HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-01-04, Page 68 ddeglit•a 'g g•of, + ear 'i o axsmu vau1i et y a tettget up, . � � p t o ri.rork this nateening. 1 tastl g Prices 20c anti 30c H a?" I red without a nae. .i er''husba s d a Mt,t;; a . s . Don't iss seenseein hi m;.a,tgeler aft the w uss most Ieaii>QtituI' tion pie® h re ,star at the LYCEU' THE T E eta wary 8th, 9th, 10tha izx F. E. i1iBfl'IIs Youxxg'°Great Story rrliS 9 9 IN mEmciaii.Am' �n loving memory of John Egie- stone ditto died December aeth.;_zeas Thou 'art gone •but not forgotten,:.. As it"dal tis 'another year, • In our leanly 'hearts of'thinking, Thoughts 'of you are ever dear, dine year,has passed, and=yet.we miss Never' wilt your memory- fade, Loving :'thought will ';always linger, Round the place where you arelaid d � s -raf. .,:- sadness stlll_`wwrn^�.. �JE'r tic Tears' ` in silence often ' flow, For nmernory keeps you ever near us, • Though you died one year; ago, Friends may think that we forget you ' When at times they see us' smile y Ude naw the sorrow, at smite hides'ali the while. Youalwa• not forgotten, father dear,' Nor will you ever be,. As long -as life and memory last, We will remember thee, . Froth Mother and Family, i v EAST WAWANOSH d the 1ttl k h Goriie. Mrs. McKee was a most faithful wife' and loving mother, al- ways of a cheerful disposition and one whose hospitality knew. no bounds. She was'one .of the . eight original' Members of Knox church, Belmore, and throughout her whole Iife was an active and willing worker,'both in the P church and community. Besides' a large circle of friends she P leaves behind to mourn her loss, ]ler husband and seven children, Albert of e Portland,' Oregon; . Jennie of - New York; Mrs. Geo; Lane, Turnberry; I' Carter of Galt; Mrs. John Wylie, Gor- rie; George and Elizabeth at home. G Five brothers and two sisters also sur- vive, Thos.' G. Ballantyne and Mrs. T; es Dickson of Atwood; Michael, Angus and Mrs. W. Holmes of .Downie,'and so Wm. and Robert of Stratford. Interinent took place on Monday of Sa ternoori, January tst., to. Wroxeter • c-emeterv. SI An Unpublished Testimonial Sh Wild Sassafras Invigorator, Ltd., Toronto -Gents: My wife was 'poorly for the past two years and a friend ad- AI ised nae to get a bottle of your in W vigorator. Although the price of one ollar per small bottle looked like S robl�,ery, T agreed to order one as T 1 aLMOTi;g have this week to record, the death, ef• Mrs. ,Wita .M.'eKee which, took place. at her home in.,Gorrie,',on Fri day... Our sympathy le extended oto M McKee and farnilyi in this, their hour of sorrow. inMrs, Peter Hakn ey visited last weekI Wingham .and 13Iuevale. A iiistake was made last weep in the date of the 'contest,, Friday even. ing, January 5th.,„ is the correct, date,. Miss Edna Lincoln and Mrs. Edward Renwick are captains. Mr.and Mrs, Hyndmara of Goa-rie,' ate their ,Xinas dinner at Geo, Herds. Miss Eleanor ' Jeffray visite.d. „last week with her brother on the tenth.. Mr. Matt Willie has taken the ,con- tract of hauling logs for the Swallman Bros., Mildmay. Miss Nettie "Butchart is visiting at her hoine at Eden Grove. The Women's Institute will meeCat the home of Mrs. Mulvey on January 6th. All are welcome, Mrs. W. H, Irwin lias been in Wingham for' the past week, nursing her little grandson, who has been very sick with pneumonia, Fascinating Stories Two fascinating • stories of adventure and romance will commence this mon- th in The Family Herald arid Weekly Star of Montreal. "The King's . Ar- row;" by H. A. Cody,: takes one back to Stirring tidies in the picturesque days of •the. Acadians and the United Empire .Loyalists. "The Yellow Flow- er," her, Thompson Cross, is a thrilling tale 'of adventure in the Far East, These two stories alone are worth double the subscription price of The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal' for a full -year. Subscrip- tions sent in immediately will catch the opening instalments, New Books In Library "An Old Fashioned