HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1923-01-04, Page 1tee U'114,, i4 f�:' 4 ill a 'viii
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To the Edit= av the Advance,
Deer Stir:—
The fursht ting I want to say is
t he
1that.[ sind me congratulations fer
foine vote ye got on Monday, Shure,
'tis no shmall honor to be at the top
av the pole in a town loike Wingham.
An Mishter Willis too, got a:shplindid
vote, ye moight aven call it a monu-
mental wan, so to slipake, an, he is
what ye moight call a near Tory,
which is awl the more 'credit to him
seein as how he, wus brought up a
Grit. I don't know whither Mishter
Mitchell is a Tory ,arr not but :I tink
by his looks he wud hev too much
5inse to be a•�Grit. Thin Greer an
Haney an Fothergill are iviry wan av
Oita Tories an as sound as a nut, Tis
party much av a Tory Council; so it
is, fer though Elliott an Tipling are.
supposed to he Grits " they are not
wurrukin at it much. I wus plazed to
see Mishter Gurney do so much bett-
her than I ixpicted• Av coorse if he
had been opposed by a shtrong mart
loike mesilf fer instance, he wud hey.
had a harruder run. Billy Currie is a
good fellah in lots av .ways, but, ye
cant get anuyting in this wurruld wid
out gettin out an wurrtikin fer it. Meb-
by he didn'twant the jawb at all, at.
I see by the paper that,. another U.
F. O. has gone over to the Grits.
Shure, it wuddn't be a long journey
fer anny av thins.
the be iniain av a new year ani
the toime to be makin good resolush-!
-ins. Some avthim we do be makin
mayhe bruk befoor the January thaw
comes, an some av thim may lasht
longer, but Shure, 'tis a good scheme
to be awlways throyin to do betther,
an if at fursht ye don't succeed, throy,.
throy agin as the lesson books say.
The following' is me own Iisht av good.
i`eso1nshuns fer nointeen hundred an
twinty--tree, an up to the prisint I hev
trot bruk anny av thim.
Resolve wan --To attired church
• wance iviry Sunday.
Resolve two—Not to slimoke befoor
Resolve tree Not. to take moore
than wan shpoonful av sugar in a cup
av tay. (This will be aisy fer the mis-
sus hes shtarted usin . slunailer tay
'.: cups, so as to be in the shtoyle wid
the other town ladies.) .
Resolve foor—Not to attimpt to
coneirlce the inissus that she is ivir
—wrong'"". .a
Resolve.foive--To hev inehair cut
.an me whiskers ''th ,irnmed wane , a
Resolve e six—Not to lit me chickens
;annoy the naybers, a me place
Resolve sivin:kaP To
lukin as noice as anny av me naybers
it e theer's nixt summer,
'tP ,..,.
Resolve eight—To buy the missus a
;new dress : arr hat widout gruinblin
whinivir she nades wan—mesilf to be
noine—Not : to rade the
Globe; arr
Advertosier aven if me
±rind, Jawn Stephenson finds thim to
me free.
the Council
Resolve tin—To attnd t
to foind outawlabout the af-
fairs av the Town wid a view to gone
into the Council mesilf nixt year.
Resolve elivin—To bring as ,nanny
Tory U. F. O's. as I kin back into the
ouid"p twilve—Afther v
Resolve t e--Afther the Tories
Bit back into power agin, not to bother
erne head so much about pollyticks fer
'shute, whatwud be the use whin I'
`know the counthry is safe. '
Don't ye tink Mishter Editur, thim
is a :foine set av rules?
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
Mr, and . Mrs. A, E, Lloyd left on: Mr, John Hayles of Weston, is vis
Thursday morning for Cuba and or
f C b d Flor- ,ting at his home here.
months, Mr. - Lloyd is mixing pleas- i last week at her home here,
ure with business and while away he
Miss^ :'
will work in the interests of'the C. Fairy Fells returned home on
Lloyd & Sons' Door Factory. Their Tuesday from visiting at Blyth.
