The Wingham Advance, 1922-10-26, Page 1u spr in the rig rta t °dist Church, on Single Copleu Four. Cents •BOYS CLUB ORGANIZED Bic eta Arid Athletic club Gets Of To Good Start Over twerity lsoys attended a sued ing in the council chamber on Tlittes , {lay Avening, for the purpose of orgen , izing a Boys' 131cycle and Athleti Club. The ,foilovying officers wer elected, after a ballot had been take •1,n each ease.- . President--Spaith I -Tutton, est. Vice -Pie, --Ken. Carter, end: ViceePres,-Gordon Bisbee. SecretrireaL-Haroldaboyee. Treasurer-e-Ralell .Marshall -Elliott It wdeld be hard to find a more gentlernanlss lot of boys than thoee , present in elle s council chamber on Thursday,evening, and we were, plea - ed to ,see the,newly a,ppointed officers • take over ti e'. duties of theie offices, The intention is to have a Field day nt 1 Viagl3am. in the spring- and it is - probable that during the winter inon- /lis these boys will hold several liter- ary evenings, Meetings witi be held on the third Thursday of each Month, Methodist Anniversry Services Anniversary services will be held in .444.444-44444-44,44.44,44444•4,4-4, INqt-LAM TIN AT CONVENTION CONVENTION To theeEditur ay the Advance, Decides To Delay Putting' Candidate 'Deer Suin-•,• • • In The Field' • • , Wus ye at the IT; F. 0, Convite- •. shun in. the Town Hell luta wake? Mr. Wm. Rutherford, Pitesid.eat of Shure, .Ye Moight as: well: ay been; Of the ljnited•Farmers" Association of there as .not, eee it wus an, "ivirybody .North•.•Huron, Called ae-conarention wileorne"-ahow, andao eharrge fer ad- Which WaSeheld in Winghana on_Wed- mishit's, an chape eaough at that. See- nesday last. It might have been more in as it, wus too could a (lay to .sheand „largely attended, but for the fact that adround the:eshtrates an talk, I tought-a; great many of the delegates were moight as well drap into the maytin opposed to the calling, of. a conven- „ . fer an 1:1,QUX, art so im,1shtin to what tion -to plate a candidate in the field. the ,byes had • to sayhfet thiinsilyes. Rev, W. A. 'Amos, Sace-peesidentlef Whin '1 got into the hall ahslitreager the U. F. 0., was the prihcipal speak- wus elipakin; but 1 found out either- or We were 'rather surprised at this wards that - he wusa. left over fruin mane who has gone to College, when the noight--befobr Aial,...inaytin was' he knocked Higher Education., ' that' had,. atnnething to do wid bably he did not mean it in sd many the slichool sislitnm But that Ls anoth- -words, but he certainly tried to •,clis- -es. shtory; as me litherary frindeMish- .cotarage farm boys from feking.,Cole deer' Kipling, says whin he gets' run :lege teaining; saying thate"we, were aff the ire:tiller flirack,air •the talelie' 'Wont' to laud and praise the boSr who' is tellinaan, dussn't 'know how to get 'leaves the"farm and takes his College back right to wheer. he lift aff. , . degrees with honours; While we forget The principull•spealder was Mishtea the boy ,who remains a‘t• home behind Amos, voice-prisidine ay, the IJ, F. 0., the pia,* and in Moe cases out oftenwho is a farrumendown in Perth whits . has more brains than the ladewho goee timer is no Prachia.to do, arr no U. to College," In our humble opinion, F. 0. mayeine to ,attind,...arrance•com- the farmer has as much,;• need- for mishune te. be a Member ay. , Are a- brains and education as the towns- shmart lad he is too, so he is, an wud man, or else how are they going to be make aioine soide kick fer the Tories able to hold their place against preach - if• he wud, only