The Wingham Advance, 1922-10-26, Page 7qt,f), la 26; "iteVas •
Th aithfu
John is, arLr
Tlieugh he dwelt In an obeeure tem?,
of. the Western plains, ;the world hid
made a path to his d,00r, for the world
bad learned that he could do a certain
task better, than any other man.
A crooked, 'uncertain path it was, it
lre. true, for these'that it halting_
IY, groping -their waY jia darkneee,
Some Came bearing a king's raniono
and on came with -empty hande;
but whether they calyie as Naaman or
ae. I3art1maeus, the same• quiet voice
reassured them as they sank .intoun
eoneeiousnese upontb'e table, the Same
nerveless hands guided the knife
-among a" the delicate nerveS and
muscles, and later the same band e re-
moved the bandages- in the darkened
room and allowed the first fairst rays
of lignt to filter through and• impresis
thenleavesuno-rt the retinas.
,le was old—°Id not as men.. nuln-
•her. years, but old in body from an ha-
tenee attain"; for though in the operat
ing,rooin he seemed a being devoid of
neawen, he was in truth the most high
strung of Men. Each brief Moment in
the operating room with its. placid
;calm had its reactionein hours- of ner
'Vohs ,teneon as he paced the -floor, or
tossed,sleepless in bed while every de-
of•theeetse raced thraugh his, mind.
Hardest,of all was that monient just
'after tile bandage was removed, when
Tis waited in the dimlight. for tbe ver-
dict :to show upon, the patient's face.
It alWays seemed to adin that his- heart
would burst from 'its cage in that fleet-
. ing:-moment required- for- the 'emotions
o x•egister upon the human counten-
"Only a few more, only a few more/'
the sad refrain had been constantly in
his mind of late, as it had become
more and more difficult to compose
those zenSitine 'nerves after each suc-
ceeding operation: "Only a few More
and my work is clone."
- Now it wae "Just one more, one
, niore," The conviction bad settled 'Up-
on hien that morning as, he watahed
the "wild joy sweep over a patient's
face that he would _perform but one
moree operation,
• They came that day along the path,
the .one a young woman led by her
husband and bearing in her arms a
child whose face she had never seen.
All their scant eavings had gene on
their long journey across the contin-
ent, but men told them the great sur-
geon would give hex back lier sight,
would geve her the ehance to glory in
the light of her babe's face, and they
came 'trustingly. '
The other "was a name to conjure
with. His sudden blindness on the
eve cif a great compaigie had left a
patty without a leader. No other mais
could' fi 11 his plaee, iad. other. could"lead
the party to victory. Only the great-
est surgeon anight touch those eyea.
"Only one more; one more:" sang the
Which should it be?
"You may bring victory to your
party," his .friends urged.. "You may
make a man Premier?'
"Yeu, you alone, can give that moth-
er the preelens- sight •of her child's
face," persisted an inner voice. •
Ala that night he 'wrestled with the
problem. The next mo-rning the at-
tendants noted his haggard appear-
ance as lie entered the hospital; but
back in the operating rooni he was his
•old self again. '
:'"nake our Leader to -day," they
urged'hint • "Let the woman wait till
another time."
'Thete will be no other time," that
nier voice insisted.
A raw moments he hesita,tetl, then
said - quiet tier, "llave the woman sent
in." •
Once More lae guided those delicate
'statements unnitringly, when to ihave
s-1,.'ered even so MU Ch RS the thick-
ness of the lcnife's edge, would have 1
been fatal,
• When -the operation Was fini.sbecl
they helpoci him to his room, where he
Tay for days in a f.ever Or suanense-
•Vrould this bie last and most' difficult
operation be successful?
Finally came the day when the eYes.
sliduicl be strong enough to bear a
few -faint rays of light, Once more be
etood in the darkerted room. • He made
a more toevaaca •the Woman in tbe
chair; then, with a sign of reeignatiou,
be stopp,ed bach and, for the first time
In his career, motioned- for an attend-
ant to remove the bandages. from the
patient's eyes.
