HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-02-01, Page 4datf MedOttliliff Pttbilotter etee; - One year, U(Vo nth:e, "n, 0.4VanbiN eut lates ore applicatio4. WItItout iies(tieted until :011'00 aeordiegly. tn: ceetreet ritive'rtl the ofilce by neon,,T.en 4444.44=4.404404.44444;044044 V 11110.15 CARDS " - ingtxm, IViutiktO.FirLuruCe Co.e .EStaltli4lted,IS40: Head •efftee, . Guelph, • alten cn all eiesses of *insur- erty oii the Cash or preineene •tem, ' AIPTER COSENS, Agent, VI/Ingham 11,7 Es il SARRIS'irER, SOLICITOR ETC, iv and Other Donde Bought and Sold. yr Bock, Ilitinghant AANS"' AND SOLCTC o Loan at Lowest Rates. WINGHAM ROSS radu ll Royal College of Dental Surgeons ate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry FFIOi OVER H. E. ISI STORE Tiri• tral • ee.--e-eetereerneteetereeree. • panae, I !X . 'V' ."ItleettAlta ADVANCIII Adeireee eommunice$ o Agrorieirritalil Ste IS, Toron0e. WhY Lights Make Teiltr Hens Lay 'vation deinazads this, so that the first Mose Eggs, part of the limited ration goes to - °thing seems a° atranga, and ward the maintenance- of her 13047, 3 --,sterimie PeeltrY-keeping es the and whet la left' if mlY (and there in thi:haetero'ttilfsiveleavilliliiihni.Cueas:: Et:1,1".°1-14nIkle'eispetti4gnietrai:Va:ttehieilltatliiiiigehlf:1); WIgitubsead elnetion, Yet it Is a fact that the will do that -sometimes as much tfca,11..ZY;h:1,V: ati°fricabe'Ing137 10ther 0 per emit. And if you are not us- ing lights on your flock, no matter thg egg° 'truth' the reserve i" how man the eee are ieeine bodies. When this supply becomes; money, exheusted, they have to quit. " ctOru ex -1 Inosts nothing. extra, CanNeW let 118 eee hew .Almost Pone, or eoquItl-rPniTnelnatn. rt11°E8filiPeeP12:018.ceelacK't. 11Tke 4:nnr n:1 feaillyears,8e a.1it(lil eandettnelr eeet‘teeeeienmetrrilebeleaees,t half an hour earlier. It doesn't get: i been practicing it eucceesfullY for the tt Kell t 1Theeare7 areor7.30 X1 nl last year or two, even on small farm hours in which the hen goes flecks. without. The thing is very einale. „use any food. If we use the lantern an hour; d kind of a light, An orinarY larm- and a half at andsame in/ barn kerosene lantern works fine. the morning, we have a feeding period , of thirteen hours instead of ten, andi Hang the lante,rn in the henhouse , while milking and doing the chores eteheertfeaeantniliegnTsertloedereivaenzaedanepeedeeeldrnni in! after dark :set night and before rise in, the mornmg. see that the which the hens have become good and hens have plenty to at and drink. le1;:lengthrYre'ebotIlt. fourbnot stamire.vse:leAl,piel eeemoPtuiYal That's all. you need to do- And Ycnrr; have been the case had the lights not; ietgsgeliproduction should at once double been used. Another practice fast becornin.ge popular among poultrymen is what is I - Since it iseso simnle, how do we explain it Well, first of all, remem- kn bei that the lights have po direct oetn as the night lunch. The -birds ! bearing on the matter. They are only are allowed to go to roost at sunset problein, pure and simp.le. It is a feeding About three hours hung up, and the hens feed for an later the light is a, means to an end, A hen is an egg-ma.nufacturing ma_ hour. lt is then only about' ten hours: h oleine, The feed she eats is the raw eaefseurye' usltilisee'nesiiiin thtellaetrd aidyghttlunch ul material foT the eggs her system the morning. WT i/raanufactures. inc more feed se Electric lights, of coarrse, are hand - eats, the inore eggs she makes. She eeet; ae ordinary kerosene lantern Se,„ M.D. OW. Special attention paid to diseases or Vomen and Children„ haring taken •-nestgradresta - work . In Surgery, Bac- teriology- and Scientific Mecticlue. irt the Kerr Residence, between the -Queen's Hotel .the 'Baptist Church. e s given Lareftilattention. Phone P.O. Box 113 cannot, however, see