HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-10-12, Page 371, 'Thu claY1 October reth., , SIIIIIIIIIP110111111111N111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111k1111101111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111 ' . GLENANNAN - Dom inion' ' t)reg Limited" - connection ,tivith the ,T3rtird (trait). ' The nten ,..are ,doing great work in r---' . • • S •t • . MrS. All)ert Garnier and baby vi's- ill The Chain GroeleY Stores of Calilada-Wham, (int. se; Miss Mabel Stolcps, ited one day last, week \vitt' her friend, Miss HaMilton of the Wingliam High School Staff, spent the week -end Chocolates '....39c ,lb. , with licr friend, Miss Mabel Gilkinsori, ?) - 1\irs. A. Gamier and baby liav,e re - 1 turned to their lionie at Windsor. Much symprit bY•Is extended to Mr, and Mrs. Retilien" Appleby in the.less of their -infant son,"ws Aionday, Oct- ober the 9111, yVillard's Windermere , HAMS' - 9.3c ib.' ROLLED OATS. Ei lbs. • SPANISH ' . ONIONS 4 lbs. ese. 10 1,bs. 75c. AR 100,1 fit CHOICE• PEAS natins aac. ' • ' - 1111 s. 1 AYLMER . - TOMATOES Special Blend TEA' • 49njb. SLICED 1 Q,ITEEN e.BACON 1 OLIVES 'agc lb. . 1 63c quart. 1Special Blend COFFEE'" , 43c lb. 2'in I.,Shoe PoIith, tins 2 C While Saito PASTRY FLOUR, 24 ib. bag ...,89e , * „ reo •Storet in Ontario -Canada's Larg- est etetaii'Greeert: ' iliellIalliMill91111L111111111111E11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111*1011111111111111111111i11111111111111 , THE CHURCH :EVERYWHERE /* By B. of E. EP".".-44,-;46-01`esseeere-e.seaae- Mr: Ernest Gordon, sCin and biographer. of the great Boston. 33aptist Minister, the Tate ;Dr. A. j. ,Gordon, has been secured to Write',,a monthly sufvey �Nthe ' Religious Life , aid Thought of the world for a leading American paper. In his yotinger days .removett-mouutains"" in. his own strug- gle for an ecitication. and now -hasthe faith and'perseverance to abccineplis h li 'seca work. His career has . been'striking. He was converted in the Welsh. revival under Evan Roberts. As..an ignofant miner; he .bean .,.ex - hotting in. the county churches until he applied , to ,the Wesleyans to be lee- ceived as prqbationee. ,Being reject- -ed he. took a iiiissien in tbe Canadian North= West under the Congregati•otiel Church. -.Cnenter College be went t� the United, States_ --and by a hard ne became fantails for bis'' b°61's struggle won n degree frOnn Coltifeibia gainst .the else- of 'alcohol and his ac- College, New York. He -also 'did his tivity on behalf Of prohibition,. The bit in the .wai.... ever Strain impaired his health vehicla 'Th gin ,.. Sir-WI:Him:it Wilcocks,Lthe great en.- .. , . , • , . 1ed him and his, mother to tour the eer,• ,who is at the head -of the. ir- ' e, seighteen en'Oriths olcl daughter warld. 'This, gave him excellent op- of 'Mr.' and Ales. Harold Cormack had riga.tion enterprises in Egylit. and Met- a narrow ese,-ape from drowhing when portunity, to indulge his fine linguistic •opotamia. has lately bad A, deep relic --she fell iritcean old well on their farm gifts, so that he is now fammar with all the European tongues. With this iotts 'experience Avhich has sent him iFa' Brant toWnship,',',a' short distance advantage he will endeavor to discern forth in.ore z.ehlous for evangelization frorn Paisley, on .,Tuesday afternoon. what G-Od is doing in the world a.t of the natives than the dredging of The child -was inissing only a short large and interpret the same for the channels' for rivers, to bring life:Le-the.tirrie and when,a search was made ,she deserts. c,'The repor-t states that he is was discovered 'floating on' the top reading public .,. Sadliu Sunder Singh, the strange but spendg inall his. time 'and., income to of the water in an tinused/well near Gliristlike mystic of India, is...now leg- Publish 'Christian literature ie the col- the been, The deed's' 'father jampaci . '.