HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-07-20, Page 19,1411•44/11,,MIMPAVIAMM,,MMA/4Z,W • 1194 • • ,•JAIMUM lt•I • 1 1 • 1 • • ;5J 6 •,..axiumagewsuargescomontsmousio•rueummOorsmorisamonsamoom, Single Copies Four Cents 1T,Fo A, MIRACULOUS ESCAPE •,Auto -Leaps Over Bridge and No Ser- ious Damage While. on his way to the celebration in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon 'last, Mr: 'Adam Nichol, of Carrick 'township, had a miraculous escape from death,, He and his family were -driving west and abeut to tura on to , the big bridge at Jamestown, when 'instead of successfully making the -turn the Chevrolet shot o -ver the ce- •anent abutment, nose down ancHandect .on its side a few feet from the edge -of the river. -IVIr. 5. W. McKibboa -and a• few friends had ,just turned on ,to the :bridge when they saw the car bound „across the ,abutment. To an oalooker would appear that Mr, Nichol had Lis head down looking for a brake and had probably taken his foot, off the accelorator and was feeding from the drive wheel. The car was not. travelling so fast that .it could not 1: 'Make the turn. , The car was soon lifted and the people liberated, all were badly shak- • en up and the children were bleeding from slight soratches. The baby was -picked up from underneath the auto and it was a surprise and relief that it wai found to be alive and apparent- °Iy only slightly cut and bruised. The car was badly wrecked although we tunderstand that Mr. Nichol was able to drive it.home again that night. Mr. i -/ugh Miller, clerk in Mr. McKibbon's store received a, couple of ugly cuts on the fingers of his right hand evi- aclently cauded by touching broken :glass when assisting to lift the auto. The only way we can account for rthe baby being alive is that it fell on the running board and when the caa -went over the weight was held off its little body by the width of the fender. Probably never again will anyone in the car eve i be as near death's door and Jive to tell the tale. It was ,certainly a miraculous escape. , • "Died In Clinton Friends of Mr. John Bell of Bel - grave, will sympathize with -him in. the death of his • daughter, Mary which took place in Clinton on Monday. The remains were brought to Belgrave on Wednesday and interred in Brandon cemetery. Services were conducted in the Belgrave Methodist church and at the grave' by her pastor, Rev. j. R. Peters, B. A. Deceased is a niece of Mr. Albert Bell of Wingharn. 'EVERYBODY'S. COLUMN AUCTION SALE—Parin Stock, Im- plements, Furniture, etc., at Lot 6, Con. 5., Morris Township on Mon- day, July 24th. Sale without ye - serve as the proprietor is giving up fanning.. • R. C. Proctor, Proprietor, , Jas. Taylor, Auctioneer :AUTO FOR SALE—Good auto in • first-class shape. Cheap for quick sale. Apply to • A. J. Nicholls, Box 134. FOR -SALE—Young Hags and Sows, All ages, apply•to .• A. Gernmill, IR,: R. No. a, Wing tam 'FARM' FOR SALE -1 -Or exchange in ' Huron County, 150 ..good also s tock, implements • and crop. Write for. particulars to Box C., Advance. FOR SALE—Pure' Clover Honey, 15 cents 'alb. Leave orders with Mr. Adams at Mills' 'Feed Store. • It) gents allowed on empty cans. Any person taking from, 50 to, do lbsaand calling at Louse for same will 'be. gi-ven,a lb. comb free. • Jas. Casentore, :Phone 13 on 627.' LOST—Right side. cuttain of Ford, somewheae between the back of Hanna's store and Zetland. Finder please leave same at R. S. McGee's store. FURNITURE FOR SALE—The un- dersigned will sell her household fura iture privately at her home, Al- fred St., up till August tat. Mrs. 5. J. IVIitchell FOR SALE --One Conboy "lubber Tired Buggy„ nearly new.; Ford car, 018; Gray -Dort, 1918; Gray - Dort, 1919; 'Chevrolet, 1918; Ford ton truck, 1939; 2 speedsters, • We will be pleased to demonstrate to you before purchasing. You get • ihe same guarantee that goes with n a 'ew ecaa E. Merkley & Sons. SWINE—Large Yorkshire Swine, Int - potted and bred by A, Germ/till, R R. No. z, Wingltairi TENDERS WA,NTED—Tendeas will be receivid by the undersigrted until noon on- Friday, July 21st., for the erection of a solid brick addition' to Blyth Public School. Plans