HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-11-02, Page 1, •` rir11, Single Copies - Four Cents J._ickedBy A Horse CENTERIAN PASSES iss'elean 'Pringle, one of the op- iof1 C serious accident on l'hure- day. Miss Pringle, who resides about two miles from town, was driving in with her brother, and when only a sbOrt distance frona borne the horse :eetarted to prance and kicl,:, beconzing , - almost unmanageable. Miss Pringle, alarnaed, decided to tamp, but just as she attempted to do so the horse gave a vicious kick, striking Miss Pringle eratois the El , 1 pp torte o., • on her side, breaking three ribs and which pierced the lungs, besides caus- ing other smaller injuries. Miss Pringle was rushed to the Wingham Hospital. Board Of Trade Banquet The dinner of the Wingham Board of Trade as already announced will be • held. on Friday' evening, November 11 9WII , . • , , Wingham's Oldest Resident Laid To /test Arthur Knox passed peacefully away an Thursday morning at the home of his daughter, Afrs, 3. IE. Swarts, Shat - Cr St., Wingliani at the remarkable old age of zor years, and 9 inonths. The, venerable citizen was a native of Trelanclr, and before. coming to Wingham was, a resident of Kernpt- ville aad later of Clinton. Prior to attaining, the ceriturrInarlc he was a familiar figttre hi the life of Wing - ham,. An enthusiastic amateur gard- ener, he was always happy among his vegetables- or flowers and considered this and other outdoor occupations in large measure responsible for his long life. • srd., in the Arinouries at 6.3o. The .• chief speaker of the evening will be Mr. John R. Shaw, president of, the Canadiim Manufacturers' Association and vice-president "of the Canadian ' Furniture Manufacturers,Ltd., of • Woodstock, Wingham and Walker- ton. Other contributionto the pro- gram will consist of S_peeches IVIay- or Elliott, Reeve Tipling, John W. King, M. p., Mrs."Pein Rennie of Lis- towel, Mrs:_Kirk, John joynt, M L. A., Col. Arthur' I -latch, chairman of , • the Ontario Division.•CF.nadian Manu- facturers' Association; Dr. Geo. H. Ross, president of the Lions' Club of Winglianie George Spotton and Ab- ner Cosens. Suitable entertainment will be provided by Cameron Geddes, baritone; IVIiss Dawson, reader; Mrs. R. S. Williams, soloist; and St. And- rews Male Quartette. The following members don-tprise tile dinner committee: NV, F. Van- -Stone, Reeve Tipling, John Hanna, W. H. Gurney • and Reg. S. Williams. *The presiding officers for l'this year. are; W. F. VanStone, president; W. .,Greeie vice-president; IC. P. Smith, secretary, and A. G.•Smitii, Treasttrei. Tickets may be obtained from the officials or from any member of the committee. The catering will be done by the Women's Institute. IF:YEk.$11(1)DrY'S (7-(1)teLTAIN.- r • • FOR SALE --4. buril'ef" Moffatt Elec- tric Range, l'nearly APply to A. E. Porter. , second hand good quality rag car- ptdt in a square. Apply to Mrs, j. 0.. McGregor, . Lower Wingham. .VOUND—Tire. OiZmer may have same by paying for this a.dvertise- ment and proving property. , •• • ;The Advance. FOR SALE—Eight pigs, 125 lbs. each. Apply at Tho Ad 'FOR 'SALE—Good Feeding Heifers and Steers,_alsp 3 good brood Sows, due te farrow, T,Feils. • ' • ; FOR SALEL-467 acres, lot Ts, con. 6, '17-ernberry, .brick " cottage, frame barn, twenty- acres of timber, tlu.-ee' iniles from Wingham. For infornla; „00B, app,ly. to • ,Prisciiia Powell, Ont. 'FOR SALE-- z general purpose horse, e.z. fresh cow„, zoo nearly full 'grown izi•ill'Ets,"Legliorrts and' Reds, ...Also quantity of 'rootse' 4 F. T.' Hill.. FOR SAXE—Five shares in the Aero Cushicm Inner Tire & Rttbber Co., Ltd. ReaSonable terms.' Apply to Beneilati, 167 Egerton St., London, :FOR SALE. -,-Good Whiter keeping ; apples, Spies, Tolman Sweets and • Russetee Apply to Wm, ToIelds. , 1. -POR SALE—Two used ears in splen- did' condition, one' Chevrolet. 