The Wingham Advance, 1922-09-07, Page 7It1
Tim d Sepiterne jeee,
711.717,174-'71frirlr" Trr,,,Tryr:77,
Isd to a Rock -S44 Mine A Prayer.
Sweef, I lift this PraYee tozYen
There'S (brill ln beteg lowered 'tar 1 1 t° the 1-rairl. it
Who are dearer than the dew
e P easeelt, standing armind 72 1 ' 0 sel. ng
doWn through a black hole into thei degre,es". The ateloellheee fel as na-11-11Y Bre 111" buret 19 b1
Orie of the most rum/turtle earlOds
tee bietory oe the British Mereantl
Marine was the daYs whet/ pira.t
roved tee sees.
A Pietnreelne ilgere of these tin/SS
'MIAS Mary Read, ono of the eow wo-
men who sailed under the °Jelly Reee
It was la 1719 teat May Read was
In the full title of her eXpIeits. She
took toil of numerous' stbdpe. When
ber crew argued wite deer she pistelled
them with her own hand.
See was an excellent pistol shot,
and fleetly eilled in, a duel a reel). per -
ate who hail beca livollsh enough to
threaten her lover.
Killed in Settle.
When tasked why she followed a vo-
cation e,o, hazel -clone, she replied that
"as to hanging, she thougla it no great
hardship, for were it not for that
every cewartily fellow would turn
te and V() infest the seas, and men of
courage would starve.
Anothee woman pirate was Bell
• legnarnond. During tee early part o
last century, When French and British.
privateer e were continually offering
battle, a ves,sel named the Duke o
Riclamondwas granted arlicenee to be
COMS a,n auxiliary craft' or prIva
The, license was caficialleebe-terwed
upon' a Captain Satchel -end', but no
suck pers,oe existed; the commander
of• thie, privateer was Belle Hammond.
• She had little patriotic motive to •ire
spire her ventures, for she attacked ,
both French and .Britiell vessels' with- I
earth 000 feet, One beeornea used to as early stammer, A cleaaer erpet •
Ir it, they-eaY, bee believe me, Dot eould Itardily be imagined. MV the great Etqrual
e$ (Mee., A minute or so after we lauded at Guard You from all tolleh or he
One meriting reeeutly, the big ole- the feet of the elitift, there eatne
Vetter lowered the Shaft et the araff rumbling noise as ,of distant 'thunder,. .170a0rdeedyosuorr7onaw .1.11atebsit.Auepr; ("ID
leinee, on 'Avery Ielaed, nine miles It_zreemed, to roe on ane one reverber-
Seutheaat of New Iberia, leouialaree, atzug down the long corridoes, in and
having on. b,eard a camera- man, who out of those tall area, eemetimee, Me Lead you thrungla fan' ways
wae going down oil a special aseign-
meat to try out a aew light,
Tbere ere no preliMinaries, nor care -
Melly about the deiseenit. The sibaft is
a very untheiting affair, and has an
appeararice of "come down if yeti
wish; I'm not promising you anything,"
The elevator is, not a handsome brasa
or eteelnetted cage no e is there a betY
in a,ttendance. After all got on, it just
went down.
I'Ve 'very (Men. There iernt much
laughter nor talk; the others, feel
about the same way yota do. An the
jokes' have been left up on the eurface
of the earth. -Then in that bla,cle down-
we,rd drop there oomee a rush. of cool,
e stet air. One member aboard exclaim -
f ed, when he felt the weird cheugra of
temperature come up his, legs, "My
goodness! I believe my pants came
f off!" He had the correct sensation,
- all right.
- But when the, nottem is, reached,
out dietincticet, sailing under both flags
occaseon required.
She met ter death in the midst of
battle.. Haying come to gripe with an
enenlY Oil) by approaching. her under
enemy colors, Belle Hammond azn,d her
• crew of desperadoes, would fling 'them-
, uponethe crew and loot the Ship.
