HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-02-01, Page 2t • „ • •.•,,..„, '• ':•, : • ,• • , ;;',f,le1;;;11elatattl.:1 ttaareetatateaterettereeteee'seree.--retste-teeedeeeteer,===.3.zeirageettax,,,,,....„, • • . • • „ , • • • ,h eow rwipk 1610,' •11 elt• ' IW 11.011,F.IIT J. C. ST:HA,D, TUE NVINGIk^fAll , See knew that for him life would you exteemely valuable. You must; ,b141' 0 itl'APaP-t4 thiti gidevanee /Min yotari 'selfish, Fresponsibde thihg velnith, in. Mind, at 'lost dismiss you.re4- the past ho had ealled life He was ment over it,„ and titon pluee yenirself elec-ady''beginning to taste of that at the disposril of year country% The wine 0:t. cOmPensa.tion provided; for way iS SO clear that it cannot be i;nis- tiMe who eaes ilit\eligh the valley of uncledstood." - sorrow. • "That is w1t I had. Letien thinking, °in ..,vour ease,' she said, "the of," he said. "_;ist least that pent about course is simple. It is just a case of serving nay country, although I 'don't orgi .,11- He !gazed for a time; iii -to the street ,, whiZe thoughts of bitterness and re- (Cepyright The Ilarosem 13:oak Co.) .. terige fought for domieetien of his' tlith„" lie said et len.gth„ N, -11;;;ZeiZediet....eelet.,=-„--eereener..--er-- .---er!,esege-,e,,r,--^e.e.te=r-t-----;^".==,*--eer'reet-itia.. . ,..-, . CHAPTER. XX.-,(Cimet'd.) itself, "De you really carer he seitt.. , . , , .. ..,„„ 1 eee; -,-, r, 'k pleas eriii ail reglity :leave ens-, ‘..;ei, enive, !" . '' P - 1'-'' - , net a ie..) 0•11----a-n h I "Tben ceuie to nit Tomei 1 telk Yell e l'ii le 'E ' • ' •I Dtttant; b, op, ..]; must get ii; eoheet to rae. Talk te mei .1.'S.1k. te ;nee? For i„itet-e is not tie -Lee -en God's sake tell: to me. I must talk • Bid, her woman% intuition had gone:to sot:le0/1e: fet below VIS idle words. "There is She followed him. Inside the room Pontething -cv-rohg, Daee,^i she aaid,i lie had himself under control again. Yoe never jeeoltee, like this hetlotee 1 The street lights flooded through the Tell me what it is. TO., me, Dave;1 'windows, so he did not .press the not that I want to htiow, for knoes-- switch; ilo motioned heF, the. a °hal; sake, but Just that 1, --perhaps And then he told ler tnstory, a ll I--c,anhelp," , knew. „oav,p; was iient for a mmeati! When he had finished she arose and r-'-att'lling her- She had changed hod walked to one ofthe windowe and Position. end he could see her face.!StOOCI looking with unseeing eyes upon SueleenlYit occurred to him thati the street. For the second time in Hdith Duncan was beautiful. If se:le:Ids life Dave Elden had laid. his heart Imo, me: quite the ;fine, features 011, aare to her, and again after all these leene she had a certain seftneee, of years he still talked as friend to eepressien, a eertaiii mellowness, even[friend• That was it. Slls^ was "linder tenderness., of lip and eye; a certain' no delusion. Date's eyes were as wenianty delicacy- t blind to her love as they had been "Edith," he said, "you're whitee, that night when he had first told her r'XilY is it that the woman a man loves. of Irene Hardy- And she could not wiII;and the woman he only tell hint Most of all, , she could not lkistays true:rt.. ; him now, . Yes she was very "Ohl" she cried, and he c11 not! Sure 01thr't! If she ;should tell him guess the deptle4-from which her ere now -if she 311mdd let lihn know -he ou t wa wrung:, should' „ot have, Would turn to het in his grief. He asked :e'en, Dave," She said. eirmei would. be ;clay in her hands. And seers,'" I afterwards, he would despise her for They stood a moment, neither