HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-12-14, Page 691d ere "!C \11 11111'!11 AR11$ eANJ0 .'M IN ANDOL1N f;r "!Ya k x44.1!f Yitx—t7;; i "L1„tl :- " A IT MARTIN VKULCI[ Check 11 ver this list of if is ee rIre A1bu ,'ti I?s .. ...,$1.75, 2.00 cords, 75c 4 for 83.00 ..10c $2.75 Jazz R°:o Whistles. $2.50 Uk l,eks ;$2.00 'gyp Repealer for ..h r ph....$2.00 B iys' nuns $7.50 Violin 1 ! flits $12.00 u ►5 Guitar, Hawaii 1 . `e,`d `'spa ish complete u flits $15.00 ux ml Phonographs $15.00 up R(GULATION BUGLE IDRUM PREMIER aes-e ARU a, sit nus a rid sp:. c ial ?ecorii 'r iffeu' for Christmas Gin. FLA. X 129. Alois. r . ET iii nr; pec aoremla rds a "P one 284. Victr fi4i4 WHY (Continitec1 from page r) the best -name he had heard of yet as it strangely (nixes and pickles the people who use it. Iceland, whose sole industry is fish with the main market in Spain tied Prance, was told they would not take her fish if she did riot take their wines and Ice- land said "then we'll not take; year wines. The quartette favored the audience by singing "Lead Kindly -Light." .An offering was taken up in aid of the World League' against Alcoholism, Rev, 5, Cromarty Smith of Scotland, thought that he need not say very much about the question, after listen- ing to the rest of the speakers, but he pleaded to help- Scotland win pro- hibition and for young men to dis- courage' other men.; from. breaking the law. A hearty vote of thanks was tend- ered to all, whoassisted on the pro- gram; moved by "Air, A. Cosens and, seconded by Rev: Mr. Cragg, The meeting; then closed by the singing of the National Anthem. Finds Skeleton On Island Mr. T. John Bridge of Lion's Heacl, made a recent trip to Killarney: He spent two weeks at different places on the Mountain Island, having many interesting and dxciting. experiences.'. On one occasion he camped over night, on the. shore.. • Next . morning he set forth in his launch to exp]ore. Towards evening he .cotyle upon a lonely island," called Club Island between Manitouling and Georgian Bay. As the sky was some- what cloudy. he ran ashore and set. camp. After walking around to his surprise he found some human bones. After closely ' examining 'them they were found to be the skeleton of a man of . medium height and build. There was a purse containing $2.00 in store checks, three ••pair �f soc1s and a pair of moccasins, evidently showing that the unfortunate lean met his death in the winter. It is conjectured that be left Mani- touling, travelling on the ice and night overtaking him, he hoped to: find shel- ter on Club Island, It is more prob- able that a storm had come' up, blind- ing hini, Through difficulties, heno doubt made his way to the island, al- tnos4 perishedwith cold, and perhaps weak from exhaustion, and had not been able to erect shelter, but fell in- to the stupor preceding freezing. i There are suspicions too, of foul. play: r Ie may ]lave. been taken there, bound and left, the $`a.00 in checks being 'no' good to his companion, or he may have been robbed and shot outright. The finding` of these bones caused ` the quite a sensation' as there °were no ' papers or any marks whatever of:, identification.. It is 'doubtful if truth will ever be known. IQ J. ALVIN FOX, D. C., D.-0. - Chiropractor .,se Hours a to 5, ::to,4p;m. __Phone r z. i El�:eM 9 Win ham 0 t B531 t43ii !6�'. tLi$'�t!� i+, t u' I Wil �n't �iu El El Et � .7G "�l! ii 's ( r ! Y Ss` r:r � �" � iq t� '� � ��6�iLJ, �u"ti � �rf I �ttl �(,fa'^��" **=**.*.**.***.,' e LEATHER TOPPED RUBBERS —for Boys cannot be beaten as. a sensible Xmas Gift to the 13oy'who has to wade in the deep snow. mmmmmemaem n;m ,,,met m,,,,m,. _ COMFORT SHOE—The above for Men cannot be beaten for a sensible Xmas Gift. Cushion Sole Shoes for Wo- men—Acme of comfort, al - w ay s accept- able to those, who have ten- der feet. mo.m.