HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-01-18, Page 5t� a1 ""1 sNii Intrsday, '"ari, x>3th.; xg 4110111011111 1111$1611,1!■11111111 1111101!11111!1111111►! II1011!11111■Ili lLlw1I1N 111.101111111.111,1 111111 w ■ (!ciftl • nn uncement 10 Per Cent. Discount `dViIl k!e allowed on all orders for rugs fromnow until 'Feb ruary xst., 1923. This is the slack time in, our newly enlarged factory. Spring brings orders in a rush.. Get your rugs made za.ow, use them iii the cold weather, and save 'money.. Your odd carpets are valuable, have them made into hand- some "Velvetex" Rigs. The "VELVETEX" ReI'G is areal Rug, made from your dis- carded olel carpets which are, cleaned and; recleaned, then menu facturedinto reversable, seamless rugs that will wear a life -time. Under foot they feel like thick velvet, -that is why'theylare called "Velvete*"• .e, Every "VELVETEX" RUG is guaranteed and 'the only ,fae- tory making "Velvetex" is in London, Qnt. In London our drivercollects the carpet,'. #. *> >. -Y .•. ; -- } T.. from- attic, cellar`" or off the floorand deliv- ers the finished rugs free. .. Fe -- Out of town we "pay freight or express ;•both ways on all orders. Delivery can be rnade withintodays from '- receipt of order or held over until wanted. _ CANADA RUG COMPANY ■ Velvetex' Bldg., 9d-98 Carling St.; London, Ont. 7 Established in agog. Send for Velvetex,Folder No, 76 • r ■ I I Ifalllli1111111111 1111■(1111111111111111111■1119/11II1■I1111111EI11!®III I11131111lIII11i11111e111®If dill■1II1.IIINIII 1111111 i®mo®®esialm ,:rIl4111E1611111Itilifill l;, ®®0■tiltlifi®®Ii®®�1111®®ill.-GlifAT CLEAliANCE SALE; -1:. a ma A 11 H , COATINGS—Heavy all wool coatings in Grey, Browns and Tweeds, 6o in. wide, .reg. $4.5o and 5.00 ata price,_._...$2.25, 2.50 RED BLANKET CLOTH -fn an• extra heavy all wool quaff- .;¢ eduction of 1111 ABU L. ,. d inter lioods y, suitable for children s coats, 54 in. wide, reg. $4.5o gel half pricer- ....,$2.25 yard. DRESS GOODS AT 13IG REDUCTIONS Grey .Union Serge in a fine quality, idealfordresses and skirts, 56; in. wide, reg. $3.00, half price. $1.5o yard. 111 BLACK POPLIN—Made from silk and cotton yarns, fast ; it color,••a cloth that will give exceptional wear, 40 in. wide, reg. $x.25, half price 630 yard. m SWEATER COATS --Reduced to a prices •__ 9 $2.. MI 5, 3.25, 4.95 HOSIERY - Ladies' all wool ribbed hose and fine wool 111 - cashmere ribbed top, all sizes 8a to eo, reg. $x.5o at-•Sgc pair. . 'g Ladies' and Children's Underwear at Clearing Prices. en's ear Men's Fur Coats in Dog and Beaver, reg. $65.00 and $75.00 on sale for ...__ _ -:w: _._...__� .._._. Sep:to Men's 'Winter Overcoats reduced to special clearing prices. Young Men's and Men's Suits in the newest models at re- duced prices. • 'Boys' Overcoats and Suits reduced to Bargain Prices. BUY HERE AND GET REAL VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. allielleillelleinitieteerietummanneneeeleasinnee smeeaseeinea®®dtB@ateke Bal® ffiBa®Ezmuliming e. %SSW • e• • k•lT<• L I r• f !; century lot•ing Sale. Men's Suits, S e o telt Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Navy Serges, all 'imported cloths, 20th Cen- tory Tailor4lV,lade ' Special 3 m 7 , Our entire stock of 201hCentury ultkred Overcoats, a 11 wool fleece cloths, cheelic backs Special $31 > 75 -EVERY GARMENT ON SALE-, (5 s ( 'J s 1 y A t b E b i of 0 h ra s el £r e to at pa m se it If 110 :Ju re • 0 th po po ne sh th iri be sh 10 cal ,ret Co ing on alto fre fan yea yea leg pir for coy T you Ab ishi the ere l so 1 0 call Pres C H Mr, George 'Wraith, Victoria, St.; handed us the copy of an old' adver,.' tisemezit: which appeared in The Ad- vance, many years ago, and - will be of. interest to. many of the `older residents of 'Winharn, limy of whom kindly re- rember, T hornas Abraham, the shoe atal.er,. who had his shop just vaest of where Bradley's bakery now is on Victoria: St. 711 advertiseanenk had a good photo of Mr. Abraham at the top accompan- ied' ccornpan i ed' by the words,"Abraham's Picture has only one face. It cannot be found in the ;rogue's gallery, Two ,fac 'people fill many prominent position `Then 'the. lengthy advertisement goes' on .ee follows: Queen Victoria's Memorial On Victoria St., Wingharn, named in memory, of our late good Queen, you may still find Abraham, the father of the faithful. 