mindhis ways, but ers and other slick ',guys who leave 'tis '4- sorra soight to e see so professions in colder to mix With the /neatly good eosin' tone wrong' these farmers, whoth they expect soonto toimes. He toild use lot abotit what ead. King Jan did sivin ,hundred years Mr. John, W. King, M. P., and Mr. ago, bat not a evurrud about- annyting Sedgworth of•the Teache?S' and Rate - fawn Kingivir did, good err -bad; an payers! Association spoke briefly. him reig,lit on' the platfoorm evid:Mis•-• The meeting wiselydecided not to liter Ames. He conapared the, LT. F. Place a candidate in the field' at press 0. to thim baron's gettin either King eat. 'We -have heard several farmers Jawn, an shore it wus a :good compaa- express' therneeliees as opposed to ison intoirelye beaker mebby than plieing a candidate in the field at all Mishter Amos anint it to. be, ,fer. it One, fernier in ,conversation with a wussn't the good av the whole•av the couple of Winghain • men . remarked penile thine veld barons wus foightin that it wotild be. like leading a lamb to fer, but, only fer, the binifit av theer the slaughter to put a man no against own class. 'Tis the way av the wurr- John. joynt, who has certainly been uld, an human naycher hasn't changedasindependent as any person could much m sram 'hundred years.- Accord- be, no matter what his political affil - in to Mishter Wells it has ;taken iation. • ' ions an millions ay years to divilop The meeting closed with the Nat -- such a man as him an the quistion is, tonal Anthem. • • wus it it eneterth. Awl the thrubble?.• Resolutions. of' confidence in the that is shtill another shtory, an to government, the•members or (even in git back to the U. F. O. ,Coneinshue, the -press) were not brought down off I wondhea a Man Wid the ixperience the shelf. v Mishter Amos alidn't, shtick, to his. ixt betthere• He.slitarted.out to tell ' s how the farrumers hey anslways GRADUATION EXERCISES een •clown-throdden, ground be - wane, the tippe.a.'eati nether 'Mill Fora:. Wingham 'Graduate Nurses Re; htones, so to shpake, an made to cut , wood to Warrran the other fellah's, ceive Diplomas hinsean to carry wather es the alie- n -tits, at iyiry circus,- an, 'beim moind, The Wingham Town. 'Hall was oike sanlpson, bpv, bad to Area/dem/le crowded to the doors on. Friday even- . er the :Philistoines awl. theer loves, mg, the occasion being the graduating -Se shtarted out to: prove awl these exerciees in connection wian th the sinte, bet only tould us about gittin lefingham.Generel Hospital, wheeethe ia hismengolds, an that farrumin wus- following young ladies received their rdt 'half so. bad a jawb afther awl. (11)101 11)5 'Vi2" MiSS 'Verna '1\lacp°n- 'Twits • decoided not to nominate a aid and Miss Minnie Po'rter of Whig: lawat the prisint tohne. Mebby. the, ham, Miss Laura Robinson of East tla • too nanny fellehs afther the• Wawanosh mid Miss Gertrude Poll- ewb---- ode, of Ripley. • . , 'Tis a faille place to liVe in, tads Mr. J. A, MacLeanachairman.of the ttle mild' town av Wingham, so it is, lloard, „occupied the chair. Rev. •id eometing doin moshtly; awl the: Dr. Petrie opened the meeting with crime. On Froiday noight 'twas Hos- 'prayer. Acidresscs were deliVered by pitahmaytin,:an the nresintin av ),4'athep Fallon, Mr. john_W. King 111. rnas. to the young nurses, an share, 1?:, Dr. R C. Redmond and Dr, Gillies girruis hiked verry shwate.intheer °f Tee -swat" - Rev. C h Cragg, B D, teed the Florence Nightingale Pledge, Dr. Ste -wart - preseaeed. the ' nurses with diplomas andaDt. Irtma•Kennedy pre-, sented the medala. to the graduating pee leake aawn ,paeeey p. class Miss AdamsaSupereatendent of hey niver been sieleeigame loife the Hospital, and Miss Fox, assistant, Rah: wes befo.Ojeheilul.':! ciPie W4Tlee me leg, presented `beautiful boamsets of :roses .leesehpithe to the 'Muses al -01 theY•in, turn were• 13a,11.00.1114.f4-f6f,resueli- presented with bouquets by Miss Ag- . larabag..0•1 -hee' 1-10 drey Sbn to neS.' MacLean. • mplain. I hev ,feunci ,ont: that the Mrs. R. S. 