HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-02-08, Page 52sis.11141.,0.0411.41,141a4lai •ea / :sr reOttellaer, ilea; teal; lac 4 ;or Ill/4140- AM, tArOViabilti%$ , rr e no' enfor,'it " • t.,"Olt u tan front esioot test of ore 126$ An anteudinent was moved by Ms s, Neel) arid Hayes "that a tiy-law be prePare& aPPointing and, flaittg the remuneration of ente merither of the council as a Good Roads Coirimission to at in conjunction with the Warden and Cciunty Engineer.' As mover for a ope•-man commission Reeve Alex R Neel, of Stephen, in- dicated that his Objeet was to lessen and cut down on expenditures>, ad also that the •smaller corormssion would be eisle to deal with problems as they affected the local municipality more intelligently it the reeves were consulted. Further Mr. Neeb pointed put that with the reeves having a saY . • a check mighrhe: kept on the patrol,- mena"Not all our :patrolmen. are eie- Fir IT r0-1)AY • cOncluded Mr. Neel). ' • ' C °UNIT COUNCIL • • Audis' Tipling asked ' , if ft., waS eus- , , tomary far county. Officials tco*Or e 1 aptly, Important Problems Are Dealt for any ca.ndiclate for.the Wardeaship, we can te2/1 you in a page of advertisement tremists but thee has been trouble," With in Three Day Session • remarking that he understood such to ',, -„, , • ' , have been the case this year. -.. The farmary session of,Pluron Colin- • Mr. Wm. Lane; county treasurer, ty Council ,was brought to a close on promptly' rose to his feet and said, Friday noon arisen in a brief speech, `Gentleinen, I have been here thirty- Wihalen B. W. F. BeaVers, of Exeter, two years and from all appearances I • thanked the- members for the attention' may ' be here another twenty-five itheY hadgiveti to the business brought (laughter and applause) and not one befaire them, which attention had man can say that I ever opened my made the session a splendid:one, In mouth in connection with the appoint- -declaring that it had been a pleasure merit of a Warden or any other coon-, to preside at the meeting, Warden ty official. I don't think it's rn3r busi- Beavers hoped that the two remaining sessions of, the year might be as pleas- • Mr. Tipling, who was a candidate ant 'and profitable as that just closed, for Warden, said that, though he was- Reeiro .A.1 E.Erwin of Bayfield, led ria sore about being defeated for that I in the aipging of the National Anthem., positiop, he felt rather sore about los-I " Party Frictioo in Council" ing the appointment as criminal eudi-! Daring the session Wm. J. Spotton' tor.. He did not s/vish to go any furth-' the party .saitern as it applied to the throw out a hint, of alowicla introduced the subject of er in the -matter, wishing merely to 1 election of:Warden, criminal auditor i 'Warden Beaver § pointed out that and striking committee. Mr. Spotton there was an unwritten law in the_niat-1 pointed out that the offices of Warden ter but that it :had been broken by and criminal auditor had been parted the Liberals four years- ago and since this Year, in other words the Liberals that date it had been continuing. To - bad elected the 'Warden, but the Coro for -tat,' suggested Mr. Geiger., "No," ', servatives had elected the criminal interjected Mr. Spotton, "more 'tits Auditor, two U. F. 0. men, who had than tats." The Warden pointed out been in the Liberal caucus voting with' tilat- nothing could be done •which the Conserabves on the latter ballote would bind tfuture councils except to think we should go back to the old re-afhrm the unwritten law aed Loader, - Plan and stick to it," said Mn Spot- take to abide by it no matter how tire• - tont"Have the selections ma.de altern- two parties differed as to strength ately by the parties and not by the from Year to year - majority or minority, as hactfieen