HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-08-10, Page 8allIWNINNIINOWN
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.:$1.iowlng .of
11, Cloa
Miss. Mary Stewart is visiting with
friends at Toronto this week,
Mi W. A; Griffiths has returned to
Montreal, after speeding the past few
weeks with friends here.
Die and Mrs. Ed, ceultes of Phila-
111 delplp z, .Pa: are spending a few weeks
vacation with relatives here and at
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Stewart visited
ing their daughter, Mrs. Clarke of Suai-
shine last Sunday.
. r )erry Style Coats, Tweeds
an f' ► Vel urs
-WHITECHURCH dine, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs., GREY
Lis- and Mrs. W. J. Foran and
daughter, Mary. Kelley of St.
Justine, visited with the latter's
dparents, .Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cor
iS on 'I;h.ursday'last.
Mrs, Jas. Barbour of Fordyce, and
.i n. Ben MeClenaghan and baby, Ir-
> are' visiting with the former's
neer, Mrs. Webster of Killough.
lasses Gowdy, of Winghani, spent
- week -end with Mr: and. Mrs. Alex
.11iEr_ .arid Mrs. Robert Stein of Simp
s e Sask., are visiting with his sis-
teei:, Mrs- �e57zo. 't?i 'rdon-
acTa •sh of
as't:e�r Gordon M I' v>
mcaxeter, spent last week'with his
a . Ie„ Mr. Gordon Elliott.
lir. and Mrs. John, Casslick of Cul -
u tss, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
axltrn Falconers:,
lir: and Mrs. Harry Buxton,"who.
naive been visiting with relatives in
these parts have returned to their
owe in Wilkie, Sask. on .Monday.
and Mrs: Jas. Cornelius and
Mr and. Mrs. Amos Cornelius spent
Setkeday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc
ig ht of Auburn. •;
Mre and' Mrs. Milton Bruce and
.::hiidren of Belgrave, spent Sunday
eveith her sister, Mrs. John Pardon.
a rs. Smith of Delhi, spent ` last
^. er..Ft withher sister, Mrs. McCall.
X vr. er 1. s
,Naylor Jessie lVa !or spent Sunda
verelft Mis Laura. Conn. Y
Mr. Kennedy, Peter, Agnes 'and.
lean„ spent Sunday "� p nt Su da with Mr. and. Mrs.
�..t' 3
?f. Henderson, of the Bluevale
Alex Butler and son Alex, of
epent last week with Mrs.
'or 'f a. Pa.Tcaner
and Mrs. ` Robt. Purdon and
en, spent Sunday, with her par -
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of St.
- John Campbell spent last week
her sister, Mrs. John Walters,
1 Annie and Russel Moore are
ng with their uncle, Mr. Wesley
arse of Palmerston.
21 s Kathleen Browning of Kincar-
Miss Lavina Carrick of Windham,
spent the week -end at her horne here.
Mr. and -lies. A. L. Hamilton of
Windsor, spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs; :Ell Jacques.
Br die of Toronto, is
Miss Gladys o
visiting with' her friend, Mr. Fed
Newman, at' the home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. S. Naylor.
The funeral of Ralph Morrison, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Morrison' of Kin-
loss, took place on Friday last to the
Tiffin ° cemetery. Deceased was 20
years old and: had been in .Orillia Hos-
pital forsomeweeks. He succumbed
tneutnonia. Rev. Mr. Scobie con-
dieted the service.
Dr. and Mrs: Hessian of Toronto,
attended the ftuieral of Mr. Ralph
Morrison and visited with his sister,
Mrs. Jas. Morrison._
Our baseball boys won the bare
with Westfield on Thursday night, 9
to 6.
Miss Annie Simpson of Bassano,
Alta., and Mis's Isa Simpson of Chic-
ago, are visiting with their. sister,
Mrs, Frank Henry.
Mr. and Mrs, Orville Tiffin and
babe, visited with Mr. and .Mrs. John
Falconer last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Elliott. of New
Zealand,visited with his .brother, Mr.
Gordon Elliott. Mrs. Archie lliott
left for a twoeek' visit with her
w s
people in England prior to returning
in September to their home in New
1 r. and IVir S. Naylor and Mr.
�+1 s. B. S
and Mrs. Roy McGee spent Sunday
with the formers sister, Mrs. Chas.
:hell of Blyth,
Mr, and Airs'. Frank Henry and
family . spent a day last week with
Rev. and Mrs. `Stuart, Bruce Beach.
Mrs. Wm, B4rkett of'Payntop, Sask.,'
spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs.
Quite a number. of our young men
are leaving next week 'on the Har-
vester's Excursion for the West.
