HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-10-26, Page 3'
tirstiny, •0 Ober
The Chain Gocy
i it
ores a Canaidae—Wingleatng,^0
omestic EasiOrst Shortening 5 lb" pi. 85c ig
Le4".11gar, , •exoe;lb, I Grape Nuts ...... . „vie pkge.
Spee lend Tea . , . . c 1
,•J. Old DhthC1ia'nser 2 tins esc
M in'sane From Moor. AceideMt ' -A."Firie Team
. . , , ,
A''':young girl of 'Brant toWnsliip, ,Mr,. John Robinson, ,north li
,,. „: ne,,ai, Dtinkeld;'. whti 'figured in 'a i-noto't 'fbeawn f - f the l' - ne' . 's
al:cident in. Bran( about ''..'stix" / vveelcFn tea'Ms' inhe11.(,1;'%, odra:* ill';'7,t-tre'T')!St.5 flira);
fRATIOI ago; '-);vben. a Kitchener • ear c011ified .' ' ." .' ' ' la •
With a car- driven' by ,),,,,, is reported, .1c1 I i'' °Ids° part
-11(' 'te'"'cle(j.' live
troestilifitvefbcorioernschovelloc,le:W.y7 insane. das, a i.; -,:,,x',;.,,, ti-1.01i1S. h• Yee:tr faettLlftil, a.1-1714.;1,6adif.;').1.1fe ibiv..
rtottives?'-. Completely' e -,1.1,,S„t3aell,l,e, __, 9, ,-. won about t.„,..„'n.tx first ,prizes for th'is
geliirei*Itahlrlig, 19-iefr,ilnelr,p,tnilfeisrl,m,i'w);h9;'1W1 eXjn.)1-''13;e1 ti");11 !SI. tbee:tti*It: it6a51- nS. lie:Gee ,u'woalw11;113.1diet jih.5.eiks:opcvt c; 1;st:ell:
Reheved INIo aii4_,b,,,,showi,
. ,f.toin, being" killed, Both "were ' high 13e1.:h't,3.1,1.1ga,t3TralcL°t4pwriii'di e"a3g treeinEed.villel
_ s9213 v0/4 ST Irkiieeinvere B.C. - p-owered cars and were •badly-darnag.:"
,"Is(iftered With all -the -SYnibtPnis . ' i'd 11 ..1z-; '
_ .. , ...:,te, ,-,.....t.c.lener autoist,,t,it.:.seenis- igreAter:- than 'their c"';11-1:.`e•r" Eddie 3' 1:
eefTleinale.trotible,;ivith 'cltro'h,9,,,,co'n,i'ti-t,,,
had the rig. lit, of way, -with the result' real he.rse'n;"2-'an.4•W4en 'he ste..13.'31"t°'
0.0z, (...,,,.0 ,p,,,ilstarii 1.4,,,zdi.cale,s. 1,,..had , , ,tchQati.ts.,idfieireabgieirlasinofautillite?'ofhldonteoy pay a a ring witi? a beast. fie sliows the ani-
to.re.. 'mai to the best advantage.--Kincar:"
V4In's14-t,Owil in t4e*b4elcaPd,s,,des . I),fiir . both cars; 'Thia preyed on her' dine Reporter'. " •
. of :the heelY. A doctor advisedme'to , mind so Mneh, ,along with ,the shock, .. ' Mr.' :RobinsoniS a son-inLlaw of 'Mr.
• have an„operatian. . ' that .sheeis,,reported to. have ' ' "One in and Mrs ' tilos Abram, Morris.-
.. r • ••11 • .
,3( startecl.takink.`„Trnit-a,tives" and. sane a tew.days ago, ,
..........., ....,.,. , . , , , . ,
, . Died In London
this inedieinerintsori-,:pletqy retieve4 . I
.•nk"e. of all niysery a.ncl surfering.,... '„ LoyalitY We Appreciate , ,[,/ funeral ' „.., f the l iElb .h
, ,.. te,,o . ate za et
A salesnian for; the R. J. :Lovell' Burgess- took' place on Monday after-
•- 1 ant free of pain, ancl leadaelies and slPrinting concern -Of Toronto, as. in noo.tvfrbin the home of her ,brother
the terrible' c enetipation- and what town on Mdeday and Tuesday alid aS. Mr. Robert Burgess, Sbuter St', Wing-,
saved -me is the fruit inedicine, usual, 'took away 'seVeral. jobs • frail)! ham. The late Miss Burgess had ,a;
"Fruit:Bette/es:" ' •' the loyal . businessmen,. who try- to °host of warm friends in Wingliarn.
