HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-09-21, Page 2! WHIP
'hob, as, D'•
.point of v
d. no. mere eight,
• ef morals erre
eather bed., to,
oelief upon thee to P1,1 1
41:FjoVneet.igridngrt4. •IC.focinewaird, era',
thought 'it wae terec nare ire/beet?, ,-
do a.
• "I. :MA tatat reme-h,- kw ex-
thr,„- busior-s-
grity..!,1411r. beeLirng,Tr.g: 37; T:g31::: 71;e'gur7.40Y, %III travel ¶i.
tad- "le'e juret ten per tent. a in 40 -1 -age iternee. • I'm a Iff,Ood mixer
mile" losioV, perePlie and l'ev. get idea
Mean yett
C43. that deal
actl$ that. And
ut whe..t.
m.bleatiorte erre teyft� n ieegtie lams and
=Id levee/010es ere re. e r4 lde erervere
oaelavelono and Steepere forgrthgceiteren (pat)
ge 1500#1•ZAVVIIK IT,71.30ZZ.FTEtPla
iirrefeeeIELD'S„ refeeflere,e '
letry.,01"re. ell:,
rr Hoer .e`.•
T r. C. TEM.
thousand-Ai:dr you're eretred and heneraele
ipeople trust you."
loolk "Thapke," ea% Dave, dryly.
to "That's right," Conwerd matinee&
,"Well be a eembination hard to at
You know the otorr about the broth-
; a 0, ' ere in the'coal basiness9"
"Yee, You a /dew „ •
partnership!". arid 'Fi-eri were
Bet thing •Vi etiveecoal dealer
I've when a revival broke ont in their ne,
town, and Jim got religion. Then he
4 -very litt14 Saved up,"
t that hundred." tried to convert Fred; tried awful
..riterri at Onward shandy...hard-to get Fred to at least go to tee
baerrateTerelfmae.LNe; bis eyes were laiverdifttgew.asuB,ttitliraFret verdiouldu
e. june't arb. rdge4e.
and coaxed. and pray , but without,
"Yen mean result At last be pat •it op to Fred.
eof eouree, Now, rn put yon on tail e eeaad b
, oe ewe, w y won e you
pleating, and it's the biggest thing eorne to eue meetinaree
hat has been pulled off yet. Troere's e Well; the brother arewereda
eetion of land lying right against, was a right fa* you to get religion.
e eity limits that is owrii by a Sort e lenne respectability to the feit.
mfeallnOW.vilti)ove.rfa,inheEwngtolandan; retarirteittaancerld eyBuseTteheief athlwegoe0a4mit, the jo'an;lile7
had to ge be= to O.Pend itWell' he story. arid vet it left an. unPlrntnt
has beeri paying taxes ever since, and inspritesion upon Dave. He had never
th'ed of til4 rawnetel besi-deer felt sure of Conward, and new he felt
he is bileY keening hie PrePertY m less a -rote than ever, But the lust of
znaload reorrably well spent. •I am easy money was. begng to stir
arranging through a London office to within him. The Mil in Ids hands
offer- hire 'ten dazes. au acre, and n1 represented more than three weeks
bet he jumpe a,t I've aeranged wages, Conward was making money -
for the neceesare credits., 'bat there ii-makiug 111611e3r fasfr-andfl1. surelY
will be some expenses for cables etc., -ere WaS ePPortunity such are
.alid Yen eaa Pat 70ar hundred into *eri),":=7„e°eIlfelZ tallalerraoem
that, If we Pail it 0,0 --and we will e-faiy..-D-ave-s;ro-re—at igne-er—etie'rt-
8yvopse o Pre4ollug Chaptere
lir. Hardy, famous: speelalist, and
Js daurehter Irene, meet with an erefe
dent white on a rareoring trip in the
foetbills af Alberta and find a refage
le the cabin of the 'Elden Tench where
dwell David, arid his diecolut-e father,
'.che girl and boy pr(.fialse to meet
xtgain in the future. After lea father's
drunken. -death David goes to seek his
fortune in town and loses an his
money at a pool table. Be speada Lin
eveniee with Conward, his poolroom
acquaintance, and two aetresses and
takes liquor for the first time, Next
ceiling lie awakes from a &waken
eP recelVeri to amend, Tie ie at-
tracted by the singing of a choir girl
ia church; theri atteude.d a So-
caliet meeti When delivering coal
at the here* a Mt. Duncan he is offer- `rfildn't trY• didnt feel' the need.
ed eVening teition in retort). fee ee. But he felt lost without Edith,
easiorial Re:vises as a coachman, The A lew (Jaya later Conward. strelled
first evening he discovers the choir in, with the inevitable ciearette. He
girl in Edith Duncan. Under his -tutor's emokee in silemce until Dave room -
careful direction Daver'e education pleted teary,
thrives epace. lie becomes a reporter "Good stuff you're giving us," he
on The Calle One 'Sunday he WA commented, -when the article was
Edith the story a his We and his 0.nished. "Mighty good stuff."
