HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-09-07, Page 3Oatl, Thureday SePteMber ythe .02 1111lioMici1mOmmoisin1moimommummomism T, Chain 0,0c ley StOr ecial lend Te 11 irritted of Catea,da---WingbieltTit, Ont. ,-----..- 49c Jb Sunflower Brand Salozott....--eng7c , , , , Ptje VINEGAR—CiderBlend or • , • , a.. ... . Ile Vrine gall. oap ChiPs,a lbs. zee .Sherrifs J1y P'070VP, 0,foia 25P achin6Slici• ed Breakfa$, cOrt tommmm m m mom mmm m A AMA 11110111fflifflOMEMOANA moiMmm m TIEN LMyE.JTy THEWESTERN ONTARIO UN' .IVERSIIY) • LONDON- ' Does a, nioerSity Educatioa: We all know that a:college trainieg isa6solutely esperitiare, , to engineers, medical men, chemists, clergymen,. scientists, etc., but Statistics show that while only 2% of the people of America are college .edueated, no lees than 70% ea the leaders in business, in politics; and in the Church comefrorn this university trained group:, • Shell neer boy beconte one of the leaders? . Western University is right at your door and offers , complete courses in Arts, Medicine and Public Health. • Ertfianee :is by Junior' Matriculation except for special and nurses courses. The fees are low, The teaching staff - numbers 125 professors, lecturers and instructors, Individual instruction is featured. . Moreover, your boy will get all -the best influences of college and heme by attending a Urdversity in your own. tire.l.n;nt lic))2 Day, October Western degrees area: n iv -e r y - recognized. For inforraation apply to R,,NEVILLEa. Registrar, London, ...Ontario ' 15 ,:.5,1t117.11.10: 911,01. , THE pONEE. Have you •ever met the old man. • Coming down the lane? His form, thobent with toil and care Is free from eihr3r pain: •They Sometimes call him "Gmener," And sometimes call him "Dad" -- The boys and girls whose merry way • Oft made the hearthstone glad. • He moved into thett settlement 17 •1 • • Way back in fifty-three, )3efore a man had come there, '• , Or cut a single tree— • The only ' neighbors that he had Were wolves and prowluig 'bears, • That in his stock of calves and lambs•. , Full willingly- tool, shares. 9 But the lonely hotirs• soon pass'd away While nature sang her hymn; , The robie piped her cheery notes, ' And hopped from limb to limb; The shanty smiled in broad, full day, The clearance opened wide, •And the farm that once Wira'S ,'but a field Now stretched fr • And so the "settlement' gtew up 0311 side •to side. Correctly Fitted E•yeglassse, 111R.tiAMILTON0P,ometm •vvINGHANit owr. s Now,.a ,Fie.,Ithy Boy Trost a littridr, ueueate • little ...10irmy has b'eCettle. stiotioptuidy:bny," ;'One mother .weites.ae="If you had Seen my little,Johney four months ago• and you :were ,to see him •tteday, yen, .weeld never,belleve *dim Is t1emile • boy. Then Ike 'Weighed only 49„.perun de, e -day he weighs 90' peu#0,s, alniost 16reb1e what- he,weighed four moettia ,ego, : ' His trouble first stdrtecl With a Whieh We tievet noticed beeanse Was strong, and like all boYe of„hie • age occasionally caught cold. After a •.While ive began to notice that hs cough,. ;,:instead: of getting better, was getting'' • *rse,,,tlutt he *as leaking ;pale and • sing weight:. He Seemed, to be tired'e t11thetime,had no, en ergy do anyz.: ;Oblige . Ilefore,he tenglat this. coldelie 'had no trouble, With. his:.iessons,•'`atiii, *enabled at the head of 1.4S lass evithent ettidy, Bet *e'beau tertiotice , •*ielninge, e didn'teeein to eete 'whether. .• klieve his lepeOlts of not end nothing "eeeined to intereet lthn. )0e:coughed, • .SOnlitah et) hatilat tistieii that Ilia • ateWrotildbecieued.ptitplerultil wethouglit • he :Wmild surely buret A .blood Vesseh ,'Ikitedieines andcoegh tni*trtree • thclit't ; de hiettany good,. Fini11y, itttleePera. and at a Met ,resort, rive tried. Cermet, short time his Cengh had alnico. 