HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-09-28, Page 6r r ary 11 • Never in all our history have we offered greater bargains in Women's, Misses' and Children's Coats. If you need anything in Win- ter Coats for any member of the family it will be ta your advantage to see our large range before buying. CrIRI,S COATS—Made of good all wool cloth, good style and lined, sizes 8, eo, 12 years, xo coats to sell, bargain ate...........$eo.00 LADIES' COATS—New models, made of all wool Velour, lined all through, our cut price UR COLLARED COATS—A bargain in Womeres and Misses' fine quality Velour cloth Coats with fine quality fur col- lars, lined throughout, our price ..... o SKIRTS—Big reduction'in price of Women's Navy and Black all wool Serge Skirts, price to clear 6 WOMEN'S FUR COLLARED COATS—Made of all wool cloth, lined, grey, brown cie navy, your pick for nonlemenostalsommmamen a ue inter in EXTRA SPECIAL—z5 Coats to clear last year's models, all are. made of good quality wool cloth, our clearing .. , .. RAINCOATS -7 Woneen's Raincoats to clear, plain twills and tweed mixtures, our reduced price GIRLS' WATERPROOF CAPES --With hood, size .8, To, 12 years, our cut price $2.75 SWEATERS—Bargains in all wool sweaters, value up to $eo.00, price to clear ........ es .. ..... , ... . . . .... .. WAISTS—Ladies' Waists made of silk crepe and georgette, long sleeves, sale price ...... ......... ..... . ... . . . . . $5.00 FURS—Reduced prices on all lines of Furs-, Neck Pieces and Muffs and Fur Coats. See our Neck Pieces and 1VIuffe, now on sale at • , $5 oo LADIES' SUITS—Six all wool navy or black Serge Suits) "Broken Lines," If your size is here there's a bargain for you, clearing price now $12.75 AGENTS FOR HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS OrriOtanwrigiiiinalmeseasegimamissummatuse WINGHAM FALL FMR 1 PIGS Berksbires Boar of 1922, not less than 4 mon- (Coutinued from page 1.) ths, Jas. Alton; Boar, prior to 1922, _ e list of prize winners in the clif- with pedigree, Jas. Alton; Sow of 192e reft departments were as follows: not teas oian 4 months old, Jas. Al - HEAVY HORSES ton; Breeding Sow, Jas. Alton, ist, and end. , General Purpose ; Yorkshires ern it) harness, D. Hoskins, Geo.1 Boar of 1922 not less than 4 month, Coulter, Wiri• Baptist- 'Andy Gemmill, Jas. H. Currie, J. Al- ' ' • Agricultural ' ton; Boar prior to 1922, with pedigree, Brood Mare, foal at gide, Geo. Kerr, Otto Johann, Andy Gemnii/l; Sow of .has. Carter, Alex McDonald; Spring, 1922, not less than 4 months, Otto Foal, W., J. Adair, -Geo. Kerr, John; Johann, Jas. Alton; Breeding Sow, lett-nen; one -year-old Filly or; Otto johann, est. and end. ldingeF. Churchill, Alex McDonald, /, Tamworths d. and .3rd.. two-year-old Pilly or 13oar of 1922, not less than 4 mon- ; e mg,Douglas, Geo. Kerr;i ths, Jas. Alton; Boar prior to 1922, Tecim in Harness, T. E. Montgorneryi with pedigree, S. Deacon; Sow of 1922 Wats6u, Alex McDonald. not less ellen 4 months, Jas, Alton. Heavy Draft POULTRY ' Brood Marc, registered C. N. R iea foal at side, John Ellis, Alex McDon- Par of ch el, :W. J. Currie; Spring Foel. regist- Ducks ,any other, 'W. Hainstocic; red or eligible, Alex McDonald, John ' Geese Toulouse Jas Alton; Geese other, Jas. H. Currie, W. Jos. •aW. J. Currie; Brood Mare, foal. any At side, j, Brydci-es & Son Ward Gre ,q Henderson; Bantams, ornamental, F. ;Spring F'oal, J. Brydges &,Son, Ward Angus; Bantams, game, any variety, F. Gray; one -year-old Filly or Gelding Angus, set. and end.; Leghorns brown r Ward Gray; two -ear ol'e :W. I. Miller, T5T. and end.