HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-08-03, Page 8lam.
Thursday; Anguo+t:gx xg2'a:
;r° frig, Aug.5, at 8.30
3 Tricoli>lne ?'.Eiresses, gular $20.00, Closin ut Sale $5.95 mi
Cats, S rring Styles 3.95
lar up to $12.50, Closing Out Sale.... , ........... , 3.95. ■
1.95 11
1.5 Skirts, reg
Serge ani W., s Shirts, Saturd .c y Morning
sies rinsmimis i®�������m���m ®33333a�3111 s��s���IMES
15 L.!,+I .' s' Cloth, Tricotine and
Serge lit resses, a 1 i new
tyles, sizes 16 t'IF 42.
rices $14.75 t 21.50
19 Las 'es' Spring C'11>als, motor
or styles, Velon;'s, p•";trlo
Cloths $13.95
50 Doz.
Hair Nets
All colors, double and
single mesh, Princess
Pat and other makes
5c each
Quite 3, number from here attended
the Progressive picnic in Mr. Dunbar's
Grove, ]3elgrave, last Tuesday after-
noon and Evart it a grand success,.
Dr. John Coultis and friend, Mr.
Pearson motored here from Philadel-
phiat to spend: a few weeks with the
former's mother,: Mrs. Coultis, Miss
Mabel Coultis of Toronto is home to
spend her vacation,
The ]3elgrave Dramatic Club ` will
ingive their: play entitled "Too Many
.Husbands," in the Forester'sHall,
Bluevale, August 8th, commencing at
Ng 8.15. This is. a. good play and the
IN parts are ably and dramatically taken
by the young people of Belgrave. The
play is given under the auspices of the.
Ladies' Aid of Knox Church, Bluevale.
Come and enjoy a good laugh.
Mrs, Moise, Mrs. Clarence Moise
and baby and Mrs. Brade and 'two
sons, who have spent the past month
as tourists in Bluevale returned to
Toronto on Monday.
Mrs. John Diment, Mrs. McKnight,.
Mrs. Stewart Young and two children,.
Toronto on Monday to spend a few
wBineeksevale. at their summer cottage at
• Mr. P. D. K.ing motored to Harris -
ton on Sunday.
Miss Blanche Findley of Harriston,
spent last .week with her :aunt, Mrs.
P. D. King.
Miss M. Jamieson returned to New
York' on Thursdayafter spending a
few weeks with friends in Bluevale
and Harriston.
Misses Luella, Bernice and Wilma
Shaw enjoyed the beauties of a spec-
tacular trip down Lake Ontario, wind-
ing through the Thousand Islands,
continuing their trip by the St. Law-
rence to Montreal, thence on to the,
city of Quebec, whose ancient relics'.
they particularily enjoyed. Then up
the picturesque and beautiful Sague-
nay river, returning home by the same
route. After spending a few days in
Toronto they arrived home to spend
the remainder of their holidays under
the parental roof. The young ladies
in question, all being public school'.
teachers, will now be in a position to
ember their pupils with, more facts
concerning the great natural beauties
and landscape of; their native country.
Mr. and IVIrs. Harry. Dicken and
daughter returned to Guelph on Mon-
day, after..spending a few weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Speirs, .Morris.
We are pleased to have our old
friend, Mr. Jas. Aitchesonof Stoney
Creek, in our midst again for a few
weeks. •
Mrs. Moyse returned to Toronto
after spending the past week here.
Mrs. H. McAllister' of Alma, and
Mrs. R, Durnin of Wingham, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Mowbray.
Rev. T. W. and Mrs. Mills visited
relatives in Drayton last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Young of Toronto,
are up for a few weeks' vacation.
Regular Quarterly Services will be.
observed in the Methodist church here
next Sunday.' Service will be held at
10.45 a, .
I1Ir, anmd Mrs. John Hall spent Sun-
day with relatives at Gorrie.
Mr. Howard Stewart visited with
his brother at Bowling Green on Sun
Tricotine Serge Homespun
Spring Coats Half Price WI
2 Fall Suits, fear trimmed ,,,.$15.75
12 Voile Dresses, regular up
to $12.00, sale $2.95
Children's Cloth Dresses, Ging- m
ham Dresses, Silk Hosiery, M
Children's Hats, etc.
■■■■■■■sets■ ■■■■7iimm ■■■■■■■ ori
dies' Ready -to
Mr. and Mrs_ John Brown and fam-
ily- of Creighton Mines, are visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross.
;Mrs, Joe. Wellwood of Wingham, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buxton spent
the week -end with her aunt, Mrs. W.
