The Wingham Advance, 1923-02-08, Page 7..1;g•liTi'.7.,,,1.1.1,7,!. pirn-.),;;,...r • ittploi It' I, _ IIINTE11. '(11,1tAlitt 174 V ?J UE OF A' boY 'mho) Iii.q,.rrOt 'bean 11111.17 17171i, 41 tirrogrippwrvir,' .01,poo.) Canae,ne O. ILE'S I'D 141141 • BIRD BATH Peterson.• Birds differ 4 great, deal in. regard to their need for water, Some geem to, he tlIirsty alea1.1Y ail the tirne and visit fountains and baths with great very 'well,without water, The 'fact re -1 niaine lac:werer, that, we should pro-, vide luanY of 011uy feathered friends with watei', especially in regions far ' from ponda,1Id...4itre2,nrs. A In or basin anay lie sot out with water in It for the Jjj rp 'kind of T,eeptuole. used is at '-very little im- oo,rtance. One 513mmer at my trome seani,.to get,.41,en in \Vicom31n 1 sank' an eld dish. pan In the grail:rid and ,piaCed sonle stones n its bottom'. '1 th611 Idiod it; water and refilleci it each day.: t4ater, T, Marie, twe,,CCiiCrec. liathto,,take the pl'ace of' the: unsightly dishpan. I icecj fe ut. .1) art,s of gb:,,,tu.,f3,1,1A one 6.4'.(t'erne)14 and then added entingli :Water to Make a' th16c. mortar, - I, Plastered the Mori... abont'the VottoMS and sides ef twO ro'lee' I had preViciusly .dug in the I;madel the:bottonaS and sfrdeF ah.ent three :notti . the pail and concrete b.ath.s proved rely popular with :red- headed woodpeclrerS, robins, orioles cI1. rparrowa 1u1nhirds, bine grackles ,.:and. Vesper 'ep.arroWs visited theari regularly.. On several oc- casions,twenty or .111.01,8 b/1'de were coun,tercl.in cu about .1)1.teati at the same time. •By counting the rianilier 02 vielto for OCVEOaI C.chs'ecutive hours,: I ioti;nd- that; thenumber averaged about fitl,teen tothe lieun T1ii avenage held good for airout sixteen hours each clay. ` That Means that the number of 'visits ,fhd bath per inen.th nan schnevAiere in the neighberhOnd of .'six tlieuSand,, tefi (An' read'i!I'Y uncle,r.sta.nd, fha,t our: hatbs' ineant censideiv.,,ble to the ..cowfnrt alud. well 1)Ci:rig..of the. birds in • :that 'port:feudal- laciglabarhood. The winter season is a hard on 011 the baby. He is Mare or leSs Confine to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms "'ft is CO Ofte4 stormy that the mother does not get •Ilim Out in the freSit air 40: often as she should. He Catelies colilg which i‘acic Js 111.tle cytem his stonaad.1 ,ancl bOwels get out of order:. and he becomes peevish and cross. TO guard against this the Mother should iceep a bOx of .13aby's Own Table LS -111, the house, They.regulat.e the stomach,' and bowels and. break 'up colds, They are sold by medicm,e dealers or by mail 'at 25. cents a heir: from ne Dr. Co,, Brockville, Ont, Vihy Do They D6 It? The man who boats his 116-rSo "to make him go" is, at the same time, (TO- ing, sornertIling to himself of -which he Is entirely littawoxe. The man who so mistreats his hors.e ha's lowered him- self beneath that oil the animal he has 311.1$11Secl. The boy who kicks a dog "to hear him howl" is making a big iniStalco. At an early age lie is allowing hithseli to -be worse than any of the clurub, helpless, creatures that he taltes such , 1/least-I:re in harming. This le the sort of 1)oy---i2 not properlyinstrueted in , earlier years—:),vho grows to be the - man wilat beats his 1 orse; aye, worse, he is the dpoy 'who 'grows to be the mail who heats his wide and children.' "Why do they do it?" So easy to aslcl Shall we not say, "How' can we Stop it?" There is a way, and it is not as difficult as one anight think: When hoys are Very small the mothers and fathers shonid 'try to- IirstaIi in them a g.,:enuine, love for animals,- be- _ Minard's Liniment for,Rheurris.tIsm. VOOdiot, Qorciwood as a farm product. is worth • consicleriang,, TWelVO :dollars .„Per cord at country pointe. for good harclwpocl Will Start a lot of land own- ers thinking. .'