Snob an engagement was -Id progress,
en'e Sunday near Plymouth when a
Britisii sloop, mistaking them both for
enenay ships, opened fireeand Bank
„• Some of the b.ewhaskered pirates of
those olden days were not with,ont
their seese of chivalry. In."Inat Ships
and. 'Lone/3r Seas:" Mr. Ralph D. Paine
tees. how, in .1821, the seheoner Exer-
tion was captured by Spanish pirates'.
One of the despera.does, the seeleng
inars,tere wasclenceen. aa, Nikola, bet was,
what a change! • And what a sue -pi -16,e
to find down, there that the tempera- the foot.
r; -erenee ear eleenieeleer
The Most Successful Treatrnrnt
is Through the Blood.
early $tage ao-vous .debility
are noted by leestlessaesrs and irritebill-
tY in which the victims' seem to be op-
erates -ea be their rierves, As the trou-
ble advanceee common symptoms are
a tired feeling; weal -mese in the kieeee
and ankles; headachee, ba.elrachee and
where sdreeplesenee.s. The metter requires
as it entered one of the tower -roofed bee'- - -- --- c -r -c • .suitable treatineut will prevent a Gem -
or easaeg in its. growl, then dimaneehing 1 e1
1 Love's. ertase rind amnia d it 1313 in:tee:1 rate attention, for nothing but
cavities. it was not a nois.e that would —01ffitop. Scollard. eakdown.
fill aeeetee With dismay, fear, or allele- The ilervous eYetern governs the
ty, but something that seemed, in a An Editor's Invoice. Whole body, controlling heart, lungs,
way, to be expected in this strange ine digestion' and brain, so that ff is not
Aof his
der -ground cavern editor ono kept trale
n. It was all so new
and different tha.t it thrilled one with profits, elle. los,see durleg theesurprising that nervous disturbances year, and cause acute distreee, For troubles of
a pleeeet satisfaction. of haying en_ giltes an 111Voice 01, hie bualuese diarY this kind Dr, Williams, peter, pills sec-
tered upon an adventure worth 'W,lajle. at the end of twelve menthe of ups• and eeed when other treatment fells, for
downs, in the fallowing manner: '
No questions wore asked. The natured these pies mako new blood, enriched
semposetion was that the summerlike Leah broke 361 time's' with the elements 0/3: which the nerves
blast away back in one of these ,dark
thunderstorm had been eaueed by a _TPor,aeilsel:tetilee'eeintlibmileceS9 11ffl'e°' thrive, and in this 'way rea,ch the root
ethanesee enesed prayer meeting 52 times. , of the trouble. In proof of this is the
statemen,t of Mrs. Doceerile Stratford,
, Beet/ roasted 431 times.
The .canaera lime wanted to 'shoot" Ont., who says:—"My daughter, Matie
a scene showing how the salt was torn TR°asted others ' 32 times. da, was suffering from nervous de-
lAraob.ed office towel 3 times,
from its bed. This. ded the party down
one of these long evenrues, with the
email lights strung alongside, just as
though they were so many tiny street
lamps, mad tee tall mice. glitterieg Over-
head. A narrow -gauger railroad ran.
down the centre, reminding on,e of a
miniature' street -car lin.e, laid flat in
the hard, dry eelt thet crushed under
But few men can conscientiously More little ones dia. during the hoe
-claim any ability in forecastang things weather than at any other time of the
'that are to batmen at some1u:tura Year- Diarrhoea, dlesenteryeehelera in -
date. Pioesibly the weathe,r man is en sane= and stomach troubles come
exception. However, there 'are a few without warnhag, and when. a- anedicine
'who have through careful study in- is not at hand to give promptly the
formed themselves, on the general ten-
rieais batty, and the us-aal remediee al not
Miesc'd h. - seera to help her. I was advised by a
Mistaken for a preacher 11 times. friend to give Dr. Vailliame' Pink Pills
Mistaken for a capitalist 0.
a trial, and soon we found they were
Got w,hipped 8 times.
doieg her a great deal of good. She
• Whipped °there 0.
complained of pains in the stomach,
Cash on hand. at beginning $1,47.
and a severe flutterbag, of the heart
Cae.h on hand at ending 150.
