HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-12-14, Page 8!!G iset moi 4pv4 Cif �11Y➢YIII ft 10000.0013 61080111100.-0.01[04.73.are a, 1titb!, Sant .7 Class will ,;.,!rrh.6ie at . 1 innna's st re in his Fordcoca e to ;y, rel It the gir=•:i.;r' boys and iris of W;Tln h rn and vkkI! Hy. A b ., t l Ca> dly Free to ever boy and girl beim een 2.30 and 3 rr,, . id Sa :..tp s i r�•, �� ' embers his fail years fi�.>�e, and . will be to kiwi for, you all Uuis year. for 1 eady4 -Wear, Underwear, Clothing, Swwweale Suits and EXCLUSIVE MEN'S GIFTS AT THE MEWS STORE Fancy Swiss Silk Ties, nicely taoeted for Dad and Brother $noo Boxed Set of Armbands, Gar- ters, Suspenders, etc,, .price from ..., .soo to $it,so �!t resses, Gloves a„ d Fine negligee shirts, silk, mad- ras, percales, etc ,$x.go to $S.00 An Ideal Gift, an new Borsal- ino Hat, special.., --,_.,_„_,....,-$g.00 A new Suit or Overcoat for father or son would be sure to please. GIFTS FOR MEN—Neck- wear, Sweaters, Imported Glov- es, Boys' .Jerseys, Leather Goods and Hosiery. Fancy Linens, Emborideries, Madeiras, New Christmas Lines, Clunetjts. Christmas Dresses in Silk, Canton and Georgette ,a suit- able gift for mother. Hudson Seal Coats with Al- aska Sable Trimming, Muskrat Coats, Smart Styles fol~' Misses at $ean:so ' A Gift that: will please all, a new Wilton ]dug in the home,.. rta 111 H T gar si.erye ,.'s9. , Coal. Christmas Blouses,in. Voiles and Silks .... _ . $3.ao to $xs.00 Children's fancy Bonnetts, silk. robes, mitts, blankets for Christ- mas. Christmas Parasols in Suit Case $g.5o to $s.so Colored Wool Blankets, "O. V," finest quality, each.:...$6.00 Silk Underskirts, Silk 'Under- wear, Christmas Gloves, Silk Hosiery, Handkerchiefs. A large counter full of hand- kerchiefs and newest novelties. 111 n IL 'nA llln MOM 111 p�G ilk G?GI44NNAIAI• •Mr � and Hits, •Wxy IX, i\ un fell 4nd, two children, who spent, last week �vitilr.frien s;iu Toronto, have retur`r+ ed home, lags, Brown, of Seaford:, is. visit- ing with her cousin, Mrs. Jobb. All., ` Peter Hasting and Mr, A. Hasting left on 'Fxiday for Toronto, where they attended the funeral of a f rl4'.rr, IYIrd, Thos. Appleby,-. who hasbeen visiting with friends in Toronto and. Uxbridge, for the, past month has re- turned' home, Miss Lulu .Basting of Centralia, is visiting with ,friends on the 9th line, and in Wingham. Mr. Jas. Clarke is visiting -with his sister, Mrs. Wm; Elliott, on the boun- dary. Miss IVfabelle Stokes spent the weekend with her friend, Viiss. Myrtle Bennett, 'Wingham. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Marshall have moved to their new home. WROXETER Council elected by acclamation— Monday evening of last week the Municipal Nominations for Wroxeter were held in the Town Hall, from 7.30 to 8.30 p. m. Returning officer.. D. McTavish received the following be- fore the hour elapsed: For Reeve John Douglas, merchant, proposed by Neal White and Fred Davey; Robert Rolston, machine agent, proposed by David Robinson and W. H. Hayes. Mr. Rolston Withdrew, electing Mr. Douglasby acclamation. For Coun- cillors—Fred Davey, merchant, by John Douglas and Neil White; Neil White; manufacturer, by R. •H. Rol- ston and I. S. Durst; Geo. S. Lackze, tailor, by. Fred Davey .and T. A. Gib- son; D. C. Pope, farmer,.by T. A. Gib- son and J. N. Allen; Robert Rolston, machine agent, by J. N. Allen and J, E. Ridley. , R. Rolston, withdrew .leav- ing first four re-elected. For School Trustees:—D. D. Sanderson, by J. N. Allen and J. E. Ridley; R. H, Hastie, by T. A. Gibson and J. N. Allen; T. A. Gibson, by Neil White and John Douglas; Robert Stocks, by Neil White and David Robinson. A plat- form meeting followed the Nomina- tion hour. John Douglas reviewed work.of" the year in a very clear way and also gave some account of Coun- ty work and decided to stand for an- other year. Robt, Rolston, who had been in the Council for oneyear, ex- pressed a desire to withdraw from both nominations as he may not be in town. Fred Davey, Councillor for so; years, gave a fine address on the Trials of a Councillor and the efforts put forth by the Council to make the best of everything. Geo. S. Leckie was absent owing to siGl4n;0s, 