'appetite was reteirte, tile 'and. be.WaS beginning to take an inforest in his -Studies, And, thanks to; • haa '•heetnne ee strong:04 alillY,:tti4ite hs ever tee," , •!,..o40,001.4 acid hj.,,,ieriiriiggiat 'and-, if: •• -Ott bail'�h9i ititt1 afttt ltvs In1461. 11, that,It• has'xit,dOtiCA:HyOn•, tood,, rettiti:,'ilhe'enipty bottle und,,•: ,01..,jjeef004.*etirnierni ••,' '" ••• • . • , •loving,toil, and care, " Starr'd with blight deesls of kindness' As generous as the air. For hearts and' hands ,',were then but one, • . As generous . and as free, As the gift of.niore's bright flood of light, Or shade of staple tree. .„ ,Ad here ip where the strength lies Iii this otir happy land Twas budded by the grace of toil., By strong and patriot hand; And if a foe should -e'er besef, Or proach our altars near,, We'll charg.o with. all, the spirit. Of ,the old pioneer,- • Then Godbless the old,man , "'Coining:down the HiS.forin,l:Eici' bent with toil and care, Is •free from every pain;' He locilks across his acres With their glory and their gain, While his heart hathdreaths Of heaVen As he tomes doWittlic Why School Teacheri Go Crazy • Poi se is the way ,a Dutchman eays„ 1,;9Ys. •••. • Equinox is a wild animal tliat lives in the:Arc-fie. • ' !ting Arthur's Round Table" was Written by the author of "Ten Nights in a Bar Room." • Copernicus invented the cornucopia, • Etibinette teaches us hew.sto”fieepo- .1ite without • trying l to remember to . • .. In the stone age all the men were ossified. •, The climax ,of a story is where it says it is to be cbtifiritta A, gra iS •a. dent ill a eontinetit. • Baal:Os is 'a butler's wife.' :` • ConServation;,means dolt4 tiou things we need. • Excited ,Heife, CansedoTrouble • , On konday evening Aleasrs. Katt:FL Men & Darling, dreyets, undertook to deliver three young feeding heif- •ersthey Juid sold to Emerson Schu- macher. The cattle' which were' pea- terediti the Holtzman•;faien at Bal- aklevi; became nerirous and .excited while ,being driven, andeOne found' its dy into 'John Wendfie .jfarm, where • it waS stabled for'. thd, eight: Next morning' another effort was made to, deliver. this, 'attimal, which had:ap- parently' cooled down 'civet" night, leht. when they put the free) batter. on, the • heifetde. eenae,eace'for the stable:09re and cleared the lower' half;, which.Wae closed, kr. Wendt, who had his team bitehed :Le. the nianuecepreader in the barn yard, close to the..stable door, managed to seize hold •of the, rope: on the het:Eerie halter, but iii his ef- forts le 'stop' the "fretiliedi lie was thrown violentlY against the. mature. Spreader, His team, betialin* frightened at the commotion, and started to run away, and the hind whed Of the machine, whicli foettni- ately Wit6 einpty, passed over ,Asife. Waticit's chest, :He t1t pretty*. badly- litirt;, but vitaSable'te rise' and walk. to .tlie 'houee, The doctor*as scritqrst 'and leund ',that htr Wcridt had 808-, tabled' af fraetured'.rth.,-Patid. "a: .eoferele 'deeP:;entel :dn the head, ,'betides be- fiig Shaken tat' Tie; is stilt rfd; 'will be, tt!t to.W0r4 ;rot' kVq1,:'40q,4.4.140.:0S$„0,20do• 1, 11 THE•V/INGRAIVI .ArnrAmpo LOUS'11ELP: dow he Oritro.o twin System Helps. Farmer's. litteeesting Illuetration Oven--- Hep/ng the Tonant—frloine cants Di.saPpointotl ,--- inspectors Are Carefully Seleeted, coontributee by Ontario Department a Agriculture, Toronto.) • To help young men of farming expeilenne, farming inclination and Inadequate eapital to get ` ProPerlY, :settled in farming was one of the • redisons tor the neW farm loan leg/sr, latiop. now being administered by the Agr ie el tural ep a r tmen I ,Bourd. ready, it is ' possible' eto ,p6int to cases' where monies have :'been advanedd Eo r this purpose; • n9w t AV.orlted th.Oe Case. 2' ' THE oup DARKEY'S. ADVICE Don't be whattyou Yes' be..what you is, If Yon ,is not what you am, Then you am not N011at, you is, If you're just a tadpole, Don't try to be a, frog, If you're just the tail, Don't try to wag the. dog, •You can always pass a plate If Yen -can't exhort and preach, If yott'ru, just a little pebble, Dota-trY be the,.b9ach• .1),in:et 'be 'What- faft'.'