The Wingham Advance, 1922-10-12, Page 1Single Copies - Four Cents
VrY Large Lemon
Why bring lemons from southern
climes? Mrs. E. 'stud has 'a lemon
'tree which bore one of the largest
;lemons we have ever seen. It is new,
on display in The Advance window.
,and we have heard several peofile re-
mark with astoaishment, Why it's a
04 Sunday nex.t,• October I51.11., the
Rev. F. Anderson of Ontario St.,
,Cliaton, and chairman of Goderich
Disteict, will preach in the Methodist
•,church, morning and dvenings Rev.
Mr. Cragg will -be in Clinton conduct -
mg anniversary services.
Anniversary services.- Will be held
•in the Methodist church, VS7ingham, on.
• Sunday and Monday, October 291.11,,
and 3oth, The Rev.. J. W. Hibbert,
ex -president of London Conference,
'aud one time pastor of this church
will be present and preach. We are
sure that a great liott of friends •not
• only in Winghani but of-Atirroutiding
country will be delighted to see and
hear him.
' Safe At Cobalt
The many friends ,of Mr. A, P.
Knechtel will be pleased to learn that
he and his bride arrived safely in Co-
• ..
bah, from the Haileybury fire: Mr.
K'neclitel lost everything he had ex-
cepting the clothes on his back and
• the papers in his safe. It isewith
• great deal of pride that many will
• read of his brave heroisria in the sav-
• ing of lives from the fire before he
• made his own escape. The drug store
will be one of the first buildings to
be rebuilt and Allan expects ter be do-
ing business in a temporary shack in
the near future:.
Hands Badly Burned
-While filling his auto with gas at
• St. Augustine store on Monday even-
ing of last week, a lantern exploded
• -and did considereble damage, and Mr,
Norman Thompson of East Wawa
nosh, was ba'dly burned on the hands
and arms. Mr. Boyle's oil house and
about eighty galloes of oil went up
• in smoke and it •was with - difficulty
that the dwelling was saved with the
assistance of a fire extinguisher.
We at''' -e" pleased to learn that Mr.
;Thompson is getting along well now,
'although he has .stiffered intense paie
:and- was cared for by a nurse and
'doctor for the past week.
1TItiN SALE --Of Faign Stock,
at 13luevale on Friday October 20.
See bills for further particulars.
•R. Bennett, Auct.
isos Geo. MacDonald, Prop.
AUCTION SALE—Of .Farm Stock,
Implements, • Etc., at lot 33, con. 12,
East • Wawanosh, on • Wednesday,
October 25th.
Mrs. 5. J, McNeil, Prop:
John Purvis, Auct.
FOR. SALE—Quantity of mixed
Honey. 'If people find ,-..their own
pails and come for it., It will be
just. 8c per Ib.
Jas. H. Casemore,
, R. a,' Wingham.
-FOR. SALE—In the, Town of -Wing -
ham, about three acres of land on
which is situated a good sized frame
house, with cellar, town water, elec-
tric, lights, and all in first class tepair,
also a good stable on the place.
' For particulars apply to
J. G. Stewart, agent,
Winghain, Ont.
FARM FOR. SALE -2o acres in Hul-
lett Township, 120 acres in one
• farm -with good building, the other
8o, e mile, with 15 acres good hard-
wood bush. Will sell' -separate or
• together. This is first-class proper-
• ty and will give good terms or ex-
• change for a good house as part pay,
for particulars, apply to
J. W. Mills, /
R, R. No. .i, Blyth..
FOR SALE—A quantity of packing
• boxes, all sizes. Apply at
Crawford's Garage, Wingliani.
FOR SALEs+gofoot Massey -Harris
-Cutting Box, fdr ,hand or power.
Apply to • Bert E: Holmes,.
Phcine x3-602 •Route ,2, Wingharn
, .
FO izs SALE—Good Steel Range for
• coal or .wood.. Reason fon-selling,
too large for present home: Apply
at • ' The Advanee.
