HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-09-28, Page 8n MN •
I shales of conicq Yarns, greys,
eds, he tilers, blacks ....$1.OD per lb.
Gura teea'i quality.
THE i :I)'6%ARY8'C
Scotch Fingeri ;gs, ;.sll shades of best
rFingering, blacks
vw� r.lrale Sc�+� tckl'i � �,
re greys, he. .,atiters_ ...... $1°25 per lb.
Monarch, List
V. Pare
ity o
weld Dove and L1own
r sweaters.
of B . nkP"ts, the Test gluml-
lu ly can u1 y, white, red,
Ilk and :It hie.
Baby's Bialra.kets, he
C iI ltons, F
vy q ° t witty $2.25 ea
LL STu, .t.
L n
nnelettes, Flannelette
Reis, Hosiery, etc.
I „ Miss ' Gertie Bush of Wroa`.eter",.
spent a few das this weeks, with Mrs.
Jas. Edgar Leopold St. •
t;a 141x, David Petrie of town and Mr;
Walter Little of Teeswater, left on
Monday to attend the Knorr College
sIT' at Toronto.
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Myth, tax rate for 1922is-. struck
at 43 initis on the dollar.
Mr. and MMrs. M. W. Telfer are vis
iting friends: in Milton and other
points'. for two weeks.
The Ladies' Guild of the Anglican
church Will meet on Wednesday after-
noon at the ltonie of Mrs. J, i3. Wat-
son. ,
Mr. John Mills, who underwent a
serious operation in St, .Mosel>h's Hos-
pital, London, a few weeks ago Was
able, to return home this week.
Harvest Thanksgiving services were
held' in Trinity church on Sunday.
Rev. Canon Hill of Goderich, was the
preacheron this occasion and gave
a very earnest address, his theme was
"Co-operation with God's :Plan".
Special music was rendered by the
choir, The church was tastefully de-
corated with grain, fruit, flowers and.
vegetables, The offering was very
liberal for the day.
Miss •McKay, of the Public. School
staff' spent the week -end at her home
in Seaforth.•
Mr. and "Mrs. Frank McCaughey of
London, are in charge of the' Commer
cial hotel, the former occupant, Mr.
Roberts left last week. Hence the
former ,proprietors are again in
• charge.
Maple Leaf Sewing'Circle are hold-
ing a bazaar on Fair day, and a dance
in the community Hall at night.
(Gold Medalist of Canada)
in F16iliNGHAIK METH:ri DIST CHU CH, .r,}n
11 a. m.
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2.30 p. rna. -- 7 p. m.
111EIII IIIEIII ilIm optimum'x111M111®111'19111 11ll filCElllElllMN
The Women's Foreign Missionary
-Society will meet on Friday afternoon
at 2.30 p. ni,
Owing to Anniversary Services at
Salem, there will be no Endeavor
meeting next Sunday evening.
The School Fair held on Saturday
vas a grand success. The weather
being ideal, there was a good attend -
since;: the exhibits, racer;, drills, were
splendid. The baby show being well
Mrs,. McNeil and Cecil are holiday -
hit with friends at Hanover.
Miss Eleanor Jeffray spent a few
,::hays last week' with her friend, ;Miss,
Mabel Stokes, Glenannan,
Mr. Thomas Abram was in London
•nn Saturday, his mother returning
`with him greatly improved in health.
Mrs. Herd sr,, spent last week with
her daughter at Riversdale,
A. little girl has conte to stay at
Ishe home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stew -
Miss Lovina Carrick of Vi5inghair ,
spent Sunday at her home here.
Mr. Will McClena gnarl' and son of
Cleveland, attended the funeral of his
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs Harry' Mc-
Clenaghan of 13elgrave on:Saturday.
The Methodist 'anniversary services
will be held 011 Sunday, October Stir.
A.tea.meeting will be -held in the base-
ment on Monday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Barbarec of Ac-
ton, visited 'last week with lfr and
Mrs, W. R. Farrier. •
Mr, and Mrs. •Geo. Cottle visited
with their daughter, Mrs. Ed. Brown-
ing, at Kincardine, for a few days last
Miss Pegg of:,Chicago, nrlio lifts
been visiting with her parents. at
sardine, visited with Miss Nettie Cot-
tle on Saturday,
,,Miss Annie Smeltzer is on the sick
list. We Nope she will.. soon be 0. K.
ivI:is. ,Robt. Musgrove has returned
home after a 'few 'weeks.' visit with
relatives at Bownianville, Port Hope
and Newtonville, 1.
Mr. John Spence , is under the doc-
tor's care at present. We wish him
a speedy recovery.
Mr. Wm. Gourley arrived. here on
Monday with a carloadd of
cattle from
Stanmore, Alta.
Misses Farrow of. Godcrich, motor-
ed up and spent Sunday with their
cousin, Ma -s., Robt. Musgrove.
