HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-01-18, Page 6I71 77 tIIThe, F an pod Il t produced n il, heoducts t pto the V ii t, "St ItP, 00- In 191's Qq 100 000,000 rcordo�of I�la ofe the t U001 town alw!vity dweli,I 111tra IfRcclrL o 1� ponr the Weight it 1 y groat than in the Un ad Poultry, istthe o"a ollaim - -is-, 'ba expi: I ess. Or Y d for hid &Y satoa4 1XI411) the, t in IY, jitclultry to U it to'the poultry buyer in their are very Ual lthe countryl weig t it,' r, Tarr iR I labor and C&, . - Ir i's fund fo -own,, U15Q1 rtori, o t to satisf-actorY set i vy tlia tile Winter Mon -this cut- eAnd IPT , 1.1.1c T1 bula public in pup"Iffod, Cities, espec!W11y g�'row M-0, r a Ship Eveh in, the ------- pit timber and c ar, or 'at lea Sit t), ey of the inat ng eyery '� I . . ESS . - in )SIN I' pUI_! II eportions riticyliar' arid any 0011 and Unless; I I I I . h, , b njore pa tern Townsiiips'oft Quebec W or by y is E�as t.13, off ered for sale mus be nearlY, Over ply -bar-. rt Sup e fTai,-JlJIS� �a or. there is, a vo, been pler ac, in g mu, iv4l, dre - I I "d I , ' t`UlLdre Iveir one Co. .quile, cmmonto ha-ndlle ,�Zstablihe,4 �840 poultr does a, well s city "in A O not Sell Sho-ald be -take 0 cqpds ol ra-vir od in th I Head Office,, Guelph he ie,sioll at the, PiIIK 11h, -1 I for t sseg Of InIl ration whon oRP a steqis,on. This d. fuyna a an, done. Slide est, w000u all cla. h or Premium and the,' 1 sell at' home or shipt to tM e. a. Sotted a,opeaxance olierty on 'the Ms ins hq-,, The average shrinkage is Wjl�j'�J,YiVe an: jdea6 Of I !per cor Th �e llig trial 'V�ood 16t S�." M The retail cei on COSENS, Agent iiph hurts th r oj� :five to buy then, p to ten par, Ithe iniilpoT� -hickens, i, ta,ht ptit thiY fairn on cent. on tw -o five cents, 1)6r aged U plays, in, helping�' farmers at- If YOIL tdlisicount of . o_t heaRY e -n or financial dif - . I if ded', I. & S oj,j young C Ile W erio I'll p *re�l, with citY-dregis, pound as comp )ing the srinkWge NN U� It au I ty. Id'' n a -�th�t much many seqf�ons cntsiderable ro,v- In slil 'dressd PoUltUrY See DLEY C) fif teen fro 'the s 6 ol� maple D HOLMES only enue is deriv, In, al a Boaght and ETC.. r :ey 'ten t tthat it s thero,ughly coted before Tu 1i . s shl heS'A�R F ent and, dlu,cks, yj6tary and Other Bond -%vrap the head of each per c. shrink . I serve miolst;ute, for ore,.5� ar as coil C 'oil ruIrd r - to prevent The shrinkae mbi in a Of"PeTe and %06ghalir; . . I 1. I t ---Msyor: pj6t�lk, any !blood from t�rlpping on the orther less than fif teeit per can. T ke� the It ndscape�imoie: 'breeds of are ra air ' ' li�. alS or� boxes tIcoicki 11461� in id Rlil6d'a arid, utilize, 11, and ship. by 'Dr ruck=h'-iall:bd Bair. in,good 0. 't Reds, hvery fa -Tin At qpping� Ii "he" best 6ine grOWn aONE p6-. peudtry�,, the tol n on_ VAI I �jn �A' ' 46 -oil - d4tioi , t it ' ug S shoua,d b�e, ob I 7 EARRIStjFR' AND' SOLICITOR: k� CaS, fuef" or, , r t,,,, ''. � , - , , - I I . ptiees. Leghi6rns, ere . r,,. . ;7; Is to- farm buit drigs, . at Lowest, Rai -sized ,Under cl,, or A inconivs a ( , lt�t ai aaeh.