wish-. having taken advantage of Ins hour o i„g to nice,c away. eyt,„ said you had; weakness. She had waited ail these stimething must be done at effiCe," she; Yeare, and still she must wait, reminded him at length. eyes Were upon her form, eyesir answered. ei have to km si,,,lhouetted against the window. It Et. 1170.7.7.. " The, rem going to join • occurred to him that in form Edith 11- ,; was very much like Irene. He recalled wiathe armY!!" I that in those dead past days when Her hands were again upon him. they used to ride together Edith had l'But you mustn't, Dave," she pleaded.: reminded him of Irene. yirbeil .„,;he "No matter -no matter what -you attei,,d silent so meg lie spoke ea -Ain. rainatn't de that. That is the one thing, erm afraid hayent played -it very ,VOI"C MaSt not do," „. ['heroic part," he said, somewhat 9.!lclith, Toll are not a 1•1111' _ou shameracedIy. "I should have ;buried don't undeestand. That is theonei in my heart. buried it even thing,1 must do." ifrom you: perhaps most of alle-Itom • "BLit you cala 'fight f" Y°111" 00°1-1-, VG 1 shorld have faced the world try, then, You will only increase ittise ; with a smile, as One -Who rises above troubles in these troubled thnes. Dowtb the slings and arrows of outrageous think Pin pleading- for him-, Dave, but fortune. People do that kind of thing t•Mi-C• et those -who care.' P ' . He took her hands in Inc an, 1„„,„, I suppose you can't tell from the out - 'them to his shoulders' and. dr;:ew'''I7e'r• side what /nay- be carried' within - face eloae to Lim Thep, si3eahing; even byiiyour closest :friend. But -Yen 'rule end with each word -by eau °Elvis° nis° Edith- 1. will 'value whatever you -say?' 1 She trembled -until she thoaglat he • must see her, and she feared to trust • I lirE TOR her -voice, but she -could delay a reply longer. eriveittions.. rartimes are made -from ' Isnutar*turere ;always cenSider- so 'You are right, Dave," she said at Ntitr Ia-eg i A . to suit modern 'times length. "You never can tell -what Staa rim, ft -to /iiit , or -Ide,s2 ana ! other -people are carry-ing; peihaps, _ Oireuises. trusaa maubtsior ocamphoiry „; even, as Voll. say, your closest friends. 'P t t _ t 7.- - The first thing is to get eta of the eTa ?sank St. - -, - Ottawa.. c-•'-/1,4 idea that your ,,expetience is nniquel •i that your lot is ares' than that of asessirestomessressai 49ther people. It may be different, but , I NIT ENTION dig ' . , , .. .1t .13 ilet. herder. Yri,:iera yen get that t. • point of -view you will be able to paiR _ 'S.;;ald A,...„,7,11mt.priwagittions wit21*4 is 11.2ra=4; - .`" - '' 'ane iudgmente etu' -8 "An& when yo.0 -eau pass sane jueg-1--: hits& "ralimmvProtective"cosivton re4saao';•ment you may see that the evidence 1 pgrENT moms 113,13.4te.t„.....,,srits..astr elusive. Why should you take Gm - HAROLD C. SHIPMAN eg co. I la not:, even at the :worst, very eon- -- -'-`";A: ward's word in such a matter as • + ',4; ! '1,1 ,4•41i4.'f4,Allis ,. k1•6 , ' -OAS ?" . • 9. didn't take Oonwrard's -word'. • That's why 1 Alithet kill him at once. • It wasn.tt his word -it was the insult • -the, cut. • But ehe tried to save him, She threw herself upon me. She would have taken the :pullet herself rather 1than let it find hint. That was -vs as. l -that Vas wl-Lar-', knxivr, Dave." •She had to hold ill,,,W., Fi7. 1 ;1*.f.,[[;• se_ ...12.0 2 2., I. 1 1 tge ...... 