'FOR-SALE—Barrels 'at 5oe and g5e,
United Farmers' Co -Operative,
• FOR SALE—Good feeding cattle also
•one brood sow. Apply to .
'Thos. Fells.
• FOR SALE—Five shares in the Aero
• Ciishion
• V. Benenati, Mg Egerton Sta'
• Lotdort,
ApPly at • The Advance,
ply at The Advatce.
• LOST—Child's 'white 'coat, Finder
• will Isimdly leave same at
The Advat ce,
•"PT/IfP FOR SALE—I-lead and log,
• either seperate or together, in good
condition, Apply at • -
•The Advance.
PIAO TUNER -11, H. Stewart, pi -
hallo Tuner. The only reliable at
• your cone -need. Leave orders .at
Queen's Hotel, • R, 'H. Stewart
' ANTED—Gid for kitchen wOrk,
'and dliliugsrOom Assistant whet ncI k
,essary. Apply at .51
BruneWiek lin
To the Editur „av the" Advatice,
Deer Sur:—
Wan day lasht wake mete n
ould nayber, Sandy'Banks clowe
Charlie Lepard's Emporium, an,
coarse.' we had a' long talk togethe
The wurst av Sandy is that he wt
rather tawic • pollyticks -than ate h
males, so we soon driftg(1. to his % ou
tubjece It 'is, awl roight to taw
pollyticks somertoiniese but whin ti
Grits an' the U, F. O's. do be runrri
the counthry fram wan, ind av it
the other, shine, theer moight aisil
be a more. pleasant subject fer a Tor
,Sandy has' been raydin the Globe a
belaves that Mithter Creerar Misl
ter MacKenzie King will trow thee
duds together purty soon, an that th
Tories- will hev no show fer a glideation, ation. I tctuld'him to Mould his harse
an not dhroive so fasht. ;What abou
Kimal Pasha an thim Turks?" sez
"there' didn't the English an.- Frine
lick thim to, a frizzle,' but ,Itik at 'thir
now," I sez, "dictathi ;kerns • to th
whole.,Wuereld," peZ cobree,
didn't 'inane -'•to ..eompare the Turk
-wid the Tories; but Sandy tuk u
that way an laffed till I taught he wu
nivir goin to shtop. Whin 'at lash
he sittled down tonld him that. i
'Mishter Creerar ..jined eip wid th
Grits, he cuddn't take his wi
• him, - at taste not in Ontario. "D'y
tink that min loike Pete Boggs as
Jack Frost, an Phil. Barnes, an Jac
POtt 'end Hook wild ivir Vote wi
the Grits?" I sez, , "They awl belon
to. the U. F. 0„ but moeht av thin
voted fer Jarge Shpotton, just th
'same, at the latht elickshun, fer whi
IscoUpted up the votes afther' the poi
wus doted it agreed wid my own esh
timate befoor it opened, Igarrin th
fact that we had two inore Tory vote
than I expicted. Bein returnin. awfic
er mosht 'av the byes gave'me the
wink whin handin in,theer ballots, SO
I knew tings wus goin roight awl day
Shure; 'tis inosistly a inatther av
ganization to Win an elickshun." D'ye
moind how tould ye about the way
I werrukede up the vote fer ja.rge
cborse, I am not seyin ivirybod3
cud" hev done it, fel- it takes brenes
'to be a 'pollYtishina," sez'I.. •
sez. Sandy.; "I'guess it is my
'trate, what will ye hey,. a ohoColete
bar arr a fiRithpiek?" he' sez. „. •
• Did ye hear, Mishter. .Edituraav•that
TJ. P. ea. felleh out .in.:the-Westbein
'insated Sbnie Creaked sern teillc?:' No
wondher 1\'/Iishteri'Creeear, av
amalgaination wid the -Grits. Shure,
his min hese 'awl the. qualifidatione, -
The misses wat.beisYsawl. Monday
forenoon, buatin ,tingt to give to
the Red 'Cross 'ler the _peer
childer in Northern Ontario, She had
a lot av .clothes sheered atVay that
used fo,beloris. to a little gireal av'our
own that doled manner years ago. She
wits the: youngest av oar family an
wus slat:Tong loike the resin air
thim, an her mother has nivir'filt she
cud part wid, her „little. dresses an
mderclothes, but used to take thim
out av the bureau 'drawer iviry few
yakes an luk thim-'over an thin fold
him tep carefully an put thim, stWify
again. !Tie the way wid thd mothers;
Gosl bless thine
Whin We got hone frons church on
Sunday noight ';1 cud See 'the Misses
'vets tinkin av sonieting, fer she cud-
In't sittle down an 'rade as Useal,
lidn't sayeannyting, fee Sometoimes it
s besht to kape Shtill. At lasht she
sked me if I wild nsoind if 'she gave
Way little follie's clothes. She eels'.
