HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-02-08, Page 3ItT
Thi*tsday, Yobtuitry, 8th,, x943
t11I1i1111111Ii11111,11M11ii1 II11Mi11fillp11i11111M111$11111111 1111111.11 1011*IHk5113 llIglil l9(l plil ltii Jlt l4E11
eci i Announce
10 Per Cent. Discount
Will be allowed on all orders fair rugs frosty port" until Feb,
era rurtry loth., x923.
r. Thi.a is the ulaek time in our
_-- brings newly enlarged factory.I Spring ordersin a -rush.
r Get Your rule made now, +rinse thein in the ,cold weather, and
save money.
)(mar:old -carpets tete' are • . , ,. `
r, " .. P e valp.able, have them nx,ade Into hand- Velvetex Rugs. -
The "VELVETEX" RUG is a real Rug,
carded old ' made from -your dis: �:
d .carPets:which are cleaned and recleaned, then rnanu-. 11'
factured into reversahle, seamless rugs that will wear a life -flare.
Under foot,they feel like thick velvet, that is why they. are called !P
V elvetex . "VEL
�e, •.„'ii
, ,r b RUG is guaranteed and the only r. -
tory malting Velvetes, is• in London, Ont. _�
In London our 'ilii er oil i
f,,;,;;;:,,;;,;:;•_ :-li,ll_ v c acts the carpet,,
from attic, cellar., or off the floor and deliv- ley.
ers the finished rugs free, '----
Out of town we pay freight oi• expressgl
both ways on all :orders. :; tre
P ss
Delivery can be made within xo days,frgm
receipt of order or held over until wanted,
y,etex Lal�g.,9�-�� (.ax`lnfll 'St. London, 9 nConi:.
Established in Igo9: Send for Velvetex' ]Folder No; -76,
Ili -
11�01�1 Iliill I P�
I I�III8111�11lI11111r11
lI�1111� it
I �lll�dj118911I�l11blNl@diliil4111•i�alj�It1FY(I(r�itl�lU�lii�llf
.�-Bo lifE.��W"'"la®spit,
EELy oa W
�ues of Special
kg ,, ,PILLOW COTTONS= -Heavy qualitycircular.' •.o
weave,cotton, fine ..
le. free from dressing.Extra value"
IX a at..; this price,
4o and 2 s
. 4 inches wide at .__.:__...
-_........ ....:.._.�.Soc a and
SHEET1NGS--B in. Sheeting � 4 S seting made from fine
with- cotton yarns
a soft finish' a quality'that°will give excellent wear
full ;bl ache d
� y e, d, exceptional value lug at ._.__.».. --r;oa yd..
�78 in:•
® .SI-IEEA heavy -weight '
g bleached quality wi.tki
a' firm 'weave -for wear and 'service this is a splendid
Nilvalue at :' - .. _Bac ,d
� ..�._.._.8oc, a yard
durable bl
e bleached
cotton, Cleanlywoven to s
wide at �, stand much wear, 36 inch'.
(_________________________25c a; yard.
WHITE FLA 61VNELETTE-good quali�y well :napped in
isle medium weight, exceptional value af. this - i
29inches 'wide AQw trice
wide at .:•...___.-. ;
.... ______________-_--...21c a yard
white and natural
vests, V neck
and short sleeve, high. neck and•'long:sleeves, drawers
to mafch'`:
re .,
.- .. ye• and high necks,,
drawers to match, medium.weight, ..
ei,,hy in white only, a�_._.�„ c
59 .
LADIES' BLOOMERS -In white, black and greyfleece lin-
' ed, sizes 36 to 4.b; elastic -at waist and knee,
special pair'fa
▪ I•I_SIER'Y•-Ladies' Black C
a�nlitnere Hose, all wool,.dee •.i+•
elastic ribbed to , sizes >3 to rx•
® A � o, extra value, per pair_ -:::,_..89e
M D. & A. COR
SETS -»Sixes zo to
29, special•. stearin time
g e reg.
