HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-02-15, Page 2sp 16,, 1022
ratirshaa at
,harn, Ontuio
*iv4iry Trad. itilorning
A. G. EMITI{, Pubilener
•s rates: One' Yea
nonU$, 81.00 la advane
Ad'yetrti'!ing rates on application.
Advert/Ben:wets " without specific di -
'actions, will be inserted until forlbid
and eliaiged accordingly.
Changes for contract vr--
n the office by noon, X mu.
Wellington Mutual Fire
Insurance, Co,
• Estailiehed 1840 „ •
Head Office, Guetpit •
Risks teirea on all classes of filmy
able property on the oaais. or prelate= •
note nYstern• _
• A.1.3NER COSENS, Agent,
Victory and Other Bonds Bol,ayht and
Office—Mayor Block, Wingharn
tiloney to Loan at Lowest Rates.
Royal College_of Dental
'Surgeons '
aduate Univers-ity of Toronto'
,Faculty of Dentistry
SPoolal attention paid ,to, dfsenana,
'11;Vomen and 'Children, having •takon.
postgraduate work; In' Surgery, Baco
teriology "and, Selentifia Medicine. •
Office i a the Kerr Resiclenic'e,"between
the Cltisen's Hotel •o.r.•:1 the apt
Afl business given.' careful attention.
Phone 54, •" • P.O. Box 113
V v."
has had over
$40 interest on it
•eacil •year and her
principal s now
ivortn more than
co I Securlhes
VP 0
58 King treet, Wet, •
oond too "Invastrnamit !tome" ;qui
other literr.ture.
Ro3ral. Securities Co
•TetePtotze I 58 Xing, Str'eet
Adelaide 633
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Woman Who Wisely en-
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'rUST beeaUse you. live ir
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on exactly the same terms
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Serid now --for it. It will
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West W. P.NELLis
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aricativer NOW rOTIC Zortclors'
elegl air Peri rivivrilae".1 VO...41re 'Miteaa
I ,
• -M"
Address communications to, Agronomist,. 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto
, .
Pruning Apples For Profit.
A 'considerable number of fruit
growers, knowing that sunlight should
be admitted to the centre of the tree
to keep up production, to get highly-
coleired fruit in the interior parts, be-
lieve it necessary to. de-velop a tree
with an :open centre from -the mint of
re, heading, Immediately after the tree
0 to L Kedniona pas)zitbd they remove the .certtral or
imain branch and save some thr,ee to
M.R.C.S. (Eng).
1...R.C.P. (Land).
(Dr, Oh/shell:ifs old stand)
. •
Dradaate of Ealversity •of Toronto,
Faculty of Medioine;' Licentiate of. the
Ontario Collage of Physicians end
Offieb Entrance:
r largaret C Calder
General Practitioner
Graduate University Of Toronto,
'1.4 -acuity Of. llgidieine.
Office—jasephine Et, tivn. doOra. south
of. -BitusWick Hotel,
Telephones-011iee 231, Residence 151
opathy, Electricity, diseases
Ofilce adJoinrina residence, Centre
Street, next -Anglican Church (former, -
1y Dr. MacDonald's). Phend 272,
The Dairy.
Dairymen 13ractice different meth-
ods in handling -the dairy herd clu.ring
the winter menthe. Some confine their
cows to the 'stable continuously, while
others follow the practice of turning
their cows out daily for, exercise., I
\-c praCtleed both methods, hut I am
convinced that turning rthe cows oet
one or twice daily f or a dlart tr1116
gives the best reSults.
Up four years ago I practiced
keeping niy .:tx)tvs stabled a greater
portion of, the time during the winter
months.' I hod thought that it in-
hlve braneli.es, radiating outward ,and
upward *am the point oif heading.