Girl, by Lou- isa M. Alcott. "Good, Wives," by Louisa M. cott. "Rose in Bloom," by Louisa M cott. "Far Past the Frontier," by Ja 13 radon. "Two Boy Pioneers," by Jas Bradon. "The Complete Dog Book," by Wnx. A. Bruette, "Brothers' of the Brown OwI,' Georges. Carpentier. "Bert Wilson at Panama," by luffield- "BertrWilson at thea Wheel," b W. Duffield. "Bert Wilson's Fadeaway'13a11,' J. W. Duffield. "Bert Wilson in the Rockies," b W. Duffield. "Bert Wilson Marathon Winn by J.. W. Duffield.. "Bert Wilson on the Gridiron," J. W. Duffield. "Bert Wilson Twin Cylinder Rac by -J• W. Duffield. Bert Wilson Wireless Operat by J. W. Duffield. "The Society of the Tortoise Mas by. Major Charles Gilson. "Our Prince," by Edward Legge "Hussars of the Wolf," by D. arry. "The' Scarlet Scouts," by D. arry. „ "Cross: Currents;" by Eleanor Po r. "The Turn of the Tide," by Elean orter. "The Girl of the Limberlost," ene S. Porter. Nobby's Luck," by:Ernest Prattle "Mastered Man," by F. A. Raba n; "Bonnie Prince Fetlar," by Marsha unders. "Keepers of the Sea," by Frank raw, "Treasure Trove," t r.. v by Frank H aw. 'Lad," by Albert P. Terhune. 'Further Adventures of Lad," b bort P, Terhune. 'In Quest of a Kingdom,"- by alkey. 'TireBoys' Book of Buccaneers," b Walkey. The Boys' Book of Pioneers," h Wilkey. The Boys' Book of Redskins,"b Walkey, " he 'Secret of the Shining Moun ," by S. Walley, Al- . A 1- s.A. A. Dr, ' by 11. ' by Y J. er," by er," or," k". H. H. rt - or by n-• 11 H, y S. y y y' A t ery'successful concert was given i h lay the pupils of S.S. No. 8, under the' e direction of their efficient teacher,: a Miss May Bone, `some were heard •re-' marking' that they had, not laughed so I much for years. I Mr, and Mrs, Art. Barr of 13lytla, zitr their flew Years goose at William it Loves, rn Skating is quite the order of the day ;- Skating Maitland I'Ienry's fish pond. ad to' pay a man and his wife to orae in and cook, split wood, look' S'„ fter the stock, etc,, on account of my wife not being able to do these things; S'E l The bottle arrived as per order and tain gave my wife one teaspoonful as er directions on label. When 1 brung her glass of milk that evening slie ays, hat's that?" Miss Laura Bane • spent New.Years s' t the home of her mother. A irtumber of the young people of u the eighth" line were entertainel` to a an very enjoyable evening of cards and anta:5ic at the Borne of Mr. and Mrs, A. fo }orterfield, , w Miss Mary Bolt of Wingham, is Io aliendrng her vacation.under the par- ental roof, sp Miss May Bone and Mt: Norman wa V'ightman, were in London last week ill "It's your glass of milk for Suppe dys 1. "Milk nothing," says she, "Fix me p a good steak with fried potatoes d plenty of onions." It was kind of an expensive dish r a sick woman, but I thought it as as well to humor her the way she eked at rue. One hour after she took the second oonful the next morning, tray wife s abasing the married cottple off e place With a buggy whip, et lag ..a to -union of the Normai Idents of, class Ypa2, :TJRC•H firehouse of North Da - siting with his mother, Mrs. ' rise, :Henry left an Tuesday to ler ditties as teacher at Guelph, aro red Mrs, Mae Ross spent Sat - at the home of Mr. and Mrs. het#derson, l?s 'amount - Annie Henry leaves this week ie, her duties as nurse in New ve1 rte annottric;e She looked quite some taller and her eyes were blazing like Hydro store windows. "Whatyou been doing while I was sick?" says she. "Worrying about you," says I, "And yoti had to hire a couple to help you worry?" says site sphere was some things to be done und, •the place," says 1. '.'and I had to have somebody to do them." "There's quite a few things to be done aroii.nd the place," says she, cite a few things and you're the nobody that'll have to do them," Well, gents what I wanted to say as I never knew your wild Besse, W was so wild or I wouldn't have wlaer e it to my wife at all. She's so sectio nett ipvigorous' n W that •she -gots strap. at 4.30 a. iii. and o I have to have Is got fire going