HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-11-02, Page 7fr'
Tiluesa:ty, NOveieleite '1,6SSIL
Charted With Bottles.
The Qee:tri traveller, Whe, nreid-A•3-.
Jaiio,'is from, titre side of his liner
bottle, apparently the helpless spor
tbe waves, sticuild”leek at it witl
eyes of rreDoot. It is probable. one o
many lonely voyagers Whose iniseio
it is to chart the oceans elf the earth.
jottle,s, in hundreds are at Pres,ce
, seatteved over tile iiiurface of th
North Sea, rendering valuable servie
to the scientists who Study ocean tid.es
'Many of them, we are told, are liber
ated frooi tightshipe, te wander, i
may be, many menthe before they ar
picked up ,by S'arne passing, trawler,
to float ashore on some remote bear'
in ',Norwey, ;Denmark, or ea the wil
coast ,of Shetland.
Inside each is a card, containing
reenciet' to the finder to post partied
lads of the place and date of pickin
up to the Fisheries Departmett of th
ttritir,h Ministry of ,Agriculture. Thu
the experts ']now how long and
what direction the bottle has floated
and the speed ' and direction of th
_ocean "cerrent that carried it is this
aseertained and plaeed. on record.
Similar bottles are charting the cur
rents of tbe Baltic and the .A.tlaati
and Pacific Oceans, and from thei
travels the currents of 'these seas -are
being traced on the world's maps. '
If these vagrant bottles couqd hu
speak, what strarege tales they could
tell of their long wanderings over th
faee 01 the waters' for not a few have
drifted for Considerably over a Year
before they have coxae to land again.
' Thus, one bot•tle was only recovered
405 days (more than sixteen months)
after It liad- been flung' into the Atlan.
tic:, 'and during ,this period it had Jour
neyed 4,790 knots, much inere than a
• fifth of the.distande round tile Equator
This astonishing record was com-
pletely eclipsed by aaother bottle,
which spent twe and a half_years at
sea, 'bobbing steadily along at an aver-
age el-fieur and a ',half knots a day.
:But this battle was a veritable tor-
toise compared, with one thrownover-
beard from a steamer, which actually
drifted 4,000 knots„ in a period of .181
days, keeping up an overage speed of
22.7 knots (nearly 27 lead' miles) 'a
day. ,
Canadian Heads Innperial
- The political eituation in Great Bri-
tain holds more thantisual interest for
Canadians lust now, as a; Canadian,
Right*Hon. Boner Law, has been asked
' to forth. a new G-overarnent and be-
come Prinie Minister. Before this
turn of events materialized political
speculation in London.. vied for -choice
-between Bonar Law and Lord Derby
as next Government Leader. Cana-
- dirins have a particular interest in the
latter also for tlurin- the period when
his father, then Baron Stanley of Pres -
ten, was Governor-General of Canada
Lord Derby acted .his aide-de-carap
at Ottawa.
•,Mr. Boner Law was born in 1858 In
• . New 13runswick, wbere his father. was
elergellian. He has been an oat-
• standing figure in British polities for
two'clecaclee. He WaS Rrst elected to
• the House of Commons', in. 1900 and"1.1
years later lie was eeosaa, to nwoe,d,
Mr. Balfour aselseasler of the Unionist
--party in the House. ,
He Is a big business' man and ear-
' ries the, tactics °fir business into' his
political•career ratb,er 'than the tactics
of a professional politician. In debate
he has depe.aded 011 logical,' busine,ss-
like appeal.- ,
BefOre th.e.,war Mr. Boner Law was
one of Joseph, Chamberlain's lieuten-
ants in the tariff reform. crusade. He
had an opportainfty to beeeme Prime
Minister in 1916, but preferned to be a
lieutenant of Lloyd Geerge. - He be-
..eame Chancellor of theExchequer and
• 'shouldered, the tremendous. respimei-
bilities et war laudgets which -were
agetred in the billiOne. In addition he
aeted as Government Leader in the
House. He fulfilled the arduous dttties
of ells oface until' 1921, when he we
obliged to retiree acouat of his
health, •
Mr. - Bona r Law has always been
noted for his firm stand onny aque,S-
leen he took up. He was a determined
oppoeent of the Irish Republican
movement aed croesed swords with
Lloyd George on the latter's proposal
to resume trade relations nettle Soviet
Russia. In his 'own businese he was
eminently successful aa ,an iron met.
ebant in Glasgew, and it was for Black-
friars division of that city that he was
tiret elected to ike Cemmens.
