HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-09-21, Page 1gee
ad Tuesda
;Single Copies Four Cents
aieS Are Corning In
. Taxes are coming in very well at
Wingharn this year. 3p to the 15th
,ssf this month, $24,000 ,was reeeipted
y Collector Allen M. Fralick This,
we understand, is over $7,otso more
:than was received` np • to the. eame
period last year. • '
-Winghain Roads ComPleted
The county and provincial engin-
meers were in town on Monday inspect-
ing the new pavements et Wingliarri,
they were highly pleased with , the
work. Mr. Mitchell and his gang left
on Monday for Paris where, they will
..-lay" a couple of permanent ,streets'.
' Winghain has now ii-iore pavement
.than any other town of nearly the
:same size in Canada.
L L—Suffering from rheumatism,
kidney or liver dise'ase, nervous
prostration, insomnia, indigestion,
female trouble, .i.riaenaia blood pres-
sure. The magnetic electric blanket
restores ancl radiates the body with
ptembr 25th. and' 26th,—The Biggest and Best for Many
, Mr 7 Jobb spent 1, few-ddays
last week in
Miss Doris Fells leaves next week
to attend Univereity at Toronto,.
Mr. and 'Mr's,' E. C. CroSs. have re -
tinned to their home in Brooklyn.
Mr. and Mrs, Todd of,,Lucknow,
visited with relatives in town on Stin-
Mrs. John liforrisoir is visiting at
•the home of Mrs. John McKinnon, of
Plolyrood. „
Mr. and, Mr6. E. H. Dever of De-
troit, spent the week -end with Mrs.
J. Button. .
. ••
Mr. and,
Mrs, s. Mcdee and
jt 13er tl spen Civic Holiday
friends in Stratford.' .00
Mrs. John Fowler attended the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. John Glenn at
Palmerston oie Friday. '
Misses -Annie and -Catharine Mor-
rison spent a few days in ,London at-
tending the Exhibition.
s Mrs. Ed. Ers,befin, (formerly Arliss
perfect circulation, e 1im inat es Fessant) of Toronto, is renew-
-waste Matter and restores the body
to health,
• Mrs. T. Fells,
Treatments, Patrick St.
AUCTION SALE—Valuable Town
Property in Pleasant .Valley on Sat-
urday, September 23rd., at 3 o'clock.
Lots 37 and 38, on the West side of
Alice Se, ii ilie lawn of Wineharn.
and Lots 39 10 42 on the east side ot
saki street. On the former property
is a frame house in good repair
with cement floor in basement, sum-
mer kitchen, town water, well and
Wm, Guest, Proprietor.
T. R. Benuett, Auctioneer.
-AUCTION SALE—Young Cattle at
John Gillcspies''Whitechurch, at
2 o'clock on Saturday, September
23rd. so Steers, 16 Heifers and 4
Lott & MacDonald, Props.
John Ptirvis, Auctioneer.
-CIDER MILL—and Apple Butter
buSiness for sale. 'In A. conditlon-
. . .
:Just recently rebuilt. Apply
-S.teS,: Jos. °Meisel-, Teesvv.ater, or to
Geo. Olheiser,- at Robertson's Gar-
age, Wingham,
'...FOR SALE—Mounted Deer Head,
large antlers, five branches cirf`each.
.Apply to ' NathanieYThompson,
•' Whitechurch.
FOR'SALE—Range,- CroWn Huront
With water front, also watet• power
--washer. Apply to
G. 71 -lug -lies,
France -S' St.
.OR -SAI.E—In the Town of Wing
ham about three acres of land on
which is situated a good sized frame
house, with cellar, town water, elec-,
tric lights, afici all in first class repair,
also a good stable on the place.'
For particulars apply to
j. G. Stewart, agent,
Wingliam, ()rut.
-72°R SALE—The MacDontild-Block
' in Wingliam. Apply to .-
- Abner Cosens, Wingham, or
Dr, P. MacDonald, 228 Central
.!Ave., London.
FARM FOR. SALE --Fifty acres of
choice landewell fenced, good build-
ings, well watered, half mile from
• school; one mile from a church,
five- miles from Wingham. :Apply
to • The Advanoe.