M d M R b t G 11 d
M- an Mr o er o ey an
children, visited with Maxwell Abram,
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stevenson and
daughter, Kate, visited in Galt , and
Kitchener over Sunday.
Large crowds c w s the Mon-
crieff Field day last week. Every,
body reports' a good-time.
.Mr. , and Mrs. Wni. Schnock and
daughter Viola, of Flint, Mich., and
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Eighmeand
daughter Ruth of Pontiac, Mich., re-
turned home after visiting with, Max-
well Abram's and M. Krauter's fora
couple of weeks. They motored and
made the trip in less than a clay.
The many friends of J. K. Baker
are glad to hear that he is as well
as can be expected after undergoing
a serious operation in Guelph Hospi-
1\Irs:' George Baeke of Cranbrook
is seriously ill, we and sorryto state.
NurseCooper of the rotlecon., is
waiting on her.
Miss ss Louie Lake e of Hamilton ton }s
t visiting with her uncle, Mr. Isaac
Miss Irene 1 Mr. Leonard and i s r ne a
Ki ut-
er are home
fora few days.
We are glad to know Henty Muir
is able to be about ,:a ain after being
hurtw n cutting he ti
g haY•
Mr. -and Mrs. Jack Simmonshave
home after spending a week
at Kincardine Beach. -
Mrs: Jas. Murray
was operated ated on
in Toronto Hospital last week. We
surelyhope she will be better as she
has been a sufferer for months.
Mrs. J. D. McEwen of . Lower
Windham, visited with her sisters,
Mrs. M. Kramer and Mrs. Maxwell
Abram last week.
Mr. and Mrs. David Wallace, Mr:
and Mrs. Thos. Wallace, and Baugh -
ter Agnes, and Mr. William; Wallace
W'tnt ham Races ,in Wednesday and were in.attendance at ;the marriage ,of
Thi.*sday, August 9th and loth.
Andrew Wallace and Miss Gladys
i Spindler of Toronto .on Tuesday.
®®t11s®ael'a11111I01 Il
114n i u%aet,; hers S ale of Corsets at Half
tee, ne wV stock, all Sizes. See
our south wired i'w.
2/ belt Flannelette Blankets, rush .
l l
, pp
; e Work Shirts, khaki black, etc ...89c
tredst e t'laIlld'sa prices clot to clear.
Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe al-
ma! tended the funeral of Mr. Stevenson.
..of Stanley last week.
Mr. Leslie Fortune is sporting a
IN new Ford car. "Be on the lookottt
girls•„ V
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Marshall and
family, spent Sunday'' with Mr. and.
'NTrs. Edgat of Corrie,
During an electrical storm which
passed over this community last
week, Mr. Saniuet Marshall's barn
was struck by lightning. The light-
ning running clown .'the --.end of the
barn and blowing out a corner of
stone wall, it is fortunate no .greater
damage was done.
Miss Addie Breckenridge is spending
her holidays_-ith friends In Bluevale.
Mr, and Mrs. John H. Stevenson
and fainile> of Seaforth, spent Sunday
with Mr. John Metcalfe. They mot-
ored up.
Mr:' Jas. Aitcheson of Hamilton,
and Mrs. Jas, Cleghorn of Port Col-
borne,, spent a few days last week
with the fornierS daughter, Mrs;'Will
Me. and Mrs, Alex Coutts 0f Wing-
laam, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Hetherington.
Mr: and Mrs. Robert Golley and
ohildrett spent the weekend with Mr,
Maxwell Abraham of Ethel,
Mr. and Mrs. ,Peter Mc:lntosh and
family',' Kincardine, Punt .Sunday a,t
Me. Thomas Abraham's,
Miss Gourley of Brooklyn is visit-
ing her Sister, Mr's, Alex MacEwen,
for a few clays.
Mr. Thomas Abi alaa pCatt f
days at Kttt
Z lest t wC4 ,
Mr. and Mrs, Rebore: Stein of Mani-
r.ni-toba', s>cn+ a 'rcw days hist week in'ltl
,Rfin aid :kite, Jae,.,(Polley.
Miss Margaret Rolph of Mitchell,
is visiting relatives here at present.
Mr, and Mrs, j. Greenwood and
Mrs. Rolph sr., of Stratford, motored
up and, spent Sunday with Mrs. J.
Mis Eva Duff of Welland, is home
for her vacai~ion:
Messi's. Geo, Yeo and Wm. Gallaher
Went fishing on Monday afternoon
and :each came horne with a to lb.
string :of black bass.
Miss Sanderson returned home to
Toronto on Monday after, spending
the past few weeks here.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston
motored to Hamilton and spent the
week. -end with relatives there.