Miss Clara G. Reid of town, left
Tuesday morning for Kansas city,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Greer were New
Years visitors at his old home in Gor-
Mr:'. and Mrs. Art. Runstedler of
Brampton, are visiting with relatives
in town.
Miss Emily Mann of Hamilton, is
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. Mann.
ida where they- will spend a couple of. lefiss Ada Haines, of Hamilton, spent
A. E. Lloyd
many friends wish then a pieasan
time, and trust that Mr. Lloyd's health
will be much improved when they re
The home .of Mr. J. M. Graham: and
Miss. Helen,. was 'the scene of a quiet
but pretty wedding on New Years
Day; when. Charlotte R. A. Mad Ilis.n'his 'father, Mr, Arthur Haines church; a teacher ,has been engaged
was united in marriage to Mr, W. Miss Mary Campbell, Minnie St., and the school opened on January 3.
as Bon
Miss Florence Page, London, is vis-
iting at the home of Mr. Wa" Brown,
Victoria St.
Miss LaVerne Greer of Lucknow, ham:: Only two of the candidates had
spent New Years with her sister, Miss cars out to bring in the voters, viz„
See, Velvetcx announcement page 3. Three New Men At The Head Of �.
Miss Rah has moved her millinery Polio on Monday.
parlors o, er new ` another
The elections are over for 10 ANO
Banlc of Hamilton. e
1 t h i store opposite the
t year and. among the surprises in store: `=
PI.: Gabel, a shoemaker au _
crvtb, fora grey " cillo, S. Bennett, who was one of the
at his bogie On'Saturday.
The District Meeting of Turnberry
plan years died fox the people was the defeat of Con
B 1 yere
L. O. L., will be field in Wingham, on �,.oxx %kith
January 9th., at 2 O'cioGk,,
We Veld and repair everything but.
the break of day.Wm. C. Reid, the
Garage for Service. Phone 46.
Mr. Howard Sherbondy of.the Aero
Cushion Tire Co., is the latest citizen
of 'Wingham, to install a radio phone.
A` well attended watchnight Service
was held in (be Salvation Arany Cita-
del on New Years Eve. Capt, and
Mrs. Whitfield were in charge,
New Years Day was quiet in Wing
Eva Greer. l\+': PI, Gurney and Albert Bell.
Dr. and Mrs W J -'McLean spent Isard's mid -winter clearance sale be -
Christmas with Mrs. Margaret Mc- gins Saturday morning. r Soo Men's
Lean; Catherine St.' and Boys' Suits and 5o overcoats to
Mrs. Hartt and family returned be cleared out regardless of cost.
home after spending the holidays with Miss Marie Piton, eldest daughter of
friends in Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Pilon of town, leaves
Mr. Chas. Lloyd spent New Years this week for Toronto, where she will
with his.friend, Mr. Carman Arm- enter St' Michael's Hospital to train'
strong Wellaceburg - for °a nurse.
Mr; and Mrs. W. Bunn and children The Women's Auxiliary to the
of Wweton,. are visiting at Mrs. Harry Winetiam General hospital, ,'Jill hold..
Hayles for the holidays. - their, regular monthly meeting in the
Miss Manan council chamber, on Monday, January
8th., at 3.45 p. m.
Special attraction at the Lyceum hardest workers on the council board
Theatre on Monday, Tuesday and and also the fact that the three high -
Wednesday, see the English Actress est in the running for council were
and Charlie Chaplin, Read the adver- new men. If they go ahead and do
tisement on' page 6. •- things fearlessly they too may be
Allen of Weston, is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Geo: Allen.:
Mrs. R. S. McGee and Miss Bertha,
have returned after spending a week
with relatives in Toronto.
1VIr. Howard Gray of Niagara Falls,
eves home - over the holiday. Can't
come up too often Howard.bert, will be pleased to learn that she
Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Vittie of London, was successful in passing her first
spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. year examinationsan Pharmacy, put forth every energy to do so.