and her breakfast ready mtinit the chores done, and she don't go thinks eel till ro ort and I Bever get a news. p all day, Haven't you some a reg d of Anti,Ieiva;;orator you could you a under sealed. cover? Some kind. event off that would make ,l. her feel like ' write Y down afternoons? The trouble trance hen cent, isfie makeife s me invigorate ted a. and tltc remade an elegant wife as tin 3rival• or, Kindly wire, reply by return mail,, Wapp, Adaeti Palls, Out, We sot w' t page 3 fras 3 iv i 'die Trate Mks. MIeo ` hum Ou ridsty, December.e ih 111}' , o .., at Cxor» the Citi Mrs, 'W ,, in, Mcl�ee passed away ie and Iter Seventy -;second year, .Mrs. McKee to 1> yes both, iii 1"7owtiie .l ovuitship near let -u rxttfr�rd, 'oit January 8tli., 185x. She'kin ' way ix daughter of -the late Jas. .and'son( ; ettieria� of who were v�towtsl p. the; of n stir was Married io Wm. Ttfel(ce is w5 ¢ iri+ Ca'i4c Township, neat', Bcltttore, pet•, Y 'resided for foityr.$tetren She, etti, eticlttriitc; the trials of pioneer id; i"lltet years atgo they moved to T. ALL IN .THE STATE OF MIND If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare` not, you dont; If you would like to : win out, but think you can't It's almost a cinch you wont, If you.. think you'll lose, you've lost; For out in the world you find, Success begins with a fellow's will; It's all in the state of mint:. Full many a race is lost, Ere even a step is run, And many a coward fails Ere even his work's begun. Think big and deeds will grow, Think small and you'll fall behind; Think what you can and you will; It's all h the state of mind. If you think you are outclassed, you. are; You ve got to think high to rise; You've got to be sure of yourself, be fore 'You can ever win a prize. Life's battles don't aiways go to the stronger or faster matt, But sooner or ,Yater, the pian, who wins, Is the fellow who thinks he can, -Author unknown. v,rottld Tike our readers every - to' to' let the people know their it of the country is still on the AN readers like to know what ng on of interest iri their cone- y, but sometimeseach one "the other one" will send the in. It is not necessary to be tiler correspondent. Whoever re and when yata renew of some that Would interest•others it out an '` arid it, to lie Arlt or call by phone or in t>ersrite ou will have the grateful thanks subscribers as well as the edit. et` Velveteit ax111otintCtaiettt ea; Eledtfon results .i ' Liacknovi' "onl Mvf onday resulted 'ir3•-the" followrng .eaaa or.councii.The reeve Robta jet ilrst9ia Was given an aceleMitifien hoz his rev nth tenni and, the two '-,i,i z 0.iliors' 4.0 who stood for re-ele,.taon were tetpi`n , ed, 1♦2iller ltc ailing the . pall A ' Mackenzie of the LucicrtoWSe.nta;aet lets ft behind, Robt. Johnston, Reeve 78 : 1,31 -see Elliott Mille/- Ed. iller Ed. N. Hodgins Ab. Millson Geo. Ti., Smith :_... A. D. Mackenzie .a.<• C•Goiitinh�d fr aril' ;page x) • :.:. rd awii;gt . 'oamill1 •, on the. ,.arrn o f ` 13eY fattier, tp.j;herstraras ri'feltdelssahn's Melody Played by Mtss I lotto, I3xoalcs, and took trier stand tandexr, ail areli oi? :evergreen'atid 'roses..The bride was, attended by her sister, .Mildi'ed; • who • wore the bridgrpq;za s gift, `a bar.'pin' set with, pearls and het -,;little `niece, Clara Mae ;JIaldenby, Who feted as flower girl ' carried a , basket of roses 'and who 'dish: wore the bridegroom's, gift, a geld•bracelet The 'brrdanegroo• was supported by his, brother, ,Wilfred of,London,'The'pfficiatiitg•cler"gyrnan was Rev, Frank T.s.,, Lewin.' After .the'signing 'of the' registers during which a. solo • atIfitil;r' Was' ren.' dered by the bridegi-oozrr's . ' cdusin; Miss Lillian'Brooks, accoirrpanied-at the piano by her sister, Miss Della;' both of Centralia, thew all retired .10` the dining -room , where a'' surnptt4ous' breakfast was served, at which Many. toasts were, giveii, ainohg which'• MMl-s. O. G.' Anderson spoke for the groom' and Rev. Lewin, responded ' foe ''the' bride. • After the breakfast the guests' were entertained in the drawing -room ti instrumentals from` Mr ' andraM'rs Lewin anddaughter; Dore;�;n also• 'bf' . Mrs, W. ,Anderson, readings'%vere 1 ca Tbursday,'.Jan, 4113. 