' , •
• 6 "71
CS Or NEURALGIA' ----'---------'
• I , 1
' I
Tilts Paintial TrOtlibila ..Ptie to
Poverty Of MOO&
, •
--eliralgila IS one of the ea $t Painfui
malacliee that afflicts humanity'. The
troeble usuallY seated. in the face
or head, follewing the course of tome
nerve, but it eittaelts other parte of the
body as well. It is characterized by
Acute pains, sometimes eteadY, at
others spasmodic and darting. But
Whatever eourse it takes t18 pain is
agonizing and, almost unbearable.
it Medi Cat 'an thoritie,s agree thatneural-
g• ra ns due to peverty, of the blobde-
I' •
that 'the nertate are actually being
s• tarved. •it It further agreed that. It
the blood is purified ,and enriched the '
g trouble will disappear. It is for this
e reason that Dr, Williams' , Pink Fills
s have been ' so successful in treating
nettralgiita They enrich the blood
• which feeds the started, aching nenfee
O aed thus bring relief to the .sufferer,
Wii0S8 general health is also impreved.,
• Proof o the value of these pills in
cases of this kind is given by Mrs. M.
Brown, R.R. No. 1, Warsaw, Ont.; Who
says:"I have taken Dr. Williams' Pink
and ears reetnninend them as be Importance of Wood.
hg .the best medicine know of far If you stop to think of it, you will
• --British and Colonial Press.
neuralgia. Two years ago I had an at -
'tack of this trouble lithe neck and
0 shoulder. The repeated attacks cf the
• pain were of such frightful intensity
that my life was almcist unbearable. I
consulted two doctors and took their
medicine, but without relief. I .bad
taken Dr, Williams' Pink Pills years
ago, when they helped me wonderfully,
and I decided to try them again.. Be-
fore I had taken more than a half
dozen boxes the pain had disappeared,
and 1 -leave since enjoyed the best of
health, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink
You can get these pills through any
r-eediciee dealer or by mail at 5Ocants
a box oz1 six boxes for $5.00 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
When I consider 'Whit some beoks
' bare Sone tor' the world and'. -what
• they are doing; how they lteep isp our
belie ; awake new courage atid faith;
•'eopthe pain; give ideal lite to tlhosie
'whose 'homes are cold and hard; bind
. Logetheettlietan,t ages andsforeign
guagee; create now WorltS of beaary,
• bring' ' (town ttuthi front heaven, -1
glee thanks for this gift, and •praydnod
• vire may all use it aright and abuse it
•never. ----a antes Preemae ..01.4rke.
Prencil Dirtli Rate Low, '
Th eAnxiety of the French' ptiblic
• over tho, eon E tent( Y de ereasin bisth
te..ivaainteritilled by the pfiblicb.tiqri
of 'the latest statistics, Of the ten
largest Prericili eitles showing that the
birthrate had dropped off anOther .ten
• per eerie, in a single year. .
• A Weig-ht dropped in the rihaft of a
• deep none will -riot straight, -but
te the east, rielIerlinents have peeved',
' terety day for eight years, despite'
• the Weather, a weinan, has eat rift the
• AtthereThe Gate al ,PAris, wititiag 'tar
liesbands Whi bit her in Septette-
i4et'Sa,1011, 145 Pee to ',Pirofrie
realize that the eity man aati worttan
are far more concerned with what hap-
pens to the forest than the farmer or'
the mountaineer. It will be the city
people, not those who live under the
shadow of the trees', whose standard
of living will first stiffer from the lack
of wood. • It takes more wood, used in
more ways, •te fe,ed, clothe, and house
the city dweller than thcise who live
where the food and the lumber -come
from. For after the raw material is
produced it Must be shipped, manu-
factured, and distributed, and all these
are impossible without wood.