clone Good Roads Commission Discussed during the past four years." Mr. Spot- •'The appointment and membership of t .fon suggested that the parties should a Good Road Commission received g 'alternately eleid a Warden and that considerable attention daring the ses- the- position of criminal auditor go to sion, ilie discussion arising from the t the strongest candidate defeated in following motion and amendment: s caucus for the Warderrshig, mid fur- • It wasmoved by IVIessrs. Robertson s ther that the same party shotild name and Spotton "that the Good Roa.ds b three members of the striking,cogunit- Conamission be composed of three tee,. the other party choosing -two of members Of council as usual. with the s their number for this committee local Reeves as membera, of said corn- b Orwen Geiger, of Hensall, strongly •mission to act in his own municipality b apprOved of Mr. Spotton's suggestion. in ao advisory capacity insofar as lo- m "There should not be . friction; the cal problems and expenditures pe ,tan-' r o, spirit is wroeg- ancla that friction will ing to the dutiet-of the. said cornmis- Jo-- kill the council unless it is stopped," sion are concerned, said services of w declared the veteran ea-c-Warrien. Reeve to be rendered free." Reeve Owen Geiger of Hensel!, said lie -believed in curtailing experises, He thought that the coinrnission was all right provided it went to placesdo the courity only when necessary. He sug- gested:that the, Warder*, and Engineer should; go' over the ground and then call. thet Commission. Reeve Wm. 5., Spotton of Howick, rose to assert, that he believed it was time, that the local reeves were given some power over the patrolmen. "We should ba.ve the power to start • and stop thepatrolmen, instead of. ahem having the right to tell 1.1S Where to gQ o;" affirnied Mr.' Spotton. Reevh 5. F. :Johnstnn of -Aslifield, said that he had no sympathy with the Good Roads Commissione At -the same time the corrimissibn last year WaS as good a commission as. the county had had. Lessen the expense and make a, better job of things, he suggested, and let the reeves give,advice because they know what they are ;talking about. "The isirtlier you get away froth lo- cal conditions andlocal control; the worse off you get," said Reeve F. j, McQuaid, of AlcKillop, "The patrol- men .nor the commission do not have to face the public and it is siMerfluous for a commission to be driving up and down'the couotrY,"declared Mr. Mc- Quaid, and ;further indicated that he would be agreeable to act with the Cornmission in McKillop and give his service free of charge. - Reeve John- McNabb of Grey, a member of. last year's • commission pointed ode that, every year the Good Roads Cohnnission got "a rakin • u." 'Let ,me tell you," said the representa- ive:" for Grey-, "that the •engineer is uided by the Commission and not the Commission by the engineer." He bought tha.t the majority of the town- hipS 'were- iatisfied with the Commis - ion' land moreover three men wpre etter to adyise than one, to- • County Eriginter, T. Roy Pattersen, ugested that the, Commission should ecom&More permanent as to mem- ership, pointing' out • that the Com- issioners becoming familiar with the oads and the work, that their a.dvicet id ()Pinion. 'were.' of much . rriore eight. ' • Speaking again' on •the subject, _ CRUISING IN T.He.:E WEST INIYIES. ea. traaitg: 1 1 (1)—Einpressef Britaio ai . a lent, of lVfartinique, the scene of the volcanic erupt on in 1902, when 30,000 peo- , le lost their lives, The path shown was once a busy street. (2)—Headquarter Palace of Cuban Republic, Ha- • Costle, Santiago, Cuba. vana, (3) ---Statue of 'Empress josetihme, Arst wife of Napoleon, on Ma -Unique Island, West Indies, (4) --Morro INCE ocean liners have been made as "comfortable as the best city hotels, cruising has become very at- tractive to those seeking a rest. "The linntry of the ship, the fresh sea breezes, the trips ashore at the placca cd, the making of tete- acquaint- , finiti es the experiences gained only by . , „ , tfaVel Make ,an ,Otioad 'ritiSe;• an ine ' comparable delight, , .