- , , , ioquial Of the imoe peoPle. a-- - • -in - to the Well, -in Which -there, was -wringin Europe. For Years hehas 35 aenpunced , high caste and wealth, 'Consecrated organization in aacharge feet of water and succeeded'in getting meeting..with the most cruel persec- Wings splendid' reiults., , Trinity_ Un- ilen child -mit.," Dr. Tucker. of Paisley ntion from his relatives, in order that . . itecl Evangelical church .of 'York Pa., was at the scenesof the. accident with- , ,r. , he might follow, Jesus Chriat and iffili hp.s tts 875 gnembeas, on tip toe td ser-, ,iii 'five- nainutes. Life -was almost -ex.: t,a,te „.. Him in His simple life ,while vice. The -Sunday School, with i3oo' tinct, the pulse having-- stopped beet - preaching the Gospel.' His father, is PenthFr..8 ,h.m.eve.ry department , work- ',nig- and took an hour. mad a half also aaconvert 'now.' He has already mg veitle a Ay, ns.,, A sturdy' of, the. Mot.:...' 9f artificial resp'eratirm to restore the tos opens time secret of ••ila •. success'. delivered an address in the Great Hall Parents See Child Killed .. The thir"teen mouths old child of Mr. and Mrs.- John Wallace of thp • second -Concession 'of; Xlinto, was run over and killed by a big gasoline mot- or truck before the eyes of its mother and father' and a dozen...helpers at.sifo- filling. Archie Wilkin, the dri-ei, climbed to the truc1e from the right side and did not notice the baby tod- dlc.in the path of the left hand wheel; An inquest was deemed unnecessary. Rotted By The Ton ' Peaches- by the..ton, are rotting on the trees In the Niagara peninsul and owners are 'licking 'onlY the choi est fruit..Ineone. orcha:rd thotisan4i)srce'ts were allowed to g to waste and that condition Prevail's' generally iranhe' fruit belt The leek of labor and the•low PiaCei with: the uncertainty of a Market " ls''respbri- sible.• What a _commentary this is on. oureeonoinicssysteni. Thonsancis of people in Northern Ontario and the Northwestern , provinces; and. even in Our cities. in' the ea.ale, would, be glad to have ills fruit; but our tranaporta- eion facilities, along with our laboy and financial Systeing, 'render it im- possible -through the cost' being made .paohibitive. Find Babe In Well THE WINGHAM ANE Parish Hall At DuPgannon On Wednesday evening of last week at 4. p. in,„ there assembled a go'OdlY crowd at the .,basernent of the new pariSh hill in Dungannon to witness the laYing of the new corner stone by -John Joynt, F,, for North Huron. Mr. Joynt; being the first speaker, expressed his pleasure at be, ing Present on such an important oc- casion. He. reviewed the progresS that had been made since the pioneer. days. and the possibilities in store for men -and women vvith a broad vision. He, considered. that the building in operation would be a lasting raonu- anent to those who' made the effort to erect it, and would be of great tie, not only to the 'church but to the community, Mr. George Spotton of Winkham, spoke at lerigth in aavery eloquent and pleasing manner, • Rev. pastor o fh la sHitcki cll. a Pite,was p ais l'et.a ?r,si °ermerert and Spoke briefly, Rev. W. Hawkins of Elyth'alio took part in the'leere- monl. At the conclusion' of the spe'al- ing, lunch was served. A. Splendid Orchard The GoderichStar says -A stroll thronghe.the apPler orchard,, of Ken - a neth Cameron, 1et -VV-awanosh, was c_ one of the pleastmes lay the Star man, 37, while in that 'neighborhood lately. 0 That nine acres of -well-pruned and of the League of Nations at Geneva • and has spoken at Keswick Eng. His influence both in Europe anclAsia, at this time ofunrest will be fair peace. He FS -returning to Tibet. • St. Johns Ruthening Church; Ross - The seniors have `.