1908 e eunor alyae served, the bride's table. Was charming wfth Gphclia roses silver vases and valley lilies. Five of l'he, bride'a girl friends assisted a • the diming=raom, Misses 1\111dreel a lid •«Frances; pence, Miss Gertrude Tre- 'leaven, Miss Annie 13uttore,.tal1 of Lttcknow ,and Miss Alda Webster of Iwionetora,, N, 13. , •• Later iii, the afternoon Mr .and Mrs. •Milken left on a wedding trip to Buf- falo and- gastern points,;the'.bride tra- velled h a suit. of navy 'peacl,i lzloonz with •gray fox collar ; ;and a. ' Straall 'Piet -lett hat. On 'their 'return 'they will •reside: fu Milton,: were :lylr.• Mllsi�ii is 'on the ,;staff of.-the'Js,•a ak..of I ainil toil. • Out-of-town guests .f¢r the vied ing• iifclud.ed: Mi's. George J'oynt of ;len } sell'' gra, A. Joynt; 8.eafarth :';:Mia,. Thos, .Joynt, Witlglaan ; Rev.:; anal Mi s. W. E. Millson,, I.'ondon, Mr; and' M'rs G..R. Weller, I3russels,:'"'Mt,s, Darroch• Pfeffer, New Yor1�, Ms.; and Mrs F. I. Darroch and Miss Darroch Listowel; Miss VVebster 'of Mo`ltctoii, 1`1': 'B., and Mr and Mrs, 13 idges of Palmerston. BLUEVALE 'Master Ken Walker of Toronto, vis- ed.for a few days with his cousin, 4' r: Albert'Walker. Beard frorn , Mr. -and n derson and son, Tlroinas, -'a solo wae. • given by Miss. Liihaii`Brooks; actin -A -a anied. at' the- piano' by. het• 'sister, Miss Delia, after which Rev' Lewin recttest ed a reading' from.the lsr'ide, entitled' "Robert and I" This was followed by many old Unit melodies •iii `whzch''all took ;part accompanied by Mit.'C Brown at the 'piano In:the evening a reception was ice en, it which a'Iarge number'of u ' young' folks. enjoyed themselves• with music and dancing until the' wee' siiia' hours' cif the 'morning Among the 'beautiful• ani costly presents which were' received, were a nuiU er of cheques. • ' 'Those present from a distance were; Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Anderson of London; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks. and family of. Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGowan and family of Blyth; Mr. and Mrs.' O. G. Anderson, Mi. and Mrs. Jas,, Taylor and Mrs. Percy Scandrett, all 'of Belgrave,, and. Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Henderson of Wingharn. ...65 `. ?o9--zqq 56 99-155 51 102.153.. -Or 75--r23 Asks For Old -Poem St.. Jacobs, Dec. zeth. 1022 Mr. A. G. Snaith, Publisher Dear .Sir;- Enclosed is an order on Hamilton Bank for two dollars. This pays my subscription till September 1923. The History of Wingham has been very interesting reacting also The Church Everywhere by B. of 33. I wonder if: some of your.. readers remember an 'incident. that happened in Wingharii about 50 years ago. It was election night and"T'think the".el- ected candidate was the late Thomas Farrow. His 'supporters and others gathered.in the bar -room .of the old hotel. south of Wingham: Mr; Farrow was addressing and thanking friends for his support,standing on the bar of the hotel, when; without warning, the floor gave way,;and all went into the cellar. As no one was seriously hurt it was considered a hugejoke„ and in a. few days some would-be poet wrote • some verses on the occasion. "Good: morning Bob, the day is raw, Ye ken ria doot, I was awa' Last night at Wingham. Wingham last night was iri her glory, Conservatives both youngand hoary, Dancedwild in a political fury, And mad melee." The first verse was something Ince the above, Would be pleased if some reader could give all the: verses, elaher in the paper or send them to nae, Yours sincerely, Mrs. Annie Richmond, St. Jacobs. NORT RN LIFE 4. LIFE INSURANCE POLICY TO THE MINUTEI ' Our new 20 -Payment Life• Coupon: Savings Policy has the foItowing des-. arable features: 1. Gives a paid-up policy, at the end': of 15 years. 2. Gives a paid-up policy plus a guaranteed cash payment of r4 to 40 per cent. of it at the end of 20 years. 