HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-11-09, Page 1Single Copies Four Cents
At the Residence of Mr: ,and Mrs. To the. Editur air the ,Advance,
V, R.'VanNor.man, Minnie Si, , ' . Deer Serie--
. - Share.; isn't lasht wake a grate
On Settirday'rhorning about 9.30 fire wake irrthirelY, wid two benquits an
broke out at' ,the li oine of Mr. V. R, a lot av other tin gs geill on? Since
VanNorman, citused by- an overheated the girruls both wint away we hey
pipe , Tice- fire worked its . way been livin purty plain a.rround our
through between the ceiling and the housefe
, r the missus sez .she'hes been.
-metallic roofing ahd did considerable rayclin in the paPers that ould payple's
. damage before it could be got at by shtumicks can't shfand ciikes am 'poies
, the firemen, The bhtze spreac1 down arr rich tins av army kaind, Mebby
e bell-Yee-Ia.-the outside walls and foe; a 'fis only an excuse to 1<tpe hur out
time it'looked as though the ,firemen av the kitchen. Ye hey to watch thin
:would be unable to control the -fire, wimmiri.' awl ' the 'toime air they vfill
-However it was subdued, arid although git the 'sletart 'av Ye. .Av co9rse I.
-the north half, of the house will have don't say annyting to the missits, but
, to have a new roof arid several places •just ate what is sit befoier me, aekin
too the walls and ceiling will have to no questions, an whin theer is to be
;be renewed, froth outside appearance a banquit I say we had. 'betther' not
, eee, bungalow is ahnoet as Pretty as go, an that I wild ruttier hey me SLIP-
', before the , Bra Water damaged the Per at. home.' .Thin, 'av 'cooree, the
...paper in almost every roomand rnissus will take the opposite soide an
, sprung a couple of floors, Mrand ordhers nee to go 'ali buy the tickets.
Mrs. 'VanNorman wish to thank the The b•eelit•way to manage the avimmin
;firemenand the kind friends who as is'... to make • thim da as. they Plaze.
esisted in carrying most Of the furn- The banquit at the Mithodist church
itiire to safety. The less is cevered by wus a grate wan, •wid plinty av good
insurancea tings to ate an -lots av spaehes, an
intisick upshtidrs. An it bates awl
. ,
Buy Now, Save Money, howthim Mithoclists shell out the
, .
cash : They are the 'byes wid. the
Kings' sale, ends Satin -day, Noverna money an they ate not ,shici'w to pay
'ber i7th., take advantage of.
their up whin the church nades it. As some
great money s-avinge values. '' fellah said about the Yankees, they
St. Penis A. Y. P. A.. are a wonderful payple—an they ad-
mit it thimsilves. Whirl we got home
• A most - enjoyable, social evening I :was shpakin to themissus about
was spent by the -members of St. that $3,1oo bein raised an wondherin
Pauls A. Y. P. A., and a large number how it wits cl.one. "Shure 'tis aisy
.eif visitors on Monday evening last enough unclerehtood" see she, "hard -
The President, Mr. Jas. .Allen acted ly anny av thim Mithodists slunoke ati.
as chairman and, a program was given the money they save that. way they
horisisting of Teadings by Rev. H. W, give to the church," she sez. '1 tould
Snell and Mr. Herb Jabb. A very in- hur it wild takea _lot av poipes of
'teresting paper on "The Life of Sar- tobaccky to make up that much Mon
ah". by Miss Rebecca Arrnstrong, a ey, -but she get back at me fel' that
vocal solo by Mr, C. Templetan and with -Mean hes a inimary„loike a harse.
an instrumental solo by Miss Dorothy She sed that whin Mishter Booth,' the
Snell, after which some interesting Mutual Loife man wits sel/in Nora
gimes were enjoyed by all present, an endovemint polishy befoor she whit
' 'followed bya dainty lunch. Several west, he shtated that money wud
,Ileir inenibers were added to the roll double itsilf in. twelve years at six
arid the program closed with the singe pug eint compound inturest. Thin she
irig of the National Anthem.
