HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-02-08, Page 1N't
Single Cosa/est Four Cents.
es -
Mies Marjorie Harrison is visiting
-ssith her parents in town. • -
Misses Marjorie and Thelma Gib-
son spent the week -end in Fordwich.
Miss Fairy Fells returned on 1Vion-
'slay /rani visiting with friends in Blue-
' Mr. H. H. McAllister of Aline, re -
wed acquaintances in Winghern this
Mr. 'Wm. S. King, spent a few days
with his'daughter, Jars. Wm, R. Dav-
Maori, of Newton. '
Mr.• and Mrs. $. MclAatirrus of Hol-
land, Alan., visited for a few days with
friends in Wing -ham.
Miss Cora Beckwith of New York,
as visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Alm. •M. R, •Beckwith.
Ma- E. K. Hutton, assistant ageet
lit Brussels, G. T: It, spent theweek-
end at his Inline here.
Mr. and Mrs. David Small of Grand
Rapids, Mich., are visiting with the
fornier's mother, Mrs. Small, Diagon-
al Road.,
Mrs. Earl Cummins and little son,
of Toronto are visiting at the, haute
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R.
and Mrs. Wei. Elliott of Bel -
more, visited with their (laughter, Mrs.
,Gerstions Johnston, East Wawanosh,
last week.
Mr. Wm. S. King of Turnberry,
nunde a business trip to Woodstock,
so attend the annual meeting of the
Western Weather Instrance Co.
Mr. Alf. Armstrong formerly- of the
Winghain Times, but no-wawith the
LondonAdvertiser, paid The /advance
Office a friendly visit on Saturday,af-
tenloon, •
C, Fleron of Tliessalon, is
isiting with her sister, Mi -S. T. j.
McLean. ' It is eighteen years since
Mrs. Fleron visited the town of her
birth and thinks it still has its charms.
Mrs. Herbert Doig of Orillia, who
4ias been 111 for the past two months
at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. j.
McLean, is improving and will be able
ge return to her honte in the spring.
.cur,rr.g,,,F013. SALE—Apply to
J. 'Finley, Sr.,
Lower. Wingham.
FOR SALE --Piano, Dining Rpom
.Suite and Sideboard cheap. Apply
.at' The -Advance..
FOR ,SALE—Frame house, seven
rooms, town water, soft water, elec-
tric lights also two lots. Good posi-
tion ea Frances St., Apply at
' The Advance.
601.1ND---Co1lie Dog, strayed to the
cinises of the' undersigned. Own-
er m'ay have same by proving prop-
erty and paying expenses.
- A. j, Nortrop,
130ST—On or about January 23rd., a
large white and black, fox hound
slag. 'Anyone knowing the where -
bouts -of this dog, will -kindly com-
orinnic.ate with Alex Riotoul or John
Phone 23-625.
FARM FOR SALE—Forty-five acres,
suitable for pasture, river running
• through it, goad -barn on the prop-
erty, situated north half of north
half of lot 9, con. 5, in the -township
of MorriS, • For further _particulars
apply to
W. J. Procter, Brussels,
_Miller Procter, R, 4, Wingham
• Mrs. Herb Wheeler, Belgraye,
FOR SALE—Dressed Beef, quarter
or half quarter. Apply to
David Deacon,
•Phone 23 on 613,
,fasse rt.: soas.
To the Editur an the Advanee,
Deer Sura --e
Heir ye been either follyirt the
(loins a -e the army av occupashun in
France an the wan in Ottawa? Shure,
theee isn't much differ, betwane thim
so theer arr the Dolshevils arrmy
in P:ooshia ayther fer that metther,
Iyiry wan av thim i livin aff the pay-
ple, wid the beslit av ivirything to ate,
an to drink too; vehiti they kin git it.
Protindhtto.rnalce laws fel' the benefit
av the payple, whin we hey more laws
navy than 'anny wan av us kin icape.
