HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-01-04, Page 5•
1!®• Men's, 80,
• Wear
the tttwrt? A.re they "h 4 *.' •folks;"
: 1it>toui; false exclusive?' Are they a1I
iikighti rly and, friendly?' Is the town
ifree iiont factiirnalism? Does it ha,re
strori,, eiigiousafrateratan. and :.social
ei•torgatiix rtions?; $
ReereatioxzeCanrl,have a good time
tlzat;town n'I azid My'!faznzly? •How
about'the Cheat es', gyi?inasiums, parrs,•
etc? Ane they, active sagaen lies for peke;
,contests, etc? Azre:t tkey inviting ; op-`
portenittes for'pleasure 4riveS iafford-
•;ed biteWellspaved streets?;,
iLavin .:.,Casa'• We rill/eelreasoneblx ,in
n that _town?e ,the best inodexzrtcorte
trenier ccs eaVeileble:.to•^residents' .elee,-
tricity, gas,it.ele iJiones, :etc.•3 sAit the
ihotising and shopping -conditions fav
iSi•-•aittablel'AdtiteettaieeS:t and pi,ices•.£air?•
®1 r ]f•ote1S`good?:Hprri;etaxtd`truck,gardens:
at and 'dairy 1producte..plerttifiil"?,
Si - Acte eibilikK acanewe goand:conte
•easily? Does'.the -town have adequate?
11§1i railroad connections?:'and atiain service?
111 `Well' rnarked;a,autontobile routes ,and
NI hard Surfaced toads:?" •,
Standing: at ti :::•portal,•
Of the opening year;' •
Words of comfort meet its,
Hushing every fear.
Spoken through the silence,
I3y, ours, Father's yprce,.
Temler;';al*l:t4np ztci aMithful,
Ma'24dn, 'tt§ `re14 4.10
He wilt :iseileet l al t4
His eteiriuti o 14 i . •
He .1.*41 nelitW,
Resting ,on i°its iii:
Whata;beVe w'e t
God is;:a'll suffieicitt,
For the coming +ear'-
(Frac c,cs 1,,14.1ey, I.1ayerg
O•;God of',T igh
Giver: of U1r[sdoni
er eiaetoz Of',
SOU ls;+•who. 'gi ae t grace o, the faint
Hugeness•-i=Cai I, make good ueerof heartedi that?put tlloir trtist,in Tliec
:, capital :in-, that town?, Are -there good.Q'Sovereign Loid,,;zwho hast brought'
®; banking.;facilities?eMenul'actuei-ng;,, live .ins from the;;4efsths -of dai~kne'st 'to,
® i terests? Up-to-date stores?Good ship- light; ands hast given ; us; life", from•
®,, ;ping factlzties? �� Favnrable.labiate;conn• denth; scatter �t e "'beseech Tltce;, ,tJte
'®.f1itions? :AS piospn;:ouv.: farming tleriir< darkness I of.:sin:; within us;.s enitgh en
" . sae 1 es?c Reason:.our: titzderstanil' that.
" Ill. ,tart' Fair.Greal„e t t..va u the'eyes gf.ne
�, ably cheap ,power?, ,Active- °�co:•opera nay- see :`.rue: eetaia and•:eti'Ctify -as
* tion amongi business -interests? in 'body, so l .incl—..spirit;—'016,t' we may
MC . Ezi plojrrtzeiit Can:, 1 Igetra. r ijOb In , be' accepted •.ui Thy-. presence the mttgh
®, that,:,tpw.n•atKfeix paywith; good pros
1 pects for th:e:• futii.>•e•z.,• Cae.:I: ,count=•ozi,
=®lick-operatipn front r:organizations malt-
alt n ling-ittheicelouszness; to,beip; ntroduct
^< and estabizalr; newrteomtilercial intern
gists •:and ,to•.w,elzaome new: iediie isn
eimi.•® ,rogressivetiees-eaShelll •find.th tali
'- am ,to, live in:a iltvectown:ltaving• a pro,
-X gressi �e municipal government~ active.