. The annualincrease from acre,: of ...planted hatd-Wood rest will be. approximately •one'berd. 1: .Thi, annuni increaso. if used as ,cord ;W•ofedill. give a :return of ten or .1WelVe. :dellars per acre,, a very fair r'etUrn. each - year froni foreSied land. 141 used for Iniuner it: wenld gird s.bout beard Measure -and have `.yriltref, much ahova ih fuel value. Many farm Wood letS have ,net been given a hance to produce:wood .di,14 lumber but have 'been, subjected to ,the 11.,c ive practice of stock grarz,ng Lt.ve stock are. -great cidstroy�rs of ,C,:t‘Ing 'tree' growth and sueceSsin let' Management can' not be ea Peeted if the 'Wed lot is to-.•:serie, ii .the dual purpoSe of wood 'ailf,pasture . . 'production. • Natural .reforettatfon. wiii not' 't'alee' place when isteck are drampiag ,the soil .a.nd 'destroying' the .s'Oting seedlings:. "Opernareas..an7d the i:Oritiation- of sod. nstiaily follow the VdStock ,and thetreeS grachially- diS, and ,tc.,,the fact .that.,there..d.S groW141't0 .stleaeed 'the Ma„. ted'trc In -Wood, lots Oiat aie rCepted,. from 111r0r5f001, natural 4,*.4sathng metakingplace each year ansi ir§glig.forest iS groyvilig, up beneath oiI;parent; trees. ,111 -ten the' Old se id rn-1l11I\r 'mnrisl:re rthe 'yen ng- troeS 'soon .fill tEe GiVe- the -wood lot 'a chalice reireving: the over- mature, :trees, dahihg up falleir., trees,' and •brirsh, %otect :the, yering..,grOW.I. fioni. 61.,oCki planting.either y.ohng: trees seeds; amid.:thinningmit ivhere 101 ro 110 a COraPleto. ,g.tct..11111. ce,v.er, if you..have stia,co for a: 11111 .441 11 tree plant 0110, 'I8lantet wood lots can be establish- ed ',and Will equal in time the. beqi. ' • 1 • „ The Itik,Tht Thing to DO f.8 to a Tonic, tile Blood- allnyo'‘14vobrelte°11111a(: ter ay'st) or, sleep fails to refresh you, It lei, -Hine to look af.ter Your health, Failure' to, 'act at C'a.00 'n1C-,,allf,3 a steady drain on .yrnar health' reserve, 'which can. 'result.. In but one thing ---a npriroite. 'break - Do not wait fOr a breakdown. The treatment is sit:111)7e enough if Yoll do i not id your' 'condition 1)ecoine too far advan e9d, Time treatment is oat re. 1 (miring an effective tonic to enrich the, blood and feed the Aarved nerves. Tile most ef9ctive tonie /mown is ijr-1 Williams' Pink Pills, whioh act direct- ly on:the blood, and with:pT0JeIi diet tom, e proved of tb e greatest benefit 111 nervous troubles and all , conditions due to impoverished blood. IVIrs. Mary Hanson, 13raeside, Ont,, haoproved the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and says:—"I was takeri ill with what doc- tors whom I consulted called neural- gia of "the tissues of the system. I W115 a complete wreck from oon:stant pains in, my body and limbs, dizzy headaches, fainting spells and censti- Dation. " So intense was the pain that at times it caused voinitilig and .world have to go ,to becl for two or three days only to get up 50 CliZZy and so weak that I could not cross the bedroom without aid, and while these spells lasted I could keep nothing on my stomach. I doctored for almost a year, but with no beneficial results. Filially tire la.st doctor who atended Inc said medicine would not benefit me. I must have perfect rest, and spend most of my time in the open air. Re gave me very poor encouragement, KnewIng that the mother of fonr child- ren could not spend all her, time in idleness, I, tokl my husband 1 was through with doetors and was going to try some other remedies. 1 got on.e, but after taking it for a month found no benefit. Then I decided.to try- Dr. Williams' Pink PilLs, and, at the end of two weeks 1 found these were What I needed. With nerves 'worn thread- bare from ali the suffering of.the past, I continued the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for three months and by this time I Was able to do most of nay own housework. In fact I soon felt well and was able to do any kind of work without feeling tired. Since that time I have continued to do all my own work and hays had. no return of the' dreadf-al pain I ,suffered before. 