Laws about what we ate an drink,' at -a
about how we sliall raise.our chilcler,
whin. we shall 'sind thim to school an
wain we, shall kape thins at home, an
business .rnin tell me that they do be.
shpindin awl theer hetwane sales fillin
out forrems ler the diffurint govern-
mintsaincome tax sheets,,. sales tax
shtatemints, business; , tak' forrums,
,Conspinsashun tax. papers, an a heed-
redean wan, other tings„ awl to git
money to laape •aisy jawbs fer the ar-
'relies ay occupashun at. Ottawa an
Toronto, an theer frinds avvl over the
counthry. 'Tis a quare wurruld, as -1
sometoirnes 'say, an the counthry isn't
what it , wus whin ye cudgit a good'
man :ler a dollar' 'an a quartlier a day,
ailivitybody was continted, Thim'wus
the happy days. I aix gla.d.te say
thitt.iviry dollar 1 ivir made came fair
aff me finger inds, barrin a few lucky
harse ,thrades I used to make iviry
year, an a.ven thin, as I. told ye befoor,
1 nivir sint a man away wid an impty
halter, but awlavays gave him Some -
ting ler his money.. But, shure,t • 'tis
diffurint ietoirely avid thim, lads at Ot-
tawa an 'Toronto, they draw theer big
salariesan weit nothing, arr wurrus
than nothing fer atd1 the money .we
pay thine 1 an -r gettin to be an ould
man, an am lonesome widottothe chinderean me lumbago, is bad this wake,
an mebby' I do be gettin cranky but
sornetoirees wondher if •it wuddin't be
hetther to shtop sindinmin to, Perna
: -
mint fer a'few years, thin we wud heir
no new laws to bother us, an cud get
-caught up wid the wans we hey.
An to tinld eV- the- sinoyle they put
on at the openin ay the Parlicunints.
'Twas bad enough Whin us Tories wits
aft power, but 1 didn't say annyting
about it, knowin it wud be wurse if
the Grits arr the iJ. F. O's. ivir got a
chance to shoind the payple's money.
Poor ould Misliter Tarte ....'wance sed,
'wait till ye sec us' nixt year," but,
extra-vagance inceinpetancy' wur
only, in theer infancy in thirst 'days.
jist waittill e-Misliter Ferguson an
Misbter Meighen take a shlam at
Mr. Droory'ae Mr, King, thin ye will
see thim lads- run fer'cover inike rale.
bits wid dogs afther thim. , The
thrubble.avid us in Canada is that we
hey- too rnanny Governmints; 'Town-
ship arid Town Council, an County
Councils, an Provinshul Gcivernrnints,
an. House air Conimons, an Sinnit, an
Cornmishuns av awl kinds. Shure
'tis loike the Highland regimint, me
frind Sandy Banks' sings about avid
foor an twinty foigiiiin min, an foive
an forty poipers..
An, shure, 'tis no ,betther aneywheer
itse since Mishter Woodroxv. Wilson
shtarted out wid his silf determination
sitame.. Luk at the row ati two be four
colanthrtes along the Baltic say- in
Europe, an pdor, ould Ireland wid
litlirt.tirtr,e.j.r1;tt Ii;PrIVP/i,VV",:7":;ctr:11.1
WINGHAM„ (')N1",„ THURSDAY, EStTARY..,, ''Stk .1923
. .
Auditors,' Report Received. -1331 -Lava
Regulates Restcyurairts,
Mr. E, 3. Mitchell ores the only ab-
sentee from the Wingham council on
Monday night, The Mayer was in the
chair and the usual amount of business
transacted and acocents paid.
• A lengthyieport was recettred from
the Inspector of Fire Underwriters,
One of their. many suggestious was
that the night Watchman should punch
a clock at certain periods while on
night patrol vvork. On motion of
Councillors Greer and Willis the re-
port was left with the fire and prop-
erty committee,
• Coun. WilliSWas in accerd with the
idea of the watehmens clock. He also
sugge,sted that the council take up the
matter of a special damp grotto(' for
decayed, fruit and garbage. It' was
thought best to leave the matter with
the scavenger to arrange.