. sed I hied been slunokin fer fifty years
'Methodist Church Notes arr rnoore, shpindin at laste twinty
. e•oa ii
. aars a year on tobaccky, not to
The' services in Methodist church inintion poipes an matches. "Fifty
:oil Sunday, Nov. -7201;1922, will be as tohnes twitty is wan thousalid," sez
follows: ' she, ' `'which accordin ,to Mishter
I° n. n-h—The quarterly' sacrement Booth's figures wud amount to moore-
service, Love ,feest will ;precede the than $4000. by .now at -eix pur cint"
Lord's Supper. Please note the hour she sez. I, heir been wurrukin on. this
-of service, io a. neeinsteacl of ix 'a. m: problim ivir .SilICe, fillin two sehribbler
Special offering far the l3enevolentbooks that •Jarge Shpotton gave me
Fund. will be receiVed, . whin I wus returnin awficer lasht fall,
2.30 p. in.—Sunday School 'and Bitp- an 1 can't foind ann3rting wrong -wid
isinal service. .• the sh.tatimint Etv the missusi but
7 p.' in. ---The evening serVice will theer musht be a hole ini the saucepan
take the form of . a union memorial some-wheer;ler this rayson. Me nay -
service, in recognition 'of Armistice ber, Bob 'White, had the same'sartart
.Day. The services in, 'charge of 'the. 1- had fifty years ago, gag moores
Pastor,and, the address will be cleliv- which wus jist a shteong back an go -6d
,ered, by the Rev. H. W. Snell of St hands -an fate. We shtarted amen, so
Patils Anglican church. Special muse to slmeke, an he--iiivir shmoked 'err
"IC by tile joint choir-. A ,special , of chewed tobacelegi arr drank a drip av
fering, will be received to be donated licher in his •loife, an I 'cud buy him
to a: memorial fundoat twoiCe over. 1\lebby if he had got
the' wolie i did (an he wanted liter too
but 1 eviig' too shillala .'fer him) it-
meight hey made a clif•fer. .The moral'
AUCTION SALE . --Farm Stock and samh
es to be that if ye ey• the roight
'berry :near I-lohnes' School on Nkvniinfed ye caan haaffronatcricl NtvotliSrullinclinoires,,abvut
Implements at lot 25, con. xi, Turn -
Thursday, November pth, 1,22 at if not ye •had betth.er ' coritinarersilf
wid chewin a shtraw, leike the Globe.
Harry Teeevis, Prop. piektures Mashter Droory: .
T, R. Bennett, Auct. . ' On. Froidayenoight 'twas the 13ooed
tiv Thra.de bafiliutt,- wid the ladies av •
BOARDERS WANTED -h. -A' '.ceeare tlie Women's Inshtitoot furnishin the
of boarders -wanted. Apply to - tings to ate, an the biziness. cuddri't
The Advatice
hey -been in. bettlier hilnds. A.fther
' •,
supper theer wus shpakin an niusick
, TOR SALE -4, burner Moffatt Eleegalore, 'Wan ting makes it aiSy Ler
tric Range, nearly new. Apply to the fellalissthat do the talkin, an 'sing-
, A., ES Porter.
. in these days, the same shtories.; an
FOR SALE-We'llave several York-
. . songs will do fer ayther a fowl sup -
shire Brood SOWS also two Tanfa per in a church arr at a Boord av
worths 'due to . farroiv soon. We Thrade Bananit. I wondher how
want to buy TOO bushels of oats itt Jawn King arieBilly TiTindereon an the
.10 rents per bushel, soo bushel of rislit av thim U. F. , O's, slitooarthe
mangolds,hoo pigs, 5o lbs.• or over; proteetion spach,es. It muslit hev
50 little pigs six or seven week. old. gone a,gin thet grain wid thine but
Apply to Beninger & Cruikshafili, annyway a dissert av good Tory doc-
or Phone 5 on 62,5. . thri tie WU d, do' thirri to harrum. .