'Williams and Mr. Fred .., ag, •Hanmore sang a couple of silos in •eSht way- to privint the lumb •o 1e their usual good voices: Mr. T. Mc- Kenzie Smith and Mrs. Hanmore were the respective accompanists. ..The Stage was prettily decorated for the occasioe, The chairman read a better ,froin Mr. John' joyrtt, M. P. P., -expressing his. regret that he could eot be present because of, his being confined to hia room -with a sprained ankle. bit s. VanWycle .favored the .audience with a couple of aplendid readings which were Much enjoyed.. All. the .speakers complimented the young lady graduates and the Wing - ham 'Hospital staff, 'both Father Fal- loe and Mr. Ring stating that they knew, for they:each had spent a weeks as patientin the hospital. Drs Redmond's address . was "Well worded and larecticalexeslaitting the need of hospitals, dnerses.,and •physicians in their efforts to ptevent .dieease as well as to cure it. Dr. Gillies, Teeswater, after saying a -great many' nice: things about the Wingham hospital and staff, pointed out the great eeed for an ele vator, and venturing that It would not be, long helot:6,one woeld be. installed at Whighape Hospital. • , .,•`The collectionia aid of the Hospital amounted. to $SO.0o,• T.13e Woneeide Auxiliary served refreshmentsain the couticil chamber to ethe isnrSae •anele their friends after the pi og'ilto , The evening, eloeed with the sing- ing of the National Anthein, after, which , congratulations: 'were 'heaped on the' gradtiating, nurses; The gradaathig' class wete entees. tained to e fowl supper in the HoSPital en Setttrday ,eveainga October,2181,, by ,the etttraes-insirstintng.' ' LUC AVL ULU() U1SL ernircn, vvitigna.m, at u a. in. and 7 p. na, on Sunday,.Oct- -01)er '29th. The services will be eon-- ' ducted by Rev, I. W. Hibbert of -...16`agSville, a former pastor. Special ritusie by the .choin assisted by- Mr, - Cameron Geddes of Lucknews , On Monday, -a fowl supper , will be . held under the auspices of the Ladies' ...Aid. Hot Supper will be served from 5.30 to 8 o'clock, after which an ex- ce/tent ptograin will be given, consist- ing, of solo.s. by Mrs. S. R Johnston, BerVie Mrs. Wesley `joynt, Liielc- , mcesve Mt. Cameron Geddes, Ieneknow; Addresses by Rev, S. R. Johnston, 13, Ae. Bervie; Rey; I. A. McKelvie, B. 3D., Teeswatere. Rev. J. W. Hibbert, e Kingsville,. There will also be greet- ings by the ...local pastors. The choir -will render a couple of special select- ions under the leadership of Air. J. H. Christie.. Achritssion, adults, soc; and .Children 25c, . iii. 1 EVERY :ODY'S COLUMN Au.crioN SALE -5o bead of good feeders,' at lot ea, con. 2., Morris, at z o'clock' on AlontlaY, October s 3011): ,Robt. Warwiek, Prop. J:arnes Taylor, Auctioneer. • AUCTION SALE-I-Iorses, Cattle, . ],Digs, Implements, and Household Effects,- at let 7, con. 4, Morris, 1 about IV milet east of Belgrave, on Friday, October 27th, Serbillee, • Jas. Taylor, Auctioneee. 