Met In St, Andrews Church' on Tues-
day Last,
The. Presbytery of Maitland met on
Tuesday, September r9t'h., iii Wing-
hain. 'A call, from the recently united
congregations of Armow and Bervie
was presented by Rev, F. C. Over;
end, of Kincardine in favor of Mr. A,
C. S. Sniith, • a recent graduate of
1 nox College; Toronto. The call was
sustained and ordered to be forwarded
to Mr. Smith, In case of 11is, accept-
ance he will be ordained and inclticted
at Armow on Thursday;•. October 5th.
Mr. Hardie, convenor of the general
interests committee; presented a t:om-
prehensive report of the work of the
church, and a conference will be held
on Tuesday, October; 3rd., to devise
ways:' and 4neans.. Of meeting.: the pres-
bytery's share of tike' church's tleficit
in the home and foreign mission
boards- Mr, David Kerrie of Wing -
ham and Mr. Walter Little of Tees -
water, were certified to: the senate.
as candidate§ for the ministry.
Commissioners toihe recent Asseni-
bly in Winnipeg reported their dili-
gence in attendance on the sessions
of • that court.
The convener of the hoarse mission
committee was instructed to ask ;a
grant of $a5o from the augmentation
fund to assist the charge ;of Dungan
non and'Port •Albert.
'A complaint was received from
members of .the Ctat ro
ok congrega-
on rega-tion that a threshing -engine was plac-
ed in the cemetery .,at that place ,on
top of two graves, Wlten operating in
that vicinity,
All difficulties in the Ripley matter
were amicably adjusted, and a call
from the .united charge of St, And-
rews presented by Mr. K. A. Gollan;
interim moderators to Dr. Robt. Hark-
ness .o.fWroxeter. Strong opposition
was' voiced, by. commissioners from
Wiox:eter.against the reifies/at of Dr.
Harkness. When the call was -sus-
tained and put' in his hand he 'gave
no intimation as to what his inten-
tions were, and, the matter will be
before the' Presbytery ;again on Oct-
ober 3rd:; when the conference is' held
in.' Winghant 'hang: MI.i•. Gilmore recent
pastor of Knox church, Ripley, bade•
farewell to the brethren, who are
Sorry to losehim from the presbytery,
•where he_ had done such excellent
work for the last nine years. He has
reinoived to London.
The people of Wroxeter were bless-
eel with fine weather, for their School
Fair which was held on Friday 'after-
noon. Following is a list of the prize
winners: •
Any Model in Wood -F. Lewis, -No.
13 T.;W. Fralick, Wroxeter; W. Hen,;
ry, No. x3; . W. Wood,No. 13; No
Name; W. War, No. 13:
Wire Splicing -A. Raun, No: i4. H.;
Geo. Paulin, No. 14; Robt. Douglas,
No.. Li 1 T. ` L`, Douglas, No. U r T';
H. Durst, T.
14; H. Batton, No. 14.
Dozen White Eggs • F.rom Home
Flock --Ethel McCreary, No. 16 I-Iow-.
ick; Walter Willits, :No, 13 T.; Marie
Copeland, No:: 14 -T.; Viola Willits,
No. 13 Remick; Merle Doig, No. T T.;
Tena Fitch,; No. 13 H.
Dozen'. Brown Eggs From Home
Flock -Rae Loutitt, No; 14 H.; Walt.
Woods, NO; 13 T.; Ethel McCreary,
16. H:; ,Robt. Paulin;' No. 14 H.;
Mina .Doig, No. r T.;Dick Bennett,
,No. 13 T.
Special fore Pair . of General Utility
Fowl=les Douglas.; No 1 T.; Alba.
Musgrove, No.: 14 R; Elva Stock, No,
1Ir.' Johns, Mr. and ktrs, Welsh and.
art. iltr. Christi.' of Exeter, visited with
Mr. and M, s. Jas, Cornelius on Thnrs-
Mr. andp,.*:vlrs. John Thompson and
tab • of St. Augustine, spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph
C l iatnney.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Young and Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Shiel' and Gregg,
attended. Kincardine Pair on Friday,
Miss Elite. May lames is finishing
fixer business coarse in Stratford,
Mr, and Mrs, Joe, Thompson and
baby Alice, ;spent Sunday with her
mother, Mrs. Thos. Robinson. •
Mr. and Mrs. Malta Walker and
Miss Nesbitt motored to Palmerston
'aii,d spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bathers, Miss Nesbitt visited at her
atonic there.
Miss Ethel Drayinari is visiting with
lier aunt, Mrs. Wellings, prior to
;heaving, for Muskoka.
4I'rs. S4lnpsoh and her two children
elf !.angsicl,t;, are •vlsi1in.g with her gig -
tor, 'Mrs, 1'as �Valsoli.
1111:7:, jean anCIregor of Toronto,
15 holidaying •
t her horne
Mr, and Mrs. George faccf cs and
baby of Freston, ,are ;riith his
P rntts,. i'Jit Tars.