1- xxcl-Surx. ire emeda les-, al .T.Cnieerrt ''''S' A -I that welled within her,. and would shape words of endearing.sympathy in. , her mind, should find utterance he 1 " speech. "1 Imew,,, Dave,' she ealC "The next thin...4r, then, is to maks sure in your own n'Und whether you ever Ire:ally loved Irene Hardy." I He sprtuig to his feet, "Loved Irene' be eteediaimed and she ever in i•••••,,,e14mtlIA4c4A41,!!!•AA f.roveiuM1-Chepped hande, .d UPsittbil.h.141l., Makes yocsr al •I'ON:1'whitel. clear sald sanleetti.; •Ali ,draggil'ts la turmoil of' fear and hope,that he forms a hard ball," As the boiling much coating is done ; weettid approach her. But he pae,ed syrup thickens, the oval of tho twsgl They are !just`the thing'. too, fori leis own side of the room. IS tnserted for an instant, raised 'to! odd - -earn ICInd0148 !!''''!: baefz hal' Oni "must I-eforgive?" "I do not say you mustr she wered. "I inerely say if you are wise You will. orgiveness is the balm of our moral life, by -which we keep the wounds of the soul from festering and P°1$°11.1ng the aPint. 1\ivtlinig; Ir been; tow siothful and incompetent i seems to nm, is so much rrusunder- and seif„ed we bay, ;been, arid stood as forgiveness. The Popular fear it take a Long War and Idea is that the wh°2e benefit of ior- sacrifices and tragedies altogether be- givenes is to the person who is for- yand cull. ;present imeginetion to make greater lienefit to the person who for- given' Really' there iS a vrY tis unselfish and, public-spirited and clean and venemus; it will,„take the merely escape punishment, but the iiixorous, and efficient; it take gives. The ote who is forgiven may Istrain end emergency of war to make one who forgives experiences P6si-, the sting of many defeats to imneee tea: evespiitriitsmila:xopraty-ispiohni.losBopehli3eylev14naceh, ntiringt ho71.:uritylw.egfieicnher\avitznibie rathmegin.ont,„ rings true under the most critietli worrying a6ent the defeat of Ger_ 'tests; -which is absolutely dePendable' in every emergency. in . y H our eivilization is better "Is that Christianity?" he ventured, uthitermatthealyt of n ecl ixersitionuyr waive ilsilizailionwhils, "It is one side of Christianity. The 'worse than that of Germany we shall othc-r side is service. If you are will- i be defeated, ultimately -end we shall ing to forgive and ready to serve deserve to be defeated, But I -rather don't think you need worry much over I think that neither of, these alterne.- the details of your creed. Creeds,' tives will he the result. I rather think after all, are not expressed in words,!that the test of war •will show that but in lives. When you know how there are elements in German civil - man lives you know what he believes ization which are better than ours, --always." land elemeneseln our civilization which "Suppose I forgive---vehat then?"; are •better than theirs, and that the "Service. You are needed right; good elements will survive and form now, Dave -forgive niv frankness--: the basis of a new eivilleation better . your country, needs you right now. than either...". 'You have the qualities which make I (To he continued.) think. iny motives. were. as; high as; you evovild.-inake them. But the war can't. lett It'll be •all over before I can take a hand. Cevilizettion nes gone t(I0' for :for sueh, a thing Ias this ta last. It. is unbelievable." ^ "I'm not so Sure," she , ats.werecl gravelyr. "Of -course,- I knew. nothing ,about,,Gerruarey"; int do ;knew some- thing stbont our own people. I know how ;selfish and Individualistic , 'and gordidi and money-gra4bbing We have OD(C.42". tve.„,pvve4,...