. -
Madam M. T. G'ORSE. tellus poor local editors that ",!we ,She d,ied .in London on Friday, In -
should educate.' the people to buy at
50e A box, 6 for $2.50' trialsize 25e. '
. At Howson. & HoWson's -"Milltery,
terment -took place in eeressele ceme-
At • dealers or sent p'eistpaid by our friend inet his Waterloofor Mr.
Fruit-a=tives Limited, "Otta,Wa,". •. Hc?"cvon.. allowed him to quote a f ew
, plices,although assuring.hmi that he
-did not intend t,o„ buy . out of tOwn.
-.,Onfita.gs 'he 'cif:toted the same priCe. as
. ,cjiat-eged ,by . The .Advance, ,only yon
The Turk has risen up again , .don,ft pay expres,s, frOna one, you. -do
And.slattglitered Many -Christian men„ iron). the -other.- On letterheads, en‘.,
You'll -have to put th.eni in a pen; ," , vcioPeS and invoices the-local'.office
, , • , • -
If you want' Peace in Europe.. • did"not charge'ashigh .i.p. Mr. 'Out -of-
- , tOWn, -cY11,9 was., .yery Slow to %tote. on,
.,You.'11 haVe to.'„drive-th.ein of&of sight anything less than five or, ten thous -
Because they think that they are right; and ,lots, .41though .this ,traveller
It looks as if. you'11.7have to fight, - ,knocked our ',Work hard; on..a frecent,
If you want peace in. Europe, i•rip,, to,IVingbana, he told us we were,
holdiqg the local trade_ hettee in.
'From •Prance you might. not get,sup- Wingliani than. in nwst towns, fOl:-.we.
port; ' ' Were. giving -them too good. a'ajob at
Then, to your Dominion you'll resont'; .too low a price, •• -• - -
You'll 'find- Canucks front every Pont - A great inatiy people and mostly
Will help keep peace in Europe. • • business people giVe...the outsider the
• . .• " . .., , preference thinking, he knows more,
Then When' Lloyd George Ts'" feeling On. several occasions, we have proven
blue,- : - . our •printing costs' less • thee. Level!
And very Worried .and puiz-lecl tdo, printing.costs, and.we positivelyegeiar-
He'll find there's just one thing to do, afitee that the quality is,..iti rnost cas-
That's drive thedTurles from. Europe. es, far superior. . Mr. Howson tinder-
• stands our "situation, -fosome mereh-
"Aqd:th'er m
n when ,the -vast erinies-ariSe, ants, handle outeof-town 'flour, simply
And their flags are unfurled" to the because they imagine local ina,nitiae„.
skies, - • • , • • trire -cannot 'be good, 'although it: has
We'll lionoui- every one who dies, been 'proven to be far superior to Most
-For the.eattsd- of peace in Europe. . of the other supposed 'to' he'Th'eeterr
. . •flour. ' •
One, evening .a farmer' met hiS rnen
• • ,
.with a lantern, alideasked leim where.
he was going.' .' • ' ,-
. . .
.."•Courting," Was, the reply. •
. "Courting," said the. fa.einerl, "with
a lantern? - B never tbole: an' .lanterii
with inc when I'. went courting." .
' "Yes," replied the -Man, "and look
what yotr got." ''-'"" .
• .
',3l,'0,1111,1711.A41147,F,'"7, rvt--[;t117'
1 Arm Cif' trfe i 2 tinS...,:z.,;
',New (Cheese ,......--------------- ..,...4-c lb., sriowlike AroMonia, 3 pk-g 25e ee
• ee
Wiitard'g:Windeii. 'ere ChOcOlates ...Mc :lb. !I
Jo -
Let Ills 'B'e 'Thar/Will '• '
-, ' ' ' 4 . 1 An ...Editor's Testimonial
'elle Listowei yerres-pandent to, the it is not often a newspziper .dditor
Milverton 'Sun has the following: -"A 'las tedinionials shaweregi'xmlim.