to eat in the does well. one inntern, if the glob dark. Se, as the days shorten in the is clean, will light a floor space of 100 fall and winte,r, she eats less, arid square feet, in a 20x -20 -foot house, consermently peoduces -fewer eggs. two lanterns, one at each end of the The night lights simply give her a house, are enough. They should. be Chance to eat more feed and she at . once begins to lay more eggs. Eating hung tibout three feet above the floor. One 40 -watt electric :light in a pen and laying is her business in life; and 20x20 -feet will do, although two may, as it is no fun te eat in the dark (if you don't: believe it, try it yourself be better. These also should be hung about three feet from the floor. some thee), biddy goe-s to bed with It is very important that the hens 4,1 the 'sun and your egg factory, jUst feed el eeter while the lights , C Redin n . a _ an, 'A U any other factory under the same are 011 The feed can he a mash in M.R.C.S. (Eng). circumstances, is not. running et full serf -feeders or bexes, or some- ecratch (Lond). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON " (Dr Chishohn's old stand) • L. T' OIL, R. • • STEWAR Oradea t s a Univer.sity of 'rozoitto, Facility or Medicine; Licentiate er" the Oatario- College of Physicians and. -Office .Entrancei OFFICE IN CHISHO,I,M BLOCK S'.3TR1EE'l- pHONe General Practitioner Graduate Universitet- ot Toronto. acuity of Medicine. lco-..1osephine St, -vo doors south of Brunswick I-Toten • elepheines--Orlice 2'Sle Residence 1.5i. . /117.1.2. OSTECIPAT P-HYStei.AN- e'eparny;-,.;....-rectrisity-,- -skit sirs:rases treated. r-bsiblence, Centre zit, next Anglican Ohurch, (tortner. Dr. aracre'onelens)„ Phone .a.eacity because the. inanagement has feed. eitch as corn wheat and oats,at' failed alIP-PlY a lighting system f°7 the •isi;te of about 'five pounds per 100 the laborers to work by. birds, or preferably both mash and The farther north- you are, the seeatee feed. shorter are the days iir•-fail and win- Ae spring -comes on anti the days ter, and the more night light your get longer, the length of time the hens need, The heri has eves that are lights should he used gets shorter, at absolutely blind in tile dark. She is the rate of five or ten minutes a day, helpless, and has only one thing to until the natural night eeriest is only do, which is to sleep and that is ex.- ten or eleven hours, in the event that ae_wl--yirtwheh:tt hen's , the "night lunch" systeni is used, tern fits isne Ian feed the lights on five or ten minutes at night has to last a very long time earlier every night, until there is only niorning, so that when she comes t ti bet t dark off the roost she is literall - sta. -v s. a an"61 ine 7ve-n atnae e' Totz.lnay say Ee,me hen: _te _ and the, time ef the -night /12 U1131' 'el arty event stop tee graduelly. these conditions. True enough, but. This is all the ins-Lructieneriet.easary mat hen is not the average hen, but for tee, peaeitee, ,anci tic, matter shat ffl t f " practice you eoilow otnerviese, the ao- And even that hen will either increase aition, of nighi hents \rill he tenied her production under lights,- or pro- extremely 1,3eneficial. • • duee the Same number of eggs a whole. lot easier. So far as "going Against A. somb hu)l. on a geed -farm Is like Nature' is concerned she never an inkespet on an otherwise doanly 4- • nle ant diet a hen siouid las at any evi. ten paee. time but in spring, the natural breed- Fresh air and eunshine are so plea-' ing season. We have to work out our tiful tirat we should arrange to take own systems for getting out-ot-season every possible &avant -age -bt the die - eggs, especially 'winter eggs. ease insurance and vitalizing influ- i ing practice faulty, the first thing the harn, the chicken coop, the hog house If the hen's ration is short, or feed- efice that they afford- in the- -dairy lien does is quit laying, Self-preser, and the home itself. 