The Wingham Advance, 1922-07-06, Page 6},I and Cl r- nee of Odds and Ends at Reduced Prices xo pieces Dress Voile, regular value 75c and e.oe, sale-_. ,.._.,-.5oc WAISTS—To clear, odd lines, value up to $a,00, your pick... -.$1,0o CORSETS --A lot to clear at I ,mW I CISI" xo doz. z, z and s Ribbed Hose,ectal clear _ .. special to _.._ ........:.:25c SHOES -Children's White Canvass Sandals, salep .rice 8c 9 CREPES -Fancy Figured Dress Crepe, a few ends to clear, r.2 Figured p, $ 5 SA`rIN-one end, wide Baronette yardn to Satin.to clear at.. $3.5o RIBBONS ---Special line of wide Hair Ribbon, sale .price .15 c .' APRONS—A line of Chintz Aprons, your i ck'for _6 c HATS -Children's Blue Pique Wash Hats, reg. 5oc half price. -25c GLOVES—Broken lines of Ladies' Gloves,your pickforo r e , p c .... HOSE -Ladies' Black or White Silk Hose, fancy stitch, s now reduced to _.:._ - --._ __ - .;:��:$x_�5 WHITEWEAR--Comprising Night Gowns, Corset Coxes Skirts,PrincessSlips, Combinationsb nations on sale at 20 per cent. H. WAISTS -Broken lines of Ladies' Waists, Georgette and Silk Crepe, value f$8.00 and $xo.00, on sale at _ .._ ...`$;5 95 MIDDIES -Odd lines of girl's and women's Middies to -clear ... 5oc HATS—Ladies'Sport andAuto Hatsand Caps to clear at DRESSES—House Dresses odd lines to clear ..,. x, $ 30, a.75, "z:95 COATS—Ladies' Spring rm pin g an d Summer mer Coats; hest styles and cloths, on sale at 20 pe •7cent. off. L ACE — 5 r o pieces ,- esLa ` _ and ,Insertion,. now on sate .... 5c Sc SALE OF RUGS Big stock of Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton°and A an:irister Rugs sale at 20 per cent. off. n.d ;;. oys' Cl it thing at Greatly Reduced Prices Men's Fancy Worsted Suits on sale at $12.5o, i5.00, aB:oo, 20,00 and 25.0o Big Choice, lots to pick from. BOYS' SUITS—Large range and sizes, prices away down, , $3.75, 4.50, 5.00, 6.5o, .7,.5o, 9.00 and xo.00 BOOTS -Special in Men's strong wearing Boots, :see them_.._$3.75 SHIRTS—Men's strong Work Shirts, odd lin es on •sale:at__,...-._.....98c GROCERIES—Fresh stock of Groceries :always on hand, prices are the lowest:. Eggs Wanted, Highest Prices paid Cash or Trade. LUCKN.OW' { Lucknow, July 3rd, 1922. I LucknoW's Dominion Day" celebra tion took the placeof a baseball tourn nlnent with teams from St. Helens, Langside, Lochalsh, Belfast, ' Rapid City and FTolyrood taking part. Luck- j now's ball ,team, being out of town, I taking part in the celebration at Wing- hairs left the park open here ,and :these 1 teams took, advantage of the oppor- tunity to stagea tournament and a very good crowd attended, both ;cord- ing and evening. Lochalsh won out and captured the prize. The Boy Scouts and brass band celebrated in Kincardine,. while ,quite a few others went to 1,Vinghra-aL 1 The funeral was held today of the late Norinan Matheson; One of Luck- ■ MEMO MMIIIMMEI .■ 53 ■ ;.e HQuality Ext ra alues in r�F .E e,�,_ ri i eats Silks in new summer shades. Organdies, Voiles and.'Ginghams. New Fall Dress Goods. Curtain Nets and Scrims. Fancy Sateen and Cretonnes. Rugs, Linoleums and Oilcloths. Silk Hosiery at $I.00, 1,5o and $a.00. Goddess and La Diva Corsets. Summer Underwear at special prices. Sport Sweaters and Vane Ribbons Laces and Enibroiderie s. House Furnishings. MEN'S WEAR—Special Values �Bf.' in Sults All wool Navy Blue special at Boys' Suits, new styles, special at Raincoats at 'Exceptional Values. Heavy Blue Stripe Overalls, special Boys' Khaki ,Overalls special :Slue Chambray Work' Shirts, special Sailor Straw Hats at • 'Par1ania Fedoras regular to -.