1 - W. J. Procter, :Proprietot i ;AUCTION SALE -Farm Stock, Im- plements, Etc., at lot 41, con. 11., 1 East .Wasve.nosh, at I2.30, on Wed- a iieselay, November rst. No reserve. . See bills, - • Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer. i W. J. Shoebottone Prop. I COAL: HEATER -Base burner, rad- t iant home, will sell at reasonable II , price. • ' The Advance. - 1, CRACKED EGGS' FOR SALE -At eho , , . low prices. ` Genes Limited- "b ii...OR ; S7iLE-:13-11s-67Burne;-:-.1-dear.li 4 • new,' Cheap f -or quick sale. esaepply L. to The A'dvance, I • 11 FOR SALE -1 general purpose horse, h /, fresh cow, zoo nearly full grown k pullets, Lee:horns and Reds. _.Also :-.1-htaticL , quantity of roots. • : F. T, Hill. c,av POR-S.A.LE-Five shares in tlic Aero .' a Cushion Inner Tire & Rubber Co., , - Ltd.. Reasonable terms, Apply to :td, V. Berieprili, 167 Egerton St., „.' London. 11.• re ?FOR SALE-e-CarlOad of best apples, re Phone 37. or write Box 214, Wing- 111 hana •In "------e".-- bi TFOR SALE -Two used cars in splen- a, . did conditiota one Chevrolet to2o, rn One Gray -Dort 19e8, at price.s un- w heard. of, Do not miss looking d( ' thenf 'over, , L. Kennedy. se 'FOR SALE --One fancy parlor cab- SI - irtet, one hall seat and mirror,. one ,_, kitchen, table. Apply to 1" . . , The .A.dvatice, . I -SOUSE, TO RENT -Apply to B. KNI'rTINLG .reeriptly and eatly e ., 1 a/a.Llal - done. eave yogi' °race at iss Gealuiti's ..grocary stFire, da •' ,'N'orman McGill. k LOST-3tes.-34 tire oti Ford rim. ..Firide'.. ,, . er veill be revearded on leaving at th The Advance, In I.,OSTe-t bright red steer ,strayed, on , ' or about September I3tia, from the lc, East i'of lete t and 2; Con, II Car- Apts., 'Finder 'Please icfOrni, . ee '• Js. V. Iireen.'l- i Phone /2 on 60o ' R. I' Wingliam sit iiVaR ,r0k1) SiZtl---Aero Cttsbion i'di linter Th -es' fot.sale 'at abottt half 1'r3'' , Price, The Advance. tin T•tt.SWATILIt. CIDtk. MILL" -Xs T., tow mnaldng Apple utter ant Cider. rirst.-elass work guara.nteed. 1\16, ak I:141111s for salt, Jos. Olheiser & Son. bliY• poiltry, Apply to. • rhoite dresses an caps, houldin the ig bokays ay flowers in thehands, mo gi op be Asher her beendd gii•eids,afer' the epashtthree sats, but -I "Can't _Slipake frtun ixper- Wear it coon ,skin bdt arround the imall ay 030 back niXt to me shkin tun October to May, 'Tis a Shure' midy an a cheese wap. It is verry eiSsary to hey nurses ler the Wim - in an chatter, if ye kin affoord it, 11, harrin accidints, nibr. shud nivir sick T belave the Hoshpital nades ilivater so thee patients kin be •oved frum Wan slitory to another idput hevin to carry thine up an ave. shtairs, Shue' his a ver ry nicis- ry convaynieriee at I hope -wen will insittalled befoor me frind, largc motton; mates ..stisid an ateident; fer shtatice. Yours till nixt wake, ' 1.1nothy Hay. Q,p Time Kidg, Broie eale of ' l000 bari of Indry steep staid enoo ,spools, Sotur- f 'at:8.80. a'. 10.; price 56 . . 4bhy4nkar At st. Pauls Ihspiting iii ell, as in tel'eitin4; was address dii" Rev. A. ''Abliarankaie dian Missionary at St. Paels church, 'Sutthix.eVeriiiit.... peaking Of- .,inctia, and from the • t, 'Go thon, and do likewise," Mr. hyankar roused hia.Seaters to a arr realization of the need of rale - eery endeavor in India,,and point -- out the appalling conditions :of latry and the great evil ..cal child triage eo prevaleet in. 