HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-08-10, Page 1, nr Single Copies Four Cents HURON COUNTY HOME -Number _Qf ...Inmates Now -Shows Gradual Decrease 1-I-uron County is proud of its splen- did "County Home," beautifully loc. nted on the London road and oyer - looking the Ilayfielcl river and adjoin- ing ,the corporation of the Town of \ On July it,, the management of 'the institution Inas changed, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Robertson having succeed-, ed Mr. and Mrs. James Reynolds, On the occasion of recent visit- -everything around the home was.lodk. .ing well, both inside and outside. The grounds were originally carefully laid , out, and the trees and shrubs have now grown to be attractive, while the 6o or.nnore acres of land are all bringing in some profitable returns. :They have considerable alfalfa. 'and hay, mixed grain, oats, onions, pota- toes, corn, etc., and all looking splen- -didly. Mr. Robertson states that there are 17 residents at present in the home, 15 of whom are paying their way, and -the fact that almost all of these are helping in some way around the build- ing or farm makes considerable dif- ference in the cost of the manage. ment. The manager spoke very enthusias. tically- of the way tse "boys and girls" as be called them, take hold of the work and are interested in securing -the best returns possible from their labors. They have their regular hours -of work, from 7.15 a. m. to 5.15 p. m., 'during the summer, and there are no -slackers. It is a significant fact and possibly -clue to prohibition that the tumber of persons in this home are gradually (Increasing. You can get brown bread every , 'Tuesday and Saturday. We always 'have picnic loaves on, hand, leave your order. MEN WILL LEND PAPERS To the Editer av the Advance, Deer Sur Lo ye ivir be either radin the Grobe this weather.? Mebby ye hey'nf tp,ime, an niebby ye hey betther sinse. Me frind, Archie Paterson does be either lindin it to me moshtly iviry day. Archie renminds me av me ould naybor, Sandy Banks, who wud lind annyting he had on the farrum, he wus that giniroris. Be tottld me tyance he wud lind me his besht Plow loieet to hang mesilf widnprovidin I did the jawb befoor elickshun day. Well, ince Archie is so koind as 'to be lind- in me the Globe I don't naoind radin av it, fer slime, it coshts me only me tonne an I seem to hey naoore av that than I know what to do wid since. I moved to town. 'Tis a quare wurruld, so it is. Whin we are young, wid long years ahead av ns, the days are too short fer awl we want to do in thim, but whin we get ould,'wid not much longer to shtay here, the days -seem far too long, an we kape wishin fer the noight, an are glad fer some way to put in the toirne, an so I rade the Globe, an shinall blame t me, undher the circumshtances. Wan ting I hev found out an that is that thun lads that do the wroitin fer the Globe thud rnake their shtories "synchronize" betther, as me frind, Sir Thomas White used to say. The fellah who wroites on the front page says that the Grits an the U. F. 0. parthies are goin to come together as sure as the North an South branch- es of the Maitland river, an mebby he is roight for they are both runnin in the same giniral diriction wid the same koind av wake wather in the two av thirn. The lad who wroites up the editorial page, however, sames to hey the idea that they will - run" fer a long distance soide be soide, aitch wan on its own roadbed loike the railways the Grits built in the West, veld not traffick enough to grace the wheels av ayther wan av thim. Thin, too, Mr. Droory'veant$ to pull down the finces and let the U. F. 0. ideas shpread loike the ox -eye daisy' an woild carrot among some shlithery Goderich Won Again farrurners. I cud mintion Mishter Wingham lost to Goderich in the Mawrinson, on the other hand, wants latter place on Friday by a score of to make the U. F. 0. a koind- av a sacred society, lettin nobody in wid- out the pass wurrud, an himself