..ain't, • fes' what yowls.. • .1.PY.,IM. The:Daily job- '. , , :What "t1O yorisee lat your. day's work niy 'friend? What .46es ',Itemean to you? De You„eee anything ontSide..of the salairY? Do.; yen ..seer,.n- 'life-bui1rng in it?, Do you, 'se greet possibibties Eo, stkecess and liappiness?.' DO •YOU .See eelfehnprovenierfee'groWthe; mierital ' expanSion in a, richer' e"character,e In one of the beSt.Western" eViSer Man? Do yoif s6e..pmx.„ erninties two leans were ,Placcciiinhoh.vqaoj as e raining sclin1 forfete. illustrates tlio, 1-12§:ova1olm1ont in nre greatness, oe ddayeu sedYenraelf ;Ontario farm tire. A fa,ther;',f.at man)/ tied,,doWn ,in an: unconginipis Years ..a preigreseive .aecle.geletessfut inent, with nothing" better in iiiew;?' farmer, was .anxious to'get.-41,ls two Do you see only hours of drudger'y, eons eomfOrtabljelotaled..." Beth boys or monotony in the day and a mere „were 'in theifFtWeieties and:15;011h Mar- , hybris'? Are you sorry when . the day 'Heel. Both' had been beeenghtelip.. Ofl begins and glad when it ends? Does the farm,: andk..otahe- older :•eit was • said he ''Worked.releA,Ve farm ,all hie' lile excephw aray t r...the:„-, war . With the aid ot.taie lather andloa,n's, ouly about half Iliereealliteni the pro- ,Iper.ty, both bo Ys a6Onirell,:thrins. One has. a farm. of ..:1$5'...a.gras, ..`tejiled un- der '$ a o, o a o bnitdingsr and full equipin-etii'of stock arid neje- plemente. Adjoinixig,, the other boy The Late Maria Taylor has, two hundred acres, not Valued quite so , high leeeithee the hi -hidings areenot quite so geed'. He also has full: equipment Of steck and hie: plements. The properties Are regis- tered in the names of the boys re- epeetrvely, and they are responsible for•;earrying dn oreeratiens ana mak, ing.payments ;on the mortgage. They are settled down as full.:41edgod citi- zens,.with a splendid opportunity for • eappiness and success, and enotio . beauty of .her charactef. Her lifetinie responsibility- to •aet Steadylng j influence. 'At the .-Same time 'the was one 'ef suffering from childhood' te co ler-mark so blur your vision, so fill it, that everything else in your day is covered up? Or is money a minor consideration and do you see a lot of real interest, enlarged capacity, a. possible partnership, a possible bus- ne s s f orey o ars elf, irt -ye r. slay's :Work?: B Died An rn Jtitl‘. 2r5.4tthh,..: '115226 • D On Thursday 'of last 'week there passed away one of the well-known and vvell-beloved members of this community in the person of IVIiss Maria Taylor. Miss Taylor was well known because she had lived practic- ally all her life in this community and had 'many friends and relatives she was well -beloved because of the ether remains in hishome nearby to. ..Vvg the boy s the benefit of his ex- 'PerienCe and maturer wisdom,. 