HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-08-17, Page 3... I. ....... 'P T hqr s�41ay, r 4 Imloniloplilolif Iwo 01 Y I jai I -If 4 lea yoll tied to bispecIt r eir re .Df: �-whell title �c Canadian C 00n se Chai APC sto oppostlln, YOU 'Corn th�� be, o ni X amitea, Oki SeAl ore T "Plat 11 Cana pre, oJuL -o -Q,�A St6- A this iese bak-1 ficed B chine S famo �B ty russe O�Ta;�'Pate, D' ow EE c 37c of. of Briig' I raEa�* bi. i 140 Saint the old 6 --BREAD which the U1 fOf 194 Last"' Is' C0111 n as Well is the 11 'Is ea.. ........ w III Q said P e p Th , . FM F9, in .,Year eet �011jbg 'ry pleasant t t It A, Is,7vc tp� lagen d. 6 0 ge, up -at;six adlrq:,ed, f of bej,�g thxIbil,on the g-61wai, t You' Bt, delig PecialBle''j6d', TEA',�: 49eA lie41111ife Wit AssIdsSment -as h Ila Vro Oret f P e ogram$ 15 Wbelmed bX , EAG III lill the een, dacbvek,4 n, cart e a Wb mId lie. tax on� boy�, CA telegraph mr .3 6-16, on received, bV tllc� lo- 6 ai0'09U ON, i 'Fl, S� -,d has be , W6i 1b., tiii a C 1, L arou'lid, A le back, sa-ve 'them th, effective on. Au, to W prnSte. ho IS" ;will, be instead of the Ci�EAM SkPzdEs Man s lan CQ'lt IiOQV charged, quits hirn for wool Cream , , gtrf S ial Blmf Opro;vbic'e of L n pec I 0FFEE alviii-mbers Of the crew; I P llothe wil . $Oft fin b was to lMvPtI!b tax five �cl 0, Can' buylllep.niore clothes splendid qua li I t _is I I I 4,;a 7, in, a ut tlii� Was gficrwaids�, a -lot of foolih 1) Y, 40' Ft"L uCeQ to cople. ta C -en S, Irect a on shore-tbq--ije oo a yard. ilia a hd r e dot if insaved Thelv ve�ss� ALL WOOL�I'SE Sealed l5ame s oi­,111-c, One Ty 1 ­ � ' " , se Wif i , 1. was tosi6d night'i but early it accepted,at par(I po X1 Ing all W.00, er DECORATION I . reliand' , pe Ot'girJ SERVCE OW )0 and' tries to �iss lld� sl�6,11 jet gu: nO eveninish, SONI)AY th 5t at69 e the J�ost Office PJ ue at t is ow price Yard,,, Printed, labels .-stt- 4i died' ana OUt..and walk A caoe is'a great ip- 0"' t,:Ynext landed' ttly. beheVin _)c Wond rful val h ere(I DY Stel. immedl- in97 in :A�fgcttcral way tile npLture q 58 inth Heavy C 'Serge,, ately se . f. cn�Vr11JIr9 test$ ream to Work The label III C I'S a stunt, of listeni fromall botany yirn wooden - ChaPel lvbi,ch. .-Avas deAtinbd ksire4 6It 1 In Y, llfsI hat �i�jsbed' to- beeok4e'W.6rjd comb eg Wjth'the'a'daess� alkiiig N , e�E�6ptioftal for t�ae,,.!.Jabe the to' be, 1�116fly suits and" skirts, 1�1 at 4:45 i yard. A, in otorist -should iiever confes" f u ti adc[tess-ee, and other tiIii-ij Wditesg- Off Crea'm and tirc leS that follb having' --printe(fl, AS P It theredn, -the-�-conteiits :sucil � s. 0I 'tile result di. JW:- 'CiIshraeres best quality in Rod frat16' st c�,:uz�e, a' parcel'inay bei.opened own The.. jirdg-e dent, a -fine so ft - fitli�li, sjarlilb- or., postal . inspec-tion if Re InIght (lie of.sliock. ry suitable cQssai for ch[ldr6klsI wear had'� cu�qtiyfp W 40 in. wid ,,Louis G inl,� W at $T.65 a yard.'