- X02.75 to $3•5o per pair at.._. ,•-.�,_ _..:
iters--T,adies and �hx$'dieii s Sweaters at red
prices greatly ucgd 111
>m sae
�w®somnaa.soealwaa!lmupl;�y am,„ae.een,m�
�Ii I •
( i •� 1A-
1 I�Ilnnl Ill . u11i111B�111lIIiliWnilf`
We have some odds and ends left in Books which
now On sal Book 1'
' •. s regularly priced at 50c are
a' on `sale at'35c' each.or 3 for 81.00, Books
re,gularly Priccd 75c an sale at 45c.
a, Boys'and Girls'Annuals, C hums: etc. priced at.
to 3.50, while they 'last 'at 1,25 each•' ,
•Books, Stationery, Magazines, Town ',ricket Agent Canadian .
National and xa,and Trunk Railways, Ocean Tickets•via all lines..,
11111119i1111f11111 11111111111111111111 111 1111011(11N1141111111114111 ;illll 111 dllll;illllgi l! 1`
1 1Alil1�'li(691
sa n.s
to!L'Iti�l'I'�II11'Ic;ta'11111;�tl it^FF .r''
arr°al Rhymes
Morpheus and 1Vfe.
When we our nightie' Sleeping ru
on schedules rmade by Edison, we'
linger little inthe hay, for he has of
been heard to say, be sleeps fou
hours or less each day. It would b
neither kiaad nor slice to say he give
this burn advice, that folks may sit u
half the night -and:, so burn n ore ale
trio light; but 'as • for ins I'll c
tell th
throng,' that Thomas has sn ;;numbe
wrong. Four hours may do fort
nen, but rural rhymers should 1 a'r
ten, Tltis bard's a most ,efficien
snoozer; he is no midnight Mazda
ei-. I Like soft pi1low for my head, I
like my rest, I like any bed. I • love
to stretch and linger there; it's verni-
er than the outside air, Within '1
bask in regions torrid, when I'm drag-
out, my words are horrid. Pe
forming, that for which they pay him,
a hotel clerk committed mayhem and
got •Me up at foxtr ten A. M. They'd
changed the train in which Itrusted,
and all in vain my rest was busted;
for in any little private Heaven I might
slept till ..Half past seven. Hotel
clerics now may. go to blazes; I'll see
thein all beneath the daisies with all
their early
morningraises, The time
for nature's sweet restorer shall find
me still a heavy snorer. There lived.
in Ronne one ''Julius Ceasar--'most
everybody knows ,the.. 'geezer -who'
said that jobs should go by rights to
healthy folk who slept well nights. If
ancient•'Rozne had been my, mother, he
would have loved me like a brother;
If I had nothing else to do, I'd sleep
all, night and all day too,. -Bob. Adams.
Sr. IV -Subjects examined, Arith,,
Geo., • Spelling', ;Lit:, Gram., Comp..
Total 59o; Honors,472; P
Pass, 354.
Tl. Hoinuth, 530; Y. MacPherson,
5x9,,G. Fry, 522; N. Beattie, 5x7; A.
Irwin, -5r2; G. Robertson, 501; E.
Finch, 494; E. Swanson, 482; W. Tif-
fin, 476;.. A. Mitchell, 471; E. Tarnl
469; A. Swanson: 6-; F. Angas,
D. Preston, , 4 M.
Agus, 460;
Field, .452; Isard, 439; F.
433; D. Scott, 425; W. Taylor,
424; •W. Johnston, 422; D. Hammond,
421; D. Haller, 42r; I. Stewart, 4rg;
• M. Thurldee 408; W. Hancock, ;„.4o6;
E. Boardman,
, 406; ' M. Hill, 406; G.
Rintoul, 405; D. Haney, 4b1; M. Simp-
son, 39i; C.•McKibbon, 391; M. San-
derson, 388; S. Blatchford, 375;' G.