Nvith a general wealenes,s. Under the
use of these pills she continued to
He Had No. Speedometer, gain, and I believe they hove saved
Aesop of fable fame was asked by a her froth goifig into a. clecien,e."
traveller hew long it 'would take lairn
You can get these Pills from any
Id get to Athens,,
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cants
""You'll be there when you arrive," a box or six boxes for 2,50 from The
eald Aesofe Dr. Williame"Medicine Co., Broekville,
Out • '
"Of course!" •answered the travel- '
ler. "But how long will it talre, tee?"
"I don't kliow," said Aesop. Weird Wills.
The 'traveller stalked off, exaseer- A will neatly engraved on the back
ated. After he had travelled along for of a naval identity disc of about the
about two or three minutes, Aesop size of a half-cn rowwas filed at Smiler -
hailed tam. ' • set House recently It had been. picked
"It will take yell eme hem to reach up from the sea, and recorded a be-
quest to 'My darling wife."
Many wills. leave been made on such
things, as COMe,, colais,, hats, and even
"How could I knebefore I saw bootee but perhaps, the most unique
how fast you can tra,vel?" answered was the will left same years, ago by a
Aesop. South of Enrgland farmer.
A sealed note in.dicated that his wild
would be felned MAL MOM upstairs,
The room was s'earched evithout suc-
cess until a woman, noticinrg that the
wallpaper was loose at one corner,
pla,oed • her hand upon it, and im-
mediately the whole piece fell down.
On the back of the paper were written.
tha testatmee wishes.
In a legal action some years ago, one
of the exhibits in court was the top of
a table on which bequests had been
written, while in another case a. eve-
rnaa wove the words in wool on a
table cloth. •
same delay too frequently means that Atherase he called.
dencies .of the times and from this the child has passed beyend aid. • "Why didn't you tell me that in the'
informatio,n. they are ialble to calculate Baby's Own Tablets ehould alveays be first place?" deneanded th,e, traveller.
fairly accurately some of the thing's kept In the house where there are
-Which ,are quite certain be come to young children. An occasio,nal dose of
paw. tee Tablets will prevent stomach and
Recently Mr. Charles A. Coffin, an bowel troubles, or if the trouble
Arnerican Who done large things comes suddenly tlae prompt use of the
in the industrial world during the p,ast Tablets will reliev'e the baby. The Tab -
forty yeaxs, made the following state- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by
ment; "The next beg social 'eh,ange, mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
as I see it will be deeentralizatien, Williams' Medicine Co, .Brocleville,
Electtricity made 'the greet eit*. It Ont.
, retely a Scotem,a,n named Jamieson,. H
may now be expected to unmake ,it."
• was well educated, good matmered, Seemingler, up to ther presen,t time ,Not Prepared.
and hanelsome, and, seemed to teel his poweal, labor •and• capital can be co- e The old deacon eva,s the kindest of
position keenly among that band of °ralnatecl" mere eeei'llY en '011T'greart ial.- men, dreeply religious and alway•s, ready
cut-throats. dustrial eentres than in smaller plaice's, I with; a good word One, da hil h
, e . • , er w e e
• Ele told Captain Lincoln, of the Exerr- But recent asetriarkabee d.eyelo,pments wee. denting to town he overtook an
in.. th. e (bet/skate:al and use of elee- Italian peddler with a large pack ,on
tion, with emotion, "I will never be
hung as a pirate," showing hem a bot- trierty appear to he ellanging the' set- his back. Stopping his lears,a, the deac-
tle of laudanum he carried in
nation. This neve help,ex promises to on s..ugges,ted that the man ride. 'The
pocket. bring a most flexible power to all. nien,1 'tate-nal carefully stored hie pack in the
• The crew of the Exertion were ma-
rooned • by the .piratese who sailed
away, and Jamieson was among them.