. Ileet the pQ�tal run It lings a.t L UjUVL Y or,the cans the' law and �t al� vVnen tiesired 12, check dress fine- 4uamy, special, Val t 'i,�hich may pe, thOdgh ;he could,� ame; he lielDed iZ� ly)-iting-bf.i aliiiid stainp hCh i Ii AN'. il Of th6"Idliprell, to s ho -qt, 11 i s wIllnot I Illy ev& tile Coll� . lk e" of-r-lieumatt. sonetinics- ised-r for' -sealing- parceL. 9"till' sm; wid had suffered $111,c e� - public is caLittoi)ed;-.-'aga.inst!,.,Pl,�.C., gut 1,1 h v ance P 101II tha h 4 all *k�� sklal)$ ot taken 'by IT D spaled goI 16r, Mr. will the 11 661 navy -bo.ta parc.08'irrailed' A and W V_,Ol" t jJarifet pbsf .1 - -t� - �� I � "III ny­sergi� extra of a -poftio 1: of the parade to -1 1 1 . I .. ., ; . I , , r v Tat��,2f, eorfine qilility for dress�es, and slifis the Wil al"a t tiowill'thIs',jespect will V71) ether nob th y , I ath" Z.Ing 1 0 6 spetial at $9,7� a yard. Come � 10 the- es-� ` 6 e pai-661s,- btitl en a Ilia" 1,0SC8 anything es baseliall Rot", * i lirib Wile PANORA CL'OTH-An as ure Tough -tdivirs affiidti6u.fs��d� 'Will result,in �thc� ierider bciiig*fhi& dve lie, Fill, 001 Prio 1 1. - - cbl,6d ac stleY's goods. inline uniors W' The oil 'rom-witig- ory-,i, CLJI� Ahe sttue e f the pOstal.regulations., and copen, 44 in. de'at $Ti25,ygrd. f s, to-I(L 6f acertin mail ality� i -,for infraction. o ed hi� ad lie stops advariisi4: Doll'i Dc eave, navy,-,ga�-��t Palmerston j loses im ere ham,junior baseball tearn ill "Pa'Ime-r- 'in t�o"'wi"w'llb"^sdt,d'o-'Wii'to the suppe old chapel or by so t�' Your,.head. IM CREPt-DE-CHENF r t no A `ProI SPECIAL��Heavy quality Crepe-de- ston oil Thi�V ;day, by a score of 13 to table- �lle other c man,clau ndei�stiin n.- Comedian- Chene, fill& arld closely Woven, with a beautiful Venin- and after d; cannot,be said, 'r h I'll 14 s gavO tills same team ng : lipn finish, navy And 8'. - w is Ing d but it is illilded Ihe followilli. fibin file" Globe has bhLA, 4onch'wi'de, at $2.25,a. ya ihat Most ira- f, -Wom rd. a simf iar trii1l a L re , qn. Buy, 0 Ming in Wingharn a fresh ai;iple pie� wilich his ,�iuglltcr culolls Ct 'es r , 'd 1111CII Mr. 1�7ill� ei 75 Per e sai � to- be v 'All silk .,a. Weel: ago. hzl'p-tirchased"at the Anglidan Ladies' �at,. the �effected -Hinseliffe son Of- Mk,*tarid_Mrs 'H.1 in Iltirch-isiiig goods for the `h�l HIPSIE RY. SPECIAL--�- sport hose in' ri4bed ;and K lie drop 'Stitch, grey and,black, red and l3eaupre. liffe of Wingham,, corries. -IN - blacc all-�-playefs �Garncr. and Geddes Proceeded 6 sto­* away the j, or- fanI -is 'estimated that wo k1purple and bl clemi B Tea shrine -Of Stev li�nsc an�d n-6 Galt on Saturdy and play- tioll It is a good deal f in fox' tures regular, $2�.8q, for $1.50. a otored'i into his ��'nliards rcgi&rdleg� of fact curious that tbe o- praise as a'comedian.- !men do over. 75 Oei,cellt­of the buy -i t lat'in cutQ1 !'The "CItand T-heatre's- �cridd of-, n,g- t th Flur' Team' rig tli'e pa�ii Otis Of,Nor 11"Amerea, r -a i Women -I;tiy. for . theselves,'m against w6'rked the kniv.6 �through Summ igeri, 'The� latte er darkness. I for the children,, for the holne and to rN -------- G:,r won -the carthe shrine of the. Virgin: of-. yesterda: a score Of'6' The, bbA'd pie, plate: Iii hen the vetpr-44, to 5. d6rith ­@4br4ve­,effort to.. I near lb�exjco Y'i quite adl;c c' t for tke 51ayets gave team at the sev6rith mastictae the pulp preimer preselit.atio wo d..alqng- -lie O'Vertakell.by. disaster r.ece n.of ".Private Da family. 