These three to five Isrartelies. later be-
come the main seaffeld.' branches. Of
the tree. This system of -development'
d,oes: permit the .entrance of kulight
and it :results in a 4ow-spreading tree,
Making possible economical pruning,
sprayi.ng, thinning, ilaking, etc., but
tilie trees are structurally weak and -it
is not micomMon to, see inairihranehei
of , bearing trees which have /Dem
bra:hied in such a: manner split out at
in orotches to collect leaves and dirt
and eventuailly result in heart rot of
the trunk as sometimes happens with
open tentm trees. Furthermore, it is
better to have the upper part of the
tree open to admit light to lowea..
terior parts than it is to _have the
whole central portion of the tree open
the expense a fruiting capacity.
The question that the average fruit
grower would like a definite, sound
reply to to-daY is "how heavily Should
trees be pruned 'between the time Of
planting and time of bearing?" or,
worded' differently, "should, trees be
lett' -without any pruning except that
grveniat planting ftune, until -they have
established +he bearing liabit; should
they -receive severe pruning- through-
out this. non-bearing period, or shoUld
they receive some intermediate treat -
Experiments, as well as observa-
tions have proven that unpruned trees
the crotch, Fuvithermere, such trees, come into bearing earlier than prune&
are frequently more /iguited in bearing trees and that heavily pruned, 'trees
capacity thin trained somewhat are older before they start bearing
differently, than lightly pruned trees. Further -
The serious faults of the above sys- more unpruned trees abta,in larger
tem of 'training young tres may be size in, a ,given number of years than
avoided and at the sante time the ad- pruned, trees and the more severely
vantages -ma.y be retained if the so- pruned trees attain less in size in,
caiedi leadetr system of development say, seven or eight years than lightly -
is adopted. Title system consists es- pruned ones. These facts, lead, some
smitiauty of a q,..entral leader, extending 'fruit growers to conclude that since
upward to a height some six to seven unpruned trees come into hearing
feet from the ground and with six to , earlier, that such a pra.etice is the
nine main or scaffold' bran.clies dial- most profitable one to f allow. These
tributed around and .talong the central growers contend that ra.ther severe
branch from the point of heading to pruning may be given after the treds
the top of the central leader. 'harve the bearing habit well-establish-
learler ‘ia discontinued atter the desired ed. without interfering with production
number of scaffold branches are oh- and that thiii treatment will in the
tairted and the trees developed front course of some three or four years
that point essentially the same sts, an place the trees, that were not pruned
open centre one. Since it is not posi- during the first tew years, in. good
table to get. the desired number Ivor eondition.
proper distil at n of scaffold ranch- Anna:um up of fruit vowels are
es in one seasou it is cuitornary to not as particular about getting early
select two 'or three of the scaffolds fruit producticm as they, are in build-
ing the strongeit end sometimes the
most ornarnent9l kind of. tree passible;
They contend that the.,first four to six
years shlbuld be devoted to the deyel-
each year until the desired number is
obtained: TWo to four seasons are
thus required to build the frainewerk,
of such trees.
• :The seaffeld branches 'of modified opment of a strong framework •- that
leader trees form strong crotches with will support larger loads of fruit when
the central leader or axis which seq.- the,tree becomes old. In other words,
doM Split rockets es6 selidom formed they -e that heavier f mat procinc-
ereaf.e.ed...prodittetion cost to 'expose the ifa*V0.4171111LiP`'Illk'
.dtc) e°14 weatil" esPeela117 1.1 YOU MAKE.,.PROFITS,. AND STOP LOSSES
,:ittabligu, in a Warm' ,.•b'asertiont barn.
By balancing.your pit4s, rations dvIth •
flowever„ after following the practice
of close stabling for a number of 10,
years 1 am icolivintedi that ,thotra nee et
eerhain foae,,V the prootioe. p
conotigutf000t and pre- till
<OM ix trona close confinedient
o any of thno.. I have found. ill
th4 to be true in handling dairy'
herd. While mv. stable is aPaelotuft
well -lighted. ventilated .and kent in a
aintaatv condition„ my deity Corm
ahOwed the effects of this treatment
• 't the milk pall.