, I
• ,
r* vv"-issres'
Siys It Made A
• New Person
•Of Wrn
• Thoueends of pepple needlesely en-
dure A halt -stela nerveus, run-down
condition •when •they might enjoy
etordy, robuet health and ail its mane
Cold blessings if they only keew what
to 'do. People in this conditioa find
• Ta-nlac soon encle their freunle and
bunas up abundant strength, eaergy
and vitality, John Ahern, of 1 Nutt -
India Hee Hieheet
India is to nave the avorlirs highest
dam aeross a river gorge 395 feet deep
and more than 1,000 feet, wide,
Ask for tiliriardfs and take no o4neir
"Cock and Bun Stery,"
The terin "cock and bull story" or-
iginated.' from a sev'enteenth-century
phrase, "Cocks and hulle and flutes
and fiddles', idle tales and foolish rid,
bee Ave., Toronto, Ont., saYei ,
"Stolnach trouble had me in a Sen-'
• , eonstipated, had headaches and dizzy
eral Tuesdcriall eondit'len. • 1 Was badly '
Open child,s Bowels with
spells aid felt worn out all tile time,
My wife ;Deceived such splendid"California ig Syrup" results
from Tanlac that took it mYeelf.
Now, - my troubles are things of the
Girlet" 'with blue- eyesanll fair, hair
invariably look best in blue; while
greeny ; tinted eyes 'naturally erieggest
the rtisitert. tints of autifmn.
or by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
No medicine receives such great
praise from thankful mothers as do
Baby's Own Tablets, Once a mother
has used them for her little ones she
'Will use nothing else. The Tabletsare
a mild but thorough laxative. They
regulate the bewels and stomach;
driveasut constipation and indigestion;
'relieve colds and simple fevers; pro-
mote 'healthful sleep and make teeth-
ing easy. Concerning them Mrs. Omer
• LeBleu, • Maddington Falls, • Que.,
writes:—"I ain • well satisfied with
Baby's Own Tablets and will al -ways
use them for my little ones." The
Tablets at; sold by 'medicine dealers
The Tr• affic in liabit-Fo ing Dnigs
pr. J. G. Shearer, Secretary Social Service Council of Canada.
Addiction to the use Of habit-forming Quebec . ,, . ,, . 237 133 104
drugs such as opium, morphine • and British Columbia ... 315 300 15
cocaine has assumed such, large pro- -
portions and been so 'difficUlt to SUP' Total • 845 634 211
physical, menial and moral of its en-
slaved victims as to cause grave cell -
cern to leaders alike in Church and
State. Parliament is always unanim-
ous in making the Opium and Narcotic
Dings Act More stringent and effect-
ive. The only question raised by mem-
bers in. Commons or Senate is lieW
-best to accomplish -the end sought.
• Tire present Premier, Right Io. W.
L. MacKenzie King, then Minister at
Labor, introduced the Act in 1911. • It
has been strengthened since under the
Right Ilonora.bles Sir Robert Borden
and Arthur lVfeighen, and last session
under the Hon, 11. S. Belasid, Minister
of Health. The penalty' was raised to
Seven years. Whipping was added
where drugs are suppliedlo juveniles,
• and' imnatieralized aliens convicted of
offettces were ordered deported after
serving sentence. •
It is interesting to note the distri-
bution of this, traffic in the provinces
of the Dominion. . The very latest
figures supplied by •the Federal De-
partment of Health, giving the num-
bers „for Federal convictions for the
year ending 31st 14I-areh, 1922, are as
follows: • •
• •Chin- Cibin-
Total ese eSe
Prin•ce Ecissard Island 0 0 0
Neva Scotia, . 9 8 1.
New Brunswick .... 14 9 •5
Manitoba , 16 0 15
Ontario' 66 • 52 14
Saskatchewan SS 73 15
Alberta • 101 59 42
We have arranged these figures in
ascending scale, -
The first fact that stares one in the
face is the tremendous proportion of
Chinese in this summary of effenders
—634 -out of 845. The new law attack-
ing deportation as a penalty will prob-
ably in a few years materially alter
these figures. It is nicely that many,
perhaps most bf the Chinese offenders,
are not Canadian citizens and are
therefore subject to deportation when
convicted. These must either mend
their ways or leave Canada. •
It is interesting to note • that no
mention is made of Japaaese or East
Indians in this statement.
