HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-09-28, Page 5wSW� u.•�..L '.ad aaaF ule4uW�oltSWYetMEM.,
eltennber 28th., 1922
LGRZt4 T SCI'IQUL, FMR Wiglttill , No, 17•,
Public Speaking-xst.,'V. Cham'i;;ey,
No. 7 E. W.; 2nd, G, Stonehouse, No.
x7 ,3rd„ 0, Corbett, No. X7,
Judging Live•Stock--1st„ Joe Kez'r,
No. 9; and, Ed, Marsh, No, 9; 3rd„
Alvin Rutledge, No. 3; 4th,, Morris
Leitch, No, 3:
School Parade -1st,, No. 8 E,' W,;
2nd,, No. 5, Morris; 3rd., No, 3, Mor-
ris; 4th., No, 11 E. W; 5tb., No. 9,
E. W.; . 6th,, No, 11, Turnberry.
Beets-ist., Howard Baker, No,' zi.
Turnberry; and., Joseph McGill, No,
17; 3rd., Goldie Wheeler, No, x7, M,;f
4tb,, , Lloyd Montgomery, No. 17 E.
W.; 5th., Alba Carter, No., E. W.-
6th., Jessie Campbell, No. 7,9 M.
Carrots -1st., Isabella Campbell, No.
7 M.; 2fd:, I. Taylor,:. No. 9 E. W,;
3rd,, V. Wheeler, No, 17 E. W,; 4th,,
W. Munro, No, i7; 5th., A. Corbett,
No. x7; :6th,, 0, Stonehouse, No. 17,
Onions -1st,, Geo. Noble, 'Brussels,
No 5 IYiori-is; 2nd. Annie McDowell
No, 8 E. We; 3rd., Alberta Shiells ; No:
th,, L1,
9; 4 Lloyd lVlcCawaeY, No, M.•
3 ,
5th., Bruce Chaniney, No. 8, E. W.;
6th-, Cleland Bone, Nq, 8 E. W.
Parsnips -1st.,
,:E. Stonehouse, Na
17 M. and W.,....ud., B: Cunningham;
No. 8, E. W.; 3rd., M. Munro No. 17;
4 h., H.`Wilson; No, 1x; 5tli., Lillian
Hopper, No. 17; 6th.,"Evelyn Corbett,
No. 17,
Pum >kins-st., Robbie McMurray,
No. 5, M.; 2nd., Alvin Rutledge, No.
3 M.; 4th., Harvey- Stapleton, No.,
E. W.; 4th:, Edgar Wightman No. 1
, 7,
5th., Clifford Stewart, No. re; 6th.,
Annie Blair, No. r3.
- Collection of+
Five Fall A le -
pp s 1st.,
Bruce Chan -lacy, No. 8 E. W.; 2nd.,
Harold• Vincent,' No. 8 E. W.;: 3rd.
-Lawrence Taylor,:No..9 E. W. ; th.
Clarence �,'uill,.•,Ilo. 3 M.; 5th.; Richard
Proctor, No, i7.; E. W.; 6th., Edgar
Colleption of Five Winter Apples-
1st., Harold Vincent, No. 8 W.; 2nd;,;
Edgar Wightrnen, No, 17; 3rd., Geo
Michie, Na 5 M ;4th„ . I3ob'r. ctor
No. o
5 M.; 511•,, • Lizzie Coultes, No,
7 M.; 6th„ Herbert l'Iawkins, No; 3
No, 17. •
In Metal ---1st,, Jas.
Baby Beef, John'Joynt-1st., Law-
rence Taylor, No, 9 E, W.; 2nd,, Jim
Brydges No. 17; 3rd., Geo. Robinson,
No, 7 E. W.'•
Best Pair Bacon Hogs-ist., John
Currie, No. 9; 2nd., J. Deacon, No. Ix
Wawa, 3rd., L. Taylor, No, 9 W;
4th., H. Jackson, No, 5, M.
Dairy Calf-ict. Harv'eY Cook, N o.
13 E. W.; and., Gordon Naylor, No.
7 E. W.; 3rd,, Calvin Robinson, No.
7, E. W.
Pail Fed Cal •-i t.Black,
s Willie
No. 13 E. W.; end., John Currie, No.
E. W.; 3rd., Stanley Black, No, 13
E. W,; 4th., Geo, Robinson, No. 7 E.
Agricultural C o 1 t -x
gs„ Edgar
Wightman, No. 1.7; 2nd„: John' Curric
No. 9; 3rd., Joe Kerr,'No, 9.'
Bank of Commerce: Cup,Edgar
Wightman,tNo. r7
Can y
ar Tst,
, John Stewart, No. 17
Morris; 2nd., Arnold Vint, No. 8 E.
W.; 3rd., Stewart Shedden, No...3. M.
Any other Pet= 1st., Gordon Me -
Burney, No.. Ix E. W.; 2nd., Mary
Hunter, No.'7 Morris;' 3rd., 'Bruce
No. ..
Chaim-ley,1\o. 8 E. W.; 4th,, Francis
Jackson, No. 5, Morris; 5th,, Beatrice
Beecroft, No. 7 E. W.; 6th., Beryl
Cunningham, No. 8 E. W.