-• • , .•... , „ ' In former winters many Canadian •antlAtnericans escaped from the SeVer-, v tit' thehome 'tinter byl takiiietest .artlickii , Cruises to the. West 'tidies nite 'req Doptiktr. tot only oil ateount • Of ' the .:triactriess• eft tile: climate,' and ' the 'beanly of the' Seneri but heeausentil- the romantictlxtisiattached to these. .' places. It' the' saveriteertill Century the , Va. . . fiat ...itadies were ,ihtilieAdaittsitters of, 10'6 nturtheta Of ,BritiSitaftialitteS' virho preied oh Spahishlrarthig ships. These ; hates, were in a largeonaltreSpenSibla 1o few of the isiteregtingtsights. of, the r ideStrovitat, ,tie contaaerco Of ,$Pain< West IndieS, are ' haintoe..tilario,1tion.a,, inalsOgatoS graves,',Sponget,fishiog fleeis, ithd -,:woods " of eopoanot, palm trees, ' t'tiai•critises to 111e West Indica, eit Tel elands of the Spanish Main, Panama oit -to • ATItilr•Si,§ of Britain this winter, ' The atit 813ebiAl feattires that contributed. I'itt winter he the sheceSs 'Of these Cato; . Patti:tie cruises liatte beeo retaith- • ed and tiew ones added. The 'Empress of Britain- was ,again seleoted by .the -Canacliad.Paciflefor the cruisesto the ,West Indies by,reasori o ,hed. great Popularity ;as' luzimmus ocean tliner Of the inost ario4dern and comfortable tape and size, being of 22,200 tonsildia- , Placement. The Empress of Britain. also' the 'only, steamship making cruises • to the:West indie,s; ;burning, feel oil. This ontstanding..aeature appeals tellies,- sengers who have travelled in the Tro+ ics as coating orshifting coat at, the -various ports' is 'eliminated and pas- sengers are assured of spotless 'prom- , enade aod Open, staaees. with 'nfi. ilose ;.dirt or eindera '" . , The Empress toi -Britain, is' devoted 'entirely to the purposes of the cruises, and no cataro is tarried. In addition to the comforts to be found' usually at mily the .heat hotels ;ashore; the, food atd sertitice, aim of "CaatActiait, ' Stifle 'stahdard. 'the:pass/miter aocomrhodatieh :1§.1itogt•attriative, 'add' not Mote than two persotis are booked in a room un- less it is desired to ,actonntiodate 'family, patty, ifliose who ,eleSire to ttnlid at0P0 Wilt find' a good proeor- ;- bon ot snie enhlii.Other tattrac- tionS int:lade gymensiuni; Sam -eating 000l, veramialt eafes and large &ants 6.0.11,4,0 SI03,(14111g.•11 auguciit- ed professional orchestra is carried for 'enlieetts and dancing, The itinerary' ,Of the ifrstcruise, starting ftoor New V'ors o jahuaty 20th, inelode.s the following ports of eat,: Havana, Cuba; Port Antonio, Ja- maica; Kingston; Jamaica; Colon, Panama; La Guayra, Venezuela; Port of Spain, Trinidad; La Brea Point, Trini- dad; Bridgetown, Barbadost Port de Prance Martinique: St, Pierre Mar- tinique; San Juan, Porto Rico; Hasa sau, Bahamas; returning to.New Yorlo.-• covering a distance of over six thous- and ,miles' during the 27 days of the eimise.' The second cruise ,will start from New York ori February 20111, and' •• will be similar in most details to the schedule of the first eruise, Bermuda, behig substituted as the final . tiort of. call, There are excorsams ashore at the Various•:ports, tondected by icpresei1ta tves1 of the Cauadiao Paelfie, allowing ehustial, opportunities fer• visiting ev- ery possible points fat iritei-eat doting ' each croise. Two days will be spent ashore at Havana and two days itiJa- maica, including trips to massy nearby 'points, An additional day is provid- ed this year at Panama