`Win in tbeina'eme• by one," the juniers, "Fan'alte map and woman of tomorrOw,'„' the Mus- ical Board, `1'.Ma1ee -a joyful 'noise Unto, the 'Lord"; old 'Nehemiah's- fambliS tekt as a. general raotfde 'I 'anedoing- great,: work . and I, cann'ot :conk burn, Man; is an enthusiastic body,of 'a down." ..., •-• . , a; , • , .',, ". people., ' Their minister, Rev. T. I3ey; ' s a native, ,of, Austria, and thus in • Notes; .in,...far-• off Peace'River, 'AIL „every way is, ablest° aninister to them. hertat t.11 -el:,' ,!s'' a,lread3/.'enmis'il Pres - At a recent anniversary of the, eaegee_ byterian .-,rami.stere tea -loam a ',Presby- g,ation he was assisted by Rev., J. A. terY. ,Metlielr ineetlitgalive'..stud'ent's coarnid; superinfenderit of missions in who hadabe,pa UP9iis misaioll. fields, the Province, who shared ie. the' splens' reported' an encoitraging.Suinthei, :The' did ..rneetinge on Sunday and in Che Forward ,Movernent is keeping - pace s6cial gathering held' during 'the fols with the rest of the 'church: Rey. ' W,. lowing week. , .. , , , M. Grant, Editiontona tieing the sPee- - Rev: J. H. Ratcliffe, D, D., has retir- 'al speaker. In Japan, 'Mr.. Kob,aYashi ed from active ministry of First Pres- a member : of the Methodist' Taber-, . hYteriae 'Church, 'St. Catherines. He is nacle, Tokio, has preseiatecrthe fine , still in. good health- insplie O'f forty- home 'which his grandfather' iiiiecl.ill, six years seivice..in the Church,, thirty. ° be '-.1ed• a....a alniss!e!la-i3' ,ceilit'es , seven OE -Which were .spent in the fine . A,- Canecliah minister: en 'a ,Iiike„ loyal eongregation iri which he has through, England, was , a tirred at 'sees, just given...his resignation. In eyery Mg. the fiage iii ''. Claes fet-, : Cathedral, way he., sta.ii:cls ,amon.g the choice souls which, covered 'the-bedY of qeheral of the 'church, having been in student 7V-olfe when ' he fell -at,' Q'tieb.ect' It days a prominent inanin Toronto Uri- belongs to the .cofors of the. clieShire _ iversity and later ntta•Kmax -College. Regiment. Dr.. CoclY, 'Frit:onto,' who PBS, intereat. in • missions has -always has been in England, believ:es that the ._heen keen and his people. -were led. to "old country" will yet come through - . . . , . .. -. . . -, , . . . respond. - Fuethernioreg he has main- her difficulties as . the' first nation in tan -led a taste for the , lausine.ss*:"of I the world for . religion and wealth.. church courts, where. he was regulara Bishop Garland confirmed forty-four in `attendance and in his "own syno,d' prisoners at the Eastern penitentiary' the trusted clerk. It was 'a recogni-a in the United ' Stats. Among them tion of his worth in the Geneeal AS -d were. fourteen women. . The' claSs• sembly when at thet'last nieeting' his.: were' prepared by ,a clergy -triad of the name was proposed as moderatorgThis: City Mission. , Dr. F. W., Norwood' in he declined to stand for, giving way to .i a rousing sermon iit the City Temple, his younger brother, Dr. -W. ' J. Clark,. London, on the ation'of the churches. -who was 'elected without opeoeita0n,„ to. destroy war replied to. the critic Appleby-tnit ‘gAtr,h.berrk, on Ifoli'daY, The slogau .of the New York Tent wile Was 'afraid. that denominational October gtif., lb Mr. and Mrs. Rens Evangelisin is "Wc take the church to bars might be too Suddenly laid down ben T. Appleby, a'son.---Donald Al - the people and bring the People to the 'by the following blunt phrase, "Pleaae church." During "the seventeen years I let God look after Ilims.elf for awhile." of its Work, it has literally' fulfilled its i Dr, 'Lyon Harold- Hough; a leading. policy. From ONC tent centre 1,022 per- iliCt110diSt Ministetain Detroit, Mich,, sons haVe, been brought . into church took- the General Conference in Tor - collection. Its best work has been a onto by' storm, ha hia address, hearing kind 9f' clearing hOuse for the immi- .greeting from the „Methodist EpTscops grant, ,Thus, because 't., eyserts friend- al Church North to