HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-01-04, Page 7;..!
Thursday, 34t1aary 4 198.
• ;',4 Au
P Ple
a °Lib
A Hutchinson Story.' ,
Tio newe that A.. S,
"IfiWinter s," la to 'be, Pro-
duced oe the Sicireen recalls' sterY
the , ifaluous, anther. wes ,heard tell
Omit a friena of '13.1.a.,Who was, once
taying 'with a wealthy ilept.
' When he Wielt to ais •beideo.ore lie
• ifouncl the dreg table, heaped With
silver articlesof toilet, and promptly
. bestowed them In a drewer to make
room for his OWn hurabl.er belongings
visit ended, he left fpr heme by
an eaely moraing train. Arrived home,
• heiwas greeted by a telegram from the
wife Of his host, demanding: •
.."Veliet have yote-doee with the sii-
He wired the reply; Poor but hon-
est; look 111 the lower dettever." '
• Virtue Rewarded.
,Sir Harry Lauder hasjust said that
only half the people, in the world know
hew to enjoy life: Sir Harry himself
a.dtle to life's enjoynient by .hie 'cease-
less flow of funny storieseef which the
following la the latest I -have heard. •
.. A Scottish, edify/keeper sent hir boy
to feed the cowwith cabbages,, and
Old aim to give the biggest cabbage
• to the cow that produced the most
Milk. When the boy returnectn' he
asked; ,
"Did ye do as I told ye? Did ye gie
the biggest cabbage to -the lone, that
ig•ies the maist milk?"
•"Oh, ay, moister!" yeplied the, youth.
"I hung the bigges,t on the pump!"
No Judge, '
Here is another Lauder etory which
Sir Harry himself probably does not
know. At any rate, it has, never be-
fore appeared in, print.
He was appearing at a local hall,
and his humor ,eonvuleed: every mem-
ber of the audience save.oue very seri-
. • ?.•• our-lo'olcing man, who stared at him
solemnly throughout the performance
without the glimmer of a simile. After
his tent wasover, another comedien
took his place, and tol& hia best story.
—Ithe solemn main was convulsed.
Well, that' e done it!, said the dome-
dia,n gloomily. "I 'thought it wa.s fun-
' Oldest Lawyer in England.
Sir Harry Poland; the oldest barris-
ter in. England. recently eeaiehed his
ninety-fourth year. He was called te
• the bar seventy-one years ego., and for
ferry years he practised at the Old
Bailey, appearing, • in many farnaus
cases He has proseauted more mur-
derers than any man living. •In. 'spite
• of his 3reare he is still hale' and 'hearty,
•and he givea this- rec.ipeifor long- life:
"Eat and drink in moderation and
take -plenty of exercise. Nothing beats
walking, and I intend to go on walking
• every day until:Ilea Itun.dredi"
• Sit Harry ha,s known eight lord chief
• justices; and his memory takes him
• back to the. r Cigla o William 117. He
was St. Paul's for the funeral of
• the Duke of Wellington, and he recalls,
the building eft Nelson's monument in
Trafalgar Square. •
A story ,taid against airo ..concerns
his la,c1c of regard. for cloth. A. suit
• made for him was such a bacl fit that
lila sis,ter called; oa the tailor.
"I'm very sorry, peclam;" was the
reply, "but Sir Hany le the first cus-
• tomer I've had who, insists' oia bein,g
• measured sitting. clewn."
"Don't worry about that," interrupt-
ed the greet lawyer, "I wear Most of
my clothes out that •:WaYnn •
4 ,
" AT a box of. little raisins when
1.14 you feel hungry, lazy, tired or
• faint. '•
In about 9% seconds hundred
calories or more of energizing nutri-
ment will put you on your toes again.
For Little Sun -Maids are 75%0'
fruit sugar in practically predigested
form--levulese, the scientists call it.
• And levulose is real body, fuel.
Needing practically no digestion, it
gets to work and revives yoti quick. •
Full of energy and iron—both good
and good for you. Just try a box.
‘6Betwee !Vied" i aisins
- 5c Everywhere
Had. Yottr
•Iron Today?
urname.§ and Their Origm
, •APPLEBY •• • , .
'Flacial Origin—English.