and A joneiley W1/1 be made f Tom Colors through the dulabra Cut to Pedro Migneh ,t enema City;and Balboa. In Venezuela, the trip includes' one of the most festinating rides in the world from the port of La Guayra Jo Caracas, the capita, 3,000 feet hove the Caribbean Sr. Port Air - tonna one of the prettiest spots in la- nt has fie(n inclisded • in the ertn'' lhie taat Reeve McNabb declared that the cOurh. was trying to Nave responsibility on the engiOenrwutbSholitlabq home hY the council itself: "You have fonr oleo on the }louse of Reftige Commit- tee, Why? Is the expenditure there four times as great as for Good Roaxiti op four times es important?" Reeve AMos TiPling of Winghann contributed to the discussion in advo- cating that the best men be obtained for the Commission and hetet there more permanently even if it was nee, esaary to go outside the council, "We want service for our money," declared Tipling. • Wariden I3eavers confirmed the ope inion of Mr. Tipling iu that the cooncils aim and desire was for service "I do not believe, nor -did. not believe as a member of the Commission last year, that the Commission should say where or what roads should be built in the county," remarked the Wardeo. In closing the subject, Mr. Neeb declared himself to be in favour of dis- cussien above -board in open council, rather than ,in lobbies. He re -affirmed his two -fold object of having the ex- pense cut down and having the reeves of the inunicipalitieS listened to more than in the past. Mr.. Neeb declared it to be the duty of every represertta- five to reduce the taxes every ,copper within Ids power., On a division' the motion was de- clared carried by a vote of twenty - even to two, • The -motioti of Messrs. Geiger Robe-ftson, that the 1923 Good R Commission consist of Messrs. John McNabb, E. F. Klopp, and Win. PL •Coates, carried twentyesix to three, as against the amendment 'of Messrs. Johnston and Jamieson that the com- snission he cornposed of Messrs. John McNaughton, Klopp arid Coates. ; Standing- Committees Executive --F. J. McQuaid, Jas. F. Collins, A. H. Neeb, J. H. Fear R. J • Special—J. Taman, Frank Johnston, Owen Geiger, J. Jamieson; A. E. Er- Finance—E. F. lopp, M. Arm- strong, B. S. Naylor, J. McNabb, 13: C. aCtlan be n on the ion of Messra Geiger ad DOU.g AS flitathaotgarago,rtaonft $onf5.$0:5/0) g::treentgivleinut Sowth,alutou Seed Show' at Xiensall- to the Spring Stock Show at Seaforth and Hensall, 'net a grant of aso.00 given to _ the Clinton Spring Stock Emir, loTTwhbeaartts ,aa asIrriaratnrizbttso7flet:c:5,5.:of°0:1:t dadeCourtf02 eHaGehtl'seS:31:1:4:11'-i'air held in the county' and one ft 0Bfe tl hni rzienlaonedn' tin; tbs he il ilong paidhbeound* arYTIftaaitrsa. grant' of $75-00 he made to aid in the coaching and other expenses in connection with the stock jud,ging team' for the County of Huron. _ That a grant of,.$1,5o.co be made the Children's Aid Society for the year x923, to be paid quarterly in accord- ance with the motion of Messrs. Klopp and McQuaid. That a grant of Si000 be made to each of the honpitals in the county, at Goderich, Clifiton, Seaforth and Wing- harn, and that the boards furnish the council a report of the year's work as moved by Messrs, Armstrong and That a special grant of $3000.00 be made to the High Schools aod Col- legiate Institutes of the county to be divided according to the attendance and county pupils, oads That no action be taken on the re- quest of Jailer Griffin for an increase of 100.00 in salary. That action be deferred until the end of the year on the request of In- spector J.;M. Field, for an increase in allowance for travelling expenses, The committee awarded various ten- ders as follows: For pripting, the ten- der of 13. H. Townsend; meat for jail, Thos. Legg; groceries for