It is sometimes argued by those op-
posed to prohibition •of the .traffic in
intoxecants that it results in increased
addiction to the use of drugs. These
official figures effectively ktfock the
props from uader this contention. The
two provinces not under prohibition
show 552 convictions eut of 845 for all
Canada. If 'the Chinese are left out
the figures are 119 in these two pro-
vinces out of 211 in all Canada.
I do not argue that prohibition les-
sens the use of drugs but that --it cer-
tainly does- not increase It. British
Colunabia's quota of -15, omitting the
Chinese, whiela are more nieraerous
there than in any other part of Cana:
-da, is not abnormally large, being the
same as Manitoba's and Saskatche-
wan's. But it is sinigullar that in- aIl
the Western Provinces, leaving out the
Chinese, the convictions are propor-
tionately muchlerger than in Ontario
A -cunning man is seldom. Wise and
never honest.
and the Maritime Provinces. Mani-
toba, Saskatchewan and British Co-
lumbia have 15 each and Alberta 42;
Ontario 14; with a copulation of half
a million more than the four com-
bined: '
•The case Of Quebec is also not easily
explained. Two hundred and thirty
even, including Chinese, or 104 not
including them, is abnormal. This Is
certainly net to be charged up to the
French Canadians. Out of the 237 in
that province only 21 are outside
Montreal in an almost solid French'
population, and of these 21 only 11 are
•non-Chinesee Tbis''..s highly eredit-
able to Quebec outside Montreal.
Montreal itself is the most perplexing.
The Health Department's more com-
plete report gives- Montreal 216, in-
cluding Chinese, or 93 without them in
a Population of Perhaps. 750,000. Com-
pare this •with the figures • for the
whole of the Maritime Provinces, 25
including Chinese, or 6 without them,
aut et a population of 1,0'00,000. Or
•compare it agaia with Ontario con-
victions -66 including Chinese or 14
without them, out of a population of
not much lese than 3,000,000.
This ca,n hardly be explained by the
cosraepolitan character or' Montreal's
population. • Winnipeg, Vancouver and
other cities are (pito as cosmopolitan
in proportion to population as Mont-
real, And there is no finer type of
population anywhere than the people
of Montreal in general.
Montreal ties had for many years in
abnormally large and (at least nega-
tively) tolerated colony of erbninal,
that is, commercialized social vice, as
the reports of the Montreal Committee
of Sixteen conclusively show.
,•F i
'A ir4:YERAGE -
a17 -i!'• i
—ii• • --.;
tariatVeralit pints
spottIDS0 Maass
him Cereal Condian
I airti'u •.
••i •• , ••• • ,;
,i45j4 44t1-.;,' ROY; Nil':
pOVERY rnan or wotnan who has tante to depend upon the
-11-1 morning cop of tea or coffee is a slave to the use of Caffeine.
.Caffeine, the irritant iri tea and coffee, often robs the system f
•the joy of living—the priceless blessing of bounding, spontanecu„
n aired health. ,
It Is easy to snap the bonds and feel the surge of rich, red blot. -..ti
through your veins and arteries. Thousands of sufferers from the
effects of caffeine have found quick and permanent relief in Instant
Posturn—the healthful cereal beverage made from roasted wheat.
Start TODAY, You'll find the flavor and airOala both delight-
ful and.Satisfying. • . •
Sold by ''grOccra everywhere!
1.Stant 08111111 15°R illt*ZEI
'"Filt,..Ite's a IR.ectsort",.,
. A geriorotre esrupIo rid of .41stent postoat rLo5 pos't!p'qici.• for 1° tr sfwsas, •Writa:
eigeridiim Pentine (loreal lle,, 1.44 11 irei ttte3i, FCtot0 hlle1o5)4 N1ndot, Ontario
ereseierriteieeieoi•eleeeeei,,,e, -roe, odotimilkiimoisoftididlititiv offidthite**artmomi.6,id
Pe* S
waste and regain your old time
paNet,ravnodusIn'm:h:eawnedli am raull.a °. down,eei°Atridreve.'d';
ant feeling are but symptoms of a
strength and vigor. Get a bottle to -
hidden cause, whiCh usually lies in
digest your food properly, eliminate
slay at any good drugglet.
the stomacc.' • Tanlac enables you to
`Tis well rstht,
that nt
he future is hid fro
, That we walk in the sunehine, nor
- dream of a cloud;
We cherish a dower, think not of the
• blight •,
And dream of the loom that may
weave us a shroud.