R. Farrier, after visiting with other
Miss Jean Dawson spent last week
with her uncle, Mr. Jim Purdon of St.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prince and baby,
Gladys, of Wingham, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Cornel-
: ius,
' Services in the Methodist church
-will be withdrawn for a couple of
weeks, as the church is undergoing
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Emerson and
Mrs. Calwell and daughter of Kin-
cardine, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Emerson on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Sutherland and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gaunt and Gertie,
visited with relatives in Kincardine,
on Wednesday.
Mr. -' and Mrs. 'Walter Alton of
Lanes, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Farrier.
Mr. Fred Newman of Toronto, is
spending his vacation with Mr. and
Mrs. B. S. Naylor. 1
Misses Flossie and Millie MacGregor
left for Toronto on Monday.
Mr. Vernon Sinclair of Brussels,
spent Sunday at the home of. Mrs.
Geo. Garton; Sr. •1
Mrs. Kerr of Goderich and Mr. Win.'
Hawthorne of Brantford, are visiting
with their sister, Mrs. Joe. Holmes.
Born—In Culross, on Thursday,.
July 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Johnc,Fal-
eoner, a son.
Mrs. Archie Anderson and daughter,
Miss Fanny of St. Helens, spent Fri- I
day with the former's daughter, Mrs.'
Robt. Purdon.
IVIiss Winnifred Farrier is to be con-;
gratulated having passed her Lower;
School Examination with first class i
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley eggatt o
Bluevale, spent Sundaywith relatives
• Mr. and Mrs. Sturdy of Clinton,
have rented Mrs. Purdon's house. He
works the stone crusher.
Mr. Smith of Stratford, representa-
tive of the, Scottish Fertilizer, was in
these parts last Tuesday.
Our baseball boys won the game
against St. Helens on Thursday, 8 to
17. Westfield lost their game to
Blyth on Friday by a score of 8 to 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore eater-
tained a number of their friends on
Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin and son,
Bruce, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Bell of Blyth,
Miss Helen Paterson is spending
her holidays with Mrs. S. Plowright,
Miss Myrtle Beecroft spent a few
days last week with Mrs. Denholrn,
Blyth. •
Mrs. Richard Wellwood of Orange-
ville, is visiting with her - daughter,1
Mrs. Arthur Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ross and child-
ren spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. i
Alex Coutts of'Winghar.
Mr, and Mrs, Ben McClenaghan and
Melvin, spent last Friday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry McCleuaghan, Belgrave.
Mr. and Mrs. jack Hendersonn and
children of Paramount,
spent Sunday
with .her parents here.
A heavy"'{' l; lie Fi . nxnelette, special 17c yd.
ill Shirts, Khaki and Grey, Sicel 19 8e
10 melt Henry Fact r ' Cott,; u 19e
15 Aden's and 'Young den's Sults, grey
ad darn
.ager ✓✓■■��,,qp■■� (6�J
'�11.IR �66aA MR�✓✓1YY•✓'1'Y• vi✓Yrn✓Y✓rvY✓Y ✓Y.✓�Y,I.:Jp'.95'.
Mr. Jack Newberry returned to Tor-
onto with his parents ,after spending
six weeks with Mr, Ken Paterson:
Rev, Mr. Jones of Belgrave, will
church Here.
Mr. Kinnon McKinnon has sold his
residence in town to Mrs. Angus Ross
and her son, .Robt., of the 6th con. of
Mrs. Ed. Renwick of Belniore,
spent a few days in town..
Miss Isabel Douglas is spendng her
i vacation at her home here, she is ac-
companied by her friend, Miss Hal -
r Next Monday will be Civic Holiday
Some one stole our silent policeman
where he was directing traffic at Mur -
j dock and Cameron's' corner on Tues-
day night last, and up to date he has.
not been recovered. We are gladit
was not .the Chief (Bert) that was.
Mrs. N T. Sinclair and children of
1 Toronto, are visiting with her mother,
Mrs, Wm. Scriingeour,
preach in the Presbyterian church here BLYTH
next Sunday.
Mrs. Buschlen and children, Jean
and Randal, of Arthur are visiting
with Mr. Ken and Miss Lillian Pater-
son. Mrs. Buschlen is their sister.
Miss Irene McQuaid of Crewe,
spent last week with her aunt, Miss
The death of one of Lucknow's old -
est and most highly respected citizens,
took place on Friday last, when Mrs,'
Cater crossed the Great Divide. She'
had been a resident of Lucicnow fort
■ many years, and was an active mem-
sii ber of the Women's Institute and the
■ Methodist church here, until about
■ two years ago, when she suffered a
in stroke of paralysis, from which she
■ never fully recovered. The funeral was
■ held on Sunday from the Methodist
■ church to Greenhill 'cemetery, Mr. W.