Shure 'twas a grate banquit intoirely
FOR SALE—Good Kitchen ',Cabinetan me frind, Fra,nle. Vanshtione an the
A ppl to The Adlace.
ristit av the byes deserve credit fee
31- - va
FLAT TO RENT—Apply to slitartin the idea,
Hopin theer will be another wan
' W. J, Greer. soon, I remain,
FOR SALE -507 acres, lot 15, cona6, Yours till nixt wake,
•:„urnbetry, brick cottage, frame • Timothy Hay
T . '
. . '
twenty acres ,of timber, three
miles -from VVingliam. For infor11121.- Last Thret DaYs - 1
:Hon, apply to ' Kings' greatest fall and winter sale
ends an Saturday, November nth,
Priscilla Powell,
Wingham, Ont.
FOR SALE—Two used cars in splen -
;did. condition, one Chevrolet 5920,
6,ne Gray -Dort xgx8, at prices un-
heard of, Do not miss looking
them over. L. Kennedy.
FOR LESS THAN --$15o.00 you can
town a Ford Car in good running
conditioa. Three tires almost new,
',else 00W radiator.
Crawford's Garage.
.NOTICE—After this week our Cream
Statioli will only be open ott Thurs-
"days, Fridays arid Saturdays. High-
est prices paid for cream. ' •
' Milas Cameron.
PARLOR k nATER---Vor sale,
snap. The Advance.
WO RENT—A good eight -roomed
dwelling., town water and lights on
,Scott St Apply to
Box 364, Witighant
"WANTED—Good second hand prom,.
APPlY at The Advance.
• Boost For Horticultural Society
The locaLHorttcultural Society met
in the Town Hall on Thursday even-
ing. Several meinbers have purchased
bulbs at cost through the society this
year. Over one hundred citizens are
members of the society but there is
still a great malty eitizeos who should
be members. The aim of the Horti-
cultural Society is not only to assist
members to beautify their hoines but
also to improve the appearance of
public corners now thick with weeds.
This of course will cost a great deal
of money and it is up to the people
to get behind this enterprise with their
,p.00 membership, To give one an
idea of the cost of beautifying corners,
we learn from Mr. A. Wallace that
it cost him aliriost $3o.0o to fix up the
corner at the Doirtieion Bank between
the building and the sidewalk. The
ground had to be dug and raked and
grass seed purchased to sow on it.
Each member joining now gets thir-
ty tulip' bulba. Of course if you leave
off joitillig tititil spring you cannot
expect to get the bulbs,
A Fair Unbiased Statement of
Church Union
lit a forceful and'stirring sernion the
Rev. C. E. Cragg, B.A., B.D, spoke to
a large congregetion consisting of
many from other denominations in fa-
vor of church union, in the Wingha.rn
Methodist .chtfc-ch on 'Sunday evening.
irowhea7verend gentleman spoke as fol-
-"I am desirous this evening of pre-
senting- a fair, unbiased statement of
church union, what I say is not said
by way of controversy or bigotry, it
. .
Is simply a fair simple statement as it
effects our church and people,
'If you go back to the early history
of Christia.nity, you will find that it
presented,- an undivided front to the
pagan world, and so mighty was the
force presentedand the power &igen-
"dered that by the end of the end eerie
Wry, Pliuz was able to write to the
Emperor at Rome, that the new faith
had practically overrun the world and
whole provinces had come under the
influence of the Christian faith.lo
325 Constantine the Great, Emperor
of the Roman Empire, embraced chriea
tianity and at once made it a state re-
ligion.' It became popular to be a
christian, and the nobility flocked tp
the Christian, Church. judged from
the human standpoint that wasa, great
boom to Christianity, But time proved
it was not so. Pagan rites were intro-
duced into the Christian worship. S The
nobility clamored for a more ritualis-
tic form of service, and the simplicity
of the catty chuech began to pass er-
ror s of doctrine, and filially errors of
practice grew up within the church,
until the dark ages were ushered in
when the church became more a pol-
itical than a great religious force. She
continued a unhed body until- about
7oo A: D., when 'on the death of Greg -
unettomatampApn torAIA•AavivALA
NOVEMBER '9t1rit, 1922 .