Canid.ian.11,1.,etho- ly infidericea upon thein -before they distil. -• . . scatter inland a national 'service has been. rendered. One of its suEcesSes, • • Card Of Thanks . has been to convert a club of. red -Soc- ialists, Which is now a Gospel' meet- Mrs. A. C. Brandon wishes to thank ing. For most ol this -long .period the many friends and neighbors for Rev, Dr. Arthur J. Snaidt has been their ' kind assistance &ming., her secretary.. a •• mother's recent illness. • Mrs. Brandon Zionism .las- foetid. a Sure' base iit was 'forineily-MiSs Phciebe 13loomfield, the recent British Mandate • which •. . , guaranteed a national home in Pale- cil of the 'League of Nations in ',I-ona -, .dom., Lcarda Balfour made an historic AlID ...;',FROM,,, AN stifle to -the. Jews, At the late Cone- • 'speech On behalf of the Decla.ration, The new constitution for Palestine • -, have their; religions interests adminis-' different' 'groups of inhabitants will -OPERATION the hoine of. Mr: alicl'alVIrs. Thos. Ain, '' Mrs.aE, Aitcheson was a' visitor at , is now being; promulgated. By it, the UC NOW tered from within,' hence the „Legal eliesOn. on Sunday. •.. . ' • igions affairs to be transferred from ..,' ' "Fruitu-tii0S" 00111•08fiely . .. Misses Edythe and Phemie Irving • spent a. few days in London. ,- Secrttaey has ordered all Jewish rel - the 'Molsem ,courts to the Chief Rab- .r. as. Barnby and Mr. ja's.. Ir- binate. . Warm „votes of thank -s have ', Rekeyed Me- , -lying. motored to Eugenia' Falls last, -been passed. the Jews of many nat- • g928 UNION ST., VANCOUVERs B.C. week and visited with Several ,olgthe ions to the pronninciat 'Gentiles, who latter's sehool chums around Port El - "I suffered with all the symptoms . . have agreed linen this decision. Lord ' Balfour Premier Peincare, ahd Presi- of Fenarde trouble, with chreiqc Conan!. Mr, and Mrs. W. Hill and Miss dent Harding are eapecially praised. patio° n and constant Headaches'. Iliad Katlileen,, sperit -a few days with They ,look upon this privilege aa the pains low down in the back and sides 'friends at Niagara. greatest boon aiitce 'their disperSion Dr. J. F. M,ackenzie made a motor' of the' body. A. 'doctor advised me tO' 18ao yeaaa ago, .•„„, • trip up frorn, Detroit and was here A young Welshman' has surptise.d lfave ari. operation. .00 Fair' Day. Pre and his wife and Ike "F.athers and' Brethren" of the Ittarted taklng ' 'Fria f-aatiyes• " and • alaugatar, reCently trettuned 'f.rom a --Presbyteriau church in Ohio. The this medicine has complete/3r Tailcoat/H. trip to 'California •and other. places Divinity School at Wooster in that me. of all my Misery and siifferieg, • coi. the Pacific Coast, ` state, was badly in need , of. endow= "i2arafraa of pain and headaelie,a and ' ;merits but high' taxation and dull tim- es in the country caused, the College Board to hesitate putting on g can- vass. A young preacher, lIfr: R. A. BaShalh„ bowever, was •ma,cle manager of the ' campaign and $1,003,obo have beer/ given 10 place the„ institution a good financial basis: It is „ case or a 'mars, \Ole, f irst, "by faith , 'The Jewish New Year Beginning at sunset last Friclay.ancl continuing until sundown on Satur- day., Rosh, Hoshanala, popularly knovvn asth‘e Jewish New Year, was cele- bi'ated in eynagognes the ewprld over. Ambag the more orthodox, a' second. day, Sunday, September 24th,'ii obe served as scrupulously as the first day. This "holiday is regarded by the Jews as one of the two- most Isignifidant holy days of their 'faith. It ranks with the Day of Atonement which falls due io days latee.. The occasion init- iates the -ceremonial calendar of the Hebrew faith and is interpreted in a purely spiritual sense. Unlike the sec- ar, year, whieh is designated to mark time, Rosh Hoslaanah is an occasion for each member of the fellowship of Israel to` put himself in harmony with God and fill his soul with new and Vetter resolvea for guidance in the future -• BORN Blackhaiii-in Gladstone Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, October -arida to IVIr. and Mrs. Clarence Black- • ball, atee_pi si son and daughter - David and Ruth. ' • Wingham, 00 Satur.day, October 7111., t� Mr. and Mrs. Percy • Harrit, a son -William Richard', c Gee -L -1n MO liras, on Tuesday, 0 ct- • mobc'eGr-,030r,d...,•• to Mr. 