The Wingham Advance, 1922-07-13, Page 7day, Juiy 13, 1922., What Have You Got For What You Paid? BY BRUCE BARTON ' • A man, who -Wee ferrnetly an oft of one ot the big tYliewriter eenillan old me this etory recently: " 9'ehools that teach gials to, be •st ea,apaosa uee. a great many typewrit and have alWays purchased them a • lower, price," he, Each "I decided Make, an inveetigation to &term whether the sfchools were renderin real •s.ervice wd, oul continuing d,eal ' With them ore t basis. A.c,cordingly I invited the pr eipale a a dozen of the „school's lunch with• me, and put the thing up the•rn bluntly. "What right have your sehod. exist?! I , demanded. 'The pub . _ •sehto.oist -ggve glees prie•dately toe se training :that you offer; whiat ite .yto exonste for being, ianYwaYr • "There. wee moment silence, a then, a gray-haired man spoke. 1' 11'.11.ansivver that,' he staid. 'Our ease for "existing la that we Charge' t girls twelve dollars. a month. Yon It , right in saying that theeeciated get t earne• training- in the public school but they didn't got it, and they wet. Why? Bemnse k!S free, thats wh But atter they' have graduate.d th collie tons and we charge them tivel d'ollars, a month. And they get som thing because they pay soniethinge. There 'ealniost a template. syeite of philosophy in, that story. 1 thought about it a good many time and' partieulaaey in' relation to t ...Period of deflation. and deetress fro witch we are juet emerging. Walla paid aepaintinaheavy price during 'tiaa periled; "what have we got. for what w I may not be able to 'amirwer th n nequeetion for you, 'but I caanswer • foe1.11Ylf for quite a good man people whom I have Met in the bee nese world, ' ,thefirst place,. we are back on. eanermore whole...Settle basis of liven • The preetident of one melioration sai recently: "We have' abolished melees entity • ties•that were costing u.s. in the neigh horhood of a mon dollars g year." Another buainess man reina;r1ted; "I did twenty per cent. leiss' lanaiatee ties Sanitary titan lastd and' mad thirty per , Cent, more proilt. .1 hay. teainied ochur organimation dowel like a athlete." • The ri," ease war years niade u careless and fat. We. let useless rex p'esansta fasten thenitselvez on us, an eeelees actiVities saP• Qua- reefouree andestrengths The •deflation was lik a. fever; it Tett us weak but pointliall nanclehealtheer. cial dee The F.'171,1[11,i1,‘ ItE WXNG/IAN atOVAIWR .....11V'.WATfRY'.BIA)Q1) if Not Cork7Ciell.04,'Seriolas Resuli$ May Follow. ib no trouble is delay or neglect more dangerous than apaemite a pov- B"11-' erty of the blood. It verY tioininon ers in young girls awl in netsone who are overWin'ifed or Confined in with0,eors. to It makes its approach in se stealthy a ine ie that it is often well developed,- g a before its presence is recegnized. put; taken in time there Is atonic his medicine which increasea the number ef red blood' conyeeelea, thus enabling the blood to carry the litagiving oxy- gen to all the tissuee of the body. Dr. Williame" Pink li.ave lead Inticla 18•11COeSS in the treatment of tires stub- born trouble becauee of this wonder- ful property. 'I'he corre,ction ot allq61./11C coadI time by Dr, ,Wllliam& Pink Pills is as, certein' as, anything can be, Take as an examiale 'the case- of Misa MarY Ice.1117, Charlotte.town, P.E.I,, 'who agars :--"Sly blood was thin and watery and my system very much nindOwn.. could not do any 'weak or walk. '"up- „ stairs without resting. I suffered greatly trona headaches, my appetite was poor and I was also triouble( with indtigestion., I began taking Dr.. Wile llama' "Pink Pills • and in a short time the results sheared they were just- the ,medicine• 1 needed. I only used eisi boxes but am now feeling stranger and better than I have done 1 or several Frain Years. Promy pert -tonal experience I can 'strongly recommend Dr„ Wil - to to t4) lic 1110 ur nd he re. he ey ve e - e m' ve s, the vb at it 1- a n e And wha,t,ia••trueof material thIge istrue equa•By of spilzettawl. A cele- brated economiet recently needle a • atuelly of chrarch mentherelatip and. at- elenclanc,e ii relation to petriods of pros- , verity and depression. He found :that •antra ,'Inenaberehip declinesin pros - perces tiniest and inereaseeduring periods of deprestsion. 