Subscriptions: $2.40 per year
. 119
Green's Thick Neel< or Goitre Rem- Women's Institute - Serve Over One =
edy guaranteed,--McKibbon' s Drug • Hundred and Sixty
Several of the local Ninirods went
The animal Board of Trade Ban- 1 Internation.al Stock
duck hunting to 131ack Horse lakes on re
Monday. • • quet was held in the Wingbain Arm-
ouries on Fs -ay' evening and, was at -
Mr. 13, j, 13eoieger has taken the
De.,Laval•Agency along with the Dur- tended by about one hundred and six-
ty men andearomen, who sat down to 1 and: Poul
alit and Star carstry
a stimptneits dinner at 7 o'clock, 'which -24--
Ford cars were sold during the past
week, by `,;1'. R Bennett io :Robt. Weir was: putsaenehY the inembere of the
John Pringle, Olivet,, Pocock, anct
1 Women's Institut& Bymerely saying,
it was a splendid meal is putting it I Preparati
Robert Searleons
Mr: and Mrs. Aleez:VanAlatyne have very ,•
very nimbi, as Timothy Hay says it,
was almost better than the Supper put 1B '
fixed up-' their house ob. Scott St,, on by the Methodists. a f,eve evenings i We carry a full line of these
which was badly damaged by fire —
some time ago. previous. '
Mr. W FVanStonen
. e, presidt of
. Foods and Re
. HRemedies.A. Merry Maker Dance will be held
iri the Forthe 'Board os Trade, made a capable
Thursday, November 76t1., commenc-
esters' Hail, Belg-rave, on. chairman.: The Program included scil-
ing. at 9 p. in. IvVingluun Orchestra. os by Mr.'Cameron Geddes, and Mrs'
chased the London Advertiser. We
Mr, H. B. lifuir of London , has pee- also a quartette composed of Messrs.
R. s, Williams, both singers excelled;
W. H. I-1aney, J. W. Davis, R. Stone
understand that Mr. Jos, Atkinson of and F. Hanmore, Mr. T. McKenzie
the Toronto Star is financially inter -
Smith played' for Mrs. Williams and
ested in the deal.
for the quai-tette aeld Mrs, G C. Han•
The Woman's Auxiliary to the na played for Mr. Geddes. Miss Eva Glauber Salts, 5 lbs. for 25c
Wingham General :Hospital will hold
Dawson gave a reading. Mayor El -
their regular monthly meeting in the Sulphur, 5 lbs for . 25c
liott in a brief address welcomed the
council chamber on Monday, Novem-
PeoPle to town vvhich he has lived in
for the past thirty-five years and hop-
es to live in for the next thirty-five. —m
_ Mrs. Pain -Rennie of ,Listowel, gave
an address on "The Debt I Owe to 1)
The Community in Which I Live,"
emphasizing the gospel of good fel-
— Wingate= 0.1;t
lowship and of the smile and hand- ma: ' '
ehake. The merchants, she said, were
the mainstaY of the coMmunity. The 115111 Ifigillelitglininal
farmer who sells his butter and eggs
in town and buys his supplies from
the mail order house is robbing the
town of its due and bringing disaster
to both town and country.
Mr. John R Shaw, president of the Mr. and Mrs. E. R Harrison and
Canadian Manufacturers' Association, family spent Thanksgiving with rela-
twoalds the e refusing speaker an
f tihneeavteinnningt.He tives in Toronto.
adress the Canadian Club of New theMhnoPhadtally
York because of his having this Wang-
Mrs, H. Hinscliffe.
ham appointment and of how the ores- Mrs. Geddes and son Wilson, also
ident of flat Club, Mr. A/lbert Oliver, Miss Isabel Watson of Waterloo, are
was so enthused when he spoke of visiting with relatives in town.
going to Wingham, exclaitning "Why Mr. and Mrs. J. England and babe,
That's My Old Home" and many of of Lucknow, spent the holiday with
the old boys were enquired about.
Mr; and Mrs. Robert Deyell.