I practice turning my rows rt for
short time 'twice daily) Morning an
tight, If the vveather ie Severe 1
4-6,b allow *pm fb 'tut only Citing
nough te get What.Water they' want
!W Mnk,. and while -the 'itageS :ere
, cleaned, If the Weather nfild
alloW,thern StIO tent front :thirty
.mlnOted.' to ene
,rlo ,00trsidier Ittil ardHott
vitv'.11.,oa to ovexclo ITIMW011
1:114 COWitit 01101.134. tint
1)1i)e tA:anta out lu inetning,,anit
Vaud to the d).14 01,11111ing Viaflt
sxofd, 0101 1-: �arth
041 Ortglnitea ,rbY 40r
InNr.,1; in 1)PD , nt4., 'WO
4001i#54 '1.16 1:6
,6*6.,:.0440044V.M;0146,7 0*' t41•16
Swft r Tankage
Makes Rapid Galna--Ptedithes ,Cost--lielkes You SI
' Write for Free peeklert and,Prices,
185 ST.
lilted 0:
colilly'.,:00o4 . 6;! Ottild
-tOftt4,,,dit,trd .60;i 00..tiiP
i .t.i.14o atid cott,t ti r:i*ettitrp,,
P*f" ' I'' ' '
- ' et „
, OggIOLI;Pr
t thoi re;ilif hoa bj/ -diev:‘,.'t..ziles arid
' ittoklil p,tniaO'kek't1.111%,fAa lzhorn la iirien. ep Wadi*
tiOti t.OhP0e4;$0..f4t4ttileS,SUO0003. Try. if .0 'our tl,s14
, 16,:or' i461041404, ler:00 Ate *FoCINi6dka . . '
It O -oi,A or o&N,ApA,, tiltak.4
log* , 401444,0Avoto,t,o, Tari;iitd .1..'.':"
St big
to; 'Se,'
Virlfli'!fGfetit, X AD
00,4 .11,i n. age Of thirt7. YVars
imp:opt-ant than '&700*, yonng
:trees tWo three,'YOrs earlier,
•It wiStitid, 'ea:Pear' that .• Mo:derate
pruning:1.d Yens*. ape 'trees •IS, th�.
oalfeit pera:Ctice c „f011ow, Itshotid
reatualt in: the formation of. a Slather
strong'. framewarlt With •soaffold
pl*.ced end should bring
the trees into ' fruit production not
,more than 021.6 Q'.1;' two years later than
'Pror.drir.:, ,RurelY the, fiwaT446, of
one or two., years 415 not +as iniportant
theaverage fruit groWer as 14. the
building of a reasonably gbropt tree.
suoh a :pruning , should•ea/IS/sit of
rather heavy Cattiiitg ibatlk !and
fling out at Aal!.nting timer a; reano*1
of the longer growths • Originating
front, the central loado.• ottko.r
th.oa$pitendod'. for ,.inthin 'Scaffold
branches and Perhaps a Right heading
baek to balance the tree .after thefirst
season's growth,; , Sdnillar
eat hut, less heading lhacis ',after the
secOnd.seaSon!s growth; a light; pron.,
ing at .th-e third 'aezi:.ser2s. Oewth;
Amavs ighr thirniing out of the pre -
vis seasion'S 'gmwtlr.thereafter until
the tree, haa. one two or three, crops,'
The. :thinning: .should, for the, most
part, .1)0,0'i:dine& it,0 the .O/Liter-patile„of
the trge.', eq. as to. admit sunlight and
Iteep•all parts o he..tree ftinctioning.,
• P1Vesi1Y. ' Very few. Pf „Pnralaer
AgroWths in the interior 'of 'the tree
ehatild be•rernoved. •
• In ease une is growing soma filler
trees: in, between the permanent ones,
vronla• recoil -anent' no prustin!g after
the • 'Second: geirri•-ing Season 'becauSe
these trees.. WilProbably net be re..
tained, for, rapre-ta' an twenty Yea* and
we want ,to into bearing
Suet' aS 'early are. peasiblo.andi, forther;.
niere; We are no intereited in the
„formation .16f :a Particularly Strong
framework. •
.Bearing, orchards . are : „frequently
t exeet nea
WOod :n,r, the
seen in wIlieti tt'ees.haVe ,b.e_en,Stripped
en& of the branches, It other Words,
al/ the trait' is borne at on the ends
,of• the branchesinistead of being di*,
tributed throughout. the tree. In niany
trees there is no fruiting 'weed within
a _I-addl.:is...of twelve 'to fourteen. feet
from. the bead -of the, tree. It is; under....