Edward Jenkins "Turnberry. school has been estab- The vote on the pleboctte was rather business as shall come before the
A separate meeting.
il; ton F. Haines of Wood . • Riversdale A temporary cord f oi�'that r116to people could vote
Mr. ing dished at to show no honor . the fallen heroes'
.Man,is visiting at the home of schoolroom is being fitted up in the
Bay 'is more than we' can see, and at that The Morris Elections
we are just as much aware that `Wing -
ham cannot afford to. spend any great
amount ,of money this. year, as any
W. H. Gurney
Friends . of Miss Norma Hibbert, among the has `beeps at_the end of
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. W..Hib- another year. However we believe. that
the new councillors will make good,
in for himself, will
-the writer speaking .
,11141411 1I,11111igE'
J . WAL TON Me a,W )30111 P1' r�,.
Diu giSit rid Optician
Wingham, ens. Pec. 27th, i' 2
A Customer
1922. Avenue,
Dear Friend:
1 wish to thank you for your patronage 'in testi past
which has helped make this world a pleasant piece for run
to livein and trust yogis will continue in the good work.
F hope you have had a "Merry Christmas" and 1
wish you and yours all good things for the coming year.
Yours Sincerely,
J. Walton McKibbora
., i,i ,;11_1111111_,111451111ai,111M111®111111 11111[11E111 x1111`mall''"•"1110111 i111ll11
ltl>t�1111�i1916�111�111. s,161fi [ll
Agricultural Society "Meeting Presents Large Bell
S. S. No. , Turnberry, Powell's
The. annual meeting: of the Turn- 9
berryAgricultural Society will be held School; have reason to be proud of at
council chamber, Winglam, on least; one of the former pupils; Rev. F.
in the.,
Fridayafternoon, January /9th.; at 2 E. Powell of Toronto. Mr. Powell
g. ten the little old school
m. to receive the reports of'tlie.dir- has not forgotten A ,
ectors and the secretary and treasurer, house and generously donated a bel€
and: the` transaction of such other to it as` a Christmas present.
Annual eetiri
nu g
The Wingham Horticultural Society
will hold their annual meeting for the
election of officers and. transaction of
Mr. J. H. Fear was re-elected reeve�,other:important business, in the coun-
per- marriage w P
Thewill .
elm. she n-
Scott. H re MacFarlane e
noon byRev. C. E, Cragg,. ,
formed at h e to winter
•' her sister. Mr and Mrs. A.,School children
of Win ham .sp.end the winter with tertamed the Junction 5ch other ratepayer is
MethodistChurch >np
presence of
Miss Addle Marshall, who is teach- at a party on Thursday evening at The vote for commissioner was no
.a few a an honour of their grand-
, school r Cremore, spent their home rise to many. Mr. Gurney was
oil immediate relatives of -the ' con -mg scho ebb Callender and snip Y
yS li h•ld " M. Pho
B. A., B. D., pastor
i and
returned to off ce
well too while
1 and beautiful ars at the home of Mr. and Mr. Ilugh J. Kennedy o e wo Mr.. Currie did not seem o car
lents. of many usefu c New Ye
the esteem in which Mrs Robert Patterson Kincardine. Manitoba, who is taking`a course in whit, in fact a story is told• that he
ft showing
days wlth`her sister, Mrs. Jas. e i. children reit, , iss ', anxious to he
,actin pa co Baxter.
g Margaret Baxt
Miss 1 town
g the
t ed ,
en r
-n s ass v
Morton h
eciM P
e rA.
were -the rs:
couple. w P Mr.and M
coin J
d fW 11 od t e a
s U
l voted against himself.
they. are d ek w hlebicite "Are
•bride s ent a few days last we The voting on the p
Since leaving whe Sun C C W l b Dundas Pre
n of
tines and friends in g you in favour of a War Memorial.