'Wheel. we Consider thet out of the ee hundred million population of - , . Christians, the result is apt to be dis- eom'agitlg, bit in reality the htfluenet of Christianity' is so widespread that "t I110115tfred," ,Speaking- fromhis own estperiente and knowledge of Condi itions n India, Abhyankar declared that Indla, ras '. not ;ready for Vottr Opportunity To ltny winter snits, tOtttS:, eiresseS and winter tnercbancliseitt Xing Bros, 'Annual sale. ct., 3 t 'P R. DIRAILED, Spread Rail., Telamecla For • 'Wreck At. Gleriannan P R On Wednesday eight about ro p. M., the late C. P. R. Coming ioto Wing - ham 'was badly wrecked near Glen - annals. This is the thirdraceident on this road diiring the Past few mcintlis and we believe ,the light rails should, be replaced ,by heavier: as the large engines are used on 'title .sererice. Baggageman Marshall Pape, thrown from his cal. When 111 piled up on the tender of the „engine, was most ser- ipusly injured. He was taken to time Winghara liospital, Conductor Wal- ker was .with Mw in the baggage ear and was badly bruised by the impact. When . the engine bit what it be- lieved to have been a spread rail it buried its nose in. the .eight -of -way mid turned sideways. The train had been travelling at a fairly good speed. EngineetieHylaed and Firernan Storey were catapulted through the •window aq the cab; but beyond being stunned for a time were not seriously injured. Passengers were thrown about the cbach, the total number, aboard being about twelve. Stringer, it commercial traveller, .from the Queen city, was painftilly hurt and was taken to Teeswater at once by motor. It is considered -wonderful that the casualities were not more serious. There is a deep ditch on the right of the point where the run-off occurred and the cars piled up just on the verge of a steep drop. An 'auxiliary was summoned from Toronto "and a freight engine from Teeswater went at once to the scene. The track was not cleared until noon on.' Thursday, meantime mail was taken to Wing -ham by mdeer truck.• The amount of damage to the track and rolling stock-aannot at present be ascertained. Mr. Pape was able to return to his home in Toronto on Monday. Mr, W. H. Willis and Mr.. W. E. Brawley were on the train, and both were badly shaken up but fortunately neither were injured. • ' • PERSONALS LOCAL AND GENERAL Mr. Geo. Champion has moved to Prestoji Sale of Tioys' Suits at Isard's on Satinday at ite per gent discount. Progressive Dance and Euchre in the,Wing-hain Armouries on Hallow- een night, Tuesday, Oct 3Ist. Councillor A. E, Lloyd has return- ed from a business trip -to the Halley. bury District which was recently swept by fire. Mr Lloyd tells us that press reports can scarcely be exagger- ated as to the terrible condition of afe fairs in that part of New Ontario, Hear M. Cameron Geddes, the famous haritene; in the Wingham Methodist church, on Sunday and Monday evening This Wednesday afternoon:will be the last, weeklyhalf holidays. Busi- ness places in Winghatn will be open all week in future. . Isesd's have opened up anothet.. shipment of Men's and Boys' Over- coats. Sec thee -a for Brutalise. We are sorry to report that Mr. 'Currie Wilson- had the misfortune to fall and 1113015 his some leg just as he was beginning to get around nicely. Page and Shaw's Chocolates, the candy paed by the British Royal fam- ily and not too good for you, Sold only at Mitchell's Drug Store, oppos- ite ,Brunswick Hotel. It .is not necessary to make any comment on the big picture, "Oyer the Hill," .November end., 3rd. and 4th. You will be lucky if you get a seat at the low Price of 30 cents at the Lyceum Theatre. Regular $35.0o Standard Pattern Dineer.Sets, on salefor$2e.5o.