HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-07-06, Page 301;
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The Chain GrocoriStores of Canada.--VVinithOn Oat,'
-111 TrY. our Speelal Blend Tea
Besi Value In TOWS . • =
Matebese3 boxes Plek'$411.119ti, %
undry Soap, .L5 750. 75e AyltnerTomatoeS, . , 16c '
Rinse', 3 pkgs. for 23c Cli,mee Corn,'2 Una V25C'
Clothes Lines, 40 feet, ,,,,,, 490 Shredded Wheat, apJ,
Machine Sliced Breakfast, Bacon, per lb..,.37e i
White or Cider Vinegar, per gal. ....... , . , . , ....35e
Butter and Eggs'Talien.
. .
• Mrs: Lillian •McIntyre and son Pier-
- son, a' Iso Bert Tullock of Toronto,
are visiting their brother-, IVIr, Geo.
Greenaway onthe. oldholnestead for
"a feweel • -
w ts. •
'Miss Vietta Curtis of Toronto, was
'borne over the week -end.
Mrs. Aitken left for Tororito on
Mopclay to- take a course in Art and
Zelrna `rtirvey for Guelph to take
a course at tlie‘O. A. C.
M. Johnston shipped a car of
• liogs oi Satiircla.y.
Quite a number from herettook in
• the, sports at Wingham on Saturday,
- Mt. I-Ioward Stewarteof Ilenfryn,
wa.s hoine over the week -end.
;Mr : y. w:Ring, M. P., arrived -home
nfeom Ottawa on Friday.
Mr. L. .Rtittan attended a lecture
.and dtilionstra,tio n on bees at White-
church one day last week by a ma.n
„ front, the 0. A. C. '
Alisses Luella, Bernice and 'Wilma
/Shaw, Mary Stewart and Laura Holm.-
-es all teachers have arrived home for
the Summer holidays.' • •
Mr., C. L. Muse and family are
up ftorn Toronto for a months' 'Tana-
• Mr. John Diment of Toronto, is vis-
iting...relatives here at present.
Mr. and Mrs, j. W. Leggatt spent
Sunday at Port Albert. '
The G. T, R. -have started the reg-
ular section gang on steady again,
Mr. Harvey Haney of, Brantford,
i'vas honie over the -week-end, .
Mrs. J. Clarke mid family .of. Sun-
shine spent Sunday with •Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Stewart.
, Rev. T. W. Willeinsopnhas got nice-
ly settled in the parsonage, he gave a
fine sermon on Sunday which was
...mticb enjoyed' by all present. ,
Mr, Lester .of Toronto, spent a few
day,s, with friends here. , •
Mrs. Chester T_Anititt and children of
Detroit, are arisiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bell. She was
accompanied home by her sister, Miss
Laura who has been visitin • with her.
^ '
. _ .
• Many neighbors and friends called!
Mr. and Mts. T. L. jobb on Sat--
ur, ay, july ist., and offered congiatu-
--:lationsnit being the 5oth anniversary
9ftheir wedding. . '
,This .esteemable couple have resid-
ed in "Wingharn ever since their mar-
• nniage. Mr. JAI) was bornin the 'town-
ship of Cartwright inn -November 18.41,
altd, came to Huron county with his
'parents in /861,-aettling in the town-
• ship Of Turnbeiry. In 1863 he moved
' to "Wingham and entered in partner -
',ship with james. -Graham in black-
•sinithing and carriage making
In1 1867 Mina. • Mooney-,...eame to,
• -Wingliam with her parents from,Niag-
' 'ara Falls.. Mr. R. R. Mooney. of
,.Wingliam is a brother as -is also Mr.
n Frank of, Hespeler and Mr. George
the editor of the .Ripley Express
also Mr. Thos. Sperling of Saginaw,
nAnd Mr5. Jas. Sparling,of Meaford are
' On Dominion Day in the year /872,
• 'they were married in Christs' church,
Hamilton, by tlie Rev. J. L. Geddes.
