HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-07-06, Page 8Tfig WINcatAlvt DVANi;
raith St � ck
ant Sale Ever Held in Wingham
ery piece of goods in the Galbraith Stock will cut
', iw a i.ts and will be sold at sacrifice prices,
every iece of the old stock must go.
The Remnant Sale starts on
July 8th, at 8.
Ends Saturday, July 15th
Thiel sday;r»>iil-r.'6 113, 43,22.1
The many friends of Mrs, Albert
Tisdale, of Careen, Sask., (formerly
Miss May Reid), will be pleased to
hear she is homewain. At present
sheis with her brother, Mr,' Wilfred
Miss May hone left on Afonday for:
Guelph, where sl:ie.iwill take the Agri-
cultural Course for teachers in the 0,
Mr. Elgin Currie left on Saturday.
for Toronto, where he will mark .ex-
amination PaPers for
r-antinationpapersfor six weeps,,`
M:t, and Mrs. Jas. Young and sous
visited with her sister,. Mrs. Angus
McKenzie of Culross, on Seoday.
Mr. Alex McNell of Elora, visited
at the home of his cousin, Mr:i,' Mc
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Campbell of,
Wi,nghare, visited at the home of his,
parents at Marnoch on, Sunday,
We regret to 'report that Miss Mar-
garet Aitken has resigned her position
as teaehe.r• in S. S. No. ti.
• A Meat ,number of the people. of,
Calvin and Brick churches attended'
the picnic in Godetrielt on Friday, The
la inches were' kept busy; They all
report a splendidtime, and are looking'
forward to' another one.next year.
ivJr. and Mrs. Vanderwiek and two
children of Detroit, spent last week at.
the home of her aunt, :Airs. Thos.' Rob-
M. Wm. :Elollingshead, 1V1r. Neil
■ Shoa)tland and Miss Gladys Shortland
* of Arthur, spent the week -end at the,
home of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Leaver. .
Don't forget the lawn social at the'
l ome'of Mr. and Mrs. Witt. Robinson,
tinder the auspices of the Women's
Institute on Wednesday everting.
The Wightman;relatives held a pic-
nic on Friday, June 3oth at 1VIcDow
ell's. They report a good time.
■: ,
l 1
" r Attl.en of
IrsS 11
n ` !sere,
i at her home hohda t.
•b• n Mr. and Mrs. `Oliver Stokes "enter-
• tained a few of the` young people of
■ the tenth last Wednesday: evening:
• Mr. and; Mrs. Hutton were the
■ guests of Blueyale •friends last week,
■ Mr. and Mrs Teskey of Fergus, are
• visiting at the house of Mr. and Mts.
Omar Stokes.
® Mr. prnd.:Mrs. Alex. King of Wind-
sor, visited at 'the home of tate forni-
er's patents. Mr. and Mre. Job Bing
over the holiday, they came by motor.
=MI 1VIr. Job King, who recently pur-
chased land in New.Ontario, near
®. Matheson, Ontario, went, with aear-
ns■ load of settler's .effeets-,fromLisfowcl
last Thursday. \<,\Te voids him success.Miss Fern ,
teaching school 1in11Toronto who lisshome
®for the holidays.
Crop prospects are splendid in this
I'm-. vicinity. Baying is , commenced and
though short will make a very good
average. It looks like as if the barns
will be filled, We may say Praise
7A[r.: Andrew Wallace •of Oshawa,
was home for a few days:.holidays.
1V r. Bert Murchison of ••• Toronto,
'motored home and is spending- the'
holidays with friends here.
Mr.and Mrs.Reuben Appleby, also.
Mr. and Mrs John Query motored to
Niagara on Mond tv
Mr and Mrs Wesley Ainsley of Re
gina, are visiting with friends here. •
irsklmc, P..tl:e r 'r fro : '• ,as
i'naeover ,the we
el end
Mr. and Mrs. Robe Muir, Sr., and
Peter also Mrs. Thos. Wallace - and
baby visited last .week with Paisley
M Cecil.'I'!cNeil spent Sunday with
in re rio •e.
his . parents
� • Underwear Gloves,Staples les Men s
os er
� All hues � �� �p
iii Wear,
etc. on sale duringRemnant Week.
