended the- funeranin a body. Inter- ment avas, rriad.e in St,. Peter's ceme- tery, • CHURCH UNION 111Wil 11161114X1111611110030101 I t ailiRcroeo, Iwo; 11) Ili tot t t Every 271 ett -ii Soap Chips, 2 lbs..._-. i Valencia Cake lb. c N. Dundee Cake, lb. „a _ , .- . i JellY Rolls, o for...- _ . , . - Mach. Slicta SALMON Clover Leaf ,or Horseshoe, kw=" s - •-25e ti15 _4gc r_t Eagle or Tiger Salmon, s_t_tac a.-- 1 s , , ....... .. . .. . 0-- Sunflower, -1 s 3 for____ 29C Brunewick Sardines, 4'fort..,'..._25c a -a Fels. Naphtha Soap, xo bars, _ Special Blend Tea, the,- , , 55e Select Blerid Tea, lb., a 3c it reakfastBaco Toronto, January 26th.,1923 int To the Editor of the Winghara Advance. That the facts regarding- the policy- of the Presbyterian church in Canada, SI may be accurately known by the pub- DTI lic, this committee respectfully that you publish this letter as its of ere Newr`heeaer., -per ficial statement on the subject. It has been sugpested that there isi! Kraft Cheese' lb.,....,.,_,.,.,_-----.. . . some ' difference of opinion as to the, -111 Royal Crown Cream cheese e Church's position on the Union cities, -;i" per 113. 42c tion. Let the General Assembly speak ta-m Prunes, large size, lb.. _ . ..;._ I7c for itself. In. 1916, the Assenibly by a len" vote of about four to one, expressed 5 its mind as follows: • SYRUPS Maple 'Syrups/ pts 43e, (Its, -.7 Lyles Crolden Syrup, tin_____29c E'dwardshurg Corn Syrup as ' for ,c at Sal lated Sugar, 10,1 . Aunt jearitria Pancake Flour 1 package 2°C = Butter Scotch worth 95c, a White Swan Pancake Flour n package 4e = c. Special Blend •Coffee, -3ne Select Blend Coffee, Ib. 55c fa Camel Dates, 3 25c gn Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. for .25e s. That in accordance with the re- = BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN WE DELIVER' conamendations of this General Assemn FA. blY of the Presb'Yterian ehnieh in Cc -In-! IIIMIlinnI11111115111011nillIbillit1114111M1111111118111SIIIIMIlitg111 ada, do ,now resolve to unite with the Methodist chtireb of Canada and the Carson, attended the winter school Congregational churches of Canada to Nine Days Only Fined $3oo And Costs at Kincardine this week. constitute the "United Church of Can-; _ 1 41() Mr. Thos. Nichol's sale wast.well at- ann" ' I "King Bros. greatest Winter Sale of- 11. F. Baurernan of IVIcKillop Town - tended and brought good prices. a. Thati!,a Committee be appointed' fers! you Great Savings on all tines of 'ship paid a $3oo.00 fine with $42.5o Mr. Gordon Sinainotts has joined the to carry out the policy of the Assent- prY Goods, Silks and Staples. costs for operating a still. Baurernan -2_ thEallang103111 Horse Trader's Association and also y." lives on the 9th concession of Melnii- exchanged horses, one day last week. In 1921, in Toronto, the General lop about four un east of -Winthrop Aesernbly again expressed its mind by The doctrine of non-cooperation None -Cooperation In India and when Inspector W. T. Pellow and 'les ea'„ , a Vote of about four to one in the 101- preached by Chandi, has had serious County Constable,Fred Welsh visited towing terms:- . results on the tea industry in India, his house they found the still in oper- r. "Be it resolved- that this General the largest tea producing country in ation in the kitchen of the, house and Assentbly take such stej3s /as may be the •,.vorld. Nati d Cl - -ve.s un er ian 1 s (la tuanmg out about two mutes per hour. Mi. and Mrs. Sandford Zmunetinan and children, spent' Wednesday tlast with their uncle, Mr, R. A. Taylor. DIED Menzies—At the home of his son-in- law, Mr. Wm. Robertson, in Morris Township, on February 1923, John