�y��ar to, fire WINGHIAM Do'n'tort ship ally I thin so, eXeapf a little care given . re -lot abep,�ls a re not wanted Ichielkens. They marRe'd r,' Hy' protection, PtZilper and only pay express use- deduetion der the -h tiraber, -I neaxly 'PRO ROIS�i par pounClun H, yield -',from, the averaTe Irst 'molitioned breedist. f,.Dental, If you,are $Ili ping enough stock to,�,f i a Instead of Slasing h4iff Foyal College o can be obtaifteA, n -tr ngrade Your poultry -,when put- Ae ab e, grown I n0versity of Toronto ipment. Heavy COOPS ;FkTe the t t,,trees,of the useiful�marketable ting, it �in, coops fpT sh n oor home requirema ''if Heavy hens ip, They weigh about,'t-welve PoUP. s- varieties; f pringers in th less valuale -ieties, twindfalls one coop .uity of, Dentistry s i " ISARP 5 id light AD& by� them Sjta�t 600ps�welgh thirty- ve to f Cr itn0[d a present . expro§s, rates, and trees, showing Signs Salves. Do not prOwd' tbo� in �ny� blids, pciu-nAsi, U r I , . , I hto re- -if Incoop t an a h trees -would make more raP ------- lat h lig maihighf� H"DL I -press on' auoit,er co:op� a grow or��;and, you thesn have, to PiloY twenty eather especialy, many, In warm-, vi� do "-net sall you -spaces shoru B.St., C'm io d1seases'Of copis. rriv 'at mark6t; ibl pul It s,sl e oill a _iieclill­ :tentjon,pad, COP bie� t hipch as po� S1 n vtal�en five na trees each, ailways 'get it re urnbd and, Childre formed the a hipping XOT any toliday a, r , Surgery, Bag- shipper has, crolmdell'tGO-maity n s, ASK FOR are, mo,re. 61 eheckd,. ed e' oearlyi Medicine� COOP. mdec,ay an IS161I �T teriolog'. , . aire" to., aniSuTe 54ween weigh and �count'Yaur P'oul­' lbe -lower the:day-.bef every oill ed main MUM F trice kerj up'bY� the reen pac e I'Hotel d the Paptist 1,17 when -you SDo not giless at 'tht: Queen's ie to, 'keep., a' Ia,r�S and, Wood on the orest floor to hold IT- IS, IS InoistuTe and encouTa 'Al Th ((Ch �To_edll Oft� G1 sreful, attention ge the irowtili. af I)ul givou c, e p P.6 B 6X', 113 young tress. XDensive. fo�edsl as irt uying A It is bad practice to s ot -in th or -cattle to, pasture s 'in The matte' 'of- mineral element ti`tlzers,� too, _y D Robt edmond little _ ,h is bedaus�a -they destroy t a 70 uh�g r, . i6ts e. are impOrl espeel- given to tEe ac: ital feeddng_ ee 19 rS i ato t come, on a g so on t6, D6cr kse Shrhika'.g the hog"Is ratin sM.R' C*S -avi� r timber i,iremi -whete, .for of the that -the coiietsl Qved-.:. L�Rt;0.0�, �(Lond)� r north n.rItry as ,he el Dly&y. no ally, Jn,,6u aid or M the PHYSI 1 I � 11.1 _S, - alue of; c G' Shrinkage ebr SU�RGEON t AN month, at a time the g O'UE S. ", ft -the main cnsiderati f i the hardwood .trelis, the ha3 61A r frozen en' SjjOjjn!s old statid): :'Buyer ug Educat. fDr. C oil iql; orar inaptle sthe so that hiogs.. cannot ltht6l,prii:ie b, rooib in it. per to Iee S t It, oUY SU, prb.pktion of the tng�re-r :t w en e g aI b t�h e re Y 'Msides F -The exact in This sibrill, lag I- l. A, MAE BRADY* d to ma. -0 Up k' a mineaq c tonSee.