• As he eteod there, ueraea tease, eyes
fixed upon the waanaliet fade, his rip.t
eyelicL tWitclaed ancl dropped, his lips
twisted slightly to the left, his right
eton fell limply to "his side. Never
Lair: "would that right hand °feel the
iten of its beloved instrinnents, He
smelled the weight of his body ha his
left foet,
"1-Teminlegle, paralysis of the right
• elate" The words ilaehed across his
brain, but lits gaze .clid not WaYee.' for -
00 insiont from the woman'e face.
riseaiteeclan steplied back. Slovely
the woman (Mena(' her eyes. A Mo-
• ment ter ialoe was bank aalci inmate -
Men MI -ding. Thn, a vt, onderfal wdVe
Of JOY sulered over it, '
"Irly ba,byl" she cried, tretching Out
ber a rum,
tye Wtnxss,
Ti 555 e Wallees father lia,d taken litin
Slifiday 801(30,1 for the firia time,
oe the \trey home, in order to see
If 5 h c -,t'r a tge ter had les ruerl aieate Mg,
o k,E4 ad
"W110 was it leilled Collo lh
&inert.," said Willie. "'I wet"; alt
.0111l ettea anal, t'el10" 0003(In't, see
I 1.
XtglX14U vANor
If Kept /Mai Mid jted Good
Beadth Will be )(OUI'S.
Nearly ell tile common diseases ate
eaused b had blood, weak; Watery
blood polstoned by impurities. Bad
blood is the cause of headaches and
backaehes, lembago, and rheumatism.
debility and incligeetioe, neuralgia,
sciatica, and other nerve troubles, It
is bad blood tnet causes disfiguring
skin diseases like eczema, and salt
rheum, pimples and eruptions. The
severity of the trouble, indicates how
Impure the blood -is, and it goes al-
ways froni bad to worse, unless steps
are promptly taken to enrich and pur-
ify the blood. There is no use trying a
different medicine for each. trouble,
for they all come, through the one
cause-abad blood, In c,onditions of
this kind Dr. Williatris' Plak Pills have
been found very beneficial, as they
have a direct action on the blood, en-
riching an purifying it. That is whY
this -Medicine is So often successful,
after other reiaedies bave failed—
'they reach the root of the trouble in
the blood. Mr. Albert S. Giffin, Mount
Pleasant, P.E.I„ tells what these Pills
did for him. He says:—"Some months
ago, I was in, a badly rundown con-
dition. My blood was peer, I lied no
appetite and my work left me com-
pletely tired oat. fell off in weight,
Was _altogether in a miserable condi-
tion. I was taking medicine, but it
was not doing me any good. At this
stage a friend who had used Dr. Nil-
, .
lianas' Pink Pills with beneficial re-
sults, advised me to take them, and
acting on his advice I did so. The re-
sult can be summed up in a few
words: I took the pills for a little
more than a. month, when I can honest-
ly say / never felt better in my life.
I cap now eat a hearty meal, do my"
work with comparative ease, and have
gained in weight. I advise weak, run-
down people to give these pilla fair
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a'box or six bares tor $2.50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Owls cannot move their eyes:
Austria's Musical StamPs,
At least something new haft cenle
Out of the distriese of Austria, in the
fent' oa postage etarop.a bearing the
portraits not of eovereigns, according
to custom, but of famous masielans•
Japan, itwill be remembere.-d, adorns
ter.oxquisite stampe with a chrYsentla
emuin flower, Great -Britain with the
portrait of tile sovereign, France "with
a groin) embleinatie of the republic,
and the United States With poretraits ef
VariOUZ statesinen, But Austria alone
selects men whose fame is in the
world of art.
Thus he two4tronen stamp', bears
the po•rtraie of Francis Haydn, -the lia-
r -aortal composer of "The Creation,"
"The 'Seasons," "Arznida" and a wealth
of sacrecl and secular mueic, not for-
getting tbe national hymn of Austria.
The ave -kronen stamp shows the barra-
some face of Mozart, the inepired mei-
ocliet of "Don Giovanni," "The !Slagle
Flute" and other masteapieces. 'On the
seven -and -a -half -kronen stamp appears
the mighty and iecomparable Beetho-
ven. And on the 10 -kronen stamp Jo
the likenes ef Franz Schubert, worthy
companion of the other great masters.