Mire Duncan explained that
Edith had gone to -visit a girl friend
in the country; would he aweer ftv
some thno. Dave felt a foolish an-
noy.arice thee she ,should have left
town. Cie might at leae's have called
hint up. 171,71iy should She hlin up?
Of course not Still', the town was
very .empler. He drove with Mrs.
Damen in the aftermon, aridat riight
took a long walk by the river. He had
a vague but oppressive sense- of lone -
line -se, He bad not realized what pajt
of hie life these .Sunday extern° no
vrith Edith had *rime. to be. He had
no man friends; hio nature held him
apart from hie own eex. And yet he
bed a etrange capaeity for making
friends quickly, if he tried. But lie
compact with feeve. Conward drops
in with talk about "industrial develop-
ment" and 'Area David'e imagination.
Thi ighter were busy with his in-
veetigatione, but on Sunclayo,as
usnai he went oat to Duni:arra', He
uiL rievellopee the haarit of attending
morning eervice; ho loved the music,
and it was. cuetoreary ;for Edith tor
eng a morning oral°, Her volee, whit)
"Your tip put me on to la, good lead
all right," Dime acicnowledged, "And
now The Times is chasing ine hard
They had a storey this morning that
the wallway is buying a right-
of-vra.y up the river,"
"gemember what teU you the
other day? Stories Mart from no-
where. It's Juitt like putting a match
to tinder. Now we're off,"
Conward earoked a few zoinutee in
enema but Dave eeuld not fail to see
enraptured him whet, they first the excitement urider his calm ex
.t, bad deeeloped vvonderfully. It terior. He had, as he said, decided to
filled, tile morning air like the -elem. "sit in" in the bilepreet gaine ever
ringing of silver letils, For its sake played. 'Ile intoxicat,ion of sadden
be gladly endured the serrnene, and wealth had, already fixed hie blood.
even in the seeirron he oornetirnes Ile elipeied a. bill to Dave. "]'or your
foetid (linemen ground with the services in that little traesection," he
rireacher. They coule meet on any explained. •
feith that postulated the brotherhood Eldon held the bill in 'his fingere,
of roan. fiut the reverend repealie.e gingerly, as 'though it xnight carry in -
touched ewer, a eubject waril , It fection, as in veree truth it did,. Ile
pull it off -we stert up in business as 17. He had never he4fere realized hovr
Coarward Elam, or Fader' Sr COA- irksome the drudgery a his steady
ward, whichever setinflo better. Bo3r, grindlied- beccen_a
there't fertune in " "VII go you," he eaid to reonward at
'What do you figure it's worth?" last. "I'll rielr thisliuntireole and a
raid Dave, trying ea speak easily, little inore if neceesar3r."
"Twenty-five dollars an are- -rel" wh rTfl feet 2'nsdptakieNngaarriawvirell'a,nxi
"-aye nevisPaPel But y boefitteegrn.eple.,heyresaufnet.ii Slvtleaeirwpanairs;
Conway" el:touted, 1-)
routine has killed your imagination, your poauy
little as ens, would e-epeet such a re- the deal through. There won't he
suite f rom some of the things the much to. do -until then, anymy, and
papers print. Twenty-five dollare an you rean help more by guiding the
aerel Listen/ Palf .0410.Thingoxykhet alinfriry. taier Dave
"The city 'boundaries are to be ex- as though unwilling to
dtrit ,possibilities Conveard had
fyouree sure it can be
teerierieeprobably will be by the time
et-hi:ye 4,1>d:opalertgoye.s, JL' street.
rts,jois., c'rgatar2e„d
tera is to be built, and. we'll seethat "Done? Why, son, it has been done
it runs through our land. We May in ell the big .centres in the States,
*have to 'grease' somebody, hat it's a and at many a place that'll never be
poor engineer thee styes on grease. a centre at.ell. And it will be done
twenty -eve foot iota -and well sell dare to dream of are looining up right
"T"wenty-five dollars an acre?" to "Geed," said eolwardt aPringing
Then we'll eurvey the seetion into here' Dave, bigger things than Ynn
them at two -hundred dollars each foe °111,e'aucLea" Days -lied a maim els that
these nearest the city down to one section of lard is wrath wclose tea
hundred for those farthest out -aver- million dollar's," be eaid, "is it quite
age one hundred and fifty-tetal nine fair to take advantage owner
jute' yFruit,Peppermint and
pearmint. certainty make
three delightful. flavors to
choose from.