.couple of garagemen have .droPPeel doesn't ask fdr them. • He is generally
the price of gasoline to 35 cents •and it' satisfied if a, few of.his readers -?h -op
Is predicted 'that as soon as the road's in once a year and pity in ,advarroe•
become Impassable for 'oars, that 'an- 'The etlitor of a, Western paper felt
other dton in Ptiee may take -Place."' so-goOd recently ‘over a .short ,eulogy
,,,,, . ,,,,, .'i he couldn't keep it from his readers.
Mrs. Thos.• mennett Dead.•
e pure it Is: "After 'reading irour, paper
The----deatu oceurre'a on 'Thursday, for -two years, *eve had 114 -Me at'-eler''
October 18-th., in.Lo-ndon, of,Mrs, Jul_ ,home last night, Please do not •send
• la,Ann Bennett:beloved wife of Thos. 'the Paper any longer' as 1 am a• Poor
Bennett of Wing -ham, •Deceased Was man and can't afford to raise a large
• 67 years of age, and is survive' -by fain:ill."
, . .
her husband and three cbildren,'Hoz-, Keep 'N',Tour /30y Of• f The'S-treets
acc of Sydney- Afistraiia- M • George''
Montgomery and Mrs. J. D. Miller, "A child should ,be made to feel that
both of 'Detroit. , , his, home is indeed g -home', thp,happl-
,,, ,•. , , ,..,, ,, ,. ,,, . est place, in the world -to 'him. not
ine funeral was nein from kJ al., ..
man's undertaking, parlors on Friday merely an outward shelter and -resting
at r/ o'clock to the G. T. R. station, placo, but a •centre of enjoyment, san-
whence the body was shipped to De- etffled' and .purified. by love, the"
troit for interment. • , thought. and remembrance of which
, Ivlr. Bennett is a 'brother • ' of Colin': shall bethe Safeguard of . his 'life as"
eilor Samuel Bennett of Wingham. ,lie goes forth, into ,thc world, giving
strength.a.nd proportion to` his char -
Re -Opening Services acter, and turning his thoughts to all
ehat, may preparee,fore:the ,hea,venly
The conn
gregatio' of Eadies' Presby'- home •when the scenes of earth shall
terian Church, Turnberry, have been have passed away. In nearly every
rebuilding their church during the past ca.se, boys Who bring- sorrow and dis-
summer and now that the work is 'grace upon their parents are those
• completed, the reeoperting services - will who are allowed to run on the street
• be held on Sunday, October 2gth. The at night, With the shades of night
Rev. Mr. W"Cst, a former pastor for around, to a boy come.s the oppor-
fifteen years will the charge -and will trinity for. bad associations that ao
• preach at It a. m. and 7 p. m.-- All not tempt them in the» broad light
friends of the congregation are invited of day. Evil does not etalk abroad at
to come and enjoy these serviees. The noonday, and hence a boy is not apt
occasion will also mark the 56th mini- to come in contact witb it with the
versary of tile church, as :,,the • old
church bailding was opened and dedi-
cated by Rev. James Hastie on Oct-
ober 28t1., 1866. -
Ashes to. Ashes;
Dpst to duif, ---
If short skirts don't get you
The bobbed hair must.
sun at meridian". Keep your -boys Off
the etieet at night, or rether safely
Sheltered in the home 'nest, Where'
evil influences never enter to lead
them astray.
Miss A. Cardiff of Brussels has' re-
turned home, -after spending the week-
end' with Mrs. Jas. Nicholson, Diag-
onal Road.
slow oven will jtrs oil your
baking when you use
04.7id.,Pm-c,h44 .*e's'si5 '503Cftitt, +TOW arro0114INEVII..41 At'..T1,17,./0,41141AUThrilq:', Ted:Wr4*Irg, 4.1.1,..0' .4"
y -to -
and see the 1 r e ra
Overc # ''r men boys, hand tail -
red by 20th Coral ry iiU Soci
rand, special •
lino and Sds»Fn .ts r Fall in
sha es,(Di w .hin t br Wrfi and
to 7.00
Nelaiti dels arritin each week keeps
— Showing the most up.ft -date •
In -this seal
Special Prices in Every- epartmen —Gr
•cerlfes, Staples, Dry Goods, Hos-
• lery Underwear.