I was good, it was kind, in the Wise
• One above
To fling Destiny's yell o'er the face
of Our years,
So we see not the blow that shall
strike at our love,
And expect -not the beam that shall
• dry up our tears',
Though the cloud may be dark, there
• is sunshine beyond it; ,
Though the niglat may be long, Yet
the morning is near;
Though the vale may be deep, there is
• music around it,
And hope 'mid our sorrow, bright
hope is near. „
-Insfantly! End Indigestion
• or Stomach Misery with
• "Pape's Dia.pepsin"
As soon as you eat a tablet or two
• of "Pape's Diapepsin" your indigestion
gone! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatu-
lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery '
trona a sour, acid stomach ends. Cor-
rect your stomach arid digestion for a
dew cents. Each package guaranteed
by druggist.
Even a sick child. loves the "fruity"
taste of "California Fig ,Syrup." If the
little tongue is coa,ted, or if your child
is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold,
or has colic, give a teaspoonful to
cleanse the liver and bowels. In a
few hours you can see for yourself
how thoroughly it works all the con-
stipation poison, sour bile and waste
out of the bowels, and you have a well,
playful child again.
Millions of mothers ke'ep "California
Fig Syrup' handy. They know a tea.
spoonful to -day saves a sick child to-
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu-
ine "California Fig Syrup" which has
directions for babies and olvildren ef
all ages printed on bottle. IVIotherl
You must say "California" or you may
get an imitation fig syrup.
A Health Saving
•Don't wait until you get slck—USE
Clittopt64 Advertimexpotlo
VATE1 ci-VP'STA14#1*041ir-
lrig 0,11,1s; sE,tripla 44-elsiptla
womea alreciely wa.111.v. 4,por,
In spare time. Brateey eine seas serapes,
courae: eeicred1ted11.0.011 moanity 18
law.a.ape; firga-cIaa,a training /1-1
45a1, medical end obstetricake werev- ft
course of retituree. Apply isuPerinienle
eat, Weet grid I/fore-Alai, 26 S. Iteryn4
0ktreares, L, u,Stat. • •
lfl rriteuT &SaseTteenal, fiz.DelT
Yoesse Street, Toronto, V4S12tt954IKIP
Parent se,ttornere. Seed for free fro itt„tit:
pr,aillo or ALL Setlanels nlierin Ott
used, pulSeye, saers ealsfes hose,
etc., shipped subject to approval atMW-
est pricee in Canada- -stork Belting co.'e
315 York St„ Toronto.
•141..0.1 r I
A man can he a pessimist when he
can't be anything e..se,
Cascarets ,OC
For Sluggish Liver
or Constipated
• Bowels
To ,Clean out your 'bowels without
cramping or oveeacting, take Casca-
rets. pick headache, biliousness,
gases, indigestion, SOUT, upset stomach.
and all such distress gone by morning,
i\neest physic on earth for ,grown-up
and children.. 100 a box. Taste like
rlakilSer Ong
Beek on
sad 1.10er to rose
ildailleel Free to any Ads
dreen• by the Authot*.
scirsT (terspeor pea Ines
12a -racist .ith lotifeet,
New York. U.S.A.
• Bulk Carlots
Wide of the Mark.
• Last week we were invited • to a
friend's home, for dinner.
They hid a lovely -silver service on
the table, and, as we eat down, my
small son, who had never seen one be-
fore, calletl to the "0, Mother, we're
going to eat tin plates. , Isn't that
jolly? Just like being at a picnic."
When ordering goods by mail send
a Dominion Express Money Order.
A Forest of Quinine.
'Flae cinchona forest In Java covers
about 25,000 acres- • The larger part of
the world's supply of qUinine comes
from that country.
i.iniment for Distemper.