arid nspecificatians may be • seen at the store of Reeve James Dodds, Blyth. The lowest or any tender not het- aessarily accepted, Geo. E. McTaggart, Secy., Blyth School Board. "Tenders For Armstrong Drain And Branches Tenders will be reeeived by the Undersigned up till July a4th, at p. Ira• for separate teeders oa the Arm- strong Dram and branches. A cheque -Of ten per cent of the tender mast.ac- nompany each application, Lowest or any teadet not necessarily accepted. l'haris and specificatioas may be atm At the office of the township clerk. :Patil Powell WINdHAM, ONT., THURSDAY JULY 20th, 1922 NORA THROWS THINGS To the Ethan of the Advance, Deer Sur— Here it is toime to wroite ye agin. How the wakes do keep rowlin by! Here it is the middle av July over, an fall whate ready to •cut an the orch- ards hindia dOWT1 ,,yid the weight av the apples, an Jawri King home from Ottawa, an, U. F. 0. picnics bein held awl over the counthry, an the min in Power .at Ottawa, an Toronto, an Wingham shtill shpendin money. fash- ter than us harrucl vvurrukin nun ivir made it, a.ven in the besht av toimes. Shure 'tis a quare wurruld, intoirely, as I tink 1 sid.befoor, If must be a harnad job 'running a paper, so nanny tings "'Ore happinin ivirywheer that whin 1 wroite ye I don't know what to put in arr what to lave out, an share, t musht be wurrus fer an editur wid a whole paper. to print iviry wake. Since gornin to town to live an talkin arroand wid the fel- labs 1 ani beginnin to foincl out that theer are some- jawbs that luk aisy that may be jist as harru'd as anny- ting a farrumer has to do, anebby barrin filling manure fer two wagons it -1,a hot baanyard, wid the hoired man haulin it to the field back av the or- chard, an troyin to run ye. In the •good ould days we used to make the hoired man do the fillin, but that, skame won't wurruk now, he has to pick his jawb arr he won't shtay. That is whoy.so rnanny farrumers are buy - in manure shpreaders. ' I ncitiee theer is some talk agin about a memorial fer the soldiers, but 'tis loike in the ould days whin the tower of Babel was bein bailt, rio two payple taWk aloike, an so nothing is ivir -accomplished.. Some want a monurnint in honor av the dead, an some want a park- arr a huildin- fer the pleasure av the livina•'1 hev been tould that the Horticultural Society wants awl' the money. hpint fer tulip, bulbs,'an the women's. Inslititoot wud. loike -a slirre av it to give in proizes • at theer nixt datice, •latink znesilf that' a good plan wud be to Pave a slitrate wid it an give it some good war name. The shtrate .on which I 1ie nades pavin badly, an wud be a foine ava.a fer the purpose. Barrin that,, ho-Wavad it do to hould a matin av the returned min an hear theer views' on the ques- tio• wnell, the inissus an mesilf do be • runnin the ranch be oursilves at pris- int, as me brother _Matt wud say. Nora has .gone out to vial? her sister, Katie in Alberta, an that ould rowlin shtone av an uncle av hers had to pick ttp an go wid her. I was sorry to seehim go fer he may nivir • be back, but, av worse, I feel safer about him not gettin married whin Le is in the West wheer.wirnin are skarce, A few noights befoor they wint away, an Quid frind dropped in to see as. Shure 'tis always pleasant Ca hey pay - pie ye loike call on ye an shpind an avenin, an this man (not mintionin anny names) was wan av our. ouldisa frinds. Shure,Le used to tache achool in our siction manny manny years ago an the childer wint to him barrin the ouldist wan, so, av coorse, he knows thin/ purty well an don't moind shpringin a joke on thim whin he sees a good chance. Well, we got talkrn about the thrip the Wist, an me ould-frind looked me dawtor wid a shtraig,tht face an z. "Tis an a hemeseekers' exc.ur- On ye will be goin, Nora, I stippope" • he, I didn't see annyting wrong id that spoche; fer, 1 ani tatilcl that e accommodation is now so good an e thrains that lots av payple travel at Way in prifiriuce to ,`firat-class. ora, bein quick witted .an quicker rnpired, loike her mother, caught to his mainin at once, an, the urruds *ere harrudly out av his oath befoor bang wint the lid lifter ross the room, aan if