1 -le is still engaged in then righteous axed honorable business of saving:. and renewing soles: A man with. a rotten sole and a: crooked heel cannot .walk. upright, so don't go 'round wobbling, but go straight to Abraham's and have your boots re- paired fora trifle. , Get your under- standing nder- stan iing,:s'traigltteried so that you can Walk without stumlbling • Abraham has always made' both end's meet by using a sharp -pointed AWT. and stick - in to his'' -LAS T. That is how he has outlasted all rivals for 37 years, bid- ding defiance to sheriff,' bailiff. and as - sluice.. He has- remained ie. business without a halt, ;:while all his former competitors have failed"or closed their shops. No clearer .proof is"required to direct you to where "that scarce commodity, justice," is measured out with a golden rule. A wooden' boot sign'hangs on a post at the` door, the only landmark remaining` in 'town•�of former' clays•' Call at Abraham's and find out prices, as. no"charge is asked, or advice: Quite different to lawyers ho charge a fee for telling you. how nuch five cents .worth of pins would cost. Doctors differ,: on humeri ills; ome of them will feel your•pulse and treat you kindly, while others_ will eel for your purse and treat you )1indiy„But ` • Abraham, the Shoe Doctor will cure your boots and also consider our family needs. Boots repaired at braham's for less than the cost of he smallest diamond. Governor-General When the governor asks to have his gots soled on ,credit, I will refuse kin tick. I will order him to tell King award. VTI, that I have always made oth ends meet since the day"I. had an ntroduction to him realtyyearsago- tinIionor no other ,person in this part the realm can boast of. His Maj - sty will clap his hands for joy to ear hp has at least one subject who as walked upright continually. ;Ab - ham's • shop is only a little over 2z tops west of Broadway's, No.'i, Hot- . Any person getting tired going: orn the corner of Abraham's will be cited, parliaanentary, mileage for the xtra distance; ("A penny saved is ppcnce earned,"-Eranklin,) So call Abraham's and get your boots re- mired so cheap - that, you can ` save oney for' missionary purposes. Don't nd it- away—it is • needed around ome, as there is no place like.home: any righteous man will say he has - t`received full justice at Abraham's stice Shoji he can have his money funded freely. Charity I don't covet Carnegie's • wealth;. I Ow something of more value. •:All e money he. has ;given to rich car - rations is of no, more use' to the or than a left-handed balloon. He ver requires what condition their. oes are in, 1 would rather follow c example set by George Peabody, •London, , England: My airn is to nefit tate poor by :repairing their oes so ` cheap that they can buy a of of bread with what they save: by ding on me. I will give a better urn than the St. Thomas Loan npany or Oakville batik are throw-. broadcast, Repairing- Done Free; of, Cost e11 righteous people who will call: Abraham and say they are short of ney can have theirehoofs repaired e-atheir money will be refused. All lilies who" are blessed,.with triplets, rly will be granted a lease for gg rs' shoe repairing, with the ' privi- e of a renewal -when the tin e_ex es' providing the same parties apply it. This should satisfy tare. ,rriost