FARM, FOR SALE—Lots 24 and 25,
Con. 4, Grey, containing too acres
fair buildings close to school tele-
phone, cream and mail route tit:
gate, 65 acres workable, balance
'bush and pasture with, running
'creek. Price $4,500: 113 cash, bat-
.anee 6 per cent. Apply to
Wm. j. Duckering,
Box 329, Liskiwel.
TO RENT—A store in the Holmes'
Block, can be used for almost any
purpose. Applyto L. Kennedy.
. O RENT—Six roomed cottage. Ap-
ply at The Advance.
.down buys a 1919 Gray -Dort in
splendid condition; $roo.00 down
will buy a 1918 Gray -Dort model
in good condition; $T00.00 down
buys a 1917 Willys'-Knight. Re-
member every car you see on the
;street is 'a used car, One Delco
Isight Plant at a greatly reduced
Trice. Will exchange any of the
:above cars for cheaper cars.
L. Kennedy.
ing acquaintances in toWne, •
Ift 5:r W. Helps has returned horree
after spending :it month, with friends
itt Thessalon and Algoma.
Mr. ancl Mi•s. Kent -Dever and little
son, of Detroit-, were guests of their
aunt, Mrs. J. Button last week •
Mr... and Mre, Jas. Irving of Luck
now visited oVer Sunday at, the home
of their daughter, Mrs, A.- G. Sr
Mr. W. F. Burgman, -wife Emd: son,
Jack are spending- a -couple of weeks'
holidays, with trieTnds in :Parkhill and
other places. ' -•
Mr. Fred -Manuel .ancl:Mes.Wrn
Walsh of Detroit, motored to Wing
ham, on Monday and will visitefriends
here for a week -
Mr. Stanley Jackson axed bride- of
Hamilton, formerly of Clinton, were
guests at the luime of Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Scott, Diagonal Road this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher ac-
companied by Mrs.,. Lennox and Miss
Velma, also Miss Maud Higgins were
Woodstock and London visitors last
Mrs. Henry Davis, left town on
Saturday, with her daughter, Miss
Irene, with whom she will visit in
Stratford for a few weeks, prior to
'going to Toronto. . .
x. The Council of ,the Corporation
of the Town of Witigham has con -
strutted as a local improvement a
:concrete pavement on John Street
East from Jeisept-iirie Street to Carling
2. The cost. of the' work is $22,500
f which $12;5514.92 is to be paid by
tlie COtporation. The special rate
per ioot frontage is 32.3e.
The special assessment is 1:0; be paid
in twenty annual instalments.
3. The estimated lifetime of the,
worle is twenty years.
4, A Court of Revision will be held
'on the 251,h day of Septeinber, 1922,
at 10 a. in, o'clock at the ToWn 14a11
.for thespurpcise of hearing complaints
Against the prOposed assessments or
the accuracy oil frontage measure-
ments and any other complaint which
persons interested may desire to make
and which is bylaw cognizable by
.tlie Conte.
Dated Clerk's °filed, Wingliatn, this
tgth, day of September, 5922,
Gallitaitli, Clerk;
Mrs. peake of Toronto, is visiting.
With he? sister; Miss Maud Davis
Miss Dtivis will. 'return with eIVIrS:
Peake to Toro n tits wiieiue She will
spend the winter, .
Mts. Wm. Walsh. of Detroit, is vis-
iting With her sieter, Mrs. ,H, Hunscliffe and Mrs. Mantiel beeene
she leaves' On' a motor trip tOtottdon,
Niagai7a Falls and Buffalo. . •
NUS, R. j. Tindall received a sud-
den call to' leave for Manitoba because
that. her .sister, M17S. john Sims of
Snowflake was seriously ill.- She
left 'oft Wednesday morning.
Friends of Mr. George Criaik-
shanks :will be Pleased: to hear that he
is Improving after his recent severe
illpess. He was Operatedon in the
Wirightim' General PIospital for appen-
'Mrs Geo Newman Of Espenola
Algoma„ yiSited with Mrs, Alex Van-
alStyne .6ver the week -end and is at
present visiting with Mrs. Jack Rad-
ford of Behnore . She was formerly
Miss' Ella MacDonald.