„5.,:prwow, Maple Sugar. Candy. Muslin Shades - Delicious maple candy or maple Use heaviest grade of unbleached wax may ;be made any p11nce where musemor brown domestic. if impos- there is a cold snap with plenty of .sible to buy same width, as window, newts?' fallen snow, a ean of Pura bheeting may be Used and cut to fit. Maple syrup .and a /mow/edge of how. AlIow for shrinkage. If you ;hate they make maple candy -and ‘,.'sugar •worn-out shades, and rollera are in in the woods. good oi-der, these ma Y be used, other - One ;thay, there were fully three feet wise new rollers may be bought. In of MoW. zbanked against our back door. cutting allow about eight inches more A can of nugae symip was in !,,he teen length of window end one inch cellar. The knoW-how had been stored for heni on sides; as a hem makes in nay head for 'thirty years. them more substairtial'and less likely Mather Nature, as -expressed in the to -wrinkle when being rolled. up and „ Mi:A,AII•A•AA•AJArlf,,,,,1.4p41,r7-7717 17•11-e44F1 • , . I I , , YeAMA • , • with the ,reshriess of Fresh Fruit R E'S a new the freshness Of fresl-i pacleage of Sun- fruit. Maid ,Raisins that you will -want to try - dainty, tender, seeded fruit -meats packed in tins.. The tin keeps all the flavor in. No matter when or where you buy them, these raisins have_ Sun ars Especially delicious in a cake or pie -and all readY, too. Try thetn next time you y raisins See how good they are. Mail coupon for free book of tested Sun - Maid recipes. Rai 1 d •••• • Sen-IVIsial Raisin Growers • , ernbership 14,000 ,; Dept. N -533e29, Fresno, Califorria. Raisinsfernish1560calor- ies of energiang nutriment . per pound in practically pre- digested form, AIoa fine content of • food iren.--good food for I • the blood. •g • You maybe Offered other I •" brands that you know less g well than Sim -Maids„ but I the kind you wait is the kind•g you know is good. Insist, I • therefore, ort Sun-illaid I bread. They cost no more I than ordinary -raisins. '1 onion assAs./4 so•siei!,•.= • 'ciri-,--rMs out. stNn:rr: uen1)17aNici-- 5 3.11i3 FresnoGryer' alit' i a ' , • sin Please -send me copy of your free book, "Recipes withRaisins." CITY- PROVINCE , sugar maple, needs no 'van La, or but- down. • • , . • ter Or Milk 112.1ordex to .produce candy. The lower end of shade may be, make -the sau run in the tree, heat use any size scallop you prefer, press- • She needs nothing but heat; heat to either plain or scalloped. Ii scaLopeci, , to boil it into ,:p.--yrup, and -heat 'to boil mg clown raw edge of, m and the syrup still, more until theoandy Enishing. with ball fringe taPei Stitch - stage has been reached. • •ing same on machine. Unless you are ' I poured a full quart of maple syrup rtn expert on stitching, better baste into a pan and while it heated, I stei3- fringe to shade before -stitching with ped outside to prepare nay snow bed Machine. and get ray candy tester. My 'gait% •A stick' -suell, aa is used at bottom teen -year -old -son, unaccustomed' to of shades should be placed about six sugar camps or maple candy maldng; or eight inches abate sealhips. A cas- - watched eagerly as I -pounded the lug- same width stitched on material e noway fallen .stow into a compact ir-a3.- ''be rred for this- , „, . mass ter a tun square yard. of -the Far top of shade make a hem to pearly drift .- lit close over roller, slip roller in this . , , • A. honeystekle vine that had trail&., using one tack at each end of pole. inches Iona Was -clipped and Inc tip Cast 02 •9;h2ocle .7"ot orcinu7 w3r3dow i up the porch. 'furnished the "blower," When soiled, she.des may be lean, or tester. A piece about eighteen dere& They -Must= not he- starched. .,. . curien unt31 i 'ormed. an oval about is about feat. one inch long -and lie.it, an 41a across_ T,...........