1? C. Pope was not present, hence no 1 speech. Neil White expressed • his willingness to serve if needed. D. D. Sanderson and T. A. Gibsoon, trustees. of 18'years' continuous service, asked to he relieved from their duties. Much credit is dee these mete, :for their' ser- vice to the community, having a fine school in ;good shape. Robt. ,Hastie, an old trustee of long- standing; 'also. withdrew, leaving three new risen tb carry on the duties viz: P. W. Rae, R. Stocks and I, S. Durst, who will no doubt give worthy succession to 'the good example set by former members of the board. Affairs of the rnunicip- ality -' are in first-class shape. Tax rate is 35 mills on the dollar and on a low assessment. Debenture debt is less than $io,000. Village 'Clerk Mc- Tavish presided as Chairman, BLY'I H At the regular Meeting of the Blyth" Lodge No. 303, A. F. & A. M., the following officers were elected for. ,1923:—I. P. IVL, W. Bro. Peter Gard- ner; W M., Bro, John S. Scott; S. W., !, .Bro. E. Sanderson; J, W., Bro. Geo. W. Snell; Secretary, W. Bro, J. M. Hamilton; Treasurer, R. W. Bro, J, B. 'Tierney; Chaplain, Bro. W. B, Hawk- ins; Tyler, Bro. W. J; Sims; Auditors, W. Bro..Pate. and Bro,. S. A. Pppple-' stone.. The remaining officers will be appointed on the night of installation, December 27th. W. Bro. P. W. Scott of East Wa- wanosh, installed the following offic- ers r into L. 0. I. No. 963 ,Blyth.: W. M, -R. Wallace, D. M.=Chas Stew< art.; Chaplain—R. H. Robertson; Rec, Sec.—Irving Wallace; Fin. Sec.: J. E. Taman; Treas,—Chas. Barrett; Ist. Corn. ---W, Phillips; Lecturer—Nor- reran Sanderson. TURNBERRY• Mr, and Mrs. Wzn, Burchill enter- tained some of their B. line friends on Thursday evening of last week. Mn' John Walker, Salesman for the Rubber Manufacturing Co:, of Lon- don, reports business much better than last year. The Advance joins with his many friends in wishing, film continued success. The Wingham • Salt Club supplied the tI. F. 0. club with salt one day lash week. The farmers are well pleased. -with the salt which they re- ceived, 'Wedding Bells' are zinging; on the B line,.: BELMORE Miss Amy Newans is in, London, taking treatment' for her throat and nose. We hope she will return touch improved in health. A presentation to Mr: and Mrs. Archie Lowry, before leaving for their new home in Guelph, took place at their home on Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. henry Johann enter- tained Rev. and Mrs. McKenzie, Mr. George Rutherford, Misses Eleanor and Minnie Jeffrey' on Tuesday evert- ing. Mr, and 'Mrs. Robert Ballagin Mrs, Joseph. Hall air, Herman Hall, Miss' Babb were the guests of Mrs, Fleming I3'allagh on Thursday evening last, Mrs. Herd Sr,, has returned after spending some time with her daughter at Teeswate.r, Mr. Wesley Abraham fon the Test" is visiting with his mother and Other friends on the gravel, Miss Eunice I-Iakziey and Mr. Wit Darling took charge ofthe young people's zneethrg on Sunday everting. A solo by Mrs, Mci :enxie; was well rendered, Don't forget the concert on Deeein- ber 2loth, Come and cheer your side,, if not taking part. Ng i'i WO IR Thni'sday, De4.etnl; 4t1t,, xgso'" mmi, *wag ma pump to IIAU911V6.! ma OMI" Gds WHAT COULD: BE MORE APPk,ECI &TED 0 r Stock of Christ taiitees ff+ai Fsi N.� owiltu r l;rrge r w advise arly selecfto GIFTS FOR LADIES Silk Hose $x.00 to $iso per pair.. Silk and Wool Hose, $1.50 to $3.00 per pair, Silk Gloves, $x.00 to $3.00 per pair. Kid Gloves, $x.so to $3.00 per pan-. Silk Underskirts, $s.00 to $to.to. Silk Bloomers, $zoo to $4.5o. Silk 'Kinionas, $6,5o to $25.00., Table Linens $e.5o to '$ig.00. Table Napkins, $3.00 to $ro.00. Madeira Linens, Stamped Lin- ens, Silk Dresses, Furs, Fur Coats, Handkerchiefs.; GIFTS FOR T Godits fii nal -'we age tri f 1; rac ie I Gilts, whe ➢ docks ars eo, )lit mr 011 t[hl11g will !