Dobie, 373; M. `Soli, 372; F. Ford, 365;
Mitchell, 1
C. Hingston, , Ii ngston, .343; M.
Musgrove, 337; C, Fry, 334; D. Davis,
331; G. • Spottort, 397.
Jr.J IV -Marks obtainable, :550;
E. Dolan, 489; L. Cragg, 480; V.
Fax, 473; L. Thompson,';, 7o; B. Ed=
gar, 465; E. Lott, 443; B, Brawley,
442; N. Carr, 442; W. Seddon, 430; L.
Peterman, 429; S Bennett; 423; A.
Brawlcy,'417; G, : MacDonald, 416; K.
Williams, 413;••R.' Armstrong, 397; J.
MacLean, 395;.H. Mitchell, 386; M.
Robertson,' 385;, K..Reidr377; F. Fells,
373; R. Rae, 365;H. Field;
Bennett•' ;M. C- M.
Clo L
, 353, air, 343; Clo
ey, 340; M. 'Weir,' 309; B. Arxnstro
309;,J. Sturdy, gg8; W. Free, 295;
Holt, 285;..W. Colgate, 268; ;
bell, 120. V. Ca p
Form III -Maximum
Class "A: -E, MVIcKay, 1 - ; K. Kin
4 9,
416; Lennox, 412; Mary Mitchell,ll
McGee, Gee,:,g99, M. Redmond,.
397;G. Snell, 397; E. Lepard, 384; N.
Taylor, 383; M. Mitchell, 371; D.
Homuth, 365; C. Carr, 363; L. Hopper,
erley small, 216; George Beattie, 32;
Fred Howson, 216; Harry Ternpl`em.�.tn,
12; Harry Fry, 298; Harry Brawley,
202; Minerva Finley, 398; Percy
Edna Steakley,, 190; Rob'
ert Chitticburad x7.6; bred Saint, 374;
Deli Walker'16i7; Donalda Fixter 164;
Bruce Campbell, 159; Norman Shro -
shall, qp, p
1st' Class Tptal 425.
Class A. ---Vivian Tiffin, 385; Doro-
thy ,Deans, 384,, Rets Forsyth, 3$2;
Vera Fry, 35x; Jack Bergman, 348;
Anna' McGillivray, 34.5; Betty Taylor,
309; Leah Robertson, 301; Alberta
MacLean, 294; Elaine ;Shall, ' 289;
Mary Hirst, 284'; Jirn Thompson, 277;
Fred Mellor, 271; •Will-whimnia Stew-
art, 270; Margaret Mahood, 242; ,Aid -
ray Reid, 240; Margaret Taylor, 238;
Bobbie •IyfcBlain, 235; :Ralph Saint,
233; Gordon Ledzet,.172; Sterling Wil•.
'Earns, 167; John Pattison,,x56; Mary
A'gpew, 148; ,Arthur Aldington, 133;
Hilda•; Fitt, 317; Mae Gibson, xo6;
Norman Lediet, 304.; Weltha HenderA
son, 100; Clifford Holt, 52.
' Class B, -Total 325 •.-Iierb Fuller,
263; Harold Burgess, 243; Jack Benin -
ger, 242; Roy McIntyre, 240; Laura
Groves, 234; Laura :Clarke, "�2x; Jack
McCall, 195; Preston Lediet, I76;,
Velma Carter,'' 160; Constance
157; Stewart Carter,. 14.7; Leonard Bok,
14o; Harry Agnew, 127; Rosabelle
Pitt, 88;
t 7 .7
a 1 8,
Pxi' a
Class I,'
Total 245 -Mildred Reid,
242; Rollie Hutton, 241; Mildred Field,
31; Jacic Boardman, 206; Stewart
Scott, 199; Margaret, AIdington, Ig8;
Arthur Stone, 195; Rex McInnes, 19
Marion• Fry, 192; : Lorene Haller, x81;
Reggie Broome, 177; Dorothy,For-
syth, i7o; Frank Cragg, 36e; Marie
Carter, 151;' Marion Mason, 147; Ver
pa Barbour, 1z7; George 33rackenhury;
.119;• Jim Weir, in; Percy Dcyell, /08;
Harold Markley, 98•
Class II-Tgtal 190 -Bert` `Reeve
185; Anna Chittick, 18x Car). McKay,,
176; George Bisbee, 173, Lyle Ludwig,
166; Dorothy Hutchison, f45; George
King, 131j Lance Browne 124• Norma
,.>•`Y`.NYW N,NiW+•1(::WFWWNWW, nuw�..cmuwamµua.ww�ei�wWwouuapu,wwwu o
Depth of'rnercyl can there be
Mercy .stall reserved for pie?