'and Mrs, fas, H. a daughter;' , - DIED, ApplebY-In Turnberry, on Monday; October etta, 1922 ,the infant son " of Me. and Mrs. Reuben T. Apple- by. ' * MISS FLAPPER'S REPLY Blessings on thee little gent, With thy last half dollar spent, Buying cigarettes and gum, My, you must have lots of fun, And" thy lip made blacker, still, With. that moustache like a frill, And thy, red nose reddened more, Down behind the cellar door: -Always _must be in a whirl, • Glad theeI,Was borna girl. 11, the terrible Constipationj and what saved. Me is the fruit medicine, "Fruit -at -fives." Madam A& GORSC. 50e a Ilex, 6 for $2.50, trial4size 25e, At dealers or sent postpaid by ?ruifa-tivr$ Limited, Ottawa, WHITECHURCHT jas, "Wilson, son of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Wilson, • iS at presetit Vety 111 with pnetfinonia, Mts, Roy Shortland and sister, Miss Lottle, of Kenilworth, are viaiting at the honie of Mr, and Mrs, Petet Leaver.' aa. pleritafully, sprayed -apple trees have for a number -of years been *ari. out- standingfeature of this part of ,Ont- ario.' •Wide avenues .between the rows gives amPle air space. Most of the trees- are so heavily laden that Mr. Cameron has had to place about one thensand props under the limbs. The ,frait is full-sized, despite t'he' "heavy 'bearing-, is reinarkably clean, and cola airing well. It is expected there -will be about one thousand barrels -of the- choiceefruit. The various varieties are in rows, and to see the laden brancbes, many cases hanging so low as to touch the grass-ccsvered ground, as certainly a -treat A Neat Toronto, Lawn The Tot -onto Telegram gives the following note,referring to Jas. Bow- man, ex -M, p., formerly of this vici- nity: -Two weeks ago St. Clair ,and District' • Business --Men's Associatidn appointed 'a special committee to in- spect the front lawns and general ap- pearance of. houses on the Hill. The list of. 52, which Were considered best is as follows: -B ishop Strachan • School; W. T. Banfield, sr Wells Hill Ave.; Ja.meS Bowman, 131 Northcliffe _Blvd.; Dr. Byron Camikella Lauder and it oseinount; Dominion Bank, Duf- ferin -and St. 'Clair; Earlseourt Public Library, Duftsrin St,. Ea.r1scOurt Fire -Hall, Ascot and Eariscourt; Hillcrest School, Bathurst St.; John Henderson, Pinewood and St. Clair; C. E. - Hos- hall, Westrnount and Regal Road; Miller Beds., Lauder Aye. The nam- es are given iri alphabetical oider, but next -year the committee ewili name . theme in order of merit, with prizes for the first- three. Although back- yard gardens were not considered, the committee reported that James" Bow- man, 131 Northcliffe Blvd,, ha a one of the 'finest in the district. is Now a Healthy Boy "From a puny, delicate child, my, little Johnny has .become a strong sturd3r boy." Alone mother writes :--"If you . had seen my little Johnny four months ago and you were to see him' to -day, you would never believe that be is the same • boy. Then -he weighidon1y'49 pounds. ['o -day he weighs 90 pounds, almost double what he weighed four months ago. His trouble first started with a golclawhich.-ive never noticed because he was strong and like all boys of his age occasionally caught cold. After a while we began to notice that his cough, instead of getting better, was getting worse, that' he, was loolcing pale and losing ,weight. He eeemed to be tired • all the time, had noenergy to do any- thing. 