The Wingham Advance, 1923-02-01, Page 1..elteteesqf0reeere.ellapex:::::tee...1 a • Single Copies - Font. Cents TIRE CO. PROSPEROUS ,AecountantsPublished:StatemeatIs • A Good'Once • • • At the,aiirlual meeting of the ehare- •aeliders, held, in the. Lyceurn Theatre, on Wednesday, january 24th., the old • Board of Director's, Wrn. • Forrester, President; L -"Elehnedy,..VicesPresi- iaent; C. E: jtidSon, Searetatai-Treas- urer; Mr, Jesse Button and Mr. M. E. Zurbrigg were elected en bloc. The auditors'.report showed a gain sales' Of 33 •si3 per cent. over the previous year and more than a corres- ponding gain in profit. BY motion a sr1aw was passed, changing the An- •' nual Meeting to the second ViTecines- ,. 'day ifl February each year so all ----...aliarelaolders could recei-ve the Annual Statement before the ineeting, • Mr. H. L. Sherbondy is a most cap- able assistant secretary. for .„Mr. Jud- son, whose business takes him away from altriegharn a great deal, aapoint- ing salesmen arid introducing the Aero Cushion Tire into new territory. Mr. • Judson is at the present time attend - mg the VVinnipeg Winter Auto Fair. The report of the Chartered account- aiits, Gordon Draper & Co., is indeed mostgratifying and it •Would: seem. • tarat The Aero Cushion Inner Tire & • Rubber Co, of Ontario Ltd,is going • to make good in spite of its •many knockers. Pauls Church Notes February 4th.--Sexagesinta Sunday. ix a. rn., Holy Communion; 2.3o p. m., Sunday School and Bible Class; 7 P. •ea, Evensong. Thursday, February ist., The Wo- • man, s Auxiliary meet at Mrs: Roder - us', A full atiendaece is requested. Friday, February 2nd., Choir Sleigh ride party," menabers to meet at the church at 8 p. m. Monday, February 5th., A. Y. P. A. e „Topic "Elizabeth," by Miss d1/1. Arm- _ strong. Medical lecture- "Mental , Hygiene," or "Health Insurance," by Die 'Tama :Kennedy. Everybody wel- '2 • • ' . EVERYBODY'S COLUMN • Son Offers fox...sale his Rasyleigh buss •.' Mess: and ,otrafit for, both surrimer and winter. , • Good -chanc-e, for quick sale as he is, 'leaving town. Apply at reeidence, Pteasant .Valleye . . . CREAM SEPARATOR FOR SALE good condition. Apply to • . Phone 193, Wingham. :CUTTER FOR SALE—Apply to • Mrs. J. .Finley, Sr., Lower Wingitaan. EXCHANGE--VVill exchange a corn- , • plete outfit of farm machinery arid i teals, all practically as good as new,. for town oa village property. Ii - formation at The Advance. s , • •„ e." -"7".'"""":11 1 • „ TIN' GETS A LETTER To the Eclitur avl the AdVanee; . . Peer Sur:— Did ye rade in the papers about the Frinch Arrraa, ay • occepashun in Gererany, an how t.be Germanhey to pay, ler the kape of thirn Frinchies, an obey whatever laws they do be malcin, ear' go to jail? Whin I read about it, sez I to inesilf—"it sarvea thini •Huns roight, so it does, bad 'cess to thine" Thinq began finical, an wonclherin if we are not wurse air than Fritz, ler, shure, we do be afther hevin two arr- mies av occupashtm at the prisint min - it, wan at Toronto an wan at Ottawa, makin laws fer us an li-vin aff• •the counthry, a quare wurruld, so it is. A fried av moine, who lives in Ot- tawa wance tould me that the city was' shwarmin wid grafters at awl saysons ay the year, but far ,wurse whin the sishun av ,Parliamint is beim hild. He sez that thin they do be fairly ttunblin over wan another,. Stenografters, an telegrafters, an photografters g-alore, wid more cOntina iviry day, • besoides awl the big grafters -who talk in mil - Heins. Whia the Union Governmint wus formed awl the sisters an coesins an aunts av. the Grit backsloiders had to get jawbs, an whin the • prisint crowd got into awfice, another arrmy corps landed in Ottawa. I suppose now iviry Hama -tall an • Binifette • in Muskoka and Prescott will be packin theer grips ati shtartin fer the capital. This changinay' governmiras is ixa Pinsive ler the courahry.. Shure it wud be far betther to kape the Tories in power aarl the toime, sp it sysid. Thal: ay. what wu-d happen if the F. O's. shed lair win, an elickshun. Theer wud be no kapin thebyes an girruls on the fermi -its at all, at 'all, fer iviry wan av ahint wud want an aisy- jawb sharpenin lead pencils ari- l -fang -in up calendars in, some aovern- mint awficet cur mebby workin on some commislam to foind mit -whoy some hits lay eggs wid whoite saells • an some wid yellow wens. Shure it, wud be wurse than the immigration to Kansas in the sivinties an' the rush to Dakota in the eighties, Av coorse r don't moind so much about awl thins girruls gettin good jawbs'in Ottawa, fer the wimmin, bless theer hearts, hey been in the wut.ruld since the shtart aings an loikely arr here to shtay, an the min' liey- to wurrule to • kape thim, so they moight as well live in, Ottawa as annywheer else,:barrin the fact that live' is said to be dear in that city Shpakin ay Misiner Binnette ay Prescott, who lately jumped out a.v the U. F. 0. froyin pan into the Grit foire, 1 wondher if he is army relation. ay me frind, Tam Binuitt av Wing - ham. I tinkaloileely he is, the only differ bein that tithe Frinchies arr1 poor shpellers, an shtiak more letthers nto a wurrud than arr naded. Afther awl the Binnittes av Prescott he been provoided -wid aisy jawbs if theer is annyting good lift over. it may come •Tam's way, if he kin only kape it quiet that he is a Tory. • •• got a letther out av the Posht Of - ice lasht wake, but 1 tink the missus nusla hey burnt it fee I can't foind it, but annyWay it wus askin me to shtate he differ betwanc a Bolshevik, a Sein Feiner an a U. la. 0. I shpoke to me ould frind, Sandy .Banks about it wan PATRICK LYNETT DIES Death Takes One of the Oldest IVIen •'LI the Province. Patrick Lynett, said to have, been one of the oldest men in Ontario., 'died at five o'elOck on Wednesday, January 24th,, in his xosth yaar, at the ,rest- dence of hie son-in-law, Joseph Wil- son. Although death was due to old age, the deceased' retained his faculties up emit alneest the end. d . The egaman was always a keen student of currept events and followed world news closely. He was never in- clined to the opinion of many persons that the world was getting worse, but contended that it was getting better. 1 -le cited as support of this the recent disarmament conference and the spreading prohibition legislation. • Mr. Lynda was born in County Mayo, Ireland, in 1817, and laved through many stirring' atruggres, al- . though he did not actively parappate in any, of these. He rernem,bered the Crimean struggle arid was liming 'ill America during the American Civil War, the Spanish American War, the Fenian Raids and the l3oer War. The deceased came:to Canada at 8 years of age on a sailing vessel. Dur- ing the long trip there was a terrible fever epidemic on board:and 4o bodies were' dropped overboard during the . voyage. parents resided for a short time at Pickering and then mov- ad to Belmore • in what was then' known- as the . Huron Tract. Three farms were cleared by the family. He could recall walking through the for- ests to 'Walkerton, a 'distance of 25 miles, with a sack of wheat on his tailak ,to be ground at the mill. In 184o'he married Mies McCue. His wife pre -deceased him by 38 years. • The late Mr. Lyriett was the fath-, er of a family of nine, of which four sons and three daughters survive. They are, John, Patrick and Michael of lielmore; Edward of Detroit; Mrs, K. Malloy of Lansing, Mich.; Mrs. s Alice Wilson, Wingham, and