'Helping the Tenant, •'ftshoula.be the ambition of every man trho works ' on the and 'to own • the land he works. That many ten- ants, •entertain this ainbition , there • is no doubt, and it is only a question ot ,accumulating sufficient to' ffnance: She 35 per cent, not•advaneed by .the Board, The tenant has • the neces- sary stock and implements and. is all ready to go ahead. There comes to mind a 'ease in one of the °inane Ontario counties. The man was liv- ing- on a -rented farm of 175 acres. fle knew the soil, he: knew the: local: conditions, he knew exactly, what: he • could dd. - The' oWner. tire-fa:nu had it mortgaged and the mortgage fell due. He could not pay it. • The holder of the mortg,-age insisted • and •:Was about to foreclose: The owner . Went to the, tenant and offerea sell at a _Pretty reasonable price.. Th.e. •tenant, eaine' to the Beare, and the lean lie was ahl4 to 'get with his irvvn savings enabled, him to .buy; and his annual payments on • the loan will. be ' leSs than, the annual .,paynients he was inaking..lt. The Disappointed, !Ones. • Not-afl the loans asked for are granted.: The loans thus tar-askedlor and refused by:the Beard aggregate $'384;000... At one Board meeting eine; applications were passed and.thire teen • refused. Undoubtedly, the, ,great' bulk of these were decjine.d. be- fAuse they 'didc not 'come within:the ur poses permitted. by the";Aet,.. the first Place no roail-'eaii. be ma;de• except on the seeneity of heat mort- gage. • Before the legislation of the ' recent gession, application. or ribans to discharge ,mortgaees had ,to declined, No a number have io ee.., declined laecanSe they exceed 40 per: cent, of the Value as determined by , the inspector.' Not infrequentfy to .the time of her death, yet through it ell she iremeined very cheerful, very. friendly and very fond of the society. of both old apd young. Miss Taylor made all preparation's for her death and feneral, ehoosingerthe pall bearers, hymns and text fer the sermon ---;-"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of 'death, I will fear po evil, for thou art with ine;: .thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." The last words.. which she spoke before her death. were "I:ltave seen Jim" meaning her brother in Oregon. _ The funeral was conducted on 'Sat- urday, from her fate residence to St. Stephen's church, Gorrie, where a lergenumber of people were gathered together, to pay their last respects to (Me whom they all_ loved and admired. Thd offerings,' Were hany, and They 'Were carried to the -church and eafterwaeds" to the-graVe, by: Sorne• of the 'girr friends" Of Mies Taylor. The keynote: of .-the service was not sorrow for one departed, but rather tha.nksgiving for 'one, .who through high faith and, high courage had won. the victory,—for, she had "washed her robes' and made them white- ib the blood of the -Lamb.", • ' The -deceased was horn :near Wood- eteck, the fourth child of Theme's and Sarah Ann Taylor, the -.remaining members df the. family being, Messrs. Alfred and Taylor ef„Twp, of Hoveitit, Mrs. Greer and Mts.. Carson Of the village of Gerrie,' Mr. Wm. Tay- lor Of Wingham, Thos, Taylor of 'Clieboggan, Michigan; :Mrs. Phair- of Blenheim and Mr: Jim 'Taylor' of Med- ford,. Oregon.--.Gorrie-Vidette. 7 ' • .- 'All men are born" free and equal and have the choice of remaining so ee,' getting' married, !‘• , , ' Wethan is glad to' be teventy. ash- amed to be • forty, sorry: to be sixty, and proud to be eighty. •BRICK CHURCH BUILDING FOR applicant who comes within the 40 ' 'IVIethoclist church at per cent. limit ;wants an additeinal Langside, 30x36, solid brick walls, thousand dollars to discharge' a note' - Tenders will be received by the en- atethe bank," and thus, ,contolitlate , dersigned up till October est High - his indebtednese. But an "entitimar brance" und,er the Act must be "a • est or any • tender. ncit necessarily. accpcted. - registered enciuribrance," And, the I-Terb rettaniece, " Treas. .bank note does' not quality; ho_wever • R. 5, Lucknow, • deserving the appIicant unques- Or tioned the security. Sometimes an applicant wants a few thousand del- Weridell