he mebby had been selfish wid thim
00 keg, an that she did.n't belave she.
tid.shlage in her bed if she didn't sind
him away to • the kiddies who
ere naydin thim so badly. 1 eould
ler that whatever .her big Irish heart
aid she shed do wud he roight, an
hat she didn't. nade to blame hersilf
er kapin the ,Wee girruls tings fer so
'many years, fer it wus jilt what army
titer good mother wud hev done.
Well on Monday mornin she wus isp
roight an early an got awl the little
arments out ev the drawers an aired
him an ironed thim an. ininered army
ttle places that nayded a stitch arr
wo, wid sometoimes a big teer rennin
own her face as she hummed an ould.
rish lullaby song I hadn't heard fer
eats, Shure, 'twas more than cud
Mend an 1 had to go out in the wood-
hed an shpltrwood to releve me f
s, • '
Yours till Mkt wake,
Timothy Hay.
October Raspberries
• And still another hunch of hiscioet
raspberries came to our desk this'
week\ These were grown in Mr. J,
•E, Fell's garden, ,Diagoiral Road,
Wirm'Golf ChampionShiprs
Friends Of. M. J. A. 'Wallace of
wing:barn, will be pleased to learn
that she was 'successful 'in again win-
ning the champiotiship,of St. Thomaa
District Golf Chibs, and thus the El-
gin Trophy is retail -led by her. She
has held this championship for the
two previous seasoes of reiso and 5921.
The St Moines Journal says—"The
largest crowd that has attended the
Ladies' Tournament at all this week
turned out for the finals of the open
Champiienship on Thursday afternoon
and intetest was'keen. The greatest
intetest, no doubt, Was centred in the
A, Class Championship in which Mrs.
Wallace and' Mrs. McIntyre, both. of
whom' have held the championship
previodsly played off, Mrs. Wallace
winning the -game."
Mrs. Wallace is a daughter of Me.
W. K, Cameron, IC C., and Mrs.
CaMeroli he of St. Thomas, and sand
the children spent a "pleasant 'week et
the old hoine. Many, curlers will
idly reinembet .Mr. Cameron, who ,
ripped elle of the St, "fhoMas rinks
WhIghani, last winter,
. „,.., ,: •
. ,
Nfrs. A. E. Berleig1s is visiting with
her son in, 'Toronto,
•.Miss CoseyaWild is spending afew
weeks with friends in London,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Zurbrigg of Falai-
erston, visited last Thursday with bin
and Mrs. E. Zurbrigg.
Leppington and two childfen
of Clinton,are visiting with her father,
Mr. Tomkins, Lower Wingharn,
Mr. J. E. Fells accompanied by Mr.
-and Mrs. Cooke spent Sunday k with
Wroxeter and-131tevale friends.
Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Zurbrigg of
Fordwich, are visiting this week with
their son, Mr. E. Zurbrigg and family.
• Mr.' and Mrs. D. Cookee of Wawa -
nosh, have returned home after visit
ing for a week with Mr. and Mrs, J.
E. Fells Diagonal Road.
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur McGee of the
Illuevale Road, attended the React -al
of • their cousin, Mrs. John Bateman
at Brussels on Sunday.