& valuable for fu�!, BY �ang, T ie wood i previou's to t' to I ah� Littf' Miss Nuffeit, "have �uy 'prottain anufature, of a should have access' meal, ate.,, eY t,he - I moving of, th cattle, and altsi ea. by. pro,per how, ver; is not so �mpo�bant. t will agri&ultura O In Od Jill at min� --toorr polb.,des in out ml Itearri d that period. Copy. O 7I e the nianageme th MacBeth.] N J im- I STEW the L ART should be to see'th balance up'the cli-7bolity4tates hittatikdod Mother Unlvmity, of Torouto, jDd'UCtS.,LGtjer VaJU a well -itIlet, or Lad,� Gradua ne77 d d, on -le I I" a su,6h as th6 hdKs SS- growi of d t ,r c , tia,6 i6f, the 6e e,IiIte by the liel. Ing an d1tile, P Where cattle hi been oly qbem�Use thasp:�Iii -sahaol and -bir Id, s it is to -tit the heil bea S yr�,�jty,of.Medicine: L! on- il�veiopiihent, It' -ch, beach, Gooso, not lox] O6e pTe of rat Ion, jing. Iontarl t)ojiege & lam enia for grain an gms x1es -koprese 'I '�n. the and white`1!1!�h _-t� - a day o two i t 13, same 'died in he Iii,past �years MT&I Bass7 ar6 not prov Many�'fel era irl f a the I 'The tiny staige: o eve tjja,race butbecaus they I�ae wil ley b ar quaTititiesp frequenly than how, have U's I wood an pop ow more TI h, ducrL+ive va ue. them great e� rhythm, n ome pio�-ein tamkag6 bie-Ithan ,other d6cddbus trees., and are al they is IUH ad I)y air r t& rilusic, IN CH I'S H i Ole t d y suseeplube, to they love� Office Entran soul gr e *ill eat', an, at the th -,h iyi� to t or h 41jd s and hop PHONE 921 ulphur Will old get that f or a aful.� f or Atnong, the &av on the. g,:iiain: I for vat Itimel S ame t h, e,, in him re� S time the pritmijy the conifers sip ce is need UGGE,PHINEf, STFiE ten tIlran r caug everything that is C1011I lei'l caught by the �Is pel. ru is this must imp6rtan, , t I and their ea tw ness t0y.�J,.�v�d of is,* aill1e, to Min 6711.e bo lie meal,. Or 'gro Und ter. The . truth. "I's that u, I t a -n a dfry lot On grain �j,&tj2_063r long . ound ''th t' e fat one, hel� alid' sh-OUM got ies,S). of W, ile,_aiid, v6ugh IjAmbir art iial,like Mothe;r Goose, for" it is , , I' r, shou, Grown-ups n�ver M .. er . . , os cast, th Sha�kdseare is to and. clovaT them.' libafoT ro'ek, pho or lfa fa ha.3, V Ill if is availalyle. ixty per go ey it I's usd for thy haY at loaS' Pooi�. �Indb'ed is to t6l thelift be, addle Lli. nat coa, 1�u pi -a OUT t Charcoal a 'm I yfiies 'are the 1 th r S The 6ost Pi s- ,lot . Recalls g,6, as ell gad � to' tinto a �Ifesle sUllintent,10"'ittlive tie of tgood, oi's., soft e of: In Gradtate U of Tor twel product airy to digestio and- n lor bagis ilaid4freightt just oftbri. found in :faTm WOodilots ut 'is thei r be re- ell ty, .of Medicine' t.: grain' a, ion, le p Casimply an aid the c1arSSi fo n IseT na _U umber. Fir A ful'I "r than qnyfhiqg ol "e -jio, doora, SoUth is mahiy for the Pt h(,k the bet er, gloo, us oJU.J. ty, per cent; M�oth6tr C irst;.0 Yo Gso re� office-jaAephine, St., t col du c ed a t! lea! resents the f ilitains. fie four ingredi- it t as muLh labor to'handqt6' 1�6uld oservoLthe -them. Oft Brunswi�k 'Note - plitir it co T I are used itly I Wa's JUS d h, I ' it, 'a liter- gra�n ka ion s t of the race to give w led, long with arc6al, the foty ours. b jil�l es call- I to Avn to us from. a 81, Residence 151 tent§ arn a 'bag of- leas, yv e ',h be e s Co �oig ar�' At 0ay ba,ck- in. t eginthill" he h the, er G6oso 'Tel j)hon as d cheaply beSt and is .also 'him, ature. 