Can my God, His wrath forbear?
vfe, the chief of s%nnex•s,,spare?
I have long withstood His grace;
Long provoked ;Fling to His face;
Would not hearken to His calls,
Grieved 1 hi -t, by^'a,:thousand fall ,
If I rightly read Thyi,eart,
If Thou all, comyassion art,
I3ow;I Thine ear, in mercy bow,
Pardon and accept Inc now,:
l I iI11N NINIFC 11➢�1 i lgYllC iB$kI N 11111
+1,11 p P1td
4111r�1tIn 11 put i1
Almighty, Sod, Father of our spir-
its, Thou knowest what we need. Our
life is one long need; today cannnot
stand for tomorrow; we cry unto Thee
hour by hour, yea, moment by morn-
ent, for there is no cessation to our
want, but the river of.God is full
water, Thou givest, and behold Tb
hast as much as' before, if Thou w:
to withhold it would not tend to ' '
Three , --
enriehment. Look tiporp then, and read, BA
our life, see our want consider
tate, and out of the ` want,
of our es-
Thy � =
us answers of peace;
Jesus' name 'we ask it. Amen. to
White ;Satin Pastry Plour 54
ta0lb. 'Bag »...8i9
i?ET.0 ;Cl;:,, > aRO EP
Riverside Peas; per tin;:
Riverside E versicle 'Corgi, pe±� tin;.,
otock of Seedless
2 s for
f •,� Pineapple Tid 'Bitsper tin..W.z,.
o , 3c "V'alen'cia` Cake,
'Blueberries; a realpie it Sheriff's we filler S r f s. Pure Gold 'Jellies,
per r tin ,.._._.._._.. ._..,.-._�z b 3 Pkgs.
Aunt Di
nab t
New Cleaned r Molasses r.-,
Currants, ,
a h.-..;;a3G per tin. .�
.x b;��e,pp
/IY6 Cooking an "
g f'r
Piga, 4 ..... _
3 ,. _z
Candles,' - S ••• C s" Per dot _...._
(Joseph Parker, D. D.) iE 1
xxth, x923
Lessors 'Title=✓1'he ,Spirit of Prayer.
Lessor}, Passage.-. Lnke 18: z -z4. E. Machine Sliced
Golden Text ---P Breakfast
Text -Ps. r.,x.
In this lesson - Bacon, per 1b. M ... V _
0 fliers are two parables � •-•-�70
-the Unjust Judge and the Pharisee = Granulated Sugar,
and the Publican. g , ao lbs..___85c
--Verse x -B --The Unjust Judge. L Richrnello Tea, worth 75e
Jesus, addressing 1-Mis disciples, = ib, for :__ ,. w._._..6 c
brings vividly before thein the picture
of a II
woman pleading before a judge, �
in order that He may show them the.