And the new in ---
cand3r-coated% peppermint
grim, is also a 'great treat for
your sweet tooth.
All from the Wrigley ta.c.
tories where practice has
nearly:, reekeerrecti on
But here's a short cut to freshen up.
Squeeze in two or three minutes for
a araental reef," treatment. cated at East Margaree, 2%T.S., distri- aging'
This is how you. do it: Stand with buted some 4,145,000 ktl,Rintie salmon W. Sinkler Darby, a gramorlione ex -
your back to e chair and: slowly allow fry and retained for feeding 150,000. Pert of 25 Yreaaer' eaperienee, dies_ set
Yourself :to feil into it. Ycaf arms 4 also -distributed 82,000 speokled ep a studio in the West End of liondou ...
,Will thong doWn, yOur body will sag. trout, making a total of 4,377,000. Thls exolusivellY for the making of records
for private customers. In a short'
That's what you want. ("Anse your is the largest distribution ever made
hundred end sixty thousand doilare,
i thousana. rranoe to boy it for seyes. Lett yoUr head fall back, but 117 from margaree hatchery and. mo.re itsimperohringe basv'eudispc.00vvuezrd sttavteztailietlittraeA
absence„and agno ure that you are conafortabIe. If than equals. the sum ot distribution -
your neck aches, the treatment wont made there during the last two years. People with niumcal and elocutionary
Arlow, say, sixey thoueand for 'a Taw -
cgre,a4e; and, there is still nine linn_ "Dave,” said Conevard, with an. arm, be a ,_c_neces,5. Try to ink and, ...ea.
h id " h t b'V't f think .r. •-
• •
&red thousand, and that doesnl eount the firm. is safe inayour hands. But
resale -commissions,. Dave, it's good. -please let me vreigh the coal."
for a cool million. And t'hat is just (To be eontinued.)
14 h Mid tl
b t
teleeedrating" vego • te
out of 145 eaVr4P
ia most u:ftzrellred evreet,
hi s
Oen; but it rteeale laSt to Itave
able• deleQt
food bee appeseed on the market,
wife may halt. aer mueb.est ehe pay,s for
canned oorne and the flavor ,ire mach
tore Yee that of' efera en. the cob. .
Leeeing refrigeratioa aseee, we have
two methores of preoerving food ----steri-
lization and eehedeateen., The former
Is rep;esen.tea by eanzing. The latter
is. se old, as. civelzatrione for lumse;
wiyea..fer ,of ye -ere have
dried It4)ifle RIX146. foods to prOSente
there, How Paelejlit find familiar is tbe
dried apple!
The recent war geve a, great impulse
to the developinent .of dehydration,
axe eince the armistice nniChi has been
aeeomplisited the improvengerot of
inethorle, With some vegetables, and
trues sueoese' lies not yet beer at
faired, but the problem seems to have
been satisfaotorily solVed. with regard
to grapes and most otEer ereita,
well as etringlese :beasts, spinach,
pumpkins, exid. root vegretabl.
Five bushels of green sweet e,o.rn.
will yield, -one hostel of the dried pro-
duct. One pound of the latter 'will
make an. ,equivalent three earns of
fancy canned corn. 'Refreshed" by -
scrakin.g- -air,. y - 'Du -
welting, a pound, of dehydrated -earn.
will weigh nearly teree Pounds.
Li the preparation. Of .dried sweet
corn, 'motor-driv en machines. are ,used
to remove the husk and silt and cut
the cam, from the cob% To "set" the
milk and preserve the color, the ,corn
lh 121201011red in a steel tank, into Which.
live steam is blown:. The drying it
ann.rt-rnp14.11.,<1 by .(111.TIA _heated
air beneath a cempa.rtment in which
the .corn is 'eentainea in. wire trays.
rimally the product is inn through a
fanning Mill to remove' and it
is then ready to be packed in cartons.