-,zel .?a, ra. tads of any heavy creole; Apiece of theetsel tied the vine andrtaitr-in er earl -sett elialin ' assured nee of an oval isole that would Shades like these are, of course...4 stay„ put In the stager woods., the substitutions for heater one to come" tender sap -laden maple -or birch or,, or arc used in kitchens or other, beech twig Would permit is knot to; rooms where a mair-hift is desiraV;e; ' be tied in. its tip. ' • i For -kitchen withaws theY age ve-i41 The little tester takes the Place 0.6 .geod because ;they can beekelt ciaatil that. portion of a candy -recipe -which!,, by -1-teeliene tuiehilesses ;fa remove the; says "drop in water and when it ;Inevitable r.e-eridIge -that arises wherek • • 'With,' he said, "there IS no way the laps and a gust of air .biownillath..7, attic, at -ere ,elosetk ''•,4of explaining tlu's. 'hen eau% under- through the slight. 19.1-M ,stretebing:wliere it is het eonvenient so have thei stand. I knew yon have given Your- across the opening in the twig. When regale -eon shades. • hseelifortillont*vearylnifixtecli'cf ZarThAtti- art- i,11 'c'elle1TY r_e3.d1-..z° Pall"te41 tn them are some thing% you Won't he ° suc'''w, sligat 44-.40-a- through the"; Dye Any G.orent. awl sholoo d , eve he tuder,taxtri,, you oarA under.. ; re, an En.me se . • nat •or pery rfo Fg Syrup° m a stand just how much 1 loved Irene." •supeablblikl 4',"0"M "91 t' k. ' think ean;1'. -elee ane-ty-ered 'half Diaraond Dve$ e_s of candY Child's Best Lax -Atha •To? 11,! "keP 'e Yrour lot w -appeal Beiore t Aim has been, , 3,savasui. ana enIgAe for aozeh, ezhauataa, This is the rnet..,,,h0dtsse.e,earatele J -,Yee and fo and I I thhtit can understand But • senneele dieactions in. evert C •iihat Isn't Why 1 as 1,Itecanse, ±1.007nedigiatIreire a w'r1;14s•-; un You . Atitp. stage.' is: reaen'ied, lig tn ' iirasYt Vo.efirufaq INS,' 'A 'fittIVSICAt'' ;EVIa341.NG . , • Copy bar of, nioeie and write in -the words, :'Corn e to e'llfr Pa'rt;;,- ttett; 'at eight -thirty, We Will 3311 be there,'• Writs name, date of .party ;end dress .-ref liettee0 eti ilibetither fold the invitation to,'At a eirenVir enYclolie, -can: be Made els lewe: Cut; „circular! Pieties of 'heavy paper, he,ving dianietet of font- inchie each, Place eaeb invitatiOn tweet/ t,we etre:leis: pieteeIe th,e ed 01'. which thoniel then be' petite& gather. When the pas.te has :dried . draiw a heavy' lileek line around' . the edge Orcle-,•tims, you :have -a.. •wheile nof.e; with snl'apient sta•-ace a'de., the line for, address and . stamp. ,Use corresp;aradence ;ca.-rds for; the; tally ;cards: " Across -tEe top of each draw or paste it brie of musice 11-0‘ pla;tie .the nunibers, • ane to ;fifteen;:' down the side's of .tlit:e card.s. One of' these, cards, With a small ri'lebotr titched, „he ' to ea Oa guest. heiieses or ,/.1;:"."...,,q,Feistarit should' then play adeseenion parts from: fifteen .•;eortinoit-„ions. Natura,lly '.:t"...11 • wonld"..net...f.elest staantos f •"this, hut rather -halve vela'-raiXed program el" fantiliar T.Jae stmE dld aangs:' as "The Oki- 0;aen'Butik.et.," "SuWanee Itivet;," and "Old th-r..tek ;The" and suchr- !Iv ell -known co•re.r.-rosi ta',111•S as, "Lead Xinicliy Light," "Tenlipz ,!on the Old , Campground," "John Brown's Body,;'`. "The Loaf Titvrevor," Handel"s; 1 "Largo," f`Melody "A Pe:eect. Day," "Over There," "'Smiles," and . Dvorak's "Ifirmoresqus,. These. Serec7, tions should be Played in -sUccesSion- '' to, give' the, guests time to record the with;but 'moment's wait in-between! • nanie of the Coinposition on one side' of the iDaily cart, • 'As,„ a second contest arrange on a„ •rt.able, the fp:Mowing. articles!: ' A "bar,''Df, ;chocolate. 