been. with , TheCo.,, W R Ha
�11,as ,h
cash Toronto office. oiri any. The life and Maxine Van- barn. Mr. resulted in antajority for Yes' of i1g,
thesame company.. . M H H s J .The vote was
cashier forN d ng a couple of weeks
couple will reside in Toronto , family. Mr. and. �Irs. Robert B 1 2 3 4 5Tota1
happy A T t the formers # y o 8 6 2.1-235
and have the best wishes of a host of sent Hensall, announce Yes 33 4 5 5
Wingham friends. W Toronto p
Robt. Washburn of Harriston, Dentistry. at the Toronto niversity,
Mrs with tela-
and Mrs. Washburn urn and 'around Wing -
ham. guests ofMrs. Kennedyis a cousin of Mrs:
rs, in c as: Se1i
Ness, are spending onthron
in ' Toronto withthe engagement of
Miss o ray ofdaughter, Florence
joytheir youngest daughter,
the Christmas herpar- y
Edna to Mr. Thos. Cleveland Joy
bets,; MPS and Mrs: John Wray, Turn 1 est son of Mrs. A. Joynt, Wingham:,
scene of Mr, and Mrs. K, A. ran in the new year.
al Church,w Londoo, was the Y Christmas at the
a pretty wedding: on Tuesday, when laser's N ,spentMiss Rush has moved her millinery
was married lifters home, .11 and Mrs: F. H:
t oMra a c De llCalvert store in to the block which she recent-
to Mr. Isaac Deyeil, both of Stratford Roderus; iy purchased from R. A. Hutchison
and -
Mrs Welham Albert Small Mr. and Mi•s.. Percy McLean: and formerly occupied by Miss Rey
Mr, and
the bridal couple and dau iters, Don
accompanied g an
No ............. -,.35 27 x6 27 1I•—xr6
h Ch t holidays with Ci 1 d nt The question as to what form the
Memorial should be was answered.
The parsonage of the Congregation- berry. Ont., the marriage to take place, early thus:
St ford of
:]iaarly Lambs
Mr. Cyrus Scott of Fast Wawanosh,
lie a pair of fine, healthy lambs. They,
.are of the Dorset breed and arrived
Iew Years morning.
veniences, Apply at
Tae Advance.
FOR SALE -8 roomed cottage on B.
line, good' cellar, town water. Lots
of fruit and hen house. For further
particulars; apply to
The Advance.
Ir'()R SALE -Four Whyte Sewing
Machines, one second hand organ.
Apply to Mrs. D. Bell.
FOR SALE -Nixie pigs of about xoo
lbs. each. Apply at The Advance
e,.i.. d Corinne, spent noT
ds. 'Mr.. Fred Carter is moving his
Monument -.-....35 -44 64 52 29-224
Park 15 r6 17 18 12— 78
Memorial Hall 2 0 .4 - 8 : 2- 16
The voting ;was strongly in favor of
a monument;_ therefore monument ' it
will be and now comes the question of
the . Mrs. Margaret McLean;
A. McKenzieperformedCams with M _ bake shop to the store vacated by ivliss the most appropriate , Place to erect
Rev. Geo. A P . one.. Most of the •.;electors- voted
ceremony. Catharine St. Eish. Mr. Carter purchased the block
Mr, and Mrs, Deyell are spending Mrs C rat of some time ago. h h
their .honeymoon with relatives in Aad Armstrong of Po t C edit, were building Wingham,
Guelph and Dr. Har-
old r
ears guests at the home
and Mrs. as" Isard.
New y h of Mr.
Victory Loan Conversion
J I d The Bank of Hamilton would be
Bullard—Armstrong f for
Miss Eva Cowden returned to her
glad if -the twitters.o receiptsthat a park could be looked
A -very pretty wedding took place duties at .the Normal School, North Bonds, due December 1St., 1922, would much the same mariner. Mr. Willis'
in Trinity Church, Blyth, ori. Decent_ Ba after spending the holidays with resent same and receive riew Bonds .worked hard for a monument and the
ber 26th., when' Mary Rosetta, second ati PP w
relatives in Wingham. splendid
ue Claus recompense for his efforts.