Menzies, in his 85th year. NORTHERN deemed best to consummate Organi6 leadership, have hindered, blocked and Of course the old exaus was green ' Union with the Methodist and Con- passively opposed British rule and that theY were just malcing some for gre-gational chuches in Canada, as ex- authority, which made it extremely their own use,. but the known facts peditiously as possible." •difficult for the Tea Planters to sectire proved otherwise, several buckets ol- mash were destroyed and the outfit 2, "That a representative Commit- adequate numbers of Coolies to pluck 1 tee be appointed with instructions to the tea, and once plucked, the natives in the c°urtrooni was the eentae of itl- co fer with negotiating. churches and haye'employed every means possible terest• to arry out the policy of the Assent- to hold up shipment. The result is Assist The Builder's Of Homes bl. approximately 8o,000,000- lbs, in the• br and to report to the, next ASSern" that there is a shortage amounting to/ wingharn should have mo' re dwell - 'We submit from the above facts that world's supply of tea. Prices are ris- ing houses and -we would be Pleased to aoy fair-minded person the policy ing, and alt indications point to still to hear of the Lions Club or the of the Presbyterian church, as expres- higher figures in the near future Board of Trade getting behind some sed by its Supreme Court, is perfectly scheme whereby a person, who erects . . , . clear and unambiguous, Ex -Soldier No Chance a new house in town will receive is I It has been contended that the pre- . . [stated assessment for a period of, say sence of anti -unionists on the As- The ex -soldier has little to hope for t „ Thiss it foundto , sembiy s Union Committee indicates irom the post office 'departmeat As ! work very successfully in many Wes, that it was not intended to definitely in the case at Brussels, the department tern Ontario towns. Many do not , promote the Union. In answer to this haS .a new schenre of depriving the band, who otherwise would only- for contention, permit us to state that soldier of his apponitmeet by the the high ante -samara retraced an. a an... these anti -unionists were appointed as Commission. Soldiers with every residence. We belie-ve this pl'an wou171 u a result of a specific request from quail , , fa superior to then Lib- TOgive an impetus to building. Vacant ficetion r n • A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY leaders of the, anti -union section of the eral machine 'rivals, are called. before lots with houses upon them would THE 1VIINUTE3 ' Assembly. This was agreed to by the . . . . political heelers to stand "oral" exam- bring in more money than if they re - Our new 2o-Paymeat Life Coupon Unionists in a spirit of conciliation. . .. . , , Ira a e an the soldier is , main vacant lots. , The Advance be: Savingpolicy gat the fepawing des,. Signed on behalf of thea, Presbyter- ian church Union .Movempit Commit- itis.et lre4lhiliTtimqrtliifuirepc\olySiseefill-rg epaossy_;' (littelac-zotzli'lelciSwiCe)loflolirdtteougiletatsiendtlitoe of 15 years. - overseas, and the loyal sdi'cliers are lefl i a irable features: - I. Gives a paid-up Policy at the end tee by itionS with the very Liberals, who op- publish letters' from any ratepayer to H 'T‘urnbull posed assistance to the soldiers when this matter. 2. Gives a paid-up policy plus oet in, the cold. Mr. Murphy's aerate Some Record Load Of C -rain per cent. of it at the old of 20 years. 