Mle Lloyd Little of Petrolia, motor-
ed from his home on Sunday and is
spending his holidays at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ross, Morri.
• Mr. Thos. Grey of Lower Wingham,
went to London last week to see his
wife, whose eyesight shows very little
improvement., She is in Victoria Hos
Mr.' and Mrs. McFarlane of Wind-
• sor, have moved into the home which
they recently purchased from Mr. add
Mrs. Chas. Martin, at the INingham
• Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coutts and fam-
ily, • a.nd Mr, Harry. Hetherington,
motored to Durham on Sunday- aid
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
•C..E: MacCawley. ,
Mr: John Allen has been spending a
few days at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Rot. Allen,' prior to
his leaving for Timmins, Ont., where
he has been appointed manager of
the Dominion Bank.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopper move&
te Wifighainsfrom Belgrave this week
and, are occupying the home which
they recently purchased from Mr. C.
D. Irenitiger, Bluevale Road. We wel-
conre Mrs. Hopper and fam-
ily to Winghem.'
Mr. D. B. Stewart has, retuened to
her home in Los 'Angeles, Cal., after
spending • the .pas e month with her
brothers, Thos, and Robt Groves; of
This lady has trav-
elled a great deal but thinks the old,
native town is the best she has seen
• The engagement is announeed of
Gretta, daughter of the late James
Price Kennedy M. D., and Mrs. Ken-
nedy, Wirigham, to Walter Welton
Read, M. D., son of the late Herbert
Huntington Read, M. D., F. R. S. C.,
and Mrs. Read, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Mr. David 'W. Devids6n of Wain-
wright, Alberta, is visiting with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John David-
son, Mr. Davidson is ,one of 'the POI,-
erniteiit officials in Buffalo Park and
he braitht a couple of Buffalo to
New York, they were being shipped
to England. This .park is fast becom-
ing a popular resort, it 'comprises
moo° acres and thousands of baffalo
and about six hundred deer make this
ranch their horee.' :Mr. Davidson tells
us that buffalo heads are worth from
$259Oo to $n000.00, and the meat is ,
properly cured land sent to the North-.
ere Indians, who relih it as Much as
we do, beef. It is nine years since
Mr. Davidson. Vititcd 'Neringham before.
Intereeting Field Day Put Qn By
Pupils of the Local Academy
Friday was the amnia!, Field, My
at the High School. After the nior-
leg roll call, the.techers and pupils
adjourned to the eampus Where the
events wereput on with Principal
Brackenbury in charge, It was aft
ideal day and everyone entered inio
the spirit of the occasion with zest.
There were a large number of entris.
All couldn't he winners but they
showed good sportsmanship by jump-
ing in and doing the best they coald.
Throwieg Baseba1i, St.—M arie
Livingstone; Dorothy Webster, Helen
Thro.vving Baseball, Jr. ---Agnes Mc-
Kagues LilyHetherington,Edna Carr.
Throwing Basketball, Sr. -Dorothy
Webster, Marie Livingstone; Marion
M itchell.
Throwing Basketball, Jr.—Lily He-
therington, Jessie Taylor, Aves Mee
Hundred Yard Dali, Sr—Dorothy
Webster, Marie Livingstone, Annie
Hundred Yard Dasli, Jr—Maurine
_Mitchell, Alberta. Walker, Lily Heth-
• Fast Walk, mile Sr.—Annie Hom-
uth, Mary McGregor.
Fast -Walk mile Jr.—Gertie And-
ersen, Agnes McKague, Maurine Mit-
1 11
Sorry to report that Mrs. Alex For-
sythe is in the hospital with pneum-
East Huron Techers' Association
will meet in 13riissele on Thursday
arid Friday of this week.
Progressive Dance and Ettchre in
the Winglia.m Armouries on, Hallow-
e'en eight, Tuesday, Oct. 31st.
Big Valise at Isard's in Women's,
Misses and -Children's Winter Coat.