'Before he eanght this,cold he had no, trouble %with his lessons and • reinMilecl at the head of his class without much study, Rut we began to notice a change; He didn't seem to care whether he knew his lessons or not and nothing seemed to ifiterest him. 1-1"e coughed so much and so hard at times that his f aee woul dbeconi e eurple au d we though•t be would surely burst a blood. vessel. Medicines and cough mixtures didn't do him any good. Pinally, in despera- tion and as a last reaort, we tried Carziol, IntS short time his.cough had alinoet disappeared. His appetite was return- ing and he was beginning to take an interest in his studies. And, thanks to Carnal, he has become as strong ancl. healthy as lid has ever been," Carnal is sold by your druggist and if you can 'conscientiously say, after you have tried it, that it has'nt dente you any food, return the empty bottle and he will refund your money. 1-122 J. Walton IVIcKibbon 4BITI,NMOIMMO.Nolstlfel...11.111•4r16.010.14.11100,1116,0e111.4 MISS BESSIE ABELL • Will be pleased to receive pupils in pianoforte. • Miss Abell is teaching under the directioe of Harry T. Dick- inson, Organist and Choirmas- ter, St. Pauls Cathedral, London and conductor of the Loudon Choral Society, and who -will come up periodically to teach and examine the Terms and particulars from MISS BESSIE ABELL Phone zed.' At Mrs. Crandell's; Edward St. AI VIN Vox, D, C., D 0. • Chiropraete Hours2 to5, a to 8 p.m, ,Phen Wingbarra, ' A REAL INDEPENDENT Read what VVni MtDonald, fOrmer Liberal I-nen-16er fOl. Centre 13r'4ee.Ibas to say about John Joyati the con- servative member .for .1-10,rop in the Provincial Parliament. "We have often heard it stated that, there is no such thing, as "Independ- ence" in polities, that the term sounds all right from ahe platform by candi: dates for Parliainentary honorsf'but it doesn't work out ili practical "polifies, We believe it does and that John joy - et, M. P, P., for North' Pluaon is a clar-cut independent even though he IN *as nominated at a Conservative cell,- 1111 vention,- JOhn is a great admirer of • Premier ,E)ruaY and used his influ- .1111 mace to have him come up and open Wirigharn Fair. John has voted for Premier Drury's Goarerninent oftener than he has voted' against it and he ire will Support any measure the Liber - 'ale bring up if it corm/lends- itself to in his judgment and his judgment is 511 generally right. Yes; -we would clasa- 'HY John as an Inclepericlent even though_ he did come under the tape in EA the three-cothereclarace on Oct. 20th., 19xg-with a Conserrvative tag on. , We consideralohn Joynt's conrse iii the Legislature for the 'last three Years in. -titles him to acclamation at the general election isr am. Even if -they felt inclined the Conservatives can't afford to turn John Joynt down. No other member of that party could hold the riding. If the U. F. 0. de- cide, to oppose him the Most indep- endent of the rank and file among- the Progressives will stand by him. The Liberal's can't •win' the riding in -any event and John has lots of friends in that party who will vote for him. The Progressives and Liberals have been accused of having an understanding with each other but with John Joynt M. P. P., it is a case of the sitting member having the good will of both the Conservatives and Progressives with an' element of the Liberals 'dis- posed to be friendly too. It is quite a -unique situation. We doubt if there is another like it in. the whole prov- ince, ,1 rr‘i X filiONIBBOW ORININAIWOIWASISIN ' Leaving party affiliations to one side, and there is all together too much partyism in Ontario politics for the •-Legislature./ is only a big 1 -County Council after all, John Joynt is deser- ving of re-election on his war record.' When a lot of monied men were look- ing for shell contracts and were prol- iteers first and patriots afterwards, John Joynt was shelling out money