Mrs. M. KennedyeeBelraore. He has 28 araed- children and 14 great grandchildren. FOR SALE—Piano, Dining Room Suite and Sideboard cheap., Apply at The Advance. OR SALE—Frame house, seven a •ecoems, town water, soft water, elec- tric lights' also two lots. Good posi- t 'tiOn on Frances St. Apply at (Lay l 'e Lepards resht room an _ Chariie FOR SALE—Good Cedar wood. For particulars, apply at The Advance, FOR SALE—Baby Cutter. Apply at The Advance. • RiVr EOR SA.T ^ere - suitable for pasture, river running here goes, through ja, g,o0a, s,ara on the asopt. A Bolshie is a woild man from testy, situated iforth half of aorth Rooshia who .doesn't belaveein Kings, he tould me to "hae naething to, do we' it. Yon lad is just pullin yer leg, Tim," he said. Mebby I shud lake Sandy's advoice, but af I do the fellah who wrote the letther will, talk that ayther I don't know arr that I am afraid to sa-- Y0 half of lot 9acoli. 5, in the township of Morris. For further Particulars apPly to - j. Procter, Brussels, Miller Procter, R. 4, Wingham , Mrs, kerb Wheeler Belgrave. are imperors, arr cash money, arr bar- ber shops, .arr proivate property'''. arr religion, are harrudly annyting else wort shpakie ay.- • A Seim Feiner is a slipalpane aar an Irish bye Who wudi rather foig.ht than ate, an wud rather desthroy ting -s than • of hounds, one white, blackand 'tan, female fore hound, other one large black and white hourid dog, Anyone knowing the whereabouts of hese dogs, kindly communicate with Alex Rintotil or John Rogers, al'hohe 23-625 • Wingham, Ont. HERE'S' A CHANCE --One acre of good eoil, good seven i'oemed frame house; hard and soft water, tele- phone aid reral mall, barri and hen- house, small fruit and 'apple trees, close to Wingham. Price reasoriable. Apply at . " The Advance. 1101.ISE AND LOT FOR SALE-- SiX roomed frame hoese in the vil- lage of 13elgrave, good stable, gear - •ter acre of land, resideece of the .ate George Procter. Apply to W. J: Procter Brussels Miller Procter, R. 4, a/Vingham, Mrs. Hetb'Wlitelet, Belgra.ve, •NOTICE—The Municipal Couircil of ,the Township of Morris, is asking •'for applicatione for the pasition assessor. The applieations will be t tcnnsidered at the next council:Meet- •ing, February 5th., 1923, • A. Maar:awe; Clerk. •NO-TICE—Two upholsterers wantedi, • State hOw ,many years of exPer- iertee single or married and also • wages. • ' The Hamel Furniture and •LIPatol- 'ittring Co., Mildmay, Ontark.' , NOTIC1t, Applicatutes foe the positioti of 20- I sessor ter the Town of Winghana , forethe year 1923, will he reeeived by the taidersigned up to 4 p. 70.* Olt • toth,„ 1923. • W A GaIbahh, C , j build thini. Mishter Divileero is the layder av thim an he is only half Ir- ish, an the wurst half at tliat. A U. F. 0. is a good nian gone wrong- in a pollytickle way, but is open to rayson an kin be brought back wid proper cultivation loike a run (Iowa farrurn. Ile isn't a foightin man loike a Sem Feiner, nor a fellah wid long whiskers loike a Bolshie. belayes in the king an responshible governniint, but wud loike to take the responshibility on his own. sliowlders. He belayes in proivate property an cash money- an if yc don't thik so just troy to alt anny rev it away from him. Hopin this will answer the letther- I got, I remain, Yours:till text wake, Timothy Hay. • , Brakeinat Ihstautly Killed , Wesley Biggins, brakeman on a freight train, who often came tip through Wing nine was instantly kill- ed in the yards at Pahnerstori on Sat- irday morning, when alightingliom his train he stepped in front of anoth- er engine, • • Didaegist's ether PasSes William Mitchell an old,residett of Paisley, passed away, at his horne on Wednestley last, in