$5.00, for .. Soft toilers, special, l s, Pecia , ' 3 for ... ......... ..�._..__ . .._ New Summoi Ties at .......; ......... ...... .:......... All wool Flack Csh e•e Sort a rr t at , Lisle Sos, Brown, Grey and Black at .t;tlbrig an Sii.irt and' Drawers ,meg s 'at .. , .x.00 x.00 ;k.50 and $x.75 ..2.50 - ....1.00 .....$1.00 atxd x.5o hoc 5oc 75c 'rorlrtce Wanted ■ ■ ■ T ILLAa■ ■ Suds A Specialty. I■ 1111110111 MSS i lill�w a Ittlar.,i�l�,tl»'t itil,1 TN WING IAM ADVANCE flow's old respected citizens, Dcceas- ed had been in poor health for some tinie•and a few weeks ago underwent an operation in Winghaan Hospital for gall -Stones, but this did not prove suc- eessful at his advanced ager He was 79 years of age and is survived by his wife, wiiois almost ,an invalid and two sons, Duncan and Malcolm" of Toledo, Ohio. The funeral ;was held to Kinloss cemetery and was largely attended. The deathof another respected resi- dent, of town occurred today, when Mrs. John Murray crossed the silent rlarsiver,; nesWt e will have further particu- week. Mr. Low 1Veatherhead of St. Hel- eus, received the sad aaews last week of the death of jus brother, Jarnes at Vave.ouver, B. C. The late Mr. Weath- erheacl has been railroading since he left here asa young man, and on lits last rtin was instantly killed when he missed' liis: footing _ and fell between two cars. FJe, leaves a wife and seven of a family, six daughters and one son. Quite a representative gatIxeririg of the members .of the Methodist church ' took place at the parsonage last Mon- day night to bid farewell to their former pastor, Rev.' Mr. Irwin before he left for his new charge at Seaforth, and presented Mr. and Mrs. ,.Irwin with a beautiful pair of •rocking chairs and. the Young Ladies: Bible Class also presented Mrs. Irwin with a silver Casserole. The 'Lucknow :Pipe. Band took part in the Military Tattoo in Listowel on Saturday. Mr. T. F. Cain is spending a couple of months in,Wiclicta,,Kansas, U. S. Mr. Jas. Orr of Toronto, apent a few; holidays. in town. Miss Florence Cook has taken a position as saleslady with Ratliwell ,g. Turner.' • Mrs. Adam Thompson and .dart •h- • ter, Mrs. N.' W. Perky of Winnipeg, g, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Thompson. Miss Belle Robertson is 'spending her vacation in Muskoka with her sis- ter, Mrs. F. Lucas of 'Toronto. Miss'. 13radle has 'returned to her home in Ripley until the fall is fa -Millinery P Y openings. Mr. ;'john Cain of London, . is spend- ing inc holidays at his Borne here. Mr. and Mrs: A. E. Durnirr of Clin- ton, spent Sunday in town. Half of the ;population of Lucknow, is now at the lake at Point Clark Lighthouse. Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Richardson of Teeswater, visited the latter'-s'another, Mrs. D. Douglas. 