me lad hadn't dged,. he wud hev been goin about s wurrula wid a black eye arr arrus. I guess ye think yersilf rt3r shmart she sea, trOwin out yer shty shims. I want ye to under- tand that I don't nade to go to seek tome, as long as dad ati mother hey roof over theer heads. If 1 nivir t home it wasn't fer want av chanc- " sez she. "I hev refused half a zen betthr min than you brit ,,was r ivir will be. Ye had tetther be oindin yer own business an •seein at the payple av Wing.harn get value • the money they pay fer electric ght' she sea. 0, I tell ye Nora is e wan to hand it out shtrong whin e shtarts, Shure 'twas awlways the neavid her motheia but forbye that, betther woman ivir lived. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy thy, • to at se si se th th th -ti rn ac do hi na sh al a lif es, do ar iTt th fei loi th sh sai no Frank Gillespie Weds From the Iroquois Post we take the following which has reference to 5. Franklin Gillespie, a former popu- lar' Wingharnite, and a • son of Mrs. Chas. Gillespie, who is now a resident of Calgary, "Announcements are received of the marriage of mar ,Popular banker, Mr. Jolm Franklin Gilleapie, to Florence Balfour Cameron, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs, John Cameron of Hopewell, Nova Scotia. •The wedding took Place at the home of.the bride's parents on June 51 h. Mr. and Mrs, Gillespie, are, spending a short honey -moon itt a motoring trip through the "beautiful and historic ,Anitapolis Valley," re- turning to Iroquois this week -end via BoStott, Mass, Though Mr, Gillespie has',• beee manager of the Iroquois branch of the Canadiatt Bank of COM. meted, but slightly over' a year, his - energy, husitiess ability and Publie spirit have won for him a high place in the esteem of out citizens. The Poet extendheartiest congratula- tions and good wisilea," 6 PERSONALS Mrs. (Dr,) Kennedy is at her cot- tage at Kineardine Beach, Miss M. L. Brock of Taranto, is visiting at her home in tovvia Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Stepherison are visiting with relatives at Camlachie, Miss' Dorothy Lavis of Clinton, is visiting with her friend, Miss Dorothy Lloyd. Miss.Myrtle Bennett is spending -her vacation at Manitawaniag, Manitoulin Island. Miss E. King of Ayton, is spending this week visiting her sister, Mrs. E. Zurbrigg. 114s. Leonard Walton of Sarnia, was a visitor with relatives in Wing - ham last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Adams and babe of Hamilton, are visiting with relatives in town. Mrs. Eria Ogden, Weyburn, Sask., visited for a week with Mrs. Isabella Henderson of town. . Mrs. S. Beacock of Toronto, is vis- iting With her sister, Mrs. Walter Pat- erson, Diagonal Road. My. John ICerr has resigned his • position with Mr. john E. Hormith .on account of ill -health. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Greer, Toronto, are enjoying a few, days outing at the home of Mr. W. j. 'Greer. Mrs, Alex Reid and daughter, Miss Tena, are visiting with Mrs. R. S, McGee at Kincardine Beach. Dr. Geo, Joynt and wife of Tor- onto, visited at the home of his mother, Mrs, Joyat, Francis St, Mr. and 'Mrs. H. King' of Ayton, motored aver and spent the week -end With Mr. and,Mrs. E? Zurbrigg. Mr. and Mrs. E, 'J. Mitchell 'arid family motored to Paisley on Sunday, -wheiethey visited •With relatives. . . Mr. •and, Mrs. S. IMorrin and daugh- ter, Lillian' of Toronto, are visiting at Mt. Jamea.B. Gibson's, Victoria St. 1\diss Bertha .11/1C'Gge is viSiting with friends in Toronto, She is accompan- ied by Miss Margaret Geddes of Luck - now.., • -Mrs. Paul VanNess and baby of Toronto, are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hins- cliffe. Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Bra.ckenbury and family are spending a portion of the summer vacation with relatives. at Kingston. Mrs. E. A. Brock has returned -no her home after an extended.visit With her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Thompson at Port - Hope. • • Mr. M. E. Fairclough, P. R. C. •0., of Toronto Academy of Music, spent Wednesday at the home of Mrs. C. N. Donaldson,- • - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nivins and Messrs. Thos. Agnew and E. -Mac- Donald motored down and spent the tath in Londori. Miss Annie Simpson ,Druggist, of A, Musgrove, • . r sister,. Mrs. B.ass_an,o, Alberta, • is holidayiag. in town at the home of he . • Keep in mind the aance after the big U. F. 0: picnic, on: Tuesday, July 25th: Excellent music also tongued and grooved flooring. Mrs. j. Hutchison of Toronto, 'has returned. home after spending a few weeks with her brother, Mr. James B. Gibson, Victoria St. • Mr. and Mas. a/Vm. Isbister of .Tor- orttoaare spending their vacation vith the farmer's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Writ. 'Mister, Centre St. • Mt-. and Kra. Harvey Nivinsr Mrs. Thos. Agnew and children, also Mrs. E. MacDonald arid daughter, Gertrude spent .Sunday Grove. • Mr. and -Mrs: John Coulter of Tor- onto, are spending a few holidays at ahe home of the former's brother, Mr. William Coulter, 'Turriberry bouedary. Mr.. and Mrs, Albert Crams of Tor- onto, aad Miss Harrison of Silver Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Harrison at Kincardine Peach. Mr, and. Mrs. Gus Neviberry and daughter, Miss Doris, motored up from Toronto and 'visited at the home of M. arid -Mrs. Jabal McCool and with Whitechurch friends. ' Mr. Win, Findlater, M. P. P., of Gilbert Plains, Man, accompanied' by his daughter, Mary is the guest of his father, Ma Alex Findlater, Bel - mare, who is in delicate health. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.: Thompson are visiting at their parents' homes itt town.. Theyhave been conducting a grocery, store • at Port, Hope for 'the past year and have. sold tint their bus- iness. Mrs. Martha ,Clark and' her daugh- ter, Mrs. G. P. Wilcdx and three children froin Hartford, Conn„, are visiting at the home of the former's' brother, Mr.j, 5, Kerr, East Wawa - nosh; • .• Mrs. R. Spindler, 52,Curzon St.; Toronto, announces the engagemeat of her daughter, Gladys M., to Atcl-, rew Wallace, Oshawa, son of Mr. and Mrs D H Wallace Whigham Ont the m-arriage to take place early ant. August. , The "watts, Widowers" of Winghaia, who :volt 'Sunday at Kincardine beach with their families were Messrs, ft,• R. Harrisonn,O. Thompson W. R, Hamilton, R: Vanstotte, j. W, Mc- Kibbon W, A. Miller, A. M. Craw- ford and A. G. Mr, Jolla Armout was a miler at The Advance Office this week. He and Mrs. Arinitur have returned to their home in. Toronto. The lattet is not enjaying good health, She was itt attendance at the finial -al of her sit- ter, Mi' S; John McDowell, East Wa. wanoah. 111 II.,:1111,71,1111111111r: 177 ,' nraaa,,, tantrat Tapp garilaa 111;10, I .11 NEW CUSTOMS OFFICER Mr. W. H. Fraser, ex -M. P. P. Who has received the appointment of Collector of Customs at Wingham. Mr. Fraser's duties will continence this week. He is a highly respected farm- er in Morgis ...township and a former Reeve Qf that township. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Fraser as residents of Wingharn. Sunday Services Mr, Wright, Superintendent for Chautauqua occupied the pulpit of the Baptist Church on Sunday morning. He is a Baptist minister and gave an eloquent discourse. Professor John Duxbury of London, England, preach- ed in the Presbyterian church in the morning and in the Methodist church in the evening. At 8.30 Professor Duxbury addresaed a mass meeaing in the Chautauqua tent. Rev. C. E. Cragg and Rev. H. W. Snell were on the platform and assisted in the even- ing service. The Ferguson Quartette had charge of the musical part of the program. Two Panes Of Glass Broken To have one large $5o plate glass window smashed is bad enough. but Mr. H. E. Isard thinks he is getting more than his just share when a sec- ond one was broken in his store front the morning after he had the new one put in its place. Wagon loads of grav- el and stone were taken past this store to the new pavement at the south end of town and that is possibly how ston- es were shot from the pavement by amomobile tires passing along. Mr. Isard, like a great many more of us, did not carry insurance and the loss 61 two large panes of plate glass is considerable. Needless to say • Mr. Isard was visited by insurance