jail, J. Cal- vin Cutt; bread for jail, the tender of f: W. Smith, at eighteen cents per three -pound loaf. - -A number of the clauses of the re- port were amended as follows: A grant of $roo.00 was made to Ag- ricultural Societies instead of $50.00 011 motion of Messrs. Clark and Geiger. A grant. of $romoo was made to Clinton Spring Stock Fair, on motion Of Messrs. Miller and Hanley. A grant of $4000.00 was made to the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools on motion of Messrs. Spotton and Johnstore being carried against anoth- Education—Chas. A. Robertson, D. A, Lindsay, A„C, Baelt-er, J. L. Mc- Ewen, John Ilaves. Road and Bridge—George Hanley, Amos Tipling, Robt. Buchanan, J. McNaughton,. Wm. J. Spotton. • County Property --Thos. Ingles, Dr. W. F. Clark, John Douglas, Wm. Comes, Dr. J. Grieve, County Horne—M, Armstrong, B., S. Naylor, R. JoMiller; 17..j. McQuaid. Warden's Committee—John Doug- las, Amos 'rioting, Wrn, J. Spotton, A. -PI. Neeb, itfcNauglitorf. , Important Motions Carried On motion of Messrs. Erwin and: Baeker, Deputy -Reeve B. C. Munnings ,was apppiotecl a member of the, Board of Governors of the Goderich Hospit- 13 a ti st an pe la ce Pr a.p th th br •sh c.f. a un pr a co • pe ,to pe Mc of ,anr -fo can anti Ne gin to ow the rem It ,Joh 'sho syll Act the . T On rnetion of Messrs McQuaid and tichana.ra Reeate Dr. W. F. Clark was Pfminted as the 'Comity's represerna- ve ma the Cthildren's_A,ia society, On motion or Messrs. iltinnings and lark, Judge L. Dickson'was ap- oioted as a thember of the Goderich ollegiate Inatitista Board. „ It was carried on motion :of Messrs. eiger and Neel) that the council int roca tlie' Good' Roads. ' Commission d'ecomity Engineer to see that ex- ridituees on County Roads be regta- ted i.ra,suclia way so as not to ax- ed one and one half mills for the esent year. , . • It was carried on motion of Messrs. obertson arsd McNaughton that the adclen, Clerkand,Reeve Douglas be obirited a committee to inquire into eappointment of e stenographer for; &Officials Of the court house and ing in a report on their. finding: It was carried on motion of Messrs. eQuaid and :Spotton that the council mild go oritrecord as being in favor the, • Lake Shore road: heing , left as Cbtiney,PrOVitieial road,: and being dere the coritrol of the council in. efereitce to "the road being created: P,roYincial. Highway wherein the sincil,:has controllover the ex- nditure their. . only privilege being ,pay the eouoty's, share of tweeMy r eent. on the yearly expeadittire. t was derried on motion of Messrs, 4d7rgaaiu*vIllini gv t °.tn.o,grtaiiiedGeiger, that all jobse the least moneys when the work ..be done in a, satisfactoest manner tlie prices `suitable; t.was carried; oh motion, of Messrs els and Hayes, that the „County En-. ear be instreeted and ;given Power enterinto an ,te.greement with,the riers of hedge' fences situated along eotiaty roads and have the same oved wherever 'deemed: advisable.' veaS,carriecl matioo of.Messas. nstoo- andKlapp, that the comical old go ori;record 6,,s not, being in yathy,witli the Aalojesceint School and.Shotild-aecordiogly; petition. provincial 'GolvernMent to- abolish • EtteCtitiVe Canornitite -he ExemitiVe, COMmittee reported ollows• That, the Coliaait geartitot each., pub- librar'Y ••ifathetioarity be',$24tioioo • (Kirktotiato rdeeive haf.thj 41-0001t.) 