Pair of:Rabbits-rst. Cleland Bone,
No. 8 E. W.;, '2nd., Fred Finley,o.
1r Turnberry; 3rd., Henry Finley, No.
i i Turnberry; 4t11., Zora Bolt, No. 8
E, W,
Do -ist, ames Owens No. 8 E.
W,; 2nd., Howard Baker, No. It 13ur=.
ifa t moving spectacular drama, colorful with
the splendor of the Orient.
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the World.
? 191 'c�G 1p3� N
mately eltiy ,
ryii'aia 1? cy�
on; 3rd., Bruce Charnney, No, 8 E.
4th„ Go. Mielie, No. 5, Morris,
Cat -1st„ Geo. Martin, No, 5 14;
2nd., Blair Gibbons, No, 8 E,Wird.,
Lloyd McCauley, • No. 3 Morris; .4th.,
Zora Bolt, No, 8 E, W,; 5th:, Allen
McCallum, No. 8 E. W.; 6th,,. Arnold'
Vint, No, 8 E. W.
Pair of Pigeons -est., Vernon Cham
neY, No, 7 E. W.; and-, Gor. 'f+inley,
No, et Wingllain; 3rd,, Norman Coul-
tes, Not 9 E. W.; 4th:, Ab, Coultes,:
No. 9; E. W.; 5th., •Harold Dennis, No.
z1, Huron; 6th., Hazel Wilson, No.
1x Turnberry; •
Decks-ist., Myra Cunningham, No,
8 E. W.; 2nd,, John Clarke, No, 3 M.;
3rd., °Albert Coultes, No, 9 E. W.;
4th,, Ernie Black, No. 13 E. W.;'Sth.,
Clarence Ynill, No. 3 M.; 6th., Blair-
the Cunningham, No, 8 E. W.
Dozen White Eggs-xst., Dorothy
Vincent, No. 8 E. W.; 2nd„ Bruce
Chaniney, No. 8 E, W.; 3rd„ •Marion
McCauley, No. 3 M.;'4th,, Dick
tor, No. 17 M.; th., Eileen
No, 8,,. E. -W.; 6th., Gwen McDowell,
Dozen, Brown Eggs -est.` Hazel
IVIcBuri ey, No. , xi 1~. W.; 2nd., Rob
Yui.11, No. 3 M.; 3rd., John Clarke, No.
3 114. 4th., Lizzie Coultes, No. e M.
5th., Lloyd McCauley, No. 3;Morris;
6th,, Wm. Irwin, No. ix E. 'W.
Pair White WY andottes-r"st Bruce
Chaniney, N. 8 E. W.; 2nd., Dick
Proctor, No. 17 M.; 3rd., Rob. Ytiilt,_
No. 3 M., 4t1., Arnold! Vint, No. 8 as
W.; 5th., Rob McMurray, No. 5 M
6th, Norman Coultes, No. 9 T. W.
Pair Rhode Island Reds -est., Fran-
cis Jackson, No. 5 M.; 2nd., Bob Proc-
tor, No. 5 M;; 3rd.,: Ruth Cole, No.
17 E. W.; 4th Gwen ilcDowell, No.
8.. E. W.; 5th., Albert McMurray, No.
5 M.; 6th., Walt Pease, No. 5 M.
Pair of Black' Minorcas-1st",,Harry
Stapleton, No. 8 E. W.; 2nd., Edgar
Wightman, No.' 17 E. W.; 3rd., Eileen.
1v1cCallum, No. 8 E. W.
J3rown Le ��horns-rst. Bruce C am-
b h
riey, No. 8 E. W.; znd., Boyd Cun-
'nin.ghain, No 8 E. W.; 3rd., `Eileen'
McCallum, No.,8 F, W.
Cockerel, B. -1?, R. -1st;, Harvey
Stapleton, No, 8 E. W.; 2nd., Viletta
xhamney, No. 7 E. W.; 3rd-, Goldie
Wheeler, No. i7• MVI.; 4th., Norman
Coultes, No. 9`' E. W.; 5th., Bruce
Chaniney, No. -8 .E. W.; 6th., Arnold
Vint, No. 8 E. W.
Pullet, B. P, R. -1st., Viletta Chain-
ney, No. 7 E. "W 2nd., Harvey Sta
leton, No. 8 E. W.; 3rd., John Curri
No. 9 E. W. 4th., Bruce Chamne
No. 8 E. W.; 5th., Goldie Wheel
No. 17 M.; 6th., Arnold Vint, No.
E. W.
Pen of Two, 13. P. R. (Cockerel and
Pullet) -1st., Bruce Chaniney, No,.8
E. W.; znd., Jerry Brydges, No. 17 M.;
3rd., Bob Proctor,- No. 5 M.; 4th., Ruth
Cole, No. 17 E. W.; 5th., Lawrence
Taylor,. No. •g E. W.; 6th.,'Wallace
Black, No: 13 E., W.