'® civic ,organizat}ohs;,modern: firea pro
®;-lection, and,=apull,-together'•• spirit: -In
everythingr} e town with; a future?:
_ . Yon cannot eontrol,:the • climate, the
natural: scenery nor historic .a.ssociee.
tions`,;•of :your town, but:if,rin .other,
� reSpPts it;does,not;;xtzeast rsu p to the
rru standard that will be applied to it 'by
Mil.;,intelligent town buyers : get busy: and
help; •make it 01eas:ili:e up.
•7F®RT3YYCE • •
:Jesus Chrrst-OttreLord•: e Ankle”'
(Book of Common Order:)
Sunday School Lesson For January
7th., r9o3
Jesus -healing on the. Sabbath. .
'Lesson :Passage-•Lukere: > to -TV.
'Golden Text—Maft. 12:12... . .
Luke being the physician -Evangel-
ist goes more into detail.than,. ,the
other- Evangelists in writing about the
miracles- of healing as. is but 'natural,
He:makes special mention of £oitrteen
different cases and then in otherr-plac-
es'refers.-to many others"—.take chapter -
4; verse ieo, as an ;example: - The - heal-
ing 'o
the wom
an in the Synagogue
as given: in , today's lesson is one of
fourteen, special eases..
in their bodies and 7n tkirir, spirite,
Bich art :Elis, -
' World M inasion.s'+"
I essoii'` Pee age "AskF cif
me' and J shall' ;pita thee'fhe •kea1he,n
for •tlti#te -inheritance andthe utter-
inost parts of the earth for, talar; pos`-'
ession n
Ii India .there are zao,00pIeprs,
eluding about' 3o,opq of the wandering
beggar:a These unfortunates
travel febin• d'zty `to' it arid fr"ozii
skeane lei' shrine spreedin disease as
theyge While in Calcptta-1Iis Roy-
al- illi tsnee's; the Prince • of 'Wales
coirii'a nded that•lite O1d'rzeve'should
brought up to hitt. ataa, public 'fun,
ctiori, in order' that -be' might'hear"
what is h'eing$ done to; alleviate the
enffernrgs'' of •thei'eper's iii India and
rma, Subsequently' His R o" y al
Highs}ess was'inueli' touched by • the
bind,.relcorne sentto hisi't by the in-'.
n-tates of't1ie • Mandalay Home • for
Lepers which was' conveyed to 'him
1 t ol-
by :;the, Rev. A.H. Beaten 'in''the
loweng letter
"At the' gathering held on Jaii. 1st,,
of over one hnridred•volt'tntary znmat
es ' of • this institution, I was' asked on
bel';lf!of these poor sufferers to pre -
:Sena -Id, you their heartfelt „welcome .to.
.Mandalay and to state, that, although'
throil'g1i 'tleu affiectzon `they` are p
=rented• fro n joiititig theit_- fellow citi
• r.'ens of Mandalay; in greeting • Yotar
Royal Highness •yet -in their-• retire-
ment -they; esite
ment they-tlestte 'tom say that they are
loyal to rthe t'hrehe that his brought
so much: good to'thefn and they pray
God willibless'-your visif to 13urma
and your great journey through" the
.I country:'
f (Withottt•tthe' Cathie)
`T. -Verses loa3.,-
s t h_� •
"e c at_on wa enc
esus .,• 1 Ji o .cu
c iz.
Ilrft•;..and_'Mrs,...' •'
' Htshealing was, just ;as •it'were
S.o, u# TXtor.aand.incitentrUJ
Ha -must •be as He Gong.
That too many business men spend
Much time on the "Mourner's Bench.
That some men, should talk more
business'and less gossip. •
That some of them try, to "high
brott 'their Way instead o£ using con-
structive effort,
That .some- s"convet'sation snobs"
talk too much.