etous. ie a string on the wee finger of you MEMORIESOF. LONG go cawry Iiaun so you won't forget raharn's shop—it is still in a flour. - rig' condition. Boots iia ended apest in the county, quality consid- c A word to the wise is sufficient, oolc to your -own inter.est.' on't be tlic least bashful about ing, as at will give no offence :to ent yourself. earl Meela I+altha, ave this notice framed. Thomas Abraham Cannot Do Without It Mr. and Mg's., Robt. McIntosh of Blucher, Saslc., are spending the win- ter in Vancouver and The Advance has received the following' much ap- preciated note from them, "Would you, please send your valuable paper to the above address for: -the next fe'w months as we cannot dowithout it: This is a .wonderful city and we are certainly ,enjoying it. „Mrs, Mc- Intosh was formerly Miss `Carson of Winghanx: Bell Ringers Coming The, Musical Eekardts, bell ringers and variety entertainers are billed -to appear at the Town Hall, -on Wednes- day evening, Jan 24th: 'This Canadian family, has been before the public for over a quarter of a century. T. Eck- ardt, THE WINGIrAIVM ADVANCE NOW EOR A PIANO In... the Secretary's report of the iilorticulturat Society meeting we not- ice that it was due to ' an article writ- ten in The Advance, `"Why Can't Wingham Have a Horticpltural Soc- iety?" that ,several of the citizens who had the 'welfare of the town at hear got together and organized the Hort- icultural Society, Now the editor of this,paper would like to start the hall rolling for another „ benefit, viz., a piano for the Opera HOuse. It is a sure bet that' the 'town. coun- cil will clean :up the dirty old opera house this year, Chief Allen` tells us eel lie thinks the walls have never been kalsonrined since the hall was ,erected; The hammered old tin shielding the footlights must be replaced and the hall must be re -wired,- These are al'l' necessary and we feel sure will be'. fixed up early this year, • The council do not feel that they can spend any more money than what will necessarily, be used on this.,clean Up, but there is still the fact that the town hall has' no piano. Anyone who has.rented the hall .fora concert knows' the trouble and annoyance. there al- ways is in getting a .suitable ” piano, Now, for a suggestion! Is there some philanthropist" who will take pity on our poverty and donate a new 'piano -to the Wingiiam Hall? If not is there not one of the local ladies orga- nizations who will start a campaign for funds to purchase a. piano. Let the people of the town get to- gether and boost for a renovated op- era house and 'a new piano to be left permanently in it. Surely there will be those who knock; but let us . all turn, a deaf ear to their murmurings arid boost, boost, boost.' EAST' WAWANOSH Mr.' Clayton. Robinson is visiting with his sister, Mrs. ,Jos. Thompson; at Seaforth, . Mr. Jos. Brophy' is at present con- fined to the house 'with an attack of measles; i Yf VCKNOW We hope the editor will not h. vc to buy a new co or hat after the vote. he received a week ago.' Mr. Melva/ Reid, who soine time ago bought put Mr, Wm. Johriston's Implement Shop, bas now bovgale mit 'the Wm. Allin Implement beesiness and has taken ppssessiore Miss Tena Grant, 'who for some time has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carrick, met with a very painful accident lest week. She lied been out to Philliee McMillan's and was on her way hornet -when she fell on the ice and lay for aborit twenty minutes before eayone happened to come along. At last reports she was doing nicely, _While visiting at his ,home here for Christmas, Mr. 12.olit. Lyone received word that his father-in-law, kr. Rich- ard Holmes had taken. suddeelY ill at his lidme iri,Toronto. Mr. Lyons left immediately for Toronto, and was just in lime to sec Mr. Hohnes' alive as he died the next