Pair of White Leghorns-rst., Rut
Cole, No. 17 E. W.; znd.,Albert .Cou
tes, No. 9 E W.; 3rd.,' Albert 1Mtui•.ray,
No. 5 M.,• 4th., Dick, Proctor, No, �7.
M,;5th:, 'Wm. Black,` No. 13 E W.;
6th., Ada Phippen, ,No. 1r Turnberry.'
ltangolds From Home Garden -est.,
Geo. Martini No, 5 M; 2nd,,; Hazel
McBurney, No. ,i E. W,; 3rd., Annie
McDowell, No. 8 E. W.; 4th., Willie
Gresby, No. 5 M.; 5th., Dorothy
Vincent, No.' 8 E. W.;'6th., Jacob
McGill, No, 17;
Mangolds-rst., Edward Marsh, No
9 E. W.; and,, Harvey Stapleton, No
E. W.;',3rd.,'Robbie Yuill, No: 3 M.
4th., Richard. Proctor, No, 17, E. W.
5th., Willie Irwin, No. Tx E. W.; 6th.
Geo. Michie, No. 5 M.
r s -1st. Mary Robertson, n
P , No
r E. W,; 2nd., Jaynes Brydges, No
7; 3rd., Harold Vincent, No.; 8 E,
Turnips From Home Garden -1st.
Clarence Yuiill, No, 3;' 2nd., Dorothy
Higgins; No. 7 M.; 3rd., Jessie Brer
ges, No. 17; 4th., Alvin Rutledge, No
8 Any Memory Gent. of at Least Ten
Lines -1st., Bob Arbuckle, No. g E.
W.; :and:, Florence Blair, No. 13 E.. W.
Sweet Corn -1st., Willie Munro, No.
r7; 2nd., Willie Grashy„ No. 5 Morris;.
3rd., -Robs, Munro, No. 17; 4th,, Bob
Arbuckle, No, 9; 5th., Alex Robertson,
No, xi W.; 6th., Hazel McBurney, No.
Ix Wawanosh. '
Green Mountain -1st., Geo..Martin,
No: 5 M,; and., William Cruikshanks,
No. II Turnberry; 3rd,, Frederick Fin-
ley, No. Tx Turnberry; 4th., Stewart
Shedden, No, 3 Morris; 5th., John H.
Clark,, No, 3 Morris; 6th,,.S. 'Whaley,
No, i7. -
Dooley-Ist., .Bob Proctor, No. 5
Morris; 2nd., Zora Bolt, No. 8 E. W.;
'3rd.,. Mary Hunter, No.:7 M.; 4th.,
Viletta Chatnney, No. 7 Wawa.; 5th.,
Jessie Menzie, No. 8 Wawa.; 6th,, El-
don Welsh, No. ix Turnberry.
Irish Cobblers=rst., Agnes Robert-
son, No. ex E. W.; 2nd:, Mary Irwin,
No. II E. W.; 3rd..,; Vernon Chaniney,
No. E -
7 W,;••gth., Agatha Coultes,
No. 9, Wawa.; 5th., Alvin - Rutledge,
No. 3°Morris;; 6th., Henry Finley, No.
11, Tura '
their .
arley, Sheaf-ist , Harry Jackson,
y�r; No, 5 Morris; 2nd., Geo, Robinson,
Noe -7 Wawa:.''
, : Barley, Quart-Tst., Geo, Robinson,
- No. 7 ,Wawa.; and., Harry Jackson,
, No. 5 P2orris;.
Field Peas-Is''t,; Robbie McMurray,'
No, 5 Morris; 2nd., Hazel Irwin, No.
ee E. W; 3rd,, Lawrence Taylor, No.
9 E. W.; 4th,, Jim Deacon, No. xx E.
W.; 5th., Norman Coultes, No. 8 W.
Field Corn -1st., "Mason Robinson,
No.. 7' E. W.
Oats, Sheaf-Ist., Gordon<McBurn-
ey, No, 11 E. W.; 2nd., Francis Jack -
1<'H "VVZNGHIi'4 DV,
ter, NO. .7N
Rarldnxado A0'ad-1st., .attrett;a;
McBurney, No, 8 E. W.; 2nd:, Angela
Gibbous, No. 8 E, W.; 3rd,, Agatha
Coultes, No, 9 -E, W,; 4th,, Agnes
Coultes, No. 9 Wawa„ stn„ Lizzie
oulter, No, 7 M.; 6th., Annie .Clark,
No, 3 M .•
Best Darned Woollen .Sock -1st„
Andrew McBurney, No, 8 E. W. 2nd.,
Agatha Coultes, No. g E. W.; 3rd.
Mary Hunter, No, 7 M.; 4th., Olive
May Corbett, No. x7 E. W,; 5th,, Alba
Carter, No. 9 'E, W.
Hemstitched Handkerchief or Tow
el -.-1st., Blanch Cunningham:, No,
E. W.; 2nd., Lauretta McBurney, No
8 E. W.; 31d., Hazel II -Win, No. xx E
W. 4th., May Wightman, No. 13 W.;
5th., Jessie IVIenzies, No. .8 W.; .6th.
Verna Irwin, No. xi Wawanosh.