'Ti3t tor .100ors. ren the fellowinte described! neon f.or outside doors a great saver: of time, and it is always on the job: I Plate •ia' small strap hinge on thei wer cleat ef the door six Or eighti inehes from the end and nine inches"; grotmil. .As of '-tyoadj• bluntly sharpened aid aibOut eighteen iivibese enig fastdieed to the other: eniatief the hinge. When left to itselfl. thisrstrip w71111 drop to the ground ansi. form a brace. To keep the brace oft the ground when not in use, a strong cord is• -stetted to a eceeweere near the lower of the brace, rtm through another: soewcyo eight -este inches aboVe the!, iiLlZ0 And then to the second cleat of oor. the etting shoele be long ugh to permit: the brece to drop to •i ground. A nail is then driven in the door far enough :from the top iSciVeW so the string when hooked onto _ tint 'tied litold tie. brace up against the doitsr,i-Claerlee, B. Ward. Poultr3r, J est feathec's beea a lack o iontelittaig their • 3 iltion' ttrhielt cravo and. it 'is also thtC lo otiii a lack of oleo 6 in .ter qtffirters„ The leguesiuiessso ,tipxiobaltly iitt'o to errors in feeding. ItleiroOd inasi) ahOuld: be used.It ran const:f tultla parts by weight o grotini ,eono, ground odi alth beef scrap. The amount of 0)001•iite11'A1i ,dan be reaueed eit,e-lialf if the'lii•04tiiilitt•vit plenty of ,i/o.ur 6 t‘itte.ti:lt ;rain should •iettlieysi 1,1 Jitter to itiefrite lexerielse. One el the hest tli,',01it tai stop :.1itat1i4r; soti, ibig to o •ttretk t'illti:tiock oat, on 24'4.a.itilria! 1:041.1i 1I1e1V /OH h01 and..Soatolitnttd „:bihet.' rr you fhicf tihte•1 itiso niathi‘e0" itst itAio '1010 4;14Ittj fl,411:4Stiii5rpaigii3Oi astasstateressealersaleamemereensteseest our Riett if You ik`:44.. 1111 'Vigilta.e- flr • yoxit.Effott5. be-'* tin when he is •teaken hi Cateh frqtzi. ti t0 tape, Aa ieisiortazit testi; renieins Vetere sliipPing the peits'eto market, and that is to skin the animals prop '1y. All tha trappeil North Ame ' are treatedin one at two ways-thoir skins are either "eased" or taken Off "open." If taken off open, some are preferable Ter side out and .some %tell elide out. Ca4ing pelt means that you peed it from tbe bode" et the animal intact. Mere is the wily most experienced trappers say to do it: With a sharP knife cut from the base of the tail &tam each hind leg -to the loot Also cut the skin loose about the eyes and nose. Tben suspend the carcass by the hind legs and with a gentle, slow movement, so that yea "will net. tear the pelt, begin pulling downward until yon have peeled the whole pelt from the aeitnalts *body. If -Elie tail is valu- able it should be skinned also, and the bone removed. If you have never had experienee in casing your catches it would be wise to have some seasoned traptier show you how it is done before you attempt it yourself. It is a task that requires care and skill, but you are repaid by the better prices that well -skinned pelts will brings. The ".open" method .is used. gener- ally on **on, beaver, badger, mountain lion, and bear. With a sharp *knife slit the pelt -down the belly from the jaw to the base of the tail. Allsoarrake incisions down the back of the hind and the inside of the fere legs. Then peel the skin off gently, taking special , care when you come to the head net to rip or tear. Never cut the head off. After you have done this remove every ounce of suiplus flesh on'the pelt. Next 'comes the stretching of they skies Steel strethhers mapro- - - • cured for this punpose. Do not at- tempt this alone and unaided or with- out instruction at first, A wise move is to write one of the big reputable fur houses, asking for explicit ariddet '1 d ti f tr 1 and any other information about pre-: paring them foe marl:et that you may need. You