'There is so much pleasure in pub- , I e ericlosed his renewal for The .aa- 15 this win guaranteed cash payment of 14 to ao Idle°11-Get Along examinations are death to the soldier's' We are in receipt of a letter from:, • claima..,---Seaforth News, p p tat some .editors Distressing Aceident =Tlr Mr. Albert Stein of Aylesbury, the end of the first year, and the. services. Ittakee Wind' to tun a news- A most :distressing accident occur-. et here has been very good . 3. Gives a guaranteed .dividend of nailing a news a er Wilt - annual dividend year. mull at the end of the retli year paper. 15 per cent. of the yearly deposit at will increase every paper. 'It takes' tterve to ran a news - are refusing mone jras a reward forri red last week to Lorne, the little son ter, the coldest was on February ard,,, lvance and goes on to say, weath- the It talc.es a ecintilating acrobat- of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Schumacher when mercury slid down to forty it will pay .2-,:j. per cent, of it. ie imaginatioe a half lo ' ' zen, white. of tbe and. concession, The little chap degrees below. On February dilt the 4, 1 n s are attachedo s arts and Heatre tiekets to run a Thee drinde cl • t 1 ' 1 ' ' .- managed to get the 'scissors and while . weather warmed 1.11) awl we had nnite the polieyeas coupons and may be de- newspaper, but money, heavens to playing gave his eye a nasty jab. As a little rain which is something, very tached and mashed at the end of each I3etsy and six hands around, who ever soon as his injury. was distovered he ; unusual for this country in the winter. year, If left atta.ched each coupon needed motley to run a newspaper, shed to the doctor, and at first' Crop8 here were fairly good last year,, 3?,-. per cent. tompounded annually. that do the business for the editor-- eye had been destroyed, We are glad, was ru ern and the elevators at Ayle.sblitY Will bear interest from its due date at Kind words are the rn.edium exchange it was feared that the visiou of thadWheat nearly all graded No. x North.- hendled 55o 00o bushel of toa2 ' 1 5. Is bought by making annual, ' lndto-ds 1 h 1 "1 1'1 t- t.in v i anc c VITC 1 SOtill ecte.s, to report hotvever, that tilde t t seinnannual or qua.rterlY deposit's.. 30 When -you see ail editor with money, ment is .has greatly improved and that and it is claimed that about /5o,octo 'days' grace is allowed in which to wateli hina. Fie will be paying bills the sidlit will not be Seriously impair-lbushel will still be hauled in." Ma make each, deposit. • and disgrace the vrofessicm. make ed.—Mildmay Gazette, . , Stein enclosed a clipping and pictttre . 6. Money may be borrowed on the tnin trade It out. 'Then when you die,, Langsikle Storekeeper Dead policy at a stated rate of interest afte after having stood around and sneered 3 annual deposits are made and coup- at his jin'icrm PaPer, be sure a" lia-ve your wife go for there extra copies and ons 'may be cashed at the same time. Coupons will pay all interest on loans wit" she reads the generous and • touching notices about you, forewarn for longer than the first ten years. her to neglect to send fifteen cerits to 7. After 20 years the policy, if in the caner, The editor knows it and fotce, shall share animaliy in the pro- what he wants is heartnnit thanis. fits of the Company. . , Thee. he :can thank the, printer's and 8. After 20 years the policy may be thejr can ,thank the grocers. Don't returned for a single cash payment of veotty-abotit.the editor. 