A week pasa'ed and etleast one of the
marocznerre men bad died, when a ship
appeared andlet, down a boat firing
a ken as she. did so: Thinking it, no
• woreeta.die by the 'sword than famine
Captain Lincoln walked down to meet
the boat.
AS, the boat drove through the surf,
the Mall i.11.131.1e,b0W jumped out and
mated to, embrace the. captain. It was
the Scotstnae Jamieson!
A Romantic Figure.
• He had captured a vessel from the
Pirates, -and. abandoned ,hies evel ways.
This romantic figure lived to see many
of his old connades, executed at Kings -
.ton. , Jramleeone, grave is at Cape Cod,
far teem hie native land,
There' is a touch oe grim humor in
the story ef Ceptaln Roberts', who sail-
ed from Virginia for the Guinea coast
Id 1721. Pirates, overtook hbs sloop,
and at first treated. him rather good-
humoredly, ae he was a, man of s,pirit
• and could hold hie own when the bet
tile was paszed.
The pirate captsie took a fancy to
him and would have let him continue
his voyage, but uillucleity the health
of the "Old Pretender,"•James III., was
propoS'eci, and Captain Roberts,.who
• was ea Jacobite, roundly refused to
arink isurah. a toast . One of 'the pirates
was•fer s.11 ootig hilt through the head,
• but it was t.h,eught to be a better joke
to put him alone orm board riles vessel
Without provisions and water ane let
him drift to seta. ' •
• Thie was derfe,.. hiit Captain Roberte
managed to...0ome teed and water
that had been. overlooked. The ship
tetimately ran aground, and he sue-
•iceeded in getting back to Landoll after
at absence of four years.
Clever Control Valve Made
for Isolated Lights..
WM' Use in marine taerial
hous-e where the lighting of the lamp
Id to be automatic, a ribev control valve
Inc been devised that has tome mark-
ed advantelece over. Older instruMents
of this 'character, Two glaze bulbs,
tined with volatile ligaid end vapor o,t
the ,same, are ceitheeted and eupported
on is carrier, This • is free to rook elle
pivots and is connected to the 'mere
supplying gas to the light. One of
Ibe buns is blackened an,d the ether
1 of t ti -an sp oxen t. 'When exposti d te
daylight, die bledicened bulb abe,orbe
mere Light than the traireparatt bulb
with a couseteient haererese 'tempera -
lure, 'Phis ertueet liquid to move to
the treneporent bleb, eni the carrier
roclice roe Ile plvote,, thee closing the
flear-eueeee Valte,
eou can't tektli
1 re lie
111,, don't,
whether they live and work in the citee, back of the spring wagon and then,
the Village, or on the f arm, climbed to the seat be;el•cle the good
The "bro.adeasting of power" will deacon -
and inanufactune rair materials near'
grardualler make it possible to process, an7tioyx soTnieleentitiyieertehewtawseatarlaltrehrlerproans;
the .source 'of production. If this an Panse, and; thinking to improve the
be done success,fully, it -will materiallylcceasion ha a redigious sense, the den -
aid in outeing down a bevy and el) con turned and asked, "My friend are
Many eases unnecessary teanaporta- Y°1-1 prepared to' die?"
tion tax. The goods ,can also be deliv-
ered to the ultimate conisumen at a
lower cost. '
Tha. eity has brought many seciai
and economic troubles. But it has
With a shriek the healer], sprang to
the gleamed and dinappeareti eat° the
near -by Woods, The .ealls, of 'the dea-
con, only haetened: tete felloev'e,
and neither the deacon nor anyone else
also .developed-recn-venienees end, ad- ever saw him again in th,at 'n.eig,hbor-
vantages wheal modem ...pee'pee net.1 hood. It seen -ss that the peddler was
forego. meeteeety ie, ewer making. not prepared.
