HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-02-01, Page 8,-.;;;43 •t "
'aet:"TtVlag?"2.4:i.,-liti.12.P.a1seht.T.T1013,-Cl1.3..01-P.z...r0r.1aS319atanhraaaatraatattaprirnansetwarcavrarke/nr•-41 A .1.01".rOR FROM
• 'Upper
• ( (Wen:11)er I Ot11., 1922
Dear Home Foiks
1$R.4.11D ''
vAiunt'IED tlY
th Century
Clothing a
Men's Suits, S c r itch Tweeds,
Fancy Vilorsteds, Navy Serges,
all imported. cloths, 20th 'Cen.
tury Tailor -Mode
• Special $3L75
Our entire stack of 20th Century
Toil red avercoats, a li 1 wool
fleece cloths, check backs
Special $31,75
ort.i..4a,41.4 3, 0.,
ilfalfMM if& a • tetra t
441 41 •
et.. We are now neariag the completion
kt of the first lap of our up river journ-
ey, as we win. oe . .tartKary tomor-
o-j row. We had-, a beautiful journey
across the Pacific, The Empress of
Canada is a 'wonderful ship and the
service was excellent. We had very 13. W. F. Beavers of Exeter, who was
ill -tie seasickness in OW., party. There nominated for the Position by John ceased. Jo the year 1870, he became
were over fifty missionaries on board Douglas and •M. Arnastron, a member of St Andrew's Presbyter -
The other aspirants who were con- Ian church, elected and ordained as;
sidered by the members in caucus elder in 1875, and clerk of the session'
were M, Armstrong of Ilullett, J. in 188o, and for severaslaybvitr•is was sup -
Douglas Of Wroxeter and A. Tiplinglerintendent of the h school,
of Afingliarn \ The ftinera.1 was held on Thursday
from his home on MorriS St. Serviee
was .0011(111Cted by his pastor, Rev.
Geo. Telford. The elders were the
pallbearers. Among the floral tributes
was a pillow from the session of the
church and an anchor from the citi-
zens. •The berea.ved family have the
sympathy of the corrirminity. Inter -
Warden's Inaugural Address went was made in Union cemetery.
•Krauter, Mrs. Maxwell Ab-
• -ram and son, Vern, spent the, weelc-
..e.-nd with 1.1r. and Mrs. J. McEwen,
Owing to Max Abram's health he
•,lbas leased his farin to Welland Krau-
•ter for the coming year. Max has gone
'to Flint, Mich., where he has accept -
a position in the Buick Automobile
--aCompany. We wish him success.
On Wednesda.y evening last a num-
lea- of friends and neighbors gathered
The monthly meeting offile W. F.
M. S. met on Friday afternoon, with
an attendance of 16. The meeting was
opened by singing, followed by praye
by Mrs. Darling and Mrs. Hall, scrip-
ture reading by Mrs. Douglas. A pap-
er "Colonizing Pioneers," was given
by Mrs. (Rev.) McKenzie. Collection
$6.5o, with so small a membership as
last year the suin of $257.00 was rais-
ed including Thank Offering and Re-
lief Bale.
Another of the old pioneers of Cul -
loss, passed away at the home of his
daughter in last Weclnes-
• •Ab day, in the person of Patrick laynett,
•.,at- the home of Maxwellan rs. -
. Sr., in his iosth year. The greater Mrs. 1-.Ietherington .is visiting. in.
, arem to bid farewell. Mrs. J. Bremner part of his life being spe.rit in the loc- Whitechurch. '
rend the following address and Mrs. ality inwhich -he lived. Mr. Lynett Mr. R, Johnston shipped a car of
Baker presented Mrs. Abram with came to Culross when quite a young hogs to Toronto on Saturday., Price
'es, set of silver teasPoonS in a leather man, clearing the farm on which he
caSe and Mr. Abram a leather lunch lived,one half mile west of Belmore: Mrs. McKee from •Sault Ste. Marie,
Ikit MiSs Kate Stevenson presented Ells wife predeceased him. some years is at present visiting laer sister, Mrs.