The mayor showed u.s—a telegram Mrs. R .M. 'Hunter and daughter,
which was received. from Mr. Oliver, Mary of Kincardine, are visiting with
on the bight of the banquet but was Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Patterson.
not delivered until the following morn- Mr. and Mrs. B: H. Miller of Tor-
ing. It read "Please convey to the
good citizens of Wingham heartiest
wishes of the Canadian Club and my-
self for their continued prosperity and
happiness. An old boy."
"Albert Oliver."
111111111 filimuumwoin rhe
111.011011111111111111/0111l0110 ff)
VhP DIgattten
Irn ;mono
t, t
There Are None Better
Pure Saltpetre, 2 lbs. for 35c
Kreso Dip,' gal. for $2,5o •
ber x3th., at 345- '
The ladies 'of the Wingham Hospital
Auxiliary have received a cheque of
, 25.0e from Mr. John Joynt, M. P. P.
e was unable to be present at the
graduation exercises. •
Page and Shaw's Chocolates, the
candy used by the British Royal farn-
ily and licit too good for you. Sold
only at Mitchell's Drug Store, oppos-
ite Bruns.wick Hotel -
, The Junior Women's -Institute and
Juniar.Farmer's Improvement Assoc-
iation will hold a joint meeting in the
Council chamber on Wednesday even-
ing, November i5th., at 8 o'clock.
The Salvation Army will hold pray-
er meeting on Thursday evening of
ory the great, two claimants arose for i Mr, H. Wheeler,
this week- at 8 o'clock at the home of
Catharine St CAR,
the. See of Rome, Both had good and
claims, strong support, and large fol- Mrs. Whitfield will be in charge.
Ever3body welcome.
lowing. As an .outcome of then- cor
Mr. Harry Lewis is having an Auct-
troverseyethe church was divided into
two great sections, the one with head-
quarters in. Roine, known as the Rom-
• an Catholic' church, the others With
headquarters in Constantinople known
as the .Greek Catholic church.
These two gi:eat churches continued
for .several centuries gradually grow-
ing more and more corrupt, until*e
come, to the days of Martyn Luther,
arida:lie days a f the ReformatiOri..,fike
a meteor did the new faith arise, and
for -a short time, threatened the utter
destruction of the church of Rome.
Taro -fieters intervened, on theone
head there, arose within the Roman
Chorch•a. neve society,. known as the
jesinisa which became the,.„gre,atest
missionary force .of the 'ages.: No one
•can gead of the devotion, the heroism,
or the ;sacrifice of these early Jesuit
Fathers without sense of achnitation mg aut for $:...,2.00 a ton for coal. Sea
and praise. The other callse was the eral citizensare buyingtheir coal dir-
diyisicin within the Reformer' church act by the car load and loading up
itself; and so` great became the cone their cellars, We are blessed in Wing-
troversy that it checked if not serious- ham with coal dealers,- who are not
ly staged the, advance of the new faith, hogs and a fuel controller wile would
Since that great movement the Pro- not permit anyone to • overload their
KContinued on page 3.) bin.,
ion ,Sale of Stock, Implements, etc.,
at his farm near Holmee:, School on
Thursday, November 9th. We under-
standMr. Lewis will go back to his
old job as a railroad engineer.
--The monthly. meeting of the W. M.
.S:, of St. Andrews Presbyterian
'church will be laeld on Wednesday,
November .7.5th., at 3 o'clock._ Sub-
ject, "Immigration" by Mrs. J A.
MacLean.' All ladies of the...congreg-
ation invited,
Hear yourself as others hear you.
By means, of the Kodisk record you
can make a record of your own, using
any disc gramophone. Send a mes-
sage to some distant friend, they can
hear it in your own voice. Two sizes
soc and $1.00. Sold Only at Mitchell's
Drug Store, Opposite Brunswick Hotel.