'With trouble • 1113VII 11131, with the quitokly, gotten gains et 'easy- years gone,' Nre tam ...,back to first Sprceplee-badi to . oureh•omes, • -.nip Panel -los; and the church. • Years agoRalph .12-ii.1altio. Extrenson, etet forth the &teat la,* which operates ee seinen-4M but so .serely through.. the, • , , . . univerefe-the lavu'of eenapensation. "Polarity,. or atetion .anici. reaction, meet M every part of natutee' he wrote "In deritneest and light; in heat:and cold; in .the ebb and flow of :waters; in./bale and.female; in the inspitation , • „ and ,expfratioint. of plants; and ..atilitinalse th the 'stole and.dieettode, 0± .the • 'heart SuPeeigtduce Magne•tister.akerie el'id 0± a,•:niee'Re;.:he, take,ts•nilat4eanthet *ether 'enlai'eoLY's the 'seethe eiteraeltin eOrth .Th± leer weiteseavelaWieet. • atlos.. and natieris. Ift. will tot, bebIi ..ed of its end:th'. the sse.allesit itoteee er. If lire, goisernment-dis ,crud, flie..goilitare, or's, life Is not safe: leedennakethe, criminal cOla;e, "Saingliritiank, jeriee wi • not •conviet:'' "For everything you have ZISSOd you have gamed as.omethang else; .end, , • . toe •evettnithin,g you gain you toed seine - them,” . W'hetiter your.acc.ent this dearlue, in . , or not, none of us can deny that action ,anti, r.sactiten do' tend. to, 'equal- ize each othet; that every geoid thing •hue 'its pilled, and every. seeming nt- fiietii�n some reconvene. "The gods,” staid Emerson til an- other place, "Sell everything to men at, a fair ,price," The:thing wheel) is Offered, to es free eail to profit from, as in the eaee of the 'gills at the typeWrite•r sehools.' The things tor 'which we heveepaigi ar1l7-elillechiriee.' U .be tih suceesS a . Or t1113.' hatql1:110$1' '13CE. Olisr ehildgietn, os' oar oWn spiritism' Vintaty -ls mere palecionsilplati ratteo, , 1, And no eipertiente in, lite can be 1-steny aSelayed, except as: we ask our• - tenses: "What did it gille est of' last- ing vatac adid.whaft WAS the plane?" F. Jealousy is the fear of 1.,sgaur oisin inferiority. • The apoinp an,d ,cireenietance" of the )3ritielt law courte wil± maitene con- cessions to the wagtail. barrister, She • IFS •iiiitetadt to, present' hox,self in •"an ordinary 'hairriettere Wig" large elletigh atempletely to covet and tendeal the • hair"; sate Mint -also, don tile barrio. teres gewn, and ether it Wear itillests "plain, black ter very -dark, high to the neck, with itcyne eleervesa, and not Shortee time thegiowo'i With high plebe • Vitibite onlaay ititt bkt3IVIster's liande," Mame' Pink Pills," • These pills are sold by, all medicine • , dealers . or will be sent by mail a,t 60 conte a box or six boxes for $2.60 by The Dr. Williaine' Medicine Co,, Brock- ville, Ont. •• • Plano Leather Costly. . ,• Tit.noteoitlylte,thinthe worifile zvnts,pL3stit. • are really quite gentile," says a naturalist; "thee make no at- tempt; to sting-Y,en if you are qaiet, in yaw rnniv-eineirt." • A Clever Fox., Ankoric vivo rrillavrous, tine, eel's e eerreapocedent, that. Upiele, fOX heater or more than .terty years' 'ex- POrienee, need to, tell miesaithen 1, liv118 bOY tilile onOtWAYS) seemedto me the most remarkable; • Oose taire PartionlarlY Wary old fox bed been exasperatingly saceessful in eluding my unieleegoed dogs, of Which. hal e Pair that Were unexeelled for tracking; they. • were ' tePeatedtly. brenglat to a. standstill in a cleared 'field some twenty aeree in area. They always failed either to ("rive the game to, den or to Pick e.P • the