• 'master ver"a with a silver nrug ; and, ago. During his life he was a faithful L. Rutta.n. '
• -.53.00 in money. member of the Roman Catholic church, Mr. Robert Iltathilton is on the -sick
Dear .1.Er. and Mrs. Abram and Vern: at Teeswater. Deceased was of a list stiffering•from anaemia and.has to
is with deepest regret: that we kind disposition, ever ready. t� help a. take a forded rest for a'f ew 'seeks
;• 'Wave learned of your decision to sever neighbor in distress, highly respected Mr. ,and; Mrs. G. Gallaher, and Mr.
'the ties that have bound you to this by all who knew hina. Out of a farn- W. Cairns of Toronto visited with re-
.; raorriniunity for the past five years. ily of 'ten, eight still reinain. 'Mrs. latives here last week.
You have always taken an active part John Kennedy, Culross, Elizabeth and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leggatt spent
the'cluarch and social life and have Kate in the States, Mrs. Alice Wilson, Sunday with friends in TeesWater,
,given your loyalesupport to every ,Wingharn,- Maggie having died some Mr. Thos. Jewitt is quite poorly,
•ett aar-anse.that would , any way benefit yea.rs ago; the sons are, Patrick of We hope he will soon be better again.
1'1-4• the existing condition in our corrininn- Tui-riberiy; -Michael Of Carrick, John Mr. iblati-MeLaren. has lea:sect:al/1r,
, ; lity. Your generous hospitality will al- on the homestead and 'Edward of De- Geo. Mowbray's house and Moved his
• ways be reni'e.mbered by your many trait. The funeral was held on .Satur- family here from Wingharn.
; 'friends who have .enjoyed it and you ,day morning to Winghain cemetery, - Mr. Eldon MeRinney left.on •Tues -
will be sadl3r missed front our social Mrs. (Rev.) Jones and babe of Bel- day for a couple of weeks' holidays at
Int:he future. grave, are visiting with Mrs, Corrigan.
On -this occasion as we are met to While going home from service on
'bid...3ron -farewell, we ask•You to accept Sunday, Miss Ellen. Fleming had the
picae gifts, not on account of their misfortune to be knocked down, hav-
•rutrinsie valtte, but as a slight token hag turned out for a passing cutter.
(hf the esteem in which yotteare held, Luckily no bones. were broken, drive
mud May you he blessed -with prosper- slower Harry.
..Ity wherever your lot be cast. Mr. Gordon Mulvey has the ..con -
;Signed on behalf of. your friends tract of keeping the gravel road open
...ranot nei,ghbots, • from the corner to the general store.
. W. C. Stevenson, • The skating rink will be open, on
G. S. Baker, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday ev-
A krery suitable reply was made. The enings. Mr. George Herd is manager,
, remainder of the evening -was.spent irt Mrs. (Rev.) McKenzie left on
games and dancing, the guests return- day to -visit her mother at White Fish1
iing to their laornesain the "wee sina' Miss Amy Neyvans has 'returned
'ours of the niorniti".laome from London
'1E ,
lle Women's Missionary 8ocie.t.y miss Mary Aitken is visiting with
qt,„thered together at 'the home of 'MrS. friends in Teeswater.
• tiT, C. Stevenson'011 Thursday ,e-trening -
mad, pre,sentecl 'Mrs, MaX Abram with ,WHITECI-IIJRCI-I
a Casserole. Mrs." W. Bremner read Mrs, Lockhart of Blatevale, visited
•- -the following address: a - over the week-ead with hIrs. Kenneth
Dear Mrs. Abramf---. Weaver.
, .As 3rott are about to leave us, we, .Mr. Carl .Lott spent last week with
-,-kiitie..trierrthers of the Women's Mission.- his grandparents in Brussels.