Surely A Santa
against a hall, because few, - if any, of
us wanted a ur ing in which to
dance to tile memory of the departed,
who lie in 'Flanders because they were
brave and heroic, and it is probable
McGee, Bl vote he received is partly in
Mr and Mrs. Arthur McG ,
Por Commissioner
Blue -
Mr. Geo. H. Orvis received a letter
of thanks on Thursday, front Mr. John Currie ......._. 34 33 37 38 27-169
McFarlane of New Liskeard. It was Gurney 57 58 6x 77 31-284
toMr.McFarian-e that the car of pot- For' Councillors
atoes, apples, flour, etc,, was sent 1 2 3 >4 Total T
5 otal
about a week ago from the people in. Bell ..._ 38 35 41 38 45-197
the vicinity of Wingham. Mr. Mc' Bennett ......»4./ 46 55 64 1g-225
Farlane's letter read.in part a5 fol- Fother ill 40 53 6x' 64 26-244
lows: "We have the car about unload- g
8 22-250
ed and it surely was a real Santa H 50 54 61 77 28- 5
Clans. About twenty teams' were get Mitchell 5x 52 60 70 . 22-255
ting the different shares allotted to
those in most need, I would like you
to tell the good people who sent this
FOR SALE—Mixed Honey at 7 cents
per lb. Apply to D, Deacon,
Phone 23-613•
FOR SALE—One young calf,and
tthorobi"ed Toulouse geese. Apply
to Geo .Day.
!LOST Wingham Library Book. Ow -
tier's name inside. Finder kindly
leave at,Library or Advance Office.
strong, became the bride of Fergus
Bullard,.son of Mr. J. Bullard, Se
At a1 a. m., the charming you
brie entered' the. church leaning
the arm of her father, to the strai
of the Loheng.rin wedding mar
played by Miss Vera Armstrong, sis
of the bride. The bride was becomin
ly attired in a gown of. ivory duchd
trirnnt4,. „,•with radium lace, wearing
bridal veil of tulle caught with ora
blossoms and carrying a shower
quet of oplielia roses and violets. M
Great Armstrong, sister of the bri
acted as bridesmaid and was dain
gowned in Copenhagen chiffon vel
trimmed with radium lace, while
Fred Price of Niagara Falls
Rev. W.B Hawkins
a -
of -
vale Road, visited at Durham over the
Christmas holidays with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Alex Elliott. •
Miss M. Evelyn Linklater returned
to `Toronto, after spending the holi-
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. S. Linklater of town.
Miss Dora Laundy who is attending.
Stratford Normal: School, spent New
Years at the home of her grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F, H. Roderus.
Mr. George Patterson and; Miss
Eileen Higgerson of Toronto, spent
the New Year with the former's
mother, Mrs. Isabella Patterson, Fran-
ces St.
Mr. and Mrs, F A. Beattie and. son,
Elmer,. returned to Toronto, . a
r Sale.
Apply to 3. A. Haugh
Wood, 12 inches long. For partic-
ulars„aeoply at The Advance.
x '” CAN1ZING--IS the only satin-
°actory method of repairing rubber
;footwear, Try us.
WiinghaiU Tire & Vulcanizing Depot,
=4.fpaslte Merklcy's Garage
• NANTED- Voultry and Established
Write for our price list,
over thirty Years.
A. Stn & Sons,
St, Patrick Marltet, Toronttr'
of Morris Township by a. major-
ity of :iri over Mr. Wm. Elston an ex -
reeve. The vote was:
•6 Total
x z 3 4 5
Elston.. ess 2 II 27 24 55 40-159
Fear ..._.»»..82 70 38 27 17 36--270
The councillors elected. are Wm.
Henderson, W. Yuill, R.' Shortreed
and E. Cardiff.
Maguire Returned in Toronto
cil chamber, on. Friday evening, Jan-
uary 12th„ at 8 o'clock. Everyone In-
`terested in making the town beautiful'.
is requested to' attend.
Will Receive Charter
The Lions Club of Wingharn
on the evening of
have a big spread h v g
261 This' is the'date that
January h� .,
they will officially receive their char-
ter and it is•expected that Lion Harry
ed Newman of Toronto, International
In one of the most hotly contest Director and Lion Ernest : Linger of
elections ever held in Toronto, Mayor
Maguire was given a majority of 840
over one of the strongest opponents
the big interests could bring out, viz,
R. J. Fleming. The Hydro Radial by-
law was literally snowed under. Be-
fore the polls closed the P. R. O's.,
ran out of ballots and hundreds of,vot-
ers were still lined up to vote.