will find that the fur house is -willing to.help you at every turn of the trapping game. Also observe and adopt the methods of trappers of experience. , • II ay, Velha • A7 Tar eatentrq *0 DEWS LIVERPOOL' Jar teen ha-i7ed beceeee unless.; h 1:e e` e WAter t e orses Inside. skins are 'stretched properly they will t. not bring full niarket We used to water the horses mit- The drying process is not so diffi- • side the barn. A great deal of time Must be dried in a :mei, shady place., out and waiting for it to drthk the It eaCh114'.. g761ildren tC° Argree-I-Br 1Viar'1°.31 Br°wEkrle- oulii. Allways tr.-ementher that, the skins was required in leading a sing -le horse -'7": and keee flies away from them. Never water needed. We mixr have a tank "The First- School is the Family "-Froebel 011117111111ii(W11111,1111tIlliiiii1111141141.0011111plintlli4Nlililil!IMI4tivtin. Tor those who roll their mit. CIODENS FINE C (In the green packet) 'IT IS TriE BEST °me Educahon • • ry in the- sun. or by •artilitiel inside the :stable. :With 'this change • heat . They must not. bet allowed to we unti h „, 1 .t ,Teaelaing ..e.hildren to agree means might not only minoy .a mether, hu ; 'get beitti! a if f • any t cl ' k 11-1 . so o ern a roae e e ne 1 rs. elk wr _e or get ..,, iti, a 1 m - inn o len w le we clean 0111 e reason they start to gret too dry etell laefore he returns. This little it; shou.ld really 'be one of the first! A certain helpful encouraging at- . - ' - - -1,4maipiaa in nema_mu.A.ing, 21 chil- I mosphere in a home also avoids gnat.- • moisten them from time to time with change enables us to ;save ft great I a wet cloth, taking care, however, that deal of time both morning and even- dren are taught to be fair and courte-e rels. It every, child ig ,eneouged to ons with one another, they have al rejoice in each member's success and this iroisture doesn't remain st-berr the hie- in caring for the horses -Edwaid valuable equipment for popu atty., to -sympathize with clefeete, the:slings . fers are. shipped --F. • • Eisen. • • • • and 'success in the world at large. i and slurs i,froln petty jealousies that, , the home too means are almost as Unendurable as violent the word 'tick" and it in -T2Inglis11- 'mental ;arefen, for there are ;eeds a haPPY ideal that Will 13e cherishe quarrels, are ay6ded, F* -' • a cne side of mar eeonornie tl uehts as Well as amon through manY trials., struggles and Eos 1'. I Libl'icting for a finellon- hearse does not necessarily paean that' ero-N. haldships, an ea that is an anceol home is sympathy, so t'ineXpen- Says -Bata: Stick a "P" in front i- a ot5d time to calitivate the Earn -013Y in • any injustice is being done the side - as sustaining as religion. - sive" and yet so soothing to everyoee. that is airea.dy in ,firsf-elass-order Noboay clues *heti a ecru]) bull dies. 11 many homes, untortunately the he eriter well remembers her first - • , one trial of family life, especially for day,,at school ,when something' she did g , , , 1.0 the inother constantly in contact with or said inaclee;thie whole school launh Cb. Pssatir Ya2 ,iBNe,..171.p.eg it, is voiced 111 the wail, "If the ohil- Relating itedniost in tears to the _ram- * sl" -.1"c (1 fl only wouldn't quarrel so!" Th_en ily, at the no'on. inea , a younger • - I et' 't ,`Bu' ell; uppavero iet 10yr, i‘i.r.finethdeiaytbIlaY6iisPhol-iletiTcPcrod,rbniiiitio„;,rtliin , - itiONer We Do the job and What We -Found—By P. P. Poce. it is natural, and bheY'll at . "- • is nattual.foi children ju mie sells t venessl . • On every farm there is, .or...should we have been accuston.ie o • 11-t.ie • to quarrel d•aily, really depends on the Children indeed- need te he taught e be, a set time for beginning or end-, tvi-o treare pase, but, it sort nf takes - ing the farm year. leis Lime is e . rid collie ei.1,t .13,st where fling. is made. ese,,oIitLIe tou.....e1,4„ Nvill Rule, hese, la the -preventive.