Source—A locality.
ehen.:Peori'gr- Basate earriedithe &ill vnU,
• I for the first time!, no :awl, !RD M. family names Whieb,are identival,With
' Burke Burnett tells' it in •the Wide these feeniliar, Objects elements!,
'World illagezine, le perhaps aS anaUs- steasolas. Animals, ead implemierite, end
hig"11, 94e. as .eVer come ,fecnin the others which, though the Spelling
diAMond ilelds «1so9th Africa, While Slightly changed, are SubstanitiallY
wS. ere l'SPgbing et the drill parrier, "like thein, ' • .
however, we elienld rtot forget leis' Itarch , and )1/lay represent-
'guarst.i.e and persiitene4: monthS. Da -;r is quite corernon name
A Kimberley diamond mine, )7v:rites arid one els* finds NVeelts, though not
Mr. Burnett; Was ', being warked in. Week., Mgrrow, teoecameare.,
terraces, se that ieirieryerie. in the mine , Dew, Froit, Snow, •Cloud ,,are 'all
lied a 'good vwof all.the YvorkingSi. family' names as well'as Stowe" 'Gale
One of �gang'. of -raw,. Basntes Who .and. Rene, -
,had juet arrived Was gEven•a teeerrtty- The .idaedinal pointe, of the .oenepass
foOt d'a41.;and, told to :go to the top of —East ; West, North, SouthL-wAre all
an• inoline in the .elentre iof the mille
and -wa.it there until his bOss came:.
The, native started off preedly, ear -
'tying the drill an, his shoulder as if it
were art' assegai. Halfway up the in-
cline the drill came into Contact with
a live wire soine twelve feet from the
ground, IVIn. Basuto ofourse got a
.shook that sent him flYing, and the
drill was knocked out of his hand. I
never in My life saw a moee s,t'artled
native. When he picked himself up
he stood looking at the drill; then he
vralked ail mum' it .and glanced over
the side of the incline; to See if the
fellow wilro had hit him were hiding
there. Finallym
he cameo 'slowly back
toward the drill and regarded it sus-:
picionsly as it lay on the ground-, BY
•Variathins—Cortain IViaceurtin, Mac-
APpleby In one of these , family
names wheii do a straight thev.elopment
from the name of a plaice, and, of
course, in the first instance lite use as
a surname was to indic.ate that the
,person bearing it had ..come, from that
merely arbitrary changes on the. iiart
locality, or was in some war connect.
of the- b,earessefrom Irlefa name th
ea with it. •
, an. English ignie that happened to
Applebyla tie name of a town in slcund a bit likait. changes were.
Dngaand. Hence, barring. -potssible enerraentily made as a result of Bug -
usage on the part of a feudal •overlord lish laws:promulgated in Ireland at
to denote, suzeraitutsr, it 'we's the sort vailous time.s. prohibiting the use of
at name that was adopted by Pe51543he native nomenclatirce:- '
who had left that to-wn and settled 151 here are two Gaelic spellings of
abhor pants; for It would -thave been no the nante from which this group of
dilsitinctien (Pe sPegkeit a don ab John anglicized, forms has developed. They
of Appleby whee he was surrounded are "O'Oaaathlain" and "O'Cruitin,"
by Rogers, WilIilei Hamos, Seaniesies and though the innre ,allileient designation
Boh,erts., all also of Appleby. ' of the elan was "Mann Cruitin."
Some etymologists derived tele place rale elae name Was derived from the
• name of Appleby Etna A.nigle-Sakon given name of the chiettalin who found -
sources, holding that eats, a .,sombita- dd, one "Orthitlin File" or Cruftin the
Won-. of the•mords. "apple" •and "by," Poet." to ,neary as canbe judged
from avaliabLe records, • which • axe' cer-
tain eie to genealogy,but a bit vague
ee to dates., Chas, obese -lain, lived about
1100 or 1200 A.D. . The clan he found-
ed is an offshoot of the O'Conars of
Curtain, Jordan, Jourdan.
Racial OrIgin-lrish.
Source—A given name.
At Ath.e. outset it should be explained
that the forms l Iondan and .3.0nrd1113.,
when, thley' realty are developments of
the names in -this group,
rePresentecl; Moon,too, and Starr,
though not Oun, •
• Many' of.the common colors f urnish
names. There are Black White Green
Brown, Gray, Pink, and Scarlett.