Stood that a branch cart' support more
• apples they are distributed, over its
entire lengthr'..than tif ' they are -all
ehistered but the endd,probably six
to tyy-elVe feet imin the main .4-M11r.
A scaffold branch shoild lave. seV-
eral geed .lateral laranichei, wetaced
along its' entire length, each lateral
supporting ' share of. fruiting' Wood,
Sndh tree can'support a kfiTn:: lead
to ebbar. advanpage and Carry, a mueli
nger CropOf fruit. When pruning'
'the YOung altVays leave; fri.11ting
*6-64:if it is .',Iocated Where it Will 'have
a Chance to 'develop. The tree 'will
fruit earlier and heavier.
Fruiting wood roa.y be develieped
the course of three' or..forar years in a
tree in Which the .se,affold limbs. are
bare!by the"irse ofwell situated Water
spouts.by cutting them bask from four
to 't•Welve inches" in length to encour-
age the development of'aide'branches.
These in turn Should:be hesdeld back
the following year.. After this the
heading 'back .oilld be 'lessened to
eneedirage the forrnatiOri of •Ouit
spurs. TO. 'Make this operation Suc-
cesitil it is': essential that the treeS
be thinned, abotit the outside to adtrit
light Stiffielent„..to 'allow -the develop;
nient .of fruitspur* and to :oder the
Pruning li1a:i.ba-cleile any'.tiMe•dur-
ing the ,dorinant season.: Possibly -very
4a1glit;Prefergnee 41i;011atl' be given to
late winter For early spring, ao far as
the" trees*. are erdnicerned; but if Jeft
until 'sacti a• se.ison the chances' are
very good thartthe ork wili not be
cei-nP4ieted . because • of rtisli o -f 'other
fallt practices,' Consequently any fav„
etaH*1 weather fid.1.10.071n.g. the . drapPillg twain Th loof, nthilet,'Ioliage Should., be need for in i31-1". per
ruAyr „
person, . or abont • $25,00000. Cern, 'h."; ;;Oroti °rn a(lbruiHildiaPlgaasolsi:e,wita.t.,sw.csi.o.HaY; iarepaawtion 'again' if it. has ecioriedt •
(with,y.ca• r versanivi !property from. othett,buiclaga pireproo,f, •EhOes,,treat.ed then• ••allinJost en,
tax and ask y-ourseilf , how. yolt „ ..b,, e•osaity.),,,b1rt are ex.,. t1Z0,113r,.watexaa're4 .01Z. Oic •
dasollire 'ltepit on. *4 -al% it. a'16°: a QOt Pa21.1 444
)11s7a...rEc,'I° . . hand in large 'qttantities shbuld tail% a...little' 4eIt'e'f Oct' 'efl +°1.e' hut'
Of the fives:that originate on the
114 118114
lekevv,v.VVvvve I
,1;4.11. r
qrtr .1.11 -1° /17
. •
For- illese.N.Ito:rolf their owttsi,,,,
. ihe:joco. p.c.keo
• octo,Avoli.:Fii
of , repair. , Windstorms spring :'and ,
loaset • the. braees, and alter a damp .
.,. . . _
, sewn; the . floors- recjuire nailing.' The ,.....*.
lo 'undation also" needs watchingiMak- ,
Dc'eo urmonlfor,b0140 feeling zine, other inflanuntthre 06(1 tri repairs promptl3r can do
Yen . Sometimes„ .„when the. explosive De not liae them. withOut a carpenter, and the expense
thought . of , -flaming; huilding4' flits' near (not in the stone rOin) an q13.:Yen .is
aeross,y-oar nund?Po you %often sense fame, la#113, st4V'e, fireT-4'te, Or .O:ther "I estimate that my aimual tom',01 ,
fe,elingof•relietwhen;,driving.heroe, •SeUrce inspeetibn has savedme at least $400
retyselinthe,distince,yetur horuile and OPenAlitine lamps of . Whatever de- in repair bilie `shake coining t.0; the
barn;.still..;'sbanding. where vai -seri&eaethisAi never he on swinging; faith: 'ata dateful ,ivep: 01,6. 's;dr.„.