Mrs: Deyell and children of Wing -
ham, visited with her sister, Mrs, Geo.
Mowbray ,oue day last week.
There were 49 froin here took in
the excursion to Kincardine on Thurs-
tidayre. and report having had a good
Our efficient teacher, Mrs. A. Ait-
ken has returned home after taking
a„course in Art at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. H. lfanimond spent
Sunday a the lakeside.
Mr.'Wm, McKinney 0f Palmerston,
was home: over Sunday,
Mrs. Alex, Mowbray of Dungannon,
spent a few days with Mrs. W. Leg-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aitcheson , of
Stoney Creek, are visiting ewith. rela-
tives here:
Mrs. Schoales has returned horde
to Port Huron after spending a short
vacation with Mrs. J. W. King.
Mr. Raymond Elliott had the mis-
fortune to run"a rusty nail in the
palm of his handl this week which laid
him up for a few days. We hope he
will soon be O. K. again:
On Monday Mr. Jas. Wray tied one
of his horses' in the church shed and
took the other one to the blacksmith
shop and while he was away the one
in the shed broke loose and got out
on the street and a lady with an utn-
b-e1la up went to stop it and the ani-
mal dropped dead.
Misses Annie Robinson Lulu and
Lena Chamne took in the excursion
to Kincardine ,on Thursday.
Mr, and Mrs, Alf.>VY a Tor and four
children of Chatham are visiting at
the home . of his brother, Mr. Geo.
Mrs, Paynton, Wm. Birkett, t et , ay ton, Sask.,
is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Geo.
Miss :Mae Bone, who has been tak-
ing the teacher'course in Guelph,
returned to her home on Saturday.
Mr."and Mrs. R. Richardson and
family of Timmins, . who are on a.
motor trip through W
estern Ontario,
were guests of Mr. G. R. Irw.in's.
Mrs: R:James of tate' Eastern boun-
dary, was called to Blyth on Wednes-
day last owing to the death of her
brother, Mr, Wesley Taman, after a
lingering illness. He leaves an, aged
mother, .a widow and two small child-
Miss Florence Deacon I) ac n ltas returned
from Guelph; where she has been tak-
ing the five weeks' course in Agric-
Miss Margaret Cowan of Blyth, vis-
ited friends on the Toth last week.
Ea.tensive'plans are being made for
the 5oth anniversary picnic of S. S.
N. 9, to be held in Mr. Perdue'sgrove
on the 23rd. inst, Everybody'come
and bring a basket, g bask et, (not empty) and
have a good time.
Mr. R. 11. Deacon has returned from
Guelph and intends going West on
the Excursion.
A very interesting family gathering
took place last Thursday at "The
Elms," the ;old Lowry homestead,
near Belmore, when -members of the
family from all parts gathered in. a
final 'reunion before the farm, which
has been sold, passed into stranger's
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lowry and
Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Lowry acted as
hosts and hostesses for the occasion
and a very enjoyable time was Spent
by all present: Among those present
were Mrs, • D, Rogers and Mr. and
Mrs, F. Marlatt of St. Thomas, Mr,
and Mrs. J. tt Lowry, Miss ,Beulah
and Master Jack of Lindsay, Miss
Cecil Jupp of Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Nickel and family of Toronto,. Mr,
and Mrs. F. C., Rogers and son Mof-
fatt of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs.
G. H. Lowry and fancily of Niagara
lrvlrs, 11acbryci' and -laughter of
Toronto, ate visiting with Mrs. John
Mr, Cathcart, son and d tr'ltter ' ,i'e
visitors with Mr, and Mrsa V, Hol-
mes. They motored from .Indiana.
Rev. Mr. Telford of Blyth,conduct-
ed tate services in the .Presbyterian
chttrch on Sunday last and gave an
interesting discourse.
The morning of the 7th. did not
look as though our sports, ete. wotfld
be carried on but the rain ceased and
by noon the crowds began to arrive
aiid everything was carried out as
usual,. The procession of Calithunip-
ian s, etc., being the equal to former
years. Chcsley won froin Clifford
and •Wroxeter from ,1+"ordwich in the
baseball games The entertein,ttent
held izt the park ova,, ivell attended in
spite Of the cool irerenin, and the ert
tcr•ta.iners "vete fairty well tatisfving
, to mot of t9;,c people,
Thursday, August lucks:, x922
Miss Belle Robert nee has returned
home from a holiday in Muskoka.