'That a grarat o1$o.oteb madfato each of die'AgrietiltiiralatFaies, .in , the eoutity. and a. -g ran ti ton, arid Ittekribia,,these, being btatintl- aryfaira. " That 'Mt action:lie talteit, on< the 'fifoet- 'iontof McssrS:Grieve.444, pAeker that a -grant Of each HorticilltaralaSeeietk im<the: C910.0t3a • „ , . Notide<TO.Contractora Sealed tendera will he 'received by the unclerSigoed up to and including February. fella; s923;"ifor the renovat• - ingeof the .selsool, U. S. No, ;In,. East and West Wawanosin Contract- ors to furnish 'allanateriat, bricks to be removed; Boilding 26x40 to, be raiSed,. excavating derie, ceincrit wall under eemeist flees; in. base intuit end bricks .replaced. „Tenders to be: merited "tendert' arid the lowest any; ,tender, not necessarily, .aetepted. For further particulars, apply to • C. .14. Scribal 13oard. 1. R, a, Intieltitow Eye trOubles and headaches frequently pass away when the vertebrae- at the. base, of 'the brain have -been prOperly.,'ad-' justed by Chiropractic. In fact all nervous .complaints are:bene- fited and often cured. by Chiro- practic, -Look into this. . ALVIN FOX, Chiropractor -Hours 10-12, 2-5, 7-8. Phone 191 ORTHE •LIFE A' LIFE INSURANCE pol,Tey up , • TO •THE lalINUTEI • Our new' 'ao-Payrnent Life Coupon Savings Policy has the following des- irable features: x. Gives a paid-up policy at the end of 15 years. • , e r xXXOexidrrxerht PrOPPsils,f1l ,$5000-00 y tsd e fl 2. t'.4: dhr.rd:di, tencteminfivoe/7,,r toi0z olsnte and Jaxeter, as moved by Messrs. Han- ley aid Geiger. An aniendment that tt9htealgraanttt4ailleiVdiewdasouprtlotpeob:dsis..b9; Messrs. Munnings ;and Clark. ' The executive's report fitting th salarles of the various county officials was adopted as follows: County -Engineer for Good Roads Oo wC%tirnciteyn -E„..7.in.,e_er,,7„.._keep_.r.lf, 100 00 Treasurer , 1650 ob Clerk ors Crown Attorney cos County Auditors, each —.. 50 Po Caretaker of Court House and Registry Office Soo oo Inspector, House of Refuge__ 300 00 Physician, House of Refuge-- 400.00 Manager, House of Refuge_ -600 co Matron, House of Refuge 400 00 Assistant Matron, House of Refuge t 400 no Chaplain, 1 -louse of Refuge — xso oo Gaoler, with perquisites ex- tra, Soo oo Matron of Gaoi ... ;225 oo Tornkey, (with perquisites).- Boo oo Physician at Gaol 120 OD PUblic School Inspector's ex- AuPdelitlsoerss of Criminal :Justice accounts, , 525 00 one way day and so cents per mile ColtninctaesnCtsotionercilinloirise,0$151e.00mpay7 day and County Property Committee The County Property COmmittee re- ported baying visited the Gaol, Regis- try Office, Court House and Children's Shelter ancnrecomrnended certain re- pairs, including the purchase of five cords of four -foot green wood for the Gaol. The committee further recom- mended that two rooms at the Shel- ter be repapered and a leak in the foof given attention. The committee's re- port, regarding the securing of esti- mates fa report at the June session on repairs to the verandah and settling of the house at theeSiselter was chang- ed, the committee 'being delegated power to have the work done when necessary. The conimittee recom- mended that the court room be redec- ora.thd under the supervision of their committee, that repairs be made to the boiler in the Court House, and that the heating system at the Gaol be changed to heat only those parts in Good Roads Commission The Good Roads Commission re- ported as follows: That a grant of $1066.00 be made to "the village of Brussels for work on Main street, as moved by Messrs. Baeker and Tipling. That no action be taken until fur- ther consideration on the request, moved by /vressrs. Miller and Hanley that the town of Clinton receive a grant of $1500.00 for reconstruction on a connecting link within the corpora-. tion limits: That the scale cif wages as moved by Messrs. Lindsay and McQuaid for man and team, so cents an hour, labor za cents an hour be carried out as far as possible in conformity with the rates in the local municipality. • The erorTunittee recommended that the following request moved by Mes- srs. Pear and Buchanan be .grant That the Township of Colborne given the privilege of paying the s of $1500.00 due the county as ba rate