• tity Society ha -ye gathered here this , Dobie of Whigham, visited
eivenng, lor a social hour with you, we with her sister, Mrs, Herbert Laidlaw,
rare sorry that you and Mr. Abram last week •
linave found 4t necessary to leave oar, Miss: OliVe Terriff Is visiting with
midst and wwi
e ill mss 3rour brighti her aunt, Mas, Jack .1-lenderson of
, face and cheerful smile. You have al- Paramount.
ways been a ready and willing helper Miss Greta Fox of Winghani, spent
it the chateh and eery:natality, you Sunday at her home here
have been an inspiration t� others in Mr. and Mrs, Sohn. Crow from the
,,t,calr readiness to help in every good West, -visited last week with Mr. and
44.1,i5C, As a token of oar aPpreciation, Mrs. Frank Henry, • ,
offer yoll this casserole, and we Reeve B, S. 'Naylor attended the
"lltione that as the .day a go by, yoit and County Cduncil in Gocterich last week,
strs may have a full share of all Mrs. Geo. Garton, Willie and OtiVe,
• lhat gots to make life worth living. spent the week -end ‘Vith her sister,
• 'That :vou may find a place of usefal- Mrs. Spencer in Kitchener',
• mess in the place you are going to, M. Harold Sparling attended the
• ,.and that yob' will come back often and Meeting of the Bee -Keepers' Assoeia-
.aasti. is sth years go by. tion'hda in Clinton on Thursday last.
Signed on behalf of ihe itieinbers of Mr, and Mr. Ben McCieriaghan and
• . 'ate Women's Missiohary Society. children spent ;Saturday with Mr. and
,Urs. Barr, . "Mrs'. Robert Dobie of Wingliani,
• ; MrS, Fergrason. Mi'ss •Nettle Cottle visited with
Mrs. Abram inade a suitable reply, friends in Belgrave for a few.days last
„after which the ladies Stang, "Ble.st be, week. '
Atte Tie that- Bolds,' The eVenirig was Mr., aad Bannerinan of Salern,
spent a couple. of days last week with
Innugural -Meeting .for _x923. -War-
den's Address
Huron 'Couety Council met fo,r its
inaugaral session .,of the year 1923, on
l\fonday •tf.ternoon. It fell to. the lot
of the Liberal members to choose one
of their number for the office of War-
den which 'high liortor went to Reeve
In-tbe death of Mn Richard Som-
ers, Blyth has lost one of the old cit-
izens. 1 -le was horn in the province of
Ulster, north of Ireland in 1843, carne
to Canada as a young man and settled
in the neighborhood of Blyth. He
was united in marriage ;With Miss
Campbell. To their union, were born
twelve children, two of them are de -
and we had meetings every morning.
From every field—India, Burma, Ja-
pan, Korea, China, -,--the 'same report
was • given of an unprecedented readi-
ness on the part of the people in these
Countries to. receive the Gospel. •
The newly eleced was escorted to
• One of themost interesting charact- the chair and handed the gavel by ex-
ers 00 board was Rev. Geo. MacKay warden Trewartha, •Jtadge L, H. Dick -
of Formosa. His father was a pioneer S011 administered the oath of office and
missionary Black -bearded Barbarian. in a brief speech congratulated Mr.
He, the son was returning from his Beavers upon being chose', to fill the
first furlough. He told us many inter- responsible and.- worth3r position • as
esting things of which I shall repeat Warden of ,Huron County.
oely one,
• Ile has a High School with about
130 boys. Every year they conipete
in the games held by the Japanese, for
all sehoOls on Sunday. About two
years a.go, Mr MacKay ;went to the
commissioner Who controls the gam-
esa and asked him to please preSent rile office 'in an ideal nianner, "I
his grets t overaor of the Is- will try to keep 1115 th& gbod rmk that Ir. Harry Phillips of Auburn has
he has started, and if I do t at I will, purchased the residence of Mr. D.