1 have recommended the pills, in many ca;ses and have always seen good re- sults from their use." You can get these pills from iany medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. _ The sea covers three-fourths of the earth's surface,, or. a total area of about 145 million square miles, 4 4 41 1,04-4•44-1.44+4+$41 ;. - Clean yo -or bowers!. Feel ilao! When you feel sick, dizay, upset, when your bead is dull or aching, or your stomach is sour or gassy, just 'Cascarets" lac For Sluggish Liver or Constipated Bowels take one or two Cascarets to relieve constipation. No galping--nicest J,oxa- tive-cathartle on ea,t-b. for g-rown-ups and children. 10c a box, Taste like , . candy. taught ----one can_ tisin11/Y el..DY his treatment of n 1lue hg an anj,111123 'WO should tell him i)beti while lie Is hurting it, lrow to licat fl'og, a eat, a dorso teli him, then, while alla Mlorn4c;rs his (hood, that a dog will not love him if he 'ricks it, pulls its eau's, or tnistreatfi it in an.y,1 way. TlFea point out someone, if pos. wbo love tlme ame dog- -If it be i ‘clog -.—he has jut been hurting, and mark the love and tievotion of that animal to its 1)enefaotor, ' The average 'boy, deep down in his heart, likes, airlinals, TIEi mat see the U1fforcnc In trea,tineut, and the clif-, fereirco In the dog's response to kind- s anit cruelty; if , the. boy Ira,s any good,' common sen;se, he wil 1 11,1,oub tless 1)egin to t:Irinlr, and the result will lie ohant„^e in his trea.trrront Of all1Ma1S: Let no help every boy's, natural In:t- int,' of animals grow into love, an.,t1 a great deal 0,1 cruelty will be killed at its birth, ;AON:414:t.04§: p.,,;i1."1"142P1 ow, to Start One tondent of Scirool By 111. A. Tubbs, a-Stipe 1, In stnx-Iidg .. band, ii;Sue a cal' to a..1 who are interested. Thcln laY oat Youl sCbeiil iun the blacivimard., based uDOlt what would 'he the Prope'r,P1,"0- ? portion of each hastrum.ent, in a band of fifty "player. II Describe the instruments, Ina/trier of playing ea,ch; and the nature-. Of the Part played.„ Tell why 'a 1)1oy slow of moyenient • and thouglit should riot' select a clarinet, which .1$ entrusted to ,11111611,:ale f.1:11.10 work the, violin hob Id ' the'- orchestra; ethy a Im'y • With panti- , :.trudin,f,' teeth should riot pilaylanin- , atimment with a cuP xneuthpic;Ce; why be y Igrce3 a,or lung capacity, etc, 11 1 surPristing hoy quickly 1:he bey$ will agree with thc leadelr in assigning . , Instruments.. After the in.truments',are given out, each boY" sliould..haye indivMual iece sons until ho Gan Died -lice a tone re:•• cogirizahl.e. as to pitch and. can play the natural scale on Inc Instrument. The group lee.sonS 'should' be given to supplemeilt the private -lessons. !NDIGESTION, GAS, UPSET StO M AC H Instantly! "Pape's'Diapepsin” Coffedts Stomach so„, Meals Digesi The moment you cat a tablet of 'Tape's Dianepsin" your indigestion is gone. No more distress from a Sour acid, upset stomach. No flatulence heartburn, palpitation or miSery-mak- , ing gases. Correct yeur digestion fom a few cents. Each package-guaran teed by druggist to overcolue ttomach trouble. Prrus ap Prkil . . By Rev. Peter Bryce, "I -believed in Prohibition, absolute- ' The City Health Officer of Jackson - but nay faith is shaken," said a friend 1.9 me a few days -The statement ',attributed .to Judge Mur- phy," he Continued, "in a letter in a Morning paper last week_ seems to make it clear that .those deprived of liquor are turning to drugsanc ide , ville, Florida, reports .that from the historicd of addicts registered "it ap- pears that there is no -relation be- tween the habitual user of alebholic liquor and the cliru5 addict." The Medical Committee of ilia KI- wanis Club, Vao.couVer, states; "Prac- tically all observers state that there ,results are ,tie'plorable. seems to he no special connection. he- 3:udge- Emily .Murphy, in her book„ twden, the use of alcoliol'and the use The 131ack Candle, in tlfe chapter de- of drugs, Theyets no evidence to show voted . to "i'rohibififin and :Drugs," -that the suppression of the use of al - makes it clear that she does not con- collet, increases to and appreciable ex - Bider. Prohibition to be the ,oattse; of tett the 1 addictien to clangs, as dna, • , "e t' 911. 