Moved by, Councillors Greer and
,Haney that in accord with the vote
taken on January ist., rc the War
Memorial, we believe the time has ar-
rived for action and- that a committee
composed of Mayor, Reeve and Coun-
cillor Smith and citizens Abner Cos -
Welding, and Radiator repair. We
ale)) the Leaks and meed thd 13reaks,
C. Reid,
Rev, 3, P. McLeod of Brussels, oc-
cupied the pulpit of St, Andrews Pres-
byterian church on Sunday.
The.rnany friends of Mn, Chas. El-
liott, will be sorry to hear ho is ill at
his home, We hope for a speedy re-
The lady who took silver teaspoons
from the Wingham Armouries in mis-
take, will kindly conummicate with
Miss Priscilla Hanna.
• We are pleased to see Elliott Fells
able to be, around again, after being
cenfined to his bed for two weeks
with a severe attack of "bronchitis and
the flu.
Messrs, Watson & Son, who have
conducted the North End Grocery for
s orn,e rrro nth s have purchased C. R;
Copeland's stock and are moving to
the latter store.
Mr. Cowell of the House ofj-fobber-
lin,Tailors will be at I-lanna & Co.
Lids.' Store, on ' Tnesd.ay, February
p3t1i., with a full display of riCW Spring
Suitings, Coatings and Pantings to
Iglu and Reo Trophies Both Com
To Winghani
A. M. Crawford skipped his Wing -
ham rink, thropgii to a second trophy
at the bonspiel held at St. Thomas,
In addition to capturing the Reo
trophy, ,he also annexed the Elgin
trophy b3i defeating W. H. Smith's
quartette from Owen Solind.
The final score was sa to 7, but the
play was very close throughout the
progress of the game. Smith led by
one point on the seventh end but was
tied on the next end. In the ninth,
Crawforcl's rink covered itself -with
glory and points by laying five shots.
• The winning of both trophies by the
same 'rink is most unusual and Craw-
ford is being highly complimented by
local and visiting' rinks on his curling.
Wingham rink won the Rea trophy
of the St. Thomas bonspiel, defeating
Fled W. Sutherland's rink by It to 9
in the final game,
The Wingham rink also had the op-
portunity of adding the Elgin trOtailY
to their bag as they qualified to meet
W. H. Smith of Owen Sound in the
final, Dr. Ireland succumbed to Craw-
ford. in the semi-finals, while E. P.
t.tmtotwentstattro...m......treettoot •
Reading from left to right—H. j. Jobb, jack Temple; Miss Aileen Kennedy, bit wife, Mrs. jack 'Temple;
3, Nash, John Drown; Reg, S. WillianisgFred Fuller; Miss Eva: Dawson, his wife, Mrs. Fred Fuller; C. R.
Wilkinson, Captain Sharp; Miss Ma'- Allen, Dorothy; Jervis Lutt.on, the butler, Wigsort
ens, Dr. A. 5. Irwin, D. E, MacDon- Plilliard's big 7.1 days' Sale is now Cash's St. Thomas Granites fell before
ald and C. R. Wilkinson, be appointed on. ' i W. H. Smith's winning mannerisms,
to look into the matter of securing a
suitable monunielit and report back lo Hanna & Cf9/1" t I wish to thank; Scores:
the con-nett—Carried the Bargain House
their many ct stomers whot h d Reo Trophy— inal
a,nddvvipsha rotonizaen.,
In speaking to the motion Council- nounce that Mr. John Galbraith has C. C.