Knitted Wool Scarf --1st,;' Angel
Gibbons, No. 8 W,; 2nd,, Hazel 'vie
Burney, No. ix'W,; 3rd,, IdazeI Mc.
Gregor, No, 13 W.
Quilt Patch -1
, Alberta , Sliiells
No. 9 E. W.; 2nd,; Florence Blair,' No
13 E.: W;; 31d., Jessie Campbell, •No.
M.• tl. H
7 , 4 i , Ida ,el McGregor, No.13
E. W.; 5th., .Beatrice Beecroft, No,
E. W.; 6th.,' Marion McCauley, No.
3 Morris,
Hemmed byHand-
Ise., Beryl Cunningham, No
?, g , 8 E. W.;
2nd.,. Marion McCauley, No. 3 M.;
3rd., Jessie Campbell, No. 7 Morris;
4th., Isabella Campbell, No, 7 Morris.
Doll's Kimona-1st,, Alberta Mc-
Murray, No. 5 M. and„ Marion Mc-
Caule : c
y, No. 3 I1loiris;'3rd., Beryl Cun-
ningham, No. 8 Wawa,
Best Dressed Doll-ist. Albertat
McMurray, No, 5 Morris; 2nd., Jean
Higgins,. No. 7 Morris; 3rd., Dorothy
Stapleton, No. 8 E. W.
Ia of Huron on Count -
P County -est., Ed-
ward Marsh, No. p, Wawa.; 2nd,, Nor-
man Coultes, No. 9 Wawa.; 3rd.,
Dorothy Kerr, No. 9 Wawa; .4th.,
Willie Munro, No. 17; 5th., Vera Fin-
ley, No. ix Turnberry; 6th., Jean Or -
vis, No, TI Turnberry.
Mapof Ontario -1st- Agnes g es Coul-
ter; No. p W.; 2nd,, Beryl Cunning --
ham, No. 8.E. 'W.; 3rd., Charlie Dey-
ell, No. xx Turnberry; 4th., Joe Kerr,
No. 9 E. W.; 5th,, Ruth Cole, No. 17
'Wawa.; 6th., Willie_B,J.ack, No. 13 E.
Relief Map of British Isles-rst.,_
Angela Gibbons, No. 8, Wawa,; znd.,
Blanche Conning -ham, No. 8 E. Vii.;
3rd., Lawrence Taylor, No. 9 E• W.;
4th., Neil Potter, No. ix, Turnberry;
5th., Edith. McEwen, No, 1x Turn -
son,' No. 5 Morris; 3rd, Albert Coul-
tes, No, 9
Oats, Quart.•-,1stAlex Robertson,
No. Xi E, W.; 2nd,, Albert Coultes,
No. 9 Wawanosh; 3rd,,,Pran.cis Jack-
son, No. 5 Morris; 4th., Gordon We -
Burney, No:: x1 E, W,
' Wheat, .Sheaf -1st,, .Edna Jackson,
No. Morris.
Wheat, Quart-rst„ Edna Jackson,
No. IVlorris,
Hand-irtade Box -1st„ Geo. Rohl
d sonn, No. 7 E, W,; 2114,, E, Marsh, N
a Woodwork Model-zst, Jas. �' Me
8 Gill, No. 17 Morris; 2nd., :Cl Bone, No,
8 1. W.; 3rd,, Bob Proctor,; No. 5 M,;
4111,, W,Jarnes,No.7E,W.
Waste Paper Basket -1st., L. Mc
Burney, No. 8 E, W.
Bird House -est., A. McBurney, No.
Angela 8 E, W.; 2nd., R; McMurray, No. 5
Morris; 3rd., Walter Scott, No. z3 E
W.; 4t1,., C. Robinson, No, 7. E. W,;
5th., F. Jackson, No. 5 Morris.
it '
, Mi krn� Stop!-Tst., R: Proctor,No.
17 Morris; :2nd,, J. W. Clark, No. -
Morris;;.3rd., R. Sheddin; No. 3,Iyior
ris;'4th.; R. McManus, No.'Morris.
5 � i
7 Patch Sewn On rain 1 Ba -x t,
V. Chamner No. E n s
7 W'. ; and., N.
Coultes, No. 7 11Mo;•ris; 3rd.,. Jas. Mc
Crea, No. 1'7 M. and E, W.; tai,
-4 , .7••
Stewart, No. x7; 5th., A. Ivlcl3urney,
No. 8 E. W.; 6th., C. Johnston,' No
8 E, W.
Hammer i a cr 1` an
m I ole-rst.: R. McMur-
ray, ray, No. 5 Morris; znd, W. Irwin
No. 1 x E. W.; 3rd., R. Proctor, No.
17 W, and: M.;4th. "E. Finley,No. it
4 �
Turnberry; 5th,,, Bots Hopper, Aro,
pP 17
a Morris.
School. Lunch -1st, , G ven i Le
, � co ne
McDowell, No. 8 E. W.; 2nd., Ruth
Cole, No. 17 Wawa,; 3rd., Marion Mc-
Cauley, No. 3 Morris; 4th., John M.