on special levy, by so adjusti county Good Roads expenditure vei in the Township in 1923, that • t • amount due the county will be . p out of money raised for this yea le-vyt plus grant on expenditures. Special Committee • The special committee recommend that the motion to memorialize, t Provincial Government to leave t width of the Huron Road Provinc Highway within the coonty at its pr sent width of 66 feethe adopted by t council and forwarded to the Hig ways' Department and also to Pren ier E. C. Drury and the representati es of the County in the Legislature. The committee recommended th petition and. Counter -petition in iection with the raising of Eg- dville to a police village be refer - to the whole council. egarding the motion of Messrs, pp and Collins that the council e arrangements with Perth county he housing -of Pluron County pris- s in the Gaol, the committee re- rnencled. no action at present. ie committee also recornmende ndaY, fi'obrtniX • flit. 11 140' ][11E Take l'irult4.11ve • Make Yourself "Iraultaitatives" then'in444 is meole fiaag fiat faicos VtIdj Is the most beneficial mediae% agen that has Q,VOr been given to naanklndi, rust is orabges, apPlea, igs' 4ind prattles axe' na,ture's own medicine, 410r, ("Fralt-antives"--maele *OM th0-130 fruit Jul/ma—hut coneentrated ,A,t4 weinaluted_is ehe grecess Stooiach 404: 1,14W Median/a, the ereaeest XWi- s4dBladder grealast Bta Purger—the a reafese remedy for Head. aches, Conskoation, &mow. Si= ga Bad Cemplexion.--in. the ateriat. `1‘) be well, *eke "Fruit -a -fives."' rOe a box, d for $24M, friss/ size rdete At dealera or sent postpnid by, Frultaativos Limited, Ottawa, r., .1-1. c I n e • CHIROPRACTOR Qualified Graduate Adjustments given for diseases / all kinds, specialize in dealing with children. Lady attendant. N g 11.,=1 calls responded to. Office on Centre Se, Wing/at:ma Ont., (in house of Mrs, "Datina)4 Hours, 2 to 5.30 p. m. /Evenings, 7 tip 8 p. rn. and by appointment. Phona 213, VIIVAilttetrantraMmazarafii,...aren.,” m h • We now have a full stock of Lumber of all kinds, dressed, and undressed. Sash •Doors, Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Beav- er, Fibre and -Riiberoid Boards; also roofing, plain and slate sur- faced and steel fence posts. Prices are lower now than they have been for some months and some lines are sure to ad- vance. CaB and get prices for any of the above. Coal in all sizes, hard, soft, and Smithing always on hand, MacLean ber d C al Co. 13R. F. PARKP OSTEOPATHIC PH4ISICAN ed. Osteopathy Electriolty be All diseases treated. uin Office adjoining residence, Centro cic ng he aid aid r's ed he he ial lie 11 fi a Street, next Anglican -Church, , (form- erly Dr. MacDonald"s.) Phone 272,,, Monday aonpdenWeedvnreY'sd8aayy afet:tertnePotone.ae Carrecply Fitted Eyegiassse:. f ThLa A Mit It'W 00orataist 2. Gives a paid-up policy plus a coni guaranteed cash payment of 14 to 40 mon per cent. of it at the end of 20 years. red 3. Gives a guaranteed dividend Of • R 15 per cent of the yearly deposit at X1,0 the end oi the first year, and the mak annual dividend will increase every for t year -until at the end of the igth year otter it will pay 25 per cent. of it. coin T1 that Receipts For Good Roads Gohvernmeni aubsidy should be $78,395 163 Receipts from 1922 levies.-- 94a1z9 24 t Special levies• 6,16o 36 Sundry receipts ..... 5,328 Bo Due from boundary connties 2,966 ox $183,27o 04t Expenditures For Good Roads sIvinapceirilinnteernydaenndee 44780452 County Bridge Construction 6780 Sa Prov. County Bridge Con. 2814 27 Prov. C01.111ty Maintenance- 26954 66 d County Road Maintenance.... 53821 93 1 , d Count React Construction... 46872 09 Prov. County Road Con-- s6592 25 -Special 'Grants .................----- x5321 00 Sorplus for year 1922 .....