A very consid,erable number of
names arise from the animal world,'
Examples are Bu1iock Bull, Lamb,
ICidd, Colt, Badger, Rogge, Hare and
'Wolfe. You notice that in seyeral of
these the old spelling' are preserved.
Birds give us Wrenn, Heron, Cxane,
Crowe and Lark. Bird itself is also
a not uncommon name.
• From plant life we gather .such
names as Rose, Flower, Berry, Cotton,
Rice, Oates., Bean, as well as Ahrroxtd,
Oakes, Ashe, and Pine. We also have
parts of plants, such as Root, Branch
that time virtually everyone in the and Twigge.
mine was watching him.
Gaining courage, the native crept
up to the drill anid, putting out his
hand, touched it ligthtly. Finding that
it did not -bite him Or kiek him, he
picked, it up and, glancing round
again, put it on his shoulder. • He had
taken only one or twosteps, however,
when the drill again touched the elec-
tric wire. Down went the implement
for the second time, anci round spun
Mr. Basuto. All work bad ceased, an I
the whole mine was waiting to see
what he would do next,
The native stared at the drill as if
he expected to see it get up and at-
• tack him; then, crouching low, he
crept to the side of the incline to make
sure once again that D 0 one was hid-
ing there. Returning he picked up a
good-sized rook as a weapon and ap-
proached the drill on tiptoe He stub-
bed it with his foot; he rolled it over
two or three times. then he stooped,
glandecl round anbegan slowly to
Pink it Inn Finally h,e ,go,t it on his
g p,
the leittee meaning "bowie" As. a mat -
Hotter Than the Sum • ter of fact, however, the town w,ae in
Until a- feir years ago it was emietence before Anglo-Saxon
thought that the sun'e, heat vraa the and was known to th,c), Romano as,
greatest that could exist. 'You can ",kbailla,ba," whilch prob,abay was the
realize how intens'e. it is when you Latin yereion of a British: name.
think that the rays that burn Our
faces brown in Summer time have
travelled across 92,000,000 miles of
space. •,
Scientists have. succeeded, inprodiac-
ing a temperature rthat is thousands of
degrees hotter than -the son's surlace..
It w.asliesireici to' study the •coMposi-
tier' of certain metals, and the on4
way of doing so wes to reduce them
to gas by aplatring heat. .
The temperature necestary. Yves, en-
ormous, and months .0X experiments
were .needed, before a means of pro-
ducing it 'adult', be found. 'Event -1.14Y
a huge electrical apparatus 'was' In-
stalled which produced heat no ter -
ride that metals, were conVerted, tot
slowly, hut instantly, into gat; in tact,
pletteeof tungsten were made' to ex-
plode 'ae• If they had been dYnatalte.
• The Ite,at generated reedlike:14a teinp-
erature a 40,000 degat•es Fahrenheit.
Fifty.pounde of "leery' is" the laver -
age yield one elephae.e. "
'In setae parts ete galifortila oil ie"
stnek .6.8 near' at 30 feet ••to. th.e
earth's eurfaiee.
• any noise, not even at the report of a
ScaVengers were -originally officials gun sted ages to it; but. It Iv watch
• who collected Scavage,At tot imposed! 'terrified/ ilf ally clog rune after or even
in many English towns liven all goods
exposed foealo witlin their 7,*.-aokt,
arks, The tax Was abolished by )1enry
• A Labrador Pet.
Of my Labrador pets none, writes
Capt.' George. partwright in the entry
in his Labrador Journal for Auginae14,
1779, was, so attractiy,e as' a deer that
hicul• been captured when very young,
I took a walk round the island, but
saw nothing. I was attended by ray
young deer. whieb, is now perfettly
tame, and shall new make some re -
;narks on those animals.. Notwith-
standing reindeer are naturally very
wild and timOions, yet no ,eyeature, is
so Soon 8,0 effectually ,tamed 2 taken
young; but What they may he when
caught afterwards I .cannot ten. They
not only grow very bold, nut aleo S,haw
great affection fee such meas and degi3
as they take a liking to and &Oro a
great spite agains.t those 'who alkront
.This doer of mine has had its full
Melte- 'ever 'agneei the- fearth day after
it -west caught (.eircept, a tow aighte
eonfilnemen,t to the erib, lest the dogs
sironid bon it When, we were all asleep)
but sines' that' it .Itai constantly lain
otut. It is not in the least alarmed at
To be poptiliat ',at home. '40 t.guleat
• - achievement, The Men '011ie is loved
by tho cat, byr the du*, 'by his Weigh.