'theni, 'cool and'Wholfil eleetes: that allow th.eni 1,ecinie in face my baildingS peirit.4 but
.1 ,okim.,:!e,,,t hav.e. this unemoy .0°17,c -tact with :your wall surfaces, .cur -1.1 „have learaed,s...;,,,,,.peTience that
experieneeet, times, It lende to every *inP.i shades, " 44'-.painf s poor caroonflage if the
fernier a keen,: personal interest ogner flint*" Materiat Store 'Matches fratheWork rieglected.".-HE. 'E;
.the eauSe •and :prevention, Of destine- eaffe-containera,out of the 'regal of Conzena.
tire, farm fires. The; most cam:roan enlat '
-causes of fires ere lightning; defective .elect'11','.1 wiring done Waterpreofmg Leather,
b competient erdons Be sure that .
flues, defective lanips,., and lanterns, 37. Take the 1,,,00l,,of an old ,ruither hoot .
bonfires, Steain- threshing , engines; ,alt enre 1111 and chop -it up fine, Put twe.or three
spontaneous eonibuStien,. .,eareieisness 'thAat fige.re.ontilittengut udisiblie;ki,,a10.0161i.:3,1 to: znooeinitin, aolano.:12,.:071eintto:o.,
With"gesollite, inatches,:firdwarlas:, and
cleaning. 6pin:out:rids, 'fire.s the lit41).•e?iir 410, base- .0i/ey.,' 4 hot hie; Vail° ba-daig,
with' keroseneOpen gai flameS, de-' Xnent' two
ni cam- the u:Ins- °Med rtlIbbIe11.7''to the.
feotave ;electrical inCtilient 1611tcag in t)Ile barn may -b'S an -4 ;0..11,,w, to, boil untilthe dard haS •
'worth their.weignit gold! some 'day.
heated staves and. furnaces. absorbed aluth.p.iiihiber it Will -
,The chemical, shoOld be" renewed at
,When.you 12-4, •intervalS; as froni directed by the makers, th.enfi.rote 4bIld letth'eGldi ititICcrt enniough
nauarat remeay lot eava cause Never tge' 'away and leave small chit- so n urn e ea ier. en
probably sbiggest itself 4 Tim. were „Iran ail,,etta in, it hone ymith alt doers give the shoes or other leather article
it not far the.tir emendkius rose of life locked. T1,lis ,,,,tractice has r,..,ttited in a thorough :6Oating of the rObberited
and -the !staggering loss in propey.ty .,theloas of,,..ikily, a youtti;734:. lard,and set aside for a few moments,
eadh rear, 1 would 'a°T) here and-zaisr Do -riot atZ.0 automobilles, motor 'The I'l'erj4:ratic'wn ab"
toss in Canada ,i_ ticks trait* s sorbed into the leather, after which
' " e'a's°22ile .engules' give a second application, heating the
Crude 00 to Kill, Rats.
, .
There is a remedy for the vat nuis-
nce—one that is eleap and effectual.
If crude oll• (petroleum) iq Ton r•1 in,'exterior the building, folly 80 per
the runs, the rats, will leave the Vicin, ' t are preVentable by lightning
... . ,
ity, -If the f ire' caught m their rtms.,, il...e.,ds ard, fire.;•solo ,-. roof ,:.,eoverilts,
, , . . . . . .. . . , ,
so that ,they have tO bKOathe the funiee. ,simahe. is it not? ,Gompare the eaugeA
'fer ' an" hour or More, they 'will be '.,,,,ith tki,',.0. remod.y. 4,ntl draw ?oar own
poisoned. Meat that contains petro- • •
• o ;ItIlusions 11 'the ntire •
tem can be 11864 as h,it esteh.this t°11,e; building flre-/e)roof "ienxb:didi.°!tripenf John Hollet, a farmer well knoWn
ws.s be plabed underga-oural
age tanks . or in a.'small leatilcIling far
enoitgli, away frona all ether :buildings
to aVeid•fire. • '
Why His Buildings Last.