--.... 8565 56 4. The ;dividends are a.ttac ed to the policy as coupons and anay be de- tached aird cashed at the mid of each year. If left attached each coupon will bear interest from its due date at 3a- per cent, compounded arinually. 5. Is bought by making annual, semi-annual or quarterly deposits, so days' grace is allowed in which to make :each deposit, 6. Money may be borrowed on the polic3r at a stated rate -of interest after 3 annual deposits are made and coup- ons snay be cashed at the same time. Coupons will pay all interest on loans for longer than the first ten years. a. After 20 years the policy, if in ferce, shall share Mutually in the pro- fits of the Company. • 8. After 20 years the policy may be returoed for a single cash payment of more than has been deposited, 9.• In case of deatlitafter the first deposit is made, the -policy, if in force, will be paid, as well as all due attach-, ed coupons with 31 per cent interest on said cotponsicompourided atinually from their dtie date. so. • After three or more annual de- posits are Made it is arranged that not a cent of the motiey paid in, need be lost to the depositor, desire.several good salesmen, to sell this policy in the Countiea Bruce Huron, Grey, Perth, Waterloo and Bruce, • aml • aaa 1°'1 ,4 -. 'COOPER- ' .464EITP`Sil 'MANAGER ' Phan ' on - : '': .. 110. Os: Box 464 $1,1tito 4, taUlt' of. blfontreal 'Chambord StrAtfo.al, Ont • .the motion of Messrs. Geig-er an m mg, appointing Albert Whitesides of Hensall as County High Constable be adopted and that the salary paid be $200.00. The recommendation was made that a petition be forwarded the Provincial Government, requesting that the act be amended so that Bailiffs and Div- ision Court Clerks be,paid, only for the days that the Court is actually held. Report of County Road supethltencient County Road Superintendent, En- gineer T. R.dy Patterson, made a very elaborate report to the council on the work which -was carried out during the past year on the roads throughout the ;county. Just the cohelnding paragraph •of Mr. Patterson's report is given, to- gether with the tables of figures which show at a glanee the amount of money Spent derieg scion, and just how the ohm of $574,704.48was expended. • It might be said that the Engineer arid Good Roads Commission were empowered to spend as much as $230,- 000 .1st year, so that the estimated ex - has in 110 way been exceed- ed, "The most outstanding feature of the 1922 expeutaturea as compared to thoSe91 fear, is the increase of 56o,49, in the expenditure • On road coostriretion. This represents a very motifs altered policy of procedure and means- that xotith more perroatient work is being done and that the work Of 1925 is it begioniog oit a progress- ive policy of toccmatructing an the toads to a definite standard as ex- pected by the Depattment of High- WaY8 and necessitated try the requirel meats of modern traffic. $I Expenditures For Maintenance , Prov. -Co. ' County Roads R.oads Grading 1835 54 6053 53 Culverts 2586 88 4448 do Resurfacing --- 57793 68 32059 11:7 Dragging • — 5.790 99 `,80)17 74 Oiling ano—Tar_ • 421 145 12425 82 Snow Roads .... 2:50-90 446 x8 13ridges 2085 53 2.175 7. Weeds 575 so 488 83 Gravel Pits -.....— rBno 84 Drains ----tote593 73 • $26954 66 $53825 93 itlachinery Purchased In xgas Drag Scrapers, 42 No, 4 Sawyer Massey Graders • 6 astI 44 Pick Plows, 6 . 372 00 Rowling's Planer, 1 54 Alphabet, (concrete lettering) 568 Repairs to Machinery in 19013 2441 40 • 'Cost of Superiattendenct4742 27 • Salary' County Engineer and Read Supt. . . .. ... --$26o0 oo Hot -el Bilis 535 on Automobile Expenses sts Clerisal ASsistatme .... . 925 99 Stationery and Postage 506 So Telephone and Telegraph -to 96 no Ex eoset to Road Superinteso dents' Conference (Pron tat $4 icl ig