• Stories of Famous People.
Took All the Poor Beggar Had.
Augustine Birrell, in his early days
at the bar, often had many poor
Clients. On one occasion the defend-
ant was so poor that Birrell offered to
handle his case for nothing. Birrel4
wort the case, arid the grateful client
sent hint fifteen shillings. In order
not to hurt the man's feelings, Mr. Bir -
rel.' accepted the fee, but a fellow law-
yer reproached him for doing so•
"Don't you know," said the felloW,
lawyer, "that it Is unprofessional to
take lest than gold?" •
"Well," said Mr. Birrell, seriously,
"I took all the poor beggar had, You
don't consider that unprofessional, do
• Melba's Little Vaelty,
Melba, the famous singer, has, a very
pretty wit. One rather likes this story
-Which has jest been told of her. Not
long, age, she; turned up emexpeetedly
at a charity ,bafre-Chantaut in London,
and put everybody in a Rutter. It was
too good an opportunity to be missed,
and the arga»izer at the charity rush-
ed to Melba with 'outstreteled hands.
"How delightful to see you here!" she
exelainied, "EVerybody wants to hear
yen sing badly."
But 'Melba shook her head.
"rrlion 'I'M afraid, they Won't," the
"because, you see, I can't."
He Nearly Guessed.
"I'm., ireprovhig in drawing, mo ler,"
said the little girl.
"rkre you, deriei 'that's. gOOd.";
"Yee, I drawed a Oaks 00 Iny slate
and brother guessed it was an oyster,
Ile knew it Wat,soinethin' to eat, any-
way, „
Daily use
of theSoap,
with oc-
touches of
the Oint-
ment as
from pi m.-
1 pies and
1 J • blackheads.
,Cuticura Talctun • is ideal for
powdering and perfuming.
Sop 25c. Ointment 25 nnd 50c. Talcum 25e. Sohi
through out the Dominion. comedian Depot:
1.rnana, Limited, 344 St. P4O1 St., W., Montreal,
Ear Cuticura Soar, shaves without mug.
Read How Ly.'a E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
I Helped Mrs. ,.Beecroft
Hamilton., Ontario.—"I have st.tf
fered for three years from a female
trouble • and consequent weakness,
pain and irregularity which kept me
• dn het] four or five days each month.
1 nearly went crazy with pains- in my
• hack, and for about a week at a time
I could not do my work. I saw Lydia
E.• Pieleham's Vegetable Compound
advertised in the Sanailton Specta-
• tor' and 1 took it. Now I have no
pain and am quite regular unless
overwork or stay oa my feet -from
early morning until late at night. I
keep house ad do all my own worlr,
without any trouble. 7 have recom,
mended the Vegetable Compound to
several. friends."—Mas. Earner Barr
CRAFT, 16 Douglas St., Hamilton,
•For nearly fifty sears women have
been telling how Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has restored
their health when suffering With,
female ills. This accounts for the
enormous demand for it from coast
to coast.
If you are troubled with any ail-
ment peculiar to women why don';
you try Lydia, r. Pinkharn's Vege-
• table Convened? It has hoped
others, let it help you,
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you.
• . • are not getting,Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken . package" lof 'toyer Tablets 6f
Aspirin," whitli 'contains cilrections and dose worked out by
physicians during ii1i yeas and proved safe by 'inillions for
• Colds fleadache • Rhe.umatistn
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
• Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
ilandy '''Bayer" hi -rims of 111 tablets—Also betties of 21. ASO. 100—Druggisi't.
ii.mpftfa 16 tho trade Mr.ek trelaqm‘eit 141 Ciruak.dal of 'Storm' Ipriaraetare of Mope,
'aN'ilicaciOstee of Salloilteixtal.. 'Went,' it Is W1) iteeett that Meisel 'ekeiVtre 136,vco
n'Orainvitittri. 55 550144 th' elrbSo 4 seinat enitet 4407, til 4 V4+1))ikititkillit Pit
VItal00 statnpiC s 11» taeir ueririlul Oak, 31, 0,4 0, the "Deese nesse."
• „ , •,' '•• • !„, • #104;',1k