Clark, No. 3. Morris.; 5th.; 'Blanch Cun-
ningham, No. 8 E. W.; 6th., Florence
Scott, No. 13 E. W.
Best 5 lb. Prints of Butter -1st.,
Bob Proctor, No. 5 Morris;.2nd.
Blanch Cunningham, No. 8 E. W.
3rd., Agatha,, Coultes, No, ; 9 E. W.;
4th., Agnes Coultes, No. 9 E. W.; 5th.,
Jessie Menzies, No. 8 E. W.; 6th,;
John Clark, No..3, Morris.
Light Layer Cake -1st,, Agnes Coul-
tes, No. 9 Wawa.; 2nd., Blanch Cun-
ningham, No. 9 W a�a a.; 3rd., Robena
Young, No. 1x Wawa.; 4th., Jessie
Menzie, No. 8 E. 'W' ; 5th,, Agatha
Coultes, No, 9 E. W.; 6th., Veletta
Charnney, No. 7 E. W.
Dark Layer Cake -1st., Ruth Cole
No. 17 Wawa.; 2nd., Dorothy Kerr
No. 9 Wawa.; 3rd., Annie Clark, No
3 Morris; 4th, Winrrifrecl Munroe, No
17 E. W.; 5th., Agnes Coultes, No.
9, Wawa.; 6th,, Agatha Coultes, No.
9 E. W,
Pencil Sketch : Of Animal-rst., Joe
Kerr, No. 9 E. W.; 2nd:, Alba Carter,
No, 9 E. W.; 3rd., Francis Jackson,
No. 5 Morris; 4th., Harold Kerr, No,
9 E. W.; 5th., Harvey Stapleton, No,
8 E. W.; 6th,, Bruce Chaniney, No.
Scene In Water Colors -1st., Ruth
Cole, 17 E. W.; 211(1., Robert.Munro,
No. 17 E. W.; 3rd., Alex McBurney,
No. 8.E W.; 4th., Dan Arbuckle, No.
9 E. W.; 5th., Alda Carter, No. 9 E:
W.; 6th,, Agnes Coultes, No..9 Wawa,
Crayon Drawing of Some Flower--
ist-, Alberta McMurray, No. 5 Morris;.
2nd., Hazel McGregor, No. 13 E. W.;
3rd., Cleland Bone, No. 8 E. W.; 4th.,
Arnold Dennis, No. it Turnberry;
5th., Leonard James, No. 9 Wawa.;
6th., Harvey Stapleton, No. 8 E. W.
Special by John Joynt, "Letters"
for girls under 12'years-xst., Blanch
Cunningham, No. 8 E. W.; 211(1., An-
nie McDowell, ell
w No. 8 E. W.; 3rd., Zora
Bolt, No. 8 E. W.; 4th., Agatha Coul-
tes, No, 9 Wawanosh,
Cradle Song -1st., Clark Johnston,
No. 8 E. W.; 211(1., Dorothy' Higgins,
No. 7 Morris; 3rd., Harold Vincent,
No, 8 E. W.; 4th., Margaret Irwin,
No, xi 13. W.
Indian Sunhi]1er-,st,, Blair Gibbons,
No. 8 E. W.; 2nd, Velma Wheeler,
No. 17 Morris and Wawa,; 3rd„ Eve-
lyn Corbett, No. 17 Morris;4th.,
Dorothy Kerr, No. 9 E. W.; star., Haz-
el McGregor, No. 13 E. 'eV.; 6th,, Al-
berta Shiell, No. 9 E. W.
A Farewell''-rst., Ruth Cole, No. 17
F. 1V.; 2nd,, "'Joe Kerr, No. 9 E. W-;
3rd., Lillian Hopper, No. 17 Morris;
4th., Goldie . Wheeler, \ o. 1 E.
4 ,7 W.
and.. Morris; 5th., Annie tfcDowell,
No. 8 E. W. 6t11.,, Willie Black, No.
13 E. W.
Mercy -1st,, Gwendolene McDowell,
t - o
S Wawa.; is �n .
� d � in i -r
tU ted 'I tar
n A t o,
No, 17 Wawa.; 3rd., Angela Gibbons,
No, 8 E. W.; 4th., Verna Rath, No.
13 .Huron; 5th,, Loretta McBurney,
No, 8 E. W.; 6th., Robena Young, No.
e1 E. W. „
Jar of Canned Vegetables -1st.,
Clark Johnston, No.,8 E. W.; end.,
Alberta McMurray, No, 5 Morris; 3rd.,
Bob Proctor, No. 5 Morris; 4th., Vil-
letta Chaniney, No. 7 E, W.; 5th., Isa-
bel Leitch, No, `3 Morris; 6th., Marion
McCauley, No. . Morris,
Loaf Home-made Bread -1st,, An-
gela Gibbons, No. 8 E. W; 2nd., Jean
Higgins, No, 7 Morris; 3rd., Marion
McCauley, No. 3 Morris; 4th., Isabel
Leitch, No. 3 Morris; 5111., Mervyn
McCaule3r, No. 3 Morris; 6111,, May
Wightrnan, No, 13 E W.