in the Worshipful Mathter's cheer awl the tonne. , The Grits ay coorse, hev theer ears to the ground watchin wInich way the wind will blow nixt, which the same is what me- dawter-m-law wud call a mixed mittyfer, but is the truth atyl the same. Mishter Droory an Mish- ter Crerar majr be shmart min, but they are not so ould at the pollytickle game as Mishter Guoin, Mishter Fielding, Mishter Graham an the rist av thirn Grits, so they had betther watch theer shtep. Mebby, too the Grits will not be as shma.rt as they tink if they get the U, F. O's. to jine tip wid thim. The Tory parthy troid that game in r878, an in igrx, an thin agin in •1914, an wheer are we now? If ye ate moore than ye can digist ye ill hey trubble. Barrin the fact that we are out ay ower ivirywheer, the Tory parthy is n betther shape now than ayther av he othn ers, ot hevin anny resphensi- ility we can sit back an watch the ibex- fellahs slitruggle wid theer dif- iculties fer a whoile. Whin the tonne °Ines ye will foind the Tories ready er the race, clane limbed an sound winded, an wid awl surpins fat rejuc- d aff thim, A few years harred• rainirt in opposition will be •good fer Vs .1.11. 661.1AU Wdi ill 01 errors and poor plays very unlike the qual- ity of ball played by these teams in Winghatin Goderich o 5 0 2 I I 0 2 x—II Wingham 000000213-6 Batteries—Haynes and Cooper; Ar- -nott and Morden. , Umpires—Johnson and Johnson, of Lucknow. - --.,--- EVERYBODY'S COLUMN AUCTION SALE—Of used cars at Brunswick Hotel Stables, Wingham, on Saturday, August reth, at 3 o'clock.Fords, Chevrolet, Gray - Dort„ nearly new. Terms half cash, balance 3 months. • .,, Wingham Creamery Co., Props. T. R. Bennett, Auct. AUCTION SALE—On Thursda y, August loth at 2 o'clock sharp, a n , few household articles for sale. Wm. Dawson, : • At the old Dominion Stores. COTTAGE TO RENT—At Kincar- dine beach for August and Sept- ember. Apply to - Dr. Tamlyn or E. R. Harrison. FOR SALE—Second cut Alfalfa Hay. 1 H. Hetherington, 1 Phone 14 on 627. . i FOR SALE—Dining room cupboard, ( also organ in good condition. 1 Mrs. C. 'Brown., I Francis St. i FOR SALE—Hardware building and t PrOperty, 42 loot frontage for sale t in the dentre of the business section of the village, known as Jeffrey's j Hardware. Tering to suit purchas- a er. Apply to W. H. Logan, t Teeswater, Ontario. E FARni FOR SALE—One hundred t s :acres, 2 miles from Belgraye, 6 mil- 11 'es to Brussels. 2 storied Cement c house, water in house, bank barn, -40x80 feet. -Cement floors in stable, a hen house, pig pens, driving shed, f, 'water in stable, On county road. n ...Apply to Thos. Cassels Wingham, 1 Box 435; or The Willoughby Farm a Agency, 45 Victoria St, Toronto. f: TOR SALE—Pony 'and outfit. Ap-.r.ri ply to ' Bert Elliott, k Josephine St.' c FRESH LIME—For sale. Apply to Gunns' Ltd. Wingham GRAY DORT FOR SALE—In good running order. For further partie. p ulars apply at this office. LOST—Sonie time ago, a grey fox at fur. Finder kindly leave at The w Advance Office and receive reward, , . it TENDERS—W111 be l'ecenrod by the a/ :undersigned up till noon on August in ' .2IS1., for repairs to Henderson drain, a, Tlans and specifications may be seen ft/ ;at my office. 1,,owest or any tender 01 not necessarily actepted. Paul Powell, Clerk cif Turnberry. w la WANTED—Girls to room or beard. 15 I Apply at this office. In w NOTICE bt Applitatiohs for the position of Cot - teeter of Taxes for the Town of Wing- tic ham, for the year, leza, will be receiv- v. ed by the undersigned up till 4 o'clock VI oa Monday, August itii, t92a, Par- lai tiettlar8 at to duties, salary, etc., may IN be obtained at the Clerk's office, Si W, A,. Galbraith, Town Clerk. ge ri Shure, 'tit bad news we do be hear - n from the Imirild Aisle these days, irishmin are shootin aitch other loike aythens an desthroyin property as ad as the Huns. Mebby 'tit because at didn't do his share in the big war hat he inusht hey his turn 110W, fer her sallies to be a foightin shtrain O the blood