HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-01-18, Page 8:77;7' . !.1111ri „ • , TFiB WINONAM ADVANCE ,Tirarsday,,'300, 010,M, $ii,0101.00111E,t0NOVOIONNINgiiilielliniNSPOEN100110101M1140011000,010010000.00111PIPIONMENIONSOOOMONPailikillEESTOSOMP1403091/E0001401,111,1.11P11,!0,1011110101$1111100110/00111011101.1111111111MORILI "411•••;'!"•);',"'N -.••'!!",",,,"l".”' ..akektkikkf. '110611' • • ,•-• ;.•41 awe 5o Men's Overcoats, plain Brown, Qreys, ra.ncy plaid baas, reg, up to $35.00, clearance Also a few large sizes. Boys' Suits and Overcoats, up-to-date models at _____ $6.95 Young lien's Suits, snappy models __ ____ .. . _412.75 Men's Navy Serge and Fancy Worsted Suits clearing at _ __..._$12.75, 14.75, 59.75 -Big 13" Ove.,-„alls, Lease expiring price -$1.49 Blue Stripe Overalls , Heavy Ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers _ . Work Shirts, heavy flannel $r.19 L,en's llrown Coat Sweaters _ Boy's' Bloomers _ . REMNANTS The Sale has made many .choice remnants, while they last they will be sold regardless of price, CPI -TRY Days lett to S�o. at the arEga'in llouse. HANNA & C*., LTD. 11.11.12.,...•ValinOkaklae.1.111 1 • • „ WHILE UUEY LAST ---.-- Men's 131a ck Knitted Wool Gloves ...._-35C zoei 'garments Penmans' Ribbed Wool Underwear, also a few Stanfield's, extra special _ Ladies' Heather Hose • •-35e 2 Lace Curtains, a few only ___._______ pair 11 Floor Oilcloth, yard wide 25c Table "Linen, special bargain ' 98c yard 27 in, Corded Velvet, all shades, reg. $1.5o, Saturday Morning .8gc The balance of the Prints, light and dark shades I5c yard Sugar, Redpath, guaranteed, per loo 2......___,......_____..$8.6o Ladies' and Children's Furs Half Price Sillts,Crepes, Taffeta, Messalines, while they last Sx.00 yd. Curtain Scrims, reg. zsc, Saturday Bed -Spreads $2.29. I000 garment's of Ladies', Children's 'Underwear, nat- . , , ural wool L...........„ • Ladies' All,,Wool• C,,ombinations . . . . .. .$1.39 .',” Faciory,Yarns 6gc Scotch Fingering Yarns ` • $1.00 ,'" 1VIcCall:Patterns, 6 for . . _ . ______._. . . ...z5c, TaPestry CurtainS -S4•95 ' al - Tapestry Table COverS A few Tapestry Rugs to clear at m large Down Comforters $6.49 al $9.85 Embroidered Pillow Cases, 2 dozen. at ........,--- .. .. . ...5gc each Union Stair Carpet, clearing 'at . ... . -_._.-....... .......... ..-__...........49c, yard .- MI .. VIrapperetteS, so pie,ces, Saturday o,. a, —......_.-20C ya,,, A. FEW GROCERY SPECIALS ' rs Cotton Towelling, Saturday ______._ ... _________.__Ioc yard . 70 'lbs. Honey „ *ioc lb ' ii Fleece Lined, Underskirts; reg. $1.5o, Saturday .g8c All 'wool Navy Blue Serge, I piece to be sold at ___ __5gc . NG.TfW' LIST 11114 Y11,13 , SaloCK2060.........,10/a.90100.12.1aeralOaCt0.191.0414.0.4310.1.1:11019.1.anato oommosalmoksim..4amkpotamo tawkwa.c.okax.o..mmoserkkokkkom.• 3 cans pf Corn - -25C Jelly Powders, 4 for' Tapioca, 4 lbs. a5c Peerless Washing Compound, 3 for rioc _ Toilet /°aper, 7 for - 25c 51 Id 51 .45 Id Id 51 n El El 51. MEMEEEMEMM M e 51 51 khk EE 51 Itt InBIE 51 51 51 51 47. 7. Mg9 51 51 51 •*, 51 51 • '4' 55 Id 55 51 51 lin YI 51 'AA ESE :441 EISEN EgiffiEZIENENISIIIIIIIII. rkoakekanacklaivaiTtra==•=znawc•er. — `2•Xink.=kal==.....==a IF''''!Hr74a17. 11 NI NI NI III tei IN m EA iA-1 ur 44srhc)le stock ofoots . B 6i M 151 •, ,111 ur ..„.„, 44'1 tthbers, etc, ere - laughter Plcitces. itiffinnoimmilainaltsma • INGGER ArkiD 13E1'1"ER 011111(4.01641111111.019HINHASMORIDONSIN441.1101.01111,041.11.0411(01.100,9,14.00X11,4111.}001M14610811. BARGAINS E LiF� ADIN4J OMMOMOOMINAMMMONNWOM M* ta it) r41 r E A"'" fitIRON Ct 141144***°""11114*1**111°111"4111°64113P 148*41111****411111/4411410110100101/0/01101114111/0411111111104001°""4" .1 •