-R. S. McGee. Hot Fowl Supper followed by a splendid entertainment in the Wing - ham Methodist Church on Monday evening, October 3oth. I bl EL-- 1.1 II1T1 The biggest bargains ever offered'in Drcig Store eliandise /10. W being given by the United . Drug' Co. at our store. Ifillingi1014114111. 11)Nylli$111 Soaps, Stationery, Perfumes, a Toilet Articles of all kinds, Remedie's,'Chocolates, etP, - W'inetharn, Ont. 11E111111111181111111161111111111 ibtjon's: J)ro Thas. 4.seeeesee....ereer-oreareasa &ere , , Plitope 3e, 1111111111111111)111N1111111111/11131111 1111111 II 111111111 Board Of Trade Banquet ' f en's Institute will act as caterers at The Wingham Branch of the Wom-1 Large Sailing Vessel Tossed On Shore i the Board. of Trade lencheon which In Ashfield will be held in the Armouries on the evening of Friday, November 3rd, Mr. BOAT WRECKED John R. Shaw, President of tie Can- A few autmsts from this viebnity adman Furniture Manufacturers, Ltd, went to Lake Huron on Sunday et We are very pleased to learn that of Woodstock, Mr. Jas. Nicholson, M. see the wrecked boat which Was toss - Mrs. Thomas Gray has J•eturned from P. of Kincardine, and Mayor Andrew ed on shore on Friday night at the ' 'Victoria Hospital, London, where she Malcolm of Listowel are the speakers. foot of the e211). con. of Ashfield. It sraccessfully underwent a most critical operation for cataract.- She can now see to read quite clearly. We •are glad_ to welcome back to our tOW-n, former citizens, Mr. and Miss, Berniee Brewley •spent the Mrs. C. VanNortnan; who moved to weekend in 'Wroxetete. - . ' ' a`:': Brussels some time ago. 4 They are , Mies ei:11anche Irwin spentlast Wed-. now Iiiiing in the:house until ,recently riesday with Teeswater friends, occupied y i r, _ . J. 1/ alker. " . Mrs. Thos. Foai3es of Wirigham, Progressive Euchre and Dance tut- . visited with Morris friends ove -he der. the :auspices of the Wingham eub- division of the Catholic Women's. weeke-nd. League, in Winghani Armouries, on - Ate J: H ,. Finley 13as gone to Sar- Wednesday; October 2eth. Cards from nia, where he has acceptedaa position 8.50 o'clock sharp to 10.30. Lunch will as moulder. • • be served. Towne's' Orchestra, Ad- miesion 50 cents. Mee O. V. Smith, wife .and eon; of Kitchener; are renewing acquaintances "Wingham. . • Mrs. • Irwin,' Delmore, spent the week -end with her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Jackson. Mr: • ThoS. Netterfield of • Sher: bourne, Quebec, is rebelling old • ac- quaintances- in town. Mrs, Adams, John St., has returned home after visiting with her son, •W, C, Adams of Hamilton, Mrs. j. 0, 'McGregor is visiting with acquaintances .at • Sarnia and other points bit that Aistrict. • leired jack Radford- and family of Belenepee spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. end Mis. A. VanAlstyne. Mrs, Alex. Moffat of Blueyale, -vis- ited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Elliott Whitechurch, Eastern Star; Heron Chapter, No. over the weeke-nd. • . 8O, are holding a Progressive' Euchre and Dance in the Wingham Armouries on Hallowe'en night, October 31.81. Tickets 50 cents. • Mr. Tiarold Showers and Miss Eva Hayles, were married in London on Saturday, October 14th. The young couple have taken up their residence in the apartments in, the Bell Block, Josephine St., North, Their many friends wish them every success. Hot•Fowl Supper and entertainment in Wingham Methodist church. on Monday evening, October 3oth. Sup- per served from 5.30 tai 8 o'clock. Ad- mission 500 and 250 The Superintendent' and Staff of. time Wingham General Hospital wish to convey their thankseand appreciet- iOn