Mr.. and • Mrs. Albert Matheson of
the Custom: Dept:, Sarnia, were the
guests, .of Mrs. Peter Fisher for a
day this week., They also • called on
Uleit old fliends, Meesrs.• Gavin Wil-
son and John MacLean end other old
time friends. , , •
Mr. „arid' Mrs. Peter Fowler, Mr:
and Mrs, eta. Jenkins, Mrs. :Arthur
McGee, Mr. and Mrs. Miller Proctor,.
and Mr. PrOcter's father and sister of
Bluevale Road, tuid. Mrs. Wheeler of
Beigrave, Motored to London, exhilc-
ition last week: ' .
We intended making a list of the
-visitors to London exhihition but
found that almost everyone.from town
spent file,' Civic' Holiday at London.
After .attending ,the Totonto,Fair ohe
i$ not greatlieimpresSed„With the Lon-
don Fait although. they -have 'a 'few
eXcelletit :exhibits:
To the Editur al; the Advance,
Deer ,Sur:— •
7' 1 wondher what haS .gone wrong
wid that masheen av Yours, fer lash
wake theer wus some wurrads lift
out av ine letther that completely
shpoiled the sinse ay it, not to min -
tion some wurruds that wus shpelled
wrong the wake befoor. Mebby some
Grit or U. F. 0, in the office hes been
thrYi're to .rtme,it. Bet -tiler kape the
girrul who gmirally rune it, at it awl
the toime fe'r she is a Tory fer tin
ginirations, an thin some, as the byes
say, an a Tory, is the only wan safe
to trust svid masheenery,political arr
otherwise, I wance lint me sade drill
to me nayber, Sandy Banks, to sow
fall where an whin it began to
come up ye nivir saw sich a mess in
yer loife. Some -places had been sown
double and other places theei- wus
shpaces two fate woide antwinty
fate long widout army where at
all, at' all. An. at the :kids inshtea.d
av shtoppin two hi idths ay. the
cirill frum the -Since, -some plac-
es he haa sinopped about the-ee brid-
ths back, sen, other places only wan, so
that the ids av the field looked ioike
a --map av Europe since the war, sorne'
places more whate than the land cud
shiipport, an some places no whate
at all, at all,' but; plinty av room fer
the wades to shpread. Shure, 'tis the
way the payple av Europe are bein
shtarved out in.'some counth-ries an
crowded out in others.
coorse Sandy, bein a Grit, end-
dn't see that theer wes -annyting
-wrong- Wid his jawb till I pointed it
out to him, an thin wuddn't admit it
fer a long toime, an whin he didhe
blamed the masheen, an theliarsesan
the -way the wind was blowin the day
he sewed the field, an iviryting but
himsilf. 'Tis the way wid thim Grits.
Further than that whin 'I lint Sandy
the masheen it wus sit to sow a bushel
an tree picks to, the acre exactly, an
whin I got it back it wus set fer two
bushels an a half, Shure, 'tis the ex-
travagant 'ways thim Grits do be hey -
in. The ma,sheen was sit roighli whin
Sandy got it an "I tould him so, an
what business -had he to go monkeyin
wid it; but a Geit is a Grit an ye can't
change his ways. Le -k how they.
shpoiled the N. P..ma.sheen that the
Tories hi:stinted an slitartedrunnin in
1878- Ye can't thrust thim mid a deli -
Cate piece av masheenery at all, at all.
They are awl aloike. Wan av Sandy
Banks' byes tuk his dad's watch awl
to pieces wen day to see what inade
the wheels go round. 'Tis in the blood
The Bargain I-Ious.e,'joh7 albraith
stand,. saves you money on all winter
-Mr, A. '3,-.VValk,er has moved -into
his house on Shuter St:, which he pur-
chased eame time ago. -
" Next Sunday evening at the Baptist.
church the subject will be "The Great-
est Magnet in the World."