day, Mr. Holmes bad been business manager of the Toron- to Telegram for 35 'years. Word was received in town last week of the death of Mrs, Catherine Valens, widow of the late Wm. Val- ens, who before going West resided in Kinloss for ciVer 30 years. Left to mourn herioss are eour sons and thrCe daughters, Pr. John and Mise Agnes, (Barrister) of Saskatoon; Robert at Jansen,, Sask.; Edgar at Munson, Alta; DreAshley at Skagnay, Alaska; Mrs. (Dr.) Archer at Lamont, Alta,; and Miss Anna, R. N. of the Children's Hospital at Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. J. B. Hunter has returned from Galt where he has visited relatives for a couple of weeks. A few logs are'coming to town, but we understand neither the sleighing oi- the prices are very good, so the supply will not likely reach last year's Lucicnow Orangemen are holding -a Box Social aed Dance on Thursday night in the Town Hall. Business is -very quiet after the holi- days. Most of the merchants are reeeoeneeee...........e.eneeneee,......„. stock taking and making arrange- ments for bigger business eext year, P. = Horseshoe or Clover Leaf Salmon, a Is the Purest and Most Clen. in the igio Illfilli#111011101112111glifirglithilli liffiglifla.1110111ff Mill 1.i CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS rTs SPIECIAL TEA per lb. 53c CANADIAN CHEESE BACON per lb. FISH 1 TOWN HALL Wed Jan 2 USIt;AL ECI{ABOTS Hand -Bell !lingers w h a new company of variety Admission 55c, Children 25c Including tax. MAITLAND CREAMERY WE WANT YOUR CREAM NOW AND ALL THE TIME — The — United raProors Co -Op. t How Garage sales are increased by Long Distance Some quotations from recent "We use Long Distance extensively to call up prospects and sell." "We use Long Distance to all our sub -agents to keep in touch with sa,les." "We depend on Long Dis- tance to sell our vulcan- izing service." "We, order parts in the morning by Long Distance and get them in the after- noon." "We *put 'Use the Bell to $011' stickers on all price lists anelleaales literature we send out." "Ash u's -about our FREE LONG DISTANCE SER- VICE on new parts," a Motor Sales Co. writes out-of-town garages. " We eon tell you how to apply Long Distance to almost' any business is. J. Carruth, who has been visiting with her daughters, Mrs. E, Aitcheson and Miss Hattie Carruth, Mr. Matt Woods has returned from has returned to Clinton. Detroit, where he was undergoing treatment for his eyes. The Lucknow Table Co., exact to resume opera.tions this week. Their factory has been closed since Christ- mas. They are putting in a new and bigger engine. The local churches' held -their annual weele ofprayer last week. The meet- ings were fairly well attended. Entertained At Five Hundred Mrs. Carl Judson entertained at Tiger or Eagle Salmon, Crossed Fish ..2oe Lobster and 43e Chicken Haddie 25c CEREALS Quaker Oats, 25c and 35c. White Beans, 4 lbs. - -25c = Special Mend COI -FEE 37c LL30 lei E. CAMEL BRAND ive Hundred at her home at tha Peei Brunswick Hotel, from three to six ig VALE CIA CAkN,7E o'clock, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Robt. King winning first prize, Mrs. _- John Hanna, winning the "booby" g , prize. Those present were: Mrs. R. Fe CLARKS TOMATO :Vanstone, Mrs. J. MacLean Mrs. D, SOUP Holmes, Mrs. (Dr.) Kenne'dy, Mrs. P. Reg. Williams, Mrs. Robt. King-, Mrs. - NEW SI-IIPMENT 21c Lk john. Putlarid, Mrs.