5920, one Gray -Dort r9z8,atprices un- heard of. Do not miss looking then). over. L. ' KInneery, "FOR LESS THAFN--$150.00 you, can • ,own a Ford Car in good running „Condition. Three tires almost new, also new radiator. • • Crawford's Garage. • HOUSE TO RENT -Apply to. .P. J. Hill. IS811.1',...3 OF—Moose and Dci:eir lie-, 0050, huritiog andtrapping license. Apply to . Clayton II, Pliippen, Lower Wingham, LOST—Between the M ethodist Chnreh and Queens Hotel, a mink Choker. Finder kindly leave same al Advance. Office and receive re - Ward. LC)ST—i bright red steer strayedon Or about September 1.31.11,, from the Eastf of lots 1 aiid 2Con. Car- rick. Pinder please in'foim Jas; '"V. Breen Pborie 12 on 6o0 R, r,, Wingliana i'l'EESWA'TER CIDER MIL:G.4s now making Applebutter and Cider, Virat-class work guaranteed, Now Oak Barrels for.sale, Jos, 011ie:it:et (St. Son, VITANT,ED—To buy crea.nh eggs and poultry, Apply to ,Mllas Camel -Cm, , • • At Gtirriey'S Stand Wiiighain The Late Arthur Knox ' Mr. Knox lived in the reigns of sx sovereigns, and was always a, loyal Britisher. .He was fond of relating tales of earlier days and particular y of the neriod in which he came from Ireland. In religion he was an -Anglican and politically a staunch Conservative, the, late Mr. Knox Knox is survived by two daughters, Mrs. 3. E. Swarts, and Mrs. Wright of• l'oro`n to. 0n J'anuar'y, t , stele 01 1927, a• number Cif the men of lAthighain • called at Mrs, Swarts' home and presented Mr. Knox with a congratulatory address and a gold headed cane. "The able manner in which the old gentleman thanked them for their token of es- teem was ,worthy of a man half his years, Mr. Knox did not grow old, but from ottsidecappearance at least, was 4ust, as he was when he stayed with the Swarts favnilY in the ,Queens Hotel. • The remains werb interred in the family, plot in the Clinton cemetery, on Saturday morning. Rev. Mr. Snell conducted, the funeral services,, .The pallbearers were Messrs. Fred Orr, L. C 1.'"oung, L. Kennedy, 3. .W. McKib- .bon, Oliver Thompson and 'Reeve Tip - ling, • , • • pag 'Sixteen Geese Messrs, C: E. Judson, H.oward Sher- bondy and ,Harvey' Shanemotored to the ,Lakei, on Monday' mornirt# and were es-necessful in 'bagging sixteen' la'lige wild geese about daybreak. They were in the vicinity of ,Kintail. The folvl were beauties. ' - 'Merry Halloween Party, . One of •the merriest of Merry Hal- lowe'en. parties held Tuesday .• night. waS that enjoyed by the girls of the Bell 'Telephone Co., when they were entertaitied by Miss Annie 'Blackhall, at her Itome on.Shtiter Si,, to- do h,one Or to • Miss Clarice Moffatt, who has severed her connection as an employee of the Compan3r. -Mis,s Moffatt ,was • presented will a beatitift0 .Silver• 'Tea- Spvice and the„ following address:: , • •• Wingham,, Oct.aatst.,. `.19a.a. Miss :11.offatt, • • Witigham, Ontario. ' Dear Clarice:— ' We, your friends end co-weirkers,' have met together on this, the 'last night of yottr connection with us as ,one of the staff of the Bell Telephone Co., ' to express our • regret • at your departure from us. Although you are absent from us, the distance is not great and we ct-tpctet, you will always have the knell string on the outside Of the door for us, 'your pals and com- panic 118. We ask you and 'Mr, Edgar to ac. tept this gift with our love and very best wishes for a bright and happy failure. When you and your friend Sit down to enjoy the ase of this servicte will you drink the eup that cheers in the Idled reintrobranee of y ottr frd itt the days of Auld Lang Syne, , Signed on behalf of the.' ;Sell Tele, phOee