- Le'dhorns Gelding, john Wightman; earn in; white, W. I. ISliller; Mino'rcaab ,1-larness, jas. Brigham, M. Jackson,' miller; Orpingtons,vatiety F: Angus, set. and 2nd.; Ply -mouth Rocks, Barred, W. I. 'Miller, W. H. Hain - stock; Plymouth Rocks, white, W. L Miller; Rhode Island Reds, W. I. Mil- ler; Wyandottes, white, 1,71/4r. I. Miller, Carr Bros.• Wyanclottes, any other, vtaviaratensionluirmlasscsnoumplaseisaa; „T. Forster; Best three-year-old Heavy Daft or Agricultural, Geo, Kerr, j. LIGHT HORSES Carriage „Pero -year-old Filly or Gelding, Robt F. Aligns, 'Frank Edgar; Any other eattie; Team in Harness, J. J. Fry- standard variety, F. Angus, W. I. Mil - ogle; Single Driver, Fred MacLean, ler; Pigeons, best exhibit, open- to 3. E. Smith. ;boys under 16, Carr Bros., set. and Roadsters k and Brood Marc, foal at side, J. J. Fry -I Chickens, pair of each 'ogle; Spring Foal, j. j. Fryfogle;; Ducks, any, F. Edgar; Bantams, or - Two -year-old Filly ter Gelding, W. 5.1namental, E. W. Orvis, W. L Roberts; Single Driver, FreclBendere Bantams, gairie any variety, F. An - j. Roberts, J. C. Currie, Lin Ward.' ,eus 1st., and end .• Leghorns, Brown, CATTLE W. L Miller; Legfiorns, White, W. I. Miller, Ise and and.; Minorcas, W. I. Shorthorn .Miller, F. Edgar; ,Orpingtons, W. L :Breeding Cow, milking or near calv--; Miller, P. Angus; Plymouth Rocks, g, Chas. Campbell, John GillespieN Barred, W. I .Miller, est and ,and.; wo-year-old Heifer, j. J. Kerr, Chas.' Plymouth Rocks, White, W. I. Miller, Campbell; One -year-old Heifer, ChaSS.Tst. and and.; Rhode Island Reds, Campbell., J. J. Kerr; Heifer under/ Carr Bros., F. Edgar; Wya.ndottes, 12 months, Percy Johann, R. J. San--; White, W. H. Hainstock, W. I. Mil- eterson; Bull, under 12 months, R. j. ler; Wyandottes, any other, W. H. Sanderson,Andrew Douglas; Aged Hainstock, F. Angus; Any other sten- j. 5. Kerr, dard variety, F. Angus, Is,. and end.; Herefords Best pair Utility Fowl, W. I. Miller, 13reedind Cow, milking or near calve F. Angus; Four Cockerels, bred for g, Thos. Taylor, ist., mid end.; Ball, export, W. Hainstock, W. I. Miller. Over 12 =Mils, Thos. Taylor; Bull, under 12 11102T112, W. j. Currie; Two- year-old Heifer, Thies. Taylor; One - Timothy, quarter inshel—Andrew h id Fall SATheat, red—Andrew Schmidt, Fall Wheat, white—Andrew Schm- idt, Wm. M. Anderson, Spring Wheat—Andrew Schmidt, Jae. Altotr; ear-olti Heit rf Thos TaY 1 oe m t. Polled Angus :Breeding Cow, milking or near caly- x W.. Jos. Henderson, 1st. and and.; Jersey or their grades reeding COW milking or near calv Theop. Firtnen, L Lott; 1-leifer, o er 12 months, L. Lott, :Holsteins or their grade Breeding Cowemilicing.or near calv- g, CarrBros, Robt. Ileattie." Grades, (Beef Type) Breeding Cow, milking or near calv- ttg, W, Jos. 