necessity for prayer in the troublous -
McEvers, 111; Alma Shropshali, 74_;' times that await the church as fore- P
Patsy Williams, 73; Marion Mitchell, told'by Him in Matt. 24 chapter. -
do Rub- Fitt, "That _- ,_ - CANDIES
>,hat rrle'ia:ought always_to. pray." Fa
Class -ITU -Total ITUp dy,
Total x o- l7ivian
4Can Ought iniplies necessit rather •
_ Windermere Cho o
felon, 135; 'Mae Wilson I d needs than _ c tares, lb. 35e
33, Chester uty. They :must pray if the a< �•
Stewart, 8, Frank Collar, t Y Tod tm
o Me would h ter
5 Merle e tl N bs lb
tiled Oats,
PKI , tins
xo ;• e escape the things
Elliott, , P h b coming on -
, 93 Winnifred Carr
Horne, 81 Harold, 9i; Fred o or slack- fiurrih
Finley, u s' lb. _.._.,
eY, 76• Beryl
g , .....-.�::�Y:2 c
, Y persevering ra e f 1 3
the earth and not t faint"
en in
man availeth much ch (James"'S:z6), We may ask what is meant `by,"al- ?�
ways to pray?" Is this an exaggerated irt
form of; speech as we would 'sa ? Not
Mundy, 59; Marvin Smith P Y r or the e£ -
4z • Albert factual fez vent ,prayer of a righteous
Campbell, 38; Stewart Ritchie, 26;
Raymond Carter, 18; Alvin Lediet, 4.
It is. quite^t.rue that many residents
do not appreciate the town in which' when we realize that "prayer is the'
they live and it is onlyby soul•,s sincere desire seeing other d stye unuttered g o er u erect ora ex-', x NW
a e
that at theyz•
ass d.
k' e -
to the e
P fact _
that their own hamlet is' not such a r •A judge which feared not Go 0
•God nor
Creates, lb
11111 I(:�I
inn A
I � I t
11111 II
mon mon
g: ckage
Pink Salmon, Cascade,. Cap-
ilano or Sunflower brand,
1i ib. tin xo
Cainpltell's ` Soups, Tomato
per tin _„
Vegetab%e, per tin
Fluffy Ruffles, lb -__...______35c
Mary Pickfords, lb ..
Ginger Crisps, ib.._ _e -
Dot Shart`'Bread,
Sodas,lb. '�.,: ,5:, 5
MSSۥ .
i I il1ll ISI, �I�111 �i Ill�llililll iii I li>1111�IUzt, IQs;
bad little place after. an. We have I regarded man. He was utterly
v y un need of
known people who were so anxious to 'principled, wise in his own conceit ry in grace. . becoming a thing of the • past. sae-
"S�7in ha±n andh � s„ How different the publican) lie deed,'it is so m
g that the e dared evenacts a thingpan-,-
they, were more anxious to there . came a Widow, y is attitude and his the: missionaries en abed in'>
get it back. ow, poor and deco- words. His one request is b • tha
discovered1q fol mere al wort. i
that •tate:.. She could. _ Y n Teheran- remarks has town was neither in Lha- ,c
a :him.. to . esus then�r�
sets his seal upon
reinaxkab%y healthy lace Whip- oth- cio, her justice nor offerP char rarely sees a Moslem praying in.-:
P e eas- him a bribe, atter and- worship of the two b iP y g pad.
ass found that they could'azhake So she persisted in. her ,r - ,, y the he nowadays. ; .MissYoungrelates - -
a coming until words, I tell you, The contract is lrtethan
ler living here than elsewhere. One she worried him into avenging herincident.whzeh occurred a;short thane
troublea of sumtied up in. the; two words "e - ago
is: that too man her adversary.,ed when: she and a companion stole-
ypeople have He gave judgment not alletto ;and humb`letto '
Y some erode.
Y sold their to admit it to him- seeins to regard himself of the peen
i g self as the ,cIuef that i ^...r
property < t a sacrifice and iii a year self= (verse ¢).,; And before this - � Miss Charlotte L. 1 gun: T ons: en -
6 r;
Y of
judge sinners b h
plainly brought
not enough faith an their home town, after considering the.merits of the ( The l+ Ped in the bazaar to bu I '
. P y roug t out. is It was theMohammedan's u.
ak- case lint just because he was. annoyed . prayer, and they s everth.