Taylor, Sec. - R. 2Teeswater. -Iars to buy cattle; for feeding; but the same negative ;must be given., • ;Then. there are the cases -which, •are rejected because thb Board is not sat- iefted with the 'Personal or material security offered. When stiCh coneine, dons are ;reached they are reached with Mizell regret, for the Board is genuinely anxious to promote agree coltural development by •means of these loans. where.ver it can possibly be • done with due regard to reason- able security to the Province.. • Inspectors Are Caro:tinily Selected. In view of the importance of hav- ing' this informatiOn complete and accurate, great' care has been exercised by the. chairinan 'in„ _selecting ie.- epeetors, The •plan :followed , co • Utilize :line). men very latgelY, aot 'necessaifily one in •eaCh county, but at least , one in a dhitrict' of two or three; couritils. • Already a list et life teen • ot ;twenty .men, of .-.integrity, good judgment and geed knOwledge of farm valiles based on long exper- lende has' been seeured and payment is made on a basis of the number of days aetually employed in the work. Moreover, step e are taken from time to time to eheek up the work Of ine spectors by information from other • sonrces, •and if an inspector is found • to be extravagant In his. valuations •ox' influenced by consideratiOns other than the strict merits of the eiMe, hiS services are no longer utilized. The George It. -White medal .or. hollor.,,of, the Massachusekte Hortitul- • ;tura"'..S0,61.0tY. tor :•191: WaS awarded to' :gra., Iiirancis Xing in .recagnition et, heV'•SerVices to hortichltdre by 'ereasing the. love, of pla,nte ,,aaid 1101w/tort WOMen.,,of the tIrtit.:,- -ed.,. fates, This le the first ,tinie 1110 Medal hat been AWard ett:fa woni4nq' J. ALVIN FOX, D. C., 11' O. Chiropractor Hours 2 to 5, 7 to 8 p.m. " Phone fox. • Winghana, Ont. • •NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice,'Is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56, Chap., 12/ of the Revised Statutes of' Ontario, that a11:pers.:2ns haering, elaims againat the estate of Jane 'Haslam; deceaeed, who died on ,or a.bottt the twentylirst day' of 'Am°, A. 1). ete,22, at the Town -of Wingliani in the P,rovince,, ot Ontario, are re- quired to send by, post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Whighatp, Ontario.: Solicitor for the'Executors, on or before the twenty-sixth day of September, A: D. 1922, their names sand acldrdssee, with full particulars of their claims n ,writing, and'. the na- ture of the securities (if any) held by themduly verified by a statutory de- claration. And • further tale noticedhal, after the said twenty-sixth day of Septem- ber, x922, the assets"of the said es- tate will be distributed by the Exec - ONE Dated .at Winghath thils t'eventy-. 'aiitth day of August, A. D. to,eg. and the estate will tot be liable for. said dtstribution• : of which they shall then haVe notice, any claims not filed at the thne of Or to, having regard only to the claims Mors among the „parties entitled there- Inglurin,, 1, ,tha r440titm •41 11!!!!111111,0111!0 ,•• • DO NoIn W 40141-0-4','ark a choice 'of plan. is free to any maid or lnan, to either la- bor when they ou.ght to, Pr eJse to wait until they've got to. The latter iffethod is the one by which niost hu- man tasks are done. If in the spring betinfes I take, • from off its* nail a snag tooth rake, with ease I curry up the lawn, and burn the trash that lay thereon, If then I seize tile wolting mower and drag it through the open ono , NM NOTEWORT of _ OUR NEW FALL LXISJES OF MEN'S AtilsID BOYS CLOTHXNO JUST ARRTVED., NW AND Dii4cTivE IN STYLES AND MODELS._ WE INVITE YOUR EARLY IN„ SPECTION. N IN III N door, that tool and I, like frolic