'Henderson, Geo. Kerr; Two-year-old Heifer, Geo. Kerr 1st., And and.; Otte -year-old Heifers j, 5. Kerr; 'Heifer Calf, calved since last Show, Hugh Gilmour, John Mundell; 4.;teer Celf, calved since. last show, Lyons, Geo. Kerr; One -year-old er, Geo. Kerr; Two-year-old Steer, Ketr. Pat Cattle aby Reef, 15 months or under, not t�he shewti in any other section, Alex k •NloDorwald (Teeswater), 'Hugh- Gil- ; tarter; Fat Steer or Heifer, any breed, et. Lyons, SHEEP 1,eieesters Aged Rata, with petligree, Geo. B. nistrong, 1st., alid 2nd.; Shmrling LThtni, with pedigtee, R. 5, Sanderson., it Lamb, sclling Class, G, B. Ann- ie', Isti, and and.; Aged Ewe, rals- , mb In 192, G. B. Armstrong, Sanderson;. Shearling Pave, It j. rson G. B. Arnistrong; Ewe 's G.' B. Armstrong. Oxford Downs selling class Jas, 14 Nndrew notigitts; Aged Ewe, i Lamb in iozz, jas. FL Currie, Coultes; Shearling ,E,r,ve, Jas. H. trrie, Audrey,- t)ottglas; Ewe Laint), H. Currie, Boht, Coultes. ; Downs, any other I Ram, with pedigree, W.G. tearling Rain with pedigree, OsS; Ram Lamb, sdl1th elaes, S.1; Aged Ewraisdtamb G. ROSS; Shc.„ earling Ewe, ) st, arnd Znd.; CAtinb, st,,and ztid. Small White Peas—ja1/4;:` Alton. Peas, any other—Jas. Aitinl• White Oats—Andrew Schmidt, 0. N. Underwood, Black Oate—Andrew Schinictt, Jas. Al tan. ' Barley, :any' variety ---Andrew Sch- midt, Jas, Alton. Field Corn, Dent, 6 ears—Andrew Schmidt, I. J. Wright. Field Corn, Flint, 6 ears—Geo, H. Coulter, E. W. Orvis. Sheaf of White Oats, 8 inches in Diameter, open to Field Crop Com- petitors—G. N. Underwood. Bushel of White Oats from Field, entered in Field Competition—G, N. Underwood, Thos. Taylor. Best collection of Grain and Seeds in pint bottles, open to boys under 16 years—Jas, Alton, Andrew Schmidt. Best collection of Weed Seeds in ounce bottles, bottles, Properly named, open to boys and girls under 16 years—P. Gibbons, 5. Alton., test Collection of pressed injurious Weed Plante, properly named, open to boys and girls under 16 --Andrew Schmidt, P. Gibbons. Rocas AND VEGETA.BLES Beans, small white, one qttart--. Thos. Taylor, S. Vanstonc. Beans, large white, tele quart --Oliv- er Campbell, 'W. Jos. Henderson, Beans, any other, one quart—S. Vanstotee, Jas. AlLort, B long Andrew Schmidt, 5, Beats, any other—Oliver Campbell, Andrew Scl'unide Carrots, field—Andrew Schmidt. ' Carrots, table short*Mrs, Geo. Or- is, Oliver Campbell. Carrots, table intermedia obt. Mangold Wurtzel, long by iglu: ;mil =lit, —A tar S I fit. Groves, Mrs.,0.1,,o,: Orvis, Wellings. Young. zies, Mrs. E. W, Orvis, Mrs. I. Stew- Parsnips—W. I. Miller, Mrs. ' S. art. Bread ,one loaf, home-made—Theop Radishes, winter—Andrew Schmidt. Finnen, Mrs. Menzies, Mrs, L Stewart. Sugar Mangold, weight and quelity Half dozen home-made Buns—Miss —Andrew Schmidt. L. Carrick, Mrs, Menzies. Turnips, swede—Andrew Schmidt,. :FIalf dozen home-rnacle Tea Biscuit S. Vanstone. zies. —Mrs. W. Jos, Henderson, Mrs. Men - Potatoes Horne-mede Scons—Mrs. S. Young, Early, Carr named—Andrew ,Schmidt, Bros. Mrs. Menzies. Fruit Cake—Mrs. Adair, Mrs. Men Late, correctly named—S. Vanstone, nes. Andrew Sclunidt. _ Best collection, five of each, correct- Layer Cake, light—Mrs. Geo. Orvis, Bros. • 1'1 Layerrs.7‘.r.' , Carr Bros Mrs ly named—Andrew Schmidt, Carr cAa.k/velcdGairik1.— . Onions, yellow, from seed iu 1922— I. Stewart. Andre* Schmidt, Robert Groves, Pie, apple ---Mrs. Beecroft, Mrs. Andrew Schmidt. Onions, red, from seed in 1922-t- Robe Coultes. Pie, Pumpkin—Mrs. Menzies, Mrs Finnen.. . Onioes, gtown from Dutch or Top Sets—Mrs. S. Young, Carr Bros. I Pie, Lemon—Mrs. Geo. Orvis, Mrs. - Onions, any other, one gallon—Mrs.; McGill. W. R. Farrier, Andrew Schmidt, I Pie, any other—Mrs, Menzies, Mrs. Tomatoes, large red, scarlet or pink E. W Orvis. —A. Schmidt; Chas. Carter. 