Expert Record Maker Finds
New Market. -
The family portrait album of the
future will talk. At least that is the
idea suggested by a neW business.
which has just been started in. London
for the making of private gra.mophone
records at reasonable prices. Form-
erly only very rich people and popular
artistsi 'have been able to indulge in
the pleasure of hearing themseiv.es on.
a. gramoph,one. The big record mak-
Stock Nova Scotia Waters. hug firms had not found the busine,s,s
This season the fista! hatchery lo-' profitable enough to be worth en.cour-
on his e or "tbe respea a ily o
Fall Sewing Notes. Make your iron do half your sewing.
A yerd and a half of forty -inch. When you are binding an edge, if you
nothing. Let the whole world become
one big black void.
Stay in. the -darknees and the no-
thing-ness just -foe 'a minute or two,
then come hack into your ,own world.
Dye Any Garment
Or Old Drapery
hi Diamond- Dyes
abilities. have had records made to
give tOtheir friends. One of them has
recorded ber own piano compositions.
Amateur and profe.ssional singers
have found. that gra.moplione repro-
ductions of their singing reveal many
and start your daily tasks. If there's elinPae dk'eq•14°3a in ever/ P'a'Gkage• rwale: Ilatly
a mirror near, 3reu might take a Peep Don't wonder whether you.,can dye or
Buy "Diamond Dye..s" and follow the 'hitherto. lmirealized faults. A baritOne
en says that it has proved of
'Stara up, take a long slow breath, cl a record made by Mr. Darby
by seeing that your eyes are .'a, little .11
in it. I think you will be rewarded bonmit e 6dUyeeeir;fifYg,uarbarteauEedi.e:waPharfDelt: mocof7iesas..•:a.w.onta:::stohlishtinben'reati:nthridn'yiymntuoindhiesra
brighter end your face a little fresher mmid Dyes even if
ciation were at &lat. and enun-
'you ;have never
PeBotsutrol3faltehiso!nethweidiner :it6 athtterareetclovlian's;
of ahildrerr's talk at various ages. Re -
your druggist Whether the material teewnotitylifilaatrehern, omotheer,fanmUrtgyez..wailedn,t the
empe de chine' press the bias falai: before joLainientgiteiht , ,
_ , you wish to dee le wool or air; or ., , f on '
:1)oeskt that eound like a "short fe the edge it wal• be easier certain rich, fragrant yeliow creara
a gwdb.:(it„shi:srpiti;isinoinkidenD7yecosttfen,v: mixed. theeirstuerodinovearnsedulleand. ,a, Aremcootineermpecalerrecaof '
for the "lap -rover" blouse? M in place. Lay the fold an the wrong veder the eyes, around the corner streak, their
7 e ore. se ,
looking. It's a quick way fof et -rapping
eltirts, Waists, coats, sweaters, .stock -
up yOur Joe:lose ' ings„. draperies, hangings, everything,
If you have a little longer time to become like new again: Just tell
devote to the freshening -up erocese,
add creant to the treatment. Put a
seems sa (*specially when you. eonsider side of the goods and stitch along the
old rovre the , •
Those are the treacheibus. places e dating
in ;his childish way the things
the mouth, and, along your neckline. spot, fade or run hed a record. made of hie boy- re -
that this partieulae blouse has extr,a,
length and drops over. the skirt in the edge on the right sale. Press it in
edge. Then. turn the
_ern under or Atespens thoseyou alreaey eave. are possessed. by diir•possessions. GUN sma
ibrt free edge, and e te 1.
where fatigue brings 1 'n
tee erst wrenkle The mere we possess, the mere we he had done durifig the day, while his
llcr sister kept interrupting
most approved way, And right here Plaee,
I want to. tique,eze in alt tle note about Press again. You can haeel-sew, o
Perharps you are planeing to go eut Keep Minaret's Liniment inthe house. him,
the fashions.
Everything'e dropping.
Skirts in iele faddish extreme are twias as long..
seemed to Dave he would glad 7 have realized that be stood at a tumble- literally down to earth. Ilut, of
$rone further, hub Was held in re- point -that 'everythin , the febere couree, no rsensible woman is going to .A quick mhstAtute 1” 'binding 16 washing your face, daeh it oif with.
. , „
eleallit by a ein100 of the orthodoxy, held for him might :roe On hicpresent lee rep cam ar 0
fail. el to match the blouse er dress, All you few drops of enirits of catephor. Be
of hio congregation. Too lite,ral geri decision, There remained iii biro not Lee and smart siert r le i ankl
interpretation of the brotherhood of ttl, Mlle t the fine, stern honor of the . , u e st • " have te do in allP1'3"ing it is to crease Imre to leep your eyes. cloeed tiehtly
man might carry the taiut of Soeial-rearehinan of the open range; at honor length for evening ano 151,4 o lune
it through the centre, insert the TAW ifor the camphor smarts Li it -gas iii.