2. A carie 8. -;Seine,„; thyme from • the garien. .4t;„; A 41o1;lar bill. 5. Sante linea: drawn on. a sheet of paper. 6. A lined page Cut froin a 'ledger. 7: A weighing scale,;' 8. The-letters:D-1-S tied to a piece of • cord. .9. A 'card mai.ited "Five montha in' a- Sanatarium." 1-0. One heat. , 11. A key. 12. An empty:lox- and- an empty, ;bottle. 13. Two, ;knives. 14.; The Words, "Two A,partnients." 15. .b-a,U ! • ; Ask the ;guests to write, on the re- Veree ,Sitie of. their tallyeards. the IlarfleE ;of -these articles, using musical - • EASY TRICKS The Changing Ace No. 17 •' „ • Arrange a pack or cards with the threabt diationds on top --faces of cards uppermost ---and the ace of diamonds- just beneath it. Show the three -anti declare that you will, cause it to change its nature and appearance. • Put the cards behind ybur back. „lItter a magiki phrase whicli you can mike up to suit yourself and bring out the cards quickly, hold - lug Your 'finger- over the ends of the faCEF card as in the illuetretion. "You.seei' The trey has changed When DidEens Read. , • ; X terms. are . the ensurers oe terms': -when bie1jila4,&&tdie-d, to Ore pub- 1,'Bar. 2. Staff. :?,. Time. 4. Whole, lige readings, whea. ;befavReemed. face t;P ae!te. 5. Line's,. 6. Ledger lines. .7.' face.'w4h, trUe Public for ;the first. time,. Seale. 8. Dile-ord. .9. A rest, 10. A . Pnglasid' w-aal in a -turMoll: ; aVe bans beat_ 11. ey." 12. Spaces. 13. 'Sharps,. were.packed,and jammed;; enthusiasts 1.4: Flats. ;15. A cb.,oiq. .. oil/AEA; up the pillars: or ,Crept under • Rist before ;inviting the guests to hfoTtleitforru'Olitiazi..v'tobe able to bee; the dining-reatn, "i3.:; small scaled en- • ' • their WoVed; DOt: ! TIL til!'e 1:Th1td.4 veIoialS'Ezilnaea, to each person, With; 8tia:tes.,...ki,p;e bitterest whites weather, I the,request that they, are not to he 1344P,le bli4. .iight a!'I0Plg 7:nril4fesIII'3 iir;4 opened until liatar.. Several verses of elapt rii",frdr.kre,f 42lae. ticket niffi,.9'S• Wal, It- Popular songs should have been writ- 2 ' - et -6', brolly:itthimii food. frarn- S'eaT'„b3' ten .and placed: in the envelopes and restaurants; but the CrilEtt IVRE • be- i after the' guests enter !fhe dining-, ., yond oonti'el. Every hall proved to be i room,' the 11•ost01s. explains that she tc:o smai!1.;, and finalisy a •Chipleh'Was Ee-lhas arranged a retisical program; mid , 0-arad in, Brookly.n, .Prena the ,puliiit ; those haviree the 'slime songs -aro -re- , IE.§ 'read the .adVeritures ,of ;Oliver quested0 II -1, t ;len, as • 1_1,, E• tx..0:..• •I Twist end the story of .little Nellor quartet -1. This will causb a lot of • • .. • , , Fame for-lisitii vre,s; not capricious, It 1, ir'. .. !,.t- .1-1. ' ,,,t. •,. ,.. !-, . icriiine_i , as •-,,e- ....nl...o„.s are eetet QII-III:IIe4t)1:7 ITIII`-115-9.,/' s 'V.111'1417; for I volles, !quay not !he miXcil, . Fo';-.. I prez.r.;:id 'vva..,.,er soe.A. to Olda- ELde ; .it lin different ,i„,,,,,,,_,,..ts.of rho 7,-.;•0•717 "and. the " ' ' " ,, :,-: - - - •• - . • • - . 1 a whole g-;st.inve..; 4,h,..1 Ist,...n ,the I ht Went out, W'll:el. lek.,esti &fa, tbet-:. xriarvu°137;!u!a8ne'dsirs!-rtiti•leisl°,1'3'1S; InCIatil°ILIg.'iiii,5;;II • 1 NvaTat'usa,i'li:r1)s;C:Vatencl.::11p0O7let3.:411.:);II•alet7a;ss,Ll't7.E:ltthtivt:i0.26,:•:;,,lital:12a:i.:oticlIgin*ti:'0Irtgul:itlea.i.:101.'te:: Ict'Th,-0 .'st.. L.p.