Apple Pie -1st., Agnes Coulter, No,
9 Wawa.; znd,, Bob Proctor, No, 5
Morris; 3rd., Robena Young, No, 'Ix
E. W.; '`4th,, Agatha Coultes, No, 9
E. W.; 5th., :Blanch Cunningham, No.
8 E. W. 6th,, Loretta McBurney, No,
E. W.
Lenton Pie -1st., Gwendolene Mc-
owell, No. 8 E. W.; 2nd., May
Wightman, No, 13 E. W.; 3rd,, Jessie
enzie, No. 8 E. W.
Collection of Fifteen Weed Seeds -
t., Geo, Martin, No. 5 Morris; end.,
W, Clark, No. 3 Morris; 3rd., C,
ohnston, No. 8 E. W.; 4th., E. 'Wight-.
an, No. 17 E. W; 5th.,J Menzie,
o, 8 E, W,; 5th,, G. McDowell, No.
E. W.
C7l1ectiorr of Fifteen Mounted X11
cts•--rst., J. W. Clark, No. 3 Mot-
; 2nd., B, (ribbons, No. 8 E W.
d. A. Blair, No, 13 E. W.; 4th,, A.
Mons,, No. 8 E. W.; ,5th., C. Bone,
o. 8 E. W.; 6t11., C. Johnston, No. 8
Collection of IVlottnted Loaves--tst.,
Young, No. 1 t E, W„
ny,' No. 8 E. W ; 3rd., r C;ariifsbeil, .
rr 7 Morris; 4tlt , C, Jolxrtston, No,
E W.; Star,, A • C:ouit�es, N
6th., A Car ter, l�io 9
8conrs.-i t , Agatha •Coultas, No i
XJ. M 20 0;V'rlett t Chatttney,
tl„ 1c` riottli r ,Vlrtceril,
,,y.'� tit i' y,vV 11t1F{'r"'yY�
1R t;1•iiA, �^ ,tfh..,
' 8
3' M.; 5th,, lien Cunningham, No. 8 E.
W.; 6th:, Edgar Wightman, No, r7.
Geranium. In Pot-rst., James Mc-
Crea, No. 17 11/ ; and., Clark Johnston,,
No. 8 E. W.; 3rd., Lloyd McCauley,
o. 3 M. 4th., Margaret Irwin, No. 1i
W.; 5th., Marion McCauley, No. 3
Begonia In Pot -1st., Goldie Wheel
r, No. 17 M.; encl., Dorothy Staple -
on, No. 8 M,; 3rd., Bruce Chaniney,•
o. 8 E, W. 4th., Ruth t Cole,No,
W ; 5th., Cleland Bone, o. 8 17
W. 6th., James McCrea, No. x7 M.
Sweet Peas-,st,, Catherine.Peters,
No. 12nd i
7 W; Lizzie Coultes, No.
IVI,; 3rd., Isabella Campbell, No.
P 7
DM.; 4th,, Jessie Campbell, No. 7 M.
IFltlox-ist., Annie Clark, No. 3' M.;
lid., Hazel McBurney, °No. Tr W.;
rd., Ha2e1' Irwin, No. x1 W.; 4th.,
illie Grashy, No. 5 Tt.; 5th., Beatrice
aker, No. IT Turnberry.
Bouquet From Horne Garden-xst.,
obert McMurray, No. 5 M.; 2nd.,
ohn Clark, No.< 3 M. 3rd., Richard
roctor, No. 17 M•; 4th., Arnold Vint,
o. 8 E. W.;' 5th., Robbie Yuill, No.
If. 6111,, Blanche Cunningham, No.
E. W.
Zinnias -1st,, Dorothy Stapleton,
o. 8 E. W.; '2nd., Mary Scott, No.
E. W,; 3rd,, Jessie Menzies, No, 8
4th., Bob Proctor, No. 5 M.; 5th.,
oward Clark, No. 3 M.; 6th,, Jessie_;
ainpbell, No. 7, Morris..
Bouquet ' of Dahlias -1st., Willie
rasby, No, 5, Morris; 2nd.; John
arke, No, 3 M,; 3rd., Alberta Mc-
urray, No. 5 M.; 4th.,:Dorothy Hig-
as, No, � 7 M.; SL1i., Robena Young,
D. 1z W.; 6th., Clarence: Vuill, No.
Gladiolus••---Tst,; Richard Ptoctor, No
M,; 2r1d., Willie Grasby, No. 5 Itt.
Asters- 1st,,. &obbie McMurray, No.
Morris; 2nd., George Martin, - No,
Morris; 3rd.,.Richard Proctor, No.
M.; 4th,, Olive .May Corbett, No, z7
orris; ,5th;, Viletta Chaniney, No. 7
awa ; 6th, Dorothy Vincent; No.