15�f�s more con� 6 -with t mexi- ghoft in --I . . -A& - . M pie: he work I QOI Martial". The vehic?e � scientiously than A man does. Site ''Godericli Cl the 16% o arpassion can -vilislon g-alw brated e, one to act as ic th&L-'f s the "C�ust�c' of tile 1�t7 the hands' that- eT. alid wrecked it� b �, eels tbat'she i UCllL ut ag'it that Player Young is, under rolled.s ul� 11 L LS, advised' ub' has - been': of�ieially -of 're t"', sUy.ard b6twt�e'n ell divine' p id' shc the s noney, - ai t as itself a wants to' temporary su.spensi6n until,sch. times, che:ws, referred in strong to are attributed -,vas -P ' tire ­farde- for' wilith the -coiiaic.sidIi.of prove her efficiency as�t buyer. unse P'roduce Wanted' 'lies fll'e -tisers do wel-1 to iilakei�a :,lot, 6f U both play6r arld club pr6dtt,�� stat- the'�culiilazy ability of the shrine, t Jifo..irr the trenches '$up vei Seeds A .,.party re p litory declar,ation. party re has bi a most intereSt7- jeCt:rnsUer. -Specialty., ponsible for the preseijce�.of that pic, in& hi t It was- B i Barlesqued types 'df ille this fact- We would also- rexiind til is OrT 15ar, �established in se*rvlce rigadier the- officious- li,,t- ertisers that th' -a ad e worrien of the. 'his 013in 0 Itizude eating, a '­ T t6il,'ins tead- of � pip re. I't *;is 11-9t nt, and the irresponsible soldier,'hoffie al�e the -iends 116 -legend ip. as follows: juaki w at fi of the qftef' lic consutnIaf:1 Eig 'JA, * ere thd celitres of action. tfi�at weekly neWsPapers'and they read th S MONTHS- AGO. 'Wandering. c, Bruce� and Gr 1ping 'Diego, POOr'Ilidiati, Wajs - :was c 0 cY counties, Cal omic inci- er a, fcplc�tc with. c litinuous c weekly p,11 pod deal more.a.6se.: I)Ortunit?'; solo, Miss Aitcheson. of jaivs' ha"d mountainp when suddenly the- I ly tlla�n g 6veltil-c -On -cirdb:ord cent, and which treated of, They do- a dailV'pap If you "Our Yes,'fefdayll- re 'd* le, Ia ing, nee. Mon -1nd C011ingwOod. "That Excellent Pro-, a six dered oto be 'read in tl t b his path and or- developed plot as Of mjIlor'impdft-' adirertisc�ni ell ih De�n `0 kil �f.lfs. hatd' tb' realize Virgin e iridludiiig* 0 ag( retifrn City JII I c6uldnl W, 11 _�.,t j�g -Death in Tank* -he The- presenttioll, of the play elgllY., 'la'dics met n gran' tietrt,Mi-s. Robinson afid. Ritt- - : I him want , , A C. Q�4shed: to :.401, 'an audien�e­'� with horn.es there is'no­b.etter�medfuih thaii d NV,_ 'fis, W t t.o)vli4 hall. on Saturday".ap th ngh aCyois & floo� a by the The Advance. ndb which �liler'.Jf th-e as Ar tragic"'accideat n ProVinee"r. She-told,�'lhie­ a e regdIat: �alix, so WeIW�', 'fnd�aii that'll It in ting of t�he. WdM Golr paper by - nice ]an Lucknow, '1�be Picii-ee-Y, Rapinep McKillop­townshib, "a-pir e mu,.9� ask th r 'B ti inscliffe -as, tha, b' UJ'61 W1 d a. (111tirdli