°1,1rdla--,1:,,,,h'e;3'vi,earli.e.n.'r;:tR,i4;a:tP...;ori,filltolie,:,dr', :1,-,-..:1,:iii-v, i'onf, . , . . ,. , . _ •___71. yer8- ity, 40, the 5:ub je. ilt of 1,r,„ aniazin. hataa ilad'Ik:'-au...1074t - '! ' netural '' ';',nf a-Op:my - .alt GheSgew ' Dui- , ;„ , • force.of habit.. ' , ' •;.' Ncr.s.s-hiiig star itact Shines -to-nigyt, •,..ke; professor of science, Lord BielYin Do not smile "on- me, - • • ;could .use long words In such •formid- , ; . 1..-o;olt you toward- 6I0D10 14.me10,- child; able array ast.to' paralyze the a:YE...rage ' Nilto In the dark niaY bc;• " laymian; hilt' the 1;1'11'64'0W sindent is , , , , n , , madt6 of sterner stuff.' . , Bluebird, slog not at my door, •Duning a coUrst of lectures; on mag-- : ; But be yen ;swiftly flown.• ' • neitiam he ;Onoe defined air ideal mag - 'Po where; perhaps; same Iiitille 0111.1d net, •;,.a ••,,Fin. i4finkt,w lot.g,, tillaltaiy. . , 1 stile e sits 'alone sato e ace, There will be S• strom of protest. EVeryOne Will think that you have changed the trey to tho ace by the simple methoti of hiding the, end spots with• your lingers. Pre.tend to taisuuderstana their protests ma.-- ti.1 everyone Is certain that you have been caught napping. Then MOT. your fillgore atiti shoW that „: tile card ,really is the ace. 'Ile By That time, everyone w'M have . forgotten' th.at an the moment the IIOW -qckage eards were behind your back r011 had aniple opportunity to Slip the ton carel--ahe trey ----into the pack, exposing the ace. - by the. men of tile northern sugar.' - - iota en'aPs* 34,3„...e you neve. Irriowo of krve „be_ Call res ouid he taleme aramatilate y to eYe'ing Is gliamniee‘ti D'alasa/4: AI1 itt nined to liatell ; e pre,.„..a snow ..)rDeseven i atipoured - • 1-n011 thlirve deeed pa °'No2 Other impulses may be, but over the surface thiny, Itn hardens !bra" c4 taci;are".'"°°; rat* thi•• tvla with not love. ,.:N•tove e.an rlo• torn ro..ahnest-insi.antly, aiell in a., trooment ivasts,'ecats:'.; `t*ere`telv!"stookioge,cf7ier‘s rie"I' 1* a. ;SCraP blineateft, 3g t',1E•tisetivergte1r11 htAs•tt 4,3,,,et:17n 1-4.' toat,10,---! may be lifted ann. 'broken into pieces' cire'Pe'lee.'. 11"0- '°;97' 4:") irent ,iovr you ; :ief, desired size by 7 _ come like nakt Af,11:':43 313'. tA•O' Listent e novel eesei knife harol;;:r. "Yk.' 8; dreeegiet wheithm- ,the sa'atiettnal " 1 Ile resie ilex an ..te -onmar-1 'Love heareth 0.11 things, - , -" - it is -113.M.1, contuse, or mixed Foods. - a c A W1Attli tiy-e.ts wool or niece or weeettiler eth all. thino, hoptith. ell things, ,en -1 °.„ 31.1 a 0'45•3 ;a3rIplatted)II:1" Dr&S tavrer streak, .tepot., --talazpoi; Vaithe-not all those haVe visited; the sugar amot11;ali fhinxsit •, cia44.10 •candy. Oxily, fh,d,o, or rim, • 4. 'flla.u'Nt:61'174;astVisttent g25it° "8151118 ill • *?la'i '1];'51.113.gTal" woods to them, can linagii _lei git,:veIii_,..„4, by traity,lon. the! think_ or i .t,t- la its 434 11.mity" , -' N'Inteat he torkelt0 again She eareir..._ehilt ii.i.,ibe .wii,„.„....;ier oe; pure lea.ple canAy , 41ititi4itemseeess, att,616 sate! ve,rantsis is>,,,_El'ell ntici,' ,a"al'ilcitieritil!) iii,.tals a',.,"...,..., tf fla 1 tililtre,t4"."%ctighv01131cot41414 151 Ilt:1,,, ar.olee, ,.1et_ t,..1,:r..,,, ,the -'hi:-tiregrt C",an eat it; Irsely. 1; th.aii„,zt- 4 -f -"=TY aelrliveeta° ,pwittretiltioilteitt. Sz:f.eiv.er ilide ttonliKih 1$ itOtrooltv t°14*" I* 3,0,a toluzi thrOngh a ille-i'1.440; L , ,i4ti 1 , .,„, tjj a, thwas,, t tattom,,, "Look pleas- aza IA, er44114 ta'get1146 ' 141631 * 1 ' 1 -- 41 " Ile lmove 1 in 15"344411 42 11* °61341411r; btrib!° t the qa;1'. 461 lal.--eAdett The itinch cliati,li isi: .t1rte ,e -a -r i i.