13 " neves it is 'had association' and the' Cora Frances Stoddard in her Pre - urge of an illicit traffic- Seeking to, Ihninary- Study 011: the relation be-' profit by the sale of the habit-fOrming tween prohibition. "and dra.'"g addicts dr -ues that are the; most notent causes met ase, ac.a ion, 0- addict& are ra.rely alcohodics, for t te growth of the evil. ohe states: In 111051., places those deprived of liquor seek substitutes not in „opium, cocaine or other allied drugs, third of them are not out of their says:, .01 1,169 patients..treated at the New York ,Narcotic Relief -Station in • •[one. week. (April 10-16,. 1519), most of them were mere youths., 'nearlyone- but in ra,isi.n jack, houle-made wines; 'teens. One boy,hogan at the age ef , jamalca ginger, paregoric, essences or thirteen," These youths are doubt- ,firoonshine." Another -argument ac- less animated by a morbid desire to cording to ;fridge Mdrphy, why -drugs imitate -what they believe to Inc the cannot be said to be a substitute for habits of the -underworld ,and gunmen. 'drink is the fact that snoa a large per Dr; C.)ivi. Craw`ford, the Ontario 110- ,- certtage of drug addicts are in tirelr pita], 'Whitby, says: -"Morphine and. • , • , 'teens. , cecaine ase esponsible Inc certain Many. medicai ,authorities confirm type of -mental disorder. There has Judge 1Viurphy's, statement. Joseph C. been no -increase so far as we can de- Doarle,'Ivi.D., tile Chief Resident PhYsi- tertnine in either morphine addhation cian of' tl.re phihadelphia General Efos- or cocaine addiction since prohibil4on pital, states that from the tes.thnony catne into effect." of their drug Patients, there is no nen- Dr. G. 11. Itirby,,Medical nectdon whateVei between drug-dis- the New Yerk State Hospitals, says: ease and the inability togetliquor. "Since Drub:LW:Liu:a it2is conics iuiu ef- The New York City Health .Depart- fect alcoholic n1tenta1 disorders have ment, 10 hie year:1919-20; „asked...1;403 practically disappeared, an,d further, drug patients the ca.lit.e of their ad- morpbane and cocaine addiction have diction. Only 1 per cent, came to it not increased at all." He bases his • from alcoholic indulgence„ rife Seere- statement on many tdousands, of cases. 'tary-of the Rho -de 'stand State Hoard ' If other causes, have not shaken my of Health SayS: "‘Ve fail to find among friend's faith in prohibition, there is 11 Follovcing .this, the brass and 'reed sections should be rehearsed separate ly. This method of gradually increas mg the size of the grotto until the full hand is rehearsed keeps the interest at "whito heat," and -when the firSt full rehearsal is called every Youngster is in place wilting to do his best, which is an ordeal for the teacher. Private and group lessons are 'given after school liOurs, with band rehears als twice each we,ek from 7 to 8. The boys are allowed' to "blow" a little be- fore rehearsal, just as the symphony player is supposed to do before the corteert. When the 'director takes •his stand the instruments are placed across the laps, alt., talking ceases and everybody IS ready to iretti: -what the director may „have to say, The ,director seldcnn plays except to illustrate. The boys are taught to follow the baton and never allowed to overblow. The boys' band Is of more interest in.the homes of the members than any other organization in the town. The leader is consulted oftener by 'parents in regard to the band work than he is as teacher of other branches of school music. Most of the boys who are -studying piano in, the town derived their first interest in. music through their band work. Boys -will play in a band when 110 1- tereat can Inc aroused in