s'taff".. , • , •• • , ' • •, mum. WINGFIA1V1, ONT�,TBURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1922 . _GOING TO BANQUET To the Editor •av the Advance, Deer Sur:-• Laslit Saturday marnin miSSrie WinVc1COWn to King's twinty pur chat reduckshun sale\tin heard some ay the other wimmin tenin about the-43oord av Tlirade supper to be hild on Froi- day, noight tin whin she got honie the farsht tins she said wus to ask me if I had got tickets for it yit, r tould her I hadn't been tinkin much about PERSONALS Mr. W. 5. Meaty of. Oakville, is re- newing- acqvtaintaitees in town this week. Mrs. John F. Groves and family moved to their Pew home in Toronto this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lavis of Clin- ton, spent a 'cotiple of days town this week. Next Monday, November 6th,,being it, fer I fought webby it wussn't. the Thanksgiving day, the stores will be place fer ouldl'PkYPle 1°11c'e us.Well, c o ed all da ye'betther be tinkin about it thin purty Mr. W. j. Gallaher is in Godericl soml, she Sez'now that we are hvin this week, being one of. the juror in town I'intind to be in the shwim front this district. . wid the HAI: av, the whilmin" sez she, "Shure, an didn't I see ye at Kincar- dine, lasht August, in. the shwim avid awl the risht ay tlaim: mild girth's, an it nearly gave me the bloind shtag- gers," 1 sez. " I'guess ye tink yersilf 'nifty shmart," sez she, shure„an if ye bad a greater lolkin fer the wather yersilf, " it wuddn't ore do ye army harrum," she sez. Well, av coorse, Mishter &titian I had to bny-the tick - its, an on Froiday noight we wilreat- itind the ,banquet, health an ,weAther perMittirt, an, I will hey to ate wid me" fork, an sit there fer tree arr foor hours wid a whoite collar around me flick an widout nie poipe, an mebby Spotton. The latter is a sister of Mr rne tay. 'Tis wan ay the gray- Spotton. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hawkins mai children of Orangeville are visiting with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lewis of Durham, visited for a few day'llast week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Zurbrigg. Mn Bonnett, wife and son of ;Paris, are visiting with their brother-in-law, Mr. Wm, Austin, Turnberry. ' Mr, a.nd 1VIrs. E. Zurbrigg and fam ily attended the funeral of the form- er's uncle, in Listowel'on Smida3r af- ternoon. "Mr. and. grs. J. T. Strong of Gorrie,. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A, `;',1, • ' WIETIIODIST ANNIVERSARY 1VIethodists Score Another Sticcess Tr! , Anniversary Sunday was. a gala, dayt for Wing - help Methodists. Beautiful'•weather, large congregations and splendid ser- mons characterized the gist. anniver- sary of the new Wingham Methodist church. Rev, J. W. Hibber t, o forgAgabeloyed.phstor of the church, preaChed at both seryiees and also ad- dressed the Sunday School. In the morning the church was c'omfortably filled and in the everting it was packed and people turned away before se,ven o',clock, It was not only 1VIethodists who swelled the crowd at night. Every denomination in town was represent- ed, anoLlistened with interest to their old friend: who made no- difference with his friends of other . denomina- tions than he did with Methodists. The large crowd was a tribute of es- teem of which any pastor might well feel proud. Mr. Hibbert has endeared himself to all Orangemen and Odd- - fellows at Grand Lodge functions, and is the past president...of London Conference. In the morning he took his text from 1st. Genesis, and the last verse and a part of the grst. chapter of Rev- elations and the ',5th verse. "The Closed Gate and the Open ,Door." f The choir under the direction of Mr. t J. Henry Christie rendered excellent • selections at both, services. In the evening the keynote of Mr. I Hibberes discourse was