possible these 00MflOrtS, opportunities 'a.
and amusements in th,e healthful die- While phonograph records may be
;tette of our countrysides. The effect handled freely and quickly without
this will have Upon the agricelture 'of <I:zinger of inju-ry they ,sh.ouId not be man was selling pencils. A yqung
any Community ;lie 'difficult te foreeell. stacked lapin a pile without protection Mee approached and; choosing one
There can 'be littl5. que,,stion, however, for the surfaces, nor should: theyi be from the stock on hand, as,ked the
bet that the results evil be beneficial., giveh the baby to play with. Albums price. When told it was live cents,
both in the way of eupplering to the ere the most email:man:al andhandy the purchaser, wiebine to, be goerd
farmer seasonable lalleor and in iii- may of keeping l'any average person's hearted, gave ten cents. Imagine his
proving the in.arket for his farm pro- collection -of reeerds. : aeto.nietement wheal the tea man U.
, Bound to Succeed.
"I had just made a startle this eity,"
said a Chicago businesa rnae, "and had
gone out to eat a modest lunch, when
my office -boy, who had been told where
to fine me, melted in to enneunce that
a gentleman. lead called te see me --a
foreign -looking man," he explained.
"Why ditil yoril;t him go?" I said.
Nirould have come roiunzd 01140 to
see him." -
"I didne let him go," was the lad's
response. "He is etile in the office. I
locked him in.''
"And so ;secured one of my earliest
and moat prized patrons."
What Ma Wanted.
"Ma veants two pounds of butter eie
aotly like what you sent us lest week.
If it ain't exactly lilee, that she won't
take it."
The grocer turned to his, cu,stomers
and rema,rieed blandly: "Some people
don't like •particular cuettoraers,, but I
do. It is my delight to get them just
what they want. I will attend to you
Id a moment, my boy."
"All right," said the boy, "but be
sere and get the same kind. A lot of
dad's relatione are visatin,g our house,
aageateintn.,,,a, doesn't want 'em to mane
Not a Profiteer.
. It happened on King Street. An, old
. "Young man, you will be selling pen -
The service of God, ie the meet pee-' cite when you' reach my 'age if you
feet ,freetlern any soul ean have True squander your money in that way,
religioe and true feeedem always When I WEI.c your age I was the same
have gone .hind in heed.. way. I oared not held en •to money,
hence my present postition, 1 no -w only
ask a living. Heed my warning in
Do what you consider is your duty,
hat do not insist that others shall
consider. it their duty also.
Surnames and Their Origin
Variations—Carberry, MacCarbery.
Racial Origin-nhesh, • .
Source—A given nettle..
The correct Gaelic forth of this fame
ly name is either "O'Cairbre" or "Mat-
A,si matter of fact ,threre are four
distinct sources of thia family Or clan
name, for there were four dietinct arid
s,eparate clane among the Irish bear-
ing this rime.
On -e of them was in I.,eineter. Tra-
detien erre it that thee clan, known as
eO'Cairlare," derived its name from a
"Chieftain of the O'Dwyer Inc called
"Cairbre" and surnamed “Cluitlitea.ob-
The given name means, figura-
tieely, "chief of the chariot."
'Phe Offaly Oarberrye were known as
"Cla,nn Cairbre" and tbes name was
s,ortietimes Anglicized, NeacCerberry.
This chart. Was an offehoot of the Col -
Tile Orgiall Carberrya need the, pre-
fixed rather than, the "NfaZ," and
were a elevelopmented the Clan Card -
gale •
.There Was ten,oth,er "Claim Cairbree
Id . Slitter; earl this one, wee, a branch
of the more aneient elan of .the 0"eittal-
"Caerbre" Was- a wideepreadexert
O inc " arneng the incelletral rrtsn, ae
rimy ber gathered fame the fact thatno
loser than tom eleettaine of this amine
Wei clarie Melted aftee them,
Honest Milkman.