Evirybody7d6es be tall ip about the
hoigh proice Ocial an wood 'are Ioikely
to be this whither, but, Shute, it isn't
wereyin inc army . to ,shpake ay.. I
will git me bye to brine; me in a load
arie.two al., wood frum the jarrtim, an
the misSus an mOwill live in the kit-
chen.. If she gets toired av me sittin
atround in hur road I kin. take a.walls
down to .Charlie Lepard'slarturber's
home an mebby mate in .-wid some av
the mil& naybers,•an shpind an hour
art tweevid thuni Tis aisy to bate
the game whin ye know how. 'in the
efthernoons Whin the missus gite her
werrialc done .she kin es) down to the
ladies'-risht rOoni in the town hall, art
-to the .rayslin 'toom, :.but 1 tinic the
risin rOom wildSplaee 'her: the bitht,
fer ye are not allowed to talk in the
raydin iasom. Whin she, is away I
kin hey .a rale comfortable toime be
"mesilf, widme. fate -in' the oven av the
ould Crown I-Inron range, an me pOipe
goin shtroug, aiumebby raydin the
Free Press arr jist tirade:saver tings
e. had Wina-ed frpni the ,girrulsln
the. ;Wesht lasht wake an they are
both „Wells an crap's' are good. Katie
sluliped in a 'wurrud unbekhOwinst to
het sister that Nora'S Englishman is
shtill,on the jawb eh -We nayden't ix-
pict hur back to Winghem till she
conies on hitt weddia. tower. That
manes thateopld Tint will hey to7eshell
out' some more VietOry Bonds, fen '1
belave itt trathig inc ehilder' awl
aloike, ispishally the girruls.
• ,Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay,
Mitchell---Coultes Nuptials
A quiet but pretty autunite wedding
was solemnized at the hoine of Mr.
and Mrs. John Coultes, Morris Town-
ship, on Tuesday, September 12t11.,
when their daughter, Leila Myrtle,
became the bride of Mr. J. Harmon
Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Win,
Rothsay, Ont. Rev. C.
Jones of Knox church, Belgra-ve, of-
ficiated. '
The bride, vvho wes given away by
her tallier, was elreaSed in her travel-
ling suit of midnight blue with blouse
and hat of salvia shade, and grey
choker. She wore a corsage bouquet
of 00mila:roses.
The wedding Music was played by
the bride's sister, Miss Cela it, Coul-
tes, and during the signing of the reg-
ister, Mrs. Tonesang "Because,'
The groom's gift to the bride was a
rope of pearls, and to the organist:
and soloist; platinum and gold bar
Only the immediate relatiyes of the
bride and groom -were present at the
marriage, After the ceremony and
congratulations were over, a dainty
buffet luncheon ,was served. 'Aft,er
which Mr, and Mrs. lvtiteliell 'left amid
showers of confetti, for a motor trip
through south western Ontario.
TheY will 'make ''their haute home,
it MarYborettigli Where they will be
at home to Utah -Mena after Nov-
ember 1st, The many friends of the
beide 111 014, comnmolty oitt itt ex-
tending beStswislleS,
Edith Cavell Haines
'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I -fairies,' of
town received thc sad news last week
of the death in Elfros, Sauk,, on Sept.
ist,, of their --egranddaughter, Edith
Cavell I-Iaines, one of the triplets of
Mr. and Mrs. George 1-Itiines, aged
three years and six months. She was
only sick a few hours. She leaves
ibesidq/. heel sorrowing !parents, he,r
little sister, 'Margaret and. brother,
Anniversary Services And Supper
• Anniversary services will be held
on the 13luevale circuit at Ebeneezer
Methodist church at IT a. in. and 7
P. m. Suniday, September 24th,
Rev. W. A, Fin ey, Gorrie, will preach.
Special music ui1I Ise furnished. A
monster tea meeting will be held in
the church on Monday evening. Tea
fro,tn. 6 to 8, Followed by a good
pi•Vgram of addresses, solo's, readings,
Attractions At Wingharn Fair
Ntonday and 'Tuesday.
September *th and 26th,,
$1,A15o ill Prizes,
Premier Drury speaks at
the 26th,
`Wit am Brass Band,
1,ticknow Pipe ,13and.