his 78th year. The deceased was a brieklayer •bat-. trade and resided in Paisley for Many yeara. Ile is sueviVed by a family of four one and two daughters; Rev. Geo, A vlitchell, Rothsay; Vtailiam a. Mit- clnll TOr01110; Edward J. Milt -hell, Wingliaira Arthur Mitehell 6f Paisley, and twe danghters at home. The fun- eral wee' held to Paisley ceeletery On taitla.at afteenoon. '‘ • • A grand Masquerade Caeniaal will be held in the Wingham Rink, on Wednesday evening, January 3ist. Cash prizes will be -given. Band will be in attendance. ' St. Paula A. Y. P. A. Mondaynight was 'Canadian Night' at St. Pettis A. Y. P. A,, when an ex cep ionally good program was given, consisting of an illustrated lecture, on: "Our Canadian Rockies," the views in connection • with same being well worth seeing. Vocal solos were given by Mr, A. Forbes Violin solos by Mr. Geo. Fryfogle and an instrumental by Miss E. Garrett, while the quartette; composed of Misses Mary and Alba Johnston, Dorotliy and Gertrude Bey- dg.es received` much applause in the singing of several choruses as also did the trio of "Colored Boys," Corson Boyce, Frank MacDonald and Fred Bell. An interesting talk on "The Life and Works of Dr. Drummond," was given by the rector and the program closed with the singing of "Oh Can- ada," and the National Anthem Methodist Church NOtes The services in the Methodist church next Sunday will be as follows: 10.30 a, m. -The Quarterly Commun- ion Service, please note change of hour; 2.30 P. MOntillY Mis- sionary service; 7. p. in.—Evening ser- vice, the pastor will give the second of the monthly sermons to yoang men. • Monday evening, the Young Peop- le's Meeting. The Rey. Frank Lang- ford, B. A., of Toronto, General Sec, of the Religious Education Depart- ment is expected to be present and address the meeting. Definite notice on Sunday. A most delightful meeting was held in the Methodist church on :Monday night last, under the auspices of the ar. P. S. Nearly too young men and women were in attendance. A splen- did program was provided by the soc- ial committee of the League, consist- ing qf eeaclings by Mr. Geo. Pocock of town and Mr. Cairns of Toronto. piano solo by Miss M. Gibson; violin solo by -Mr. Stanley Hutchison; vocal solos by Me, Templeman and Mr. Gordon 13uchanan and several selec- tions by the new "Sint Funny" orches- tra. The pastor, Rev. C. E. Cragg occupied the elnair. • At the conclusion of the program, Mr. Frank I-lowson took charge of several games and con- tests, after which lunch was served. A couple of weeks ago sixty of the girls of the Wingham High School organized a Rifle Club. They are taleing a lreea interest in the sport and considering the amount of practice they alio getting, the young ladies are becoming' very expert. Dorothy Web- ster is the leader with a score of 60 out of a possible 70. She is closely followed by Marie Mitchell, Edna Iienderson, Marion Mitchell and My- rtle Webster The Club has affiliated with the Dominion Marksrnet Junior and has entered two teams of eight girls each in the Canadian Rifle Leagtie compet- ition. • The boya through their Cadet org- emzetion are alsodoing a lot of rifle shootirfg. They tots have joined the above organization and have"entered two teams in the C R. L. A match in this League is itt progress now, frill particulats of avhich will be given ttett week, are about seventy boys datered, with Jervis Letters as leader, with a mark of 96 out of Too. He is closely followed by Harold Roas McDoriald, Elmer Purdon and - eir gart " . • •• .'s • oNT., TIM.JRSDAY, FEBUARY Ist,„ 1923 LOCAL ANI) GENERAL Read the , label on yotir paper, your subscription is in arrears, kiedgy Mrs. A. M. Crawford and Mrs. A, a Smith