ASHTON The dealer WaS, charged with selling
Racial Origin -English. adulterated, intik and he .pleaded net
.Source—A locality. guilty,
Until the final and complete het of "I3ut," said the judge, "the testi-.
family names has been made up, and 111°31Y shows that your inane tontained , were laid, except that eacee sheet is
each has, bee -n traced definitely to its 25 per cent,'water" i nleeligreeldboteirl aanewattoerv-teif,ghe1 sjtriiii: ?levet:
seuree,. it ,,,,e0 be an epee question as "Thee It must be higlegrarde milk," I
to whether there is a large number of returned the dealer.
family names, originating in ErIghtald will look up the wore `milk' In your
"If your Honor pleree a.nd ridg,e flashing,
which come tram localities or from the dictionary you will find that it contain11,11nard", Leith -eerie Rellevoa NotaraloN
-given-narnes.or the father's of the orig,1 80td 90 per cent. waten I ehozdd have , la .-
'nal bearers. sold mine foe cretue."
. 4.a --
Here is an addition to the list of Artiflical Christmas Tree.
those "which bave,booe developed •40re The Inconsiderable, Fish. An artificial Christmas tree invent -
DI ed, by a Californien serves as ei hat -
ace zutinese The two things that Clarence Bab- Tack. anti umbrella eland when the
It is not pasSib--le'-in tee individeal son liked tca do were fiehleg and "juet branchee are removed, maitteg it.
ease toottesign, the exact lovelier from I setting," bat apparently he Reed to ful the year round -
which the family name of Ashton de- "Set" better even tean to fish. Olae
veloped. Th -ere are so malty Ashtens, spring afternoon the lista Were biting
add be adettlen there were probably well when Clarence came along with
more places whose names since- have his, pole anti set dowh en the bank.
been changed. . "Shucks!" lie sighed querulously as
This name, so far as tali be ttoor„ his cork float diseppearecl, and thds. line
taited, ha.8 been gette legatee In its tightened. "Suet es I gOt nicely set -
development, Originally` It Was pre; tied I g -et a bite,'
ceded by the Seaton "attee (meaning-
1 , 4e--n----e
" or °from" atel "at the") and av,as The ev,oaetclee largeat Wire/see horn
used in eonjunctioe with, a 01501e giVen has been greeted at Mere Park,ell
Ca -
name simply to distinguish him from eremite It is tWente-fivo feet long,
others of the same given 'name, It was .and leas an apertuke of twelve feet,'
a Very nattnel method ot diffetentia- and with ite, air, evireleste ooncerte eet
tion tie refer to the place, from whieh be hetarcleevet an ‘a.rern et teventy-eine
a Man had eozele, or the piteee le whileh square mile.S.
his el Wet 1 Mg Ware 1 e ett ted mew lei n g.
Viet Weer) 'wee /lot e large enough coat- 121w3 length or a Trent ship ie often
111111111y r to latuee of li Om et rho eame dei eein II led by the 'shoe tneee .ot
giVee be -be an hizieSe12.1
temper ,
On the Iceberg's Track.
Of all the perils, dreaded by th,ose
who sail across the Atlantio, icebergs
are by far the most formidable.
A. new device has, been brought out
by a Fren-ch inventor which detects
icebergs when they are six miles, away,
Melting Ice sends out rays which are
invisible to the eye, but which affect a
delicate instru-ment Called the thernue
e°T1113.11.1erit apparatus can be made so fine-
ly it will register the preeenee of
a lighted candle at a distance of half a
The thermo-couple is COlineeted to a
telephone receiver on the bridge of
the ship. Winn conditions are normal
It emits s continuous note of unchang-
ing pitch. As S00,11 as an iceberg is ap-
proached, however, the note changes,
and the look -out man knows at once
that th-ere is danger.
Reinit by Dominion Expresz Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
Copper Reefing.