"More Coats received this week.
The "Buyword." for the best in
Butter, "Maitland Brand." Ask your
dealer for it ---Maitland CreareerYi
Mr, William Shoebottom has rented
his farm- on the Irth. of East Wawa -
nosh to Mr. Bottrill of Lodon, who
takes possession in the near future.
on Hallowe'en niht, -October 3rst.
TiEckeesttser5n0 eSetnatrs,. Huron Chapter, No.
and.Dance in the Wingham Armouries
89, are holding' a Protressive Euchre
Dr. Parker is attending a convention
in Toronto, of the Ontario Association
of Osteopathic Physicians. His office
will be closed from Wednesday t6
Saturday inclusive, this week,
The Belgrave Dramatic Club will
give their play "Too Many Husbands"
in the Belmore Hall on Wednesday
evening, October r8th., under the aus-
pices of the Belmore Women's In-
.Apple Race, Sr.—A, • Homuth, M. Mildmay Cider Mill will be in op -
McGregor, E. Currie, eration every day of the week to make
Apple Race, Ji'.—Edna Carr, Lily cider and apple butter up to Nevem-
Hetherington, Jessie Taylor.ber the loth. First-class goods guar -
Egg Race, Sr.—A. Horeirth, Marion anteed. New oak barrels for sale.-._
Hergott Bros.
Mitchell, M. Livingstone,
Egg Race, Jr,—Maurine Mitchell,
Gwendolyn McDowell,' Edna Garr.
Needle Race, Sr.—M, McGregor, D.
Webster, E. Currie.
Needle Race, Jr—Maurine Mitchell,
E. Carr, G. Anderson.
Driving Nails, Sr.—A, Hornuth, D.
Webster, M. McGregor.
IA bazaar on a mammoth scale is
planned for the middle of November
by •Palastine White Shrine of 'Jerusal-
em, at London. Our respected towns -
lady, Mrs, Richard Clegg is convenor
of one of the departments.
Fo• rdwich Fall Fair was praian
Driving Nails JE. Carr, Grace
Saturday on account of ther — will be held on Thursday, October 14.
"The Novel Siege and Fall of Jer-
icho," will be the subject at the Bap-
tist church next Sunday evening.
Mitchell; G. Andrson.
Graceful Walking—Louise McKen-
zie, Mae Perdue, Louise Hanna.
Girls' Championship, Sr.—A. Hom-
Girls' Championship, .Jr.—Maurine
Hop; Step and Jump, Sr.—George
tDonuglas, George Falconer, Smith Hut-
Hop, Step and Jump, Jr.—Charlie
Messer, George Lediet, RalpheCaer.
Shot Put, Sr...-Wilfrd Robinson,
Stanley Harrison, King McDonald,
Shot Pet, Jr—Ralph Carr; Ken
Carter; Maurice Swanson,
Standing Broad Jump, St—Jarvis
IertiOn, George Douglas, Arthur Ir -
Swanson, anton, Ken Carter, A. Gibbons.
Standing Breed Jump, Jr.—Maurice
Running Broad Jump, Sr.—Stanley
Harrison, Smith Hutton, George
Running Broad Jump, Jr.—Walton
McKibben; Chas, Messer, Ken Carter,
Running High Jump, Sr.—Charles
Donaldson, Elliott Fell, Jarvis Lute
• Running High jiimp, Jr.—Watton
McKibben, Ken Carter, Wdilie Kew.
Pole Vault, Sr.—Stanley Harrison,
Smith Hutton, Jarvis Lutton.
Pole Vault, Jr.—George Lediet, Ol-
iver Fell, Ken Carter:\
One Mile Rue, Sr.—George Doug -
es, ,Sthith Hutton, Percy Johnson.
-Ogg :Mile Run, Jr. --.Clyde Louttit,
Chas. Messer Ralph Carr.
Hundred Yard 'Dash, St --•Stanley
Harrison, Jarvis Luton, Wilfred Rob-
Hundred-Y-ard Dash, Jr—Charles
ester, Ralph Carr, George Lediet.