entertainecl the ladies of the Eastern Star Club at the former's horee in Mohday evening'. Sorry to report that Comiedssioner William 1-loarnes wastaken to Wing - ham General. Hospital on Tuesday, whore he underwent a critical opera -1 ton. Members of .the Whigharn Bicycle Club are reeuested to attend the mon lady meeting which will be held in the .High School, tomorrow night, (Feb., Ist.,) at .7,30, sharp: . Th regular' menthly meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of ahe WinghamGeneral I•Iospital will be held in the council chamber, on Moriclay, Febru ary, 5th,, at 3.45 p. /11. Thc,Chancei Guild of St. Pauls • church will hold a sale of home-made .balcieg in the basement of the church :art Sturdy, February roth,, at 3 p. Tea will be served from 3. Maitland. Loclge,I. O. C). F., are holding a progressive euchre for Odd - fellows' and their lady friends in their • hall on' Thursday evening, February 1st. A program will also be put on. It was most unkind of The Advance to malce,a mistake of $1o.00 in our re- port of a certain local item last week and to afterwards smile when we fonad it copied (mistake , and all) in another • The Advance mailing sheets have been corrected up-to-date and we have every reason to feel proud of the nam- es of new subscribers, winch we have added since the first of January and in that time we have only lost one subscriber. 'The ncorrect way and the easiest way to dispose of some property or sell some small article, find a tenant for yoer house, or an article you have lost, or help when you want it, is to insert a small advertisement in the "Want Column," of The Advance. Mr. and Mrs. John Crow and daughter, Bella, left for Blaine Lake, Sask., on Monday, after spending two months' vacation with relatives and friends in this vicinity. It was four- teen years ago that Mr. and Mrs. Crow and family left for the West. Miss Marion Mitchell, daughter of Mi. and. Mrs. E. J. Mitchell, was ac- cidentally shot in the right arm, by Miss Jessie Taylor, while the girls were paactising shooting in the Arm- ouries on Tuesday night. The acci- dent is, we understand, not at all ser- ious. The mourning costs of issuing a suc- cessful daily newspaper are having their disastrous effect, as evidenced by the, existence of only one daily in Chatham, Brantford, St. Thomas, Galt, Woodstock, St. Catharines Windsor Welland and Kitchener.---Simcoe Re- former. The annual meeting of the Junior Farmers' Intprovement Association will be held in the council chamber, Wingham, on Wednesday, February rattle at 8 o'clock p. m. Election of officers and other important business will be transacted, Special speaker- is also expected. Mr. mad Mrs, Wm. Bell and family have moltred te Wingliam trent-Beth- any and are living in the house in Pleasant Valley which they recently Purchased from Mr. William Guest. Mrs. Bell is a sister of Mrs. Jas, Ed- gar, Leopold St. We welcome the Bell family as residents of Wingham. The staff of the United Farmers Co -Operative Co., and the staff of Guens Limited have a curling compe- tition'on which is causing considerable interest in the Vfingliam rink at the present time. 13othaginks have won one game and the tie`is to be broken on Saturday morning, February 3rd. The respective skips are J. A. Wilson and E, Re -:Harrison. ' Two rinks of Wing -ham Curlers ar'e taking in thca"bonspiel in St. Thomas this week. A. M. Crawford has his ransous quartette composed of J. A. Currie, Wm. Mitchell, D. Fortune and himself, and Jas. Murray, Ed. Small, Donald Rae and Eldon Peterman com- prise the second rink. If any of the Scotch Curlers could be more Seotch than these two rinks we would lake to see them curling. "lift's. Temple's Telegram , " or "When a Mari Lies to His Wife," which is to be given soon by the young people of St. Pauls church is a sprightly comedy in which there is abundance of fun. As noticed by Sir 'Walter Scott, "011, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." From the rise of the cur- tain to the fixed drop there is not a dull moment Town Hall ,Wingham, on February 9th. Community Literary Entertainment The Community Literary Society will give a program at Curries school on Friday evening, February 2nd., for which a debate has been arrariged, which promises to be. and of the beer , of the season. The subject, Resolved S ' that Men of Arnie have Beriefited the World Mare than Men 6f Letters," seems to be arousing general interest wherever mentioned, The affitinatiye will be upheld by IVIiss Mildred Per- due, Ceoege E, Pocock and George Currie. The riegative by Miss Atrial Currie, Harold Walker and „Tames c Currie, There will also be readings, C rattalcal seleetioria and the reading C pm„. ' • -' ' , pyeL,:tr • LIONS CLUI313ANQIIET • One of the Mast Brilliant Sods/ Events Staged at Wingham • Tlitt Wingliarn ' Armouries was the scene of ene of the most brilliant soc- alitla/111111111111111JOIlltllillillil Zito ial affairs ever staged in Wingham: On Friday evening last, the occasion being tea the Charter Night Banquet of the Witglia.rn Lions Club. The guest of = honor was Lam Ernest Linger, Dist- rict Governor for Ontario, who was 11 present to officially present the chart- :al er to the Winghare club.. 1.4; The local branch of the Women's Ell Intanute had charge of the catering = et THE PlEPT1 NA (tvlaele in Canada) • PEP'X'ONA is a coiribinatioas of Peptonized Iron, lVialt Meti- as, ganese and Cod Liver Extract Je, EPT01\l'A is a reconstructive tonic; aid. for enricaing the a blood, buildi'ng the atrength and improving the health generally. •$1.25 iirs,slite wfaila[113‘ and are to be congratulated on the = b '1 e long tabies Re were daintily decorated with the Lion colors, gold ancl purple, while the ,taa menu souvenirs of golden color at la' each plate assisted in giving an extra touca of splendour, as also did the little purple flags pinned to each eaa menu. In all about one hundred and ea seventy-five people attended. Rey. C. — E. Cragg, 13. D., pastor of Wingham ra.- Methodist church asleed the blessing,' D. and from that on everything went with a swing. Paper ruillinery: was presented to everyone, this was in the — form of birds, turbans and fancy te caps of every color in the rainbow. '17' PIarry Bennett, comedian, led in the a.- singing of old parodys and jolly songs, 1 a few of which were, "Smiles,” "A Wee Deoch-an-Doris " "Madarnois- elle frail!. Armentieres," "My Wild Ir- Winahare, Ont. ' 1110I11 ish Rase," and "K -K -K -Katy." There was never a dtal moment, when the ractois Er et of Walt wittit C•cil LPI:rer Oki • (Made in England) Boots Extract of Malt with Cod Liver Oil is a palatable cone- --o- bination of Malt and Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil containing all • the' valuable properties of both, as a valuable .and nutritious Food Tonic it has no equal. •$1.15 a Bottle • sia • We guarantee every package to give perfect satisfaction and do everything they claim for them or we will cheerfully refund your rki money. '04c1C), n gSt re re Stara PZione 35 Fe singing ceased the. Wingham Band ill111MM II Ifl 11131E111 1111011M1111 11411„alltnalitlahElde, Orchestra struck ulP sweet melodies. ....m.lopmesumezmulawarmaxwarcuseatuntus • The Lion feed as printed on the Menu was as follows: INCREASE IN SALARY PERSONALS • V. 51 115 41 11 5 Lions Cocktail Lions Eye Balls Lions Blood Jungle Pork Jungle Beef Potatoes A La Lion witli African Gravy