y d that there as no "saiv ti n:' �
by her persistence, Jesus, salvation by works hour of ohi and ." h
ng, A word to the Lord;: alone -`it is all of the grace of God in proprietor " •ma
you sonny you 'little now interprets this P P etor on his knees "bobbing
D. •e r P parable by con- Christ esus 'The ' b ng ion?'
y a old boy, who 7 publican t d d f
and His elect. , gl n filled, is heart, bargaining with the young' boy clerk
( whereas the Pharisee left the temple
The! nl The Persian:a
elect are not likcustom to
e the widow in with the sane cold, dead Heart with the desired object for'try to se,
the eyes of the,selfish judge but are I which he entered.missionary
twice its actual.'
value, so the anissionar ,.beget]
O •;tedious but necessary haggling to s;:
WORLD 'SSIONS cure the cloth at its approximate
Lesson Passage -Matt. 28: 38-20. worth.' Soon the `bar ainin.
g 1r lieoanat
ISLAM WEAKENING IN' PERSIA, too much for the praying nit
With news' coming from: Africa of, Ide, stopped in the middle of his pray --
the spread of Islam in many parts of :ars and listened. Then springing to his
the Presbyterian mission territory, and feet, he entered the discussion tilt the
with daily was of
az rfacts
css reports e
Y P of When °
the • -
incre his cur
as ;
to =
is had
nmade de
ih . Tit
g powere Turk and his inspurchase and d st
ed t leave
trice of Mohammedanism in -con conquer- sian shop, hesank to
ed lands, it is . comforting q knees again and continue lith
ng to receive id his devot
word of a different sort from Persia.ions• This incident would have tseem,
At Teheran, the school: girls have later impossible a few years -a o Miss
ly beentellingtheir teachers r` Young says, for then not onl,.
---- pray' .. _ . , Yes, 6,-_ man ' interrupt Y would;:
362;, N. Pilon, 360; K. Somers, 35
E. "Ross, 348; L. Hutton, 337;
Smith, 317; F. Burgess, 246; F. Cart
206. •
s B. -C. Deans, 356; fi. Gibs
6 .0
34 Coutts 33g; G. Allen
Copeland 314 R. Sutton, zrn '
Saint, 3x6; 'W Gurney, 2 6;' , Clam,
2 •4 ; L.:Carter k2 9 , J . .
9 6, 88, S. Sleeves, 237;
McDonald, 228; .E;, Blue, 213;
Stoalcley, 197; '. Miller, 190;'H. Ba
nett, x71; P. Gibson, 156; M. Coutt
Jr. III- Total 300,
M. - Currie, '293; K. Smith) 278;'
Hancock, 262; B, Fox, 253 A, Han
cock, 24.3; Wilmor Angus,: 234; Irvin.
Smith, 234; N.; Coutts, 233; Jack M
Kiljbon 231 Charlie Bi.atcliford, gap
Hilton Dixon, 227; Joe Ell'acott, 226
Marry King, 219; ;Jack Beattie, '714
Winnifred;Fitt, W;xx; Jack Carr, 210;
Vivian Pilon, 203; Arthur Snell, x99;
Alex 'Coutts; 196; Jaelc Dinsley, 185;
Lillian Broome, ISo; Evelyn Sllrop-
shall,' 177; i -tarry Brown, x69;. Mervyn
Templeman; 169;, Nellie I•Iayles, 167;,
Jimrnie Angus, 155;; DeWitt Miller,
151; Jean Lepar'd, 143; 'Joe Tiffin, 135;
Mtu•iel Campbell, 132; George Yot.ing,.
1 I27, Arthur' Stokes, 125; 73ert Mitchell,
x23; Lloyd Hayden;' 1x9; Grace Well-
wood,,1r9; frena Sutton, III; Perrin
McCraclten, x•12;' -Margaret Mason,
93; Norman Rintcrel, 71; Mary Mc-
Bittin,'6g; Willie Broome,:27.
' PLS .ss II.-sTotal, 400; I.onor,, 3oo;'
Sr Class,-_ l5 Reid 3$o; J• Cope-
.: land, 366; W :Dow, 346; O, Tiffin, 345;,
I. Nort±op, 34z; A.I7ammoncl, 339; P.
ftro Campbell, 337; M, Bisbee, 328; S.