3. -Gives a guaranteed dividend of 15 per cent, of the yearly deposit at the end of the first year,.and the annual dividend will increase every year until at the end of 'the 19th year it will pay 25 per cent, of it, 4. ' The dividend's are attached to the policy as coupons and may be de- tached and cashed at the end of each year, If left attached each :coupon will bearinterest frond. its due date at 3-1 per ce(nt, compounded annually... 5. Is bought bymating annual, semi-annual or quarterly deposits, 30 days' grace is allowed in which to make each deposit. 6, Money may be borrowed on the policy at a stated rate of interest after 3 annual deposits are made and coup- ons may be cashed at the same tittle. Coupons will pay all interest on loans for longer than the first ten` years. 7. After ao years the policy, if in force, shall share annually in the pro- fits of the Company. 8. After 20 years the policy may be returned for a single cash payment of more than has been deposited.., o. Irl case of death, after tine, first deposit is made, the policy, if in force, will be paid, as well as all due attach - td coupons with 3a per cent interest on said coupons, compounded annually from their dttc date. its. After three or more annual de= posits are made it is arranged that not a cent of the money paid ill, need be lost to the depositor. I desire several good salesmen to. sell this policy iii the Counties of l3ruce, Huron, Grey, Perth, ;Waterloo and Wellington, A EcIV ' IVf;d ; laotie /lee Suite t, .Bank of IVCoxxtrett, Stratford, 'Ont. OX 464 lii}tuber's FowIer--Wallace A very pretty wedding took:lace on Saturday afternoon, December 23, at 3 o'clock, when Mina E,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wallace, became the bride of Alfred C. Fowler; son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler, Wingham. The wedding was solemnized at . the rectory, Rev. P. N. Knight, incum- bent, officiated. The bride looked charming in a dress of blue canton crepe with hat to match, and carried, a bouquet of Ophelia roses. Miss Minnie Wallace, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and Mr, Jones,•of Toronto, acted as best roan. The groonn's gift to the,bride was a'beauti ful string of pearls. After -the cere- mony they returned to the home of the bride's parents, where a dainty wedding breakfast was served, after which the happy couple left on their wedding tour to Wingham and 'other points, the bride travelling in a blue coat of , Russian design. The bride received many beautiful wedding gifts. Upon theirreturn they will reside in Bolton. -Bolton, Enterprise. Stothers-Sleigh On Thursday, December 28th:, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Howard' `, Lynd Aye., Toronto, .the. mar- riage was solemnized of their younger daughter, 'Florence Louise, to John Cannon Stothers,•-M.. A., son of Mrs. Stothers, L ucicnow. Rev; Dr. C. T. Scott. oof Park M_. h f. _ • The farmers aroend here :donated a - ck: le ire sufferers a'iriTevy Ontario 'which no doubt will he „Much. appreciated. Mr. 'Win. Thornton was at Inger- week.attending the funeral of fiae cars of hay from here this weelc, ' Mr., Geo. Movebray has secured a position with the G. T. R. as section- raaa at 'Holstein, and left for there on Ttiesday morning -• ' Mr. Wesley Leggatt spent a few 'daya With relatives and friends around New Years at -the home of Mr. Geo. -.Mr. Gordon Gallaher met with a very ,painful accident one day last week which will lay him off work,for some time. While assisting cutting wood at Mr. Herb Shiells hisliand ea -mein contact with the circular saw, putting a nasty gash in the ba.cle of his hand which required eight stitches: ,Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aitcheson and Miss Florence of Stoney Creek, spent New Years with relatives around 'here. Mrs. Wm. MeMichaet has been on the sick list we hope she soon be all better again. • At the annual school meeting last week Mr, Robert Shaw was