Pickles of the Desert Lion Grass with Lion Dressing Cub Cake African Pie Frozen Cream Lions • Jungle Juice • Tail Twisters Delight Dr. Geo. H. Ross, chief of the loca Lions Club, called the gathering t order and proposed a toast to the King which was heartily resaondecl to b a singing the National Anthem then- Mr. T. C. King propose a toast to the International Associa tion' which was responded to in a mos capable manner by Lion. Ernest Lin ger, District Governor. Mr. Linge „reviewed the history of Lionism sinc its formation, dating back to the time of Our Lord on eartb. Of Rev. Dr. Perrie, 1V1inister, For Herb Dore is at his home on Shute.: About a Quarter of a Century se. On Monday evening, the annual Reeve Antos Tipling is in Ottawa meeting of St. Andrews Presbyterian this week. es s prosperous condition and the note of optimism which was sounded by many of the speakers and the people present signified their willingness to co-oper- I ate in every way possible to make the o present year a still greater -.success , than was 1922. y The Session Board and Board of , Managers were all re-elected as was Miss Marjorie Henderson of town, is visiting with friends in Arthur. Mrs. W. H. Green of Clinton, spent the week -end with friends in town. Mr. Geo, W. Churchill of Northern Ontario, is visiting with relatives fa. this vicinity. Mrs. Wm. E. Chapman of Seaforth, d the Secretary, Mr. T. C. King and the spent last -week at the home of her Treasurer, Mr. A. L. Posliff. Mr. John. t W. Hanna was elected chairman of - the Board of Managers for the.,ensuing I Our name and what it stands for— Loyality to country, community and home. Individual integrity in thought, word and deed. One flag, one language. New ideals, new hopes, new ambitions in business and profession. . Service that is founded on the golden rule. Mr. Linger also took this occasion to preseat the Wingham Lions Club on behalf of the Hamilton Lions Club with a golden key, suitably engraved. This key is a duplicate key to Christ's Church, Hamilton, the oldest Cathed- ra:: re tlor u.a0Cese 0.30. IN.Lab-cla rector of this grand old church is none other than Dean Owen, Chaplain, al H the andltea Liens, (It was in this grand old church that Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Jobb were wedded fifty years ago, on the first of July.) Alt Linger urg- ed that Wingham Lions accept this key in the spirit in which it was given, viz., as a standing invitation to any member of the Wing,ham Club to vis- it with the Hamilton Lions Club when- ever opportunity offered and they would always find the latch -string on the outside to welcome them. Lion Dr, J. A. Fox, in a few words proposed a toast to "Community Spir- it," and coupled with his toast the name of Rev. H. W. Snell, who replied in a lengthy and fitting address, the keynote of which was congratulatory to the Lions Club in their promotion of that community spirit, Mr. Snell said that he had been requested by the • Lion S to throw out some suggestion for the Club to work along by way of a community idea. The only one he said he would venture to throw out would be the possibilitSr of opening up an open air rink where the children of the town might gather and enjoy free skating at least once a week. Licra W. G. Colgate proposed the toast, "Our Guests," which was ably responded to by Mr. A. H. Musgrove. Harry Bennett's Scottish imperson- ations between speeches were very popular. The splendid evening came to a con - elusion by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne," and "God Save the King" The remainder of the night was spent in dancing. The members of the Lions Club of IvVingliarn are, President—Dr. Geo, H. Ross; 150. Vice Pres.