•14.`3,4,,, i_k91 to, ,,,,,,k-,plega407..,.; 1; ani; ,.urai 1' 144 lEtktd 144814 ft°411 Sala Mem'. Toni 1414 l'ir ieel t trotarr the napkins tWeeee :ne„te...,, „.o ase Atm y4,4 a 'oW10-•fg * Illbra"4t41.4q.* 4. - ' led olio and ono -1 ye,„-/ ecutli tat /watt otb--' ''''''.• ,; -----L 4'ci - Mitt Sllitki '' .' - it 0 iteatir tco Odin* ;A, tr. e; ii$ sei- ars ViN),Odi; or who a-ee when thet sure to Suaceett. " fir ow s-'sorte. visits them ,to men, ,a,,‘,0 not toultrn.;`,. 'tope, '?'11"°444414.° ,;;;;;.,_• 111-444,„, 4 a 'girth ! ! ep P01es at-tartive hineheon are:, meAallii 0314;4 Pl lt!t;' e":4* '".er ;et ' ;; tio; of ,iapariese- crepO .ttriondiii,"fialfixtiltelY hette,.t.:,thall, that- tlita"';641;441*44"1"11.: "alg *Ith'Ith°11-1; kll':!Nt'ItukS" • lt !.'n;;[t."'s4;;°;.e!! !"lit! roze !the *00.; 1--a-k - ; ' 41iiitt•;41*,, ;Akivr 100 ;E'4; t-hitiortilat; sse tot g.57 ,;•81qt; ' . . • 141.bititair the .sss ti" '''"611' 464' IOW 14'0A 4;81s;t" arhe 1;a:1' !putt,. the lainge.,1 eliek ge#4. Kmp,w From Exptir teitoo Readlidat berries red in June s atgallPge pour 1614C0 to grOW, • For'fts,nr sinnie lonely attne child May emptybantled go, ; '•• - clutter. ••''•;;t,;:*0111:6; ;;;011ei"ift4i4;lailiti411t)1:1;4110,;;; ::Ptili.tttrOtlifer; 11,6.0;11.11tt le.1114vel'eeet!ettr:frtga' frben; ra'vedhigeel tlit n '' . meeee---"Dello, re„.0 3;"?;;t41;.r., 74547;4"-4410!. 'tt,04 izr4roa,„,,40y*.tt, r 640,,,„ A 0,61,4c. 141".4 't ' ,,,,,,o0Afitoit*. • t)ard s; ,n. 115 1u11Iil t1± 8t °"1.141113111 141411. rntnr °*ri 4214 !2'4 111. 4711; • bl'14711K 4314,, t for tiorav• Stglxis, Opera,te'r-J;q/r''t'"g' a."7- 40°201 '44" 84/116"41811'" '43;11 'ti°* faith hott emblone.1-)- ess. troittl , ive Oeiitrl ; 14 !2•1 104"litfit.41101!4i0,0,),':' ;1•• A1104 neito 'Aftor Every Meal Chew your food, *e,11.;"10106, Wit I 0,,LEY78 16, fifigerstiOu. •,,.31 a 'SQ ,keepS • the' teeth' elesin;,' breath sUredit' *plot fite:*etit.' Omist.taWattielti SteriitivnilACP ;;4; ,S0,01 tilAt, .4441. \\\ " n iinifoim and unitiorinly and;longi- tadhiittIly niagalatized Atari"- and 'Vint • misguided; students. Vootterohaly cheep . NI 'which canted- tbe Irener‘ble fesior ;be Say: ; ' ' , ; • Thhc qe-,611,1t,1-0.1,„ was niade and cheer- ed With the usual reirldmand teequemt, , by due tau_ legtbre&.• OnLie, near conoluaion however the Ls,tudelit not cheer, but Lord n. protarp ir 1 l'IRVIltd 001 '"Sliencel." ;IS before. toa 1•440. „-, .1*ito"ieei 'titkild. '4111';, eatte4;:atlutie ; ; , • • , 1„. , ••4 :431 , ' .i,11L , • •"iilfit., neipent i-eiattre. Ding, ttong, &ink, ding dons.- • ; • The peal „of „hells annezinced the ina- uktuen,ce ole „wedding at tee etrur!..h. '114.kle batitqlteg talc h1:1(1eZroollh 1110 •bost man, eliab ;the Us/lois; were in eldaio, conference &Yet t.ble gtita'a.dist. 'Von unaltiratiinti," veld the best, alfnil, "t'Ni meet; the, 8;sete,t8 wliae they. cm.11,4 111., atd 140/1,;;III,14P. th0V,IITC i`ViOadP ' 010 'bride or '030 °Alla tAtel wl,,tt!'"!" oted.. tiao 1%,stri 11;;110r,• ' • "Why, you the. tYlerule , Of the trIN0 011 040 Ria0 11',0,;), 01601'4,11 and ! the friends tor 'the Iiii/log-raona on ilasn- other, it* &be otistoni,"! "I can't Ste the uso of that," sr..1.-ti ohne of the 1`1411,6ms. take akisS con annuii,t.'" • ••• , , • .-.. - •A, .riiit,,he •ii., c,--th,1-• (if' ti'cieiin.itl•'4"' . '' tArtill:,e• i..i10.!ai; !a41. ' ' ' , ' 1 i'tkt.:11 otOti)ti11111.1),Itr,4z.(1 Lii.,''V,A1,11.1,011t?,;$1, 14:iC.:10e.'1:1:1,;;;:lti.!iy,1101,e14,t!t,Ilit.-ci;t; . 1., 1 ,,i'!:','•'''''', •t:litiok! ii.v.t.e411! ' ! • :-:! ' ! ! ' • , .. . . , 1. .1 41 I' I a ;.; '