6 Doughnuts—Mrs, McGill, Mrs. Tomatoes, any other—A, Schmidt, Menzies. . Chas. Carter. ; 6 Oatmeal Cookies—Mrs, E. W. Celery, white p I u m e—Mrs. Si Orvis, Mrs. Thsop 'Finnen. Young, W. I. Miller. . .1 Plate of Drop Cookies, 3 varieties— Cabbage, E. W. Orvis, Mrs. McGill. Cabbage, early—A: Schmidt, Mrs. Geo. Orvis. . ; Short Bread—Mrs. S. Young, Mrs Cabbage, winter—A. Schmidt, W. LlI. Stewart. Milled 1 Jelly, 1 pint, appie—Mrs..L. Stewart, Cabbage, pickling—A. Schmidt. ',Mrs. Menzies. Citrons—I. J. Wright, Robert Gray -1 : Jelly, 1 pint, any other varidty—Mrs. 1 Cauliflower—Mrs. S. Yonng. 1E. W. Orvis, Carr Bros. Maple Syrtm, i quart—Wm. M. Ane es,- E. green or ripe—Oliver derson, Mrs. McGirr Campbell, A. Schmidt. ,f Maple Sugar, 2 lbs—J. J. Kerr, An - Table Corn, six—A. Schmidt, "i,\ISs.; drew Schmidt. S. Young. . s. Collection of preserved fruit, 6 var- Musk Melons—J. a Beeproft, C. G.iieties, jars—Mrs. McGill, Mrs, Finnen. Campbell. 1 Marmalade, 3 varieties, in half pint Pumpkin, one—Jas. H. Currie, E. : glasses—Mrs. McGill, Mrs. Adair. W. Orvis. 1 Tomato Catsup—Andrew Schmidt, Sunflowers—j. H. Currie, Hugh' Mrs. L Stewart. Gilmour. 1 Pickles, Vegetable—Mrs. McGill, Squash or Mammoth Pumpkin—d Mrs. Gilmour. • - Oliver Campbell. . .1 Pickles, Fruit—Mrs. Menzies, Mrs. Collection of Garden Produce—Carr E. W. Orvis. ' Bros., MIS. S. Young. - Pickles any other—Mrs. IvIcGill, FRUIT - Mrs. E. W. Oryte. 1 dozen Hen Eggs fresh—Jas, Al- Alexander—Oliver Campbell, W. G. on, mrs, mcGdit ' - M. Reid, A. 0. V. red—Geo. H. Coulter, Butter, so lb. in crocks -Mrs. Theop A. McGill. Finnen Mrs. Geo. Cunningliann Butter, 5 lb. in lb, prints—Miss A. 0. V., green or yellow—W. G. Leaver, Geo. H. Coulter. M. Reid,fax H. Currie. Baldwin--Rolit. S. Purdon, W. G. M. Reid. Ben Devise -Oliver Campbell, Geo. H. Coulter, Blenheim—P, Gibbons. Crab, any variety—Miss Carrick, Carr Bros. Fameuse or Snow—j, D. eecro IS. Young. Golden Russett—E. W. Orvis Ge H. Edgar. Gramenstein—J, Beecroft, 1 Gibbons. I-Itibbardson--W G. M. Reid, I Gibbous. Ki ng—Andrew M cDo u gall, W. M. Reid. 'Alitintosh—E. W. Orvis. Maiden Blush—E, W. Orvis, W. M. Reid. Northern Spy ----W. jos. Henderson W. G. M. Reid, Ribston—W. A. McGill, Thos. Tay- lor. • R. I. Greening—Richard Johnston, Carr Bros. Roxoboro Russett—Carr Bros., John Scott, St. Lawrenee—j. D. Beecroft, Oliv- er Campbell, Tolman Sareet--W. Jos. Henderson, P. Gibbons. Wagner—W, G. 11. Reid, Jas. Alt oh. WeaLthy—Jas. Alton, Jas. H. Cur- . e. Other Fruit Peeches—J. D. Beecroft. Pears, any other Fall variety --Ol- iver Campbell, Jas. H, Currie, Pears, Duchess D'Anguoleme—W, G. M. Reid, Jas. Alton, Pears, any other winter variety -- Geo, H. Coulter, 5. D, Beecroft, Plums, Blue—Mies; Carrick, W. A. Grapes, any white variety, Open air, s bunches—W, I, Miller, Mrs. S: Young, Grape,a I y, open Air, 3 bunches—Mrs, Young, W. Miller, Grapes, Nue or black, open air 3 bunches—Mrs. Young, W. I. Miller, 5 varietiee Of apples, correctly natl. ed, most valuable for'export, 5 of cacti —Geo. H. Coulter, B f Butter, Ornamental—Geo, Coultes Mary Casemore. Display of Honey—Geo. Cottle. . Best Pair of Dressed Chickens, fan - dressed --Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, 13reacl, nut, s ;loaf—Jas. H. Currie, . , . M M o ec on o canned vegetables, 3 t, varieties—Mrs. E. W. Orvis, Geo, H Coulter. °- Cold Meat Settees, 2 varieties—Mts. r, McGill, Miss Carrick. -1-- Best eight articles of Food, suitable , for a working man's supper—Mrs. I. '• Stewart, Mrs. E. W. Orvis. r. Canned Chicken—Mrs, I. Stewart. Chicket Pie—Mrs. McGill. . FINE ARTS G. Oil Painting 5 varieties of Apples, C,orretly cd, daSsert 5 of ceach--,eoeo. 14. , ter, , Display Of Appi es—k)liver Cam p bell, Geo. ;Coulter.