Walkerton coal merchants are hold -
Mr. V. R, ;VanNorman's home, which was partially destroyed by fire,
Union Services Under Civic Auspices
Sunday Night , •
t •
1 Owing to Monday being Thanks-
giving Day, -the regular mooting or
Wedded At Brussels
On 'Wednesday morning last, Mr,
Jas. Kerr and Miss Mapdc, daughter
of the late Charles j. and Mrs. Rio.
tout, all of Morris Township, was un-
ited% in marriage at Melville manse,
„Bru..4sels, by Rev.. J. P. McLeod. They
took the 7 a. in. 11 -un for a short wed
the 'Iowa Conned WAS held on "fiturs-
day night in the council chamber. J cling trip.
1VIayor Elliott presided and those ores- Concert At Belgrave
ent were Reeve Tinting, Councillors
Greer, Bennett, Lloyd, Haney .iiid A concert will be held in the For
Fothergill. esters' Hall, Belgrave, on Tuesday
ktayet,Equott appointed tt.war ,liarle. evening, November ighla, wider the
oriel committee to work in conjnec- au4>ices of C. 0, F., No. 48. Me
tion with the Lions' Club commitiee Cameron Geddes, Bass Soloist, Mrs.
en, a big willialve the people a ehaiice J, 1,, Stewart, Chairmanbut let us wear a poppy in reme
to have 'a voice in what the town will
uteminials, a pail, a monument a
bu'iding or Whatever may be voted Geddes' store. ' .
ipal elections. t is proposed. to line Accompanist,
I;e0Ple to vote Ion at the riext c- jones, Soprano, Mrs. (Dr.) Newton,
an estimate of the cost of the different
the Wesley Jeyht, Contralto, Mrs, (Rev/
Elocutionist Admission 25 cents ,and
35 cents, Plan, ofehall at Mr. ji:' A,
W. J. Geddes, Secretary,
Mrs. waiter vaawyeaa.
i a, itt a big eut it price on sale at
Let us not forget Armistice Day,
Armistice Day, November xtth
m -
reduced prices. See them.
C_oats, new models bought by Isard &
25 Women's and „Misses Winter
and draft a suitable bSIlot for
the tow
a'dop as A Mallorial, It is high ti111110that town o± Winghaut had a The Bell Telephone Company have
-...-----e ibirea,ldtisc.e af the brave boys, who now
sleep neath the poppies of Flanders
suitablp memorial to the fallen heroes made arrangements with the Bank of
and the Lions' Club deserve credit fie; Commerce to act a$ a branch collee- Robert Sturdy Dead
bringing this matter t� the attention , tion office at Delgrave and all sub- Death came unexpectedly to Mr.
of the town fathers, The committee Iscribers located in that territory can Robert Sturdy about one o'clock on
from the council are rke,ev Tinting, I now Day their aeeOunts at ,l3elgrave. ,Wednesday morning at his home on
Councillors Rennett and Pothergill, I The licll Company lutve also arranged Vittoria St. He had been around as
Mr. Yohn Gray complained that hc[ with the Thank to collect accounts usual before retiring on Tuesday even-
• (C001:100ed 00 page 3) iwithom any expense to the subscriber. ing,
s rug
t re
Pilot= 3 5
111121111E111 1IIllilIl t IlJti!lItrIllIIljIItIII 11 lIIlIl ulI111i
-7 2
• Mr. Shaw's address was inspiring.
He declined to talk "politics" but pro-
ceeded to talk "business" showing the
necessity for, and the wisdom of main-
taining, an ample protective tariff in
the building up of Canada. Mr. Shaw
touched on the Workmen's CoMpen-
sation Act showing that the amend-
ment put to it by the present Drury
Goverathent was a farce, If an em-
ployee is off six days because of a
slight accident he draws , 66 113 per
cent. of his wages. He said it was
human nature for a person to lay off
if they could draw that amount. On
the other hand he favored paying them
75 or even ioo per cent. of their wages
and have them pay 20 per cent. or so
as an insurance and cutting out the
idea of the laying off for six days in
order to secure it. He also favored
the sales tax being charged by the
manufacturer and not by the retailer,
showing how much better that would
be. Mr. Shaw stated that his remarks
were made as representative of 4,500
manufacturers of Canada. He wound
• up his address .by urging the people
of Wingham to be loyal to their Mer-
• chants. and the merchants of Wing -
ham to be loyal to one another.