Merry -Go-'\ round.
Mathice-Neiss Side Shows,
Women's Institute Besoths,
Pour large Water proof tents for
' One of the best t.ho s iif Western
Ontario, ;
More than 44 special peixes,
Cliairipioeehip School Fair,
0 00
. Through the courtesy of Mr.' John
joynt„ M. P,, P.„ the .11,ucknow. Pipe
Band Will be present at the •Wingharit
Fall Fair. '
The P. & G. guessing contest in
Mundy's window closes on Saturday
night, September 23rd. Register your
guess now and Win a prize. -
. ,
1. he Annual .Rally of the Sunday -
School of the Baptist church will he
held next Sunday afternoon. Extra
singing, dialogue, and short speecheS:
The infant daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Gilbert Farrell, of netir Ripley,
is seriously ill from infantile paralysis
and no hope is held out for her re-
Day Dream Toilet Preparations .a
superb line of toilet cream, powders•
and perfume, etc. Sold only at Mit-
chell's -Drug Store opposite Brunswick Hotel.
Among the promotions anhounced
in the Royal Canadian Regiment, we
notice that Ermin S. Copeland, Wing -
ham, is appointed. provisional Captain
in the 9th Greys Horse.
Thotansen & Tenchanan Hardware
Co., extend a cordial invitation to
Wingham Fair visitors to visit their
new -hardware ,store which they have
just -*opened in the store south, of
„Mills' Flour & Feed Store,
Mr. W. J. Proctor of the 4th con.,
Morris, has sold his farm to Mr. Gor-
don Gallaher of Turnberry, who will
get possession about the x5th of Nov-
ember. The deal was made through
Mr. InaG. -Stewart,.Wingham.
Hanna &
Co., Ltd., Men's Store
showing new fall 'haberdashery, over-
coats and suits, at popular prices.
Starr Phonograph 'Records, a high-
grade double -disk record, equal to
any sold, at 65 cents. All new stock
including the latest song hits and best
vocal andinstramenfar music now
sold at a reasonable price. Come and
hear them. Sold only at Mitchell's
Drug Store, opposite the Brunswick
Thrown Off • Horee. • -
Mt. Currie ;Wilson- met with a pain. -
full accident, when he was thrown'
'ffiiiin.a horse on losenhilie Pavel -tient
iti front of A. avf. Crawford's .on FriL
day-morriing. He received -a bad shak-
ing up andl e few bruises and cuts.
Aitkens--Trippe Nuptials
A quiet .wedding .was solemnized at
the .Manse, Blueyale,' on Thursday,
Septoneber e41.11e by the Rev: Craw-
ford Tate, when Miss Ella Trippe,
and •Mr. Robeet -.Aitken were .ertited
in the •holy bonds of .metrimony.. Af-
ter the Ceremony 'Mr, and Mrs.- Aitken
left on the 'afternoon train for Tor-
Hernilton and other points and
on theit..rettitn they will reside on
the groorn'seferni at Glenannan. We
joie in wishing the.. young cOripie e
long and prosperous Wedded life.
Died In Howell, Mich.
•Thoremaies. of the late Ros.ella Mc-
Neill, beloved wife' Of Rev. •Guy.
of Er.owell, Mich., were brought
-home for interment on Friday.' A pri-
Vate7serviee was 'held at the home. of
'her mother,..x2th concession of East
Wawanosh, who has been confined to
her bed' for the past - few weeks. • De-
ceased was 24 years of age and leaves
two children, Melville .and a baby
boy about a Week old, besides her hus-
band, - mother, three Sisters and one
'brother. . -
Tip Top Tailors
RepreSentative will be at our. store,
Monday' and Tuesday, September 25.th
and 26th, with an attractive array of
-their latest. Fell and Winter, suitmgs
end overtotitings,- comprising all that
is nenr. and choice in Men's .clothing.
Take your pick while the best lines
are complete, Tip Top Clothes are
made in any style you Wish, and' are
guaranteed tOfit you perfectly. You
take ' no -• 'chance' of cheappointmern,
Avail yourself of this great opportun-
ity. and; Order now. Snit. or Overcoat,
made • to your •ineasthe for $24.00.