Campbell, 328; J, Brackenbury, 317; E.
Mchi es, 396;; D. Atkinson,`3o3; M.
McIntyre, 299; M, Clarke, 277; J.
Moir, 275; G, Davidson, 27o; C, Fin -
thirteen': or fourteen-
r �
is .,molanb cigarettes on the sly, .arid
we happen to know there are.' some
such in Wingham. What do you want
to- be when you grow: up -a stalwart
healthy, vigorous and broad shoulder
ed man, or a - little, puny, measly, Mno
account, weak -minded -'dude? If you
want to be a man, strong like a man
trasting the earthly 'ud e a can wen own ars • orth in a most reverent fashic '
7 g nd `the. 'to' his house justified, that is a sweet T
wido hey: didn'f s e
w with the ud e I � P ale to hzn, but.
J g of al the earth -sense of sin for ve 'h' began
dear to God as the apple of His eye,
(Zec. ii;8,)
"Which cry day and night unto Him
with hazr on your face, Brains in:yoiir to -The cries of .the oppressed enter in -
3; head, let those ""cigarettes alone, If (J- s.th5, )s of the Lord ofh Saba ies
L, You want' to be a thing,.pitied b our tJas 5, 4lo It uis with with tth cop-.
Y Y He bears long but with' those that op-'
er, folks,' despised• by ;the girls and:held press His elect, He will"iat len
in,`contempt by fellows, kee ri ht on gth in
on, smolcin P g terppse on behalf'of His own,
g and end your days in. the in- The
• of thi ,
s arable is
s to
snea I
s um `
the char:
n her
wido e
w o
, P
-n,1•t,,'i. during., the. present absence
e, of her Lor
R. <1 in the heavens. Tlie
;�:a church .bein widowed i x
E. ,r�::�. .. ,; ;�;., I n. , ,i,, • . g s e posed to
""" h ' oppression ' and persecution. T h e
r- s 7;; ,t3 y ill t :}lip Iii,^I world. is always at variance with the
church and Satan, the adversary of
the soul, is seeking at all times to
under the manifestation of the life
of God in every church member,'
In these circumstances " prayer -is
cut r the church's proper recourse, and al
eeneaehpbeomexiemi, ieanheonres mei enevi entsto
You will rh our
Cre s.
hy Not
ley, 264, M.'Ludwi 245; E; 'Hender- again fliers will be "t
son, 235;"R Harrison, 187; H^ Bair- , he faithful to re-
ceive Ilim,
( 5 a child, vegetable iaantive
relieve nonst3Aatioa and Bind
oneness and keep, tha digestive end
eliminative functions normal,"
Seta ,,_y
25c, Re:%'ny?o a " l.T � Q�'
+l1 't6•.. a
"r .1)AI
Little 6Y3a
dine-third the reg*•
lar yoga, .Mado ,cit
a r to a m m ingredients,
teen cantly dossed.
For children and idutts.
Sold by
though Gad seems to turn a deaf ear
to her, she is to pray always and not
to faint, assured she is dear to. her
Lord, even when ?ie .. seems to deny
The strength of the parable lies in
the, unlikeness between the Judge of
all the earth,.and the unjust earthly
judge -Yet there is a. seeming likeness
when God turns a deaf ear, as it were
to the prayers of His people.
In affliction, saints are at times' im_.
,patient- o.f delayed answer to prayers
and are tempted to cry out as did the
disciples, "Caress Thou `not that we
".I•Ic will avenge them speedily"--
He ;will not leave them a moment
longer in the fire' of affliction than is
needful, ` "but patience must have her
perfect work."
"Nevertheless, when the Son. of Man
cometh shall Ide =find faith upon the.