to all these who .sb Willingly hitlp- cd on the afternoon and evening of October 2oth., or in any way contrib- uted to the success of the Graduating Ex-ercises, Mr.. and Mrs, W. R. :Davidson end .sota: Allen, of -Morningtota motored tip on Saturday and Visitedawith her prreente, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, S: king, Turn berry: Miss Henrietta Foxton 'returned to her home in Culross on Saturday night; alter spending"a few enjoyabie months 'With ,lier Sisters and brothers in the )Veat. .Nutse Helen Wilson has returned to het ditties at :Kingston and Nurse Jessie Wilson has returned to her dut- ies at Vancouver, after visiting at the home, of their fathet;:l\tfr. Gavin. Wil- son. • 3,61th (Meet.) Rogers of De - 11 bit visitieg at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Rogers. • We are • sorry to, report that Mae. Rogers is at -present ' in very, poor health. - " The 'delegates fttem Winghein Meth- odist Sunday School to the Methodist Sunday' School:Conference held . in Toronto this "Week are, Mr. •Fraek Howson, ,Mrs. Dixon: ayat Barber. • - ' ReV. Rintotil of Kinn-Mtn-0a are. visitieg With the lats ter's parents,. Am Da; end 'Mrs., Per- rie it the manse. Mr. Rhitoal took chis go of the services itd St ;Andrews, church ,t) 0 S en day • nio rnings ' Wingham Horticultural Society Memberships for 19.23 are Pow being taken: $1.00 subscription entitles you to privileges of menibershiP and ao Iltilbs free, Also the advantage of being able. to purchase all descrip- tions of bulbs and plants at cost,' Alt lovers of flowers witother resideate of \Vingliam ot the country: are ;wel- come. The Society has in view the eni- iiloyinent of a landscape gardener lot- neediately and all desirions of. con- sulting this expert 'kindly notify Mr. CO -e, 'the Sectetarer phone ir with g, waren duvetyn hat to matelt, ' 1411 101111 , "Impressions of the great Conven- tion" will be the subject of Rev.. Mr. Harris, who is attending the :Baptist Convention at Toronto this week, at the Baptist church next Stinday morn- ing:, Rev. 'Mr. Dingman, former pas- ter at Wingham, is expected to preach: next Sunday evening. : Hear yourself as others hear you By Means of the Kodisk record you.. can Make a record of your Own, using. any dise gramophone. Send'a mes- sage to sotne distant friend, they can hear•it in your trern voice. Two Sizes 5o0 encl.:1;1-.0o. Sold only at Mitchell's Drug Store, opposite Brunswick Hotel. J= Read -Kennedy: Nuptials • , A meeting of delegates from the Boards of Trade in several of the neighboring towns will discuss hydro matters in the Town Hall at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Gives Nobly to Fire Relief was a two -masted sailing vessel,about, fifty feet in iertigth. Thowners, Mr„. and Mrs. Bert Moore, of Saginaw,, Mich., were returning from then -sun -ie., iner home up the lakes when caught itt a wild storm, and they were forced to their life preservers and boats and in response to a telegram fromn the. were Knee picked isp ,by a freighter Rev. Dr. Chown, asking for a coneri- 'near Alpena, Miele Mr. Moore is a bution toward the fire stricken suffer- champion swimmer and a noted . ers of New Ontario, the members and adherents of the Methodist church in sportsman. The boat was tossed 'ale Jnoste straight across the lake and is Wingham gave $280.0o. The cheque -I now it total wreck. atitti;ybeotlwCeeobl th trooubrei\dfiestthriob to was forwarded to the Rev. George claistttdniei -Lake a number of the Smaller trinkets Mr. Finley AcLennan and, his sisa ter, who reside nearbYe were 4-.