lost 'trail, Again and again my encle carefully examined every ,foot of Use incloeure and. et the ground round the walls Without finding. any trace of .a burro* or of other refuge. When the first s,noar cama he hoped to enive, the inyetegy, but hie hunittng that day followed the usual course; though he could find in the snow the Sly fellow's, tracks. leading into the field,' he could discover no sign of his hay-km.10e it. , 'Nor in, fallowing the traelt of the fox round the,,field. could he see anY Piece where the creature night have hidden. While he searched, the puezled dogs, . , baying etheir aleanpearstment; ' con- tented to run' ancer.tainly over the snow. The equally puzzled hunter no, ticed that they frequently patersettnear a. big- boulder that with- a near -by group of tallaherniock trees ',mike tire clear latiarta.ca of the field As he drew near the rock and the trees the dogs-, aniffing the air, circled, . retied the boulder and among the tree trunks. Then my. uncle obseinted• fi?! the Bret time that one of the trees had 'partly fallen, and had lodged againet two of its neighb.ors. As he .glancecle Wong the- inclined ,trunkhe catight a glinipee Of' a bliortch of ,red among the inter-. locking brandies.. „He •firect at it, and the fox' fell„dead frosn tib e tree. •• My' ande was now. Wile to sea that the cunning fellow, eftor first, citolnes round the field, had,takesi a long spring ±0 the ton" ofthe boulder, Which the wind h,ecl swept hate of' snow - then he had made a secoed spring to the inclined trunk, 1.115, which he had run toll's, snug hiding place alining the branchee • . fainarcrs Liniment for sale everywhere Surnames and • Their Origin SHANL:Y. Variations -Shanley, Mao8ha. iy, Mac - •Shanley. • Racial Origin -Irish. Source -.-A given name. Like the vast majoritY of Telish and Scottish family., names, those in this group are variations of a claci name based upon the given name of the leader who- founded the clan The foregoing, o -f course, are but Iran tranalationsaet the clan name ditto English, the Geefic form of tne name being "O'Seanleolch." It is not an un- usual thing ±0. see substituted n pre- exed "Mac" for an "0," orevice versa, in translating a Gaelic tribal "name in- to Englieh. ' As.a matter ot fact, thensubstantion frequeetly 'le, .roade by 'one branch or etept of the, clen even in Ga,dic. And this., bolds' good for the Soottesth• High- lanide as, -well as for Ireland, - for, though not many people in this coun- try realize it, the prefixed "0'" is quite frequently found among the Scots. It Its not however, so COMMOI1 thereas le Ireland. , The- O'Shanly dam '.(for the Gael eironommes the name glraost exactly thieway) wasafor centuries strongly esbabliehed in County Leitiren. It was 'founded by' a chieftain named "Sean- '. this given name . being eons- -Pounded. of the Gaelic wards for""Old" :and .eherae • ERSKINE • Racial Origin-scottish, • Source -A locality. Soo.ttieth family names, that is, family names b,orne by Highlandere, 'which are developments...eat place melee, are considerably less common than those which are derived from given names and indicate • clans or septs to which the !teeters belong or from which they are deacended. the G03110 time they are eonsiderably more common than. Irish family names that are traceable to place natnes. There was a tendency among the Scots, whenever special reasons, royal edicts or otherwise, made a change in family name expedient, to adopt a place name, where. thee Irish simply changed their mantes as a rule to the English equitialeiits„ Erskine is one of the Scottish names which have come. from 'a place name, and so there ie nothing in the name Reece to ,show whet clam. the Original bearers may have been numbered with, or whether they were Highlaudere at all. It 16 the sort of name tbat night have been atdopted even by an, Englishman Who had lived in the locality ofethat name, whioh i.s. in Reutrewshire, and ft is quite possible that the name is borne by deseendants of several dif- ferent clans,. Only a specific geneae logical research will establish in the individual case the, race of the ancest- ors from whoreethe name is inherited. 