�mmmrm..m�mmamemetan k^�w°m�.mmmOnncmolAnwmumi® HOUSE OR EVENING' ::SLIP - :I I;Rt•---A. re always appreciated by the recipient, they. snake an ideal Gift. �s4YmYllr: ai�� j ll� 1L�', wn4 iffili N111 g1U 9 Pif COMFORT` S1 -,TOES OR WOM'd- N—Are nice and "domfy." Nice for he wife or daughter or for Grandma. tot I 1 IM ENS] 'LOWrZ G WELL Throws` Crystal' Water 20 Feet In Air From A Spring boo Feet Below 0 7 he Ground One of the wonders of Bruce Ceue- ty is to be seen on the farm of Chris Weiler, at Formosa, where a flowing well bubbles up from, 600 feet 'below the ground and spouts a stream 20 feet into the air. The ice cold geyser of water has been maintained et the same volume for a2 years and shows no signs of abating. It is located in what is populat•ly known as the Pal- ace Garden and is frequently visited by curious people from. great •distan, ccs, The Formosa Oil Company drilled .. for oil at that place in rpoo and pros- pects looked good, Mr. Weiler was president of the company. One well was drilled to a depth of 920 feet, but was absolutely dry. Further down oil sand was encountered, and then water, Phote by W. Sneath ' This is the gusher on the Weiler place at Formosa, which has been spouting a stream this size for twenty years. It is now the principal feature of a beautiful public park. which to this day bubbles about four inches above the ground. Then the 1 second well was commenced. At a depth of something. like 600 feet, wat- er was struck and the spring was of such magnitude that a stream 20 feet high immediately shot out of the pipe' 'and has been. continued ever, since.. Mr. Weiler, seeing that „what had proven, a loss in one ,direction might be turned_ to advantage in, another, started at once to convert the ground into a park, -le se,t,aside eight acres Thursday, l ecentber x4tb. nee Let the :00 0: •r ° a • o� � :r ccitont.H. HEN u don.ey the once of Ontario yoSaviepositngs• Oftnfice you in hava thePravissurance that the Government guarantees the absolute safety of your deposit, You may rest your mind in perfect con- fidence, knowing your savings aro .earping a .higher rate of interest than ordinarily paid, while absolutely guaranteed against depreciation and loss, The Province,' of Ontario Savings Office will pay you 4% interest, compounded half -yearly, with full chequing privileges, Write to our nearest office for particulars•about snaking savings deposits by mail. Proviriiie of Ontario Savings Office:. Head Office: Toronto. Brandt Offieesi Ilkniiltoar Si.: Catharines, Brantford, Woodstock, Scarorth 'Walkerton, Owen Sound, Newmarket. $L, Marys, Pembroke, A9lrztcr and ottawn rn,y& •j 1 103 air,, ; —-----w' A .cement well top was built aroun the geyser and, a creek bed construct ed to lead the wate.rsaway. Then one place, in the creek was dammed and a swnnminge hole constructed, This, is allotted to the boys in the, morning and to tlfe girls in the afternoon: It is a popular spot during the heat of the summer. Tltere are also flowers, trees and shrubs liberally planted - onthe grounds,Maple trees obtained from the government provide ample shade ful ancrditleese asions., re now gtowing to beauti-. rtlen Behind the Weiler residence there is a peculiar rock.' formation of a gray color and stretching for many acres.' Some of this rodk has . rotted and is pitted in many place's with holes. These holes, in places, have been en- larged to the size of caves. Mr. Weil- er took some of this pectiliar rock and pulverized it to use as fertilizer. He' found that it was very beneficial to. the soil. 1 About the Weiler house there are: birds of all kinds, with nests specially, constructed for them by a kind-heart- ed' host.. Some of these bird houses are'of an original nature, being made •frozecoffee pots, with the spout, knocked off. Among the trees 'which are highly prized` by the owner, is a' Tree" of Heaven, which is rarely found' in this locality; It has leaves over two feet in length.