Copper that was used on some of the
most famous buildings, of Europe, new
eeutturies old, has never been replaced,
The cost of layin-g has hitherto pre-
vented the wide use of copper for roof-
ing, but a new method that does away
with the soldering now makes a cop-
per roof little more expensive than
one Of slate or compesition shingles,
The sheets whIcls are eight by eigle
teen enchee, in size, are laid in much
the same way as old-style shingles
Bulk Carlots
1143tartteve Wieuees nett 30.antedleit
Weak on
Ois3sEratio3 Y6retr; to tVin74Adt.
tIr WI )4. the Author.
0 t:tittii tteiit
NiW TOrk,
DE No, 35 --Te.
Some Lessos fro a
Composer's Life',
There ie eateli eecouragernent rer
the hard-working mostc student in the
lung life of Camele Salrit-Saens, re-
rently ended. Says Groves' sober dic-
tionary: "Saint-Saenre is a eteneurameffe
master of eompositioe, and io on Pc
seeses a mare profound knowledge
than he rlo,es ef the secrets aud re-
soneeee or the- net, but the oreative
faculty does not iteep pace with, the
tecenical alell of the Workman" 'nee,
of coure,e, is a polite way of seethe'
that be wee a firetcleteese technician
with a seemed -rate eenies wheel], how-
ever, he developed te an extreme de-
gree ny sheer hard work and clear
Genine iS rare. Mozart& and
be-ris are very zearce Id mustical bis -
tory, But all of ua caa werk, and
though aur wire:temente may be ooze
siderably le ee than, those of Saint-
Sa.ene, tete gifted nmeiciau shows thet
it is petseale to work and live long,
aud eleoy a large measure ail success
Id music by inakin'• g the utmost of
whatever stare of talent we posaerse.
In We respeet at leaat We can learn
more from Saint-Saets than we ean
from, sa,y, Schubert,
IneidentallY, Saint-Saens, mixed free-
ly with men, arid as art amateur at-
tronoiner could be happy alon,e, with
the stara,. It is, well to cultivate a hob-
by outsede music, for this, no, donee
helped Saint-Saens to live to eighty-
British Columbia is spending ep-
proximatele- $1,500,000 thus year cn
highways. Much new country will be
opened tap.
The learresit•pleee during -a thunder-
storm de in bed, a poztffion between two
feather beds ,giving complete im-
munity. Owing to the metallic sub-
stances in -certain .soile serne trees are i
struck more freqeently than others.
Thus the oak and the .elna are often
'struck .a.nd destroy -ed by lightneregi
but, the .ash is rarely stru,che and' the
beeCh it is :said never.
Per years I have never considered my
stock of household remedies complete
unless a bottle of Wizard's Liniment wes
included. For burns, bruises, sprains,
frostbites or chiliblains it excels, and
I know of no better remedy for a severe
cold in the head, or that will give mare
Immediate relief than to inha,le from
the bottle through the nasal organ -
And as to my supply of-veterfriary re-
medies it is essential, as it has in very
many instances proven its value. A re-
cent, experience in reclaiming what was
supposed to be a lost section of a valua-
ble cow's udder-haz again demonstrated
its great worth, and prompts me to re-
commend it in the highest terms to all
who have a herd of cows, large or small.
I think X am safe in saying among all
the patent medicines there is none that
covers as lar -e a field of usefulness as
does liainard,S.Liniment. A. real trueism
—good for man or beast.
Chebogue Point.
Aonav,0o 17V
IQLE001 i?,.4*.rop '1161110 rp0
'our .SeMp2Ste Ine 02 ejeolt
tulemi 41,111.aPPli.enoeS trOM.Pur lt,t
trio .Supnry'relie e084 ilt Clair 'SIhit
.M.A.3"1"1.11'D earsei.e. 24 0I
a, pound, Albert Lewis,
das west, eerento.