appointed trustee to succeed gr. Geo. Gannett, who had' served his three year term, - Mr Richard Johnston shipped a car of hogs to Toreato on Friday, Mr. j. W. Leggatt has accepted the position as Secretary -Treasurer for grs. Aitken Underwent an operation at the Wing -ham General Hospital last' week for the removal of hea tonsils. We hoPe she Will'enjoy better health, , Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke spent New Years with relatives •at Listowel. Mr. Alex -McGee is onthe sick list, we hope he will soon be 0. K. again. Owing to the icy condition of the road, a large number did 'not get out to vote on Monday. ' Mr, •and Mrs.' Robert Aitcheson spent New Years with IVIr. and IVIrs., ston, and Mr. and Mrs. Ja's. Peacock, spent New Years at the.horne of Mr, ' I Not a clam, ,To the hammer Give a little, Give lot, Let the knocker I wish to publicly express my sincere thanks for the splendid vote given me on New Yeare Day. I shall continue to serve the town to the best of my ability, Yours sincerely, W. IL Gurney. To the Electors of the Town of Wingliam, Ladies and Gentlenten:-- Allow me to sincerely thank you for the magnificent vote given nie on Monday when you placed me iu the council at the head of the poll. It was even more than I hoped for .auring the year 1923 I will endeavor - Again thanking my supporters and on to do all in any power for the good ke and welfare of the town, without fear ours sincerely, To the Electors of Wingham, Ladies and Gentlemen: Please accept my thanks for your expressiort of confidence irt me by electing me to the /923 cottneil, It ehall be my constant endeavor td prove worthy of that truet, Yours fiar 4 better Wingham, E. J, To the Electors of Morris' Township Ladies and Gentlement- wish to publicly express my thanks to you for re-electiag aS reeve kr 1025. Yours sincerely, To the Eleetors of the Town o Winghana Miss Flossie Xi:Mites spent the holi. days with her parents on the zst, tine. Ur. and M1'8. Jas. Aitcheson, and daughter', Vibrance, spent the hoildars with the fornter's daughter, Mrs, Wall Mr. and Mts.. Gollty and children are vialtin tida in Flint, a� " > tu�t; a4iyas" Arid K tle,.''r�'.iio I?'rii.ti, a-fives'i,tkieznarvellou,�•mod>r-- ,' 'ct r+ ?e iRronx. rtsa jufcess and'' tonics, Is theL:most benefieial medicinal agent. ti at lias ever been given to maul kazd. Susl,',aa oranges, apples, 4.6and. ;eriines'alre natktreysown• nnedleine, so• "Fruit,,4 fives" -:matte from dieser ;- fruit Jtzioes, 'but; eoziaentrttited and. Intengified is the greatest .stontgcli. and" • Ziuer 1V1ediccne, '`the' greatest• Kidney and ii' Bider Medioine-,-the sreatess Bloom ".Purifier t7ie greatest remedy for Heac�, ac%aes, •C,oust,ip0elerl.Trud aestion,' Nervous- aaess'and Reid 'Complexion ---in the world. To lbe Well, take ""Fruit:a-ayes" . 50o a box, 6 for $2,60, trial size 250. .At dealers or sent postpaid by Print -it -tires Limited, Ottawa. alien III II II 1116111121111 11111111110111111111:::" Chevrolet Wrie Fis We will overhaul your Mo - .tor and Clutch for $35. and 6o day guarantee. Just say ...- the word. We will get the car. g "The Garage for Serviee." - CHIROPRACTOR Qualified Graduate . Adjustment'S given for diseases of. all kinds, specialize in dealing with . children. Lady attendant. Nigh f calls responded to. DPI Prow 0118110SP and keep the digestive and /Clips off flo 91(151016 Ox2e.thitd the tem. Iter dose. .1dede same ingredients, then eandr coated* Sold by 5. Walton IVICKibbort Win ba Saw' Planing Mill We, now have a full stock of Lumber of all kinds, dressed, and endressed. Sash Door$. Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Beav- er, Fibre and Rtiberold Boards, also roofing, plain. and slate sur- faced and steel knee posts. Priees are lOwer now than they have beep for some Months and some lilies are suee to ad- vanee. Call'aed get Pekes for any of, the ebove. Coal ali bard, soft, and Smithieg always on haft& MacLean Lumber nd Coal Co. Mr. and Mrs., Alex Came spent Ur. and Mrs, Yoh' .1kintout