Quarter Mile Run, Sr,—Stan Har --
on, Wilfred Robinson, Jarvis Lat-
Quarter. Mile Run, jr.—Chas. Mess
r, Clyde Louttn, Ralph Carr.
Hurdle Race, St—W. Robinson, S.
Harrison, S. Hutton,
Hurdle Race, Jr: ---Ambrose Gib-
bons, George Lediet, Ra1p4 Carr.
Boys' Championship, St —Stanley
Boys' Championship, Jr. -.Charles
Harold Mitchell, Pres.
Sadie Gallagher, Sec;
St. Pauls Chutch Notes
Smaday"Oetobeie.' ,xthse Children's
Da.., 8.3o a; me Holy Communion;
moo a. m., Matins and Litany; a.3o to
m, Senday Sehool with illustrated
lanternservi,ce; p. in., Evensong, so
Service 'and music 112 ellarge of :'thc.
membersOf' the Sitedey-School.
• Thursday, October".rath., a initcel-
laneous Shower in aidof the bazaar,
at the hofee of Nits. Jas. "Haugh Alt
the ladies are invited.
Monday, i Oetober 16th., Opening
ineetingeOE the A. Y. P, A. Corneal -id
enjoy a Profitable evenieg.
ber a welteme awaits you at Se. Paels'
Church. All seats free,
Thank Offering Meeting
The Thank Offering meeting of the
W, M. S„ of St. Andrews Prsbter-
ian church; was held on Friday, Oct-
ober 6th, A splendid address was
given by Mies, (Rev.) Gallen of. Luck -
now. The solo, "His Eye is on the
Sparrow," was given by Mrs. Rae,
which was much enjoyed,.AhOut nie--
ty ladieg- were present The offering
amounted to $23r.45, Lunch was serv-
ed arid a social time speat.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Society will ,be held on Wednesday,
October t8the at 3 o'clock.Subject,
"Our Educational Work" bY*. Mrs. T.
C. Me. All ladies 'of the congrega-
tion are ievited. •
Henry—Anderson Nuptials
A very pretty wedding was solemn-
ized at the manse, St. Helens, on
Wednesday, October alle, when Rv.
Mr. Ctimmings united • in marriae,
Feencis E, second daughter' of Mr,
and Mrs, Archie Anderson, and Ir-
vine Henry of Belfast. The bride
looked charming iri her brown velour'
travelling sett, with hat to match.
Aftet the wedding- &mt at the
home of the bride's patents, a recePt-
ion was held in theft honor. The text
(fey they left on a short honeymooh
Lo Milton and. Gimlet', T116 many
frieedt of the happy coeple wish them
a long earl proapetotte wedded lile
It Pays To Advertis
Mr, Jas. 1-I, Casemore, 1st. line of
Morris, put an advertisenient in our
paper last week for to sell a quantity
of mixed hooey. &temple of days
afttie a customer in the person of Mr.
Wm. Golley of Echnonto,
who noticed the advertisement, pur-
chased xsoo lbs. of Lire mixed honey
to. ship to his home in Alberta.,
New Hardware Opens
Messrs, Councillor H. j. Thompson
and 1-1, F. Buchanan. have opened a
hardware store with a new, clean.
stock, in the building recently occup-
ied by the Select Ladies Ready -to -
Wer, next to Mills' Flour and`Feed
Store. Both these men have had ex-
tensive •hardware experience, • Mr.
Buchanan served several years as
salesman in tlte old Sinith Pethick
junder 5. G. Stewart and others nuthe
'beaver block wheee Robertson's Gar-
age now stands, u11t11 the Week Was
destroyed by flee le 19xx, He was
cotinected with the Northern Cariada
Supply Co., of Cobalt as manager, df
their branch store at Ilaileybery kr
three years and- later Head Selesman
of .the Piteinner 'Ferguson Hardware
Co., Ltd., of Sault Ste; Marie, which
positioti Ie vacated. AO return to his
home tdWil, Mr, Thompson ha,s also
had seyerel yeere experience in Sault
Ste. Marie prior to coinleg to Wing -
The Women's • Auxiliary of the
Wingham General Hospital, will hold
their annual meeting in the Council
Chamber; 'on Friday afternoon, Oct-.
ober r3the at 3.45 p. in., when officers
will be elected for the ensuing year.