Lumley D. Fortune
lor Greer voiced the opinion that the purchased same. ' ,N. 13,oughner ,Wt S. Mitchell
IH. 'I. Gough J. A. Currie
three organized governmintS andsmore town should erect a worthy monument
mertherin. an destaroyin av -property and- not Place it in front of the town
ivies. day. 'Tie a. shtep back so it, is. hall, but on sone suitable .property set
„ .
an slot a shtep forward. Me dawter-' out 'II the °Pen a'rid mentioned the
in-law. Wance tould inc that 'theer wue plagwial egrnel. on.which C°seris 84
sivin kings in England, at wan tohne, Booth's Inittrance Office now stands,
an I read in a book av Highland scot_ or thetcorner lawn it Mrs. Clegg's
ch hislitory that the counthry wuS property. The committee will likely
wance divoided up into aaus iviry wan 1,-12eet in' the next few days and 'organ -
ague the other, barrm whin they- awl:de' ',.
jmed feorces to foight England. Siff On motion -cif -Cotes. Fotherbil and
determination 'is awl a mishtake an Willis' a grant of $25'°° was gvell to
'twin be a sorry wurruld whin we he' the Fluron County, Spring Fair and
awl mashters ant no inin. "Twill be Sale which will be held in. Wingham
like the toime whin theer WIIS 110 on February 28th. , . " • '
Moved by Coun. Haney and R,eeve,
FOR SALE—Aboet two tons of tking in Israel but iviry malt did what
, samed roight in his own oyes. Ye Tipling that the,. matter of giving the
' choice hay, also eleven whiteiWyant can't run a tounthry that way, some- usual grants be left with the Fitaance
• dotte hens'and a aboster, body has to be loss an till the' other Comittee.—Carried.
' • ' Dave. Finley. ,, fellahs what to do even at a. barren Coun. Willis inteoducecl by-law- 9ter.,
raisin, art the buildin wud nivir go up. aahy-law, ...It° regulate and tice.nse the
AY coarse it is diffurent wid the v'etittai.,utu'8 houses in L°\''vu' wili°11
avinunin, they liev awl -Ways belayed in reads as f°11°'vs'
hevin thecr o-wwa ' TI ' ''
y. The masses No person shall within the limits of
hirsilf, as good a wumman as ivir the'Mauriicipality, carry on the businese
slitepped in shoe leather, lies been a of a victualling. house, or house where
firrum belayer , in sill determination
fer moore than fifty years an shtill
goin shtrong.
Yours till nixt wake,
Six roomed frame house in the yil- ------
. lage of Be/grave, good stabler guar- Perehased Bargain House
ter acre of land, residence of the'
fate George Proeter. Apply to Mr. jobb Gelbraith has purchased
W. J. ProetergBrussels, back the largain /louse from I-lanna
'Itfilier Procter, R. 4, Wingharo &- Co., Ltd., ancl tvill again serve the
'Mrs.:Herb Wheeler, Belgrave. public in his old steed. After a year's
strenuous advertising- under the man-
agement of Hanna & Co, Mr. Gal -
State bow many years of exPer.- breath, has decided it is the only way
„mace single or married and also end he will carry an advertisement in
wages. ' ' The •Advalice. His first atmouncement
Othe Hamel ,Fernittire and Uphol- will be found on page 6 of teta issue,
'tering Co., Mildmay, Olitarto.
:Three hundred acres of choice land,
In the Township,..of ' -Morris, being
'Rite 5 and '6 on' the grd. concession.
Two good dwellings and three good
:liarnsa two, wells with wind -
ills, 'For further particulars, aPply
John Hopper, '
Route 5 Brussels.
OTICE--Two upholsterers wanted.
bigh "Grade Floor Wax—, 53c
'Toilet Paper, 7' to so-. . .. --...----25c
Sani-Flush, reg. 45c
Bradlee,. reg.
!Clover Leaf Cups anclSaucers, $2.25
,per dozen pr each
'Aluminum 8att&, Pans,
harcoal -and, Coal Oil always. on hand,
Thopipaon & Duchanan, photie 30,
ApPlications for the positioe of As-
, sessor for the Town of Wieghato„
Lor .the, year 1923, will be received
1b3ethe. undevaigoted tip -to 4 Sn via on
attardays Itelistiaty r923.