on, -the pnDuill and -by sp,eciai Woman"; reading by Mrs have b st -his� lifd occi!ir " wilef-e vate Stirrup, -butthe they -lien �tOOd.':1130.w�Ide.red,�-he��t�old invitation. never eeu,v ry strong inclit contractor, � lo op'as Pri-, �T-EESWATER Forbes, ed on the',falai an being NI --.,rep d. club I 9111i by the Mis- _ tI fhey Pesented two cona-1 -'Mr. Ray Jackson left :oil ,reseffte' eat last siturin er -was too much, 'or of Mr. John t Of:%tal'enf S:' G`Lre'g&�� also ap- Uondav 'These -sister, itistitutes aI ' sw n is and -the fact 'that my hulba tbWnShip,­ lie 'was olily j P, so ses - IVICKelvey, Thi 0 OOr Indian.. d Jackson, Jackgonand and- woula, . � I� LPe wag Tm- e Prograin, nd v�as- Cott; on Thur g, not be,,abjer,. to �-reCn'1.oj.adva,,tagc �in: the role ofJ �v�ble assistaljc� durii'­th LOgan... Ibit of work and I had to work -day and sd4y - marnin even get- rpediately. put to bed in the hospital The roll c night to keep f tank ca. all ore - Man, P12 ''July - large cement sight o the fwej� - who suffering from, the results of. a shell the Jaclies TePOrtill-: best labor, -`411, Joanna' ve.c In,, a, p o Was responded to byl nied "At Len roin stdrving,.left,nie.q. z0f the I" - rtioli was -il�',niy bqsbi Orl" Strikiu�g Scott, '�elove� P ysical Wte6k'. Lliel, 4 great Mali Wftli.rlitiI6 b -dement w ffie Me and' nq I Wound In the wbich, he received saving.device" �It� wife of'r was decided tha(Wnl. Hunter, aged 73 yea She, was able to get' a gbo, d job i-w5t-wlien I fortunate' mail 0 il the ead - re 'I nation t6 'see*�ucli an itsignif," Willis Carriligton in France, liaviiig broken out again h'would send the s'uni leaves 0 g( 1rie su ting aiit erson, asJuan Diego %t the inai., rs' t jur C the home II 3 to bed� hi's death f Mr. A d'ev6rything'i fftcetrxninuteslater;� Mr. For'an­ -by the -Rev. Mr AVjiglit. Xirkland and Son Gor- of $io to. th usband and� Mef"flie Viiokill took a small blan:kef-, ole Navy League- The,pro, famil* to mourn, her ­h tbi*,Cf t6 -get: strbiig', but'eqd1l Rapine had- b ' ' I spent a couple of very enjoy- -I, I'l. I I ec- engag-ed �by --Tv[i. Worn on July 24th, Nelson S. Willis- of, gral consisted Y, irs. 0. Toliziston, Three Hillsz ay sce er and n, to the :�.rbs Wroxeter,. to% Miss AI of tile 'i011oWill­ pAlt,; John, -Indian Head, - Sask. G gathered F eshQrton. I idkd to� be. getting tveal< bii!U-ari -additio by the Indian, filled it' With - � able days last piano solb, Mrs. Ail -ell; paper Blaiii, Lenore, Man.; and rs ICIIO SO", I'D. '6s " Which sb Carrington,J wea er. I wai. reduced to a Skeleton I On,. -his premises. The. from. r. and Mrs. Donald McClean thro'l Wiiliamsoyl, Wingliani, "Wo 1 -'s p- A,. k aerbi'amble ll�lshes and told him, to ta�k niotoring with 4Couldh't eat or sl�6p, I had no striingth finished alew days e n ell' Pags"nore of Teeswater, left and finally I was so weal; tht �n a�gl) I left' to dIry On Thrsd4y to the ru4er, who, this And �119* -it an( paration EN lap8ed, iry i Il g to cross the floor on e day i col- Rripilie zind his son c6m- Nv'-Old,b, convinced, in'con'sid