Owing to lack of space we are un-
-able to give as lengthy an account
of 114r. Shaw's speeoh as we would
otherwise have done.,
Short addresses were also delivered
'by Col. -Hatch, president of the Ham-
ilton Iron and Steel Company, John
King, M. P., John Joyfit, M. P. P.,
Reeve Tipling and. Dr. G. H. Ross,
president of the Lions' Club. Mr. --
joynt in complimenting Wingliam on
its neat paved streets said it was a
great houor to be a member of the 15
Whigham Town Council or Wingham
Board of Trade during the past few =
years, when such great forward strides lc
were being made. Dr. Ross explained
thethe aim of the Lion!. Club was to be aaa
of some benefit to the community and
to get behind any worthy scheme with
what little bit of pep and zest they
coiild add to it.
In witty addresses Mr. Geo. Spotton
moved and Mr, Abner Cosens second-
ed a hearty vote of thanks to the
Sale Of Coats
Copied At rz.o5 A. M„ Wednesday
• Morning
The Republican Party seems to be
losing ground very rapidly. It is con-
fidently predicted that the Republican
majority in Congress will shriek from
the present majority of 769 to 40,
which would indicate that the people
are dissatisfied with the present ad-
Andy Gump received substantial
support from the Frog Pond District.
* * a.' •
The Democratic Party is gaining
onto, spent the holiday at the home of; ground in all directions..
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R j. Breen/ , Indicationsshow that Massachusetts
Mr. and Mrs, Stevens ' and 'Mrs. is again voting for a strict enforce -
Kerry 'of Goderich, spent Thanksgiv.. • ment of the Dry Law, .
Miss Reta Turvey has returned from following scattered stations • would
,ing with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Deyell. Radio reports received from the
Toronto, to spend the winter with her confirm the above sumrnaly:—
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Turvey; Station W. D. A, P., -Drake Hotel,
Bluevale. • Chicago. ,
. Mr. Lorne S. Dunford and Mrs.1 Station W. D. A. P., Kansas' City
Dunford and children of Detroit, are; Star. .
visiting at the home of Mrs_ Dun -1 Station W. W.. •j., Detroit. Free
ford's parents,- Mr. and Mrs. Archibald; Press. '
MIc.c1Gri!laivaclannouncelILYStation W HASCourier Journe
Mrs. 3, j. Moffat al and Louisville Tittles, Louisville,
1 . . .,
the engagement of their daughter,1Ky.
Clarice V., to Mr. Arnold J. Edgar, of Station W. H. A, S., Louis-ville, Ky,,
Wroxeter. The wedding will t'ike' reports that their bulletins are being,
place this month. . . !received on both Atlantic and Pacific
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nichol have re -1 Oceans, five provinces of Canada,
turned, to their home in Bluevale, from Mexico, Cuba and 780 nines south of
a visit to their daughter, Mrs. E. C. the Panama Canal.
Robinson,. in Winnipeg and other rel-' The latest phonograph records were
atives in the West, 'played during intermission between
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Davidson and bulletins. • •
son, Allan of Morniugton, also Mrs.,' A bulletin from •13erlins Germany,
McKinney of Toronto, motored up on dated November 7th,, states that up -
Saturday and spent Thanksgiving with risings of a monarchist nature are
nd Mts. Wm. S. King, Turn- spreading throughout e 'country' s -
• ; ' the Government realizes that the par-
(Continned on page 6) • ment of its debts is hopelese.
II II 11 11 1111E1111E111E111 111 111 111E111 11
111E111 111E111 111E111111111 111E1111011111111E111131111
IS 0 F
Oxfords and Spats are going to be very popular
this Season! We have gome beautiful models in ,
Dull, gright or the new colored leathers in shades
of Brown and Mahogany. . ,
,0() to 7.50
Our Vittini SerViCe is of the Greatest Value when
selecting a pair of Oxfords. . . .