bore children, and bv his own,wite,,is
near it, and any rannixtg of the people
instantly aftrighte M
but the moent
ell is e'ruiet, it is so too, it Will Oft(11 go
up t',0 -a -dog and Stag' toladni; it is well
asequainted with all of mine and will
4dov.vof by the- aro amongsttbani
believe' they 'Boairoe ever sleep, for
xismueh tke, have watehed, this I neVer
dould:ohserV,6 that it Naas asleep, 'or
a great man, oven if he has never ha.. kept lts eyes closed mere then t'Ail0
name in "Who).S. Vtrirclh Seconds at a time, and nioved over
so little; it would start up When I
have lain clown on the bed, at a time
when it was lying, on the floor, it would
start up every five or six minutes and
come to see that a Was, net gone; and
haying licked my face or sucked my
neck hd,ntikerohlet a little, it wciuld
quietly lie cloivon again. When at any
time it lost' me it would run about
grunting like a hog, and never rest un-
it had found" me, wh-en it would run
up tome in Tull speed. Sornetime.s
have diverted myself with stooping
and running both. „,af.ter and from: it,
Which pleased it much; and it would
d o the'same and frisk about in the
same matine.r an 1 have seen the -wild
calves One among another; and I have
likewise observed that when it la
frightened' it erects its sd:ngle, which
at ell other times h.angs down.
shoulder and, still looking suspiciously
about him, started upward a,gain.
Everyone was now hoiclin.g his
breath. There was not a sound, in
the whole mine. The native took one
seep forward and then, presumably to
catch the fellow who ha,d, been. hitting
the dell': jumped suddenly round,. As
he turned the drill touched the wire
'again! Mr. Benito must have got an
extra dose of cuirent that time, for
the drill flew over the side of the in-
cline and the unfortunate native was
knocked flat on his back.
Until then he had not spoken a
word, but the howls and yells that he
uttered as he sprang to his feet and
rushed headlong. down 'the incline
. ,
would have done Credit to an imp. And
the roar of laughter that •went up
from the mine a second or two later
Was heard ,g the centie of the town,
four miles away!
Haddock, Roach, Bass, and Crab -be
come evidently from the fish creation;
and Church, Temple, Tower and Ab-
bey are from familiar buildingS.
Parts of 'buildings -are represented
by Wall, Post, Hall, Lock, Bolt and
several other,s.
Many naines are, the same as those
of household implements. We may
quote Shears, Scales, Bell, Broome,
Mallet and. Sickles,.
Natural features of the landscape
provide Hill, Pond., Field, Marsh,
Glenn, Dale, „Brook, Rivers, Banks,
Meadows, Moose, °Hire, Ridge and
others too numerous to meetion.
Countrie,s provide England, English,
Britain, Ireland, We13b, (for 'Welch),
Norman, French, and many others.
But the list is practically endless,
The halo baidnrite origin about two
thoesancl, years ago. To, okra. agairisti
the possibility •of rain staining the
marble faces. of t.heir go.d.s the Greeks
used to protect thein with a large
metal plate placed over the top of the
head, These were mistaken by paint -
eels in. later years for -emblems of di.
✓ intty, Accordingly, our Ohristian
saints are ofeturedi with the ring
which mr,e .call a ludo,
`Mon ordering geode by mail send
• 1)oraittion Express Money °riled,.
'Vivo ichapels in London are now
Uted Oa &dories.
oujelsoto Litiorwkit, for parget .100vs,
• The Power of Love.
Some time ago, a treveler. in Cen-
tral America became interested in a
young negro and brought him North.
After transplanting him, the negro's
photograph was taken. It showed a
very crude, rough individual, but ap-
parently of great physical strength.
Every thirty days, for six months
thereafter, the man had his negro pro-
tege photogeephedi, and ae the end ef I "When, I began taking Dr. Williams'
that time placed the photograph -s --side' Pink Pills I was in a weak, bloodless
by side to note the ethange -which al and nervous condition, suffering from
all the depressing symptoms that ac-
company this run down state of health.