- fer leany home training If it is diseounten- not to laugh. at each other's misfor- apart for making the aneual. knell; T tlioeSelid investment tor all there ijs &n • eed at the very start it good . begin- tunes, but 10 t. to hell). he Golden inventory, and ,or holding a sort of m it, a NiVESMIENT-StRylai ILL out this coupon now. Ldi Us send you Investment Items each month iand adotoe .yot.t fronz titne to time what it would' be ‘safe and ‘prof;:table to buy,. R ya Secunties Corporation,iried SS King Street 'Webt, orento Pietaimo ,strid In'i41.1tCo0t nd J.445io• Nartw . .... , .. ... . . .. ... 7. . ... ... . ...... ,„.. ,1.66,414,i4+04,ui.44.14* ......... . . .. tTitiolnatoei the rond tl$ %14,45,425. 4,011% vAtili, to tut thEm P,apiko 0 r tIcatoi 4004th Altht4Idiri5 041. MANY Of you have money and wish to invest it as promptly, as Profitabler; as privately and as conveniently as city people, POR these reasons we "t have extended our facilities for the sal.e of - safe, reliable F3onds 1)35 mail. N'T)gR our plan, we sena you a list of :high- grade Bonds to tolect frorxi and make you definith recommendations. Then, when you. have niade your choice, you order the Bonds from us _just' the sarne as you would order goods by mail from a 'big depart- ment store. We cieliver them to your bank with draft attached, so that you may inspect them before purchase, You take no risk, i vesting in this -way, you get prompt ser- vice. 'You have the same choice of invest -netts as city clients and ytIll can 'buy by rnail on. exactly the same tenns as big institu- ons and large private ventoro. 0 e ori)oratiok e Street NV NTO .raii 4 do. fit , . . ofteh have then- first quarrel over -hard feelings and 4" ''qu9,---lsorne morteni." of the. seasons receiptsi stawelutoti3:dao3liaest • . _c_ • • . , - • 'and expenditures. • ' -received In th t win. liold • on. tigittiv* While the' other' their treats'. And anineements' -ear 11,01,v k t 001110 plaything that one of them does atmosphere. 545 some. 1)eepie -start the far°1 seat .the:' count of aur r-eeeipte be: depositing all not want tesgivo -CCP the other. One] When ehildren •cen Share their food, ra-sti' of April, or the first of efareht, funds e aeing a ' depeeate denosit slip .. and _writing pleeds, bealds OT even uses hinte fistSI' clothes if necessivry, they have vory i eueeessfidly assimile.ted the Go ds We choe.se the first of Janatary. Mere' 'Whoever loses then shrieks and yells. is mare about the larra to be placed in thereon the source or' the funds- de- loses parents and relate -yes would the inventory at that time than at the ',Posited. Going over these ei'iepe, andBut e en euch tots can he taught fan: Rule. -NOU have had it for awhile, always take Partinular pains to be impart al, also, this would p .eveat hater date, but we also Bud. mbre. time putting &mil the Pimeillits under slab- PlaY.' • headinee we gleae the followine: The 11.° let 111151' )54 "2' sIster, llave a i • ' " • i 1 - • a al pute tir I " IL- is t " ' ' ' , , hoola e 1 e4pected 0 .ccept , n te n. With childeen . • . to deyote to the job, and more, time e .• • • e turn''' sa'i f " 1 •r'or' -4 ttuarrel nil. cltilarei seen-. readr for a. thovougiii eiszarnination of the re-, -rgest single item of receiptg comesIt tam -s, .euel the cords, tine :COT' a Careftli Stilicly. of. Inc; froin sale of teem pro uco. 551 stt reSUltS. 1, madeup almost entitely 6,r, sales of • as a rule, if coestelitly , adhered t0. dustiee ssect.ifi of p eacef u • tla , Nvheat, beans And sugar beets. The 31150005.' is ano er Appeal that can- work anti IllaY• So inlersPersed with the h3gh°'ifillY. yield wheut 9.10 the erl,ce not • underestunated for unselfish . dinners the 0,orging of ,sav•eets and • • , • • , „ , . (, • , Very low, but by selling -the bulle.ef ,IlaPPrnoss 11114 1-111.0U,11. Po mfront itti (Ai 1 t:s• with cot Mono() itlauktse'estilteLgeriela'edsei.g"t:" 40cIte°11'le.v,.. Pi. Ill,:(,71'11111-al 1 erel) ler seti' l't rezIrne ' many -an:kleabie liittief.:,r: ,r,rrilgio nws e.tt:if ,rs,,,:y.os t,eetans 711 \avbc.iaors . tielnici"-1 t.tojzi.). 