That a little carelessiie'ss'�in-talkinb
'so much harm.
'sometimes does
;That at themes -a convenient zneenory
son •Gordon;; are at present,yisittng zn rbefore said,: "about:His:bather's. bus_ comes
• � •-„ in handy, sornethnes. it gets you
NI tr i .
De , o t ,a r mess of msrtructing .the people as ,to n7vrong +.
-. Glad to hear that, •?eters:;Leaver,,Who; ; . i eiHe a and, what'; H'i's•..' :doctrine j •,; ,. - 2222...., .1.. . wl o was. d .r r . That it dont_ Pay to hunt.:grief, it
WA.' -1-' 1 1 t e
has.not been twel Intel.. ,is.•ab e n b
��ee ,r, enc i t e .I� doin : .
��°°o�! was. 1I.anusk: r 1 h zng
arc o._, P e •. eitou h;
. ' • ;. ar nd again. of God, `.`.for., ;therefare:ani •I: sent:" finds you qtu k o
.Quin, ,,:, ;. ,
i rs., .Geo. Na• r . n son That. the rna d cit of li dertess'men
A�. a 1d,iIV1 yl� a d <r Dote :ijr rpassing,: that :Jews. spent.., t" s a rl cit builders.
.:.•;:;, : ? _ , are •boos er n Y
1 Gordon, visited wtth;relatlye-s ii LiiCk-, ,I3is Sabbaths .',in . the: synagogues, He That their thoughts are not all for
no-�v con M iY<iay last ,; • is rin e\rery.,thing :our• ,great example in business and: the:
1!i r`. and Mrs Harry.rWoods visited. and.so-weishould.m l e, church -:going cold efff doll
n of dollars.
t �r Will 'am' Woods • on; Chrlstma's . _zriaiz% g
, „ ,,. a, :itiatter,: of :couSsienee.: Also:; take 'That -.they. mare jTist plain. I'ivitig and
y hs audience rniht:• •
not •that•.,dne of . his. ud c
,, a
e , S 'folks,
thinking people like the rest of
Mir': acid Mrs t Thos McGufftn spent ,weld hale ., made:;azt, excuse :of _ her Z teat they are puritan' and have an
Xmas at 'Mr.. John •Japi:ieson:S, state'•,of heeitli•; to.,absent: herself:: She heir home cit
Mr, and, .Mrs-:: ohn; Turner;- all; -t- rubor. love fort e
J b.. ;her deformity r titust°.;lige Uec.. •an r'
, .,.., � _ y, m y . _ • 'T}lat'the�:.give freely.. of thele time
family,, Visited at•the ;tatters home. -on ob ect;of tar and -too walk •g t e building ' of
• I P and money toward the up g
' nto •
f'T�oto - s
Hutton. o P
Mr. J`olin H n., ..
a s .with his "arents`this' Week.
a few rJy P
'elite ::and Miss. Emma-
Miss73cssie;,Nz ... l.
t n ,.of: Toronto were home for:
Johns o ,
a' few days' holidays..
tmend and
Tdfr. a,tid, i�T}sw Har"q:li Zinn
soft, spent Xmas at A.tu ood., .
Eldred N
news on nn ay t a er :-�,ruo. er. a
Stratford wee,'. seriously i11,',she. ,and
ing. lift for thein.; Monday
1 i
' V 5 ..
Tate. are, , t
Mr. and. St7i
ing at the manse; at ;present.
rs. Gus -Gannett ' of
ghr. and IVY
"-Ys wetiz relatives
er s e-�ti±.•fhole"day
o v p n,��,,
�t he
t e:`t .eek -end
,,ins''et..h v
Mr. der
M t ��
with Mu, ,Da -'vial Jevihtt
`tt rn.oi;k; o the
There" was `a good, , u •�
-Xnas ircc: o; nl d't> nifflit ' The
:!8. T
e o
e ds $53
pike e
s much., en;oyed by
}va ,ri7
present ,
Mr. and Mrs. John, Higgins of Pil-
ot .frim s sound.
iouid,.are �ist.g, ..+?_.�"
1V i, �, ,
Mr. Cliff
was home-, for,; in.as:holictiy.s v,,
Mr. Harvey Haney ,of ';;prantford,.;
washome f r a few deys;':this week..