'ISM, and the rcongregation represented kurious, SOMetitneff terrible, in its in- inches from the ground for street . . .
eage oetween the two thieltnesse,s a thera 1 am sure you'll find this lo-
am wealth of, the eity, It was safer teniretation el right anA wrong, I u '. the ribbon arid eateli it in place with, tem stimulating, it wilt heighten up
he inetinctively fdlt that to revere; thie ally very much in evidence, You may "rr''''''''''
41, fine, Stern hOnO? pone the' leaa. And MOWS are Ion Pr f t 0 0 , end geller- ariJii:a.,:'a,:tiratibrsridurimiTillrbsetniiehjiti strneeooathi7 and Inaba it fee vellety
money 'would eompeomise him for not care to wear your beart on your ,
, Another simple eeopedient for toning
ever more, And Yete-othere did it sleeve, but eeetalnly, if you Want to uieer)rstive"
be mart? yea wer wear your em. There is no need to finish a long •up the expeeseien is to put the palm
broidery on yoer sleeve this fall, ealltreefr011t er centre-baok closine, in; ef the band against the 'chit bone and
Vet Wst 14 ltOMS ..E' a a p„
:tri, laa eimaseare you will and the inch elaelr at the tentre-front Or back &me eaughly nor for toe long a timee
d eth
mac 1110.9 1 C g
or perhaps friends are coming to -met
in a jiffy. Bet if the fah" is -wriukledi-
,e,„ you at the end of a particularly trying
and creaged, the sewing et day. Here's a quick sirnale way to
ffeetien up: After yoe have finished
A half-inch groegrain ribbon in a shade cold water into which yeu have put a
fo preach learnedly r mi • abstraction's
t This mereing Milli had not been ie
itier! place, and the efervice wao fiat.In
the afternoon the was • not at her ge had no ,r.lpubt of that. .C.onward
. A
Jorfittoitt e t F.;
elodot "rae eratlye Sets, furnished by eih.
01 'abaci
to reotivs oon far dom. rioutli oe Merephle, Term., Atlanta"
nd t or far ao Kangas Pty, Mo., Oonvori orni OrnalIgly N'obraal.tm
lflttofl to API tho other Oenadlen red United ateter IgrOorrlegsting statforee,
tail4o f end dealers, note our prices OA radio parts;
liediotr Volvett 1,1,V. 200 ,
fledlotron Vitiveo 1.1,V, 201 , Y.70
frotliotree Volvos V.V. 202 10.00
V Ute Otalr ea, .00
11,41" .30
C. 2-A 'Ptioner, *upor sonoi,
vo 41,11.0,1.110101
eormeettout 3000 Olun IThonop 10.00
Audio niatigtforentivio • ,.„ 0,00
ffieents With 3,78
All Vornlor rihoostats . „ 246
S.C. Flianiont roOka , 1,86
Varlohlo Condonoors; pirit; 4,00
Verlobir eondoosaro, 20 pieta 3,00
Varlaible Ofindoniforr, 11 plate 3.20
Moerateev 60.00
Ampllphono. Horns, douhlo .
asIvor typo , , , 42.00
Peter...Ott:Ito 00 Ar.rnp, "'A"
ltetteriee , 14,0
Merry dret riot quallty: On 'is* at most reasonable art cos.,
r nrdOin solopn A r sto
Y lE0Xlvwr ATTON116.140111,10 111114P SOLV:tfl
INVIICTILTTIVO, 00 NOT tell:3013%TO l'r1) WAlTril
Where Poeta LOOR for 'Lilo free' radireefort ' '140 V lotelio .f8t4jUat N th
. , . .