ay him, That man iyilera, who isn't an Oirisliman at 11, at all,. thud be shtrung- up to a llyphone pole ler shure, he does be ettin a lot av iinp1e moinded lads o risk theer loives, but kapes in a afe place himself, , Mebby he tinks e wud be out ay a jawb if pace wud ome to Oireland. I am glad to be back in Wingham gain, Kincardine may be awl roight r wimmin an childer, but shure 'tit o place fer an ould fellah loike mc. read a joke in the paper wan day out a fellah who sint his woife an mily away to the lake side fer a sht, because, fie sed, he naded it, tould it to the missus but she ayther iddn't arr wuddn't see the point. Ye tii nivir tell about thim wimmin. Yours till ninn wake, Timothy Hay. orsyth-Higgins Nuptials A very pretty -wedding took place Knox Presbyterian chui-ch, Court - right St., Bridgeburg, Ontario, on anday, July 57th., at 5 p. m., when iss Agnes Higgins, daugliter of Mr, id Mrs. Harry Higgins, became the ide of Mr. Roy M, Forsyth, youhg- t son of Mrs, Susan Forsyth, Wing- ni, Ontario, The Rev, Mr. Lowry ficiated, , The bride was prettily gowned in hitCanton. Crepe with Venetian co mid hat to match, She carried idal roses and sweet peas. Miss Oily Luscombe acted as bridesinaid„ iile Mr. Partridge Hooper was st man. ' A wedding dineer was served at the me of the bride't parents. Covers M laid for8, after which Mr. and is, Forsyth lyt for Toronto and er to Swift Current, Sask. Mr. rsylli is engaged, with the Horton! - WING1-1AM ONT., THURSDAY AUGU T 10th 1922 Slib$eriPtiPia$: $2.00 per year •:- PERSONALS Miss Shedden of Brussels, spent a few days With friends in town. Mr,Abe Gingrich of Hamilton, is renewing acquaintances in town, Mr, Jas, VanCamp of London, is renewing acquaintances in this vicin- ity. , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mahood and, fiaiinily spent the week. end in Wing ham.- Miss Isabel Fowler of Bdssevaine, Mart., is visiting withrelativesin this vicinity. ' Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Nichol of London, are visiting with friends hi VVingham. Miss Gilkinson of Toronto, is spend- ing her holidays at her home in Turnbery. Mrs. W. Dawson and children, are leaving for Montreal and Quebec next week. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Robinson have left for a six days' boat trip on the Great Lakes. ' Miss jnha King of Detroit, is spend- ing her vacation at her home in Low- er Wingham. Miss Hattie Sutton is visiting witfl her friend Miss Edna T'airilyn at Kin- cardine Beach. . Mrs. (Rey.) Cragg and Master Lawrence, are visiting with friends in Peterborough • Miss Alma Lockeridge spent the week -end witli her sister, Mrs. Hud- son in Palmerston, , Miss Donna Hines of Toronto, it visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mil- ler, Pleasant Valley. Mis Reta Turvey of -Toronto, is vis- iting with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Chas. Turvey, Bluevale. Miss Elsie Rogers of Wingham, vis- ited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Rogers at Listowel. Mist Notma Foxton returned to Toronto, after spending the past two weeks at her home in Culross. . Mr. George White is spending the stumner with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and MTS. John Rogers, town. Mrs.. John Rogers has returned to her home here after visiting with friends in London and Listowel. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Dore of Rod- ney, are nisiting with his parents, Mr. and 1'4rs. Wm. Dore, Shuter St. Mrs. Percy Paterson and children of Toronto, arc visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paterson, DiagonaiRoad. Mr -G. F. Fox of Toronto, and five of his boy friend n gave Mr. Clarence Pocock a friendly call on Sunday last. Messrs. Clayton and Lloyd Zurbrigg of Hamilton, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Zur. brigg. Mr. and Mrs. H..Emerson and their daughter, Donna, of Welland are hol- ida.ying -with their aunt, Mrs. W. j. Boyce, Mr. W. J. Boyce and son, Carson, report a pleasant motor trip to Mr. Boyce's brother's home in Cleveland, Ohio. • Mr. Hugh Hamilton of Tordnto, and Mr. and ,Mrs. Jas. Hamilton of Oshawa., are renewing acquaintances in town. „ • Mrs. A. G. Smith and two sons, and Mrs. E. R. Harrison and two child- ren, have returned home from. Kin- cardine beach. Mr. Fred Hill and"Miss Ada But- tery of London, have returned after visiting the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Buttery. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Vanstone and Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna 'ire away on a motor 'trip to Montreal, Quebec and New York,. nn, • Mr. and Mrs. Linton Gibson and Mrs. S. F. Gibson of Windsor, and Mrs. Adams of Detroit, visited with Mr. Jas, 13. Gibson, Victoria St. Mrs, F. 13. Stearns has returned to her home in Painsville, Ohio_ after spending the past . month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Tipling. Mn Robert Stoneh,ouse, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopper and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stonehouse are attending the Stonehouse ie union at Oshawa this week. Mr. and; Mrs, John C. 'Mitchell re- turned honle ortThursadr after spend- ing a coup lAn of weeksvacatibn at Wiartan, .Head and Manitoulin Island. ‘ „ . • Mr. C. E. Jndson of the -Aero Cush. ion Inner 'lire Co,, has been in Mont- real for the last month and reports good business in the interest of the Company, Mrs. C. E. Judson left on Monday afternoon for Montreal where she will join. Mr. Judson in a motor trip to Old Quebec city and around through N'ew York State. Messrs. H. 11. Elliott, 011ie Thomp- son, 'VV. H. Rintoul and Jim Murray leave 011 Friday morning on a 2,000 mile motor trip to Quebec, New York and manjr other point. Mr, James Ritchie of Geneva, Mr, Geo. Ritchie of Detroit, and Miss Anna Ritchie of Brantford motored up and spent the nest few 'days with , relatives this vicinity, Mr, and Mrs. L Brandon of St, arys and Mr. and L. 13, C. Bran - it of Hanover, were visitors at the nie of their mother, Mrs. Brandon, .ands St. , over the week -end. Mrs. getman Shackleton and sot d daughter of Ashfield, spent the eek -end at the home of Mr. -and rs. Clarence Shackleton. Miss Alice ackletort is visiting for a week Mr. arid Mrs. C. S. MacDonald and m accopanied by their frieud, do 110 an Sh eel CM/loamy of Bridgeblirg,—Di.R1Wrtiiy iSs Purser of Toronto, visited over burg Review, 1VI 11 TOWN COUNCIL A. M. Fralick Re -appointed Collector of,Taxes The regular meeting of the Wind- hain town council was held on Mon- day evening. All the couacil were present, viz., Mayor Elliott, Reeve, Tipling, Councillors W. J. Greer, A. E. Lloyd, $, Bennett, Arthur Fother- gill, Herb Thompson and Will Haney. The clerk read a letter from Hoe. W. E. Raney, replying to his request for a magistrate to be appointed in Wingham, in which he stated that he purposed to look into the matter of the appointment in the near future, Mr. Wilkinson of East Wawatosh appeared again, asking the council whether or not they intended to give him any recompense for the' damage received when his horse and buggy went over the embankment into the pond about 150 feet from the prairie bridge. After some disscussion the mayor explained that the street com- mittee's report that no action be taken in the matter would stand. Two applications were received for the position of collector of taxes, one from Mr. Wm. Gannett and the other from Mr. Fralick. The council con- sidered that Mr. Frail& had given such good service in the past, that they had best re-engage him. It was thought that if taxes were collected twice a year, about June and Noyern- ber it might come. easier on the rate- payers. This would of course mean that assessing- would have to be done in the nail. Mr.l'+ralick will be collect- or this year at a salary of $too, and an allowance of $11 for postage, and a by-law confirming his appointment was passed after being duly read. A convention of Fire Chiefs -will be held in Chatham next week and Mr. John Crandell was granted' the privilege of attending, the town to pay his expenses. - Mayor Elliott brought up the mat- ter of appointing a fuel controller for Wingham. The coal situation is be- ginning" to cause alarm, as many have no coal in their bins and there seems to be no sign of getting any at pres- ent. On motion of Reeve Tipling and Councillor Bennett, Chief Allen was appointed Fuel Controller. The following accounts being certi- fied correct were recomxnended for payment. j. A. MacLean, supplies, $16.06; The Wingliain Times, printing and adver- tising, $18.no; R. H. Saint, cartage on sewer tile, $7.00; H. Campbell, salary streets, $2o.00; C. Shackleton, labor on streets $24.75; J. MacDonald, labor on streets, $5.xon A. Fralick, labor cutting weeds, $18.00; A. Dimmock, laber on streets, 48,25; M. Dolan, street sweeping 03.05; A. Sanderson, labor and teaming on streets, $142.2o; Bell Telephone Co.' service for Aug- ust, $31.84; Rae SzThompson, sup- plies, $11.6x; Clay Products Agency, tile $322.5o; Wingham Advance, print- ing Voters' Lists, advertising, $173.05; W. J. Boyce, supplies, $17.55; W. A. Currie, repairs and supplies, $12.7o; Waterworks' Departm ent, fire pro- tection and service $381.28; Public School Board, advance, $400.00; Mun- icipal World forms Voters' List, $9,86; E. Lewis, salary for July, 1922 $58.33; Geo. Allen, salary for July, 1922 $46.- 66; W. A. Galbraith salary for July, 5922 $46.66; R. Dcyell, salary for July, 5922, cemetery, $525.00; Wm. Stokes, salary sanitary duty, $1/7.00; J, W. Dodd premium tax collector's bond, $8.00; Geo. Cffampion, Victoria St, sewer labor, 45o; Treas, High School Board, adNince on levy, $500.00; Dom- inion Express Co., parcels, Toronto, 8oc; A. Hunt repairs and supplies, $11./5; 13e11 Telephone Co., service for July 5922, $26.31; Grand Trunk Rail- way rent §-cale site, $too; The Pro- vincial Treasurer, tax tickets, park, $37.00; Payroll Victoria St sewer, $5'2.5o; Canadian Pacific Railway, rent of scale site, $5.00; Dominion )3ank Sewer Debenture, int coupon, $2.5o Electric Department, lighting service, $29.22; Postmaster postage, $4.00. Dancing In Armouries Dancitig under the auspices of the pth -Greys Horse, in the Wingham Police Magistrate Reid had a busy Armouries on Wednesday and Thurs. day on Saturday, with offenders day evenings, August eth and loth, against the 0. T. A. and the Motor from 8.30 to 12.30. Wroxeter Hawai- Vehicles Act, Ian Orchestra, Admission -5o cents, Three Londoners contributed $400. and costs for 'violating section 44, of the 0. T. A. two paying $roo each and one $2oo, as a result of activities on the part of Inspector Fellow and .Brovincial Officer Whitesides, Crown Attorney Seeger and the magistrate both made it clear that the law must be observed in Huron Coen - Two young men were convicted for violating the Motor Vehicles Act for not giving right-of-way, also another for speeding. The case, against S. Frielourger and S. Paisley in connection with having a still in the bush near Teeswater, waa adjourned for two weeks, defendants famishing bail' of $r,5o0 each. Hearing of a charge against Ban- non, of Logan Township, was at his request adjourned until Tuesday. LOCAL AND GENERAL Ha-ve you, tried Carter's bread? Be sure and do so ,it's great. 5.72 tickets Were sold at Wingham for the excursiou to Kincardine pn Thursday. Nt.B. J. 13eninger has received the loeal agency for the Durrant Motor Co. You can always get fresh cakes arid pastry „at Carter's bakery. A number of Indians are here front the Saugeen Reserve puling flax for Tipling & Mills. Mr, W. H. Gurney is haying his brick building on Victoria St., con- verted into a double dwelling. It's too hot to lake at home, let us do all your baking and have it de- livered to your door every day. Car- ter's bakery. Mr. Nelson Underwood of the 9th con. of •Turnberry, has found truck aliptpenlysien.g to owhnietnr may have same by Watch the windows of the Select