111r. and Mrs. C. B. .Ilea are :moving: into the house they recently purchased from the estate of the late Miss Bur- gess. The new sprinkling cartarrived last week and is doing good :wts,ark. Rev. Mr. Osterhout preached his first sermon in the Methodist church here on Sunday. BLYTH Mr. and Mrs, Herron of •To.rranto, are visiting their son, Dr. Herron: A large number of aur .citizens -spent Dominion Day at Wingham. Rev. R. J. Small of .Hesp.eler, a former pastor of :St. Andrews icl'tur.ch, is spending part of 'i-fis vacation -.With friends in this community. It was with regret that it became known that Mrs: John McDowell pass ed to her Eternal Home after a short illness. Deceased leaves Iher:lkiuslaantl and •iz children to ..mourn her loss. The funeral will be held on, Tuesday from her home at Westfield. There died on Saturday,.'Daily, 'est„' Mrs. Edmiston, ,aged 6x years. -Her, 'husband predeceased her several years ago. One sister, Mrs. Kellerman of Dashwoo"d, and two bro'thens, Me. Fred Toll of East Wawanosir.and Mr. Wm. Toll of Matlock. 'One de—tighter, Miss Tena, has the ''.sympathy of a'e large circleasef friends, The funeral was held from the Methodist church lie services being conducted' by the pastor, Rev. A. C. Tiffin. t Must Qualify For Menzbershig'. Dr, J. A. Fox attended a meeting of. the Drugless Physicians' Association. of Canada, last week.: The attendance was the best since the inception of the Association in 1915. One of the im- portant items of business was thel amending of the bylaws so that in or- der to qualify for membership a chir- opractor must practice in Canada for at Ieaet"five years, FRIGHTENED! "Every morning 1 woke up, I felt that something terrible was going to happen." Writes Mrs. M. and she goes on to say, I wonder if any other woman ever had such fits of depression as I hacl for over a year. I was so utterly despondent that if it had not been for my children, T .believe I would have put at end to my life. _Every day and every night was a nightmare. I dreaded going to bed because I lay awake most of the night. When I did sleep, I had the most dreadful dreams. I couldn't eat. I was completely rnri down—nothing inter- ested ine, nothing appealed -to me, .I cousultecl several doctors. They pres- eri be d different remedies to build me up- but these' preparations didn't do ore any good. Vectors told nie I had a. nervous breakclown. 1 \vas tired all the time, Ifelt evetyday thatxrtystrength was gradually leaving me. The least little exertion left file thoroughly tired out, Ilkitew1wasgraduallywestingaway. I felt 1 was going to die and I was so thoronghlyiniserable that did not care whether I lived or not. Ancl then I heard about Carnol and what efin 'e tonic it was. At first I refused to take it as' I was sure it wouldn't do'nlc any good. 1 in ally l did try it with the most Yvon. clerful results. I am welt and, happy every ntim to of the day now. I eat heartily My friends won't believe that Carnot eldne has done this for ales' I arnDever despon- dent now and every day is a day of joy, What Centel has done for ane it will do for you," Cer nol is sold by your druggist and if you can conscientiously say, after you have tried 'it, that it hasn't dorte you nriy good, return the empty bottle and be will refund yoit,rmoaey, ' 2..122 Sold by Ja Walton Ve ibbon 1 4�n;1��� Nathre's Remedy for ATMA, CATARRH and WEAK LUNGS tip ALSAMEA,longknown ,to the nod. ical Profession, has recently been introduced into Canada, and this won- derful remedy is now available for every. body. Already it has won phenomenal success, and is effecting remarkable recoveries in the .treatment of Asthma, Catarrh, Weak Lungs and other respire atory troubles: Buy O a bottle ttl0 ea clay J. W. McKIBBON, Druggist Wingham, Ont. O _� AC TIC DR. J. ALVIN FOX .FO. R GOOD HEALTH CON- SULT A CHIROPRACTOR FIRST—NOT LAST Chiropractic furnishes t h e. rnost complete and scientific method of health culture known to -day. ' It is the only method of direct Spinal Adjustment Our "greatest asset is good health. The greatest aid to good health is Chiropractic: •Chiro- practic is based on sound scien- tific understanding of the . laws of health. Adjustment given for all dis- eases where there is reasonable hope of recovery. Office hours, to to x2 a. m„ 2 to 5 and 7 to .8 p. in' Phone 191 high am Saw Planing ill We now have a full stock of'- Lumber of all kinds, dressed, and undressed. Sash Doors, Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, Beav- er, Fibre and Ruberoid Boards,. also roofing, plain and slate sur- faced and steel fence posts. Prices are lower now than they have been for some months and some lines • are sure to ad- vance. Call and, get prices for any of the above. Coal in all sizes, hard, soft, ,and Sinithing always 'on hand. MacLean Lumber and Coat o ,Card`. Of t isanks Mr. and M-rs.Chris N'ethery wish to thank their friends and eeiglrbors and also the Formosa Fire Insurance Co.,. for their prompt payment "of insurance., Shot Through The Head The sad news of the death of Clar- ence Jefferson was received, -in Wing- ham on Friday. Clarence pati visited at the horse •of his uncle` and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Samuel. Bennett only recently, coming here to settle up .the; affairs of liis'' deceased brother, the late Gordon Jefferson. He• had gone out to hunt gophers' -and was shortly afterward found dead, shot in the head. The sad affair ; happened at his home near Saskatoon,'Sask.. Esteemed Family Move To Wingham The following address given to Mr. and Mrs. T. I, Gibson and family 'speaks 'more clearly of the esteem iii which they are held by the friends and neighbors who have known thein .for so many years than anything that we might be able to say. However, we are pleased to welcome this esteem - able family to 'Wingham, Dear Mr. and Nies. Gibson, Marjory and Thelnfa: We the members of Fordwich. Methodist chtirch, Sunday School and Choir, have met here to -night realiz- ing that you are now about: to leave Us. It is with the very deepest of regret that we have to part with you,. you have been true citizens and your ster- ling worth has .meant much to this community. And you Mr: Gibson,. your devotion to the church of your choice, and in Sunday School of which you have been a faithful teaclfcr ever setting before the young manhood pf this community a splendid christiaii' example. We now ask that you and Mrs, Gibson accept this Electric Lamp and that you'` Marjory and Thelma, these ever -sharp lead pencils as a small token of the esteem: in which you are held by es. And now as you go to your";new home, may the rays of this lamp often remind you of, the peo$e of Fordwrch, and we hope you may long be spared to continue in your good work, Our loss will be 'Winghant's gain, and may the blessings of the Almighty Father go with you and your family.:Signed on behalf of the Congreg- tibn. W J Si•rorig,. S Bricker, I.; A, l ants, ..A• I3'ryat.11s, . PUBLIC , SCIIQOL REPORT Jr. IV To, Sr, IV Total- 673, ,L' Ise 405, hfoaors. 506. N. II5or'nuth 594 W. 'I iffin, '566; U, Scott, 545; G`y:F1'y', 344; Y< McPheron, 543, M, Tsard, 538; E4, Swanson; "537; D. Preston, 528; E, Tariilyn 524; NI, Sell, 523; G. Rober tsoe, 52o; #VV, John- ston, 519; P. Field, 515; A. Swanson, 5g54; C, M:cKibbon, 5ii; D. Haney, 5o6;' S. ]3lateliford, 506; G. Spotton, 498; M. Sanderson, 493; 1. Stewart, 4:88; M, Simpson, 487; M. Thurlow, 486; . G, Dobie, 485; F. Ford, 477; W. Taylor, 476; C. Fry, 470; W. Hancock, 470; F. Angus, 469; D. Haller, 465; L. Groves, 460; D. IJamond, 445;; G. Rin- tool, 445; M. Mitchell,' 435; C. Bing- Ston, 432; E. Lioardzrtan, 427; M. 1Mus grove, 423; M• Hill, 415. Sr. III To Jr. IV Total 640; »Pass 384; Honors 480. L, Cragg, 566; T -a Thompson, 55o; E, Dolan, '. 5 26; ,V,. Fox, 557; M. Weir, 510; 517; E. M. LRottob,erts499; on, B, 5x6Edg$.ar',`Bennett479.J,. J. MacLean, 477; Cr Pendleten,; 473; L. Bennett, 466; N. Carr”, 465; 1I, Toler, 462; H. Mitchell, 460; W. Seddon, 453; M. Carr, 451; R .Armstrong, 450; A. Stanley, 444; W. Colgate, • 44o;H. Field, 436; G. MacDonald;433,; R. Rae, 426; K. Reid, 424; F. Fells, 419; V. Campbell, 416; J.. Sturdy, 409; J Green, •405; L. Peternian, 40t; M. .Cloakeyy,- 396; 384• TK.• Williams, 394; R, Lockman,` 384;otalsB. Armstrong, 384; J. McAllister, Jr. III To Sr. III , 64.0. Honors K„ King, 512; 0..Homuth, 5o7; L. Smith, 489; R. McGee, 482; 11. Red- mond, 477; F. Carter, 474; . V. Len 110X.- . 473• Pass N. Taylor, 46J r L. McKay, 465; G. Snell, 455; E, Rose, 453; K. Somers,. 430; C. Deans, 426; M. Mitchell, 425; V. Miller, - 405; R: McDonald, -399; L.• Carter, 395; G. Alien, 387; R. -•Cope -i land, 387; W. Gurney, 380; .M, Coutts,'... 38o; E. Blue„ 380; C. Coutts, ,38o; R:; Sutton, 380. - Sr:II'To Jr.. III Total 450. ' Honors Irving e urtir, 423; Joe i,,t%i,n, 410;» Mary McBIain, 401; Ada Hancock, 40x; Norma Coutts, 376; Joe iEIiacott; .3,7,54, Maly, King,, ,37s,; Evelyn Shropshall, 365; Wilmore Angus, 354; Vivian Pil- on 338; Katlileen`Smith, 335; Lilian .Broome, 335, Pass Jack Cara, 333; Ruby Hancock, 327; Bruce Fox,315; Geo. Young, 308; jean Lexrard,.307; Grace Wellwood ,3q7:;; Ar- thur Snell,• 3os.; .Mervyn Templeman,; 298; jack Beattie,, 296; Willie Broome,, 295; Perrin McCracken, 289; Muriel Campbell, 288; Lloyd Hayden, 287;' Nelle Hayles, 277; Irene Sutton, 271; DeWitt 1VIi11er, 2,704 Jack' Dinsley., • Jr II To ,Sr. II . Total 400; Honors, ;300; Pass, -240. Honors Alvin Haniznond, 3,33.; 'Mildred Bis- bee, 304;. Ross Harrisotn•. oo. Pass 3 Marguerite Ludwig, .296; Harvey Burggess, 292 Joe Moir, 288; Maurice McIntyre, '286•; Forbes Colgate, 278; Margaret Clarke, 255; Catherine Fry, 246; 'Gordon, Davidson, 244• • Xst Book To Jr. II •H Jean Copeland,ono261rs ; Wilma Dow, 257; Betty Walker, 2436; Carling .Pen- dleton, 24.1;_Agnes'Loutrte 234; Nettie Dow, 23s; jack ilraeltenbcrry, 23o 'Isa- bel Nortrop, 228; Evelyn .Reid, 228;. Olive Tiffin, 228; Sarah- Roberson; 227; : Ella Rae, ..e..25; Edith Zurbrigg, 225;, Reta Hastte1 224;, Erna Homhkll, 215 jean Mitchell?. 215; Mildred Fitt, 212; .Lavinia Durnin, 211; Jean Milli- gan, 207; John Cruikshank, 206. Pass Rae Tliompsoix, 199; Laverne Wil- liams, 196; Merril] Canteion, 194; Mary Dobie 192; Gordon Smith, 189; .Murrray Ra:e, 186; Andrew Scott, 182; Kenneth Lott, 18o; Earl ;Gray, 57s8; Annie' Atkinson, 575; Violet Mellor, 174; George Roberson, 173;; Lela Wild, 565. Jr. I To Sr. I :Honors Beverley Sniall, 2a7; Donalda Fix ter, 212; Harry Fry, 211. Pass Harry Templeman, 204; Edna Stoak- ley, " x87 Free'cl .-Rowson, ,186; Percy Clarke x8d; Willie Lediet, 178;'' Nor- man Shropshall, 572. Primary Total 200; Honors 15o; Pass 120. Fred Mello,, ego; Kelso McCawley; 19o; Dorofly Deans, .189 Alberta MacLean 189;' Lea Robertson, 184; Betty Tayl'or,.;8,4; Reta Forsythe,'t79;,. John 'Patteson, 577; George. Hender- son, 176; Gordon Lediet, 570; 1l.rgar et ;Taylor; 17o; Sterling Wtllianis 167; Ralph : Saint, 167; ;Margaret' .Mahood, 166; 'Willie Hurren, 166; Lau'ra"Clarke, 165; Audrey Reid, x60; Mary Hirst, 758; May Gibson, 1.58; Herbie Fuller, 156; John McCall, 152; Bernice Cloak cy, 150; ' Norman. Lediet, 548; Laura Groves, 147; 'Jizil Thompson,! 145;` Vera Pry, 544; Stewart Carter, 142; May Henderson,' : 535; Delaine Small, x32'; Bobbie Mci3lain, 529; Velma Carter, 125; Lillian Sneath, 225; Mary Agnew, 123; r ePh;ten,121; Hilda Pitt, itt, 125. Recommended Arthur Aldington, Jack Beringer, Nora "Antonio, Rosa Pitt. From kindergarten To Jr. I Vivian Tiffin, Jack Bergman, Wil- Ilelrnenia Stewart,'Roy Ivlaclntyre, From Kindergarten To Primary 'Reggie Broome, Stewart Scott, Ar- thur Stone, : Gertrude Dawson, Doro- thy Forsythe, LoreneHaller•, Percy Deye11, Alma, 5lhropshall, . George 1. lrackenl~itiry, Mildred Reid, Dorothy Ilutchison•, Mildred Field, Marion Fry,George King, Norma MacEvers, AntChittick,Ver s Barber, Jaties Weir DickHarold Finley, •Bety, Mundy, George Bisbee, Catherine MaeCawley,;1..ayfnond Carter, Stewart Ritchie, Stewart PHnry, Marvin Smith. Helen Milligan. THE TOWN COUNCI1, - (Contintred front nage i) 50,000 square yards of pavement and their quotations' 8 r at•ttio t its on work was $•?,6u and ; 2.78 per square yard ,while in ltringbant the 11rentia0 Co., were get- ting $2,50 per square yard. Councillor Haney reported thea a few repairs and some {aint was need- ed on: the walls in the, opera ]louse. The Tlittrsday, Jlly 6th, 1922 . 9 Tea Annual Sale • Exceeds 30 Minion Packets ---BLACK, MIXED or ,GREE N � EIS Steadfastly ef1 e � �1Substitutes. We Understand a. tlaoroug.h renova- tion is ordered done.—Well here's new wiring under the hydro inspec- tion is: gone ahead with.—Well. here's hoping that, may be soon, Chief Al- len also reported that, all of 3o chairs had been b'rol.en and destroyed while the Agricultural classes were meeting, in the hall. A special meeting will be held rn-the near future to consider estimates for. the year. The publicschool board is asking' for a rate of 85 mills this year. The 5922 Voters Lists which have just been completed at The Advance Office was presented to ..the counci .' Anyone wishing to complain of names wrongly ornmitted have 3o days front July loth in which to nralce complaint:, The list contains 396 jurors, 571 votefe in Ward °i,x89 in Ward 2, 231'in Ward 3, 228 in Ward 4, and 98 in Ward 5. In :ill 957- The`followin g r ac con s nt 's were cer- tified correct and »recommended for payment :—P. S. Milligan, teaming gravel, :$5;5o; PI. Campbell, salary -for tison, labor streets, 34.20; 5. Arnott, labor sewers, 5:7o; W. Austin, Iabor street, 3.75; M. Dolan, street cleaning, 62.70; A. Sanderson, street, sprinkling, etc., 134.50; J. W. Dodd, • Premium Machinery Ball, ` 5.83; 5. " 'Leonard, sanding pavement, doc; Firemen's sal- aries, 15 at $5.00 each, 75,00; Fred Scott, labor 2,40; • Jas. Barbour, IQ hours' duty special police duty, 3.00; Town:Band, quarterly grant, 87.50; E. Lewis, special duty, police' ,July ; 3.00; J. McDonald, special duty Jtlly x•, 3.00; Geo: Allen, salary June, 46:66; W. A. Galbraith, salary' June 46,66; E. Lewis ,salary June 58.33; Wm. Stokes, sanitary, 117.00; R. Deyell, salary June, Cemetery, 125.00. 5, M .Graham, win- dow boxes, 7:00; Colgate Press, print- ing and advertising, 21.64; W. A. Reid, repairs to pump and water system, Cemetery, 4.40„ The Provincial Secre- tary, Marriage Licenses, 4.0.00; Provin- cial Treasurer, Amusemelt • Tax• Tic- kets, 9L. :0o; L. I -larding, flower beds, 2.8o; Fred Scott, washing -,doors, 500. June, 1922, 2o.00; TE Cnmiingl aan, lab- or osi streets,, 58..35; Wm. Guest, labor sewers, 3.3.8o; C. Shackleton, labor on streets 62.55; H. Prentice, labor sew- ers, 15.00; T. Twarnley,7abor sewers, 7.50• A. D'irrimock, labor, 47.55;5. Mc DonaldVklabor' streets, 24.77; W. I' at Correcti', Fitted Eyeglassses WR.HAMILTON °P1°mom WING HAM ONT. if your oven is slow to heat you will find Egg -Q( just as slow to act—its double action insures; leavening with a slow or hot oven. ORDER FROM' YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD S.,7a ..II,: JI- �,:•. , .µ,y1; 1, GROCER 49 . •MVS., 31•1PIACE,0F. D457 TOUZUVU Are sanitary—Cannot get liar SANITARY. Na "tressAN D Cushions ARE GUARANTEED Jas., Walker & Son , MN1 tw 'MMMsswsA /hr 4t►_p1 ~Ostia 1 SPECIALS THIS WEEK EXTRA NO. I FEED OATS Good heavy Oats. 65c bus., 68c delivered A. CAR OF ,RECLEANED SCREENINGS These Screenings are about 5o per cent. Wheat,$ao,00 ton, PURE PARIS GREEN Save your Potato crop by using the best Paris Green, and use it at the right time.. -We have the best. USE OUR FLY OIL Ori your cattle during the hot weather and the flies will not bother them. FEEDPEEI2LhLE SS HOG FEED Anly........-...$1.75a ba / 1 g A ton w...$34.00' JOHN � , HOMUTH SUCCESSOR TO HOWSON & HOWSON . Flour,' reed, Seeds, Potatoes, etc. , Phones: Residence ) Store 40 75, GRAND 1�$ TR.UNIC RAIIrVY cc DAILY•. EXCEPT SUNDAY Lv. KINCARDINE - .....:..........:: 5.30' a, m. x. mt.' 1.,v 40 P ,. _,__.._ S:So a.m. 2,0 .m. LV, 4 p �, , rwCXNow.__.._ ..,._..-..,.M ._.:�_..�.:�� 6:og a.m. ; z:2i ,m. Lv, WINGIIAIVT .... p 5.to a.'m.' 2. . BRUSSELS ;�.._..-_ ....�-.__ 54, p.m. ,.. � ,_..:;...:-. 7.06 a.in, 3,18 :mt. Lv, LISFOWEL P .:.:..-:.. 7 ,r, 4.oi Lv, PALMERSTON .::... _.:...:r_ 8.28 a,xn. 4.23.M, Ar, GUELPH p .w. - - 945. a.m. 5,36 p.m Ar. BRANTFORD too p.m, 8.85 pan. Ar. HAMILTON __ 1.00 p.m, 8,30 p.m. Ar. TORONTO 55,50 a.m. 7;40 pan,, RETURNING—Leave Toronto 6.50 a,in, and ',ox `p.m. 'Through coach Ritxc rcliit5, t, g a e to Toronto on inornin train, Parlor Buffet car Palmerston to Toronto on inornin train lrelph to 'I'oi'cnto oil evening train. g an For full pa.rtxtula.rs apply to Grand TrunkTicltet Agents. 1}