Reniember the, dates and place, Men -
day and Tuesday, September 25th and
26th, at Galbraith's- Store.
On Friday last a very large crowd
of people attended the St. Helens
School Fair, The ..clay was ideal and
the exbibits were plentiful.' Following
is a'list of the prise winners:—
Oats, Sheaf--ist., Glen Cameron,
No. 13; 2nd., Dick. Weatherhead, No.
4;, 3rd., Myles St. 'Marie, No. x2;,4th.,
Tony Inglis, No, 14; 5th., Earl Hutch-
ins, No, 2' 9
Oats, Quart--ist., Earl Hutchins,
No: 2; and„ Myles St, Marie, No. 12;
3rd., Glen'Cameron, No, 13.
Wheat; Sheaf --J St., Geo, McQuillan,
No. 4; ancl.„ Harrison Taylor, No, 3;
3rd., Jas. St. Marie, No. 12.
Wheat, 1 Quart—Ist„'I-larrison Tay -
kir, No, 3;-211d, Jas. St. Marie, No, 12;
3rd., Geo. McQuillan, No. 4.
Barley, I Quart--xst., Albert Taylor,
No. 3; 2n4,, Graham McNee, No, 17;
3rd„ Jas. St. IViarie, No. j".
Barley, Sheaf—rst., Albert Taylor,
No. 3; 2,ncl., las, St. Marie, No. 12,
Field Peas—xst., John St. Marie,
No. 12; 2nd., Margie Purvis, No. 4; rt,
31d., Harvey Mote, No. 8; 4th., Alex er.=
Inglis, -No. 14.
' Field Corn—ist„ Eddie •Gaitnt, No. =
_ 1111
4 and., Ross Nicholson, Ao, '13; 3rd., s---ee
Wm. Rintoul No. 12; 4th., Wallace
Subscriptions: $2.00 per Yc
Wilson, No. 3; 5th.,Stanley- Orser,
Vo, '8; 6th., Melvin. Hackett, No, 13.
, Sweet _Corn--xste Verdun Mowbray,
No. 8 Ashfield; 2nd,, Luella Rintoul,
No, 4; 3rd., Clifford Sproul, No, 17;
4th., RalPh. Cameron, No, 13; 5th.,
Chas. McQuillan, No, 4.; 6th., Tonimy,
Todd, No 4-
Green Mountain-sst., Carl Waldin,
No. 8; and., Mel -vin James, No. 2; .3rd.,
Alvin Miller, Noe 4;.4th, Lulu John-
ston, No. 2; 5th,, -Lulu Weatherhead,
No. 4; 6th„ Carl McNee, No. 17.
Dooleys-exst, Greta M. Webh, No.
4; 2hd., Allan Reid, No. 3rd., Mar-
garet Thom, No. 4; 4th., Della Plow -
Man No. x5--ath Benson Mole No
e, . •, .1 •
8.Ashlield; 6th., Willard Jefferson, No.
Irish Cobblers----rst, Dorothy Mil-
lion, No. 17; 2nd., Frank Carrot, No.
,W4; il3lired"LaArzeinloblyd, NCroa.igi3;N571.1.1,5Ha4rtoilla
Hyde, No. 4; 6th., Stewart Levis, No.
MangolcisTeast., Geo. I-Intchies, No.
2; 2nd„ Etta Taylor, No. f2.; 3rd., Roy
Finnigan, NO. 2. .
Turnips --ret„ Gordon Lyons, No.
4; .2011., Zykla Webster,' No. 12; 3rd.,
Ray Duff, No. S; 41.11., Calyin Purvis,
No. 4; 5th., Cora Staley, No. S.
.Beets—sst., Herb Finnigan, No. 2;
2011., Hilliard Jefferson, No. 15; 3rd.,
Dorene Webster, No. 12; 4t11., Willie
Taylor, No. 12; 5th,, Elsie Vint, No:
13; 6th,. Gordon-- Rintoul, No. 12.