was so, ill and'-weak'that 1 Of� the...faefr that, mchced plastcl inside. They ses wdr , t of J n car -di6d ii,a e whether- I �� lived,, or- -had,catered tlYd tahk and -W-ere'in the- seasozi,,,th t Ife ha;a. x6aljy! P ol� then I heard -about that iil�rvellitnis, act. .6f reniovin'g. the'-suppo ts -hen n j� roses as preparatio -Carnolf A fiiendf-�mine -without waning 'the cc Work- J is proof,-':� ilad it wonderflil r results ai)d a4id The­uilfort. uall Diego,, flnally..�Wjs...ad 6`6�, ;He, told the somuch for her, I tinate..man, was the Pal, it -tea t -si.de ob ded'to try -it Theiesultswerenothin ece of 'the -fall' y,a extrabiffineE nee. His . story 1i - was a bler 0. g, Pzepal.- et if, bqu�,the. 'is iroome. :11 weeRg I Teladefct 1 11 cidds. �:Dr Piotidfibot less 'than initadlito .�Xgel �Pl, 1119- mass and was do ry experie , ul co s ubted and the-Indi t Q and walk t Q��,Afonkt6ii,,w.as called,.but death en, i to showil .0 Ope , tied hl� horise. Zr�r appeth'� 1 -A -d re I Aied before arr�-ved. blanket to sh - d ow ad the-, e 'Was actnallyr hungry, I the. roses,- they had When I w disappeared4Andin their �te -ell to bed, sometlihig-4 odofforiliontifs. 1 iyas - a: -picture OX thQI, -Virgin: woven NLA q instantly co avi"ed, -hed,%t-fore i�i- ray.-iti-ers i T ted the ever weg a,b already to e of th I el.blaiket. The. not been abbe t h lqP9e,­n6w. be-eI- into, the. Cl6th 1�ad 'Barbers Must Pass,Exams.-, ­jjto�bective barber�.;-,vil li-ave Vident mirael' X. Vre g hiore-to'-,"i 06 bco� a.jyovi Ci I day th .pard.of-a ahe* an xa-M- d SleepI a child on it, Cle- iie spot ani ApVcj, d" C! amin,lbri beford, they tired'and Iny go.a s in is as cle,�r-aiid in" y ca je, Xe ie sas. cl ek rosyia a girl Is. I bless the day its Mrvelous ct, I car a .." I I Ih d boat Carnbi. 11 iV'* -t6 per r d Powers,., Je]t, as .Ca,rno1.'is scI gist,aild if XcePt, for, one, oth(�,r .'thqse..tW6 Yog cn conscientioI,ia ery -to,thig wo . n h.0401-thtoillin shrines are lie Ost,famous a Government- tongor�.;I world, This 0111' 91, It ve t d it, 'thAt' if hasiPt a�ne fr PAP is t. ietshrilie -of. the, any good, return theliam-PtY�bdttt�atid y�.enee� of lite will refund Yor --.for 'Via fraill: tile, vic."t Bo lc� I I t 0 1, -t in tl all g2 1113% not far 'bd d6r, y S "Id"b 1917''and Maturing Ist DeeI6 ! mbets ----------------- That the Pu'6 ou y �ra e- '; ` ' " on lid Will^ 8'e- d 'bl issued MdRibbon, th I - ' , b e, -0 ea, of the'bar el- who One, f to. �V`Yoai-d-6T -ex�lbil:I7 h0och, libunds'lia:a -resh Prom:'T The choic -ning arotind seve�ad't6inp6rnee',ilI he Orient, t �6r the 'tfit nftessiry',�redekitigls attaii:14,'a Certain Queen. .,stz�eet' and, neat -by n d. ai�' ronto-,tli6ro�ij b a Y, t bill. -of S-A- '0, Vt ON- PR 61 C N Ared great; slrjf)� ejcjy.yj� follow. ar. T116's the pp, Y Is constntly fl, siaielti�g 'th" ea iSr .akiy t alway's - f c 6'. MINISTER OF F11\T R C mat u6fig'bonds who i�Qi d, "severa, cont'a" iiii-I stitrted because one 04 -to holders. Holders of" th Ou glious NCE qfferg r g,rocei*z..cail.,.�.