Misses Helen and Muriel MacI(en-
zie of Windsor, are visiting friends.
rn town. .,
Miss' Margaret Geddes is visiting
with Miss Bertha McGee at Kincar-
dine Beach, "
Mr. and Mrs, D. Geddes and Miss
Dean Geddes, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. R. S, McGee, IKineardipe Beach,
Mr. and Mrs. Hayles and fancily,
Guelph,paid a pleasantvisit to anany
Lucknow friends last Week,
Rev. J. E. Ford of Goderich, con-
ducted. ,services in the Methodist
church here last Sunday...
Rev. R. McCalIum' and family are
spending• a month's vaca.tiou at Bruce
Miss Katie MacDonald of town, bas
been engaged. as teacher for the, En-
trance class, by the Lucknow school
..ruing Smith of Winghatn,'is'vis-
iting with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas,.;Irving.:
Mr, and Mrs. David Ramsay ac-
companied by Misses Donalda Mac-
Donald and Sybil King motored to
Hensall last Sunday where Miss Elva
Ramsay accompanied them home.
Miss Elva Ramsay spent a couple
of. weeks with friends and relatives
in London, Port Stanley, Port Perry,!
Grand Bend and Hensall.
Tubby Fixter,;catcher, for the Jun-
iors,never n e lets the bailet byhim.
Minutes of council meeting held on
July 25th. All the members present.
Minutes of last •meeting were read
and approved. The treasurer's half
yearly statenient'to June•3oth, show-
ing -a
howing'a balance on hand of $679.45 re-
ceived and filed. - By-law No. 6, 5922,
authorizing the Reeve and Tr'eassirer
to borrow sufficient money to 'fneet
the current. expenditure was duly'read
and passed. ,
The folio 'in accountse
w g were paid:
F. Devereaux, gravel, $ro.00; Thomas
Taylor, gravel, .$1o.8o; R. J. McGee,
gravel, $1g.65; R. Patterson, gravel,
S18.00; R. J. McGee, shovelling gravel,
82.50; R. Patterson, shovelling gravel
$2.5o; James Brown, tile $33.o0; Fras-
er Leith, tile $32.7o; Wm. Ruddy, 're-
bait- dram, con. i, . $7.00; R. Coultes,
repairing plow, $6.00; R. Chaniney, re-
pair hill, sideline :33 and 34, con. 8.,
$6.35; W. J. Arbuckle, work on hill
on con. 12, $40.00; The Blyth Stand-
ard, Collector's Roll dud
printing, ,$7 46; The Advance office, printing
Voter's Lists, s $63:45• J. Craig, grad-
iug, $235.00;
Sam Hutchison, repairs
to grader, $1o.o5.
Next meeting will be held on Tues-
day, Augusta th at one o'clock.
Porterfield, Clerk.
48Mills O .
Come, ,listen just a minute,
While 1 to you relate,
This year our taxes they will be
In mills _just 48,
Soine will .fret and worry,
Some will cuss and hate,
It won't make any difference,
Nor change the 48.
Our coal bins may be empty,
And dear fuel be our fate,
Yet with all, we'll have to pay,
That dreaded 48.
But yet we have a showing,
Something that's really great,
Thetyresspltotof ie,48: Winghani town,
We'll pay our money gladly down,
And proudly will `relate,
Iloyv that ti Winghazlt's beauty grew,
Froth the fruit of 48,
Corbett -Iii Beigrave, on Saturday,'
August 5th., to Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Corbett, a daughter.
Breen -In Windham General Hospit
al, on Sunday, August 6th., to Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. V. Breen, a daughter,
Keep Windshield Clean
Many motorists fail to provide
zsieans for keeping the windshield
clear and speed along through. the
streets and, highways in inclenlent
weather with their view almost total-
ly obscured, This is a dangerous prac-
tice, and no matter how important
bites mission or errand May be, one
should not attempt to drive without
providing means for a elear view
ahead and both sides of the inadhiile,
It is in inclement weather that the
motorist is more liable to kill or maim
pedestrians, and every motorist who
drives in snow or rain without means
for keeping the, windshield suific"sent-
ly elc'ar, should open the
stifficiently 1o ensureaclear view
ahead, It is Par better to endure e
little' di scbni bit ot hardship than to.
drive r,tleng blindly and cattle the
death of sUriotis injury of other tilers
of the streets ansa highways;
..FREE ..
During the remainder of August ''ase will put
Rubber Heels on all new goods bought
from us absolutely "Free of
This offer applies only to shoes that have not been
worn; but includes every and all kinds of shoes
for Girls, Boys, Women and Men.
If you wear Rubber Heels you have much great-
er coxhfort-They are `.`next to wings".
The Leadin
1 - s.uuu 129.
�._:• ....