0/151 111,10,1 P.OST isevisitat „ewes -save ficlesS citurri'agMlien The world's good judgment approves this cup • CH, refreshing and satisfying-, Posturn brings the endorsement of discriminating people everywhere. tV -POstiirri Meets all the derriands- of table drink—it imposes no penalties upon •!ae-ves or digestion. - Made instantly in the cup at the table An economical drink for health and efficiency. Instant Postom "There's1 a Reason "s Made by Ceoadfn Potteuntberel, Con IsttneWied s „Seen s Lane! se aas t" ::14,24J .••• ' A .GAircleo,„ Prayer. Izr,:orve tanumwr .gAirdon 1t lee gtew , Amid the a w'eetnase of rentembeted • things, a • • • , 7,nectinsieir,s.sad a climbing rose that To OMR+oisl rustic tiihotr brewn and low; • , Stili ,Iet mot linger where the larkspur • blow Like blue • sea water -that the storm wind dings Upon :white 'rain •etweIst beadtee! my • heart shags, ' • - With happiness here; ',Mid these bloorns' I know; Transplant. me 'not, 0 Gardener, • let be My 'intertwined ,roote in tiiisone spot Where the glad , earth receivesme, here • loves, tranms- •.LAesre, s ka*P .yor ,tjmo ors, rmlnerY nt nier - plaate not, • In trey great locembaegs 1 Pine ansi but -Elizabeth Scollsard, The Moonbeam. ,sat in ray garden And nothtiog dlct I see e But a milky moonbeam Tangled ite a tree. Tangled in an oak tree And trailieg on the grass - And there came a lover And canght it for h±5 lass He caught it and bound it And twined it in her hair, And oh! but he was tender! And oht but she was fair! So erewitestwith the moonbeam , Ste ant as on a throne -- Until they tired of dallying Aild.I was left alone, So 1 eat in my garden A.nd nothing did I see But a milky moonbeam Tangled in a tree.. •Tangled in an oak tree . And trailing on the grass - And is there ne'er a, lever Can keep it for his. 'ass? --,Gorton. Veeder Carruth: ITORPIOTKIVi.ROM: Once a znothe•rhas listed Baby's Owe, Tablets, for her little, ones she would not be without them. They aro the ideal home remedyfor the babY; being gearanteed tobe asol butely free from • . , , opiates or other harmful drugs. They are a gen.tle but thorough laxative and have been proved of the greatest aid in cases of constipation, indigestion, colicecolds a•nd simple fevers..., • Con- cerning them • Mrs. Ernest Gagne, Beausejour, Que., writes: "I have used BabY's Own Tablets for consti- pation and colic and have foiled thena so successful that I would not be with- out them. I would strongly recom- Mend -every mother to keep a box in the house." The Tablete are eold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. _ _ A Da.y. It may be senny-it may be g'i-e3F-- INrhatever it is, it is God's, own, day! A bit of His, time He ,has lent to you, To learn', some lesson -seine task to e do! It may be bright with a sunlit track: It may be shadowed with ,storm clouds , black: , But take it pluckily! Make it fair! Show you are worthy -to walk just . there! The,re, may- be s•ong---or there may be iione! The world nray Praise YOU- for work • well -"denel •, Or, mayb,e,' only Omnipotent. Sight Shall see .and-shatl.judge. your journey- ing right! • But, Whether the road 13e rough, or end With moss for footing its path, nay friend, Remember this', as you tread its way, You mast make it, grand -1t is God's owe day! Gapd. • Peach Perfume. , The flagrance of is peach is surely one of the moist delicate and delicious in -the world. Where a quantity of the fruit fully ripe is heaped tog•ether, the 'bouquet" intoxioates, the nostrils, ' "Chemists. 