ProMpt De
All Grocery Orders
•One Way To Get An Education
.' Some time ago, writes a i
to The Youth's Companion, I was
travelling in Europe with a young
lady •who lived in a small town way
Down East in Maine; and who WaS
more generally , informed in the his-
tory, literature, art- and. music of the
Ford touring cars took another $'-'0 countries we visited than those who
drop last week and closed cars drop- had lived in and. had, the ,advantages
ped $85. - of a large city. "Where -were you
e ucated. I asked. I was brought
up in my home town, and on The
Youth's Companion," was lier • reply.
And this same liberal education is -in
The-,Conipanion for anyone who will
seelc it. Try it for a year and see..
The 52 stories of 1923 will be crowd-
ed with. serial stories, short stories,
editorials,poetry, facts and fun. Sub-
scribe now and receiv,e:
I. The Youth's CompaniQt1-52 iS -
,"A„,new Ontario girl," sa.ys an ex-
change, "advertised for a husband and
landed him, The total expenses for
advertising and wedding trousseau
ammented to only $11. Within g year
the husband died leaving $2o,poo life
insurance policy-. Yet some claim it
doesn't pay to adveitise."
Still, she had to take some risk, for
no newspaper could guarantee that he
would die so soon.
• One of the chief exhibits at' the
Western Fair, London, ,this year was
the fully equipped trans -continental
trains with it,' numerous high-speed
lacomotive and luxuriously finished
coaches, for day and night travel,
It was planned et the East entrance
of the Manufacturer's' Pass-
ing through the b.uilding and taking
in the sights on either hand was not-
iced a rather seedy looking faraner,
As he reached the open door on the
[East side, he was ge6atly surprised
to see the • train standing" there,
"Gosh!" he exclaimed in awe, ",3 guess
that 'at' Huron 8;.' Bruce hat jist got
• ,. •
Don't say "say,"
- And,don't say "see?"
Don't say "listen"
And don't say "geelP
Don't powder yotty nose
in the pttblic gaze,
Don't polish your nails
In the public ways.
And don't, display
• Such a length of limb;
Don't dress Oil the Street
As if going to swift,
Don't talk too much about "hint' and
Don't say often, "I'll say it is,"
And don't say "cidarie,"
And don't chew gum:—
.And then 111 say
The millmmiuni's come!
Fellow Worker.
it is Not Too Early
To Order You.
P rsonal Greelin
-Christmas C
In less than, twO rnonths';' tii
you Should "have yonr, slapply.
ready foi.- ,Don't.
until the "eleventh" hour,' Or-
der now frorn'our stock, let us
print them before the rush be-
gins and thut afford yOu a con-
siderable saving.
Call and see our splendid line
• of samples, or telephone 34 and
have our salesman call on you.
When you see them you will ag-
ree that Personal ()reefing Cards
ere never offered at so low a
r \xi- Ingham.
sues in 19,23.
2. Ail the remaining issues of 1922.
.3. The Companion Horne Calendar
forx923. All for $.2.50. '
• 4. Or, inchide McCall's 'Magazine,
the monthly authority , on fashions.
Both publications, only $3.00.
Commonwealth Ave., & St. Paul St.,
Boston, Mass,
• Subscriptions received at this office.
He ran in 'a little sooner, , •
• Than the fellows in the ihopt-
He-Stayed a little longer
When the -whistle • ordered "St
He worked a little harder
And he talked a little less;
He seemed but'little hurried -
And he showed .hut little stress,
For.every.little inoment,,
His efficiency expressed,
Thus his envelope,grew inst
• A little*thicker than the 'rest.
He saved. a little " -money
In a litindried little ways, '
He banked a little extra,
• `Wheti,,he got a little raise.
Alittle "working model"
Took his little 'leisure" tinie;
He wrought'eacli little part of it
• With patience most sublime.