frorn his baak account in generous contributions ''to the Red Cross and other worthy causes to win the war until he had the honor of being -the largest contributor in Bruce County, for though John Joynt fepresents the riding adjacent to him he is a resident of Lucknow and represented the vil- lage of Lucknow in Bruce County 'Council only a few years ago. Re has made good in the Legislature and is deserving of acclamation. •Let him have the honor and he'll spend the money, hig election would cost in some worthy, charitable cause- M big riding. BRUSSELS An arrangement has been entered into between Brussels Council and the • County Roads Commission to resur- face the main street here, both north and south, with crushed stone. Work has been commenced arid the crusher has been placed in the old limestone quarry, below the mill dam. Brussels business men have agreed to continue the weekly half -holiday on Thursday afternoon through the month of October this year, • The anntial teachers' convention of East Huron will be held M the town hall, Brussels, on Thursday and Fri- day of. next. week. A concert is to be held on the -evening of the first The propeffY on John St., owned by S. Carter and occuPied by Mrs. Willis, has been purchased by Wm. Pope, who recently arrived from Eng- land. Houses to rent in Brussels are almost a thing of the past.. 13runels continuation school literary society has been re-orcrigiaieniBzedaHafioary-ntleie season, with the following officers: A; Honorary president, Rev. F C. . Clarke; President, Vice -President, Cecil Hall; Secretary - Treasurer, Kenneth Ferguson; Piae- ist, Edna Brown, Presbytery Of 1Viaitland The presbytery of Maitland met on Thursday in Armows' for the ordina- 'lion and induction of Mr. A. C. Smith into the newly -formed charge of Ar - mow and Bervie. Mr. Smith is a recent graduate of Knox college, Dr. D. 3?errie of Winghain, presided. The sermon was preached by Rev. C. G. Jones of Belgraye, the address to the minister was given by Rev. G, Gomm, of Pine River and the charge to the 'congregation was •given by Rev. F, C. Overerld of Kincardine. • Greetings fecen the Presbytery of f3ruce. were conveyed by Rev. N. R. D. Sinclair, of Tiverten, end Rev. Peter Reith of • A former aged pastor of the con- gregation, Rev. D. B. McRae, now re- tired and blind, was present and said a few words- • to the congregation, Which were, much appreciated, Rev. Ale Overend, retiring moder- ator, was presented with an address and.a purse of money by the united congregation in reeognition of his ser- vices driving the vacancy. At the elose of the aci•vice the ladies of the con- , gtegation aerated a dainty luncla to all present, Teeswater Fall Fait Teeswater, Fair • on Wednesday of last week was One of the best palely Agricultural Faits in Western Ontario. We thought we would have been able to publishad' list of the prize winners in, this isaue.but the secretary did not have. thent ready in time, An aceident occurred on Clintot Street about 6..30 when a Ford car gobig, sotith on Clinton street rat dowti Harry Pinnel Ai, the corner of James street at he. was crossing to the west, The tar did not stop but went on, Mr. Plinio/ was tarried Ira° Vergtison's the store mid medical at- tention was given hint. He was badly ahaken up but WAS hot seriously in- jured. A fiat et the price wirmera will pear in next weck'S m NAVY SERGES-Fine all wool Botany Serge, heavy suiting quality, ,a wonderful value at this low price, 54 in, wide at $.2.75 a yard. , NAVY GABERDINE -A beautiful -cloth for suits and dresses made from fine wool Botany yarns, navy blue only 54 in wide, Special $2.75 yd. SKIRTING G 0 0 D 5 --- Brown, blue and green En- glish tweeds in two tone s ors, sititable for skirts, etc., 56 in. wide, special $3.5o yd. DONEGAL TWEED 60 in. all wool Grey Donegal Tweed, a good heavY quality an for coats and suits, extra val- ue $3.oci a yard. 