Ready-to-wear Store for real bargains in Coats, Suits and Dresses. Many new lines of ready-to-wear also in stock. The Tennis Club are holding a tea on their lawn from 4 to 6 p. in. on Monday, August x4th. Everyone is invited to come. The proceeds will go to improve the court. You can get choice pies every day at Carter's for 25c. The subject at the Union service at the Baptist church on Sunday morning will be "The Royal Law". In the evening at the Methodist church the subject will be "The Great- est Gospel Text in the Bible." Fresh roasted peanuts at Carter's every. day. ,Wingha3inniors Win The Wingham Junior Baseball boys defeated the Palmerston Juniors in the semi-finals at Wingham on Tues- day, by -a'. score of 13 to 8. Ruebe Horning of Palmerston anShag Ar- nott of Wingham, were the umpires. The line-ufis were: Wingharn, Fixten, Aitcheson, Hart, Cruikshank, .Mann, Bell, Wright, Wray, Sanderson. Pahnerston, Howe, Vigar, Daum., Schaefer, Clarke, Stanbtrry, Cox, nit - ten, Donnelly and Leakey. Get Entries In Early Are you getting those entries ready for the corning Fall Fairs? If every farmer, on every concession, decided to be a partner in the Agricultural Associations there would be a gener- al Boost, the like of which has never been seen in this community, :Now' is the time to do it as the Fairs nvill all be held within the next few months, Good prizes are offered in many lines, so that a wide choice may be had in listing up the, entries and figuring out the cash 'profits, to say nothing about the good example set and the value and stimulation your action would be to the neighborhood. "Let the whole line advance" were historic "words. Let them have a new meaning now. . Drury Will Be Here Mr, John Joynt, M. P. P., has show a us a letter which he received from the Prime Minister's Secretary. Toronto, July 27th., 5922 Dear Mr, Joynt On receipt of your letter I have advised Mr. Booth that he Premier will attend the Fair at Wingham, on September 26th„ as arranged. 1 have told him also that if any important and pressing public business should intervene, he will be advised. At this distance it is well to guard against the unexpected, but Mr. Drury fully intends, to be present at the Fair. . Yours sincerely, Horace Wallis, Deputy Minister. Mr. John Joynt, M. P. P,, . Lucknow, Ontario. Convictions At Goderich the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell, 1st. line, Morris. Miss Della Haugh of Victoria Hos- pital, London, is visiting with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Haugh,Diag- onal Road. She is accompanied by her friend, Miss Babb,• also of the Victoria Hospital staff. , Mr. and Mrs. Alex Alderson of Hamiltonn are spending a week visit- ing old friends in town. /It is seven years since Mr. Alderson left Wing - ham. He holds ,a good position with the Steel Co., of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. E. Merkley of Wing - ham, arid Mr. and. Mrs. Chas, Elliott of the Bluevale Road, left on Satur- day last on a motor trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo and will neturn home by way of Detroit. Mr. and 1VIrs. J. 5, Kerr of East Wawanosh, and his sister, Mrs. Mar- tha Clark of Hiaciford, Conn., have left 00 an auto trip to Marlette, Mich., where they will visit tbe former's brother, Mr, William Kerr, formally of Winghann Mn and IVIrs, A. Runstedler of Brampton, have returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in arid around Wingham. Their nieces, Mrs. Wm. Kiiig and Mrs, M. Sharpin re- turned with them and will spend a few days visiting with friends in Brampton and Toronto. Always something special in pastry on .Satin -days at Carter's. Leave your order early and be sure 61 getting it. DIED Shronshall—In Wingham, on Sunday, August 6t1.,, 5922, Arthur. Henry ShrOpshall, infant Son of Mr. arid Mrs. Arthur Shropshall, aged 4 months and 53 days. obbs—In Becton, on Wednesday, TO? 26th, T.v..2/ George Wesley Croft Dobbs, in his 35th year, onkagii, 111111111111111111111111111111. I PICTURE AHEAD The holiday is not complete without a Kodak. Brownie Cam- Ea n"- eras $2.00 to $5.00. Kodaks $6.5o and up. Developing and Printing,quick service, satisfaction guaranteed. - SATURDAY SPECIALS fe Willard's Forkdipt Chocolates ..