the- orchestra; however, that interest is apt to de- velop later in the mitsical ones. I be- lieve there 15 50 other:means as great as the band in crea.ting an interest on the part of the boy in, all things musi- cal in his school. The toys are also reminded of the great 'advantage the syllalPle reader has in playing a baud instrnment over, the one wbo cannot sing by syllable, I have known several cases wihcre boy a have learned to sing by -syllable in order that they might be able to play the. band instrument the better. T -he music rehearsed is never trash, The last namber played•at the close of tile rehearsal is usually a popular song or balled of the: _better class, given as a piece of pie -might be given at the close of the me.al. This popular number to dearly 'loved 'by the boys is always looked forward to, and if the rehearsal is drawing to ar close anti there is no sign 'of the popular number some one is sure to ask, "Don't we get any pie to -night?" and the Pie 15 surely passed: Rice paper as aol made froin the ' the aPPlicants fax .,treatineat any one 'evidently no 'cause for the foundation . . fOrtuerlY addicted to; the ,-free use. of, ,:of'his slia,ken by the facts rice lAants iota from t1 • pit1 of a • „ . 'r axg. the lutraffi. , t tee g) w 111Forniosa alcchelcbeveraget.se"''a - n , virgin forest.' .:Areas .,of waste land; s-sanFiy niciges, Yeaty bilis; :can' be Made' Very' Pro"dUCtiVe and Prolit- 'sitch,f or...forest:tree pro: - 'rough land planted to , ye:art, ago; -in 'ate f Neg YOrk;,seld ;recently. biidl() 'timber An av- .rage or. $10 per acre for each yea:: ndverylitiIb 'work ..011 'the - :'p .01 the man -nature did most of it.•:,,ome: Ore', Young wbite Pine. pinniings nlaclebY.H.the„.Potnrie''.F.OreSt.' Branch tN,."enty'years 'age hav reached a size t.4.4it] ',.)ernidta :Of ireren4e.,reLttlin .il Ide liusnllmrts. ,Vhat -111Yont ChristmaS trees; ' !iyIyo cly • wantsa. little., eVergreen iret for the'. 'eciChiation, Wth tbe. of:;'07.00.s.... land imitar fre'la rger: towns and Cities-, an 01)3)4)1- ittnity Ss :.offered those,. owning: lands Icar. a;'0/1.ristrilas :tree: Market to grow IlVergreene Op open . land or in' P12110 wosul lot. Thni partion Of the arm" thathas 46.01 -Set aside al Wood. 'Can Inc -Made as prefitatfte: as' any, Pypi ii.On of the faein ifit; in gi:y;.en, the Oaine: ,'aro ,11.d then'01t.,.as..0.1e:Cnn it, ‘Said in Elgyist, gots 'oil. an '174ge only 2 'incites, Of rain yearly. blidert. hos 24 'inChes) New 'York 38 Litmscinplic'i1'iO-'SOOfeet Atliabaoka, 1.q.v.er Otit liY the 'Sun, inins .mb A e Sisni r d:s ,ui'r fotmnd 01 ttoiva1 tron1 "7 :.:,:ileg.:11111: 1JO{011CI Pci Arctic The soaked rare& 1S',potslbiy Tilts deposit, re.- nr, 40„ifi;..111.14; 1,a,tget, '`.knOWXi'!olcurresce v4:,5 0110" ;.s..wpfitlIti Are youfagged and foggy when you );,74.e , up in :the morning? .‘`There's ,a.Reason." ...Teaandooffee are known to affect many , people thatway. Often trio these. :bev— erages: C6111Se,, netvonsness„, 'sleeplessness and Ses'rere headache,: 'there's' a .lkeason," Instant Postuin, made fyotr choice, roasted WhO4 beverage free from any eletnent of Tly it .for awhile, instead cif tea :or . . coffee; slat lefttie At, Your Git'ooa-it''.s in Se.ei1e4:,.46,-o4ibt `Pins generous empI itotimplmmilr'501 t'1,141-1 et4/1 ti postpaid, for 4d i Wawa, Writti,, Canadian PoetIn GirSel Company, Sttiiti !1 1.-IVALTH rill, 5 irk nere s a ii.eason Ant r 4 root 131),, 10, Toronto. ractory: VVinciW r, Oritario vApYt • .,„ The Drawback "Pm • glad you don't like candy any better than you ido." 'spect 1 ,would only I get fain too quick." — Flax Seed for Canada. On account of the standatill of the ilaic industry in Ireland, an lu-vestiga- ttom IS being made with a view to growing flax in C,anada,. Man -1,vaa plainly intended to virork; else why When he asked for butter aid nature give him a cow 't The word "stentorian" comes from the name 0 0 Greeint herald tamed Stentor, Whose voice, according to legend, was as lona' aS that of fifty men shouting together. 