'have recently' ' mad.e a /studyof the Odorous ,constitnents, of ripo. peach pulp •and have felted that they are 11, rather complex compel-1nd of acids, esters, etc. Ily distillation of the pulp, they obtained small quanti- ties of an esSential en, limpid, pale yelloW, and with, a very 'fragrant and intense peachetke oder. On cooiteg, it feinte,c1 a transiparent noltd.. . Itaatreans, were found for utilizing tibial essential ofil of peach in the Manu- facture of peirfumee :had ponati.dee, it snight Immesh t weleaslie codetrillatio.n toRet Mud Rini, Prevent Skidding • on Slippery Roads. 811p5iety: 'dirt' retitle, ,the hone of Motorists, have b.eten Safeguarded' against by tho,. production a a metal rand rine Which is lasitened to the ore 1.4 a manner someWthat eat that ueed With thee,conenoir eabafpn,. 'With this aCtessorry, Whieh can lab attached In two ineintets, the driver earl, travel safely °ear lamely roads, torn in and oat of,..'deep ',tufa at Will. And always have 'the ear' natter ("depleteeontrol, since ekiddieg 10 pneetioally 1,,b4f,,fa tia.. „.. Music's Influence Growing. Tbe induenee of music bp oor Citzsa- sitan communities le greWing, and ,tnlarleikei:;e"ilnolifeethteetteveubiel, jtie-beilligorrliSelerd teies,tnrnuitltcle•tonoTe:lie tor tb9wvieesS)godnuodwn The growing. tornli1411ty With muffle wbieui people ate getting tbreltigh- lave phonograph and plea/sr-Pliant/at in, their n:eales, gives nee to a keeper desire, to hear the tratelelan Pc tee ileab, 60a. tahne, Sareerwesrzaitabgniatoteffittite: jatorginallispiem;aft. plays, in the life of the people leads to •a desire on the part of perente, 'to Pre' pane their children to lake their ceafre thie development, Ouricluty as citizens of this Dognint- oa ehould he to see that the rising generation absorbs a real love for good na11,5i0. We should utg,te our chiltlren to ,lesar it whenever ooesible and still inore to take part in et, for in the mak- ing of musee lies it4 greateet joy. The world war taught us much of Whet we did, not realize music contil d,o. It certainly woke irs, aP• Its power to stimulate and to comfiest; to steady the nerves and to inraindain morale both at the front and at home was a tevelationk Music is just as much needed to -day -PeesIbly mote needed than during the war. These titime et peace and re- construction have their acute and nerveara,eking problems. One of these Is the unrest abroad in the land, The manienance of eocial harmony is:the great need to -day. itis the morale of peaceetime, and music is Just as poWen•. Zir.-atnimaeid in, secnring it as it was in Since music has a, great public func- tion .to, perform bersidee its,ald to th,e individual, its use shoulci be promoted in the eoninatnity. The time is, come lug when city governments throughout the land will lose no opportunity to Shows a friendly haterest in the mutsical activities of their cities, for theY wiB realize that beyond the tremendoas. vete-getting poesibilitiea municipal authoraties owe a grea,t debt tecthe men and W0131011 who are inalotog a.nd enjoyng tale rousic'of the day. — GemsOf Truth. Telling people you believe them cap- able ef doing Svogadets is the best way o make them attempt ite Th.o.se eot accustomed to saffexing. easily imagine that (Mei are knereie- Certain substances are in thein elves harmless; mixed, with others• hey become dangerous. Sowith car - in people,. Devotion to a mirage is more tea. dogs than devotion, to a reality. Getting drunk on champagne ±5to leaner than getting driank n on elle hisky. They who lack nothing know not hat they might be capable of if they eked everything. All who Canna ,bave-childrian, would ke to have twelve. When I thank of the hadale,n suffer- gs in life I feel less pity far the vies le ones. An audience is never so uniform at the orator doesnot wound Sallie Y hits severity and exaggeratiort and ave othets indifferent because of his dulg,eince,"and lack or force. Wo may dia of shame; but shame metintes Ins,ltes less