based on the e r7th chapter of St. Matthew and the 8th verse. "And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man save _ Jesus, only." The preacher prefaced 3, his remarks by observing that too _ many people make the same blunder today that Peter made in the Bible days by putting Christ on the level with man. ' Mr. Cameron Geddes of Lucknow, was heard with pleasure, He has a wonderful bass voice and is making a name for himself throughout Canada and the United States. He is a son of Dr.' D. Geddes of Lucknow. His numbers on Sunday evening were "Rock of Ages"... and "0 Lord Wilt Thou Forget Me." The Trustees of the church asked for a collection of $2,500 in order to clear the debt off the church and when the pastor, Rev. Mr. Cragg an- nounced that the treasurer, Mr. Mills had just reported a total offering of $2,60.00 the congregation and choir stood and sang "Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow." The young ladiee of Mrs. Cragg's Sunday School Class are also to be congratulated on the very artistic manner in which they decorated the church with flowers, plants and moun- tain ash berries. The fowl supper and program on Monday night was also a decided suc- cess. There was an abundance of fowl and other good things to eat and many remarks were heard regarding the ability of the Methodist ladies to serve a good supper. Thejr made pre- paration to feed about 5oo people and fed over Soo. inces av us married mit: that we hey Mr. and IVIrs. Jackson Walker o to put up wid. ' Toronto, spent a couple of days a The buyin av thim tickits shtarted the home of the former's brother, Mr „id, tinkin about a lot oy tinee-s,_ an James walker. wondherin whoY it evus nicfssary„ fa May Johnston of Torofito an hey this big supper at all, at all. Mrs. ' 1V s. W G Counter of Buffalo ar Shure, heyn't we pliety to ate at 13' ' G. ' n - home? As 1 un,dershtancl the dooties vaisitig , with their mother, Mrs' J. E av a I3oord av Thrade it is fer tile min Swarts) Snuter St. , av the. town. to mate' togithcr, an Dr. Scholls, Foot Comfort Special stpoke an cuss an discuss the Town ist, will be at Gre.er's Shoe Store oi Council an. arrange to elict a betther Tuesday and Wednesday next, Nov buneh nixt 'year. Theer is no nade . ember 7th and Sth. . fer the wimmin to be prisint at all, Owing to next Monday being a pub - at all; they shud be at 'home puttin lic holiday, all changes of advertise. the childer to bid, if. they hey ,anny, rnents must be in our office not later arr clarnin theer min's socks; but than Saturday evening. 'tisn't the way ay the wurruld at the mr, Jas. Blue of Amberley, visited prisint toime, Ye can't make payple Wing - take an inthurest in armytin with his brother, William, in Wing - g now ham, whom, we are sorry to say is not widout a lot aV- frills' in conneckshun enjoying wid it, The Hoigh School childer the best of :health, . nattsht hey dances- in orclher that they Mr' 3.°s' Wilkins of Owen Sound, shtand what the taychers till them Spotto t,,nr i. 'arble and Granite :Worlcs ',At.d a position in Mr. R. A. in,ay be . in betther thrim .to under- has ace. .th,e,,nixt clay. The Sun, ay Schools and st 'l cwork onTuesday. .. intertainmints an' aven the churches moht hey Reeve Amos 'rioting spent • the sUlcer picnicks an Christmas week -end in Hull. While there he at- teuded a meeting of the Lyon Rubbe, Tiee Co., of -Which he' is a director, av awl koinds. The praycher may be Miss Selina Towne of Toronto, who givin the payple good sermons twoice has just returned from an extended ivir3r Sunday, but4 they get toired av trio to the old country is visiting with lishtenin 'to hint, an shtay dt home, her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuller, arr go fer an auto roide iushtead av of town. attindin