„ John 'Hanna, Mrs. C. Armitage, Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. L. Young, Mrs. H. Shane, Mrs. W. Ham- ilton, Mrs. W. McKilebon, Mrs. W. Miller, Mrs. (Dr.) Tamlyn, Mrs. F. Clegg, Dr. llama Kennedy, Mrs. L. Keenedy, Mrs. J. Wallace. BELGRAVE A dance evill be held in the Forest- er's Hall, Belgrave, on Friday even- ing, Jan. 26th. Win,gham String Sex- tette Orchestra will furnish the music. Mr. Chas. Johnston of New Ontar- io, is visiting with friends around the Mr. and Mrs. Price of Winghant, spent the week -end with Mrs. T, Procter. Miss Agnes Corbett has gone to Toronto to take a position, we wish Miss Agnes every success. Mr. Jim Lind of Estevan, Sask., is visiting for a few days with Mr. Jos. Mr. Samuel Irwin is renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity. lt,is several, years since Mr. Irwin moved Afiss .McCrae of Algoma and Mrs. Wm. Homier, are visiting with Mrs, C. Procter. Miss Gladys and Vle. Morley Jor- dan, entertained a few of their young friends one evening last week. BLUEVALE The Women's 'Missionary Society of Blucvale Methodist church will hold their annual social on Tuesday evening, January 23rd, in the Method - is being prepared and lunch will be served. Everyone ds invited to come and enjoy 4 pleasant evening. BLYTH Mre David Somers of Winghani, vis- ited On Monday at his harm here. Mr, Samuel Irwin of Winnipeg, is visiting with relatives in this vicinity, Mr. Irwin formerly resided in Morris Township, and will doubtless be rem- embered by many old friends, Sunday, Jan. exst., will be observed tae Methodist church as Education- al Sunday. Rev. R. Brown of Victor- ia College will have charge Of the evening service. Mr. S. H. Oidley has bcien confined to his home for a couple of Weeks with an attack of Bronchitis. MORRIS Mies Mary Casemore, who has been on the sick list, is improving, we are glad to heat, Mr.r William Abraham and daugh- ters, Misses Hilda a.nd Mergaret of Howick, visited at Mr. Thomas Ab- raham's last week. Sorry to hear that Mr, Jas. Van- Canip bf elle 2nd. line, had his leg broken last Week kw dayS in Winglieen lest week. Mr. Will Cast:Mere Of Wroxeter, tsapiciatinti,tshe week -end al Mr, Well Ab_ wurrUORTmckz and :Mrs,' :John Haggitt ,of I NEW CLEANED 41'4"' CURRANTS, LB 10 lbs. GRANULATED SUGAR 83c ErTt WE DELIVER WINGHAIVI, ONT. Et: OK B We have some odds.and ends left in Books which are now on sale, Books regularly priced at 50c are, on sale at 35c each or 3. for $1.00, Books regularl3 priccd 75c on sale at 45c. 0 Boys and Girls' Annuals, Chums. etc. priced At $2,00 to 3,50, while they :last at 1.25,each. Books, Stationery, Magazines, Town Ticket Agent Camilla = National and Grand Trunk Railways, Ocean Tieketa via all lines. 11 and Mrs. Alex Emerson, last week. Mrs. Elgin Wellwood and son, Ric - hal d, -returned to their home in Oran- geville, on Thursday, after a morithss visit with relatives in these parts. Mr. Atdin Purcion spent the week- end with his uncle, Mr. jiara Purdon of St. Helens. We are sorry to eport that Mr. Daniel a/Teethe is at present in the London Hospital. - Miss Laura Mitchell of Winghain spent last week with her sister, Mrs, Gordon Elliott. Mr. Chas. Martin rnade a business trip to Detroit last week. Mr. and Mrs, W. R: Farrier and family are all laid up with a bad RI 1VIr. John' Mowbray had the mis- fortune to be struck across the fate at a wood bee last week and has a very sere lace Mr. and Mrs, Roy MeGee epent evening last week with. Mr. and Mrs. Durnin Phillips of St, I-Ieltee. Go eceount er Gowans attend- ing 4 funcial in Xincardinc,,, on Mon- day, there wee tie school 10 S. S. No, Many of the old Wends or ro v., V. be sorry to hear that he underwent ,;t. ' serious operation in Toronto Hospitall 'last Thursday. We hope for a sPeedar Mr. and Mrs. Albert Green of Tees, - water, spent last Thursday with bit sister, Mrs. Thos., Gatmt. his brother-in-law, Mr. Joe 13ailey of at Mr. Amos. Cornelius' last 'week. - visiting with Mrs. W. R.' Farrier last.t te.P0it It goo time,. miscellaneous shower. at tl e 'horn ink tihilsarlevii'ottihteh.chIiiiii,15,iytotnl:tieleut:vaosf jai, ,:tnas.,•110,:il.tt recover eroin such a painful accident., severed in two. We hope he will s000 The lieighbore, on Cote Ise :,:l EAST WAWANOSR