Musicians and philatelist's.alike will
. ,
rejoice in these stamps, which are ex-
cellent examples of the engraver's art.
But connoisseurs will -wonder at the
Judgment which placed on the highest -
priced stanip.of all, the 50 -kronen, the
portreit of the composer of ',`,The Beau-
tiful Blue Danube"' -Wine, Woman
and Song," "Thousand and One
Nights" .and other fashionable dances -
of a generation or two ago. Is it to he
believed that the Viennese really rank
Johann St-rauss above Haydn, oza,rt,
Schubert and Beethoven?
Paper Froth Water Lilies.
Paper made from water lilies will be
produced inaa newfactory 1 Ocotlan,
Mexico, The lilies aie of such a pe-
culiarly fibrous nature that they form
the best material for a high grade of
paper and the supply is inexhaustible,
because the lilies cover the rivers in
that vicinity and _grow rapidly.'
The growth et' mails --;is more rapid
in elsildren thin lactUlts., and siloWest
in the' aged. It goes on more rapidly
P1 summer than , dn winter, so that
the same .nail that is renewed in 132
days in wanrber requires only 116 in
Minard's Liniment for Distemper.
Surnames and Their Origin
HYNES land about the beginning of the Chris -
Variations — O'Heyne, eleyne, Hine, tian era:
Hinds, elynds, Hines.
Racial Origin—Irlsh, RHODES
Source—A given name. Variations—Rhoads, Rhoades,• Rodes
There isn't much simila,rity between Roads.
She modern fantily name of Hynes and RaciaOrigine---Norman French.
the ancient Irish given name of "Aid-
Source—A locality.
line,' yet the one comes from the
Certain spelling of this family name
other. might lead you to wonder if there was
anY connectioa between the surname
' The given name of "Aidhne," in be -
and our word"road." But there is not,
ing inflected Data the toren of a family
though the name does belong to that
or clan name.. became "C'''F'idilne"" classification of family names which
Mr in Gaelie the infleetion is often
made by changes m the main part of
the word rather than in the ending,
just as we form plurals sometimes in
English, .
The meaning of this Irish given
name was "an advocate."
The O'Hyne clan c.,anie from tbe
same general stock as did the O'Beir-
nes and the Fallons, diecussed in pre- trac,eable. One of them is-Rhcdez, in
ceding articles, tracing back Aquitaine, from which place a number
their clan -genealogy you get a good of Frenchmen came to join the forces
idea of the way in which these old of William the Conqueror in his in-
Irlah clans were born, grew and gave vasicn of England. 'The name in tbe
birth to other clans. The O'Hyaes form of "de Rhodez" and "de Rhodes"
were originally a , bronch of the IS Sound in therecords of about the
O'Clerys, who earne from the 0Shaugh- year 1200.
nessys, who Came from the O'Connors, Tbe other source, -which probably is
who in their turn came from the responsible for. the surname in tbe
O'Neills of Tyrone, a clan founded by greater number of instances, la. She lo -
the famous NMI of the Nine Hostages cadety of the same name in Lancashire,
who flourished as the ruler of all Ire- England.
taste aeveloped from the names of the
'Places from which tbe first bearers of
the name had coine, or with which t
they were cennected in some way.
But the locality is not that upon
which the widely celebrated Coloesus
of antiquity stood. • t4
There are, in fact, two localities ,rto b
evliich the origin of the family name is t
Native TitieS an Asset to the
a -Man va/uerillie pleaeure and
comfort of his family, he ehould Make
every PPssible effort to eserielr, beau*
fY and broaden country life, and ih
a,cieving these ends he will increase
hie Owa health and happiness mani-
fold. If boys a,nel girls ars to he kept
oss the farm, their impressionable
yearshould 'be filled with ennobling
pictures thrown arpoa stature's canvas
---tae earth Country life cap be made
infinitaly more charming and satisfy-
ing by the presence of trees. „-
Comparatively few farmers appreca
ate the economic value of trees grow
Mg on their farms. They Prevent th
surface soil from 'washing away, Pre
etect his herds and 'fieeks from rai
anclastorms, and temper the chilling
winds that sweep across, the- home
grenade. Way not begin planting
trees to take the place of the tercets
•tliat had such a modifying influence
on the climate? Some of the old. tim-
ber lots were really not well placed;
they did not shelter econornieally,
Now, why not begin planting tree e to
take their place? Why not put out
small timber lots that will break the
winds of winter and some day make
good timber for .use on tle farm?