4'14 -lard's Orlin/lent for Neuralq1a, $8tJkli N. 15--',22. MONPY OPTEIlS, 4:)0rpIxUarx E,vpx'easidfnh3i' Order.. Thoy are palyabie everrAterfi.: Trish people, who at largo' quanti- ties of petatoes,, ris*er svirer from goat. Dragon4lies can catch up oth: sects L.r4velling: at over i'Torty nsIicl 1101,4'1 0 tscra Bathe -your feet with warm water then rub well -with. Min cra's Serenegg .pog --Teat real fins, for 11/finartl'e 143111/lent King 02 Pain, Pvlinarcro Liniment Tb Family Medicine s ir)r,r1; IvAD,79.‘:c",D. 11 p2111155 to ISImitxrierv,' fir 08ixt home,. other WI I)' hand. Scral slant!) dlti onvolnpo fir frit orrx11".t10 The Oe WOolocrile 1)feir,11.111tikr Co., 0 Ont, T.1:1.10 y,:1,i.re far Intqcs11-no tormation,.. 1). jr -A, 110.11,r, -*1.10 ntario, 11PCITXpIO*74.".. 13511110) 0011101010, good la di vi dual% 1 igi,oh. David. r)(.414Cad,' , . 011 0051. ••.KINDS,, 202W 011 '11Sf(.1, pulloyg, 801,0, cahle, hose, etO., tilOppect Nubjecit a.nprovai at',ao.vr, ,esl: prices lm eanadk a. 'YorlleJtlng Go., J15, 'rork S Toronto.' Vionse.v Dag 061472,Daaetil,' DONEG, 03r,:any '1h44. d'rgetnic44 '.1,11yowti'lete'4Fue.t.49d Maned 1:oe0 'ar,, May Gloves: Co., :ET.* , 129 WEist 2411) Street. , ARts.E SALT LAND' 'SAL Boi: Gallas R.Q6. TO,NTO ,SALT WRPE.S' 0 J. CLF , I .444444444,,44. How Backache and Periodic Pains Yield to Lyda E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Leslie, Sask. —' For about a year was troubled with a distressing down - bearing pain before and during the pe-.riods, and from terrible headaelies and backache. I hated to go :to a docton, and as I knew several women who had taken Lydia D. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound with good results, 1 finally bought some and took four bottles of it I certainly do recommend It to every' woman with troubles like mine. I feel fine now and hope to be able to keep your medicine on hand at all times, as no woman ought to be without it in the house." Mrs. OSCAR A. ANDERSON; Box 15, Leslie, Sask. ' Mrs. &hey Adds lier Testimony Copenhagen, N. Y. --"I read your advertisement in the papers and m husband induced inc to take Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Cornpotuid to get relief from pains and weakness. I was so weak that I could not walk at times.. Now I can do my housework and help, myhusband out doors, too. I am willin for yolkto publish this letter if you thin it will heb others." Xrs. IlEaBERT, KET,SEY, P.F.D., Copenhagen, N. Y. Sick and ailing women everywhere in the Dominion should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, before they give up hope of recovery. 0 11 a earr Year Cerifiaviou - With &Cain Bathe with Cuticura Soap and water to free the pores of inaparities and follow witha gentle ;implication. Cuticirca Ointment to soothe tint?, heal. They are ideal for the terikt, as is also Cutictire Talcum for pow.' dering•and perfuming. Soap25e. OigtmentYSlualdie. Vain:23d. Sold throughouttheDorninion.CaaatlianDepet: Limited, 54.1 Paul St..; W., h"....11...1—Cuticura, Soap shavez,,,,,i.amtle.u,,,,, Chest tolds-broken! Inflarried membranes, eongestion, oppressive pain.Appl3r Sloan's to chest and throa.t,It scatters congestion. -your cold is gone Si ads Li e —Kitts pain! Plinte i,ti Cana;ta .UNLESS you See the name, uBayer" on are not getting Aspirin at all ablets, yotl Accept only an "unbroken package" of "13ayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during .2,2 years and proved safe by millions for COlds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Tr„,„0 ,sayee boxv,e11 F colotg-4,18a bottle4 011 (2,1 and VW—Druggists. moon 11 the tritils ratirlt (rt,o5at4'r0a lim cltatida) of 1I3IY,01' imoiala(o_are or Melle. iteetigAtIO ester 02 ,satIolmirihh while it well ;morn met AeptrIn Inee.oe arorer 11,imui0t0.o1'8, emOxI Ow )1'01)110 nsatiltt buttettott. thakbuta 01 nyea- Uentokny v.111 be 5(010010 1(1(1 thor gottuai vwc4, mak, tv,p,st