■ ■■■minis■■art®■®it■■■sfi■■io■■■■■■■tl■■a�■summin 0■■■■■■■■■i
,��■■els �
Watch for aurthcr announcement about this stand. It will
be of interest to you.
The Methodist Church' was packed
to the doors on Sunday evening, the
rq.ccasion beingthe annual orange ser -
:ion which was preached
Bro. Rev.
J. J 'P t'ers • B. A. who gave an ex-
sellertt discourse takrnl, his text from
Kings, 2nd. Chapter, "Be thou strong
;:therefore and show thyself.a man.".
The regular meeting of the Wom-
Institute will be held at the home
of 3vIrs. John Coultes, on Tuesday,
;fitly 1 ith. A demonstration on "Mak-
;frig Paper :Flowers will be given by
Mrs.` John Hopper, also a reading by
Mrs. John VanCamp. Roll Call, A
Tasty Dish for Stinday Dinners." Solo
'hby tL.ulte Procter. All are cordially.
The Rev. Colston G. Jones of Bel-
(rave, conducted the morning and ev-
services to Bonar I Y n
Church, Toronto, on S
uxdaY, Jul
Mr. and Mrs.
A. Horn of Tees -
•,water, spent a couple of clays with
Mr. and Mrs, "T', Proctor.
Mrs. Peter Robinson :and daughter
of Toronto, are spending a few days
withher sisters; Misses McGill s.:
Mr. Sutter) spent a few days with
his niece Miss Yule.
lIis. Shaw of Bluevale, spent a few
days with her sister,Mrs.J. A. Geddes.
Mr, and Mrs. Hoder and daughter,
Miss Gertrude of Dorchester are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs;, Joe Brandon.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Wray of London,
spent the week -end with Mr.' and Mrs.
Mr .and Mrs. Murray Johnson of
London, and Mr. George Ferguson of
Toronto, are spending a few clays with
their father, Mr. Jolul Ferguson.
Sorry to hear of Mr. Bert Bradburn
having blood poison in his arna„caused
from abad cut vvbile fighting
fire at
Mr. Chris Nethery's last. Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W.'Fer uson of Tor-
Onto are lr'eeweek-end • "V1.fiStorS with
friendsin the village.
' t�
Mr. E. Geddes spent the week=end
ix? Bayfield.
';, 11�Il�ig1111�1
Mr. • George Jordan has bought GodFront. Whom All Illesines F1 tv.•
another Machine intends running Mr. and Mrs: Bert McCall, of White -
two• outfits this season..
Rev. Peters preached to the Orange-
men on Sunday evening, there were.
sixty men present.
tx`t e t �
1 t -
Mr,Norman Stoneof se of London
is spending, a few clays with his par-
ents. t.
I■ 111!1
I.I I!llll.lil� 111111 Ill
®II ®1111111 I ► I
Illl�lll�lll�llllslll®I11�11!(sllisll) I Sall
1 at Your Very
H k
A Ur
onderfuI Days
Mrs. Robert Haines, Mr. and. Mrs.
Ed. Haines and Mrs. L' d..MacQuillan
spent the_zst. of July at Listowel.
Messrs. Neil Shortland, Wm. Hol-
enshead and Mr, MacNeil of Arthur,
Motored down and spent the week -end
at Peter Leaver's.
Quite a few f
tended the` anniversary at Lanes on
Sunday. .
Mr. Chas. Martin made a business
tripto �:b'ror1to last week. .
• i'diss Catharine O'Malley is home
for her holidays from Hanover. '
-Mr. John Champion spent a few
days with Victor Champion of Lang -
essts:• John • McGee' aucl Charles
Leaver motored to Kincardine to help
Mr. Stewart' McGee of :Wingham, :to
shingle Itis summer cottage.
The edngregation of Brick and Cal
Viaeliurch joined together and held a
successful picnic at Godericlt one day.
last week.
• 1tiss i\tads1it e O'Callaghan Who has
been attending High Sclool in Toron
to is home for the Holidays,
Mr. Cairn Aitchcson has returned
— hofhe from a trip to the West.
church, were - visiting at Mr. ' Will
King's on Sunday. •
Mrs. Peter Gibson and song Ernest,
`tisit•l�' at \I
are t r
of Hamilton,
Mr, • Moses" and
King's l[o c
ti S
and a
i W
r Ill it-• OIVI.
this - rC
other .relatives in _
the week -end.
Mrs. T. Hatnp, and daughter of Tor-
onto, visited 1.vith \1r.'and Mrs. Ber-
nice Payne over Dominion Day: .
Miss Donalda McDonald, who was
operated' on last week Tor appendicitis
is getting alone nicely. Dr. Groves
of `Fergus was the doctor: T
• Mr. 'Alfred Stokes- of Bay (.pity, 13.•
S. A.. -vas visiting with hi_s brother,
Mr. B. C. Stokes and also with his
sister,. Miss Mary at Listowel.
-and- Its. Andrew 1 oJlotl: Vies,
ited with` Mr. and "Mrs. James Moes
last v ..J
•a 1a of\
'rl n,c
on n
S t
1 and
V\ tt a
�' lt'C were visitors at lit. S.L't1L C
cllrlc n
Snell's on Saturday. Mrs \Vatson
a daughter.
Minutes of Council Meeting held in
Bluevale, June leth, 1922. All the
members present; A letter from the.
city council of Chatham, ,re the repeal
of the Adolescent School Act was laid
over tinti1 nest meeting, The tenders
1 n.� received on the Baird dram were not
.e '�aq .-. considered satisfactory and on motion
NII of W. A. Mines and J. J. Moffatt ten-
• ders will be received up until July 24,
't022, at 1 9, tjt. As there were no ap
_• t 1•a'i itwas
!1!on Armstrong ci<nt
peals the t �
1 moved by Ar 'Wheeler and 1 1.., Mac-
Ewen that the Court of Ravrlsion be
_•closed, that the bylaw be filially pass-
_ ed and that rhe. Clerle advertise for
Bost+ltBuy Se son "'Ih6�t"o 3
tenders to be in ,by noon, July 24t11,
r M� 1022,
Ai '[lir Engineers' Report on the Tten
,. ; , , , • � clerson clrazn -vas read <rticl corlsi<lererl:
s .75, Chaldron $1,35, War Td ., IncEuded, i• nrloved t[y A. a rs.cle •'cud J, L.1tr d
j E'a`r n that the retort he l>rovi.tiiyitaliy
P l ,l t CYla1li for Tickets ttdoptcds tlnrt a. Court of Revision be.
_!1 held fury,; eiltir, T9s-, et ;# p, in and
i`. that the Clerk ti"e naso the nece:sare
AII, 't 1 1
113 1111111111kM11101111 111$111s1111111111i11�11111� 111111l1111Mi1101111 ll III11111111I! les -law.
JULYQtO. 21'.
illill 11110I1I* I M1110l11id1llll
,lit lei rltdt ,
W. T. Pember announces that J. B.
I{night, late of • Dorettwends
will be at the
A JULY 13th
'�Ili1t'tSl➢i ,
Freeadvice;on Scalp Diseases.
Phone hitt, Knight for appointment.
W� T...1>LiVMi331IlI:
12 Yonge Street, 'I'On"ointo, Ont
9 .�
g ni (thi's week) ul
�ont�x or 1.4',.'ys.,: erin
'his is. our Semi -Annual. Stock Reducing Sale and
includes every and all kinds. of Boots,
Shoes, Running Shoes, etc.
ery , Liberal Reductions in All lines
You can save bi big slice of your shoe bill= money by buying c at this
dates Fra;.July ' until, Sat.. 22 ;. inclusive.
sale. Remember the e � ' 7� � July 9
The 'Leading Shoe Store ot. Huron County
Phone 129. Wingham. Ont.
WHLT CHURCH 1VIr, Jas, patItng Sr,,,,is again cot
fined. to his bed, we Itolpte he may soon
be around again. .
Mr:; and ,Mrs. Thos_ Jarviss of: Tor-
e over the 11°,11da w
vi. t cl av t
r. rs oto a oner. and
iVI . acid 1y 1 I' lc
her, r. and:
daughter, Miss -Nota, seat tfieweek- :the latter's mother and fat , M
end. with Mr. and Mrs ` rtgits 1VIcKerie, Mrs. Wm, Mundell, sr-
zia of Culross: • r; .iVIr. a,nd NTrs, Wm: Peternrtn motor.-
Master' Gordon Dobie of Wiighatn, ed up' from Fergus and spent. Sitnday
spentlast Week with his grandmother, with Mrs,. John Peterrnan.
Mr. and. Mrs. Dow, gf 1 r uc.efield, •
spent Sunday with 1VEr.. and;l�Irs. John
Mrs .Jas,McClenaghan. Mrs. 'Campbell and : son of Rivers-
Misses Flora Ross and Kathleen dale, spent last week :.::with. Mrs. Geo,
Terriff of Toronto,'are spending their Herd, '
holidays at their home here. The .Graduation Exercises•of the
Mrs. Browning and • Bliss .Kathleen Cottage; Hospital, Toronto, took place
on June i4th, one of the number was.
a former Belmore girl, Nellie Ballagh,,
also Miss Ruby Hainstock of Ford -
bourne of Dungannon, visited Mr, wick,
Wm. Wraith last - Mrs. John Abram has ,returned from
•Mrs.0uyler of St. Helens address- a pleasant visit with her son, Will of
of Kincardine, spent last week with
the formers' parents,; Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Cottle.
Mr. Fred Culbert and son, Mel -
the Sunday School in tate Methodist
Huntsville f
church hereon Sunday, Many of her
'1rs,••Dun a"Crawford • ati dau - I®li(nILimii®IYIILI®I■1Y11\(LI®lsi.11.llrillal■I■liithtill.lt
friends were pleased to'see 'her again, l
• The following, Is. the report of the
'standings a�f; the - pupils for the. next
term for S. S. No.. r, F1'owi:ck.
Sr.. ZV stat Ting is, Clare: Edwards,.
t lfe.
e nardbe
1L o ca,
Jr TV W><Ifred Dodds,.
Sr. fII ...John Taylor, Margaret Ed-
-wards; Willie Barton',`Edwitt Detzler,
Beatrice Fergtt:'son.
Jr. 'II I..,...Edythe Metcalf, Ethel Tay-
lor' Wesley- Dodds.
Sr. II—Verna Montgomery, Lily
Edwards •IVJ~aude Dodds:'
Jr. I1=CIa ra Detzler, Margaret
Montgomery, Etnta Finlay, Melvin
Taylor, Harold Wright.
I—Jack Fergttson,' Elva Dane, Eve-
lyn Montgomery, 'Myrtle Montgomery.
Primer—LI o y d Taylor,'Go r,do n •
Wright;. Lorne Edwards, ,Harry' Ed- Y -
wards, Hartley Barton.
Florence McPherson, Teacher
ter, Betty of Flint, Mich., who have' I-11-1
been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs..
Allan Wilson, of Carlow, spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.' J. D.
.11Ir. 'Duncan MacGregor of Tees-
water, spent Sunday with his sister,
Mrs. T. H. Moore.
Mise Hallman" and. Miss Julia Nay-
lor of Torontoq, and Mr. Norman, But-
cher of Wingham, spent ,Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor.
The Social held at Mr. Ben Mc-
Clenaghan's was quite successful.
Mr. Fred Clubb of St. Marys, spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Clubb.
�r bb
lir and Mrs. Fred Stanley, of. T uck
now, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan Kennedy.
Mr. Walter Paterson of Wingham;
spent Sunday with his nephew, Mr.
Ken Paterson.
Mr. Roland Hetuterson has secured.
a position as mail clerk on tate train
frons Toronto to Sarnia and he left
here on Saturday, Mrs Henderson
and babe will go to Toronto in a week.
or so. They will be greatly missed as
manager of the
1 r 'Hendersona
I .s ,
w ';
baseball club and..took an active inter-
est in all sports.
Mrs. .Thos. H
Mr., and A Ienderson also
Hugh, David and Lawrence visited
friends at Cromarty on Sunday.
Miss Leila Leggatt of : Bluevale,
spent Sunday with her. grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Mowbray.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry IVfcClenagiian• _
of Bel gg rave spent Sunday with rela
lives in the village. • -•
Miss i avrna Carrick of Wingham,
litheweek-end at her 1 mate here.
spent to t
Mrs. Addison of WWingham spent a=
few clays last week, with her•:daughter,
i\�Irs, B. S. Naylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore and son,
Milne, spent July rs't., with her sister,.
Mrs. John Henderson of Paramount.
'Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Windsor and
baby, Patricia, of Detroit, spent the
weekend with Iter parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Carrick. •
Nurse -Nettie Cottle who has been
taking a post graduate course in a
Cleveland Training School for the past
three months has returned to her
hone here. \
The Annual Beekeepers' Demonstra-
� ]:
tion was held at the home,of Ma Geo.
Cottle. Addresses rwere delivered by
Mt. Hagher and Mr. 1).-4A. Andrews.
Mrs. Cottle served refreshments to all
.may 6
•�� �... arta;
7:14fk): i<l)::".'"-P'41;
. ...I.
Rev.. Amos of Palmerston oeeitpied,
the pitlpit in. tate' Presbyterian chureli
oft Stuiday afternoon. The pastor,
Rev, 'C, N. IVlcI<.enzie being quite 111
with the Flu,
A ntunber .froth here attended the
social at Salem on Wednesday even,.
ins and report t splendid.•tiire -rhe:
Wroxeter Orchestrafurnished niusic
in their usual good style.
1"lie monthly meeting of the Wont -
ool. Dress Materials
the Warm DaysComi.
All the latest weaves and shades in summer' dress, materials, _
at very moderate prices. You can make a very smart dress at a pjl
small cost.
CI Plain Swiss Organdy, Fancy Spot Swiss Organdy, English
Ratines, ,Fancy Voiles, Dotted SwissMuslins, Cotton
Homespuns,,Cotton Crepe, Ginghams, Percale, at 35c to 1.25 yd.
N. Ready -To -Wear . Silk Gloves
Voile Dresses,'Organdy Dress- • Long and short Milanese• silk
es, Linen Dresses, Satin. Dress- Gloves. in all colors, prices 75c
® to :$2•5o.
es, Canton Crepe Dresses, and
Homespun Dresses, Satin Skirts,
Plaid 'Skirts,! Gabardine Skirts,
Sport Coats Silk
Sweater Coats.
Summer TInderyvear
La1i —
c es Vests . Dra at cl
overs t•
Conibiriat•iott Stiits, all'' sizes,
prices 25c ito $1.25. ■ -
Summer' Corsets
Women and Misses Suits and • Spacial value 'iii light weight`
Coats reduced 20 to so, p. c. Corsets for sutlanier.g8c per pair.
iMI •
111 ..
et•o Missionary Society met oti Fr•ida'y = ll
afternoon with an attendance of 14. !9
. ... �.. 1 ' -
Collection amountecl,t;o $4,3.5., Pa.l�na.s � - ,�.
were given h•y. :k'it's, C,orrr an and M.'s. Malt
r ...r
l rl r. 7 l(11111111►I1M1111s1(IlMlU1111R111il1sl111A, 91N111111d111111I(sl(Ill l(11l1lN1 I 111( f{±s14
t }you, ,.�.nl c �, 1 l 11,1111 p�IIIIMIII1111111111�11lSUPlMI .