Mahon, Queen St., north.
be satisfied, for he practised economy,
spent a great deal of time and took On Thursday evening, January 25th;
the members of the mana-ging board
considerable pains in caring for the in -
of St. Andrews Church and tridir wiv-
teresta of the county. I can but hope
to follow in his •footstePsaancl. thus es were entertained at the manse by
maintain the enviable • reputation at tile pastor, Rev_ Geo. Telford and Mrs.
present held by the County of Huron, tTbeelf°6rthd. aJnannivueatr.syaly5thasc°pInasntloel.11°Orfat's°ad,
' At the very beginning of his naaug- --• Mr. ;James Hirons . has gone to 1
. . . .
ural aelc.lress.Warden•Beavers declared .Wingharn, and is employed in the flax 1
•-,-s ' . i ..i. 'i ' 1
that heafelt that he had a very hard- mill, , .
place' to. fill, followingthe late War- .. Mr. .h.obt.. Watt has purcnaseu toe
bdeeilhieV'Medr..Nha.t1W a3 who, he hardware business of Mr. Colin 'Fing-
discharged duties of 1 .d - - . ,
land. Since these game a were played
on. Sunday, his boys, being Christiang,
could not Compete. The -commissioner
replied that the big Government
schools and. collges, banks, etc,, all
had a holiday on Sunday and he fear-
ed they would not agree to any
'change. ,Hovvever, a few days later,
the. GOVCI-nor sent for him and said,
Mr. MacKay, on account of the great Continuing, the nevvly elected War- Andrew's
respect felt for your students by the den said that he wouldtry 0 e The anatcloanl congregation
c,,f the Blyth
t b fair
government of this Island, we have to all the :members and at; the same in TelePhene'System.was held
decided to agree to your request and time endeavour`to conduct the co,„/„. in the Memorial Hall on Friday, Jan.
tin." girnes Will, in ftiture, he held on cil's business.' in a straig,htforward 26th at 1.30 p. m., with a large. num-
a. public holiday. The ex.planation manner, since that-- was the policy that
lies in the fact that this High School told in the end. .
of Christian boys hold eight athletic "11:" is my intention," asserted' the
records, six for the Island of For- Wa.iden, "to give, ample time for 8n-
mosa and two for the ,Japanese Em- quiries; the -right to ask for informat-
pire. Surelyhere was a splendid. test-, ion belongs to each and every mem-
ports, for, --because their come in dur- After
that the members do not understand in ,a tense
ing the latter part of the session, ee;-chairnian Beacom ealled on 'Com -
given to a ,discussion of committee re -
through and often matters slip through
ber. I hope that more time will be
Com -
there is frequently a hurry to get
the subscribers for their consideration.
nttal orders. •Mn 1\lcGowan explairied
reissioner R. B. McGowan for his an -
the minutes were read' and adopt -
manner sorne of the diffi-
as they should. That is liard,ly right 'culties encountered and how they were
I. think," affirnied the speaker. overcome. During the berale up the lin-
Inconclusion Warden Beavers aSk- es caused by the ice and sleet; storms
ed for the hearty co-operation of the of last year,together yvitharnaving ceri-
memaars, at the same time offering tral office caused a large additional
his ONSM. co-operation, so that the year expense and strongly advocated' 'a
1923 would be the best in the history raise in subscribers' phone rates to at
of the county, and -an economic one least meet some of the cost The
in which every- dollar was friade to go chairman then, hailed on Conarrussioner
as far as possible. Applause.) . John Fingland for a few remarks. Mr.
Appointment of Commission Discuss- Frfigland gave a g°°(1' amount of his
stewardship and spoke of the difficult-
.' Considerable discussion occurred on les
. encountered during the sleet
a storms and also advocated a ialse in
the subject of the appointment of
mission, the decision phone rates- Commissioner John E.