A'tineeting in connection with the
proposed hog grading will. be held
in Lower Wingham School on Tues-
day evening, October rath. Mr. Ol-
sen of the Harris Abbatoir, will ad-
dress the meeting: Everybody
I'Ve are sorry to report that our
old. friend, Mr. W. A. McEvers, had to
undergo an operation in Wingham
General hOspital for the amputation,
of a toe, because of gangerine which
set in after his pet horse had tramped
heavily on his foot.
Mrs. Richard Johnston of Bluevale,
found a ladies' gold, wrist watch and
brought it to The Advance Office to
advertise for are owner. The owner,
Miss Mowbray, enquired at out\ office,
in the course of a, day or so, and the
watch was claimed.
The Wingham Citizens' Band wish
to thank their many friends for the
splendid sum of $79.8o which they
received from the sale of tags on Fair
Day. This money will be used to
purchase new band instrtunents, as
several are too old to be of any tei-
vice. •
Progressive Euchre and Dance un-
der the auspices of the Wingham sub-
division of the Catholic Wometils
League, in • Wingham Armouries on
Wednesday, October 25th. Cards from
8.30 o'clock sharp to 10.30. Lunch 'will
be served. Towne's Orchestra. Ad-
mission 50 cents.
A public meeting of the Trustees
and Ratepayers Association 'for the
Inspectorate District of North Huron
will be held in the Town Hall, Wing -
ham, on Tuesday evening, October
retie, ,r922. Special addreSses will be
delivered on "Education." The public
are cordially invited.
Miss E. Rusheis having the block
which the recently. purchased from
Mr. Hutchison, wired and renovated.
She will move her millinery store in-
to the store now occupied by Miss
11.eynoldS tied we utiderstand Miss
Reynolds will move into the store va-
cated by Chas. Bondi,
Anniversary services will beheld -ler
St. Andrews' Presbyterian church; on
Sunday, October asth. Rev. Dr. Pat-
terson of Sarnia, will be the preacher.
OU Monday evenifig the ladies of the
church and the choir will put On an
Old-einie fowl eupner end. will give ail
eXcellent prograni after the supper.
The is
merition column of a
paper is one of its most interesting
features; and' The Advance, wishes to
express its appreciation of the . way
subscribers have co-Oprated With us
ht. making • this coletim haterestings
We always Welcome mites of the
ethnings and going S to atictlriern town
or other iterrs'.of 'intrest, "-
A Peculiar Accident
While eatirig pearthts at the Listo
wet Fair on Friday, Willie, the three
atid a half year-old son, of Mr. and
Mrs. William Honeyford, tripped and
fell, and 0116 of the nuts became lodg-
ed m bit right lung. Medical aid was
sammoned end the lad's pondition wee
eonsideted so seriotia that he was
at Toronto, The peanut was reinoved
tliSlIC'd to, the Si,k -C11.ild.,ren.s Hof !Ital.
with difficulty; and Lite yoaegster is
reported doing incely,—.1eiStowei.escm-'
ler' ' • ' temerossiosii;oitheemistaita,iiiinges0,istlie see5e, iseeekelisetheasor' • ; - ' '''''"'
SU4SeliPti91103: $2.00 per yeAr
▪ The United Drug Co.—Manufacturers of Soaps?