J. �/aiton IVlcl ibbon In the 24th chapter of Matthew we
are told in the Lord's own words that
the trials of faith will be very :great
but:for the elect's sake those days
shalt be shortened -When Ile conies
x, The Cotuicil of the Corporation
Jr. Class-•�A, Lotittit, 333; E• Rae, t ' en aria- bl "T°l h
327; Nr Dow, 324; J. Mitchell x F, conereke , taubltcan.
3 7; pavcxiient ori Alfrecl'St., froth Here is presented a vivid picture of
Colgate, 305; E Zuirbrigg, 303; R, Josephine St. ,to Frances St.' the character acid reli tort of the
Ilastie, 291'; E. 1-loinrth, 289; C, Fry, 2. Tlie cost of the work is xx,50o, Pharisee. lie, standing to pray as the
280; S. Roberson; 279; • S. Mitchell of Wlzirh $5471.72 is to be paid by 'tile custom of the Jei+v was (Mark X x-25),
240; D." Hart, 234; B. Walker, 220; M. Corporation, :The ;special rate :per nairtes one by o,ae not lids own sins
IJingston, 2r t; L, I.jurtiin, 168; R, �A+g- foot `Crouiage is 27;7c, but those of other' inen. Fr•oixi• these
rthw, 158, M.13; Fitt, rit1 ' .j, Criuck- The:special xtssgss2aseni into 1 »sic€ he'thanks God he is free. 'T'hen look-
shanlcSy 95 in 20 annual ins%alanents, ing around his eye lights on another
Jr. II-Iota1''400; I-Idnours, 300. 3, T]te cstimal;eilA lifetig7ie of elle also praying. With contempt in his.
Gordon Smith, 37+8;' Merrill ; Comte!. w0rlc is 20 years, heart anew t r
9n, 376; George R'oberson, 36o ldar- r off w thlcs wn- asteye ,
4• A Coizrt' of I�cvision will be held ta,be stand afaa off, with dowvn-.cast eyes,
vcy Groves, 333, I eniretli Lott, 325; ori elle x�ltli c1.iy o£ :E eilruarY, xg23, at beating on sus breast Ins as it were, at
Andxety Scott,,32e; eitby Peeve, 322; Io a. m,, o'clorlc at tlxe Towia IIall for a on of remorse lake
Albert Raiiioul�; 329;• I ae Thompson, the n Y yity in public
a«o. r• .-, .-. .. .� �.. 1liirpoSC of ltearYna� C1-,'Y„ilta in{'� air.,,,. Tllere' i9 tltS' liUiniltty Viii SUell'a
.gess, 176.
rse 9-14' - rte P ar•isees, and the
of the Town 'of Win •hath ;1
s ructed as .a local improv m t
Against the propose.<1 assessments or
the accuracy of frontage meastne-
persona interested laity desire to make
and snhicb hy law cognitzable. by the
Dated, Clerk's Offii,te, Wiugham, this
oth day of ,)"attuary,
'Ennis, 293; Annie ..A.tkinsen, ;284; Helen. rnentionedwas just, cause for Inian-'
Nattie, 235; Marv' 00bie, 234; ;rim blo gratitude. He next 'congratulates
Cloakcy, 222; Vcra Burgess, 188; Mtfr- himself on hig striet AdherCnCe to the
1401101., law of Moses awl his observance of
3eA. more than the bare requirement of on'
fiCal: day, He fasts twice a week and
Leila Wilde, ;a55; Cotheiino Vansic-
gives tithe et all he possessed,
.53; Shirley MoCraekcn, '2.50;
A, Gaibl'aith,..Cleak, seetos to. have had no seuse of
our prayers. put we _Know that there
are many things in Islam which need
'anslvers prayers, bixt probably his boy also
to be changed, and we can see that that hoar. (The Continent -1
would have refused to sell anythieg
IvIohamined does not mean as much to
us as Christ does to you. Won't you'
pray that we see the true way?" ; "Day hy day, in every way," th
ago was a common sight at noon and Good Priday comes on March 3oth„
at sunset in any Persian town -is now thit year and Easter Sunday A 1.
Public prayer --which a few years
3c 111Tifr:,
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