rfaarle pen
Ym Can et auk
Yurrp O,
fea' tohestniuwa
llli orfellylttritiatTo
stomach trouble is eQunded by Mra•
13. 13. Jones, 137 Oak St., Hamilton1
sQtilinnt. aclilliftrr8*oUbIlcleDeinfl itsWAvra
rol-st vfiecrtminibu(1
was completely restered to health by
Tanlao. She says:
"Por thirty long yeare, I had nervous
indigestion and stomach trouble and
Can hardly describe all the agony a sw-
e fered during tbat time. It may sound
unreasonable, but Tanlac completely
a restored My health and I have gained
thirty-five pounds ia weight. Tanlac
is simply wonderful."
Innligested •food ferments in the
stomach and 'Soon the entire system' is
filled with polson.s. Taalae was de-
signed to restore- the sterriach to a
healthy condition and build up the
whole body. Milliens everywaere have
acclaimed he 'wonderful power. Get
a bottle today.
Tanlac is sold by all good druggistsa
The healthy -child sleeps well and
during its waking hours is never cross
but' always happy and laughing, It is
only the sickly child that is cross and
peevish. Mothers, if your
not sleep well; if they are cross and
cry a great deal, give them Baby's
Own Tablets and they will soon be
well and happy again. The Tablets
are a mild but thorough laxative which.
regulate the bowels, sweeten the stom-
ach, banish constipation, colic and in-
digestion, and prcanote healthful sleep.
They are absolutely guaranteed free
from opiates and may. be given to the'
new-born babe with perfect safety.
They aro sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. Willianne Medicine Co., Brockville,
• A 34n.1 City.
Peking „is in reality three cities. in
one. There is an inner fie Manchu city
and an outer or Chinese City:
The inner comprises tbe imperial
city, whieh, in turn, contains the "For-
bidden City" pr the "Purple Forbidden
City," inside the walls -of which, again,
is the imperial palace.
Peking itself is one of the oldest
cities, in the world, being known t�
exist in the twelfth century before
Chriat, but although it is of immense
SiZe, being twenty-five. miles in cir-
cumference, `much of the space within
the walls is unoccupied,
An Early Bird.
"Pat," said -a manager to one of his
workmen, "you must be an early riser.
I always find you at work the first
thing in tbe morning.'
"Indade, and I amesor; it's a family
reit, I'm thinking,"
"Then your father is an early riser,
"Me father Is it?" ansWered Pat.
Re rises, that early that if lie went to
ed a little later he'd meet himself get-
ing up in the 'morning."
"Don't you weigh more than you
"Oh, rather! I started at nine and
a half poutds." '
Japs to Mine Oda'.
Japanese interests supported by the
government Wil develop the coal de-
posits of Saghalien, believed .to be
among the world's rich.est.
,1 I
risk your health?
ensvERAGE niSii
:1:1 aloF dys
• T".E.
path of the tea or coffee drinker is beset with Gate:ant a
to health and comfort. These dangers lurk in the irritant,
Calfeine„ which is the active principle of both tea and coffee..
Pox" those who enjoy a well -made cup of tea or coffee, but
find that it makes them neic:vous, wakeful and irritable, there's
satisfaction and freedom frorn discomfort in delicious Instant
Postuny-:—the table beverage of no regrets.
I Is fragrant aroma and rich, fall-hodied flavor are delightful.
Instant Postum i tnade from toasted wheat and contains no
Caffeine, nor any other harmful ingredient whatsoever.
Order a tin from your Grocer ronwyt
"There's a Ream*"
geeeroes aanlpls tin of lestak Pastore 5001, pestpaid, 'for/lie in StAMptl. Write:
rriti. Pestimx l55creaI Ce,1 Ltd., 41 Front Street, 55. 1L'PwIito. o " Windsor, Ontario
initera $1/
"Drugging" Forest.