frisk-- al , • , ,ers, slip o'er t,he lawn and trimn its a whiskers. While here and there I go 1 a -scooting, the weeds and grass fly 1 scalahboting; in joyful haste the task 1 is sped; the lawn Is slick as buttered A bread. But if I let the raking go, and MI lit the dandelions grow, the mower 1 'clogs on bill and hummock; its handle Abe Inc in the stomach, and thus against rny gizzard pressed, it knocks .my temper galley ;west. Or if I polish i 1 off the weeds, and leave scrim room 1 for garden seeds, I soon have lettuce, 1 oeions, beets, andOther classy garden ' eats; but this advice no merry josh is, re where you'eerow weeds you can't grow Pi squashes. • Instead of • dellyilig and _IN chewing tlie needed :tasks we should a be doing. Iii 'skirt or shirt or waist LI • or britches, a 'Stitch in •tirife saves lots IIP ofstitelies,,, When death shall give us I :',5t1r . quietus,. well • finished -Work in el heaven will zreet us. but iobs unelone IP - , .. will rise 'Le vex us and swat us in .the solar plexus. • e_ , • 14. Mal 11111111111111R11111111111,11111111P0111111111 I onto YOUNG mEhrs xvioDELS ,These suits are • splendidly tailored •from all, wool tweeds, in browns, grays and 'dark mix- tures, real up-to-date styles that yOUne; rncn appreciate,„specially priced at $2o.00, •S.22.50 and $.2. MEN'S SUITS High grade tailored Suit that are made in the latest styl- es from all wool materials of serges, tweeds and worsteds. These suits will assure long ser- vice. Specially priced at $22.50 to $3cLoo. BOYS' CLOTHING Now is the time to buy your boy's new fall suit, homespuns and tweeds in new belted styles a full range of sizes 26 to 33, at $9.7e,,, Worsteds and tweeds in all sizes to. 35 at See.00 to $14. BOYS' PANTS A cornplete range of boys' odd pants itt good heavy quali- ties, suitable for school wear, at $2:oo to $3.00 a pair. MEN'S WEAR ken's New Fall Hats Sweat- ers, Shirts and Ties, Men's and • Boys' Caps, -Underwear, Hos.- iery, etc, mismoiliigh matmiiim me. Produce Wanted .'4wA1hnigilik3 Garner winding up' before . making . one of his opponents fling his bat in Local Newspapers Now Atd.Then , Seeds A Specialty. 211 !. disgust. • In _looking over an old copy of a local newspaper of thirty-five years Logan Mao Hangs Himself On Farm ago the • other.. • day we• Were' 'greatly . impressed_ with the change that has Fred Steinbach, a i-e-Sideni Of the taken place in the character and ger,- '1.6.th concession of Logan; eonuretted :Cral get-up of elle decal press.' A gen-. euicideby hanging himself in an. out- eration ago 'politics and world's news building' on their farm. He was dead received first plate. Columns of space when found. For some .time his mind were devdted to vilifying political oo- hed been wanderingr the shrinkshrink ponents in articles that Were as long _had been, unbalanCed and he had been as they were bitter. Local news and in the Ontario Hospital in London. local views appeared to be reckoned I -Ie, had • only , been home about two of • scant impo tanceo A continued weeIes azd was appareetly much bet- storyusually occimied a place of; ter: He ns 38 years of .e.geandwas importance on the frontpage, the; a native of Logan. _CoeoneeeDr, Arm -Lends -of columns beingfilled with jok- -strong of Mitchell; -was called andon ee, ared ne-ws of foreign lands. News arrival viewed the remains bet deem, ef the town. was usually ebnfined to .ed it unnecessary to hold an inquest, one or two tolumeis while personal . • items were entirely' absent. In those 1. daySj 'the few columns of type requir- 'The new ,Coliseum which with be ed .were.set by ,hand and many local used for the first time by the Can papers were run en an • investment of , • admit National Ex-lubition,- this year, a couple' of thousand dollars. Al - ha e Si acres under „roof. The .judg-{ though la dollar would go severall in.g ring, Which is larger than, MadiSon' times further iri those days than it Square Garden, has seating accom- ' -will, to -day, the subscription price of modation for'. e'citio people. j. that. little sheet was the same as that .