' Galbraith Clerk
. .„
Celebration At Wingham
North Huron L. 0, L. held their atts
total meeting in the Winghatn Orange
Ball, on Tuesday evening, A goodly
representation wes present from all
parts of the county, The following
officers were elected for 1923,
D. kb—Rev. H, W. Snell,
C,haplain-3. A. Johnsen,
Rec,' Seete-a-A. Go Smith,
Fin. Sec'3e—J. G. Stewart,
Treas.--Ches, Cottltcs,
1st Let --Bert Watson.
grot Lects—Robt. Wallaee,
D, of Ca—L. F. Cardiff.
It was tine/dine-Italy' decided to tele.;
brath the Battle of the Boyne on the
12th of July in \gingham.
II 1
We are pleased to learn that the re-
p`ort that Mr. J. H. Christie intends F. Sutherland --9 A. M. Crawford.A.I
t Elgin Trophy—Semi Finals
leaving town is absolutely wr°ng.... His: OWEN SOUND— WINGI-IAM—
intentions are to continue residing smith is A. Crawford g
here permanently. I "
Mrs. W.
5. Radford, and chfidretilESTPTHCaOsiMi DrHiArellaRnIdST6ON—
of Delmore, have been very ill with WINGHAM.--- OWEN SOUND --
the flu for the past two weeks, and D, Ferthee E, Ramsay
we are sorry to say they are still un- W. S. Mitchell la carson
der the cl°ct°r's care- J. A. Currie R. Smith
The person who took two yards of A. Crawford ak 13W. H. Smith sk 7
navy. Wee canton crepe from John .
Ga/braith's store before Saturday, Feb- 1Vfarkets at Agingharri -
ruary 3rd„ will save further' trouble by The following are a few of the mat -
returning to Hanna & Co.
kets, Butter, 33c to 35c; Eggs, 35c to
Hear the Peerless Concert Co,, In 40e; gream, 4.1e; Hogs, $ro.25.
St. Andrews Presbyterian church, on High School News
Friday evening, February 16th. Be
stfre and keep this date open as this The regular meeting of the High
School Literary Society was held on
e°tuPaitY18 very highly reccumneurled- February 2rid., 1923. The minutes of
The result of the hockey games in the last. meeting were react and adopt-
Wingham on Monday evening was ed. Discussion was opened with re -
that the veterans won from the High gard to publishing- it school paper, and
School 'by a score of 6 to 4. The the following staff for publishing was
fruit, oysters, clams or victuals are
gclacinthe$4.antoci 4it.le factories played it tie elected: Business Manager, Max Stew-
art; Editor in Chief, Jas. R. Allen;
sold to be eaten therein, and places
A large crowd attended the Stiction Associate Editor, Mr, G L. Bracken -
not being a tavern or hotel licensed by sale of Jas, V. Breen on Wednesday bury; Literary Editor, Miss Mabel
the Provincial Government, unless and last. Good prices prevailed through- Armstrong; Sporting Editor, Harold
until he shall procure a license so to ontThe team ,
do, and, every person to licensed shall a e ° so ld t°1
be subject .to the provisions of the by- ed4o.00; grade .cows solo at from
!e75.00 to socio,00; yearlings $36.00 to
Every /mason licensed ander this $43:00. Mr. John Adair of Palmerston,
law shall keep his place, cleat and sat -i is the new, proprietor of the farm,
itary and °pellet° inapection by the Miss Grace Thompson, alto, has a
ChM Constable and Medical offlter rieh, sweet voice, and the solo render -
of Health, and no license shall be
ed was highly pleasing. But her read -
granted or reeetved unless approved ings captivated the 'Fans° and she
by the Medieal Officer of Health. graciously responded t° flye enectres'
Any license granted tinder this by_ —Hamilton Times, Hear her with the
laws -nay be revoked at any time by Peerless Concert Co., at St, .Anclrew.s
solution of the Council. re -
Presbyterian Church, on l'iriday, Feb -
All applications for license or renew_ rttary t6th,
als must be approved b3r the Council, A series of Friday evening gospel
tied the granting or refesing or revels- Meetings, OreParatory to the evangel -
Mitchell; hw
Tes Editor, Miss Margaret
Pettigrew; Social Editor, Miss Sadie
Gallagher. After this business Mr.