-LTPPly�,.,stoti, ask- for he --JL ofrr._thd§e :bondi"Whd depire -to c6 0 aval - rpm it' today *is ilf �" I ritinte th6ir thernselve6' of this conversion privile Ifives ge shoul take D the. re was ally pjace 9n4!)I '�Cana a securities eir EA.P f d rY ealt' CobaA;'11:'atfd­1f',th(J' th * bonds AS d �-ATER 4S' *poSSI he' could giA 66nid, i` d ,eXchanging the rnaturing' 1TbT r ik- riyilegp Of E' THAIST 8tPTiMBER -------- he WO711d like �to be: shown* bon.d.9 for, new. 30th, Ao a Branch of Able -half: yearly, sivede,.­ a bdndsJ�gFing,,5J,-PPr.Qent inter, Rny Chartered BAA I a dI da nd receive �98t,,PaY exchange., E2 recei't for.the. bQ�xds:,-surrendered� containing Asses.., d �t town in Qf­ eithef of the following 61, fficial an un er, akina. t�, sligWing, L yl.� dOiVar,the -corresIg"bondg of I I t e n9W issu C Me_ f1l, TheL -bon s;� 'fn found It'. The" Y all imbibed, Th( 0 year, d' dated,4s­ No,�-d e man "Hold h .Pecame angry becau�e­tftp 1922, to �bature Ist. ers df, M"atu, rin'g, f I U Y registered bofids, interest P y- c eque L ft; r ei en ttaWa, WillL., e6 V their T 00ch *ab, �4hd .. : . , 11, -- b a h 6d �8,c pa,,cbld 9 ear bmids, dated Ist November,. curuqr knotricl;1g, as:* usual, to mature Ist NO iilbei,4032' Ile ve the last-ularnatured I0046ki befo e s r d6 feed, at a, lmy P �jl ach and retip Ubnds will dot d the, COP- daryathtli ya: he matur.iktg'.bcj� idit. flng the Noxid itself for co i0o WI carry interest to avers Decqmber, 1922' the�te�V-bon C 1%$AX ' IL';1,4 ds -will 'commence tO oa� T vein _,ING rh The SW7rthder6d"b6ndiir1ll be'to QG YE 13t N 0, 41ter. 8tr6ightehidd -up i� Co **1th,' ". r , I . I :­.' I r .. --,to the M-iijittdi, of pingrl�c,d At, Ott. 7As ing, o 0j, p,,t-' '0. '�'A 7 iere they Good if Wit'hOr'ed tb o irwPrAed by'llinh- ONUS� .oa f 1) 0 ti hanged forr aWa,. W U S,: welff, Will 601istAble, I"d Q THOSM bt7exc' n nb6n&' of tfie issue, ered; 'or cou: qu�cldy, add 1K jIg IgAboard poinfitil, tq a,' d,ead, CONV9-Ralou rd9ist d gold mi Pon TegStored or,coti� hsCQftying ",inte on, bearer form roo pay 6J! dad�b4r4ed t It able Ist U -9j `�n4 g,coii itloil bei. each ye of the durqtio ar OaU,, the first in est Thig offer -ig mdd't a of �he'l Iders, , ter 0 ho ..of the maturing bonds iz6cruing al�d Payable-4,stj�jay,rl. f tlie:.n Ptodlibt­ I on0 10 S to'ble dell eW WiM be,, sent R- 00 is�'a61 operi;,to, Other.. i 923, Bonds -0 �tO 016' banks for 9 1. ).11. 1, �c I � $,11�1 - Was 2 T, 4 5 a fasuI6d under, 'this propb I VV Ij66P poandsi accord Pa W1 to �an. mww,te of tile o t Duread of bofids, Surrel)di�ed ll,.be Vcky at�l�'aftorthe receipt, of thto; 'the popt eas th tkare!. fil U At fo� .. 1 f- , r , ' -tx,; ,of at C'Ev he th thoeXeMption kpm bonds. Of -th6 issju�e a W661 611 's t.:appi converted undet'this re not, PP� taxation doe8, no 8 on matu ib p W I out. rl� b Will, paiq� off in, cash �on Tho total iluniber th& lst-bd�6inbier 1922- n*it Jr 676 866 W, V 0M HN" gl tj ki, . � ��( " W, T.b"V0*$b9- Wso, N ated at, Otta*a t lie, is, thit of i I 8 h August) gter of Vil iisse0 Or Co�ljdlp 00"- *1 40 000 0 ;83 X a Ugg NIMMYEKNI RV