Turnberry Elections
car how much it was apprecia e•
Bright Little Boy Dead
{re rice . _ In the early hours of the last day of
groomsman.. lr' Christmas and New years 1922, the dark shadow of the Angel of
elated and during.Hawkins the signing of the w spending Che i 's tits Mr. and Death visited the home of Mr, and
register, Mrs. th,,l sang very with Mss StaBeapleton.
pate , Mrs, Geo, H. Orvis, Lower Wingham,
"O Father, All Creating ' Mrs. Jas: Stapleton. and bore away the spirit of their little
sweetly, , a
Messrs. Harry Armatrong of London, Mrs. Margaret McLean and Miss
five-year-old son; Ellingworth. The
ter spending the holidays at their .theria. - To the bereaved parents is
and Clarence Bennett of Seaforth, act- Uldene have returned to Toronto,
d h
af- little lad had been stricken with diplt-
e as ushers,
After the ceremony a bountiful re- home here. Miss Uldene is attending
extended the heartfelt sympathy of
past was served at the home of e
bride, to the guests which numbered
about thirty. The house was beauti-
fully decorated with evergreen, holly
and roses.
The gifts were numerous and beauti-
ful, showing the, high esteem in which
tate young couple are held,
The happy couple left on the two,
train for anextended honeymoon to
Toronto, Niagara Falls and New York,
The bride travellett in a dress of henna
velet e, with hat to match and wore a
muskrat coat the gift a
f the
In the presence of a large nuprior, •crisitec 'with Dr. and Mrs. Stew -
relatives and friends of the Contracting pit ove, 4,a—'�•rr, rears,
parties, the wedding took place at ats.li, ellter`tairred a
Maple Grove Farm, Westford, on' Miss Norah Wednesday, December 27t11., at 4 number of her friends to 'a dance' in
o'clock, of Pearl, 'daughter of Mr. and the council chamber, on Thursday ev-
Mrs. F. C. `L•Ialdenby and James Har- ening first. The room was prettily
ve yy Anderson, son of the late Duncan decorated for the occasion and a very
Anderson of 'tale Biuevalo Zr'trad; Win g- Pleasant time was spent.Mr. and Mrs. C, W. DiekinSen attcl
hale. at- daus daughter, Miss Verna, fr�oi lw:ieldirll'>
The bride, gown
was becomingly3 t rth Munriings;
wn of ivory satin. and Sask., also Mr, Frank, ` Y(w�11:1idy y,
ear in a bo roses daughter, Lorna,of Acted, ,wore Neto ' I-lerrsall---O. Geiger.
carryinaid bouquet fern
(7pheere Years
,athe home +f Reeve Wingham—A. I,rp1xt11;
@tort maiden alai, fibril. entered the Years guests t
(Continued on page 6) ' asset rubs, Amos Tipiing. Wroxeter- -R, Douglas,
th the Toronto Normal.
Dr, a WLinitlater, who is taking, den affliction,
Hospital, Toronto, spent Neve Yeats Has faded in Ilse's early hour
with his parents, Mr. and Mia. Wm• Mourn not because in early bloom,
S. Linklater of town. He's laid within the silent tomb.
Misses : Dorothy Levis andEva
Colborne-- son.
with here friend; Miss Dorothy Lloyd, Goderich Twp. --B. Lindsay
Mr. Frank Grain of :Purvis, Man., I•Iay--E. C1opp.
is visiting at his oicl home in Wawa- Ilttllett - lVz.: Arrnstrong'•
nosh. Iflifl,op--F: ,I ,TIc()tiaid.
everyone: in their hour of sad and sad -
post -graduate work at St. Michael's Weep:not because so fair a flower
Huron County Reeves
Green of Clinton, spells New Years C. A. Robert
Nurse Hardie of Listowel, ,lugs. Morris• -•-•-J, FI; rear."'
Code and Mrs, $ylcs of Newmarket,Stcpllen•--•A. Neeb and John Iday ,
Miss Ltottie.Cocic`and Mr, I•I, C. Leech Tuckersmitll- •301111 McNaughton.
of Detroit rind Mx, E, G. Code of Arn•� Grey—A. McNab.