offensive rodent. Experi'ments Proved • t
crude a& died, in fineeli trOn) 011bSide 801-11"e0,9 1,y21, be method of keeping his farm buildia„.„.0-s,
Ships, from time immerino4r74 have .°-/131.19:,d'cli;ires are not so eaz-iTy: mpe'd "gs',°onlode reelp.‘avillri,thrflatiteerel°1-'is'YnoyteaarPs'olAlr'sd'yeildl
been infested,with rats, and to these
carriers of nierchnildise tsts, owe *With on taccOunt of tho cateiless man- ridgepole nor a sunken corner in the
that rata which ate Ima,t. treated with tfl tAing re'd5' 3')I'a°tic:aillY 611 dam:- to the writer, has an inexperisie
their dissemination. Ile rats were 1•11' 10 wuiicih,a majority °If 4114
fornlerly particularly deStruframe houses are constructee
ctive to' T,,r
nt ,onr
though . this' is not necessary.. 1 liave
teited this metthod.--E. C.. W.
•Success is the accomplish -me
what .erie sets outte' do,.
Many men are kept from making a
success by the necessity for Malting
• The water yea give your cattle hi
to be 'warmeci either by the caw or by
you. If the ,coW warms' it, •it takes
food; if yo11 warin it, it takes wectl!.
If 'food is cheaper than I'lroo,r1' let the
g ,p cow
aatg�oa of elIk cons: chimneys wor buflb open solid fottit: hegui inany year.S. ago, has •been
tiVe S the crude oil remedy tha one
digti" and were line& fihroughont 'fixedi habit ,ever since,,Ielle.t exp
,sain:ix ay:hi:hob:1st lateoennte,c,ar irvyhiloisge et:3)1 ta;:e;
swe66 ,partienisa,/y. a,t, that o one each'':f011. furnace, kitchen- EqUi.iiped With naile, a level,. rule,, arid ;
',iiaeti.ya to a.i, iira beeri,..ertti?,111v,,.:1,44 • rang,e, frrepla,ce, ..auxillary heater, -etc; ,a,flaIslAigIftt,,I Chininence:'at. fouti-
i>f *eni, rem6dy, viao„ ,--there would he very .few: lires from._ dation,. I,teat with the rule and level
:after one ,eargO. had been ptsetteeHy 5?Lfe 4111.11"" and
dtatroyotil T,he, ernae oii ,was acid,ed vent about 10 pore cent, of farm' fires. Then measure to see that cOrner'
to the bilge water. Along with safe chimneys , go safe beams and -.stud/11114 are in irOod 00
etho gasea in,ndueed by the eyavera,. sto,ve and f•titnacos.. Qverheating dition.. I ,,inake my way ,carefally over,
-Hon or the erode oil vet.y. inflanl_ most always occurs in bitter cold 'the' inede frarnew,erk", ending my
malil whenfpreent .large veaiher,.,sna' too6bany bxiae 4,)f , s,P.e".4tiou . 'dna the
ties, :but the amonnt necessary to use 1-1,nct6ist,ea InYing furn: nndtern The b'14i1:1';'1'
:nbcietoltighoarrnthoerportioptbeni-ibly,,d.i_n_gwt ,wA-,0,,101.41, not., TioCed,q,a'tiNhVt8s:705,tutk5,11.17,; °0:11,1114onctiplalleVn(3, iennecoll! `.4* w°ri' is
Detalen, nsv Ery, ,a0,44, an nndet,_ 'When, any ,defect hi the frame is
uoitlec IS that Philip, one day hav- t° lb"jt It at '°111e6. C)teri A
conpetita.40.0#5,ce, 1)0 rj,,P.ic rrliiied, nes,v brace is the remedy. Leese tiniT
ing'consulted the oracle at Delphi, ro.. Your ,,eonitext 'and safety are . n
-utaeli hers are lighteed with nails, rn
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