men on the following morning. Improvements To Property , Mr. •I. j. Pattison is having his.res- idence on the corner of Shuter and John streets veneered With red brick. Mr. Robert Beattie who resides across the street is also adding greatly to the appeardnce of his house by the ad- dition of a large, pressed ceinent ver- andah. Mr. Bert Porter's house on the corner of Patrick and Leopold streets is almost completed, This house was formerly owned by the late Wm. Merkley.. Mr. Porter, hasmade a great many alterations to the prop- erty, the ,hotise is veneered with red brick and a large verandah built. Mr. J. W. Hanna is turning the brick - stable behind the 'store into a neat garage. These are doubtless only a' few of the many improvements which are being made to proper*. iu Wingham, Miss Annie Griffin of Torqnto, is visiting at her home on John St. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Welch of Tor- onto, are visiting at Mr. W. j. Greer's. Miss 'Bessie Murdie of Lucknow, is the guest of her friend, Miss Doris Fells, this week. • Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Hatannoral of South Bend, Ind., are visiting with relatives in town. • Mr. 1. f. Pattison spent the week- end at the home of his sister, Mrs. Leakie at Kincardine. Mrs, 5. A. Kennedy and babe' of Sarnia,. are' visiting with her mother, Mrs. Currie on the Whitechurch Road. ' Mr. and Mrs. :Peter S. Fisher .of Toronto, are visiting with the former's mother, Mrs, Peter Fisher. at the pot office. •• Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert WellwoOd and family and Mt. and Mrs. Frank Haw - son and family are spending'a -short • holiday at beach, Mr. Peter W. Scott ef Belgrave, is attending a meeting of the- Grand Lodge of.,Ancient Free and Accepted Masons now in session at Port Ar. tiara Ma. ai-id Mrs. Cecll' 'Orchard and little daughter left on Tuesday after-, nodn foe Warminster, Borehann En The beat wiShes of a. host of -Men s go with theta ,tO their new home Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Posliff and aim, Harry, returned on Monday' ft.om a ;motor trip •to Listowel, -Stratford, Newton and Pordwich. They were accompanied by the former's mother. Mr. atul Mrs. W. C, Austitt tttul 'two little daughters, Mary and 'Mon- ica, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lyites attcl Vita° • 'little daughters, PIC:stored• ft•om Kiteheaer and spent Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. W. N. Aus- tin t LOCAL AND GENERAL 1 -logs are quoted this week at $13.5o • per cwt, Read Isarcl'a Anniversary Sale an- • nouncement o11 page 6 of this paper. Dr. Irwin's dental office will be closed from July 2211d, to August isth. Dr, R. L. Stewart is moving to his new quarters in the Chisholm block which he recently purchased, • On Sunday next, July eard., St. Paula Church Sunday School will meet at to o'clock itt the morning instead of 3, Mr. J. G. Stewart has sold Mr. C. D. Beninger's residence on Diagonal Road to Mr. Harry Hopper of Bel - grave. , Mr. Jas. Allen has accepted a pos- ition with the Dominicth Chautatiquas, Limited, and reported for duty at Stratfordaan Saturday, Mr. Prank MacLean met with a painful accident in the MacLean mill -one day recently, when he smashed a finger in a cog wheel. What opinion does a person lona of a than who is continually preaching how 'very mean and unscrupulous his Opposition busines man is? J. j. Kerr accidentally put his auto pump in another car on Saturday by mistake. Would the owner of the car kindly return it to him or leave at this office. Dr. Redmond intends leaving on July 24th, with his farnilay for a four weeks' holiday in the Muskoka Lakes. They will stay at Epwarth Inn, in Lake Rosseau, Rev. Mr. Scobie of Whitechurch, oc- cupied the pulpit of St. Andrews Pres- byterian church on Sunday evening. Mr. Harry Carson of London, delight- ed the congregation with a solo. A delegation • of coancillors from Goderich will be in Wingham on Wednesday afternoon to inspect our new pavements and get information regarding cost of construction. • Auto marker 206715 belonging to Mr. John 1VIcliay, Route 4, Ripley, was found by Mr. Thos. Gaunt, Route 