live. There are times, when we weep out all proportion. We am, releasing , accumulation of tears forcibiY *me ed up on other oecazione Sons of the Vikings. There are two types of people in orway--the tsa, hardy blond and a ort, -dark race. The bkodai are des- ,nicited from a. people who originallY me from the Causcasian Mountains. a dark ra.ee inhabited the Peniusula, an, early period and, the darker pee are descendants trove these peo- e. Hone•sty, aimplicity and kindliness e. three virtues for which the Nor - gimlet are espemity noted. From eir brave Vilticg ancestors they k- ilt their fearlessness aind love or the a. Norwegian society bears the rennin, n of being the mot demociatio in whole of Europe. There are no vileged classete and no °riders of Ility. Almost three-fourtles of the pie, live in rural communities along coast anti fitordia here are very few in the interior, many of tire high, bans, mountains Wholly uniabatilted, l'he people very religions, and NorwaY is, eon - Jed the most Chritstian. and most testant country fax the world, „ MONEY ORDERS. ay your out-of-town stoma:tits by etnion Express Money Order. leive ars coats three cents, „te 15 Pc ib th le so of 8111 na sh ce ea Th at Pi we se ISa the pri nob eeo the and are are side Pro Don Doll • How She Got Even. A young woman ; was ttommiesioned by her father te buy some, necitieta She- theught ,she kneW exa.cthlot What hie witint.ed. Sh,e, woe sere she kat* What she wanted hlin to have, andain peay event She dPI bot need the tattelistance of the clerk. But the Olerk had a great tlaal• Of .aclyleo tagire, and pie galre it Inc a iliO.Pahttaggresleive,nlanner 'Whflah 'wes:ineist obniebtiotts kthe yeang WO- • mare Pinaily she Was shown a line of gorgeous purples, • "There," staid the aerie -with aga iti p•ertinently knolyliag an11151 l'as ;Sure hell like- ono of those. '.All thle young man like them?' • '.the gittglabeed ,at theft indifferent, ly„ and then at the young Man, sma ir tile ea*, hies ter ,thiSsfiteat time . hes. net isa yoiznmg alS' 701 ere," . 84. ,astle. "He's, a.'firil-gattelatin Man" Stanertea Leerneist kelleVel Neer:sells 'ISSUE No• Ff.'7.1•7,1rIlill','"e' "nags sanseissee, ' MILNE SAYS RE • FEELS GOOD AS NY JAN IN CITY After Effects of 'Flu' Over, come and He is ,airinzful of New We #14 Elier,Of Since Taking Tn I _a , • Deolare$ Halifax Citizen. "Tanlac built rne up right from tbe st:ri,a4A,Iciritwvvetintisly4aI eebviptoesttlirtert:holstalstl•oetIr nian nc dkanie; 65% nirratughp34 St., Hebraic, -"rha.d the 111u' a"year ago and it left me ea -weak 1 could h,airdly get about. MY aDleettite was so, poor I barely ate enough to keep from istrarvi.ng. When I tried to work I would give out and eouldn't even do the smallest job. Some days I Was so weak I couldn't crank a, mr, As time passed and 1 saw tie irnprovem,ent I felt like giving up, "Tan:late brought back my health and I arn now full of life and energy. The man who,told me about this medicine did me a good turn .and I want to pees tthe good word along." Taniac is +solid by all good druggists, Advt. impossible Bay. . Angers. IVIadAtvish was the only graeer ilvuolthgeoilnigttiaeb0S.7..totlitth b,vasitgt8es, lalv:orneat.itaea,FooM:: heenthaides'ed sheirsiviiehop. d you u for ye no' disaniec my lad this is week *as, enandboy?" she asked. • "Yes," said the grocer; "I did, 1am sorry to say that he was far too slow and lazy." ,"Wee]," said the woman, "it's like thig. He's to be pitied. He's whit they ca' is -somnambulist-waits in hie S11311eY1);sy,e.yekr"---irrtexrupted tite grocer.' "Thatit'a alt right. I could get on quite weal with a lad who walked in hie sleep; bet I can't putelp with one who sleeps, in. his walls!" kit wC41.1:::eg" ITAVOV.044,_ ,,Xlifir,A,h,VPrAi i' ,A,d10' rah 1"7; ‘,: , N 4.A.V11 tor ct, wpeiqy, newspaper. iti twice Price mien he attraet5ve,„:e0e fell intermatiest to "1,Sninten Seliblialp Co., Ind., 73 aseelaide, St, ; Yee 'iliennottitiat ' ''''''''.