Mr. Geo. MacDonald :aiid' sons,
spent Xniee with relativ:es.:in Morrie:'.
l ra was
1 "r ,of ,
ke Elora, _A
NIi .Walker
ane: over
leen s
ho .Y
Posliff Mr: and.illrs•A.:. Posliff::4.f• Wing:
1 am spent Abe at.the .borne:
,,. P
of Mie. Henry Diinent. s
Mr ,and. Mrs E L. Rutter' .sp
Xnias:: •at the -home • • of Mr, - Milton
h ll .:I Iike .: t; lee;
ess S a
r coven
Att a
town --its ;"atmosphere?'? Does :it leave
the beauty of; shaded; streets:•andotbeiz.
beautiful features? Is it: a .,quiet;,
ell-li hted •town? Does•
roomy, airy; w g
act • ubliciabuildings':and
,•it'have ,attr lve P
? .S it clean
•L: wed. s
Is; it
well paved?
in every sense? .. .
1 and
• family
— illrn f i
f loess W Y
"� ealth u y
a reasonable. .chance. to • keep
about:.. its
w�tl in that., town?How
?sanitary' S sten? Its
supply? ItsY
ds of milk inspection?
'r •
depar"'tment. Its hospital, Is. it witi t<
any congested district?
Education—Can I educate myfamiiy
and: myself in that, town? How -about
its -;schools -present and future? Its
ttutions of -hi her learnin or of
ins¢f � g - .
business trainiir ,. Its library? Its lec-
ture and concert . courses? Its 'news-
papers? Its postal facilities?
People—Shalt "I like the people"
i u oo • in nius
It+ she was' in her
• have:been:diff cu et.sl
i ,.Y
the community 7n :-leach they "live•'
r. ,present•
Th eb'sler B os,are a
e tW
Place- on the abbat ,Da -, n.
c ustoitte ace h
a c dS y `r ki
Pthe do m
uch toward ma ai
Tlit b
-hit church
in bale a to e
raw h W
d d bay sought t; r -.that she sou i
„ . ,,,,, - ,,. en -does not appea . g tlierr city4a.bettex:city;:and advertising
station. • . ::• t . g ht' > r
1t ire —she. was thereto , au t
. - . � ,, _... . , . ' •: ea1 g r. g , tl' resources of their cit and+coon i
":Mr: and "MI's: A. Havens and. fam-,to o Y
, .,.::; , ,;.., to+get:good:for,lier, notal. Beforeshe
ily,.spent,';;Christmas at ,,Mr.- W. - Ma • alle H ans" ered nd' in a moment
Champion s,: by a -Nord, Jesus, undid:; all.:;. that the
•Mr.. a' d Mrs.- 3ert Thom son spent `,M, n •, P P eighteen .;y,ears.of;disease•had •done:
Christmas et the ,,;home of Mr„ `Jas; :Look, into His method of':heating and
• see -how it was not that• -of an ordin-
,.. arg :slatted' physician'. He • , used- no.
•,� •- scientific terms made rio examination
In 1ov'n .. ape o ,of; Marr•. -West- :in- order to diagnose the disease. He
,t �, :, rte .rtl'•... YS , o,, ...
I�ajre, •Wrox�;ter;,;wlio -died-on January simply spate,, a word was .enough,
314, immediately, the :cure waseeffeet:.
-reale t- � .and mri i
,O `,leo u..wee ittiss.•hint ew,or.ds icannot ed:: iShe that had been 'crooked was
tell, immediately made straight, and the
ri it 'happy face. we. all loved scri tur`was`1�"fulfilled, (Ps. I464.8):
The b igl PPYP . e. ( )
so well, "The Lord, raised .them that are" bow-
. all that.. n.;., • _ ,,,
');'lte,sweetestaof memories areed:dow ..
is left, '•
i o• ue-took nI
e s sa k
'on': 'and brother,..ons of ,::The rule•r,o.#.th t
Of a dear s a. Y g, g
the best. fe ise.as though fIhrist had dbne� some-
lie the
':e t h
'stens. r roil iit healing Motii`er.. brothers. and si .flea .ve ,. w
ng .,, Y g g
t>;e .c b
woman iii: -•'rue syAtigebuc;;o. . ,. w
is ,:
tell=• Jesus so
.ii t
a . ,-H.e did o
bt..:D ,.
.. _.. h 222
r n ire-
thepeople e :iii z i
.but he o
p P
dignant toile loud egotigh for'Jesus. to
1iear,:. He indicated, by the. words
used tliat•-the cure was to his mind no
miracle. "There- are six days' in which'
n en,ought.to tivork;• in thein;, there-
fore, come and be. ,Healed and not on,
flee. Sabbath "Daj'." : He -took . no
thought of how` long the woman had
had need of healing and no one liitli-
erto had' helped her. •
III. Verses x5 -T6.
Christ auswered the ruler as he had;
answered others,; `'Thou hypocrite."
Christ"readhis heart and knew it:was
personal enmity, not zeal for the Sab-
bath that prompted -his conduct.. Christ
justifies ,himself by appealing to the
common. practice of the ;Yews, which
was never neglected, namely that of
watering their cattle on the Sabbath.
It would be, a cruelty not to, He ap-
plies this to the present. case (verse
16), ;lvlust an ox' or an ass be loosed
from his stall and he lead away to the.
watered said shall, not this woman,
who is your sister, being a daughter
of Abraham; he loosed from a much'
greater grievance than that which the
cattle would -suffer if neglected for one
day? She • is one whom Satati has
bound for eighteen years and there-
fore it is an act not ,only of charity
but of piety to •break the power of the
devil on the Sabbath Day. • -
XV. Verse t7.
Note the different effect this justi-•
ficetion of his act iiad upon diose that
heard hizn, -It confused -his 'adversar
ies and confirined, the "faith of his
friends. The ruler and. his followers'
Were silenced and were vexed thstt,
they couldn't make any,' reply, Sooner;
or; later all the adversaries of Christ,'
his doctrine and his miracles, will be
made 'as.liatned'birt those who believe
will rejoice for all the glorious things.
done by him,
OSTEOPATkiIC,.pmysteAN -:
osteopathy 1. Electricity
11. ; s - t
s' a e
lien ed.
A d.es
' 'n res de
uce e
• e acl'oitri F
Office 1 ._ g.,
' An Anglican. Church fortn-
Street, next g , , (
eriy Dr: MacDonalds.) Phdne 272.
ERE S''the grated chamtiioe Shrop-
for by
sltit•e ram horight�a
' the Priucetrf Wales attherecent 10-
r n `katal 1.,ive Sloel4 tixposition, C1ti�
cago, tot the "1's; P. Ranch," cover-
ing anon( 3;000 steres in Alberta, Can
Ada, 60 miles south of Calgary, owiird
by lllt•,1'rinrc of Vales, and 'wind) will
+ n--
3+t,the fir1:1;1rr homeol the great Sbip
shire wire, . The P'inrc sigtts himself.
"E. 1'.", meaning "Edward Prince,"
and when he bought the ranch during
his tour of Canada;�lre rode -the tango
of his prairie "dominion beyond :the
seas," with the Alberta cowboys, . end
deckled that its proper moniker rias
"'E P. Rtali,sh " °Since therm tlu Pi -Mee
has sent a large flodl. of S'hrop,liirt
sheep. 1) ti'tmoor' ponirs, thoroughbred
from Onetime, Sts
Sine n and fiend Or antd.slrr,n'thorn hulls.
and Cows from his Cornwall, Eng -lend
steel: farm to the Alberta tauch•. The
•purchase of the Shropshire grand chem -
pion -was 5itadic by the Prince's repro-
seetrt,tive, Prof, W. 1.. Carlyle n,, of
Calgary, who -attended` the Chicago r k-
lposition in quest n t the bust :Throe
shire 'ram exhibited. This ram, wheel
weifl 2 ;1 pounds, was ()Mil cd by 3
C.' Andrews \Vest Point Ind., ti1 dlrec-
test• ilk the 1rtiaririizcna .
Tire curing of the' woman. throws
light on' the knowledge, sympathy and
power j'estts possessed: This •rrtincelel
teaches ;tis;-ltow the work`of grate op
eretes on; the , sours of men, Sinners
clo not sdek Christ themselves, but•I'Ie
draws thorn unto I'iiriiself. "Is if:I
be' lifted up will dt-aw all niea unto
ibex'' e notloest themr, calls than -to
Ilirxt, says the hand of His power up-
on, therm, speaks a healing word to
them by which He breaks the power
of Satan and -thus looso' thelia from
their' in4'irmity. :°the' iriti ediate effect
of the etre upon.' the soul n t well' es
open the•of this woman Wits
seta in She glorified ,God. Who
crooked. souls are made btrai'•ht ditty
will show it `hy their glorifying; God
so that'additional industries; residents
and capital ,can be brought in a
Section t jai d. m d
-•E. R. Waite, Secy Shawnee Ok a
homa Board:of, Commerce..
We tried out ;the "CASH STEM" for three month
last year, Jaii. `1st 'to ,A,pt'il 1st' with great su,coess,.:'
so rriuch so in‘fact that we shall adopt
.the'sa.ine methods fon' this year,
The reasons are a bvi®�.as:—First, to balance cur boo
hayemore working cap-
i,..; and secondly,that we m�.. h��' '�
' ,,,, sthepresent�'.
r necessary r at
>l.al �,vhach rs �e y cev a �
We trust our -customers will co-operate with
iof this Inbelieving
in the successful working n� out plan,
:. of
we do that it Will work' out -to t•leadvantage,
'in the en
;i�atla our customers and ourselvesci
argyle 129;
;I!la1;l'4 ,v.11 J m1141' ::11411'14(11A/ N ris
4:W6;411� I rr.
I dx 11 ,. R
c a c would accoti`nt ox �-n1 r
Or sodgers tylia bravely b'y`�rdalla e days s ea h v f ';?, Y 3
waur led,, � days. Tne "'suggestion is that 14Tew
I'd seek`.'inang':thyhilloeks yon hoose l'Years 'Day would,be the odd day1'hti:;'
which ney faithers extra leap Year day that comes every
,Had biggit lau syne, far. awa' int four' years might be 'galled July zero, -
Argyle; g1 The scheme sounds like a big improve
l't catch sweet re-echoes o' skirls frae-meat <on our' present hit -and -mise -
their pibrochs, I system+ and has the .;support- of inany
An'" there a' my,,orrows I'd quickly scientific organizations.
e g uile.
Bruce Paper Suspends Publication
I'd row on thy streams, for neer, ne'er-witht e --.Ne v' Years Issue
i h i
are they drurnlie; Bruce Peninsular News, printed at-
'd cl znb.inon- ..•hillsides, rho' rag
• I i _. .,. Y : ., will •tis:.,`"ricl publication,-
._,•,,- et -
Lions Idead,.w s Pe P 1 �
ged an steep.
which, is another in the roivin list-
r . •-clachan -
f ae
u "i'c�-
''"`r that have suspended b t
of a papers
public --
1'd' frac le or
T'd. mingle z Scotsmen .f e g . n
i n within the'past 'four` or • fi� e=
'' _ Lato
WV' college P,rofessors or 'shepherds gives s thereason,.