Carrots--tste Isobel Miller, No. 4;
2ncl., Winnifrect Farrier, No. 4; 3rd.,
Myrtle Selbh, No, 8; 4th., Thomas
Henry, No. 13; '5th., Mary Sproule,
No. 17; 6th., Mary Martin, No. 4,
Onions--tst, Mabel Brown, No. 8;
2nd„ Blanch Caldwell, No. 8; 3rd.,
ebllla. Sproul, No. 17 Union; 41.11., Ver-
onica •St. Marie, No. /2.' • 5th.; Winnie
McClure, No, 8;' 6th., Dora Hutchins,
No. 2.
Parsnips—sst., Helen Miller; No. 4;
.2nd., Margaret Cumming, No, 4; 3rd.,
Clarissa Inglis, No. 14; 4th,, Donalda
McDonald; No. 3; 51.11., Mary. Finnig-
an, No, 2; 6th., Winni-Ered McQuillan,
No. 4.
Collection of 'five Winter Apples--
3.st,, Reg Levis, No. 4; 2nd., Arnold
Woods, No. 4; 3rd, Lila Gaunt, No.
4; 41.11., Mary Martin, No. 4; 5th.,
Stanley Oeser, No. 8; 6th., Ross Rob-
inson, No. 3.
Asters—xst. Lauretta McClure, No.
Ashfield; 2nd., Olive Farrier, No. 14
W. Wawanosh; 3r11., Raymond Wald-
en, No.. 8 Ashfield; 41.11„ Mildred Mc-
Quillan,- No. 4 West Wawanosh; 5th.,
Rena Nicholson, No. 13 Ashfield and
Wawanosh; 6th„ Isobel 'Miller, No. 4
West Wawanosh.
Swcet Peas—ist., Helen Thorn, No,
4 West Wawanosh.
Phlox—xst., Zylda Webster, No. 12
Wawanosh; 2nd., Winnifred Farrier,
No. 4; 3rd., Agnes Cranston, No, 23
Ashfield and Wawanosh; 4t11., Ethel
McGratten, No. 17 West Wawatiosh.
Bouquet From Home Garden—Ise,
Jean 'Webster; No. 12; and., Carman
Farrier, No. 4.; 3rd,, Isobel Miller, No.
4 West Wawanosh; 4th., Dorene Web-
ster, No, 12 Wawatiosh; 5th„ Gertrude
'Martin, No, 12; 6th., Arnold Craig,
No, 15 Hurbre
(Continued on page 3)
Methodist Church Calendar
On Monday, Optober end., Miss
Francis Nickawa, 'of the Black Foot
Indian tribe of the North Vilest, will
be in the Methodist church and will
give one Of her recitals, Miss Nick-
awa, is the successor of Miss Pauline
Johnston and many predict for her
a more lirilliant future. Dr. Sipprell
of Victoria, says he never heard her
equal, while Dr. john Duxbury says
she is an entertainer of outstanding
skill. Proceeds to be used in the pur-
chase of a lantern for the school,
Sunday, October tst., will be observ-
ed as Rally Day, both in the church
and Sunday School, Miss Hilda Me-
, Milian of :Ingersoll,' gold medallist of
Canada, be present and sing -cif`
all services. Many will recall Miss
MeMillah's singing at the Choir con-
cert of last Spring. At that time many
declared that Miss McMillan was one
Of the most beautiful singers they had
ever heard.
Next Sunday, September 24.th,, the
Rev. M. 3, Wilson, M. A., of James
St., Methodist 'chinch, Exeter,.„
preach morning It ti , evening. At, the
evening service„ by special request;
Ni, NVilson will speak; to the yoting
. ,
Band Concert In Park
The Band will play itt the Park on
Friday, .eveeing; commenting at 8 p.
111, the f011oivitig pieces. under the
leadership Of j. Davis, M. V, C. 'NI,
March, by Right: of Swot -d, Losey;
Overtures Radiante, Keifer; • Valse,
Gipsy Love, Lebat; Selection, Pirates
of Renjance, Sullivan; Valse, Estud-
iantina Waldofel; Morceari, Awaken-
ing of 'Spring, Bach; Selection, Quak-
er -Girl, Moncton; March, Lights Out;
McCoy; God Save the King. This is
the last concert this season and the
band has only,,inised one night. The
band is holding,a tag day on Septem-
ber 261.11:'in aid of the bend fund.