--_ _25c per Ib. McKthbon's Drug Store a The Rexall Druggist Winaltaini, Ont. Phone 35 lip 11111111111IN1111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111IIISIIIIMIIIN11112111111111111111111111111111111111101111A1111111111111111/ill MINIM% The Wingham Races The first day of the Wingham races has met with ideal weather and as we go to press we learn that entries are coming in well and that several good horses are already entered. Former Wingharnite Dead Thursday's London Free Press con- tained a picture of the late Joseph Mason, who died at Drayton on Mon- day, at the age of 66 years. Several of our older readers will remember when he and.his family re- sided on Victoria St.„ Wingham. While here he was a travelling photo - New Hamburg vs. Wingharn Don't fail to see the semi-final base- ball match in Wingham. 'Park on Thursday evening. New Hamburg-VS- Wingham. One of the best games yet., A Fortune For Postage • Mn j. A. Morton showed us a let- ter which he received from Sir. And- rew Fisher, from Russia. On the en- velope was stamps for 23,000 rublet, which would have been worth $11,845 before the war. This will give one a slight idea of the declinein the -val- ue of the Russian Dbila.r. 'The letter grapher, and was very kindly spoken came via Tiffhs, Georgia. of for his cheerful, kindly disposition. Decoration Services The Decoration Day- committee urg- ently request all ex -service men to Star has for soine time been broad - meet at the Wingham Armouries at casting radio entertainments.In a 2 o'clock next Sunday afternoon, for recent issue it had the following to the purpose of marching to the Wing - say of its program of the previous ham cemetery to- honor our fallen St d Singing For Radio As it is now pretty generally knowm. to our readers The Toronto Daily comrades, Kindly wear uniforms if possible, but dress is optional. Will you please make it convenient to be present. Parade will be under the command of Major H. C. MacLean, M. C. Mrs. R. A. Hutchison Dead There passed suddenly away at her home in Wingharn, on Monday even- ing ,August 7th, Annie Hutchison, be- loved wife of Mr. R. A. Hutchison. She had not enjoyed good health for some time but passed unexpectedly away shortly after retiring- for the "The feature of Saturday's radio program was the singing of Mr. Cam- eron Geddes, a former Lucknow bon, and the playing of the orchestra mus- ic from Loherigrin by Wagner. The numbers are undoubtedly the finest, from the public point of view, that have been broadcasted from the Star's station. The arrangement was splen- did and suited the size of the orthes- tra perfectly. It was rich and full. throaghout and at times it was found unnecessary- to use the pia,no. Mr. Cameron Geddes, the popular basso, sang, "On the Road to Mandalay," night Deceased was in her 5eth year by Speaks and was accompanied by and was a highly respected lady and the Star orchestra. This song appears a member of St Andrews Presbyter- to be particularly adapted to Mr. Ged.- ian churchdes' style and if was a real treat in. The funeral, will be held from her every way. He has a splendid range late residence on Thursday afternoonwhich showed to advantage in the - to the Wingham cemetery. I Toreador's Song by Chouchois." VOW. qttrag, 110.12,4101 VISMILT/411.9.M11...9,2,10M40$41014\TIOM .1“kl Groat Cleo. Shoe 81 If you care to save money here's a Shoe Sale, that, in justice to your pocket book you cannot ignore. Every Summer Shoe Must Leave Our Store We will not carry Shoes over from one season to another, and every Man's, Woman's, Boys', Misses' and Children's Shoes is priced so low that they'll go at 031CC. See Our WIridOWS and Bargain TableS Come, see the Shoet and .see the prices ---But COrne Soon, • GR .; ER