I had taken much medicine but it did
not do me any good, and as I had a
family of small children, I was much
discouraged. Then roading about Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills I decided to try
them, and I can honestly say that I
feel these pills haye saved me frOm
"XX I had ii.ot get Tibiae when I did:
fax»SOTS I WODIC1 laare. 1144 to glee up
Work," mys Joint •A-1,1r.ineoal, af Kol
Avenue, •lalowirt, laanidirton, Ont., Cilia,
-dolts Pest Office in relatiag 3113X-
1),r1041.0e With tlle'MKUohle,
',WY •kidneys bled •bothered me 'for
• four years end I 'was' saldom freo from
backaehe or rhellMatin pane 5.11'mY
right erm and Shoulder. • I was in. snoit
• a bad fix when I started. taking Tadao
that I could hardly go. MY bask and
slhouldere hert so bad, it was all I could
do to get out a bed in the mornings.
I would come home from work ao tired
I dreaded to move after I got settled
"Before I got Taxi ae I was thoroughly
discouraged, for I had tried most every
medicine and kept getting worse. Rut,
in about two weeks after I Blotted on
this medicine I felt better and after
the second bottle I picked up rapidlY.
It wasn't long until Tanlac had me in
shape to where I could do a hard day's
week and then come llama and reix
concrete and work about the house un-
til dark. I have not had a sign of my
old troubles: since I took Tatalae. It
gave m,e a better appetite and made'
me feel better all over. I don't seem to
tire any more and can Week hard all
day and still feel fine. Toni= ia cer-
tainly great." • •
Tanlac is sold by all good druggists.
Good Health Maintained Through
Rich, Red Blood.
There ere many men and women
who, every f ow- weeks, have `spells of
weakness, during which time they are
little better than invalids; yet at other
times they feel very well. Why does
their health fluctuate so? ••
In the case of men worry and over-
strained nerves are usually respons-
ible for this state of unfitness and in-
ability to face the anxieties of daily
lif e.
As for women, her back aches, she
is dizzy with sick headaches, and often
has stabbing pains in the side. The
only real health is all -the -year-round.
health; and the secret of it ie good,
red blood and plenty of it. One way
to keep the blood in good conditian is
to take Er. Williams' Pink Pill's. There
is soarcely a n,00h or comae in Canada
where someone will not be found who
will tell yea the benefit they have had
• through the use of these pills. And
the ran qton is that through the im-
proved condition the blood they
strengthen and tone up the nerves of
worried, enfeebled men and women,
and at the same time have given new
vigor to pale, delicat , girls and thin
weedy boys. The value of these pills
ixi an run down condiaons is shown by
the statement of Mne :Lawrence
Brown, Walton, N.S., who says:—
new, encouraging, stimulating en-
vironinent was working in him.
The improvement was, indeed, mar-
velous. One could, see how, from
month to month, kindness was regis-
tering its softening, refining, spirit-
ualizing effects in the facial expression of the rough, .coarse negro. At
the end ,of the , six months, one who
scarcely rec.ogetize the face in th.e last good and we now keep the pills in the
prolonged misery, My health is now
did not see the whole series, would
that in the first. As a matter .otf fact, house for use as a family medicine,"
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
photograph as one and the same ' as
it was not the same. Love ancl kind- through any dealer in medicine or by
e um Ion an i -zaning, had developea mail at 50 cents, a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
nes, the °penile,. lip of ithe ni* cl b
ci .. ti. d ti,,. ., . in v
face Into a new one. Gockville, Ont,
the man's eoul and transformed his ° Br°
That is alWaye love's way. Nothing Where Women Mustn't
eIse ,has .such power to lift the life
and beautify the personality as' love.
„ • Numbers 'of things are taboo among
SAVE ABY'S LIFE COrnish fisher folk. No woman is al -
Michel des Saints, Que. erre •
Mrs, Alfred Trancliemontagne,
, i es.-- lowed to WhiStle or bad luck will suro-
vitation to disaster, while, bread must
Taking a pasty to sea is another in-
material to be removed, Millard'a1.11111110a fOr; 0,CatelinIPOIN .