W awa,
Tatted Edge 'or Handlcercliief
E116it . Stonehouse, No, '17; 2nd.,
aneh Cunningham;' No. '8- Wawa,;
„ Verna ;Erwin, No. ,11 Wawa,; -4111.,
wendolette; McDowell, No,. 8 Wawa,;
,, Annie McDowell, No, 8 E
u, Jessie Campbell, N'o. IViorr1s
Crocheted Lace For Pillow •Ca.ses•••-
Angela Gibbons, N. 8 13, W.;
Blanch Curiningliatn,'- No, 8 1:
; 3rtl,y 13e11 Catrxpbell, No, 7 M.;
t,,;Annie CI4rk, No 3 M„
hien Cetztrepleee Enibrotdeted�.Xn
Ors -1St.,' Jessie Campbell, No ,,
y grid, MYa,y 'i htniatr, No 1,3''1,{,,.
314 Angela Gi1i'lIotts� NrI
ab' of Knitted Sontts,i-.4st, ,Aga.tit�t
ttlfesr �Sta r�9 Ea 4�1 ytid 1'Xnaalt�
;,�No ih 1g1a1WRta'i:,.uf°W17J.fy6tiw
on., F ,
This is the era of progress. The call for
trained men and women to carry forward in
Medicine, Science, Engineering and Fine Arts
is stronger than' ever before;
If you would help your children make the
most of their lives you should give thein the best
education you can afford. .A university education
is the first essential for our future leaders.
.A college stands at your door with' open
gates 'ready to give thetas complete courses in
Medicine, Arts and . Public Health.
Admission is by Western University
Junior Matricula.• degrees 'are universally,
tion except: for recognized,
special ori nurses 1�1i
courses, and they �, , For information apply to
fees, are so low Y!' DR. R. P, R. NEV1k.L
that. qtly one. may , 'Si ` - Regietra;r E
attend, ! 1`.
i , . London. Ontario
"Elul"a"4ives" Restored
i Him to Health
159 Av�.tt;n Pros IX, MONTREAL
"For three years, I was a terrible
sufferer from Dyspepsia and my general
health was very bad. I consulted a
physician and took his medicine but
1 did not improve; and finally he told
sin that I could not be cured.
At this time, a friend advised me
to by "Frait•a-tives".: After taking two
boxes, 1 was greatly relieved; and.
this fruit medieine made me completely
well. My digestion and general health
are now splendid".
50e a box, 6 for $3.50, trial size 250,
At. dealers or sent. postpaid by
Fruit-a-tives• Limited, Ottawa-
ona .a�Ma veroft «itoo ao�a eao e,ims,
MISS . I ' L
Will be pleased°to receive pupils
thMiss Abell is teaching unclo-
the dircetiort of Harry T. Dick-
inson, Organist, and Choirntas-
te'r, St. ?atilt Cathedral, London
and coltdttctor of the 1:ondon
Choral Society, and who will
conic stip periodically to teaoh
.and examine the pupils,
lentils and pattieula,rs from
, l n.a 1111 ',ai
The Se ,led Paicket i -
Clark, No. 3 Morris; Gth., Marion Mc-
Cauley, No. 3 )Morris.
Oatmeal e C, o ie -r
ok s t s.T ess e •
bell, i -
bell, No. 7 Morris; 2nd„ Annie Blair
No. x3 E. W.; 3rd., Jessie Menzie, No.
8 E. W.; 4th,, Gweedolene McDowell,
8 E: W.; 5th., 1\Iay,Wglrtman, No,
r3 E. W.; 6th., Isabelle Campbell, No.
7 Morris.
Le on or Butter Tar -
ts 1st.,. Beryl
Cunningham, No. 8 E. W.; 2nd. a
Wightman, No. i3' E. W.; 3rd,, Lame
eta McBurney, No. 8 E. W.; 4111.,
Vera Finley, No.. rx Turnberry; th.,
No. tb,5
Annie 131air, 13' E W.; 6th: Al='
be.rta McMurray No. Morris,
Home-made CaS nd
y->sti; Alex Mc-
Burney, No. 8 E. W.; end., May Wig-
htman, No. 13 E. W.; 3rd., Jessie Men-
zie, No. 8 E. W.; 4th., Ruth Cole .No..
17 Wawa.;5th., Catherir
, to Peters, No.
17 E. W.; 6th., Dorothy ICerr, No. 9
E. W,
Collection of Fifteen Oat Weeds
1st., C. Bone, No. 8 E, W.; 2nd., 5,
W. Clark, No. 3 Morris; 3rd., J. Cur-
rie, No. 9 E. W.; 4111., V. Janes, No,
9 E. W.; 5th., A. McDowell, No. 8 E,
W.; 6th., 0. M. Corbett, No. 17 E. W.
Collection of Named Native Woods
-rst•, N. Coultes, No. 9 E. W.; and,,
A. McBurney, No, 8 E. W.; 3rd., Rob-
bie McMurray, No. 5 Morris; 4th., E.
Wightman, No. 17 E. W.; 5th., J.
Owens, No, 17 E. W.; 6th., J. W.
Clark, No. 3 Morris.
Good morning, ladies! How is the
preserving coming along?
• On the other hand some women
don't dress; they upholster. -
Everybody is happy except father
-he's wondering where the fuel is
coming from.
A man can assist at the canning'
process, -but woe betide him if he
gets canned himself.
Geese are said to be flying south
early this year. Well, geese always
were silly old things.