Cragg gave a short address. The fol-
lowing program was then given: Piano
Duet, by Misses Annie Pickell and
Muriel Redmond; Reading by Gordon
James; Speech on "The Manufacture
of Pins," by Miss Ma.rgaret Pettigrew;
Instrumeetal by Miss Frances Ben-
nett; Reading of the Murata by Miss
G. Bower; Critic's Remarks by Miss
I-Telen Wilton; Seleetion by the Ors
chestra. The meeting was closed by
'the singinof the National Artthem.
Clint. Paulson, Chas. Mason, Roy
ing a iicens, shall be at the discretion, istic services to be held ie. March by McLeod, Harold Wright, Clarence
of the Commit and it shall not be Rev. Turnbull, will be toeducteci by Ilinscliffe, Fred Bell, Will Marin, 1--Iar-
bound to give any reason foa refusing the pastor of the Baptist church.
Ctlie vey AnchesoJack Cleghorn, Gord 1
. first or these meetings will be held, Arde and Cecil Cooke, attended t
or revoking a license,
Any Place so 11.CettSed must be kept next Friday evemillg ut the home of Texis BoyS' Convention in Harriston,
closed to the pliblit from 12,30 p. at., Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Mason, to which on Friday and Saturday,
everyone, is very welcome, i Mr. F. F., Hotnuth, the oula 'MI
Sattirday, until 'a a. in, Sunday, and , . ,,, as , . , P.O. r a
Sh0,11 close at g,45 p, tn, on each atid In till laat oemor IN. ri. L. garnt otl•energetic inanag,er of 1VIcisibbon &
every Sabbath day and shall be epen the group, PlaSted at `KlIteardine, be- Co's. Rexall Drug Store here and
only on. Staiday for the supplying of itween Lucknow and Vancardiee, the who conducts an extensive and' ever -
meals to be amen therein by such per- Lucknow players got Imo an argument' growing eye -testing and spectacle bus -
sons as may resort thereto, with the referee aed left the ice i after, bless in connection with the stere, has
Ttall he Sof $r„oo shalln m
be paid an ten of play in the first period,' purchased it Lense-grhiding' Machine
totally and tit ctdvance ror each liceiise, thereby defaulting the game and grout) of the latest kind at a cost of many
Any violation of the provisions of to Xinrardine. Thetscorc at that time hundreds of dollara whicli he will in -
this by -lav shall be liable for every stood 0110 Oar tO acthing in thc "is- stall in connection with his business
offense to 4 peettity of riot less than itors' favor Kincardine now etdere, here, We eonqratulate hire on his
(Continued on page 6) rotted of 1110 senti•fleals. I terptise.---Flarriston Review,
Subscattioiii; 2.oe per yetr
pEPT rittfik;., (Made in Canada)
PEPTONA is a combination of Peptonized I 'fah; Man-
ganese and Cod Idsver E t
PEPTONA is a reconstructive tonic aid for ent-iching the
1_1.1 blood, building the strength and improving the laealth generably,
$1.s25 a Bottle
ots Extract of _iIt with Cod Live
(Made in England)
1..... Boots Extract of Malt with Cod Liver Oil is a palatable com-
bination of Malt and. Pure Norvvegian Cod Liver Oil containing all NI
--= the valuable properties of both, as a valuable and nutritious Food
z.-.. Tonic it has no equal.
it -.:---
$1.115 a B itle
t! g-earentee every package to give perfect satisfaction and
do everything they claim for them or we will cheerfully refund your
0156,1,111M1/4,11.110S1/131114111RSIVIP1112.1432111113•112 LOARVIU1111.1n11
9 '
e ital , on. s Irug Store
Me °: eaakthecattA SSer-e.