5, Lucknow, and has been left at Henderson's store, Whitechurch. Audry Barnes and his father, play- ers in Ailsa Craig Baseball team were badly hurt when they gollided when running- to catch the same ball it a game at Lacan on Thursday, the aath inst. Farmers' Picnic The United Farmers of North Hur- on will hold a picnic in William Dun - bar's Grove on Tuesday, July 25th. R. W. E. Burnaby, president of the U. F. 0. and the Canadian Council of Agriculture, also Mr. J. R. Reynolds, president of the 0. A. C. It is also expected that Miss McPhail will be present if her father's illness is not too serious. Better Than Teaching The last three graduate stenograph- ers of the Canada Business College, Toronto, began at•an average salary of a little over one hundred dollars per month. Enrol now for the Fall Term at the Canada Business College, (Spotton School) Winghain. The only college in Wingham. Situations guar- anteed all graduates. Write for par- ticulars. Cyclone Struck Palmerston At four o'clock on Monday a Cy- clone struck Palmerston uprooting trees and unroofing Wall's grist mill, demolishing barns and garages and blaming In dwelling windows. Some maples fifteeen inches in • diameter were cleanly wrenched off six inches below the Surface. , The cyclone moved east between Minto and Wallace Townships, dam- aging the farin buildingsof Nairns, V. Malletts, McEachern and others, For- tunately no lives have been reported lost, although Constable Melville had a narrow escape in being blown against a building to which he clung until the storm passed. Heavy rain fell at the same time and sharp flashes of lightning. Of Interest To Lovers of Real Music An event of much interest to music lovers took place on Tuesday even- ing, when Miss Gordon and her tal- ented class of young musicians gave their annual recital at the home of Mrs C. N. Donaldson. The program was thoroughly enjoyed. Each num- ber had received much thotight, care- ful practise and had been memorized, Duet—Moszkowski Spanish Dances, Shirley Donaldson arid Miss B, Gor- don. Otto Barth—On Parade and Vespet Bells, Mildred Redmond. Duet—Mero, Hilarity Parade, Vesta Fox and Louise Thompson. H. A. W011enhaupt—Morcean Car- acleriatique, Ruby Dickson. Duet—Englemann Marche Militaire, Ruby Dielasoit and Georgina Goy. Th. Ktillak—Dance on Lawrx and Evening Bells, Louise ThetnPsOn, Lasson—Creacendo Brown—Valset. le op. II—Muriel Redmond. • Back—Minttet, Vesta Fox. Duet—Englemann, At 1:4111 Tilt, Ruby. Dickson and Georgina Goy. Stella Mo r se Livsey—Mimature Melodies, Olive Tiffin • Grieg--Wedding Day at Troldhaug. en; T. Schytte—Onward Over the Steppe; Chopin—Military Polonaise; E. Janowaki—D'jorah (Forest Rom- aine) Shirley Donaldson, • Miss Donaldson's interpretation of "Onward Over The Steppe" was very fine awl in (Forest Romance) the expression Was beatitifally brotight Out. After the program refreshments were Served and a delightful evening WAS enjoyed by all preaein anima+ 11111111E111 111 Subscriptions: MOO P cc, , 43,1'3 Ric - ANNQP.Nc.F.MEN.17.. “Moirs.: We now have in stock the wonderful chocolates manufacture by 'IlVfoirs" at Halifax, Canada. The coating on these chocolates is as smooth as velvet and nn- equahled by any other maker while the centres, creams, nuts, etc. are .10, simply delicious, , The bulk Chocolates sell at 6oe and 8oc per pound, none cheap-- er. The box Chocolates are $Loo, $z.25 and upwards. Try a pound or a box and if you have never tasted "Moirs b it convinced that they are the best ever. SPECIAL THIS WEEK END—A DELICIOUS CONFECTION 40c Jelly Squares, for 25c lb. NOTE—The by-lawof the town of Wingham require Drug and Stationery Stores to close at :8 p. nt, hence our store hours are now 8 a. rn..ae 8 'p. m., with exception of Saturdays and evenings before • a legal holiday. ' .onaspnessocinacumar.unaoasurnmaummaszt, .MCKth The Rexall Winahare, Ont. IC11E111E111 111E11 111E111 11 II 111E111 111 ru tore ruggist =Z. Phone 35; IIIRMINIISIIIISIM/g1111 111 mum iffittoisintsci' Institute Picnic The Wingham branch of the Won en's Institute will hold their annu picnic at the home of Mrs j Rei 9th ,con. of Turnberry, on Wednesday aftetneort, July, 2dth, Conveyances will be provided and all are requested to meet at the rest roorn not later than , FBloocw1nockoaff Load of Hay , Mr. James McDonald of the 8t1i con., is suffering with a broken arm and a shaking up as a result of bein blown off a load of hay on Monda eveningnwhen the big storm came up He was standing on top of a peake load when a sudden gust took off th top part of the hay carrying Mr. Mc Donald with it. He landed on hi shoulder and right arm, which wa broken. The boy, who was driving hung onto the 'rack and saved himsel front being blown off.—Teeswate News. New C. P. R. Agent Wingham 5, Lucknow 3 Wingham Baseball Team played, n al League game in Lucknow on Tuesday evening and; won by a•score of 3 to 5 from the ;LucknoW-Lochalsh team. This ginie. ViactiCally 'makes Wing - ham th-e,'wir),rters of this group and they will step into the semi-finals, The game was good at -times. Fell Off Bain Roof What might-havebeen a Very ser- ums accident happened to Mr. Andrew Ferguson, Belgrave, when he fell off the roof of his barn, a distance of at least 25 feet to the groand, He was patching the roof when a shower of rain came up and made the roofslip- pery' he thus lost his footing and fell S S to the ground. 'Fortunately no bones were broken but his ankle is sprained f and he has a few nasty cuts and brais- • es about the face, On June 3oth., Mr. W. E. Brawley received notice that he had been ap- pointed C. P. R. agent at Wingham and last week he moved his farnily to that town. Mr. Brawley had been C. P. R. agent here for about three years and during that time he and his family made a host of friends, who though sorry to see them leave, are pleased to see Mr. Braw/ey promoted. We can safely say he was one of the best agents Gorrie ever had, always ready to accommodate the public.— Gorrie Vidette. • Wingham citizens are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Brawley and family as residents of Wingham. Drowned At Bayfield A sad tragedy occurred in Bayfield on Monday, July loth., when little Earl Merner, nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs, E. Merner, was accidentally drowned in the lake. A high wind had been blowing over the week -end and the water was unusually rough. A very hot day tempted several to indulge in a dip among whom was the little lad for whoin the waves were too strong. This is the fitst drowning in years in this. vicinity where generally the bathing is per- fectly safe. Drs. Tillman and Met- calfe were called but could only pro- nounce life extinct. The funeral was held on July rath., from the Presby- terian church. matovertmeotenevareounameencomarinerrnmmostorgruravargammetneetzamen Give Us A Trial Mr. 1'. H. Gibson wishes to an- nounce to the public that he is now settled in the bakeshop which he re- cently purchased from Mr. A. J. Nich- olls, and respectfully solicits your pat- ronage. Mr. Gibson will endeaeour to turn but nothing -but the very highest quality of bread, 'buns and all other pastry. Quality and service at reason- able prices will be the watchword' of the Central Bakery. Struck By Auto Young' Andrew Malcolm, a son of Mayor Malcolm of Listowel, was hit by a motor car driven by Mr. W. A. Miller, who has a cottage on the beach on,Wednesday evening. He was tak- en' to the 11T -11e of his grandmother, Mrs. Bissett, where Dr. Helliwell dressed his wounds which were for- tunately not serious,—Kincardine Re. - view. We understand the auto was moving very slowly when the little lad darted out in front of it and that the driver was in no way to blame, .• ivtARmED. Prentice--Hartt—At St. Pauls Church, ou Tuesday, Jaly nth., Hugh Mil- ler Prentice, to Edith Mildred Hartt, both Of Wingham. Rev. H. W. Snell officiated 1111COXIIMM11.511119113.P.1.120,221.11.ill D wn They ut T ey 4ust G All that's left of- our Spring and Summer Stock will be sold at prices you can't ignore, and that will force you to buy. Men's, Women's, Boys', IVIisses' and Children's Footwear of any and all sorts must go. We want the room and we want the money. We don't want the shoes. SEE OUR LARATN TABLES Now is the time to Shoe the family. Come at once. ;EER MattliattiMatrt 4.111".1 t* Vel •