Good Roads Cona
Ellis was • then 'called upon and '-he
spoke at some length along the line.
of the inner workings of ,the.system
and a.dvised subseribers that they
shOuld co-oaherate With operators at
Central office, that they had a large
part to., play in the giving and main-
taining efficient service on our system,
and also advised a raise in rates to
meet added expenses.
After a good, deal of discussion, the
rates for the present year were fixed
at $15.,00. The annual financial state-
ments were printet,d and distributed.
to the subscribers. The auditors' re-
pOrt was presented to the meeting .by
Mr. Russel Richmond, giving in detail
the fina.ncial standing of the' system.
The report showed receipts for the
year of $9,546.77; expenditures," $9079.-
51, leaving a balance On hand of
$467.26. As an outcome of the meeting
the same c^mrnisSi,-,nArs wr'-r,- re-elect-
ed without nomination namely, R. B.
McGowan, Blyth; John Fingland, Hul-`
lett; John E. Ellis, Wawanosh. It
was. resolved at the xi -meting that we
adhere to by-laws of the system and
that Sunday calls be confined to em-
ergency, calls only. Mr. "VV•m. C. Laid-
law and Mr. Russel Richmond were
re-elected auditors for the coming
year a.ncl thus closed one 6,E the most
successful annual meetings that the
system has had.
. .
ber'of subscribers in attendance. Ac -
Cording to custom, Mr. Wesley Beac-
. . •
°in of I-lullett was appointed chairman
of the-nieeting and J. D. 'Moody of
13lytli, to 'act secretary: Chairman.
Beacom ina brief way some
of the matters thatanhould. come befOre
imotiy to the influence of christian
athleti es. -
' We. reached Shanghai on November
3rd., and we received so many letters
from friends in SzeChuan welcOrning
us back that we reall3r began to feel
that ;we were nearing home 'again.
Our new church is just about . com-
pleted and they are vra.iting for us to
arrive to have the opening exercises.
We had expected to spend a couple
• of weelcs in Shanghai, but these let-
ters were so urgent for us to hurry,
a.nd the water is so lo* on the upper
riNi-er, making an early closing of nav-
igation proValle, that we only stayed
four days. • •"
We shall write you at length as
soon as we can get a breathing -spell.
Your prayers and faith have carried
us safely so far. •
Yours for the Kir3gdom,
•Kenneth 5, Beaton,
On which matter was finally left over
until the Wednesday morning session.
County Levies Ily-Schools
The levies on, the County Treasury
by the various • Collegiate Institutes
and I-Iigh Schools of the county were
as follows: Seaforth, $9635.33; Clirat
ton, $7677.4o; Wingham, $6931.4;
Goderich, $5594.67; Exeter, $5342.58.
A claim for a grant of $591.95 on ,ac-
teount of the attendance of Huron
County pupils was sent in by the Lis-
towel High School. These communi-
cations were referred to the Education
Auditors For 5923 Appointed
• On motion of B. S. Naylor and John
Douglas, Mr. Alex Porterfield was ap:,
pointed as auditor for 5923, as was
Mr. Robt. 'Higgins on motion of John
Hayes and Wm. H. COates.
The amendment proPosed by Wm.
j. Spetton and Mrin. H. Coates that A.
E. Erwin and County Clerk G. W.
Holman be appointed to the Board of
Criminal audit was carried, as against
the motion made by E. F. Klopp and
C. A. Robertson that Amos Tipling
and County Clerk Holrfian be the
board for 1923.
Striking Committee Elected
The motion made by Dr. Grieve and
Thomas Ingles that the striking com-
mittee consist of M. Arriistrong, John
Douglas, B. S. Naylor, Dr. W. F.
Clark and • F. J. McQuaid, carried
against the amendment, as proposed
by F. y. McQuaid and. Robt. Buchan-
an, that the conirnittee consist -of Alex
Neeb, Wm. H. Coates, Wm. J.