$.t. lY 1°11ow,
"Baby's Own Tablets aro an excellent ble carried on board either in slices or
medicine. They saved my baby's life as a whole loaf. A half -loaf of bread
In a, fishing boat signiiI4 that only
half th,e usual catch of fish will be
Animals are regarded with particu-
lar disfavor, and d.oe's and cats must
not be mentioned whet the nets ore
Pilelharas have been searce in St,
Ives Bey since the railWay was built
ohildren suffer, TheY are sold by along its ebores-, and fishermen believe
medicine dealers or by illeil at 25 that the ,engine. whistle frightens the '
tenth a box from The Dr, Williams' fish away.
'Medicine CO., Breekville, Ont.
Wealth brings power, but what
most people need la more control. Men caught .one, flog.ged it, and let 11
yee fearing <tem et, quovryang rook go again to tell its tellowe what would
without blasting an Englishman has 1 happen, it they did mot clear out of the
inVcrited hydranaically operated t4:31e. Toligillb°11101
1 sooping rams to be inserted into the ---470---
and I can highly recommend them to
all mothers" 1Virs. Tranollemon,
tagne's experieneels.that of thousands
of other mothers who have tested the
worth of I3aby'0 Own Tablets. 'I'he
Tablets are a sure and safe medicine
for little 0453 •toid.never fail to regu-
late the bowels and stomach, this re-
lieving all the minor ills frorn which
. The Choir Invisible.
Oh, may 1 join the choir invilsilal-e!
Of those immortal dead who live itgain
In -minds made better b•y their pres-
ence live ••
In puls,es stirred to geneeosity. .
In deeds of daring rectitude, 'in seam
Of miserable aims that end with. self,
In thoughts •sublime that pierce the
night like stare,
And with their mild persisten.ce urge
man's search
To vaster iSSUSS. •
SO to live Is, heaven:
To make undying music in the world
Breathing as beauteous order that con.
With growing sway the growing lie
of men. • '
So we inherit that ,sweet purity
For which we struggled', failed an
agonized •
With widening retrospect that bre
Rebellious fles,lit that would not be sub
A vicious parent shaming still Its child
Poor, anidous penitence is quick dis
solved; ••
Its, discords, quenched by m,eeting har
Die in the large and charitable air;
And all our rarer, better, truer self,
That sobbed religiously lu yearnin
That watched to ease the burden 01
• the weand.
Laboriously tracing what mut be,
And what may yet be better --sae
A -worthier image for the sanctuary
And shaped. it forth before the, multi
Divinely human raising worslip so
St. Ivee people decla,ro that 2150.1 arc
very "'mewing." When dog4ish. Were
doing damage to tho -net.s some fisher-
. . , .
, , ' ' ' • „ ' • ' , , , .
To higher reverence more fixed wit
That better self shall live till humo.
Shall fold its eyelids; and the hunt
Be gathered like a scroll within ta
Unread forever.
This is life, to come
Which martyred m -en have made mor
For us who strive to fallow. May
That purest 'heaven, be ta ether soul
The eup of .strength la some gre
Enkindle generous ard-or, feed put
. love
I3eg-et the smiles that have no cruelty.
I3e the sweet presence of a good die
And in diffusion ever more intense!
So shall I jointhe choir invisible,
Whose music is the gladnese af .the
1 --Gdorge Elliott.
," • ,
;If '
For 5 1, re Throat,
cola in the Chest Etc.
Pionsol. inag nemettios
nook on
eed leow to Fead
Miele() Proe Welly Ad.
dress by tho Author.
,av sa.ovor oo.,/ao.
125 'west 24th eueet
Mew York, tte.A.
IBulk Calots
0, ..1., 01...l1tT' . ToFlowro
4 daily treina via the Santa ISe, '
Pullmans vie Grata Canyon
else to Soetlierrt •.4.ricena, .
Icred Iitafvoy Inealeneal tae
May I sena 11011 our picture
. .;
Folders?• '
ZondiV, Shit. Agohh,i•.
Sante, Po 1%1111040.5r '
401 Irtil0.1, 0ate1.10 Stadg., 1!i541lsalt,,101441.:'
Vitot.,et 1Pdabt
.Grand, ,C.eort,vort .
• , UV'," No,, '
" ..;•
' INMAN 110004 'lVOille
4'4(.0;11 AttO1r40:74P, 14.401.g.