Now it's very little wonder
That he •murmurs with a smile;
As he clips his little Coupons:
Are the little things worth while?"
r*j• ' •
••.1. •
N11}*jilit 1$1111111111!Plid 1111 aqif I I if? ftlifnoiliitoOilifil,
Tlie-neW books for Fall and Winterbave arrived . we have.' 1
the best at current prices
Popular Reprints
riti ArAi
Reprint. Fiction has beeri reduced to 850 and 75c10 stoc
is large with a number of new title S ''ust to hand.
J3argains in Fiction
We are clearing out a line of Fiction at $7c each or $ for Li;
Se.00. A good chance to procure reading matter' -for the *f
• wint,er months.
Christmas Cards
Wixom ingillicIaltlf
Our stock is again the best. Leave yonr order early a
gee. best choke.
ooks, Stationery, Magazines, Town Ticket Agent Canadian
National and Grand,Trunk Railways, Ocean Tickets via all lines.
IIIIIMIIIMIIIMIlleillatiellM111111114111111)141101111111111IMMIMINM11111111 11112111 1111010111111111
Plowing Match In Ashfield . •to Abdu •He sada that in fiifff
• For the first-time in about twenty. early stages of the war the Turkisk
years .a plowing match was held in 'people were wavering whether to
this.yicinity on Friday afternoon -last-, the 'Germanic forces or, the allies.
at. tbe home of Mr...Thomas Cooke,' - "We Americans," he said;
• on the 52th. con. of Ashfield. A good be ashamed that we did not eec tl/eff
• •
claw was present and the contests necessity and the wisdom of our ac -
were keen. . The prizewinners were, cepting a mandate over Tin-1,Tc, when.,
McR•enzie .Webb of St .1-lelen5, isi. it wans offered us. Hid we done
prize; 141r. John Scott of Ashfield, 2nd. not only would this trouble.
prize.; and and Mr. Wesley Ritchie and have occurred, but today the pror„,resK.
Mr. Fred Ritchie, 4th. and th, prizes, of the Near 'East, the progress Of all.
The match was arranged by tile Taxis the countries that border on the Med:. _
Square Boys of Zion church. Mr. John iterranean, would have been so great
joynt's big heartechiess was again that it would have had a correspond,.
pnrtiazneifiertsbtx,iehye, donating $20 no of the ing influence on the surrounding coon -
When Ruth .saw a peacock, •
She was silent as a tomb,
Then Audi:Tartly. she shouted:
f`It's a chicken all in..„bloon !"
.After briefly with Venize,.-
Colgate—In Wirighatn, on Thursday, los' Greek -venture into Turkey,. and,
October igth., to Mr. and Mrs, W. I depreciating the ungratefulness of tha
G. Colgate, a daughter. Grecians -which replaced the Greek
Premier with Constantine, ,Mr. Mor-
i genthau 'pointed out that ha the pres-
ent affair the Turks had "absolutely
nothing at stake. Turkey had no
commerce. "The Turks, lie suggestee
"are simply a band of marauders andf'
they have never been anything differ-
ent, • They have •lived like parasiteft
on the peoPle they found iu their
country. They have developed no,
lelethodist church performed the cere-
affairs'in addbig a bie Canadian art, no edimatian, no•commerce, They
' The bride. wore a pretty dress
Club, audience at the King Edward( depend upon the Armenians; Gree,leen
Jews and Syrians."
Hotel, Toionto- Monday
of white georgette and satin with brid
al veil and orange blossoms and ear -I Rarely has a Cana.dian Club speak-
ried a shower bouquet of Ophelia ros-1
,er been accorded the enthusiastic and
es. Miss Lavinia Jackson, sister of whole:hearted welcome which the
M -
the bride was bridesmaid, and wore a crowded ballroom gave to Mr
dress of shell pink silk and carried
Ophelia roses. The groomsman wan
Mr. Wm. 1/1,Tright of Hamilton, broth-
er of the groom. The home was very
tastefully decorated . with the fall
flowers, Asters, Dahlias and Gladioli.
'rite ceremony took place under •a
canopy of white wedding bells and
streamers. Mr. and Mrs. Wright
will teside on Essex St., Sarnia. The
many friends of Mr..and Mrs, Wright
wish them many happy years of wed-
ded life. The brides parents form-
erly resided at Belgrave.