„. , j of the best weeklies to -day.' ,• I. The great :change that has come , ever the character and appeara.nce of -.the localenewspaper has been 'ale': : most imperceptihk owing to its com- ing by slew, degrees. 'To -day the hest ' weeklies are publishieg in their news '" ' 0- i.e' 1 columns praetically nothing but loeal. , •news and local features. While int i editorial column may deal with, topics; ' , as broad as the universe it gives ego/e . minent attention to community probe • lems The old t past generation has been discarded' and bas been replaced by pages which bristle with mattere of local lntermeat The 'work of editing has more than; doubled but so has tl I ace. and importance of the paper in the cone- . trunity. " Town and country are to- day flooded with cheap periodicals • and daily papers big enough t� chok, a cow, yet the town weekly has 'not, ' suffered to the slightest degree ,but has gone forward, and strengthened its hold upon its local field. We -oftej. hear it said: "We read every word .of .. • our local paper." Can the same be said of any other newspaper or per- odical? CANADA S SEASIDE AND MOUNTAIN • LINKS PLEASE OLFERS eeee sr- AP../v./p..c..11/45.-67,-,- . rwh-- 1604A- 45c.4" Ai/air ,er ea/aeaerree .4^/ 7,42- • 009.A.WA//9"/ /?Ocv6,4-5* 4******** HE history of golf iii Canada is long story. .The first game played on this 'continent took place • in this country and the clevelOprrient 'of the game here has, gone forward 'with rapid strides, ''To -clay th6 minion is dotted with link• noted Lon,. their e.xcellenet from St. An, drews-by-the Sea in New Brunswik, to Vancouver in tritish' Columbia, Guests are weltome. everywhere and • triifed States eirperts like 'fChick' EVal4 and Oswald girby ,are unani-; • sibb.is hi declarii,ig that the qnality of •'Canadian' golf 'IS very 'high. Cant. &Vs•.first iVtiS the Oval' Mott., 4'61 founded .10 18P8 -about fifteen tars' before. St. Anttrews Go1PC11,11,1, •6,, '016 ,V1-1104 titts ivat •itrt4 in' adeO ;Aiutrrtttty,',1E4d4o.4 44444,1;, ts a Seaside course on Passaina- ()noddy' 13ay, an estuary of the Bay of Furidy so near Maine that a long driver coeild almost put" one -Over the international fence, .St, Andrews is not a name to 'be; taken lightly, and when Sir William Van Horne and Lord Shaughnessy had the 6,100 yard New• BrunsWick links laid out, they made it Worthy of its great Scotch' nanieeake, the Mother linke'• of the golf world. Many of the bolt's, ate on sloping' ground with, the •pie7.• turesque panorama of 'tile baY in One direction, and the greeta foeeets•itt another. •In additicth to the, 'regular. '18.holeS, there' is a .04ioles course lot -ladles', and the Algentplin is IlOatt,,.. qtgirtert ,±di goiters,. ' • The.; tanadfau Ioveilatfoi0 '410Juages iinf4r Alber,t;. el111 '11 t. mc,sL interesting • ' turesque links in the-• world. '.1iiaufga Goll Course, this ;ycar expanded(•• tev. 1a3,/oleg, is Dearly a mile above stez level', along the 'batiks ; of the BOW .; RiVer., Pram;t116 etlge of the faire, , • ways majestie Mountains tower aboVe, tile links • and .the griiter . enjoys -his favorite Sport i a' eceniti settle g• of unforgettable beantYi. . .and then the •!'"g4i1.1,ery" Aratehip4 gaMe s Siigntented bY", wlid• teiti pall velio p6r, &ewe „firobi seirive le4g at;11te...;players,..• '• oVe.itt o1iargeo i,,,Coinpefent Sotal a: ±no;,teSt tbdr ' kettle. tsid 00)Elitt elar' -