------------------":elIPallaSellieD BlaLTS 'AND' .:S01:: . Se ev ed e te,binfi.1 '3.C.ilta,b,zia.T.daor,i3r4Toe.aeo:nte.lit.iine co,7C;13•tio:"I'19! t 18.1 e,:t 01 i aNt olflai!„' ra F:o. i doRtvo('' ;4 miming and Soothing, the nerves.. ..................................• , Methyssts have .tbe tievotetlo ' AiflethYsts Soothe Nerves„, . . :47,--7--,------,, elt,?Op piityniaetirnh nglytouiseoIfweitnit 11110 d .m ni elleerfel life ,eian be, • In snaking Yolir trY to males yelarsellf agreeable te others., arid th,tie 'help to make the worlIct go round more harrnonionsbe ' e Akularteem Pawnor:iv Door nemettil Botta on' 130G ISILASE. and Stow to Weed di -sea ,he the Au er, leatiltall'I'lreto anyet .4-d B. CAGy Glovoe .s,'Xifigss 120' watts' 24th Street New York, 11.8.4, OA SE SALT L N WS A L T Ralk Carlota TORONTO GALT WORKS 0, sg., CLIFF s TORONTO Yannoutie Mareh. 24, 1921. The Secretary of the Yarmouth. Ath- letic Association, wh,o, were the dune. pions for 1920 of the South Shore League and Western Nova Scotia Baso Ball, states, that during the summer the boys used MINAleD'S LINIMENT With Very beneficial results, for sore muscles, brultiess and sprains. It is cousedered by the players the beet white liniment ocx the market. EMIT team should be supplied with this cele- brated remedy. (Signed) JOSEPH L. Lel3LANC, Sec'y Y. A, A. A,, Champions N. S. South Shale Leagee, 1920. Cuticara onderfid For Ye'mi flmi C3n retiring rub spots of dandruff and itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next rooming shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. This cleanses the scalp of dandruff and promotes hair health. &manic. Oiehtnent25ndISte. TelteanSa Sold throughout theDorninion. CaeadianDepou tyamo, Linitea, 344 S. Peal St., W., Montreal. ''iCatieura Soap shaves without nulta., A TUE EVERY CHANGE To Recommend Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound, for It Helped • Her So Much Fredericton, iL 13.---"I was weak and had some troubles women often have, and usually I was unfit for my work. I saw your adverti.seinents and decided to try Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. I atm very much pleased with the result and recommend your Vegetable Com- pound whenever I have a chance. You may use this letter for the bene- fit of others,"-Mns, ViT-VSDLES-S, 3111) Church St., Fredericton, N. B. • Mrs. Wandlesa like many, many other women who have found relief' by taking Lydia, ]E, Pinkham's Vega; . table Compound, ie • anxious, to let other women knoW of this splendid medicine. So by word of mouth and by letter, one woman to another, its virtues are made known. • Women suffering from female ails ments, indicated by such symptonas as backache, nervous troubles, hot Bashes, pain in the side and a gen, eral run-down condition of the whole system, should take Lydia a Pink - barn's Vegetable Compound. For nearly fifty years it has been. ,helping women. Let it help you, Lydia It Pinkham's Text -Book npork "Ailments Peculiar to Women" wilt be sent you free upon request. Write te Lydia, E. Pinkham. Medieine Con Lynn, Mass. •UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, yo • are not getting AsPirin at all •r• Accept only an unbrqq,PacIta.ge" of "Eayer Tablets. • Aspirhii" WhICII coustahis diredion anraoie 'ivorke0. out 'physicians during 22 years and proved safe by niillionS lot • Colds .Headache Rheumatism, • Toothache Neuralgia - Neuritis '"Earache Lumbago: ' .Pafti, Pain trainly,"Bayerb'beice.•of si 'tableis-Aleo betties -of 24 and 1.00-1)X4nitits,. attanie la Me trade Mark erogiseirsa An i'cinaiN1),,iit'.hitY0i atiarftifiieinrn51 asetitesidesteree staleitikamis, while kvi•Otli Old A$PirIVI TRi.Vor Aria.nuatet0,,), td ildttleft tlrt. mee1s. asamet mealtime, 'the trews el iltyS Compton • win lie moraine with thenastern treda :mane tea "Basrei, 1