Shoe Store Of. Huron County
ea, .a.:/L,rrs
Minutes of Council Meeting held in
the Township Hall, Morris, on Mon-
da July 1 th 122
Y, J Y 7 9 . Councillor Adams
aas absent. Minutes.. of last .meeting
nd`the'special meeting held Gode-
rich rich
were read and approved. The re-
port on the Douglas Drain• was read
and provisionally adopted. The Town-
ship rate:for the present year was fix-
ed at three mills on the dollar.
Tlie following' accounts were paid:
Wesley Jermyn, grading $5.00; Thos.
Warwick, grading $6.5o; Wm. Sellers,
grading $6.5o;; Joseph Ilicegg, .gravel-
ling, $5.00; W. H. Kerr, account,
$11.5o; Joseph Hogg, grading $4.5o;
Thos. Ryans, ditch on con. 3, $18.00;
John Taylor gravel, $7.5o; Neil Mc-
Callum, shovelling, $2,00; W. C. Cam-
pbell, gravel, $4,50; Robert Bell, Work
$5.00; Jas. Lawson, gravel, $r7.85;`
Geo. MacDonald gravel, $3.15; H. Bos-
man, gravel, $13.5o John Barr, grav-
el, $.. $..70; Wm. Wilkinson, gravel, 9oe;
Wm. Salter gravel, $5.1o; Jas. Pea-
cock, gravel,
ea-cock,''gravel, $io.80; Jas. Gibson,g ra-
vel, $1350; P. J. Kelly, gravel. $7.65;
Mike Kelly, gravel,7.5o; Wm: Hoy,
gravel T5c; Earl Hayley, shovelling,
$3.75; Cliff Yeo, shovelling $5.00;
Frank Kearney, gravel, $8.5.5;' Charles
Bembridge, gravel, $15.55; Chas. Bern -
bridge, gravelling $12.5o and shovell-
ing $5:oo; Wm. Armstrong, Coultes
Drain, $.500.00; Joe. Kelly, shovelling:
$5.00; •II. Pierce, • gravel, 8.40; J. P.
Kelly, work on road, $5.50; Municipal
World. Supplies, $8,59; Chas. Elliott,
tile (Corbett) $19.6o; H. Kirkby,
Blyth creek (ektension drain) $5oo.00;
Geo: Gloucher, digging ditch, $27.75.
Next meeting will be held on Aug-
ust 2rst,, 1922.
A. MacEwen, 1
> .Cler k,
Billy ` Corbett wears a broad smile
these, days and no wonder isn't he the
proud "Daddy" of six bright little
girls? Q
The regular meeting ng
of the Wom-
Institute,will be held at the home
of Mrs. Milton Lake on Tuesday,
August 25th.. A paper entitled "Prob-
lems of the Farm Housewife" will be
given by Mrs. John Coultes, also a
'by Miss Luella Hopper. Roll:.
ca11="My Favorite Pickle". All the
ladies of the community are cordially
� ■ I II■IIi!•II�III■I ILII III■illAlll�ll10111■IIIl1 I.I ■I Ir � ■ ■i!t'
u lA II M I hili III
■� w IVA _
u Eta 0
VwmfAT, �h � V And
- Final Clearance Sale of Summer
Ready -to -Wear mild Dress
Prices. Reduced 20 to 50t P.
Voile Dresses
Organdy. Dresses
Ratine Dresses ,.
Taffeta Dresses ' -
Cat;,ton" Crepe, Dresses
Spring Coats
Homespun Suits
Tricotine Suits
Separate Skirts
Voile Blouses
Crepe-de»Chene :Blouses
Bathing Suits
Irported' Swiss Organdy
Iniported English Voile
Imported English Ratine
Imported Scotch Gingham
300 Remnants, 5 s. t
half vice.
5 yds. at
Men's :Palm` Beach Suits
Men's Homespun Suits
Men's Worsted Snits.•
Men's Odd Pants r...
Men's Raincoats
'Men's Straw Hats
'Men's Balbriggan Underwear
Men's Shirts, Ties, .etc.
Pure Foods At Money Saving
Laundry Soap, all makes, bar 7e
Best Shelled Walnuts, lb ... ...-,,gc
Best Raisins, per lb. 20c
Extra Good Brooms, 1,25 for 75e
3 lbs. Goo dTea .. 5.2,5
Red Salinon, per tin ......:. ...... 35c
Rice, 3 lbs. - 25e.
T3 .lbs. Granulated Sugar $r.00
Matches, per box .:. ............roc'
Creamery v i"
_ Slitter, per dl. .......;3sc
iIINNIMIi hMi1lAKiliI111liiIMI1110IIIIt