„ ;; ' .; • Mangold; bY; ' weight; ;*l ,..cfnalit.YAndrew; Bread ,One' lbaf, brOW#44/IrS., ; ; 1 et* 111;14116;i Animals, grouped or. single, Rich, Johnston, Mrs. W. Jos. Hendersen. Fruits or Flowers, grouped or single, Rich, Johnston, Mrs, W. jos. Hender- son; Landscape or Marine, Rich. John- ston, Mrs, W. Jos. 1-Teedersorr *Any other subject, Rich. Johnston, Mrs. Menzies; on glass, Miss Brigham Miss Livingstone; On plaques or trays, Mrs. W. Jos. Henderson, Miss -Brig- ham; On Silk, Satin or Xelvet—Mrs, Tamlyn, /vliss Livingstonet Collect- ion of Paintings, not less than 6 piec- es, Mrs, W. Jos. Henderson, Mrs. Menzies. Water Calor Landscape or Marine, Miss Brighain- ject;M , c rson, Any other sub. Miss;Livingstone, Miss B gll am ; Collection, not less than 6 pieces, Miss Livingstone. Drawing Pen and Ink Sketch, Miss Carrick, Miss. Livingstone; Pencil, Miss Car- rick, Miss Brigham; Crayon Poitrait, Miss Brigham, Miss Liviturstone, Crayon, landscape or marine, Miss Livingstote, MISS Carrick. China Painting 1, dozen Cups and Saucers, Mrs, Henderson, Itiffss Brigham; dozen Plates/ 'Mrs, Henderson,Mrs. Alen- zies; Ornament*or Vase,.Miss Prig. ham, Mrs, Henderson; Any other, Miss Prigiiam, Mrs. Heridersan; Col- lection Heilder1401, Miss Brig. e;o1lection of work done in /922 Mrs. Menzies, 11/4/fiss Brighani. PLAT ANT) rLowtRt Asters1 6 eat lees .tletti colOrs lt/fiss L, C,arriek,Wiit AtmerSOI Dahlias, 6 tot less thn a 2 toTorS ' ,,BecerOft';,;(3.1adiolt, not less than 2 eolors, Mrs. S. Young, Mrs, Menzies; Pansies, 6 not less than 2,_cOlQrs, j. D, Beecroft, Mrs. Menzies; Petanias,6,,,not less than '2 cobar,s, Mrs:' Menzies, Aliss Garrielt; Drummondi, Mrs, S. Young; Sweet: Peas, best collection, Mrs, S. Young, Geo, FI, , Coulter; Stoelc, 6, not less than 2 colors, Mrs. S. Young; Zinnias, 6, not lees than 2 colors, Mrs. Bee- cr''oft, Miss Carrick,. Marigolds, 15. W. Orvis, Oliver Campbell; Basket of An: nuals, Mrs, 'Voting, OliVer Campbell; Bouquet, Table, Miss Carrick, Mrs. Menzies; Bouquet, hand, hard plants, E. W. Orvis, 141iss Carrick; 13ouquet, hand, tender plants, Miss Garrick, Mes. S. Young; Geranium, single, white, Mrs, S. Young; Geranium, double white, Mrs, S. Young; Geran- Itun, single scarlet, Mrs. S. Young; Geranium, double scarlet, Mrs. S. Geranium, single, any other, Mrs. S. Young; Geranium, double, any other, Mrs. S. Young; Fuchsia in bloom, Mrs. S. Young; Hothouse plents in bloom, Mrs. S, Young; Collection of Foliage Plants, Robt, 5, Purdon, Mrs. S. Young. LADIES' WORK Apron, kitchen, usefel not ornament- aI—Mrs. I. Stewart, Mrs. Tarnlyn, - Centre -piece for Table, colored -7-P. Gibbons, Hugh Gilmour.