"Can the leopard change its spots?"
is a question that may soon be altered
to "Cap a forest change its color?"
A number of Gerffian scientists have
been experimenting with dyes. They
have discovered that they can trans-
form irees in two nights, and can turn
thein red or blue or purple, simPly by
an aniline -dye injection.
One scientist. made a large tree a
perfect blue with t`Wo ounces of dye
and 200 gallons of water. He vaccin
ated it so auccessfully that not only
the nougb.sand leaves, but even the
interior of the trunk assumed an azure
By this process orinjections it may
be possible to ebange a forest to any
clealred. At preseat the colons
of flowers are being changed by
screening processes; and certain
plante are Isaving their growth pro -
naked by violet, rays and by -the use
of chloroform.
Dutch bulbs have been retarded and
made to bloom with greeter loveliness
when the effect of the anaesthetic had
worn off.
‘Cascarets' 16c+
Best Bowel Laxative -
When Bilious,
To clean out your bowels without
cramping or overacting, take Casca
rets. Sick headache, biliousness,
gases, indigestion, sour, upset stomach
and all such distress gonebymorning.
Nicest phy, sic on earth for grown-up
ancl children. 100 4 box. Taste like
Not With Impunity,
Can trousers which you secure from
your tailor on credit be called breech-
es of trust?
A Dominion Express Money Order
for five dollars costs three cents.
One Who Knows.
Gar-tie.—"We women bear pain bet-
ter than men."
• I3ertie—"Who told you that—your
• Gertie—"No; nly shoemaker."
Ask for Minard's"and take no other.,
Not What They Meant.
The true "bull" is not manufactured;
it just happens. Perhaps that is Why
it rarely fails to amuse. Here are
some amusing examples:
An Irish notice of reward for an es-
caped convict: "Age not known, but
looks older than he is."
In the course of a speech the defend-
er of Ladysinith said the best "bull"
he ever heard came from an Irish sol -
diet, who, When asked, "What struck
you most during the long siege?" re-
plied: "The number of bullets that
anwent into a London con-
fectioner's, and Woking at a pile of
buns, asked, "Are these buns today's?
Because yesterday's were not,"
An Irish, reporter is credited with
the following gem:
"When they stood -up to sing- their
opening hymn there was not an empty
seat in the sacred building," ,
The mast amusitg Are the
outcome of the impulsive haste. with
which the Irish politician expresses
iiimself. For exainple:
"When We get Rome Rule every-
body in Iteland will do as he likes,
and- those who don't will he made to
do it," is taken from the speeeh of an
leieh labor leader.
"The time bas come when we inuat
strip to the waist and roll up our shirt-
"' sleeves," said an ardent Irish, polita
°I%1;ev1sh I were left-handed," said an
Irish laborer, 'because it I hurt my
Ile& haiid 5 would have my left to tall
back unon,"
Ali Irish M.P., speaking of a pelitical
opponent, is represented to have said:
51 120 told the truth I Would not
believe MM."
Mice, ea well as rats, -are known to
be carriers of disease,
ISSUE. No, 42—'22,
,Clean Child's Bowels with
"California Fig Syrup"
Eyen a sick cltild loves the 'fruitY"
taste ot "Califernia Pig -Syrup." If the
little tongue is coated, or if your child
Is listleee, cross; feverish, full of cold,
or leas colic, a teaspoonful Will never
fail to open the bowels. In a few hours
you can see for'yourself how thorough-
ly it works all the constipation poison,
seur b1e an.d waste from the tender
little bowels anaegliree You a well,
playful child again, •
minion of mothers keep "California
Syrup" handy., They know g tea-
spoonful to -day Save s a sick ehild to-
morrow, Ask your druggist for genuine.
"California Fig Syrup" whicla has di-
rections for babies and children of all
ages printed on bottle. Mother! You
Must say "'California" or you naay get
an imitittianAig syrup.
A square mile wilt aocomnsodatel
rfe965,0,00 peaplle standing close to-
Fisherman's. Friend
The Original and Only Genuine
Bunt Carkets
Itched and Hard Pimples
Broke Out CuticuraHeals.