church, but let a tay maytin be hilcl. an ivirybody will be theer. Mrs. Robert Beattie entertained a Shure it isn't mental arr spiritual food few friends on Wednesday afternoon, t they wa.nt, but someting to fill up he occasion being the fortieth wed- theer stummicks wid. Spishulnuusick, ding, anniversary of Mr. anct Mrs. Geo. .Mason. ' arr a wumman in the pulpit arr a sitt- sashunal praycher will awlways dhraw a crowd fer shore "tis chano.e an, in- ti rtainmitrer an nccoitmint, ate- some - Ling lictther than -usual to ate that the patyPle are afther, an not good, sound, sinsible praychin. 'Tis the same in the pollytickle Wtirruld, The min who bore the burthen an hate 'ay the day, durin the big war, wint clown an out in iviry counthry in the wurruld wan afther Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson of 4 another until only Lloyd. jarge wus Clintoli, announce the engagement of lift, an now he has had to resoign. their only daughter, Alberta Muriel, 'Tis a fickle wirfruld an a verry un- to Mr.. Arnold J. 13ane of Wingham, grateful wan, an awlways has been; the marriage to take place early in John- A. Macdonald, Alexander Me- 'November. . . Kenzie, an Mishter Laurier, (who wus O purty foine man fer a Grit an a Frenchie, though , 1 niyir voted fer him) awl got theer walkin tickets handed .to thim. The payple av Ont- ario voted shtrong fer prohibition an whin Mislater Hearst gave it to thim they put him out av biziness the fursht sames, can't be kept kunnin widout fowl, suppers an "speshul .ttrackslitins Page and Shaw's Chocolates, the candy us -ea by the British Royal fam- ily and not .too good for you, Sola only at 'a/lite:heirs Drug Store, o-ppos- ite Brunswick Hotel. . Dr. and Nina. D. H. McInnes and Mr. Orville Tiffin motored over from Wingham on Monday and spent the day witlathe former's sister, Mrs. Alex Butler.—Clinton News -Record. and Mrs. L. Ashton,•Miss Coles and Mr. King of Gorrie, Mr. John Hamilton of Edmonton and Dr. and Mrs. Hapailton. of Brasses, wei4 Sun - :day visitors at Mr. and 'Mrs. :W. 3, Gallaher's. , . • ' Me. and Mrs. George Wheeler an- ri chance they onhce• the engagement of their -.eldest idotlieeso' bad; considherin tbe got. Inbstiter • proory daughter, Anna Mae to Mr. Lee T3rec- crowd lie has 'wig him, but it is tin to wan. he will lose the nixt eliCkS111.111; t1.11 - less lie goes in \yid. theGrits, an thin the 'Chalices .•wttd• he agiiisht him. Ilebby ye wtid.be intliurestcd • in hear - in :that we got• wuriata from: Alberta kennage, eldest son of Mr. and 'Mrs, josepli Breckenridge. The marriage to talce place early in November. Mr. and :Mrs. W. G. Strong wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Elfreda, to Mr. Telford that me dawter, Nora, has married her E„ eldest son of' Mr. and Mrs. John Tinighshimn, who' is skolld cousin to Montgomery, both of Gorrie, Ontarto, O lord an; someing. Katie says he is awl might an she is glad to hev Nora ler what they tall a neaar nayber in Mrs. Joseph Higgins has returned that connthry,, only foiie moiles away. home, After spending the past two This laves me .an the missuus jost months visiting with friends,in Gage- wheer we shtarted-----years ago 1 town, Mich., Pontiac and other points, didn't mintion the number ay years, On her return she visited in London, Ter the missus, loike other winunio, is 'Mrs. Griffin left this week' to spend ticklish about her age. 'Tie diffrunt the winter with her daughter, Mrs. A. wid the min, fer shure 1 hey leard 11, Wilford at Saskatoon, Oahu boy loike' pirates troyin to make Hest yourself as others hear you, thimsilves out tin arr fifteen years By means of the Kodisk record you older time. the3r were in ordher to get, , can make a OCCOOd of your Own, ming out av takirt harrud Place at traSh- any .disc gramophone, send a sage to some distant friend they (tan Sint Nort hr Victory Bonds, an heat it in your own voice. TWo sizes itiOt cstiattliiralcshre we oactreurtrillir are,(t1h,tlit)1 ;or% ga 11;i, bore o.m)Sooslictle ol3nrityttasil:vii\cliiitrelioetlel °tit '\Arcst ta 8" €11P gif:rillt"' Miss on Vila o'Bell, daughter of 1VIr. 