-- Centre -piece for 'table, Mrs. Paddock, W. Jos. Henderson. Dresser alit Stand Cover—P. Gib- bons, Hugh Gihnour. d Drape, Sideboard—Mrs, S. Young Miss LiVingstone. Drawn Worle—Mrs. Afenziee, Mis Livingstone. ' Dress, Girl's' Cotton—Miss Living stone, Mrs. Tainlyn. • Embroidery, eyelet --Mrs. Paddock Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Embroidery, on cotton or linen -- Mrs. Paddock, Miss Livingstone. Embroidery, patch on cotton—Mis Livingstone. Embroidered Pillow Cases—Mrs. I Stewart, Miss Livingstone. Day Pillow Slips—Miss L. Leaver Mrs. H. Gilmour. Five o'clock Tea Cloth, embroider- ed, :3, dozen se.rvettes—Mrs, Paddock Mrs. H. Gilmour. ; ' Home-made Blouse—Miss Living- stone, Mrs, Menzies. ; CaKrrniBttrholf.. Bag—Mrs. E. W. Orals Irish Lace, hand -made --Miss Liv- ingstone, Mrs: Menzies. Initialed Towel, pair—Mrs, W. jos. Henderson, Miss Leaver. Mat, fancy table—Mrs. -E. W. Or - vie, Mrs. W. Jos. Henderson. Mitts, Man's Doeble—Miss Menzies, Mrs: S. Young. Pen Cushion—Mrs. W. Jose Hen- derson, Miss Livingstone. „7 Beaded Hand Bag—Mrs. H. Gil- mour, Carr Bros. Quilt, PatShed Cotton—Mrs. E. W. Orvis, Richard Johnston. "Quilt, Pieced Cotton—Mrs, E. W. Orvis, Mrs. W. A. Currie. • Quilt, any other --Mrs. I. Stewart, Mrs. Geo. Orvis. Bedroom Set, sheet, pair pillow cas- es and towel—Miss Livingstone. Sweater, hancl-made—Mrs. John Wright, Mrs. S. Young. Shirt, Man's Working—Mrs. w. Orvis, 'kiss L. Brigham. Slippers, pair home-made—M r s. Tamlyn, Miss Livingstone. , Slumber Rug—Mrs. E. W. Orvis. Sofa Pillow, crochet—Miss Living- stone, Jeanette Brooks. Sofa Pillow, needlework—E. W. Orvis,. Miss M. Livingstone. Sofa Pillow, colored embroidered— Mrs. H. Gilmour, Miss Livingstone. Sok., pair Man's woollen, hand -made —Mrs. Tamlyn, Mrs. S. Young. Tatting Collections, 4 pieces only— 'Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Paddock. Tray Cloth—Mrs. Wojos. Hender- son, Mrs. H. Gil -molar. Table Runner—Mrs. S. Young, Miss L, Leaver, Towels, 4 fancy, hand-made—Miss Livingstone, Mrs. E. W. Orvis. Collection of Ladies' Work, so pieces only—Mrs. Paddock, Miss Liv- ingstone, Mrs. H. Gilmour. Collection of Knitting—Mrs. Tam- lyn, Mrs. S. Young. Single piece of Crocheting, White— Misg' Livingetone, Mrs. W. JOS. Hen- derson, Single piece of Crocheting, colored —M s s Livingstone, Mrs. John Wright. . Fancy Bed Spread—Mrs, L Stewart. ' Crochet Yoke—Mary Casernore, Rich. Johnston. Comforter—Mrs. E. W. Orvis. GIRLS' DEPARTMENT Work -by girls under 16 years. Table Mat, not less than three, 0. Campbell, Robt. Coultes; Two Hem- med I-Iandkerchiefs, Geo. H. Coulter, Jeanette Brooks; Darned Socks or Stockings, E.dna Tarnlyn, Robt. Cord- tes; Crochet VVoric in Wool, Edna 97arrilyn, '0. Campbell; Crochet Work in Cottons Donalda 4dria '1,'ainlyn; Narrow Crochet edging one yard, by girl under /2, Geo. H. Coul- ter, 0. Campbell; 13ecl Spread, 0, Campbell; Sofa Cushion, 0. Campbell, Jeanette Brooks; Six button holes on a garment, 0, Campbell, Jeanette 'Brooks; Patching on a garment, 0. Campbell, Jeanette Brooks; Plain Ap. roil, by girl under 12, 0. Campbell, Geo. I -J. Coulter; Plain Sewing, Edna ii- Tarnlyn, Robt. Coultas; Initialed Han - kerchiefs, Jas. F1. Currie, Mrs. Geo, Orvis; Two Guest Towels, Edna Tam - lye, Geo. II, Coulter; Girls' ikimona Nightdress, Geo. Coulter, Edna Carr; Collection of Fancy Work,. Geo, FT. Coulter, 0. Campbell; Knitting Bitg,, Jeanette Brooks, Edna Tainlyn; Centre piece, white or colored, O. Campbell, Robt. Cottltes; 14otne-made Candy, col., Mrs. Geo. Orvis, Helen Douglas; Bes1 collection of Baking, consisting oi one loaf of Bread, 'doz- en of Buns, Light Cake, Pie made by girl under i6 years, Carr Br'os., Mrs, W, R. Parricr, Helen 'Douglas; One loaf of Bread, by girl under 16 