Stationery, Candies, Rexall Remedies, and Toilet
▪ Articles of all kinds, have decided to put on the
best and largest 1 et. Sale ever put on in Wingham
Date announced next week. ,
• McKibl on's rug Store'
:11:114111121:11:71111111.1:21:E' 111111111a11111171911 j 426111 1114, 11:111149:11 Illail,:11111111111‘ A
'rkene '
First Annual Sale Business As Usual
$15,00o worth of General Dry
Goods Ready -to -Wear, Hosiery, Un-
derwear, Clothing- and Furnishings on
sale without reserve • at the Bargain
House, John Galbraith Stand Wing, -
ham. Read about it on page 5 of The
Advance. s.
John Spence Passes
A most highly esteemed resident of
Bluevale, was Mr. John S. Spence,
who passed away on Sunday evening.
He was 63 years and 3 months old,
and was in poor health for some years.
His wife predeceased him several
years ago, and an only sister, Mrs.
Henderson, has been living with him.
He is survived by one daughter, Mrs.
Robert McKinnon of Bluevale. The
late Mr. Spence lived in Wingham
for a few years prior to moving to
The funeral is being held to the
Wingharn cemtery on Wednesday af-
ternoon. Rev. Mr. Tate, pastor of
Bluevale Presbyterian church, con-
ducting the service,
The Late George Procter
George Pfocter passee to his reward
within a week after his brother,
Thomas. Both were highly esteemed
old g-entlemen, who resided for some
years in Belgrave and vicinity. A sis-
ter, Mrs. Thomas Scandrett, also �E
Belgrave, is at present very low.
The Belg-rave Presbyterian church
was crowded on Sunday afternoon,
when the funeral service was conclud-
ed by Rev. C. G. Jones. The late
Mr. 1 rocter was in his 7th year.
He is survived by one daughter, Mrs.
N,Vheeler of Belggave,• and two sons,
W. J. Procter and Miller' Procter of
Morris. Interment was made in the
Brandon cemetery.
The Westerh PeundrY staff
working- overtime in an effort to keep'
tip -with the orders coining in. • More
people are installing new furnaces this
fall than in previous rears during the time
The Gunn Son-ola factory. is also
very busy at present manufaetnring•
cabinets for radio outfits,. Salt Worka
is being operated night and day.
Four new Ford cars were sold from
Crawford's garage last week, All
these things point to the fact that •
people are not on a buying strike. •
Help To Fire Sufferers •
' The appeal of the local Red Crose
Society for donations to the Fire , •''
sufferers of Northegh Ontario, met
with a most generous response. The.
Society wishes to convey thanks
those who contributed. •
The following is a list of the geti
ations, Cash, $21,5o; 2 boxes Of ChM -
ren and Infants' Ga.rments; 2 • e
of Ladies' Suits and Dresses; 2 boxes•
of lefen's underwear; box of Furs,
5 Ladies' Coats, man's coat; x fur
ape and I set of Furs; box of Lad-
ies' hats; box of Men's Caps and,
Socks; box of Ladies' Underwear;
x box of Ladies' Sweaters, stockings,
and Scarfs; 1 box of Pillows and Pil- .
low Covers; I box of Boots aud
Shoes; box of Children's Ceats and
Dresses; x box of Men's Overcoats;
5 boxes of Ladies' Coats; 1 box of • ,
Bedding, 43 Quilts, 9 Blankets; and
Flannelette Sheets; box of New
Another shipment of Suits and •
Overcoats received this -w-eek at Is-
Many -of the
on the mar-
k e t are
abso 1 Li tely
We keep full
,0 lines of ail
styles of
.lon'stortillastalf7M1T.W,0. .
We sell no ,Rubber )3 oots that are not standard rnake—or Boots
we cannot nt e.
We have the Short Boots, the Medium and High Bots, the dull •
finish Snag Proof Boots,
Raleher Bo its 4.50 t $6.50
We have also a complete line of Rubber Boots for Wotrien, Boye,
Misses and Childreti.
If you buy a pair of glibber Boots here awl anything goes wrong,
we will make the wrong right in every way.
. . .
' ,rkwattriiinsiimikeratItimintxdontterbrasminetrouliai
•• • • •
• S. • •,. . ieseee,seesiseem,