'ire :lee, 'Mahe 3014,
or Overt er'Auteietelo Telse'hone
r i b take a drop, your blouse any move A little three- preere slowly up. This must not be
makes a blouse easy to slip on over It rests the muscles at the side of the
wabrtirine resting comfortably on the the headfftiee'and rested nmecles are never
hive. IN, gives the straight-line elle To be Sere v,cu must cut the blouee sagging 'nmueele • I
hotietto that everybody wants. Aed, ' ) - "'
rn tile ront ana hriek edg-ee on the There'e nothing dike the milk diet ,
to tell the truth, Ws just about the
only Way ar lading abo old tarlatan. feetn
feed et e ,goods- A bias binding for the ,vreman 'whos'e m
e work sees to'
ateteeareestene lock (re a suit, ef. taare Tateriaa makee a neat and sap lier vitality andto keep her tn.)/
elliekflniah fer the 'slash duly thin. It is so simple, so easy to
Your cloth tianninor vet weeld take telte, Just be sure that you are ehlte
011 1' ricer faLuisi note Itt you. Added a dige.st it. That's the eeeret
log -sleeved laporeer IltlOtiCe. Take ' ' On the Serties,
ting fat, It isn't the food you oat;
*mit adds cures where enelee are.
It's tho food you digest that thrne tbe'
trID'ckid you over -try latighing as a eurel
for thinness? Theres nothing, war--;
ranted to make Toordr assinillate gukis
er than a few hearty keels. It really
ie a form of primitiee exercis0' It
shakes all those uners,ecl MUSCleC acmes I
the atiderrien, It stimulates the cit.
oulcitiot, and r arouse's the digestive
levies to activity.
So; if y-ou haven't the time fior the
money for other forme ,or treatment:,
iititelloo, rope toullIon 'very loose or 1
eon, r; now that rail. fotO too laugh And 1/M6th vele figure im ;wove.
tied olio worthier, you earl orts117 pie" lelsy 10 f,.11ce hrw ill r7 )n (may
ib the 11)1004 (107001 (,0 er111)1ing arift inseferitang, 1‘4160;161 6 1-inFin Per dada, etc.
your choker of in exactly matching Who, you eve4et? You are se
elude ef elope -de chine or a decided small!
reorittatit. Some of the Meatiest three- Eighrt ldtte pouede 01 seven Weeks?
piece euite 1 have Peen IMV11 had suall Pigla Pound' -and that.isal1-.
ler eallibination5 aS 'canna -red, royal
blue,. or gray erope de ehi ne with navy
blue twill, or beige 011k with brown
violent, The oilk it tilled for Oho coal,
lining ea well as the blouse. ITguailly
t,ho reMbroidery is the 81.1)Y10 color OS
the .4101330,
Do Yon lelOw 'thet you ean baiste
with Vera 1.,Cwing nieolline 7I,00ften
orm of Ile, tenelons end IrElgth0,11 ibi
Of waVing arms rand rosy cheeka
1311t. we who ftip it, heavksr orate,
, What do We Weigh, then, as ' a,
What do our pounds orit flettli avail
Agains,t your unweighed zoul ?
Weight gateman,
"Vaseline" Petroleum Jelly bene-
fits all burrips,,,sores, bruises, sun-
burn, blisters, cuts and chafed skin.
-Never be Withouta bottle of it in
the house. It's safe, always effec-
tive and costs but a trifle..
1800 CM,1)0t Ave, llontrot2
tra.e mAtk
oietipt Jelly
In sorne cases records of a small
child's talking are beMg made at re-
gular intervals, so that in future years
his. parents can notice how he develoia
ed People with friends and. relatives
overseasr are aiso sending out mes•
sages WaX, and arrangements are
.betng made for the production of
"Christmas" reeords.
Tablet Designs in .Demand:
The . Canadian National Parka
Branch of the Departinent -of the In:
terior , has . orgranized ' ormeetftion
among thre erreliiteets and art schools
of Canada toll' a. design for a Suitable
standard to which will' be 'affixed the
bronee, tablet intended to Mark the his
tore° reites of the, Dominionewhich are
Judged by the iiistoric Sites and
Monuments' Boad of Canada to be of
national ininortance and.. worthy ot,
preservation and cerninemoratien.
Five !hundred eroilare will •be 'avrarcl-
el, as follows.: -First prize, 8250;'
stOorni prize; $150; third prize, $1.00.•
Tho assessors arse:retrain the eelvilege
ot choosing airy designs possessing
special merit and tor those ..an. award ,
of $50 will be made.
Conditions of the domp'etition will
be advertised in the Canada Gazette,
In the prineipal architeeturai.reernale
arid the poet offices ,treoughott the
Dominion. Copiee. of the conditions
Will also be aent to arehitectural as-
sodations and schools, of ate and de -
etre. The aseessers, will be Professor
P. IE. Nobbs, M.A., 1,
O. Marc:head and Mr, limner Veeteen,.
ft.,0,A, President ot the 'Royal Cana-
dian Academy,
I'bo tree t•hat 'rotten et the beart
rcrashoe, to the rearth in a eterm.