7� n be -sec=ed arly,mliere all ing Va'luo, So f r as p* �hipping 6attlenien ofbooks,� fole he days a tle- ab. '�'a Very CJON�tr tejaprj�r o0 In T1W f. j ser. rand we.IvAll do to S�ujypqy them; th a and ar portion f th of t pad. The ra�e corned, was :,oUIY Q -thirds or "' devela ,iralite S,o­rI higher gTadI&'and -goods ... ... tros's-t t go, tne 0, tor DR 1,5 gGoU; V JtL I pay's �to SWI -p I ply that ill her Il nbrt­ 'KER, hsi a PAR -r ­ 4 __:, : � sil- Tarnaract, Ji �;ietro the TO Gil III Mcth ck or, ha er G6C'So j.hylueS. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN to To n f t le particula in and y th�,!T bodies to' mu,Sic;- bushell,� ha on buishel; per to veri� durabl y I , Some queer -e, C1 or call them Atl diseases k r SWa Osteopathy, E�Iectric phosphate, one 'buslidl;' ts,41t one pec iight,in feiod-s. Da'not cbnsild -a posils, ies, mine. alnd� 'crib I,t ? I: I I I I a � -",ho � is, brotgl,.t. up On fo: it has been. r The el musTr I Wa's; f' prke per all, "* t too -For -we hear that 13 012, 1'it as by bkting �learhg to read natura nd suliplur, One peck t 0 t, Al t 'the Mother Gob,srj , a lithe, one pe,3 ound '16:tO On I0 S us I, together but the tir a t inito �the a par here plent�,; of a: daype- oTizes flie from rest dence,,',en -r say thetil and ifee'ding in- t Le a: ha I Tch I y Spring Leah Chu Usua I Street, ne_xt� AtO of the 13" _01 g. Tihipthy v thift-gr. ;Sq, e app by iFilial, y e sPhone .272, 6 blnce the ration. een Ili' gredient neelled t L ore t.he "he,svy firi*er has e, anci a s'Fill -what is' clad be rut to 4bb�ut le d I on th taloin. as word,, and eir, ears an w I rs a' , tick,le _hst Vjhat CoUntisl of t ieir rapid the si,&ge, IS 0 th 'ey were t fi; nd pLot them they recognjz,6� tlto� same ivords nohod, 'al- brea Ing bo growth the 'spruces, plaws .8, k* ght_�oi s,o ntany tons of feed at� reiglldr aM'oUn -d that re, Bj�;izmg Up Haire 3:S, my 'This,, t equips' hi�m with the"Ol!iginal:1i rftobd �h so m any a on., en. a 11andle, t a ca-bble qbietly so -0 -,.am over d, over, handing rhymes. lifeless, ,le6t & ti an L' with V'UII'Ly Stocked. with mor heated. them down from " gelleration to g en. �Nrorkjng VQCabulaity d Aha acilie.SG put the they nlot 'he a pro,duobive Itan is ,Of Put t wobdis w 1 i ow'at the value whan he enters Scool, .it si�cje lle,,.t to a par Catilrer -so ration, each generation refining yet estimable di�, who noibs J�w1iab ITr ac�e -a e n -we cord8 per Yemj, -will 'a -ed. f'it h,as no'tlebil ivoi.k, b it pr on licaer with lang' tie -rope, bring rate of one lto No N leaving the pillot unch ng B es -y in the way Of Ofits- d in I 5'L" every Possi-bil 0 or p7UItpNVo 0 to a" tifi,e l,l) .L)o YOU -Lite but a S h a,r s pOs, y PbStS '70 , , B, __ I lilv 7- balidit -can be oitwitted,� I. have ead to right as I. sibae, Put LI'ver �tiSlilct`ory �re4tnlent T Thaz6 khym entence o 'PI,%, hin es wl ant d Other to 40 Scion the r6pe Rrqunra right hind -%vh( sor -L.