-- Mr. ength.-`Mr. Weiler's. home is fitted .up.. in comfortable fashion and he has made full use of the abundant water supply. Hehas refused many offers for the place and, states that it is his intention to keep it and let the public have un- restricted use of it. Fred Taylor has moved irato his- 1 new house hear the school. 1VIr. J. Ferguson has .nioved intoe the residence he recently purchased' from Mrs. Ross, formerly the Robert B1ow;;property, while Mrs. Ross and'. daughter have moved to the ,house'' they bought from Mr, W. H Eagle- son on the Main St. Mr. Cowan our station agent, (C. 1?. R.) expects to• move 'shortly to West'Monkton. Mr, Cowan has only been here a short 'time and we are sorry to havehim leave, He was.aen obliging, painstaking dgene. Everyone is busy these days pract- ising for Xmas entertainments, etc. The electric light plant is progress- ing as rapidly as possible and al- though the engine has not yet arrived' everything else is beingdone so asto be able to' start it going as Soon as the power is available. Mrs..S;eaman of Sodus, N. Y., is a - visitor with her mother,' Mrs. Edward` James, and her sister, Mrs. R. Gilpin of Orilli Mrs. 'W. D. Williams was operated on last week for appendicitis; She was in a serious condition for a few, days, but good hopes are entertained now for her recovery;°' Gordon Barton relieving agent at the C. R R. at present:. GORRIE Mr. R. Ddig has moved. from. Mrs. Doan's house to t1 -ie one -occupied by enjoy- parents. TORY CORNERS Mr. Alfred Taylor and daughter, spent Sunday at Mr. Henry Zinnrner snail's. Mr., George Wylie had the misfor- tune of loosing a valuable beast: one day' last week. ' Mr. Alex Carson of Wingham, vis- ited• with Mr,R. A. Taylor this week. Mr. Albert Dustow of the Beth., made a business trip to Wingham on Saturday. We are sorry to report that Mr. for this purpose, acid at the present H. Irwin who hasNj time it is a beautiful spot much en'o �- gone in with his Delbert Clegg is improving that' t slowly: thing UR the w . of .0 be more a I pr iu late i our tock W. s n' ver s:ir at this d.Christ :.". �c LIGHTNING HITCH HOCKEY. SHOES -Are ;not as fast as lightning, but are the best made. • SKATES:Are much prized by ev- eryone who skates, ask your boy or girl his or her, opinion. ._ . l isi a.s Gilts could lht Fhlll.1,!T EAR Lire or Varkd r's, It s tide. OVERSHOES FOR WOMEN OR MEN -What could be more approp- riate., Efii aetee; m....mmq.runcomeneen yam CHROME NIGIU.c GYM.. LAMIN/kyk. rci PER ®.:romi•C92mtl io t*Ist16(llhgoomea1ment.1AYD pppy�Ofl01Y aosre•n-aaM•vIDlbaalnna.L'poe,n,m The ,:,. M'ir'e is o iy a partial list of the many ray O,i ,v ikq�i,�hd?�gswe have in si,r,ek for this gi et d Ch3l is4,p�� 1 1 e's ti "'1 ere re ne illoix sowee.aretlsommtmonoV+...OoerarrbanNmaglii.oeumkortrudsmmciu>ihoyjm wnsgm �„ r • YI�R rktl irk.' 1111 I MIN r e t'1'1.lr `' 111111110111119 11i The Leadrin one, 129 !tlA!>Lu� 4011.1.0.012121.1 I oe Blore o Il ron County. a Wg.; ':NWNi I'fl,i iii`''IW%d�lY �lI.4;'1,'�Ir 110 IlI V rl ! HOUSE SLIPPERS FOR WOM- EN, MEN, GIRLS, BOYS, OR KID- DIES --Give comfort on winter 'even- RUBBER BOOTS FOR WOMEN GIRLS OR KIDDIES—Are fine for the outside, 'they keep the feet dry and' warn], 6 v�um��mmmmmm,m� m�r�=m 'kFl11L^rTmNurlvat¢\NsamnYt.n�ttw0.ni M •.:) • . °mmn.m+om°v,�v.em�lror�eMwYdseo�mman r '.. � `.. SPATS FOR WOMEN OR --Make an ideal Xmas Gift. m1,71. *I 1� 1 .k�.dill disJbui.wa ir. ROTIBER h"00TWEAR-µ-Von the whole family are not only a necessity but aro trppreciaterl as an Xrnas, Gift. �..' udm•�merngWNgµ„mnnrekdnh+InitleabtllbdndmtMudtie,eNwapnm�Wtxaehil.NYMnmhmriaN&. 1 MOW l�Vl�li�l�� �yg 1 i vial%