Spotton, John McNabb and C. A.
Robertson,--Goderich Star.
Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. He
will be in Ottawa on Wednesday for
opening of Parliament. "
Quarterly services will be observedk
in the Methodist church next Sunday
morning, Feb. 4th, at 10.45 a. and
Sunday School will he at 3 p. m, in-
stead of 2.30. The Quarterly Board
will meet the following • Tuesday at
While assisting her husband to load
some pigs on Saturday morning Mrs
Milton Smith had the , misfortune to
run a pitch fork into her foot severing
an artery, which required the services
of a doctor., We hope she will soon
be o. k. again. ---
We are pleased to report that Mr.
Geo. Hane3r ZS' gleadily gaining in Mrs. JOerThompson and baby, Alice,
strength and hope he will soon be of Seaforth. are spending a week with
around'again, •her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Rob -
Miss Cora Ryles and Mr. Harold. inson.
McClathey,aof Stratford, spent the Miss Lavina Ring , of Turnberry,
week-end"with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ham- spent last week with her sister, Mrs.
mond, Stewart McBurney.
• Mr. Leslie has been appointed to at- Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Walker spent
tend as delegate for the Bluevale Sun- Su'nday with her parents, Mr, arid imisly removed. and*the receipt be tat- Xi
day School at the winter school con-
vention at Kincardine next week
Quite a number are laid up with the
Thursday, lfeeluei;ary 1923
• All accouni:s are now
due and as we- need
• cash very badly we
would ask for sei.-1e-
/Tient it:lit later than
Saturday, Feb. 10th.
The ',coding Sh e Store of Unroll. County
Pote 129. Winghorn, Olaf.
,Taltraltlt '441- atilslathataath 4.3; zat'aak34.3r ,:p.'n4tatf;-.-14,
, .
13LIJEVALE Mr. John I-Itittora,\ sttiderit at 1‹,nox
On Tuesday evening the annual
missionary entertainment 'was held in
the Methedist :church and was , well
attended. Rev. Mr. Holmes of Wrox-
eter, gave an interesting..address -on
"Newfoundland."" Members freati the
different aPpointrnents provided a
good prograint of nauSic• and •reading
College, Toronto, was home for tho
week-04-aed supplied•the pulpit in
the Wroxeter Presbyterian church.,
• Mr: W. King, M. P., and Mrs.
King, leave week for.. Ottawa to
attend the opening.of Parliament,
• 'Miss: Helen Black •'.of N`rthOchi, 14
visiting her annt, MrS:J•011 '
the conclusion .1unch waS served '
and a social half -h ur enjoyed, n
'important. event was Mrs. Grace 'Snell
signing up„,for a life inernbership • in
• A •
3 The Westminster Guild of Knox -
church, gave a Scotch Social on Jan-
uary 25th., to celebrate the birthday- of
the poet, Burns. Rev. Mr. Tate and.
Mr, and MtS."Wrii, j: Ring' spent a
day last week with friends near Oran-
ge Hill. • .
Mr. -and, Mrs. -VVin. H. Dane of the
• rath cope of .Howick, called on. 'Mr.
and .Mrs. (lathers' last 'Sunday.
Mr. J.. W. King gave good addresses
. -
on Burns. Scottish songs were con-
tributed by members Of the choir and
Scotch readings and jokes were much
enjoyed. The refreshments of scones,
short -bread and- Other Scottish dain-
ties appealed.t6 both_Scotch ancl. nat-
ive born. . • ,
The Wornen's Institute will hold an
open meeting in the Foresters' Hall,
on the evening of Thursday, February
8th. The general public Will be invit-
ed and a good program is" being ar-
Mrs. Hubert Seott and little on
ranged for the occasion. ;
have returned to their home in. Kings-
ville, they ' were accompanied' by her
sister, Miss Carrie Dinient.