y,ears 0, Campbell, A. Seltinidt, Mrs, W. X. Farrier; 3 /be, Butter in Ib, prints by g,irl under 16 years, Alba Carter, 0, Campbell, Geo. Coultes; Choeolate Cake, Carr Bros., Donalda Mrs, Geo, Orvis; Best Dressed Doll, 1W girl under 12, 0. Campbell, ScHooi, CHILDREIN'$ DEPT. Por children under r6 years, Bir'')g-' rapity, Any,telebrated perSOn, P,, epteni 1902 $2.00 in cash by Fred carter to elle' W. J., AdeirreAr, J. Currie, Geo. Kerr„, girl uncle,- 6 years of age or the beet F, Roth, Apple l'ie, Mrs, W. R. Farrier. ; Busli to= Foal, sired by "Honest 50.00 donated by Di', J. A. Pox, fos $4,00, $e,00, $:-',•0°, $1.00 donat-• the healthiest and best looking baby, ed by Mr, j. Turner, j, Brydges three years and under, jas. 111c13urn-1 ;.aon, Chits., Carter, W. ,f, Currie, 1N. ey's baby. , Mr. Thos. Kew for roost entries and' iroul 5 Lillos Ledies' ShoPP"eng Bag, donated by; For 1110, 50lbs.lbl3s1:0-aocif Fbfoktercl. exhilzits in Class 29, Ladies' Worlt, donated by Iiewsen & I-Iowso'n; Mrs.. Afiss Livingstone. Finnen, ' Patterson, for the best two-year-old best P1111 °I' eake$' made frmn 5 Sew'ell Silver Cup donated by Mr. W. Se, 4 seek Of $feWell Flour for colt. $2,�o donated by Mr. W, Davidson as second prize, Sas. Brig- ham, John Wightnian, , ; ; 13est Pair of Agricultiteal Horses, ist. prize Ss2,0o; end. priz"e, $8.00; 3rd, , Floor, Mrs, f, Wright, $2.00 for. best 12 dozen crate of White eggs, q;uality and weight to count, MIS. A. .McGill. ; . Best ;pair of Hereford Calves, eithei- sex, bred by exhibitor, 1St, $5,5.00; , .00, 4th. prize, $4,00, prizes seeps; erd. $5.0o, prizes donated, Alton, Ede. nl‘altobiclitaboymi-eoryh,nRJ.°5Y.nst,aiAltls'on Jas • tbiyon,ljteas.FILeyreornost:d Breeders' Associa.-. Best Steer of I -Teller Calf, sired by Best 5 lbs, Butter in prints, ist, , Canadian Recorded Hereford Bull, prize, $6,00, 22d. P/i2the) 3r"' $T0,00, o per cent, will be donated' $4,00, 4th, prize, :p3,0110, 5tn. prIze oy the .ffereford Breeders' Assoeia- Szoo. Prizes donated by John J:oynt, Mrs ,peter McEwen, 15r8. tiosub,ojul,cis. 011,1yymetis..rors or omissions oo_ 1\l‘sVIttFrrsodAio: Tn.M.thhece°GP1 best 1:FsAiit111111.bse.tlilGs' heeol stfl lalbtaC.sil a IS) 1: woe havePri tlieY1 c; tce,oist-rielececrtercalli.r 2arrt. ne an ashich Guilts Fertilizwas used, 5oolcil Uctil; mh,:sC laelA lollilieltai!i:legdroful)ildcsY. Plate' ,-,- lbs, Shui Gain 1-rertilizer, set. prize, uanndde2r5w000pdo,unTdisioass Taylor. - G. N. c emus ef Bruce Best I3ushel of Barley, R. Wilton. , a Bets Bushel of Turnips, A. 1SObert- By the 1921 Dominion Census of, son, Jas. McTavish this County, the ridin Of North To the person making the most e.n- T3ruce shows a ddcrease as coinpar- tries and exhibiting same in Dairy and ed with eels of 2915 and South Bruce s Provisions, $5.00 worth of dnerchan- 2836, a total of 574e. Every municip- disc donated by Hanna & Co., Mrs: I,. ality he South Bruce shows a decrease- - Stewarts' and every -one in North Bruce too, To the exhibitor making the most excepting Hepworth, whieh made a , entries and ex-hibiting Same in Cattle, gain of 8, Port Elgin which increased`` pair of 15 inch leather top rubber 56 and Kincardine toven LW. Bruce bots donated by Mr. W, H. Willis, has only a total population of 44,285. j. J. Kerr. The number of persons necessary ta s Fat Man's Race, weight to be over entitle a riding to representation in, 185 