"My face and neck 'all brolre out
P1 a mass of nasty pimples. M55
face used to itch and then hard pim-
ples would break out and fester over.
They itched and burned dreadfully
at times, and my face was badly dis-
figured for about nine months.
"I tried different remedies vvithotat
any effect. I saw an adv&tisement
for Cuticura Soap_tead Ointment and
sent for a free sample. It helped me
so much that I bought more, and
after using two cakes of Cuticura
Soap and two boxes of Cuticura.
Ointment I was healed." (Signed)
Miss Hattie Ea Cruickshank, Lower
Caledonia, Nova Scotia:
Clive Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
T.alcum the care of your skin.
Sample EachrrcebyBiall. Addresiz"Lymanc, Um-
ited, .344 Et Paul St., W., Maatecal." Sold every-
where. Soap ZE.c. Ointaxent2.6 and60c. Talcum 2Se.
121§r Cutiutwo. Soap shoves without rasa.
C�kd Advt
15'51vir4-1014 4
aieTRICee xrsr roR
S'PaZi rfihrff..} waated, agar
truca, 1010100;3.9214be(ber
e (.1 Live one dollar. Write 10Ib
tem:Oars, Bodin Oo., '50 Mat flan
nig money by selling
Men.0401ing home, Ayes, to 1.7, ..
storem, on straight oommission
23t5eri3y co., AlimmaPOlts, 84,
--ePlanna_TID ,,DISIttlaTMATJ1S,,
Ing caede; ,sample book ' 'ree.; ,,,rAtan
a,r8. women 5.1rea4y maiseri 15up esatan
P1 spare time, Bradley 'Limitud, 13:rarrt,
ford, Ont, •
course; aceredited se,11901;
a fewaeee; first -oar -3a trernires fe euret-
cal, Medical and obstetrical work -A 'Zell
eouree or lecturee. .ainnY SUPerinfren,d-
ont, 'Wept Brad Bospltal, 85 S. Ileyno
Ave:. Oltiedge, 111., 11,RA-
aino TDOUT . & MAYBEB, IfBeNT )31.rick,„
it.e.,-yoogQ Street Toronto., atogintaresta
Patent Attorneys. Send for -free bookiet„
tarla AND 1451
,heSs, OW arid used, salpf)
sufiSect to .approvart at fewest reeves ie
Canada. York Betting Ca, IIS Yoik
Et., 'Tomtit°, •Ont.
*1011,isi Deift
• Book on .
gnat Row t.o.km4.
Matisiii Pres ,to any AA.
&rept by the .01.1thor.
cureet mayor t.
220 W24th' Streot
' Now York.
, io. .
nstantly! "Pape'sDlapepsin"
Corrects Stornach so
Meals Digest
The moment you eet a leohlAt
'Pape' s Diapepstin" your indigestion is
gone. No more distrese from a sour,
acid, upset stomach. No flatulence,
heartburn, palpitation, or misery -tease
ing gases. Correct yam- digestion for
a, few cents,. Each' package guaran-
teed by druggist to overcome stomach
trouble. „
Now Works Nine Hours a
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Restored Her Strength
UnionVill age, Vt.— "I was weak and
nervous and all tem -down. 1-couldnot
walk across the floor
without resting and
I had been that way
for weeks. I s awyour
advertisement in the
paper and after tak-
mg one bottie of
Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Com --
pound I felt the go o d
It was doing ine and
I took seven more in.
all. Before I finished
I was able to work
ninehours a tday in a steam laundry,
cannot say too rnueh in favor of your
medicine. I trust all sick and suffering
women will take it, It has beeritveo years
since I took it and I am strongand well."
—Mrs. L. A. GiJIMAIIN, Union Village,
This is only one of such letters we are
continually- publishing showing what
Lydia E. Pinleha.m has done for women,
and whether you work or not Mrs.
Guirnann's letter should interest you.
Many women get into a weak, nervous
run down condition because of ailrnents
they often have. Such women should
potmd at the first sign of trouble. Good
health is necessary and this splendid
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