T1 • If
. spe ing match last Thursday
night in connection with ,the League
was well attended and those present
enjoyed theinselves.
• Miss Alba Gallaher spent a aveek
with her aunt, Miss Ada- Gallaher of
Wroxeter, who Was confined to her
bed withtLa Grippe.
Why does Mr. Edwin Bennett wear
such a pleasant smile these days? It
is that little girl. Mother and-. babe
are getting along as well as can be
expected., -Congratulations.
I. Mr. Robert Taylor; who has been
confined to his bed with a severe at-
• tack of La Grippe, is able" to be about
again, we are glad to report. .
• "• '
• . • : • •••
itilii111111111121111211Ib IlUltI1 111
Cancel The Stamps
Exchange—As it is now compulsory =
to place a two cent stamp on all re-
ceipts for ten dollars and over, bus-
ness men and others are cautioned' to =
cancel the stamps placed on such;re-
ceipts. If the stamp on it receipt is ifs
not cancelled there is nothibig to hip- fg
der the holder, Should he Wish to do T--4
so, to remove ihe • stamp and nse
for another pnrpose. 93esidea' leavipg
the government open -to be beaten put
of the tax, the issuer of a receipt irho !!!
fails to cancel the stamp, leaves lihn- "WI
self open for a $loo,00 fine for should
it happen that the stamp 'be dexter -
Mrs, I-Iurriphrey of St. Helens. er discovered without the necessary
Mr. and Mrs Jack Coultice of Mos- tax decoration, what proof would one
cold and la grippe at present, Mr, 'rhos, Leaver, • i 167....
ris, spent Sunday with her father, have when 'challenged, that he com-
Sl '141i
Mr. Howard visited friends at Lon- , plied with the law? None yhatever, r --
SO lac rnind,ful and awful careful.
don this week, ,
A. T. Cooper' $ Mother Dead,
Elyth Odd Fellows 'Installed fril\elnrasaliticti TMeressiwAarti cetfoLst Haineswkirl s it e d After a residence in Clinton for 53 ye,
G. M, Clouse and suite of 13russels, Miss Mary- Caaemore,
Miss Margaret Stevenson. of Grey, YearS, Mary Mckenzie, widow of the 1,77,8.4-....
day at her hoine, in her 77th year.
The local lodge of Odd Fellows had
an. official visit troll' District Deputy visited for a few days with her friend late William Cb°Per' died on 'thtirs-
last Thursday night, The assisting Miss Sadie Colling of Ripley, et t 02 a, fcaonoliplYt 0fs Teeocniluldreetili'biVelrayliovr_
officers Were District Wardell Mc- a few days with her sister,' stirls. itglin clinetoni, the only ilohri A.
Cracken Distiict Secretary Williams, Victor Haines. ' •Cooper ,. ,-,.. .i
DiStrict Treasurer Wilton, District Mr, and Mr. A. McGee .11 s ted t of loronto is „also a son and
Marshall Dennison. The officers of Mr, J„ Gray's last week. E. II Cooper of London.' England' a
BlYth lodge into their reSPectiVe office 1\i'irs. R. Hetherington spent a few ithw, ivf° id.sa.11jgoillitenS. rarAeril.nivsitnrgonign aCnadlifivi()%1.1".„ EN--
„vevs ,1°Kile°e'rm: ieN;. i?..ts8.; AM:wVt,t±Rieo;bVin.soGn..: ddaatylsekitnerIA:NtilliFs1.10-Ami6xlactoluv:t1,' With her M. Gaiter, and another, Mrs. (Dr.) pjp,
Financial Secretary, G. E. Maaggart't , 11. G. Struthers, is associated with her 2
Treasurer, P, Gardiner; R, S, N. G,, Tu' it\itERRy • inisband PreshYterian =
G. Sanderson. L,;8. N. G f • lit Ronan, China. Mrs. Struthers will *I'
Robinsen;Lyon; I. 6, with friends on the 6th lilac:. ex -students of the Wing,ham H.iqh , •
We have thrown out col! our popular stocks onto our ,
countetts a lot of Broken sizes and ends”, It we P.