*ed- isters located in the lire- sweet area,. and valuable articles, including cloth - with the reseevation that a special su 1 es, marriage certificate, i•ings, etc., to their home to keep safe for them. The customs officials from Goderich took charge of the remaining articles, The boat is so badly wracked that' Mr. Moore ha.s decided it is not worth taking -away. of $3o.00 be given the Rev, Mr. Spen- cer of Hailebury tosvardthe re -roofing of the Methodist -church of that city. This sum will be supplemented by 11. contribution front the San day School later. Re -Opening Services At Eadies The re -opening services of Eadies Presbyterian church will he held on Sunday, October 29th. Rev. W. f. Women's Institute Meeting . The Wingliam Theinch of the Vrde West of Dunnville, will preach at 11. men's lustitute. held their regular a. in. and 7 p. ni. Ou llowing 'Monde y evening monthly meeting on Thursday, Oct the fo the congregation will serve a fowl teth.,, in the council chamberfortle- supper from 6 until 8 cdclock, after one members being present. A dele- gation from the I3oard of Trade inter- viewed the ladiesdn regard to provide the fowl supper at their banquet, which they intend holding' in the Ar- mories, on Friday, liens. ard. After considerable discussion it was decided to do so. At the close 'of the busi- eess meeting it short program was giv- 511, consisting of papers by Mrs. Greet - and -Mt s. McGIII, and instrumental duet by the Misses Taylor and Currie. Luncheon was then served and a soc- ial half hour spoilt. which an entertainment will be given in the church, tonsisting of a good musical program and also addressee by the following speakers, Ma. • j: W. Ring, M. Rev. W: J. West, Rev. Dr. Perrie and Rev. C. N.- McKenzie. Admission 50 cents. Children 25 cents. P, bioDougall, C. Tait, • Secretary, Pastor. Regular $35.00 Standard Pattern Dinner Sete, on sale for $27,50.---R. S. .McGee. Walt( 44.4. 111531111111110111 11 nonotnginn in in 11111111113111111111, 1111,1111k11111111111 111E111 I The metriage took place oil = daY, October 24th., of Margaret Eva, (Gretta), datigliter ot the late James Price Kennedy, M. D., and Mrs. Ken- nedy of Wingham, and Walter Welton Read, M. T)., son or the late, Herbert Hnntington Read, itr. D., and Alt's. Read' of I-talirax, 'Nova Scotia. The. 'bride, who was given away by her uncle, Dr. S. !M. Kennedy or London, is it draped gown of ivory, satin crepe &al -Meese, Her •veil was of old Spanish lace...I-ter court train was lined withpale pink .georgette and waS held, at the-shottlders by little buckles of pearls and calt cuptal. Her botigteet was of ,white reeve, 'orchids anct valley lilies. • The drawing room where the cere- mony was held was detorated with snillak and yellow and white„chrysan- thentutn. The diningl.room was done in sweetheart roses and 'valley IWO% The RCM: Alfa Ifeldeod of Toronto, of- ficiated, Followings the reception the bride and groom left on a short motor trip before leaving .for their home In Durban, Manitoba. The bride 'l travel,. ling in a suit of brown Harris Tweed bltt WE No woman that has proier regard for her health cares for the appeararide of her shoes Will ev- er be without one or twe pairs Otkabbers Our Womeres Rubbers have the right shape in every' carve, they are made to preserut • 'style ofshoes. Light, Medium.or Low Ieleels; Narrow, Medium or wide Tots.. Colors, Black or Dark trowns. .00 $1..25 Et IVfIiiN, W0M11N OR CI31DRLN AV g RUBBERS, 16.0.4 Al(*Ty IP 4001 af 0101111110045011 Ai!) Hi: