HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-09-28, Page 1isannuroncresturmaimosaaaamosemsattromasua Har iss Franc s s•fries. ickawa in ith" 'Single Copies Four Cents St. Pauls Church ,,Notes . . Harveet Thalikagiying services will be held next Sunday. Oct, 1st. Spec- ial music will be rentleted by the choir send Rev. D. • C. C. Waller, M, Principal of Huron 'College, London, will preach at both' services. Rev. D. D. Douglas of Dungannon, - preached„rnost acceptably at St. Pauls -church on Sun'tlay evening, Rey: Snellwas :conducting , Harvest Set vices at Port -Albert. The Choir held a very successful einer roast on Wednesday evening. , "Wingharn Honiicultural Society , Membeeships for 1922 and 1923 are `Mow being taken., Subscription $1.00, -which entitles naginbers to 30 good Tulip bulbs from ' the Dale Estate, iNo. 2 Hyacinth bulbs are nowafor sale ...at 75 cents per dozen. Membership cards and all information can be obe tained from Wm. Galbraith, Town Clerk; J. E. Cove, at the Canada Furniture Factory; The Dominion' '3Bank and all members of the exectit- lye. Applications for membership from poitts outside of Wingham ate welcomed. ;Ptiie Winners Of Guessing Contest The prize whiners of the P. & Guessing Contest held at Muhdys 'Store clnring the last two weeks were: 1st; Mrs.. Jas. Halliday and Mrs. Henderson., each 900; 2nd., Mrs. R. , eCutrie, 895; 3rd,,' Mrs. J. fa. McEwen, .1fre, Jas. Weir and Mrs. J. Kelly each The correct answer was 911. The .-:fitst prize was so cakes of soap, the -.second was 25 ,cakes of soap, the third was 15 cakes and fotreth was io cakes. The prizes Were divided where there -were more than two. ---..—. A., - • . G. R. A. ., EVERYBODY'S COLUMN A L L --Suffering from rheumatism, kidney or liver disease, nervous prostration, insomnia, indigestion, female trouble, anaemia blood press ' sure. Tat magnetic electric blanket restores and radiates the body with perfect circulation, eliminates waste matter and restores the body to health. Mrs. T. Fells, Treatments, Patrick St. - ' i ; .1 . i ( i - ALL ACCOUNTS—Owing John E. .1-lomuth must be settled by the • is•th of October, ay they will be placed in court for collection. s"""'•-• John E. Hannah. I ( ( 1 ( i ---- AUTO as MARKER L 0 S T --Some- Where on the road from Auburn through Whitechurch and Wing- ham. , Finder kinc113r leave at The Advance. f i t s r _FARM TO RENT—Good too acres, near Yviingliarn, lots of water, -good buildings. Apply to. . The Advance. , la b 0 ... t 1 FOR SALE—Quantity of mixed Honey. •11 people dad their own • pails and come for it, will be e • jest 30c per lb. Jas. H. Caseniore, R,e4., Wingharu. : s f, a la a E J P el a NV la at ai ti w 1V s• 1 ss fi (a a's y( sb si, et sc lb lit , sh '' wi sill av Fr s'h M Da, tie 13a .M. an ,:ii - iia. ; lan thi fo: gra 21( po (::/r of lee tv a stn eav .1,7-i'Olsi SALE—Range, Crown Heron,' with water front, also water power washer. Apply to ' G. I-Iughes, Frances St. FOR SALE—In the Town of Wing- -ham, about three acres of land on which is situated a good sized frame hotise, with cellar, towtz water, elec- tric lights, andall in first class repair, also a good stable on the place. For particulars apply to ,,..j.' G. Stewart, agent, - 'Wingham, Ont. , • FARM FOR SALE -2o acres in Hel- lett Township, 120 acres in one farm with good building, the other 8o, ./s. mile, with 15 'acres good hard- • wood bush. Will sell separate or together, This is first-class proper- ty and 'will give good terms or ex- 'change for a good house as part pay, for particulars, apply to 3, W. Mills, R. R. No, s, Blyth. 'FARM FOR SALE—Lots 24 and 25. Con. 1, Grey, containing too acres fair buildings, close to school, tele- photte, cream and mail route at ' gate. 65 - acres -workable, balance bush and pasture with running creek. Price $4,500; 113 cash, bal- ance6 per cent. Apply to Wm.,J.-Duckering, • Box 329, Listowel. .. I'LOWING- WANTED—Price is rea- seeable and goodsarork guaraeteecl. 'Work do ue with' two -furrow horse plough. Apply to. .0.-H, Martha Whitechureli. Tel, N. Huron, 14 On 615. TO RENT Dwelling Rooms in the MacDonald Block, Apply to Abner •Cosens. TO RENT --A, stoi'e in the Holmes1es, Block, .can be used for almost any purpose. Apply to L. --Kennedy. TO RENT—Six roomed cottage. Ap- 'ply- at The Advance, USED CARS FOR SALE—$200.00 ,drawa buys a scat9 Gray -Dort in 'splendid condition; $too.00 down will bey a 1918 Gray -Dort model in good' condition; -,Ileoo.00 down bays- a 1017 Willys'sKnight. Re- niembet eyery car you see on the atedet ie .a esed ear, One Delco 'Light', Plant at' a -greatly reduced prace„ -Will ,exeliange auy of the ahovaa cars for cheaper cars, ,., L. Kentiedy. WA,NTED---Saleslady, Apply to /if, E. teard & Co. SWAM RIVER TO VOTE a To the Editur av the'Advancea Deer Sur Did ye ivir shtop to tink what a foine countlary we do be liVin in? Me ould brother Matt, often tould me that in all his thrayels he nivit sew a hetther. Plinty to ate, an good hom- es to live in, wid shchools an churches ivirywheer, an ivirybody at pace wid his naybersabarrin:seme little differ in pollyticks 10 kape us frum goin to shlape intoirely. Shure, I often wondher whey we hey so Manny blessins whin rnillions av other payple are slitaram, arr bein murdleered by thirst divils, ay Roo hens, -an Turks. 'Tisa quare wurru as sed ebefoor, an the bash+1 natio arr baseball tame, doesn't awlway Alebby sometoimes the gam is awl arranged befoorhand an the fellahs doin the' harrucl shluggin. n the defate av the Grakes by thii Turks. Shure theer musht hey bee crooked wurrule somewheer; fer tl Grake min wus awl -ways good bye in a shcrap. Me son's woife, she wus shchool ta,ycher an boordi at our house, used to. lave her •oul n slitory beoks loyin arround the kit- chen the winitee avenins an be raydi v thim. Theer wus one fellah wh taGrake„ who leild a pass wi'd no min against 40.million Persians. a. a Spartan; which is the same 'a l — sagamarmwommoubarm - -............parn..41...mtnImunat.....,_,...._auntlaraionffsentavausanomatsumtuaitaunsometwom ITIosoannuntalimuslaumn4 , Ingham M thodist Church, o [onday.evening Octobe rror • W2= 211 a WiNGHAM, oNT., THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER. 28th, 1922 WINGHAM FALL FAIR A Success Feom Every Standpeint On Tuesday • Wingham Fall Fair was blessed with ideal weather oa Monday and Tuesday. The crowd was not nearly ,as -large as was aetieipated, probably the farmers were too busy threshing end corn cutting, however, a great Many came longdistances to the fair. The gate receipts amounted to a little over $600.00: Each member of course had. an extra ,entry ticket and there were over 1000 school children who s_ locals part in the championship•school Id fair; who were admitted free, ea well as all those who were in the parade of Wingham School children, A great many were disappointed at not hearing Premier Drury, but that. was their own fault, fo`r he spoke at 1.3o as he was advertised to do, but several came about 2.30 and expected to hear him. The thanks of the Soc- iety is extended to Mr. john Joynt, M. P. P„ and to Mr, John King, M. 'P., who were the meaus of the prem- ier's visit. What NEI-. Joyht takes in hand to do, he doeseand does right. He did not sit back and -ret when Mr. Druryisaid he would cOnie to Wingham, but he just kept on making him say so every time he could get in teuch with him. Not content with that he engaged -the Lucknow Pipe Band to raeet him at the station and to escort him to the grounds. The directors of, the Fair, and par- ticularly the President, Mr, L J. Wright, deserve it great deal of credit for the success of the Fair. They ap- peared to be up against difficulties all the way, tents had to be erected and grounds pitt in shape. A mid -way, merry -go -around and ferris wheel were contracted for and at the eleven- th hour' wined that • they could not come. Similar trouble was experien- 'ced at almost every turn, an aeroplane promised to be here and did not send a note to say why it wasn't. Never- thelesssthe Fair was a_good one frorn every standpoint. ' Gunn Sonola, Fry 8z Blackhall, Ltd., and the Aero Cushion Tire Co., had displays of their manufactures. The War Memorial Hospital for children of Lontlon had a splendid exhibit whieh included teee moving pictures and radio enartainments., (List of prize winners will 'be fOund on page 6.) n, e. ot knowiti annyting about it. Just luk at whin it t- henaometoimes, an I wed pick thie only 11 higestheer wus Alex.alider the Grate, ✓ flo ricked the risht ay the wurruld, in thin sat clown -an croied becaws he wus out av a jawb, theer bein no more foightin to do. I tink mebby he had it shtrake av Irish in him. him wus shmart lads, but the fellah Yolked to rade about betther han army ass the other's wus it ye named Leander, whose besht irrul lived across the Hellespont, which is a river voider than the Mail: - and at Auburn in the shpring. Well, hie Leander used to shwire across viry -noight to see his girrul, an ought nothin av it at all, at all. The irruls didn't•ehould thimsilves so hape in thim days. ' 'Tis °illy whin an is afther wantinsannyting in, ral arnest that he will go -,shtrong fer t. I shwara the Maitland wance me- ilf whin I WUS a young fellah to git ie vote itt befoor the Grit sherootin- ers Cud git to the pollin place. I wned a farrum awl might, an me erne"- WUS on the lisht, but 1 wussn't uoite twiety-wan an thim Grits knew wust, ati goin to troy to slatop me -um yotineso whoile they wus droiv-- arround by the bridge, I shwant he river an bate thim to it, so to hpake. .'Twits in Novimber an the iver wus hoigh, an the wather- could, ut I didn't moind fer I did it in the esht intirists ay rtie, counthry an the ood ould Tory parthy, forlaye ba.tin le Grits wid theer Shmart-thricka but to-git back to thim- Grakes; theca: - us a bit av poethry in wan a.v the school bOoks about a Giedse, who ought the Turks to a finigh: 'Twas foine poem about it fell -ah -named faeco Bozzaris,,arr some sich a name, a 'Part at; it wint this way. An hour passed on, the.Turk awoke, hat; broight drame .wits his lasht." Shure it will be the lasht` av ould amal Pasha's broaght drames too if ha Bull Wan C e gits afther him -operly. If I wasn't so bad wid the teurnatia I -wed go mesilf an shoot few av thim murtherin Turks, SO I aci but 3 shuppOse thim young fel hs,' Paddy. Pettigrew, an Doc. Ross, Herb Campbell, an Hal MacLean; t the risht av thim will be havin awl e fun an the' herald wurrik an the 13'1it stirely the foightin itt Europe ill soon be over, :. They ,musht be ia bat the hateball bYes 'call the sends' leis. now. The Grakes., havin been badly defeatedwillnot be in the. eds. They latitite played t poor nie, only makin wail rain het ay orse il wus'a long eystes_a hothe run anoight - say, .an by :lasht accomets ey are runnie yii. Mebby it wits - "t the fault an the'sojee byes, al all, ,a11,' somebody hoigher up inebby uld the g'eme. I- hey heard av such iss bein done. I hey been:totild that wus British goeld that laid. Grouchy fruin the battle -ay 'Waterloo So at Blucher bate 'him te it, but it 15 revir proved, fer John Covers. - his thracke purtY Sassed,: ginirally pakin, If ye ate afther playie ennY thim thricks, ye want to be shmart (nigh to ,git away wid its soye do. Befoor thas'is printed the Wingham ir will be oyee an we will alai be lapin .betther afther havie seen. shter Droory an heard him shpake,: Yonas ISil Mgt wake, Thnothy Hay,' rried In London 'be many friends of Mr. Arnott; popular catcher for the Wingharti eeball Teen-, this season, and alrliss 11 01 Will::inisonsclealghter of Mr, 1 Mra. Wm. Williamson of Pleasant lley, will extend coegratulatioes to in Cat their recent marriage. which ksplace quietly in London on Weds clay, September 1315. rehasecl Toronto Grocery t is with it:en-tags of regret that - s citizens of Winglann will learn t :Mr, John' F. Groves is leaving Toronto, Ile has pueellaaed eery storc tear the corner of or and Batlatrat streets and takes session on October 1st. 1\4r, vas is One or the ,oldest tesidents Winghain, lie was born here WWI lembers the time when bugiges eit(1 ante had to dodge ` large. tagly trIps whoil driving aloes; the front et. Wien a co:these to our paved. sireete, Mrs, 1t01,1',; tied ily will he in totva fel: a tow wale., s Card ,of Thanks Mrs. -• Herbert Laidiaw -of • White- church, wishes .to thank the friends and rteighbore, who Were so kindto' thein during her mother's illness and death, • Kicked In"The Temple The ele,Ven-ye,rseld-son of Mr, and Mesa Ed:-.13:elinett of near Gorrie;•was kicked sin the .fstee by it colt, While attending Whighana: Fair. The little' lad ie in a very serious condition, al-. thoeg hit is esspeeted that he will gall through.:. _ Found Dead In ..West Deepest 'sympathy is extended to Me. and Mrs. W, J. Cur 'ie and family Of East Wawanosh.. On Friday they received -the: sad news that their son; Ciller:les; was found dead in his .bard at Paradise Hill, with gunshot wounds in hischest and ba.ck. The authori- ties -suspect :foal play: . Charles was it bright young man seed he andhis brother, George, have resided- in the West for about two years, Messrs. John Bosman and William Wallace, foriner students of the Wing - 'ham Pfiesh School, have returned to Queen's University, where they will continue their studies. FRANCES NICKAWA The Cree Indian ntertain.er Will give one ,of 'her unique Pr- entations of Indian Legends and Folk Lore, and Miacellatteous, Dramatie and Hun:tercels Readings in the Whig - ham Methodist Church, on 'Monda,y evening, Oetoher. and. - Frances Nickawa is a talented young Red Indian Girl of the Bush Cree 'Crate, which is it branch of the greet' Blackfoot Tribe of the West, of which' the Priace of Wales is it 'chief. • She WaS b oroe'at York Factory, on I-tud- son Bay', alai 11 1111:.''',i -t entered a M,ethOdist )./Th,,: -;loo School at Not - 13 FIckuso, where., trldot c.arc. of Mies Riley, a member- of the Miff, ''1', ((11 LOCAL AND GENE L te.iessaaire4$ s:,Hosine journal Patterns 2 "The Duty of Living the, Triangular Life" will be the topic at the Baptist church on Sunday evening next Can't Beat It—Bread baked from Five Lilies Flour won ist., and, and third prizes at the Wingham Fair. Mrs, Carrick, `john St., Wingham, brottght lento our office this week a second growth of lescious raspberries. The "Buymore" for best in But -ter. `IMaitlanel Brand," Ask your dealer for it Creamery, Wingham. An English family in Walkerton got 'hold of chocolates recently saturated with strychnine and had a close call from death. • Three Lucan men narrowly escaped death on 'Thursday when the L H. & B. freight demolished their auto at Grandy's Crossing. Five Li ies Flour was proven, best bread baked front this flour won ist., aand. and 31d, priz,eS it the Fair. --Use Five Lilies, Flour. .Dont' fad to he4r Franca' Niekawa, the talented young Red Indian Girl in the Wingham 'Methodist Crurch, on Monday evening October and. Mr. Chas. Anderson, late of the Wingham High School Staff, left on. Saturday for Thronto to resume ,his studies in, pedagogue preparatory for teaching, TheeSt. Augustine Women's Insti- tute will hold their monthly meeting on October 4th., at the home of Mrs. Joseph Chamney, 9th concession of East Wawanosh. The Anniversary Services of Knox Presbyterian church, Bluevale will be held next Sabbath, Oct. ast. Rev. Dr, R. P. MacKay of Toronto will preach at xe a. m., and 7 m. All are invit- ed. • 5c We 'extend sympathy to *Mr. J. W, Eedy, editoisof St. Marys journal - Argus and to Mr. Lorne Eedy, editot of, the Walkerton Telescope in the death Of wife and mother, the late Mrs. l's W. Eedy. • . Five thousand persons, three hund- red horses, droves of camels, gigantic scenes, id "Queen' of Sheba," opening at the'. Lyceum Theatre next week; 'Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. end., 3rd., and 4th. Big sale of 'Women's, Men's and .Children's Coats at Isard's. 'See ads vertiSement on page 6. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. E. Morgan, Ripley, Ont., announce the engage- ment of their daughter Mary Aman- da, to Mr. George A. 'Devise son of Mr: and 'Mrs. john Davis, Stoney Creek, Ont,, the • marriage to • take plaae the latter part of September. :Practically the- whole county of Perth is riOw• wider Otiarantine in re- gard -to the exportation of core. Two more townships have been added to the list recently' by -government in- spectors, who found traces of the dreaded COM, borer in the toWnships of 'Ellett and Wallace. "Sale on Saturday of odd lines cif Weinen'e winter coats. • 'Your pick for one' dollar ate Teeth's. We are sorry to learivithat Mr. W. A. Mayers, Shiner St.; is confined to his home. His nifty black •driver steppedeon his foot a week or so ago and, we understand gangerine has Set in the stoeand leg. Here's hoping 'our jovial old friend will soon be about as itsual. Dai• Dream Toilet Preparations, a superb line of toilet cremn, powders and perfume, etc. Sold only at Mit- chell's Drug Store opposite Bruns- wick :Mr. Harry Hinscliffeireceived word of the death of Grant, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mes. Angus Mc- Leod of Windsor. The little girl was .born -in Winglaam where the parents resided. They later went to Goderich where ,Nir: McLeod was engaged in the: barbeting business. The little girl was a 'sufferer from Spinal Men- igitis. On Tett Again.—The rst, 211d. and 3rd: prizes for bread in the open con- test at the Wingham Fair was award- rediort, bread baked by Five Lilies. There are many fine exhibits at the. rural school fah% reflecting mucji credit upon the youthful exhibitors, but the best exhibit of all it the child- ren themeeigeS, eager, interested, anx- ious, but happy and all alive. Huron cothity 'has an tiutold fortune in its boys and girls preparing -in its rinse1 and urban schools to be the men. and wonten of tomorroas, Allsthe gleries. of Solomon and the beauty of.Sheba. in "Queen of Sheba," •"itrhich Will be shown at the Lyceum 'heatre for the first time next week, Monday, TitesdaY and Wednesday, October. and., .3rd,, aed 4th. Read what the !..roronto Globe says of Miss Liam Craine--OnO Of 010 most talented and successful sopratto soloists which Toronto has given to the public of lateyears is Lina Gor- don Craine„ During. the- past .few weeks, ACAS Craine has sung with great secess at concerts in Stratford, Bar- rie,' A gie court, Durham, Collingwood, Guelph, Streetsville, Ingersoll, Port I -lope and. Actot. BlesSed with a fine stage presence and a beautiful lyric soPratb voice of much beilliattcy and color, with a range of over three oct- aves, and taking with OAS2 a suet:elated tone on r. fiat ebieve high C, it is Tit - tie wonder that Mies Creme la So mach in demand at concerts through- out Onto io, She win be With the Trax Fun CO,, ih 1110 TON",tin 14211i Winghain, evenitig, Oct ober 5 1!.. Plat, of lied at MeXihbOnis fire se Store, DRURY VISITS WINGRAM Hon. E. C. Drury Guest of the Lions' Club Premier Drury arrived in Wingham on the noon G. T. R. train from Tor- onto on Tuesday and was met at the depot by Mr. yohn Joynt, M. P. P., Mr. John King, Mn I. J. Wright, pres- ident of the Ag,ricuitural Society, and directors W, j. Greer and Richard Wilton as well as by several members of the Lions' Club with whom the premier and ,,the above named gentle- men were invited to dine at the Queens' Hotel Cafe. The premier made an appropriate ad- dress at the banquet and afterwards - at the Fair Grounds. He urged in unity to a greater extent between the townspeople and the country people, showing clearly that no one class could succeed without the aid of the other. He urged a change in the sys- tem of the division of produce deplor- ing the fact that while many orchards in rural Ontario were loaded with fruit and countless bushels wasting, people in towns and cities were pay- ing long prices to dealers, who in some cases received more profit than the growers did. Mr. Drury also touched on the equalization of rates for hyclre power in Ontario. Many, serho met the premier were pleased with his appearance and per- sonality. -:- PERSONALS -:- Mr. Clarence Hinsdliffe haS teem- ed home from Scitithampton. • Miss Doris Fells has gone t� attend Queens 'University, Kington. Miss Jean Ross, Morris, visited 'with London friends last week Mrs. j. Ounne3rworth and son, Mas- ter Harvel, are. visiting the former's father, Mr. j. L. Little.. Miss Edna Musgrove left on Mon- day for Kingston, where she will at- tend Queen's University. Mr. and Mrs. Reg, S. Williaine and family motored to London and spent the week -end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coutts of larantford, are visiting, at the home of his mother, Mrs. R. Coutts. • Mi -s. Win: Connell of Merrickville, is visiting with her daughter; Mrs. (Dr.) Redmond, Patrick Si: Mr. F. W. Galbraith of Red Deer, Alta„ was the guest of his aunt, Mrs, Peter Fisher over the week -end, Mr. and MrsgGeorge Jacques of Preston, are shaking hands with many of their old acquaintances in town. -Mr: and, Mi -s. Matt Sproule and son, Will of Luckuow, spent Sunday with Mt. arid Mrs. Harvey Nivins. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swan and child - ten, have returned home after visiaing with Mr. and :Mrs, Robert Deyell. Miss Mae Hunter of Morris, has gone to Kincardine to spend a month with friends in end around Kincardiae. Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Austin and two daughters, "are speeding a- week whit Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm. Austin, 13. Line, Turriberry. Mr. jaines Williainsoe is 'visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Deyell and shaking hands with old friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ross and Mr. Murray Ross of Morris, Motored to Hamilton, St. Catharines and Niagara Fallalast week. 'Mr. and Mrs. johd. Torrance,. Mr. R. Torrance and Mr. and Mrs. V. El- liott Of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. Little. The regular monthly meetieg of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the General Hos- pital, will be held in the Council Chamber, on October 201I, at 3,45 p. in. All the ladies are welcome. Misses Jean and Margaret Van - stone, left on Monday for Toronto, where Miss jean will continue her studlea at the UniversilT and Miss Margaret has 'just entered. Ma and Mrs. Geo. Schaefer of Timmins Ont„ are visiting tlic home of 'Mee Schaefer's parente Mr. and Mrs. John McCool, John St. ,Mildmay Cider Mill will be in op- eration every day of the Week to make cider and apple buttar up to Novem- ber the Toth. First-class goods guar- anteed. New 'oak barrels fOr sale,— Hergott Pros. Or, MeIneee and Ca.tilily of Toronto, have moved into Aim il)avis' house tIn Centre St. 'Phe doctor has commenc- ed to do business already, We extend to t1 il 1 1011.01111' (0 t, .an y Subscriptions: $2.00 ner yetIr 1111111114111111111101111111111111111 11. 111011111111111 111 sti king Care mo IR.'S Choco- lates are good because only the finest pure food products go into their making. A poor choco- late simply can- not get into a Moir box. Unlimited care is exercised to make sure that Moir's will reach you fresh. and delicious. 111 111111;14 bit 115 cKi 111 11 OlVialaaw.l.SMIll1.0114.010.16191.1 ,1 * Maar t?sgaege gg,4 None 1111411111111111 11 111111111 111M111 g Stor 11 iIII11I1I !tj Phone 35 =. 11M11E11111 inanitaintambax our town. Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Baker and Mr. George Elliott of Clinton, also Mrs. Harriet Disney and Miss Micla Disney, attended the funeral of Mrs. McClenaghan of WhitechurCh on Thursday last. Mr, Lyle Hanson of Toronto; eei- newed acquaintances in town during the week. Mr. Hanson was for some years a hotelkeeper in Wingham. We understand it was he who built the beautiful home on Diagonal Road now owned by Councillor H. J. Thompson. Mr. E. C. Edwards of Lake Linden, Mich., renewed acquaintances in town last week. Mr. Edwards is looking hale and hearty. He was visiting with bus daughter, Miss Nina, who is at- tending Whitby Ladies' College. Starr Phonograph Records, a high - "grade double -disk record, equal to any sold, at 65 cents. All new stock including the latest song hits' and best vocal and instrutmental music now sold at a reasonable price. Come and hear them. Sold only at Mitchell's Drug Store, opposite the Brunswick Homtel.r.and Mrs, W. Herd of London, spent a few days with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Morganare visiting with relatives in Ripley. 1 1111, On t I Methodist Church -Notes Rally Day services will be observed next Sunday, Oct. 1st., at all the ser- vices, ri a: na, 2.30 'p.m, and .7 9. tn.. .. We art greatly favored in hatieg with us Mies Hilda Mali/Ian 'Qf Miss McMilran sang in the church itt the choir concert last May and sn delighted the 'audience that the Offic,- ial board decided forthwith to secure her for.the Rally 'Services in October_ Miss McMidan possesses a voice of great range and sweetness, and a rare treat is in Store for those whohear her. The pastor will preach morning and evening, and the Rev. A. C. Tife fin of Blyth in the afternoon: . 'Don't fail to hear Miss Prances. Nickawa on Monday evening, 'October and. Miss Nickawa is regarded as a wonder by those who haVe lieard her. The Rey. Dr. Sippera/ of 'Victoria, says, I have heard Miss Nickawa sev- en times and always with fresh delight and interest, The Rey. W. E, Mibison says, "I would go farther to hear Miss Nickawa titan any entertainer I know." The first part of the program will consist of readings taken from the masterpieces, the second part from writings and leg -ends, and dre;:sOti a;4: an Indian Princess. WIAMERCOIMMIVI214.111IDATICIT.SIGA Mil3.1.3000¢170.11440•3010011113.1.113P sisneeeselianientsinninesomnalleganssoarael eassasee„,qa Adult foot &formed impraiSer boats clutdiaad. ery TM re H -lbut Shoes There would be no deformed feet in later life FootOtOerly develotest correct shoes an chrietboott, BECAUSE Hurlbut Shoes are scien- tifiCally shaped to nattre s demands, They are not only roorny to give every toe its tight .to grow, but they support in- step, arch and heel, and develcqo the growing foot, Harlhoes ate 'corn- fortable Hurlbut's' at; flexible. Sote„atad heel sewa to the op., pets by the patent welt makes them rnore flexible. The shoe gives to the bend of the foot, -hNoeceuIt astt 'hot' toesn—s,sn°Plridges clerrrnt: iar and jolt, This all adds to the length of life. here isn't aisi question t tat Hurlbut tme the. highest quality ehildren'a alsote in Caned z to.tly. I 110 11