I . Treleaven having charge of the ser-
■ vices in the absence of the pastor.
■ l She was in her 88th year. Her 'hus-
■ ; band predeceased her some years ago,
■ 1 The Presbyterian congregation held
their annual picnic 'to Point Clark on
■ Thursday afternoon last, when a most
■ , enjoyable time was spent. A large
crowd "was present owing to Kincar-
in in' dine Methodist holding a picnic there
on.' that day also.
The Pipe Band.will hake art in:a
celebration to be held in Ripley on
August 3rd,, when a Memorial Park
will be officially opened by F. Wel-
lington play, M. P. P.
Mr. Fraser Paterson has moved into
the house recently vacated by Mr. W.
Mis Alma Blake of near Dungannon,
is to he congratulated as well as her
teacher, Miss Mabel Alain, on the
sho w iii
splendid p w g niade by Miss Blake
she Having.passed her piano examina-
tions with honors,
f The services in the 'Methodist chureh
were taken on Sunday by Rev. R. G.
Presbyterian' klil�a, � cif the
5 c torsi ,
1 Or esden, Mr. McKay is a nephew of
Rev✓ A itgus McKay for many years
the minister of the 1'r'esbytcrian
Miss Metcalfe visited with friends in
St. Marys .and London during the
week. ,
Hodgins Bros. of Stratford and Clin-
ton, were renewing old acquaintances.
in town.
Among those whoattended the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. John Brigham,
were Mr. and Miss Moses of Grey,
Mrs. Kerningham and Miss Wilgie of
Baden add Mr. and Mrs. A. Hyslop of
Arrangements are about completed
for holding a field clay, August i6th
A full program consisting of baseball,
football and other games will be pre-
Mrs. Robert Cockaline moved into
his new home on :Linsley St.
After a lingering illness extending
over several months, Aim Barclay El-
liott, beloved wife of Mr. John Brig-
ham, passed away on Monday evening,
July 24th. Deceased lady was in her
76th year and leaves her husband and
6 children, namely: Mrs. Jas, Rich-
mond, Morris; Mrs, Mason, Seaforth;
Mrs. Weatherall, Alberta; Herbert and
James, who reside on the homestead;
Foster of Calgary. Deceased was
among the: early pathfinders, who en-
dured the hardships, subject to pioneer
life. Rev. Geo, Telford, pastor of St.
Andrew's Church,cond 1 the ser-
vice at her.hoe cte
u c
inn Wednesday after-
noon, followed by interment in Union
The Garden Party which was held
at the home of Mr. Wm. Campbell
last Thursday evening was quite a
success. The proceeds at the gate
arnounte 1 to
c better than
Mr, and Mrs. Stevenson, and daugh-
ter, Pearl of Stanley, motored up and
Spent the week -end' at the home o,f Mr✓
and Mrs, John Metcalfe..
Mr. Robert
Scott and Miss lMaggre
Ida i•i oil f l l"ai i" '
y, ",
r s o i Ilton, are visitors ,tt.
the home of Mr. and Mrs. nos, Weir,
Mrs. Paterson of Toronto, is the
g ucst of friends oil the tenth line.
Mr. R. Johnston : shipped a car of
hogs to Toronto on "Saturday, price
was $13.25,
The regular monthly meeting of the.
Women's Institute will be held on.
Thursday,‘August Toth at 2.30 o'clock
at the'. home of. Mrs. Jos. Brecken-
ridge. Mrs. W. H. Fraser will give
a paper on "How to use our• Wood-
land Vines, .Trees, Shrubs and Flowers
in our Lawns." Discussion=What:we
can do to help our School Fair. Ar-
ranging of flowers wil be demonstrat-
ed by 011ie Scott. Ladies are invited
to attend.
Mr. Milton Bruce has commenced to.
rebuild his barn on the gth.' 'He had
a bee to draw lumber from Blyth on
Miss Lulu Chamney of Toronto, is
home for 'a few days.
Miss' Ida Thompson of .Toronto, is
visiting, relatives in these parts.
Mr. John McBurney of Turnberry,
is visiting with his brother, Mr. Sam-
uel McBurney.
Miss Euphe.qua• Deacon of London,
is visiting at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Deacon.
Mrs, Joe. Thompson and baby, Alice
of St. Augustine, also Miss Lena Dea-
con, spent a few days last week -with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Thos: Robinson.