can fit you in them you can buy these Qualitygoods „
fotra-vevy lovv. price, Conle in and see them,
Uriderweal., 11 Rehanan
,°,) Towelling Retnnants , II- •
-.Corsets . 1..errinants •
vva.i.cto.n, 'W. Phps; Conductor, Miss Viola Sharpiti visited last week linkindly ern mbeied by many ofthe . mitts
Flannelette Remnants
• 01111 .,.,, Ma.ists, Slcirts Flannel 1.,emnAnts :
PI 111 in. iaitasie. and Old time 6t-liat, af- J. Weymouth; I.Z.. Gladys Timm, spent the week- School, vvhere site taught as ' Miss
("2,, T.eith t Clean- end with her friend,. Misa 'Maria Ben- CoOPer. tifi'5. CooPer lived a li.erY act- =I* '. 1^,
L.)resses,. Coats Cotton Remnants
4S.,,,,134k.c.3.3; has heei ou the •atr. and 13/11-s, jol-ari Mowl3ray .,risit'ed; lain,'P. Gardiner:''R, S, S., A., `I'tinneY, richt, AA/Ingham. - • . rive itoine life and had enjoyed splendid pl'il
. 0i;!.',N,I,ifitlf, ' "ii, SeVOrt, told that ia 011 Titesday with 'their daughter, Mrs. I te. S.. S,, ,j, Mceallum. ' Tile League Afeetliag of the Salem, health. It was °illy ort the day of her '"•-•;-.--a.' . , , i'
:.,!bet'riittt dg, i VvregIcy I..egg-gti: of IttievL' le. '.. ,The 1313,rtli degree, team coefeered the church held last week was very large- death that she asked for a (lector. She'.. -Si --'-'"----"."-----"'""'"----"'""---------------'-''''''-----------"--------,, • '
, 't.'itald.NaleKbay tkaL!.i gi-,ine, to 1)e- T.,1,riv, 11±... Ogt6rhotit 4;011 ecaiduct first degree in a very- atceptable tna,n- ly atteaded, After . the tneetint,34 an PaSsed aWaY about 'Ali h(n-Ir after the :Ili • - ' , .„-:.'.3-1:1" ' i
1; ','''', , oyj IriclM3:4 he' latts aceepteci a sael'anlent SerV','1ce it; the ''14ethlotliSt r.er for which tiler received tunJtinted old time spelling Match was held. Cola- doet>r was ,',a1lcd, 1--leart failllr Wa8 ii • IF .....
"4 ! '',Irr'''''H' " 1,, ChiATC11 110% '6,,,- '0,d, Sg" ,4,Sr, ' Praise. 'Lunch waS served at). i.he hall, gratttlationa are d.tle Alisa 'Viola .Sliarp- 1:11,c cati.,.,;e ot death, . , ,;.1
it:•11g1 '.i, ', ' -titlii r.f"1I.1,, ...r,.d.'iii.,tr, iIn., ';a,Vkf'et11eroe;i',,Oi1:C'kht.ii'r•`lilk'a,
, thfftu-..';!;v;o.is;'f 1o:t'o.h.::re11„''', '
OlP;q11i2Amc,ghliiii!lL,i!igic1Ligh&w„aai.1.:,hL1.At:L:gi!li!lii:i:7:Ti:1giir::f::J'1;(ii,, ii ,1,,;w:iI,:cVilad.io.i,1rne.,ndnrwa'i 1. 110'110l.
01t1il110,14'11M1''. 4'' 141,111• 14.1LV1:1' 1/1' .1r1011,161h11:1,'111'..1.1'1A11,1. 55 So,IM..5IN; 15
14,: 1 1,11 11,11111, 11
1i11:1r1111. 1'11115
1. a'