After the wedding' a baptismal cere-
mony took place when the bride's sis-
ter, brother and niece were baptized.
Wright -Jackson Nuptials
.• A quiet, but pretty wedding was sol-
emnized on October 2nde'at the home
of Mr.' and Mrs. Arthur Jenkson, 264
Campbell St., Sarnia, when their sec-
ond datighter, Florence Beatrice Vic-
toria Jackson, became the bride of
Mr. Herbert Wright of Sarnia. The
R.ev, Mr. Claey of the Divine St.
Destruction Of Christianity
If the 'United States had accepted
the Turkish mandate when requested
to do so it would have prevented all
the present difficulties in the 'Near
East, declared Henry Morgenthau,
late American Ambassador to Turkey,
an outstanding authority on Turkish
TheWingham Orchestra nurctn 5
span to eio,Cap,-ter 121
t *S *. 6
of the Renesed Stetutes of 0 tali°
that all persons haVing claims against
• '
the Estate, of Joseph Wilkinson, de-
ceased, who died on or about the fiftli
is now open fordav 6f SepteMbeAf,, at tbe Town of
ENGAGEMENTS •1 aVIr einrgellcianTnir'e din ttohe
• , P rneTarid6,
'For further in . formation apply to A ham, Ontario solicitor for texec.t.
• or to deliver to R: Vangrenee Wirige-
, he
- R. Stone, Secretary-Treas. •! ntors, on or before the thirteenth day
e ' of Noveniber, A. ant 022, their names
,eeeee-eieeeeeeeetee-esoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-,eeee- of the securities, (if • any) held ' by.
.J. W. Davis, Bandaster, and addresses, with frill particulars of
- .• "their claims in writing,. and the nature
there ,duly verified by a statutory dec-
< a ion.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott and Mr. that after The gaid thirteenth day ol-
afid Mrs, R. Garniss motored to Sca- November, 1922, thitniseets of the said
forth on Sunday and spent the, day estate will be distributed by the Exec -
with relatives there. • . tttors,. among the parties entitled
Mr. Arthur , Shaw shipped several thereto, having regard only • to jilt;
ep.Nrse:e<tf Sunday Rep
et\iri!.Mvvi..ejs4t.t.inor,ivs,\IILeek.., Iclleatire'teS, cl;fill'hvhiteilhe theeeyttttsehla,witil'uhnnot'halv)ee
. . .
preac i t ....,,e calif c..inica, at 3 p. in.
will liatile for anY claims not filed at the
time .of. the said distribution,
turnedemiesionaty efroin China,
1 a r41 't 1 • 1 '
on this eeeamit tee methodist Sim- Dated at Winghain, this foeirteenth
day 9111'c_llooll...,,a,,t.._ B‘,?c,/,,,,,,,le, ,, ...w.i 1 1.. be, • at e day Of ORet,ovbeainesAteD,..,vvIiej23g2h• am, ,
Solicitor for the Executors.
-Attie' inid am wi:sley Leggett and
' family inotoredd61)rayton on Sunday
•'and spent the day' witil,.relatives there, . NOTICE TO CREDITORS
,Mrs • Albert Walker' is. on the. sick • It the estate of Thoinas Procter,
.:1i9, -.1:2..':7,,„:„1,..,),P, c cs::,,,,eircwini:',,,l,.s,',°:‘,..betet.:,:ilt.i'vtf:(11;actieha'aSelelpdiploe'vrissaiont8IsboafviTn'll,ieaTn-yvAtsc,tilteeitc.A
.,11,..'",h,• " '' ' : 7 7 - -7 • • , NO'lICE is hereby 7giVen pursuant
'11 1 'the c ' • '' ' demi-red against Thomas Procter, lete
o ne from. W st • • • . .