The band is Preparing for a good day,
ki I
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Wedded At, Paisley -
The marriage of Mr. L. _Louis
Cranston of New Y,ork city to Miss
Mildred Johnston, took plate in. the
:church of the Ascension, Paisley, on
Tuesday, September 121h. Mr. Cran-
ston' will -be remeniberea by many
itt Wingham, having been on the staff
of the Dominion Bank some years ago
and now holds a respoifsible position
' Broke His Thigh
, Friends of Rev. 'Wilson, formerly
of Dluevale Methodist,charch, will re-
gret to learn that he hticl the misfor-
tune to fall at his home in Toronto
and break his thigh bone. He was
walking across the from- after waxing
it. We understand the reverend gen-
tleman's condition is serious.
Lutton—Holland Nuptials
in connection with thatBank in St. :James Anglican chinch Was dec-
:Broadway, New York. He is an uncle orated with pink and white asters for
of Miss Myrtle Shackleton of town. , the marriage which took place on Sate,
I urday afternoon, Of Delis 'Mary, eldest
Too Many Husll'ands
The two act comedy presented Vri Holland, Base Line, to ''.1'homas Line.
the young people of Trinity church, ton of London, son of Mr. and Mrs..
.Belgrave, in the Wingham TowhHall,i Linton of Wingham. The bride, who
On Thursday evening, was a success l was elven away by her father, wore
in every way. The Belgrave people, a handsome gown of navy blue cant-, '
leave given the play in several Places: on crepe, with smart hat of velvet and
ianpptle-iaer avniccieni VII, . \ Al) utitritahhias neivaasntdhe:vivre fibrest-Ifeathers to match and carried &cam -
colored roses. Her sister, Miss Gladys,
lieve they would be greeted with a:Holland., as bridesmaid; was in brown
packed house if they should put the taffeta with brown velvet hat and car -
on here again: The cast of char -I
I lied Sunset roses. Herbert Smith of
atters is as follows:— i London, was best man. , During the - -
Colonel Thaddeus Crane -Neil Mc' sneoiss• of the register, Harry .Carson
Crea; Dorothy Crane, his daughter—; sang k) Perfe:et Love." The groom's
Miss j. johnson; Arthur Maitland, his, gift to the bride was a string'of pearl's.,
ro'wn, 'and to the groomsman, a 11fasdnic tie-,
to the bridesmaid, a silver hiesh hag
eepheW—Chas. Johnston; Chauncey1
ChiltonM. Bradburn; Harry I3
bookkeeper -7-•W in. Brydges; Millyi :
Brown, his wife—M.rs, Chas. John- Performed by Rev, W. L. Armitage,
p,n. After the ceremony, which Was,
ston.; Rev. Ormsby—G. Nethery; Mrs,,Mr. arid Mrs. Linton left on a honey -
Sheffield, Harry's mother-in-lawe--I moon trip to Eastern points. On their.
Mrs. J. McGill; Mollie, servant—Muss I return they will take up their re7si-
M. Nethery; Jones, ExPressman and dence on Kitig Si —1 , Free
O'Flynn, patrolman—John McGill;i Press,
Rudolph Bauer—B, Bradbure.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William :•
Mrs. John Glenn Deceased, ,
The death of Mrs. John. Glenn oc-
curred on Wednesday, September 23.,
at: the residence of her son, Everett
Glenn, 19 Eastbothne Crescent, Mim-
ic?). Mrs, 'Glenn has been in poor
health for many yeers but not until
three months age was she found to
be saffering from pernicious anaemia,
1\frs. Glom was a resident of Wing -
ham until about a year ago, when the
family moved. to Toronto. Besides
hcr husband, she, leaves to mourn her
loss, one son, Everett, Supervising
Principal of Mimice Public and High
Schools., The .funeral took place on
Friday from Palmerston, G, T.
Salem cemetery...
III III 1111111I12111111111101111 111$1111 111E111 II ll 11101111 II 11113111/51111 11111111111111
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