13 tter on the 11 2011 ' mice they see the advanteges of it, aed lt• N+'111 KO 011 OeaS,O to' be a diftlee,.e. books, mad playing the cliitdrenls'Paing cmt- Had vt.s. guessed n lii.tle. 171'1 niliellici..est eloilgi g that tieold rierye-fraizang Be a "systetn." man even to the axle, i Of 'bean plices, and .,.. - al. ilge ne s. t leiniselvls OVOr VT$OTI,Ii Oa; ' gaililes,--int"sPer's-',d;Wi 91 tlilz. illese!-....e.',:11:1d until. now, 111 it of' linirying " many pouts devotee to close inspection them to marieet ,befeee 'fee 'peke dtop, glurterits and • dIOIlletiC St01111:1• Of ‘•Va ter and light sYst '2171S, i b oafTttlibileee, 3,,ii&311,selt.:-,01.1svte.obiri;s, si::velieise..h Hu esti:me:1; e. c :Tone:es ::, 1:_eecit,l)fw: bwoorti:ti: olliiavt,he•e,.ria)eaoli,tzsecich:aa. 1.\,,,,,e,ilit.ii,, ,,r,4,,.:,:ta)..•)irtoilgu lin:IteeJ(1,01illsnityheharnr,,OestIleanitctst;t0;e1;) th• eSli.o)i.artord,,,to$3l.blii.:11,g, 'too. Initsi, la reallie or , - • I profit on tIle•trop. Thel3e le a Drospee blve re'ne-- div foe children's quarrels. they'll 'rat. Provide 'for ventilation in first end va-hich tells the roulided Ott, leave -a little profit, , • iefl.);(11,1N.irsh,_eec:avisltlEati,,t,'• :e3a'oltli•I'latevcii:yi'apsecleit.,- 0.^I‘eietlele.Liit,-,,z13.:•.,3T0,1:Aiii:teInic7N-1,-.1e1c-,1;ro , storY of Profit. or loss, on 'nee Your s 1 A close -5 01 is 4? (115 ti ,5l rop, , . ltrorliti i'erllaing a.1.101.1.t the same, The eeseete tee -sales er imv. Here i,s the al.)1 settleroent to a sittattion that whoa you shat_es re,sources sh-awing. lewer On horses, one plare en the farm that. we ean see ----- higher on cattle and' lioigs lower 033 : a Teel, sure erioug-h, worth tobile.proet. .... farming tools, .bigher OD farin pro,- i„it hes been ono of the beet y,eare fee duce, and lower on nliseellantotrs, the hog feeder that. we leave experi- itientsi. stelelt-s; 1)5 101 and notes, bill's "I ence?..1 in some tirnee Following this receivable and cash onband, the 'total item eomes recelipt4. from sources of all resources foot within $100 of other then from. saiee eeeiee ,e,e !env , last year, i independeet receipts, there eonies in This part of the inventory is net so order receipts for gales of cattle, bade We like to see the resources' horses and in!scolilaneous goods. stack. up well, but sve also like to see- The expenditures Which are -taken the liabilities lowered. In spite Of the'- from the record on the cheque stubs, fact thAt we have ecorannized as never 1 and. also listed: inichr sub-headiegs, before, and preaticerlIbe int weed 111, Slit3W that, the expendituree arfi TOt the diltiertcY• and 137 sO doing litt\e3. sue-; following items: Interest and taxos, beeded in paying ovev .il 606 on eld! Wel aoeounts, labor, feeds and fertil- obligatione, nevertheless, the ateira--, izere, IWe St•O•Cit, 13t.,,e,ds and reisooll inent,s of intereist, taXes bills baynii)lell eons items, • . ", - , i . , , e . Oboe, lame been suffleiene to bring She Sueb. le the I.See record or achieve. ilinal Tannharv of. th51. lieldlities very, naehl. and thows a net 33roilt tioesiste close to 'last oteal,''P.; high 3eark. i ling whii.Aly of experience. "li indiv a ,,,,17,,,iit.i7,11.1:ii:ipscr-s,:len 44t1,11.1(0;11.ttalt,,,la:it,:t14e) tr ,v» dc' sx.7 'ott- , tle11,13.1a$3titniini 1;,i-lir.:,,it...0, ..,...stvg.?-1ii,11.1iitniattilll iic;!:t,ri.±.i.,:i1:01,idotti: • ' t1VC, t•O rtigitttOr another be•avy lotia as lielhyve is al ei)i•ri.dy on the road; dee SVAR:ANI) PAM Lt.' • I el I I 5151 11 tiaterdoe--Vvonx the \<4 151550 • •;