• or
Mr. Scott of . .Belgeave,,, sleieeped ,,a
el i ;.ei-f the ,Township of Morris, in the
c°14:1)14{)-I-cas 61 lla="1*°*•!'2"he°,`':1-k. 'Cineiley' of I-Inron and Province of
w°,_61,'''''' • "...t.' ' ' ' • ' ' .. ,':Onto:I-Jo, Yeoman,. who died on' or
OT elOillinp' and supplieS"' 'to New Ont -
1 -'he, ../acnes ShiP14d a ,C011sigtintnellte'abbile: the ist. day of October, 5922,
alio this week. 7 . or -deb.(ve'r -1.1O if, SAe.. d.MboyrtoPr?,statPiW.ePi'lnigd- LII
. , are repiir c 0 31 , ,
Mr" Geo. McDonald llad a f•it-L.6' 8a1e ham, Ontario, solitiber for the ext.:en- '
laq Friday, everything bringing good 'tor, of tile said deceased, on or before :
prices. ' • ' ' ' •.:. the 8th. day ,of November, 1922, their
• R
Mr. and Mrs, obert Shaw spent names and addresse8 gad full particiu- r,11
Senclay With relatives at Belgrave, • lars iii writing of their claims and toe
Ur, and Airs, "Wm. 1VICMichael atid nature of their ,securities; if any, held tal
Mr. and Mrs, R. Simian -ion spent Sun- by theth. ,„ ime
day at the home of Mr. Gordon ,Hall. AND telee tiotiee that after the Said Wm'
Mr, R. johnston. shined a car of laSt mentioned day, the eaid executor '
will thstribute the assets of tile' said
deceased an -tong the persons entitled
thereto, • having regard only to the
elaims of which he shall then have
had notice, and that the said executors
will not be liable for the Said asset e
PI any part thetcof to ally person oE
ItoSt claim he shall not then have,
-ec,eived notice, ' •
Dated al Wingliattl, Ontario the
2tlf day ef, („nflobcr, in22,
rtorif, Sql-i!ell.t, fol. t
He challenged those who maintain-
ed that the Turks were not out 1:6
destroy and kill the Christians withint icir domainsAt the inauguratioz
genthau. Hailed by the President as. of the last holy war, he said, it wale ,•
the man who more than anyone elsei declared: "We shall 'destroy every -
had assisted in maintaining friendly Christian within •the confines of Tier, -
key. They had to abandon that holx
war because they realized that their
allies, the Germans - and Austrians,
were also Christians,
Anglb-American relations. Mr. Mor-
genthau launched into a discussion of
the. 'unspeakable Turk," his works
and his aspirations, which for it's dir-
ectness and frankness, won hi01 trem-
endous applause, and three rousing
cheers at the end of his address. He
spoke of Britain's stand, in the Near
East crisis in terms or ingheet com-
The Nationalist Party, which was
the creator of the present dsturb-
ance hi. the Near East, he said by no
today they nave no ChriStiar..•
allies, and when they notified the
Wbrld that they did not think they
could restrain their soldiers when they
came into Sinyrna, that was an ab-
solute notice that there was -going ter.
be rnassa.eres and destruction.
'And the big powers had" to go dew 2,-,,
as a whole, It was but a small coin-, Terns
means represented the Turkish people with
ieesb,itstearidMss,r. Mtoceg-geetntiti,ha:
to hand over women and child-
mittee which eseablished itself in the, 'rail_ Thy would not ,,,..i.ve up thc
first rebellion, and,'realizing the fail- men bowee, 17 and 45, bete:said, boe
ity of its efforts to make of Turkey a
cause they realized they might be -
progressive country had attached 3-401 come fighters.
feAW dose b of Balsain,ea--and
coughs.and colds disapPear coni.
pletely. Balsanada loosens the phlegm
and clears the lungs and bronchial.
• tubes,
1PIALSAMEA, although powerful
in artier', is free from all harm-
fut drugs. Children. take it willingly
because it tastes good.
Relief guaranteed ormoneyrefundedt.
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btlit A bbTlitla TO -DAY.
J. WALTON 1Y1cKIBBON., Druggfst, Witigharn,
Vanssmsamxismtunmeemarrmoungeoungammonctmacre.......ome eivestmarmeasastaxmaturmegintatemrCiestatteunatmonsmatvenuntwortarummkunsantek
lic).t.5 to TototttO oil Saturday,
Sask,,.60.'Safurda.y, September 3011L,
-.1022„ AlISs. Anna. Rutherford
r.111.il1iPs, eldest 'daughter of the late,
, .
Your ch 1 of aii in the store, s
and Pan te Velvet, regular $5.00
to $8.00 valne to clear a