;I, ' gil
,,t )r 4 400101041'
. '1
eF, at
tor 013erating,'
free ,catelogue;
gon oo I a.
,,_, n,.... n,"*".r.
.4140 j iil 'i' i.44„ii ,ggr,T '14.41/411"{go .
once; city.ena pr44riee,derriOnd
medhanice and orrving, trao.
' tlrq 1"nlisanizing,
•wehliIng RaPra,00' . b/414$171,
1,4 tpaoli t1ie33e't30.4.04,,
arty.nialit eleemea. , Tirrito for
'pis Wages, steedY ena.,
...I-IetapitiLl ante Pas Traotoc,
10 3 1<log . West, n'oro ate. ..1,.
41/STITT:IneOl .4i1).
ye at benne,
"by lured",,.
,postage, The
va, Peer. A,
, - ,
, for
,cliine or
tlon.; send
sale Pla
eitber , With
write for intor1144,
Canadian NVIIelie,
far lila., ont.
' von Aszw. ' • '" ,
.111 ORD , WOOD STAAB "wooD,
I'd 1° tEP' Ilela Ores,. Bothwell) ontanle,
• •
7ii:WiTiFthir-iikgai. , Btai.gx
%,../ pups, , rlaui.,ts. uoid x3ros.,,
,.., ELTII
Li /11 11 i , '
-1).0La1r.TG or il..a., xlisrx„is, liNvy 63F,
.E..• used, puneyo, mows, cable, hos4
eta, shlpped sublet to arenieval at low.,
est prices in Canada, Tork.1$eilt4tol Pa4
115 York St., Tarmac.. ' •
• Girl Who Smells Colors'. ,,,..
. .
.. _
Remarkable gifts are posseesod. hy
an English Mind and 'deaf till
spite of her afflictions, oan deteeti
sounds and distinguish Tsolags.
She can listen "to 4 conversation by
resting her fingers oix the speakeeir
throat, head, or chest, •She ean .even
, ,
e"nhdea.ori" wbblychhola:tgaced baigliaimmildic' taciiiee perm!
son talking. These feats sre made
possible by the fact that she 'haS
learned to translate the -vibrations
caused by epeeeli • into werda and
sentences, •
By placing her fingers in the treosi)r.„
ex' she 'can 'conduct ateleph,ene tem-,
, ,
veriation without diffi.culty. -, - •'''
Her sense of smell has been del
I/eloped to an extraordinary degree.
She tens the colors of objects, by
amelling them, and in the same man-
ner she own diesceibe the dresees her
felowestadents are wearing. - ,
.She can "read!' books in big type
and 433istinguish the value of notes by
running h,er fingers over them. ,
, 41,51011ompagi
,.. ,
,„ ...,,
- .
., t
.01 1G
, '.•
.. ,
It caused
, 14,
, Soap
In B
isters, °Itched
nephew's face and
disfigured with
He was only three
old when it broke
blisters, and the
and red.
, itching, burning
of sleep, and
was so worrisome..dst
could rest neither
advised to use
Ointment arid after
of Soap and three
he eras entirely
Miss Mary Warr,
Cuticura Soap' Ointment
Tree by Mal. Address: "Lynkmort,I.Ita..
Roal 31..W., Montro4,"
2.5c. Ointment 25 stud 60c.
Soap shaves 'without
' 4
"iE was
344. t3 1.
here. Soap
For 5 1, re Throat,
cola in the Chest Etc.
Pionsol. inag nemettios
nook on
eed leow to Fead
Miele() Proe Welly Ad.
dress by tho Author.
,av sa.ovor oo.,/ao.
125 'west 24th eueet
Mew York, tte.A.
IBulk Calots
0, ..1., 01...l1tT' . ToFlowro
4 daily treina via the Santa ISe, '
Pullmans vie Grata Canyon
else to Soetlierrt •.4.ricena, .
Icred Iitafvoy Inealeneal tae
May I sena 11011 our picture
. .;
Folders?• '
ZondiV, Shit. Agohh,i•.
Sante, Po 1%1111040.5r '
401 Irtil0.1, 0ate1.10 Stadg., 1!i541lsalt,,101441.:'
Vitot.,et 1Pdabt
.Grand, ,C.eort,vort .
• , UV'," No,, '
" ..;•