Turiiberry—J. L. MacEwen.
Usborne--W. Coates, '
Wawanosh, E.---Robt, Buchanan.
Wawanosh, W.—J. C. Purdon.
Bayfield—A. •E'.Erwin.
Elytlt--J. E. Taman.
:Brussels—A, Baker,
Clinton—Jas. Miller.
Fxcter--13. W. Bearers,
Goclorich-W, F. Clarke and 13.
Smith - 62 6o 6o 67 30--279
Willis _..•:48 48 60 78 23
Hamilton, District Governor, will be
Owing to charter night the final.
arrangements for the minstrel show
will have to be postponed for a short
Albert Porter Is Dead
Word was 'received in Wingham of
the death of Mr. Albert Porter which
took place at his home at Prescott,
The vote in Turnberry as in most Arizona, on Friday last. Deceased had
other places was light. - me only id- not been in the beat. of neaten' for
' e He is a -:son of Mr: and
ection was for councillor and the old some time.
war. horse, J. J. Moffat headed the poll, Mrs. Richard. Porter, Minnie St., and
the only old councillor in. the it is expected that the remains Wilk
He was n y
running. The vote by wards: arrive for burial about Saturday, His
I 2 3 4 Total brother,Mr. John Porter of Turnberry,
/ 6/ 3424-160 has gone to Arizona to accompany the
Breckenridge, J• •A. .4.
Fortune, David ».. 37 35 28 47 147' remains home. Deceased is survived
2931 5x-165.: by a wife and one son: Mr. Jas.' ,Por-
t,Marshall, W -54 1 ex -reeve of Turnberry, is a broth
fat .;...M .-.._.6 0 32 40--x67 .ter, e, Y,
Por -
Moffat, J J 5 3 --xna' er and Mrs. McKay of Wiartou, Mrs:
McTavish, J. _»_.....z7 31 35 27
Engagement Announced
We are: grateful to Mrs. D. Bell for
the folloing announcement which
will be of interest to many of our
readers, who will remember the one-
armed evangelist and his daughter.
"Evangelist and Mrs. Dixon an-
nounce the marriage of their only
daughter, Agnes Rosina, to Mr. Chas.
A Kennedy, on Saturday, the thirtieth
day of December at Winnipeg. They
will reside at Poplar Point; Manitoba.
D. C. Mackenzie Passes
J. L. - MacEwen was elected reeve
by acclamation and he certainly will
make a good one. Jas.. Porter, who has.
been reeve for two years retired.
Word wasreceived here of the sud-
den death of Duncan C. Mackenzie,
which occurred at his home 'in Van-
couver, on Saturday, December 3oth.
Ise was married eighteen years ago to
Margaret McLean, daughter of 1116
late Archie and Mrs. McLean of Bel -
grave and a cousin. of Mrs. Il., S. Mc-
Gec of Wingham.
Before goin ; to the 'West the,de-
ceased reside 'on tate farm now owtled
a, Mr. Alex tTichalson
at Lucknow.
arch a
He afterward
tars -Gough Co., and later wait to the
Klondyke where lie made good, De-
ceased. purchased tdo acres oL land
just 'outside .the city limits or Van-,
couver several years ago and was bus-
ily engaged in fitting these up and
selling them. itt small lots at the time
of his death.
Deceased was a man slightly over
fifty. On a. visit to Wingham a few
years ago he purchased a plot in the
Wingham cemetery. The remains will
not be forwarded to Wingham until
latcr,if at all,
111 1<,,n11
Harvey and Mrs. Bloomfield of De-
troit and Mrs. John Pattison of Port
Elgin, and Miss Eller of Toronto are
111E,{1111 111 +,1111111II '+ II l±°a It tI11 1111/111 11112111E111 111g111111111144411112111 111111111 111211111
and a
ons !,
We wish to thank our many patrons and fri
for their liberal patronage during the p
year. We hope to retait/ all ot r pat-
rons and friends and make many
new ones during 1923.