%,o nlengbb are well-inigli P ec ligina ed. -e 0, ra 'Vor eTT drymi it Io itloyr under 1, parasites is �,n rs6I gTow at t .lie rate Ss, ally -'the j,lird Ily ll oll: cat raw Tin- under� a uller in con tY Iwill t1a or[- of a the Teai le. it coma oiI amned - sto, to Ou6 cord, per - year a p j'ant� In tbe pasit 1, Put leg in right plo- quart of'the o6l is' sffi- one-half th6se of a SaNVr?" test to which we ry oT :cope around a, t0 board teeth like a a ThiSL I seed oil b 50 ture Ao .., uo place gijon to milk, dra t for� elgr Apply Gord being �,pquLal to, -n w ree tight and lit l: ten a6wa.' don't :needt 'a ,a is a tilolt, i 0 The One swalil, we tThere 170' 6w devous 61iout 6,60or sin Ust'y liVe f it. But thx tie sh or liag,' Especial fee�­.0-1 In' _nO)V that 11; or nothing behl d the'oil I,viffi 1),ru, W�m py SCOI) to 3.11 -a ay. ib orocky) so li'l let Me te�ll W ii, Cj h -en to' ilialce'the an6 off as tak agemen f, placer t`076a�l to Upper pa ifo 'grow W . uhd er ttl r e s Lithe which life t L), n (l i nene othei then heif can toni herleg'up and tj between what,�-cjoarly are h ugh on, tl -P r to st w ol: i-, pibal ly , ned&s,aty in you that is or y licatioli t ro The Ili w P ey represented Ithat ueek, to . ad, r, end is d�i jong as I ife lasts, we lie v45 a 01� �-Ll from One w tithe'neck along the.back from' lorest, we earn "Alhat pie- ab�eep Avil ellStand's like In old he Poll to t1l,le base of'-11thie tall.' At-' witile income. �n days t Zllr a o T th WithOUILY a -w N00rds tion� It builft bone, cow Or I a 4 It would, e ifert.PE amP eep, Jw'lk DITO tentienr ShO�U11d of -in it. th oln heifer in 61so be given e t1b d, lcieut 'it 13UIt 'the'- an -be trained.i cow. I 'have e Little Bo, ays houl,&O tops, the of till IT& 'Lill uzzed, A ]less first. It is, 11'e136, t e b. I na Y,, sine r6aing tiletn:111' Is �ri er er to- V I ir,g n snecessarY to 11115-� , on. Ber'Sure to Use thia Ita4 &qil be b u nd the eScutche . I to yor"hand W,Ien you a oke in this way, a and , no -t oile'd Imse 'ad H64.d A raw y O use lite I ifer are abon ----------- o�milj, L r al *ill hirifiate the sikin, 3tXPORT. tiopid wl�tbotut making, Ito ian act'. ling s-Neet clolven t this -can be d,o The t,r6,�Ub to spea, 'A -art 2.' Hold onguo BUMPEP grow as a baSlie I jj� oh, are jtlst ou-he Imm- nakes pogisible 19F- L ne while, t GH I- S M' M tryibecaase it I �Vo we You OWES. t "to , 1�iil . 18, e-tiqn of , r, heart MARKET 0 ItL I �i.Lat $atolgS � In the PTO(I'U ntl t4e winter ' . I . I �A : MAKIKE4T k b -ST tq,e O de vite, VoU t�), join thtair ilesTrly tal farm iI tP1 0 Weal], j>eforb I, W - !! . I 'I 11toid Oil to�L �YoUlr Virtue it is you are It our 'ear, !let me tall' YOU, to pito you. in all tinids I 16 L� abova�� dill 19 0.9 , or "__ ` (I A, and. plltacesl.i, 9t, 19 on to yeUT Ooll Two, or the Pa I t I h on top. eI are; Oil '15net point activ - ------ make land, rot(). 9 of'right. t, �A fr to '40 '6,� 14,01d on j;O t1le tr ifill 01" (ig -#Im and, :psp ind ready do y ml goo,�l "01 6 L 0 I�ffisr �tbe erve. YQU 5- our Breeder's 9 luild U J- VI, P ? utbrougho,ut Otern� y o7. o1jealth fiftfle th fertflity,, Mainta, til pit you OtheTs -d sorne, to ou nec atj -10i*. of theft, e9gS. ItS, ef'4%1y!r tatt'gry you, d h4tcl y go 11old on to YOuT ideals, arseaizePoultry ell Re ulator to your goOd i ill be' yo,tir best ni erwi from' this w1s In Pr erfe(t, COD. pvit yout fo tO 'h, ilg and �jg`ototls. mokes t ave no Stand on Which & if you b ga-fetitile' egg8 ggq qwtiTnlI Will so'Ur e lak Itora 6g II duce big htlitch Cmcks. f PAO or k tile, 10 Ato 4 " tr Pal temado m . ra it 1.) a r7 0 0 ti ej We s, is (;'he ca,, OV j, 11 ;7 � , �, I; -P R mlr, rc, IIitL