1 years,: The"editori e as
o sheep, - I
the fa lolving.
)~thee, bonnieFor
"Our reastin ;foe ,saes ending as fhi'a.
Scotia', is
! _ .Although ill Practically weiy; Businesi;,
They're true men ,o valor wha hon • the D z ak-e4on'tlie lice of ravr zsiai
in o p
.. •r _ ., r eria as a eT?., a cores ? e • . I?r
Oh! let nae awn : ori re, yon deep, briny butt f ttre renewed our' contract' for
ocean,. neva a er "f`o'r"" z 2 it would` cost,"iib•
man PP 93
Tae revel wa . Scotsmen, g , Irian'
cents erre ,of 2 "sheets more . .
at ane. " (Imre � 4 _
- '- beauties. ha
• .. i c e hive'
.-2 o tri ri es W e
_ for z c z ct ,r
er1 9 P
ie thee m dearly-
I'm we aft -fon Y
ar , Y i
or thy iiaine. - 1
1 li' t k ide alit dro"'
- e m • , - brave • 'turn and our cost of iroductioiri .osr<
:- For than art :cad mather by ;
Thirteen `Months Tn •Eae'lt' :year
been -selling ot}r. paper ,at $1:25. per ape
toed Scotia,
Scottish men; • 19.22 audit is _$163.o.. This leaves .r,
��•�� � ........ 2222 i.
months of deficit f 8 cents above .he selliit .
•There. mould •be'thirteenn k ,,
Tis fondly 'X yearn .:for thy;beauties,., 3
•" ' .28:da s each'insteadeef.the twelve we rice of ever ,subseri•tion:; .This:de-:
unrneasttred, Y f? every P ,
oftl er •s�r
r brae an wi: Burnie :wi loch an'have now, with: vax'ying, #icit has been met par y by adt ia, •
gas A g
1 i, y
wi g ei day
s••• I'nz eager tae' aoana- to g thy w
• scented heather:
I'd•initse:afti,• intentlyon banks o'
r 1
,T (" vdr�•
2 'days would be
�•of, S
. four weeks. Thus,
oath: of exactly f w
a m Y
month after Month, any • given date
vvori'Jci always fall -on the same day cif
week. In such: a !nevi calendar,for-
'u n o tl 'b die tai fe
but 'i s Y W caax'.
our profits o job ,printing',0n4
'has -kept otic bank balane pretty to "'
• Anil: there are people who sti11 • be:-
_ 1,
-Neve that a. we -e lcly shoo d, besold fo .
I'm ve rie toe
: ate on thy lofty Ben - exam 1e,
each m'
ORTbtipulerb g,_ on$
rgo. It cannot l
e done and make;
lomond— SuYiday, the second of the month anyprofit whatever. The ?enhaalar' -.
CO a' thy brew; mountains, :thy joy 'would always be on a Monday, the News only printed two pages on its
third:, on a Tuesday •and so ::••on. It press; -and the,vast,majority. of week -
thy pride
' • thine e I n. would be• a great convenience and the lies print from four to eight,' so their'
I,d,drap on green graves of t in tang
'e "' heroes• children' would be, relieved of learning expense will be::somewhat> l ighez`.
Buried ,
ro n -u s. of reiiiemberizi : 'Wherever theycan do, so, the - differ -
ha • 'e shed thatthirty days have September; AP:- ' .eat papers all over the , country are
side line e_:.,__
For Scots,.wha conquered in life's :rel, June and November,. etc,. It will.. taking up some sine eine as a rui,az.�-
• earnest battle, . be noted that thirteen months of 28 to snake a decent living, -
ImemmonsinseFoLuauslmelossonasucemarsamat ,..„.. tte,
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