lbs., box of cigars, donated by W. the Dominion Parliament when the • A. Miller, Alex Crawford, Redistribution Bill is. brought in at Largest and best display' of Fruits, next sessionof the Doniinion Parlia- , $3.00 and $2.00 donated by Dr. J. A. ment will be,- approximatel3r 36,000. Irwin, Oliver Campbell, Geo. H. Conl- This would entitle Bruce to only one ter. , Baby Show, tst, $5.00- by Amos' Tip - ling, 2nd. $zoo by John Mason, j. FL Taylor, Mrs. Geo. Orvis, Best dezen Hen's Egks, $2.00 don- ated by J. H. Christie, Mrs. W. A. McGill Person . making triost entries 'end ex- hibiting same in Poultry class, goods to the value of $5.00 by King Bros., W. ToL 14llethiepre.rson having the largest number of entries and exhibiting same in Roots and Vegetables, Auto Pump donated by Geo. T. Robertson, A. c uni t. Best display in Plants and Flowers, $2.00 donated by E. 3. Mitchell, Mrs. S. Young. Best TO Th. crock of Bietter, $5.00 donated by W. A. McGill Mrs. W. Wehli ngs. ed by John W. Ring, Mrs. W. Wel- leest display of Butter, $5.00 dont-' ed 4 horse team-, driven by sone man; $1zoo and $8,00 donated by Messrs. Wrig-ht, Gillespie, Cruikshank, and Coultes, W. Watson, T. E. Mont- gomery. Best Shorthorn Bull, any age, $7.00 and Sao° donated by Me: R. Wilton, R. J. Sanderson, J. j: Kerr. Beit Female Shorthorn any Ige, $5.00 donated by Mr. Hug'h. Gilmour, J. j. Kerr. Best two-year-old Percheron, $5.00 donated by Mr. Oliver Campbell, Thos, Taylor. Best 1922 Foal ,sired by "Drumburle Favorite," $6.00, $4.00, $2.00 and $1.00 donated by President I. J. Wright, member, Tr' the Legislature Drury ' ha.s promised a Redistribution Bill- - too,. and Bruce County's three mem- 'hers =will be reduced to two, as sure as the fact that a wild goose never: laid a_ tame egg.--Cliesley Enterprise,. . %tlngh Planing Mill Saw We now have a full stock of Lumber of all kinds, dressed, aed undressed. Sash Doors, Mouldings, Shingles, Lath,Beav- er, Fibre and Ruberaid Boards, also roofing, plain and slate sur- faced and steel fence posts. Prices are lower now than they have been for some months and some lines are sure to ad- vance. Call and get prices for any of fhe above. in all sizes, hard, soft, and Smithing always on hand. acLean Lumber and Coal Co. elissamp 4.80:111.1012100amosr mn1161004.,11.611.10.4131.0411211.0.011.1a100.01•41.2111.011.11.1111.0.10.41•, 1 CEMENT We beg to announce to -the people of ,Wingharn and vicinity that we are opening a new Hard—. ware Store with a brand new, and well select- ed stock of the best quality of goods obtainable. We solicit'a Fhare of your patronage and guar- antee QUALITY and SERVICE, and will be pleased to have you look through our store. o ucharioiri Hardware Company. (One Door South of Mills' Flour & Feed Store.) 00 Mtn 04.111.4allot.ovimaelemqatell.a..11+.1.4.04161*. twalen.41111611 011111.0.W.011iro<100.11.rtmatlitetlx614.01,1•04M16. 41.1 111111012111111MIEVI 1111111111111116111 SP'ECIA/0$ VnIM: $9.-o, d4 k f CotUrrie vett, for; t 6.;;T4r011s; eSt. . . Ira 111811111111111111111121111 111, Hum nail 111111111111111111. Pffi: • si The services of this Bank are offered free of charge to those who „wish to arrange tile conversion of VICTOR)! I3ONDS toying on December lst, 1922, to the new five ()if ten' year bond s. Applications should be made as .earlY as t;°S8ible, but not later than ,September 30th, 11 11 :Mar Ili )40 4111 111