'SHEPHERDS PLAIDS -- Fine quality black ancl white 1.4 checks, special value 40 in. at 75c yard, extra width 54 in. at $x..5o Id a yard.' - PANORA CLOTH - Garnet Navy and Copen, a closely . woven all wool dress -goods with a crepe finish, 44 inches wide at $x.a5,,a. yard. - CASHMERES -Cream and Red, extra fine quality all wool 011 French Cashmere, an excellent' cloth for children's wear, 40 in. wide; special at $1.65 a yard. BLACK POPLIN -A silk and cotton poplin, fast color, a Eee good wearing and serviceable material for suits and dresses, made from fine silk yarns with cotton cord filling 38 in. wide, black Only SPecial at 6ec a yard. • SPECIAL VALUES IN NE'W FALL,HOSIERY, SILKS, CASH= 7 MERE AND HEATHERS. NEW GLOVES IN • CHA1VIOISETTES, SUEDES, CAPES. 041 -Produce Wanted 102 Seeds A Specialty, 33ELGRAVE Dr. and 1VIrs. Godfrey, Mrs. 'Hale, and son Carl mad .wife, of Toronto, called on friends in the village this week. Mr. Wade of Fordwich, is now in charge of his store which he recently purchased from Mr. Harry Hopper. Mr. and -Mrs. Thos. Scaudrett are, we are sorry to report under the doctor's' care. Still case Settled - The latter part of July an elaborate still was discovered in Culross town. - ship on the farm aof Sigmond Erie burger. As a result Frieburger was arraigned under the "Inland Revenue Act for owning and operating a still, He pleaded guilty when his case came before Police Magistrate C. A. Reid, of Goderich. Last week Magistrate • Reid ordered the accused te pay a fine of $4.00.00 and costs, amounting tei over $roo.00, for his misdeeds against the law. • Stafford Paisley, who Was associat- ed with Frieburger in the selling of the swamp whiskey, was fined Sepo.00 and costs. Provincial Officers W. T. Pellew rand A. Whitesides were instrunaental in the discovery of the still, with 700. gallons of mash on hand as well as complete up-to-date equipment for the manufacture of the illicit liquor.— Goderich Star. BLUEVALE Me. and Mrs. Cook of Belgrave, spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Thorn- ton. • Messrs. Jos. Underwood, Richard Johnston and F. Black each shipped. a carload of cattle to Toronto this iwesk. Rev. Mr. Holmes of Wroxeter, preached ort the Bluevale circuit on - Sunday last and gave a splendid ser - mom • Mr. John Spence passed away on Sunday evening after a few weeks ill- ness. The ,funeral was held on Wed"- nesday and was largely a,ttendecl. • Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church here next Sunday, October IStle, when Rev. T. C. Wilkinson will preach at II and 7,3o p. m. A special thank -offer- ing will be taken, The Sunday School for that y will be at p. in.ea Mrs, iJyell of Wingham, • visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Mowbray on Monday. 013000:0101.1=1[10.1.11,011111-01116. 7-Q9u. 01 i1441 "Pim ii'',160ft,R,Illrirrer, Titra Aq,10.01 A few doses of Ealsamea-and coughs and colds disappear coax- pletely. Balsamea loosens the phlegm and clears the lungs arid bronchial tubes. ALSAMEA, although powerful'• . in adtiott, Is free from all harm., ful. drugs. Children take it willingly - because it tastes good. . Relief guara.nteedor moneyrefundeda EIUY A BOTTLE TO.DA.Y, J. WALTON McKIBBON, Druggist, Wiagliam, Ont. MIME IMO Nti Tkt.‘„avl S ext 20 Donn Fleece Lined Hose, sizes alto to, to cleat 25c 1.)e xo Dozen Children's ryi and Winter Vests, to clear at. .. . .. 20 Dozen Heather Be, reg, x.00 on sale at spc /000 Balls of Wnol, all toloet, at - .. „ . , . , , juat arrived a riew line of Stamped Goods on sale at a° per eenta egt Very Special, to° otily, I8 inch Centers, White and Tan, while they last, 18c each or a fen.. . .. . ---------------------------------------------------. 350 Sale Of Miflinlry, zo per tent, off any Hat in the Store. Prices good for Friday and Satoaday 0 y, pair Kit itg