'Hopin to'see ye at the banquet y • •- and Mrs, W. FI 'Belt or the Sth. eon., rolony eoiget, I remain, Yours till nixt Wake, w yt uederwent 50 operation at Timothy W1.1.1f4' hAV'hospital on Sunday last for tonsils an.d. adenoids. , She is doing —nicely and expects to be able to be Suceessful Euchre And Dance. brotight home the latter part of the The .Progressive Euchre and Danc,e The marriage to talce place quietly in November, are a barrin 'raisin: • -tinder the auspiets of the EaStern 'Stae was a' grand ,success. Mr., Pres- to6,'1Demonstratoia who'Was at Hatt OO 81: do, Ltd,. St0r(1 made 0 -great hit as a lady, 11 witm-Atant se,Veral geittle- oten-ited to have their' eyes tested on \Vethiesday morning.. week. . Mrs, Bell accompanied her to Wingliatrt and sincethe operation they' are :taying "at the home of. Mos. Eki- gar, :Leopold St.---.Teeswa.tee News, .Annonacetnent • A. Foot Comfort DemOnatrator will be at our 0tore,17uesday and.'Wednes- 'day next, November 711t.and Stll. You are cordially levited.,-W„T. 6reer. - 1111/111611,01041/0.11 IlI• „ i•,, Internatjonal Soc1 , i E. and Poultry. Su!scriptIons: VAD nee yeett,. , Fet Preparations We carry a full line of these _ Foods and Remedies. • ;5,4000411 timillooligolif01;0(i ' ' • • .5 1tlIi 01101111 Siilo Ilfg, woiito , '101 5 51Ii5p11111111,• „„- - There Are None Better S P E 1 it TE, S Glauber Salts 5 libs: for__ 25c Pure Saltpetre 2 lbs for '3 Sulphur, 5 lbs. for ... . kreso Dip,t gal. for cKib 111, 7,7he - Win -Aeon. Ont. iai -r 0 r ? g iummilinmunuoinIIrfil 11 II woo itr"qnvouttarusiiiikil with a splendid. recitation. At the conclusion of the program Mr. Geddes lecl in the Singing of the National An- them, and Rev. T. C. Wilkinson of •Blueyale, pronounced the benediction. The total proceeds of supper and, anniversary services amounted to over $3,165. * LOCAL AND GENERAL I t.re 1 The Bell Telephone Company have made arrangements with the Bank of Commerce tQ act as S branch collee, tion 'office at Belgraye and all siibL• ' scribers located in that territory can''';,.`, now pay their accounts at Belgrave--' •;'''1 The Bell Company have also arranged' with the 13ank to collect accounts ' without any expense to the subscriber.' ,• Last week we learned of one mans- a et Wingham Advance, ,which is to • •:;• the least read, and it makes us look red. A well-to-do subscriber gets the , paper at his gate each week, and after, reading it, gives it to a neighbor across the road. When he is through.' 't •, with it lie' returns it to its ' original .. owner, who takes itoto his daughter's home about four miles diatant and from here it is sent to a brother in. • Saskatchewan, 'We know of hundreds.':" of subscribers, who ate small enough to parcel up the paper ayer it is read and send it to the other members of the family each and every week, but ' we never knew of one'talcing the pla.c.<„, of four and in every case, a . do home, Now we believe some people • f would "skin a louse for its tallow." • BORN Barbour --In VVinghain General Hos- pital, on Sunday, October 29th., to „ IVir. and Mrs. Jas. Earbour, a daugh- ter. Thompson—N ea r Donnybrook, on Tuesday. October 2.41i; to Mr. and _ Mrs. Ernest Thompson., (nee Miss Pearl Walker), a daughter--11,1argar- The optimist laughs to forget, The pessimist forgets to lane/. . Dees the label: on your paper tell -you that your subscription is paid for: in advance: The 'Baptist Church Anniversary is expected to be held on Sunday and Monday, November izth and -lath, On Sunday evening next at the iBalp- tist church, the subject will be "Elijah the Fiery Prophet of the old Testa- ment:" Mr. Allan 191. Fralick brought into our office a curio in the shape of two perfectly „formed carrots growing on -one root. The Lions' Club have rented the red brick section at the back of the Queens Hotel and are going to have the rooms fitted up as 'club rooms. A fire place Will be built in the wall and several other alteratiOna made to the premises, . The staff and pupils of Winghani Public School, are putting on an en- tertainment in Wingbarn Town Hall, about November 23rd. The proceeds of this entertainment will be for to pay, for a new phonograph which it is thought wise to install in the school. The Lions' Club are making prepar- ations to put on a minstrel show some time in January-. They will also hold a dance an:d.euchre in the near future. The proceeds from these entertain- ments will be sent to assist the fire sufferers of Haileybury District. We are pleased to leara, that Mr. Allan P. Knechtel was fortunate in finding all valuable Papers 00 touched by fire when he' opened the safe after the Haileybury disaster, in which his drug 'store shared the fate of all of the other buildings of the town, 111111111111111113111111111(111 111 ni • 11111111l11111ffilill 6, et Louise. Re -Opening Services At Eadies Successful re-opcning services were held at Eadies church last Sabbath, The church was filled to overflowing, both morning and evening and Rev. , Mr, West preached two fine sermons delighting all who heard him. 'It was O great pleasure to have him take charge of the servicea on this happy occasion and the congregation gave him it hearty welcome.' "Oii-ilitivelay evening the ladies served a gr'eat fowl supper after which a fine entertain- , ment was given. All had an enjoyable time. The free-will offering on Sab- bath together with the proceeds of the supper amounted to $1164.00. trismatesa zdatutleame.sermarnommensimmaimpaummut 11111111N111111111I4111111111 , Rev. 5. W. Hibbert The auditorium and the galleries of the church were packed again for the program, many taking in the en- tertainment who were not at the sup.-: per. Mr. Cameron Geddes was at his best and there is no doubt in the minds of those present that he is the greatest bass soloist in. Canada. Mrs. Wesley joynt's solos were also great- ly appreciated. She is always a wel- come number on any program at Wingham.. Mrs, S., R. Johnston of Bervie also sang in good voice and the choir 'under tho direclion of Mr, 3, Christie rendered a couple of splendid anthems, especially pleasing was the singing of "Carry" Me Back Ei to Old Virginia," by Mrs. Robt, Beat- - lie with the choir and audience joining itt the dwells, Addresses were deliv- ered by Rev, Aft, Harkvvell a mission- arykon fttilough from India, Rev. S. J R. ohnston of Bervie, Rev. Mr. 'Barn- ard of Elordwtch, Rev, 3, R. Peters, 13. A.; of Belgrave, Rev. 1. A, McKel- vey, :B. D., of Teeswater and the ReV, J , NV, Hibbert of Kingsvilie. Greet. ings from the Ilaptists were presented by ReY, E. j, Harris, 13, A., and frobl the Anglieans by Rev, H. W. Snell, 13. A., who .also favored thd galheririg •!01 11 1111 ' ill$1,1,1411141141111 11011"7,,E, , " No woman that has proper regard for her health or cares for the appearance of her shoes will ev- 'er be without out or two pairs of Rubbers Our Women's Ritbbers have the right shape in every curve, they aro made to fit the present ' Style of shoes.i Light, IVIediuin or Low Ileels; Narrow, Atiedium or Wide Toes. Colors, Black or Dark Browns. ' 9$e 1,4,90 $1.415 .•*,t WE HAVE! RUDDERS PON MEN, wourm OR CI-III)LIEN •1174 • ' • lIRij , •, 'ad It u;00441V,111;41;.Y.! 1 110.11,. Otiletit