"I" ewer
seITClerretee Ana pleottetti
merit ate
1501' rrxachinv, 1.3.30; buttO
ear: dirty Xres4 ag'snts 'wanted.
PHENSON, ee Quincy. Street, C,!3/ei.1.,,
E% lee-De:CD ACRE Reiter: ee
Blzron rieed (Provincial
near Chilton; two spring wells, splendtd
buildings, good orchar5 and teroe, Year
terms and further particulars apply to:
G. A, P, Brickeradon ib Co.,
&e, LoTicloh-Troan /.10,0",., 4..)11.t..
A ClAt. ,PUROtr.034%
o. 1,',14;71oeta. sc'In'en°sktiybeUftal'vt4Paaaptlevro.44
inforination 1 WIlson• Publfshimg
Co., ,Ltd,„ 73 Adelalde St W.. Toronto.
inHit4s.aml. BraLTe ANC stic,
'mole hue, new 'azact used, shippod,
subject to approve.] at reweet -,rteee in
Canada. York Belting Co, 115 Yorls
St., Toronto, Ont.
Artist An Engineer.
Leonardo da 'Vinci, the artist, who
Painted the Mona tii3a, the evoz,ltre,
maet famous picture, was also a mili-
tary engleeer and wrote aeteclezam
lnard's iLinimetit tot, hale everywlherd
Faithfulness is a queenly quality,
Royal purple means' constancy, in tee
langteage of evlors—a symbol which -
no Onristian ehould forget.
Special wireleseeetS, are lbeing made
for the use of cowboys -while ri-ding
on their rounds.
Lydia E. Pinkhaes Vegetable Com.
pound Often Does That. —Read
Mrs. Miner's Testimony
Churubuseo, N. Y.—"I was under the
doctor's care for over five years for
1 back -ache and had no
relief from hinnedi-
eine. One day is.
neighbor told roe
about your Vegeta-
ble Coznpound and 1
took it. It helpedme
so much that r with
to advise all womeli
Id try Lydia E, Pink -
ham's Vegetable
Compound for fe-
male troubles and
backache. It is a
great help in carrying A child, as .1 have
j noticed a difference when I didn't take
j it. I thank you for this medicine and if
I I ever cozne to this point again I do net
want to be without the Vegetable Com-
pound. I give you permissionto publish.
this letter so that all women can take
my advice. "—Mrs FRF.,D Mama, Bon
I 102, Churubusco, 1q. Y.
j It's the same story over again.
j 'Women suffer from ailments for years..
They try doctors and different Medi.
eines, but feel no better. Finally they
take Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable
Compound and you can see its value in
the ease of Mrs. Miner.
That's the truth of theinatter, If you
are suffering from any a the troubles
women have, you onghtto try this tried*
icine. It can be taken m safety by yoiang
or old, as it contains no harmful &M.. --
Use Cuticula And Watch
Your Skin improve
Nothing better to cleanse and
purify the skin mad to keep it free
from pimples and blackheads than
Cuticura Soap for every -day toilet
use. Assist witlz Curicura Ointine,nt
when necessary. Cuticura Talcum
is a/so ide2al for the skira.
SonaSe. 0inttneut25 tut/ Soc. Talctun25c. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepott
Lynne, tielts, 344 St. Paul Si., W., Smoot/.
Mgr Cuticura Soap clatve$ without oaug.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds H e dactie Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
ilandsy 431t3w' bOxoa Of P2 tablets...A180 bcolo af 3 ent100-.3jrt iStSt
Aspfdri is tho IVryle me -i: Cr44,1414VO4 It Chnsuisi ot 136y4T, ItittiMaalOt sit
4041.10ii,1114414)'2 S413•,311riAdev, Whi/k1 it iff RAAIA LT:2440MA 10009p 0-31q
oo, t 0401St 011'0100 rintati4A0OrVai liak))01,0 ley ,,.10 xtall/f
be tqatood with iludr ae4or41 1t1,6.0 Unh flt5,',130.yev