With the five cent cigar back we
need not worry so much about what
to burn this winter.
It would be a better world if men
so lived that they didn't have to ask
to have it kept out of the newspapers.
of cool evenings don't
disturb the young couples who are
courting these days; They can al-
ways keep close together.
The European corn borer is a pest
that it is almost irnpossibre to eradi-
cate. We have a suspicion that it
must be of the book agent tribe,
Do 'ale!! Went A' Fair
The49th Annual ,Pi Pinkerton r. n.
h A n i l e to u
ition held on W,ednesday, Sept .j2pi~11,
attracted a crowd of not over Sop
people and the gate receipts amountei
to' only, $45.00,` The total aroeeed;
including the concert in the ' eveni'i
amounted to $ir6.0o, Over 50o prize
were awarded and exhibits were,>g'oo"
The weather was ideal.
St. Marys Will
Not Buy Indt.i.r1.
St. Marys is notout t t 'Ado
y • o buy nidus
tries; we must get any new' iirdustrir',
on' the merits of the town,,, This. z.
the summing up of the industrial' out.
lookin the Stone ,Town by Presdeii_:
N, L. Brandon of the Board of -Trade s:
"Without using extravagant or high-
flown language, I think we can safely:
say that no section of the country fel,
the past :depression so tittle as St.-
t -Marys," he added. Our chief reliance
is on industries that work in such 'uat.
ural resources as ,our limestoneanae':;.
marl deposits, in the quarries and oma,,
the fine class of ':industries, sten, asw
Maxwells, Hurlbut's, De Long 'Hoc.
and; Fye all of which cater t_o'3. :
home needs of the country. We :haver ,.
a number of industries seeking .sites .j
at present and if they are the desirabl,t„ '.
type of manufacturer we shall: nee-
e doubt close with them."
Mr. )Brandon is a former MVlayor
St. Marys, having occupied the chair
in 1920 and x921, after only one•and
half years in tate Council.
Mr. N. L. Brandon is a son of Mr$'.-
T. S. Brandon of. Winghani.
Delegates To Conference
The following delegates from thie
London Conference have been 'ap
pointed to attend - the General con-
ference of the Methodist church to be
held this week in Toronto.
Ministers -J- E. J. Millyard, Sarnia;
J. W. Hibbert, Kingsville; A. E:' TV3„
Thomson, London; H. J.`'Uren, TVtrt
chell; R. Hicks, St. Thomas; 3. W
Graham, Toronto; D. N. McCamus„
Clinton;, W. E. Millson,, , London; J.-,
A. Agnew, London; W. L. Hiles, Lone-'
don; G. W. W. Rivers, H•ensall, •R., A
Miller, Cottam; I. W. J. :ICilpatricke
Thamesford; W. K. Hagar, Aylmere
E. W. Edwards, Listowel; "W• ' ,A
Walden, Windsor; G. N. Hazen, Blen-
heim; A. E. Jones, Chatham; T. E:
Sawyer, Milverton; R. 11: Barnb3,
Sarnia; A. S. Whitehall, Glencoe.
Reserves -E. F. Armstrong; Wal
laceburg; G. Jewitt, Forest; B. II
Robinson, Leamington; W, B. Creigh•
ton, "Guardian" Office, ' Toronto; f
E. Holmes, Stratford.
Laymen -W. H. Kerr, Brussels; G
Stanley, Lucan • C.^ Austin, Chatham;
F. 13. Holtby, St. Thomas;''3.•C. Hay,
Listowel; Chief Snake, Bothwell; M
H. Moorehouse, London; J. W. Slid- ,
lington, Blenhehn; E. S. Hunt, Lamb
beth; J. T. Burgess, Leamington;. J
Ferguson, Sarnia; J. A, Irwin, Clinton,
J. R. Steadman,. Petrolia; Wm. Hea
man, London; J. H. Chapman, Lon
on; H. Pocock, London; S.
hown, Lucan; 3. W. IIumpleeey,.
batham; H. Richmond, > Atwood;.
AV, Trimble, Amherstburg; I. Wat
erworth, Glencoe.
Reserve Delegates -A. Rumford',,,J..:
orest; W. H. Lobb, Clinton; C. . ;.
eal, London;, W. Copp, London; Geo,,-
• Some men would just as soon c
"risk their lives by patronizing a c
home bootlegger as travel all the way
to Montreal for a real drink.
The reformers should consider the F
moral effect of baseball, The fans B
think as much of a man that' steals p
as thedo ofone � o e ware earns
a run. • BELGRAVI
"How times have changed," as
the chap affirmed as he blew the
foam of an ice -cream soda and hark-
ened back to another kind of foam tl
he used to blow.
"Too Many Husbands" will bere-
peated in the. Foresters' Hall, on Oct'..
re, under theauspicesofthe a
ran Order of Foresters.
25 cents,
0 II
Every woman who is inter-
ested in fashions, and what
woman is not,.will find she
can obtain the latest styles
and know the very newest
features of the mode by
curing the
Fashion Book
and the
20 emri,t.1 to15 cents
tido dvelefee„