Mr, and Mrs; John. Beecroft, "Miss
Eccles and Melville, and Mrs, ; Jas,
1Menaies motored to Guelph on Thurs-
day to spend a day with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. John McGee visited
with het mother, Mrs, Gordon, Tees -
water on Sunday.
'Phe St. Augustine Institute are,
holding a picnic on Wednesday at the
river at Donnybrook. Everybody wel-
come. '
Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Walker and.
Mr. Liner of Elora, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Walker.
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Haines and
children of Cargill, spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Wellings,
Mrs. A. Nethery of :H;amilton, a--
companied by her two children, are
visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Cook.
Miss Jennie Ketchabauglr of Luck-
now, spent a few days with her aunt,
Mrs, David Scott.
Mr. and.IVlr.•s. Gallaher and Mr. Wm.
Abram and three daughters, of Wrox-
eter, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,
J. A. Brandon,
Wesley, the little son Of Mr. and
Mrs, Geo, Cook had the misfortune to
get two of his fingers caught in the
gearing of the washing machine,
Mr, George Jordan has started otit
With his threshing machine.
Nethery--In Wirtghain, on 'Wednes-
day,.July 26th,, to Mr. and ` Mrs.
Christopher Nethery, East Wawa
nosh, a daur.
'.l'tir ii r
h At Wclleghte.>ley hospital,-
onto, on Monday, July 31st.1 to Mr,'
and Mrs, J Wilgon Turner, a daugh-
ter* Mrs* Turner was foilrierly.
Miss VIOI°cnee VanNor,°muui,
oes fo
This design is a illustration of a "New Line of:Shoe we:
are showing for the Business andProfessionalMan."
The last is almost . straight"
and the toe not narrow which
gives comfort and is; at'. the
same time "classy" in appear-
The uppers are made`ofctlie
finest Dongola and Vici' Ki&
that it is possible to obtain
and the soles and insoles:.are
made of the best "Oak: tan
We highly recommend this shoe to men that like "Comfort"
combined with "Good Appearance".
Sample pairs are now being shown in South Window.a.nd you
are cordially invited to call and.inspect this excellent line of shoes.
The Leading Shoe Store of Huron County
Phone 129.
Wingham, Ont.'
111®111®III®1111111111111®III®IIII111®III®IIIIIIII®IIIeIIIY11111 III/11111111®11111111®1111M9II1ilY0111®ill®IIid101
® 1t:
i a
® lmportantAnnouncemeut
August Clearance Sale of All Summer
Ready -to -Wear and Dress Mater-•
aals, Aug. 5th to Aug. 12th.
Everything Priced to Save Yo
For one week only we offer our entire. stock '.of
Spring and Summer Merchandise at greatly redue
ed prices, is to make 'room for Fa,thGfoods..
It is our policy t clear o c ear out all lines, of merchandise
p Y
at the end of each season Regardless of Cost..
111110111 INf11l�1
114 -S eco'✓'
Men's Paint Beach Suits,
Men's Homespun Suits,.
Mett's Odd Pants, , '
Men's. Negligee Shirts,
IVIen's Silk Shirts,,
Men's Summer Underwear
Men's ,'Summer Socks,
Men's Straw Hats,
Men's Summer Caps,,
Boys Suits, `
Boye Ittnickers,,
Boys' Shirt Waists,
Boys' Batthin Suits.'
Pure Foods At Money Saving
Best Cheese; per. lb 2oc
Fresh Soda Biscuits, 2 lb 26c
Seeded or. Seedless Raisins
per lb soc
Laundry Soap, all :makes, bar...7c
3 packages Corn Flakes ...r..-z5c
2 pkgs. Shredded Wheat 250.
Good 1Zed Salmon, large Tin35e.
3 lbs. good Tea $T✓25
x3, lbs. Granulated Sugar $x.00
Y s Silent Tip Matches
per box ...- zoc
Idomespun Suits, 11
Tricotine Suits, x'
Velour Coats,
Pleated Skirts,
Voile Dresses,
Organdy Dresses,
Silk Dresses,
Canton Crepe Dresses,
Serge Dresses,
Tricotine Dresses,
Serge • Pleated Skirts,
Plaid Skirts,
Voile Blouses,
Crepe-de-chene Blouses,
Silk Undershirts,
Hosiery and Gloves
Organdies, Voiles, Gingliams,
Ratines, Cotton. Crepes, Swiss
Embroidered Muslims, etc., in -
eluding 300 remnants at 'priee.
Redtioed 20 to 40 per cent.
II MIilli1M11111111lutliIinfluoiIMk1lnoN01p1N 111 1NM1 1111 011 1
]�iPmf,.,H1Y1�'S tat