_T. Windham. Orli.
one 3a m
TllIItslI 111E111 111tilll 11111111011,1S11110111111111 III III IIIECIAllIBIllt Ill 1111111311111111 111 III TT
M T 1 '
rs. emp e s Telegram
John Brown,
Elm Avenue,
implore you to see me at once
Husband must not know. Happiness
depends on you, Shall be in all day
waiting for you.
Clara Temple,
99 Curzon St.,
What would you think if you receiv-
ed such a telegram? What woeld you
think if you found your wife had sent
such it telegram? Come and see what
John Brown wad. Mrs. Temple thought
and did. In the Town Hall, Wing -
ham, on Friday, February 9th.
Abraham Brydges Is Dead
It is with profound regret that
friends will learn of the sudden pass-
ing of Abraham Brydges of Morris
Township. Deceased came to the
Wingham Hospital on IVIon.day to un-
dergo a critical operation, but no one
expected the end to come so soon. He
passed away on Tuesday morning.
Deceased was in his 57th year and
was respected by all who knew him.
The funeral is being held on Thursday
afternoon from the residence of his
brother, Mr. Archie Bryclges to Bran-
don cemetery and will be held under
tite auspices of the Orange Associa-
tion of which he was an active mem-
January Report Of School Nurse
The January report of the Wines:in
District School Nurse. The following
visits were paid to schools; Wingham
Public School, 6; High School, 4;
Brussels, 2. One visit to each of the
following, Wroxeter, Gorrie, Bluevale,
Belgrave, Nos. 9, 12, 13, East Wawa -
nosh; Nos. 7, and isa Morris and No. e,
Pupils examined, 924; Re -admissions
to school after an absence of two days
with illness, 35. New defects found,
45; defects remedied, 49, home visits,
Miss Misner, Provincial Demonstra-
tion Nurse, paid visits to several
We take this opportunity of express-
ing gratitude to the members of the
Wingham Red Cross Society and Wo-
men's Institute for assistance given.
A. M. Robb,
• Hilliard's Sales are real money sav-
• Special Notide
We have a large., number of aceott—
which are long past due If they are.
not paid promptly we will be com-
pelled to place.them in court for coil.-
jection. We don't mind carryit:Lg. 'c.--6:8-
tomers for months but rnest draw, tha
line when it collies to years.
j. A. AdacLeass,
Masquerade Carnival
The first carnival in Wingliarn rink
this year was held an Wednesday
evening, January 3est. A good crowd
was present and the Citizens' Band
played several selections. The carni-
val opened with a clown hockey match.
which was refereed by Pat Cruick-
shanks. The following players took
part in the sera.nable, but we are not
going to roake anteffort to tell where
each one played: Bert Whitten, Roy.
Cruicirshartks, Geo. Boyd, Cordon
Cruickshanks, Mortice, Grant
Flanigan, Henry .Aitcheson.
The aresses and make -tips were
good and the judges had no great snap
in choosing which were the °ries en-
titled to the prizes. R. A. Currie, W.
H. Gurney and A. G. Smith were the
judges. The prizes were awa.rcled as
National Costume for Lady--"Alisg
Canada" represented by Miss Ruby
National Costume for Gent—jack
Young, Irishman. and Willie Taylor,
Best Dressed Lad—Miss Myrtle
Shackleton, representing "Night."
Misses Eva Rintoui and Viola Robert-
son as Eskimos were also considered
worthy of special mention and Mr.
Stephenson unhesitatingly furnished
an extra prize for them.
Hard -time Outfit—Walt„ MeKibbon.
and George Ledie,tt, and no bet*
coeld look worse than they.
Comic Dressed Lady—Miss Bessie
Abell, representing "Follies.'
Comic Dressed Gent—Chas, Smit
"A Funny Old few." -
One Mile Race for boys -under 1.
years of age—Barney. Brown.
'Two Mile Ram for Men—Cie-is.
Newman.' -
Couple Race, Lacl3r 'and Gent—MIS1,
Plorence Pocock and Mr. Nelson MOr,
Girls' Race --Miss Helen Wilson.
Musical Chairs—Joe Clark.
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