/i 11J r 116k, •lit` .44;0.1'..11,t GIFTS FOR MEN Men's Silk Shirts-• , Men's Wool Taffeta Shirts Men's House Coats - Men's Bath Robes Men's ,Wool Gloves Men's Silk Scarfs Men's Wonl Scarfs Men's Heather Socks Men's Silk Socks Men's Handkerchiefs Men's Silk Ties Men's Knitted Ties omE All woo1 Blankets, Down Filled Comforters, Old Bleach d' Linens, Vacuuin Cleaners, Rugs and Mats, - a®® 1,1 )11i r '.El r ake his Cris m;a CrII[sif (USEFUL GIFTS T fi!I sof T LAST jvfrtg What lasting joy a new Pandora Range, Washing Machine and Wringer,. or an all Copper Boiler wvould;bring. It will pay you to look through, our new stock of Stoves and Ranges Washing Machines Bali Bearing Wringers :/dot Point Electric Irons Brass Jardineres ' Old Colony Silverware Automobile Skates O -Cedar Mops Guaranteed Aitiminumware. WE AIM TO PLEASE WITH Q+I3AJ:,ITY AND SERVICE -WATCH OUR WINDOWS -- A new set cfStorey Cake for Xmas Cakes. BUY. IQOV4? A Covered Roaster for the' Xmas. Turkey sav- es the flavor BUY NOW Th Phone 30. 'r s n 5, uchan HARDWARE AND STOVES Wingham l'taaa3:m11,6 �a 0703.1m=PILIS mom, !, ;mi i;,,NOISE 1 tam 0001 1 1 WROXETER Mr. Jahn Rutledge of Brampton, called on friends in town last week. The entertainment which was held in the hall on Friday night was quite n success,' the young folks playing their part very nicely: Mr. Robt. Harris of Toronto, spent a few days last week with his daugh- ter Mrs. Dan McTavish. Mrs.. E. l3ryans of Brussels, called on friends in town on Sunday, Mrand Mrs FredKitchenare at present visiting friends in Toronto on theirway tospend .Xmas holidays with their daughters in Detroit,' Be- fore returning they '.intend visiting friends at Romeo, . Mich., and Learn.- ington,'Essex Co. A very sad and sudden death., oc- curred. on c-curred''on Friday evening, December rst„ when Mrs. Robt. Rolston passed away at her home here after a short illness. Deceased was a respected res- ident of ,the village =and many were `rieved to hear' of " her' early dermse. She leaves to mourn her loss, her hus- band, a' little boy two, years old and an infant daughter, The funeral which was held on Monday afternoon was largely attended. Rev.. kr. Reddens `shad charge of the service, . Interment was made in Wroxeter cemetery. MORRIS Mr, wird Mrs. 3. Barnard of Lon- don, spent Sunday at Mr. A. Mac Ews, Men'rs. D. McTavish of Teeswatcr, spent a.tew clays last week with her sister, Mrs. Victor Haines. Mrs. Will Robertson and daughter 11.011.1010010.00 Jean, spent Sunday at Mr. Thomas Abmie r. harn:anal 's. M,Virs, Andrew Stein of Lucknow, visited with. Mr ,and Mrs. John Haines last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert.Young, Route 4, Brussels, wish to publicly thank their neighbors and friends for assistance rendered during their heavy loss, when their house,and all the contents ill were burned before daylight on the 'morning. of December xst. They es- pecially wish to thank the ki'nd,frierids who sent clothing to the children. I III 1 16M 1 i JOHN GALBRAITH STAND unatanart.cumrem.:0200300000210006.00.0.0smaasterm0000.800000010100004....31 Sped r`i MUM .131101.1fltatnret A special purchase of Watson's Ladies' Underwear Sample to •sell at wholesale prices --Ladies' Combinations, Ladies' V e s ts, Drawers, Children's Underwear, Rubin's Sill and Wool Vests, Bray 8arly, Christmas Hosiery, Sills, Gloves, Neckwear, Hand- k ,driers, Underwear, Blouses, Parasols, Camisoles at saving prices. ,on,want ntiuii, .nnhI, mpamth 1 mw,n,wM,uwnni t 0 ,nw anallita i16 1 5 P3r�i 1 1 ST. AUGUST/NE' The St. Augustine ' ,Branch of the Women's Institute held: their regular monthly meeting at Miss Selena For - art.'s. The President,' Mrs. David Chamney in the chair. After the opening ode, ,the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Mov- ed by Miss Euphemia "Chamney and seconded by Mrs, Redmond that they send for a travelling Library, This library consists of forty-five books, and we can have the use of it fox She months. It was decided to have a niiseellaneous shower at the next meeting. Mrs. David Chantrey ihea gave a splendid report of the London Convention 'which she attended on November '27th. Miss Ethel ' Cuba- yxtins ,favored all present with n' sok. ltliss Robb, the schout nurse, gave an interesting talk on "Nutrition." The text meeting will be held in the base - M c n t ' of Donnybrook Methodist church, The meting closed by the singing of the National Anthem. The attendance utas` twenty seven, The eolleetion amounted to $t.So. Mise Poren ,S,etved the ladles a splettlid,. luneh,