—T, C. Xing; and. Vice Pres.—J. W. Hanna; 3rd, Vice Pres.—Die j. A. Fox; Secteta4ry— W, G. Colgate; Treasurer—J, A. Wall lace; Tail Twister—J. W. McKibbon; Lion 'llamer—Chas. R, Wilkinson, Directors—W. A, Galbraith, H. herbondy, L. C, Young, Josh HirSt, R. H, Members—W. R, Hamilton, Amos Tipling, W. T. Booth, Ti PI, Gibson, lajor E. Pettigrew, Oliver Thomp- on, A, 8. Williams, E. S. Copeland. E. R. Harrison, C. E. fudsort, 1-1, C. MatiLeari, j, G. MacLean, W. .j. Boy - 0, R. A. Spotton, A, J. Walker, R. A. tame, C. S. VaeNorman, A, ratellard, t. Fry, la, Vanstone eennedy, G. smite, the jor.trrial. 11 year. Mr. T. McKenzie Smith, the efficient organist, and Mr. F. j. Hill, choir leader, were also re-engaged. By the' unanimous vote of themeeting, the salary of Rev. Dr, Perrie was in- creased from Woo per annum to $2Too. The Treasurer's books showed re- ceipts as follows: - Balance in bank beginning of 1922, $377.78; Received for 1922, Envelope $3148.88, Plate, $470.36, total, $3619.24; Bequest of the late John Holmes $500.00; Russian Famine Fund$1.65.8o; Anniversary Col., $64o,00; Thanksgiv- ing Col.'$64o.00; Thankoffering, in - 'eluding $to.00 from Sunday SchoOl, $165.7o; Memorial Fund Col., $38.7o; Borrowed from Bank, $300.00; Dis- count on Note, $4.7o, total, $5825.o5. They start 1923 with a balance in the bank of over ,noo.00. _ daughter, Mrs. A. J, Walker, Shiner St. Mr. Wellington F. Haines has re- turned home after sending the past couple of weeks with friends in Wa- wanosh. Miss Jean Schorten of Listowel, spent a couple of days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Crawford, Ed- ward St. , Friends of Mr. J. W. Fa Vanalor- man are delighted to have him visiting the old town. again. He resides at !Winnipeg, Man. Miss Cora Hiles and Mr. MeClatch- ey, of Nova Scotia Bank, Stratford, spent the week -end with 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond, Bluevale. Mrs. Arthur Haines arrived horne from Timmins and other places be Northern Ontario, atehere she has spent the past :couple of months. Miss Sydney Holmes, nurse-in-iraina ing at the Royal Victoria Hospital; Montreal, is :spending her holidays „ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dud, ley I-Iolmes. air. Robert W.. Higgins of Pilot :Mound, Manitoba, AS visiting with hts 'brother, Mr. Elijah Higgins, :Minnie St, and with other relatives in these parts. It is twenty-eight years since Mr. Higgins went to the West, He is accompanied East by his son, Mr, John Higgins, wife and family, also of Pilot Mound, Mrs. Higgins is a daug-bter of Mr. Geo. Haney, who is at present not enjoying good health, 'and is being cared for at the home of his son, Councillor W. II. Haney, 1Leopold St. Mks. Temple's Telegram John Brown, Elm Avenue, Pickleton. I implore you to see me at te.nce.. Husband must not know. Happiness depends on you. Shall be in all day waiting for you. Clara Temple, 99 Curzon St., What would you think if you receiv- ed such a •telegrarn? What would you think if you found your wife had sent such a telegram? Come and see what John Brown and Mrs. Temple thought and did. In the Town Hall, Wing - ham, on Friday, February 9th. , 7 an Ammg,• .0, aaasaaasaatt .41;',A4747111, . "If a man can write a better hock, Preach a better sermon, or make a better rnouse trap, than his neighbour, Though -he builds his house in the woods, The world will wake a beaten path to his door."' • —Emerson F. J. G'reerlsells a better Shoe, that Is; 3r all r saris le fl to Our Shoe Strre. ‘Ve'll take pleasure in showing you, thie Best Shoe Valtles that cat] be procured at any Stated Price %taVA ' ?(3 VII rice, Are vp tllkitarsu oP aooD sr:Ton$1 ; Affit:5410m4a31...450,2g0W.,IAL..1VNIWNAVEMIntill ,