1 -Ie has mehar- more than has been deposited, ter froinnhestate to. a.et as a doormat O. In•case of death after the first for the cornmunitY. He'll get the paper „ deposit is made, the Polley; if in force, out someh6w,. and stand tip' for you will be paid, as well as all dee_attath- when you run for office, and, lie about from their due date.. when they got a $stiti, joiov:,nwedett,kolifibwialieltdi 10. After three or more annual de- lAIcel) ed coupons with 3i paineent interest your P(.:vg":+0. tyl-otot el,: daughter's, we, riding, - on said coupons, compounded annually and blow, about your big -footed boys $ . posits are made it is arranged .that it i8 releaed front Your grasping body bneotloas tcetnot t tiofc tlicep 0/08.10e_00,,,urAy. ,,p,,s,,i,,d,,....,1u,:,.11 ee.,_d oiaiinaildgyeeiratnitoliele:sii'l iyiogo‘etvitr, \hvatillffn'stgh,seet,:etodhnitedortrilio:qx.ild-1- . . of thia notice for from and after the ,...I. dt9s.slre soe.v.eral, taYwn "nun'"il`l'" to get there somehow.—Contributed, expiration of the time finaidty gubsec- -.8 n :IR P heYGin tittiV" f °t tion 8 of section 37, c,f the said Act, 1 ' rtic\*.. • Fran, rey, Perth. ..S ateleoti shall distribute the ortmeeds of the 411d eilln-1:o g n debtor e eat -ate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claints of *filch have thee notice. Dated at London, this tenth day of ndireery, 1923. Phone In W. Raymond, Suit Aethorited llteateet ttlit ' COOPFant tF1NCY MANAGER 192 P. 0, Box 464 Mak or Montroi Chamber8 StriAtiOrdi Ont* Mr, R. E. Me.K, ids trip aft ',17nesday and lea on - reiurned trom , ,-, i ' ' '' ' , Bar 0, N. Ranch. Incinftd in the 1)ay oaict. 'horses wthat some that were quite Hill, Onte bet before he tot the/e he '` "I' ' "'"'"44` wlj nesday morning to relieve at i?ark pi4c,,,,,,, R...,,, r!.,...L..,,.. 'eV., 1. green, News of the event la:might l'iome 1,500 apectators out, and ttiey was regtieSted 1.6 go to T3ratuptoti to 4 El/trYOXICI. will tell that, butl were treated te 0, diE,p1,13,, of norannae„ be will be tot ttato 'weeks,' relieve on account of sickness,. where i King Brosa great Nine ? Sale WilP sbip which wee a /0,,,nanoa al) 41" i b O'i 11 Et,' Client <TOWS), act' mid save, j llidit. from The Grain Growers' Guide which we wish we could reproduce but it is too dim to make atiother cat off. The j.solunclivselcitrraty° picture is of that record load of grain of T,angsidn, on Thursday, after an ill- drawn to Gleichen elevator by Mr, Ralph Moorehousa ness of a week with,pneumonia. Mr. Murray was a well-known and much The load consisted of 1,144 bnshel of No. r wheat, loaded in wagons or taught school on the Stli concession of respected resident of Kinloss, having tanks., hitched one behind the other% To these -was attached a team of 20 Cadros.s, prior to keeping the store in horses and .10 rnales---30 Lead ia Langside for the lam. twenty-five and these were driver,. by one man years. Fifteen years ago he married Miss Charlotte Scott of Culross. te- (51113'' Mr. Moorehouse. The whole sides his wife, be leaves to mourn him, procession, vvagons and team, was 245 feet long, and negetiined the'road cur- ' three sisters, Mrs. Cherry, Mrs. 'WM Maelnonalcl and Mies, •b8witzer all la Yes, including one double Curve near aeene, the town Tirana without difficulty. As stallicledobWieocc,stot,:;:•11aanttidiciteetclOtoilillebosrfofttetitticer,tsaitRs,6nov.:.zr:, ois:ictiii:r.12,vafogroa‘svepi :sine: over .the eievai or. on Monday al -tell -tom Interenent took The tig1:1:wer:s stil:tiPpl):odp0e:aorfte;tetli'lr: i ace in _aim s cemetery, rhe conr- hauled a tristalee atueitY extendS synianthy /qrs. z,2 miles at a rate a tittle better than, . IVItirray in her sadhereaventent. 12 nalea per houn Five ;alert netaeaa th0 gons in one ond tliten-quarter hours. The elevator handled it in adie e Attention. thirty and ciee,dia f ininutes, Some oe VALE 19"-eiv Spting Snits, Coatnancl Dress- the hcIrses3 Mehl ing the 'lead team, eas et.. at xit, Tama. ,Nhtentitere ,sapplied hy Olen, Noose of the 11 ,