•„their union was blessed by ten .of a
wo of whom:died when in-
fants. The surviving members, are:
Lindsay 13,, of Montana; Charles of
Saskatoon, William R., of Windsor;
Christopher of Editiontoin Alta.; and
Herb J., of Wingliarn; Mrs. Emily
Leckie, of Milton. -Mrs. Annabel
Woods of Grimsb.y and Mrs. Mina
'Morris' of dshawa, •'
A pleasant family reunion and re-
ception was, held at their home on
Diagonal Road on Saturday, when the
family (excepting Charles, Christoph-
er and Lindsay) and other relatives
were present. The home was prettily
decorated for the occasion with flow,
ers add gold and white streamers. A
dainty wedding dinner was served in
the evening. • Rev. Mr. Snell of St.
Pauls church, presided at the table in
his usual happy manner.
We join with their many, friends in
wishing Mr. and 111-s. Jobb and family
niany years of happiness and prosper-
.. .
micsimum itifi Now En MEM -,11111111111141116111
Rival .Ladies" Ready -to -Wear Co.
111: Gteat,Purhase'
, A Great Sale
.Giinghatrt Dresses
These.,dresses are all of the latest styles and aro in
'neatly trimmed in 'cornbina.tion colors. 111
VVe,also have received a nice range of dotted .Mus-. w'
• lins;.Organdies and Crepe Voiles, beautifully
. trimmed, and are selling them :ft greatly
reduced prices, $2.95,tio 15.00. • '
Skirts Greatly Reduced.. 111
, . WAISTS . . . •
' 111
;aigiS Tricoletite, Georgette, Crepe-de-Chene,
- • .
Silk arid Satin, all reduced to less than •
• manufactu?ers cost. , N
e al Ladies Rea(ly-to-VVear
Head ffeft4 Vactorz 64 TOrdneraridet Tererit°) .°1#:*
1111' lir' 'tube's Winghrn Goroh Harm:vet
'tide Rural RhYmoo,
•you know. the Quaker poet nrtites
f barefbot boys apd tbeir delights, of
arefoth boys , with cheek of tan and
sumMer, hills 'o'er whieh they rain at-
Iraetive piethres fQ1' the jaded, ib rural
"thym'es that have naine faded, butof
their truth Pm not persiniden. If at
My side some pet.ent fairy, with wings
a 9. d :wag both waving ai
should stop and offer ,me the joys.
aPPerlain t barefoot boys. I'd
say "What mischief are •yon brewing?
Don't vain') me cleat, 'there'S nothing
doing.. Go off and tempt some other
man- to be a boy with cheek of tan."
My „tan was localized in- speckles; I
was a boy,with cheek of freckles, legs
.seratehed with thornsnand stunk with
stubble and, brnised -vvith ,stones and
other rubble. I had no money when I
would have, I had no hanky when I
shottld have, I lovecrthe pretty school
maimmisses, hitt primer kids got all
the kigses, or grown up lads who had
the. plucki and half grown boys were
out of luck. Too many rocks waylaid
my ton;' the.rient nails took tog long
to -grow. The thorns of life too, oft
would prick ine, too many jackknives
used -to nick me, too many other boys
could lick me. Too many bosses kept
rne harried; I have but one since I
got married. •
A Unique Service.•
The evening service was much enjoy --
ed at the Methodist church when a
Gilgri Son -01a was .presented to Miss
Wellwood to take back to C-hina With
• her. Although she does not sail till
the • end of September, her baggage
had to go this Week.
The reading of the lesson was play-
• ed on the Son-ola, followed by a quar-
tette mmber. Miss Wellwood favor-
ed the' congregation by singing "I
Hear Thy Welcome Voice" in Chin-
ese and the congregation joining in
the last chOrus in English. Mr..Gragg
delivered a brief ;seri-non. Mr. Morton
read an appropriate address to Miss
Wellwood, who replied very fittingly
explaining some of the many, uses that
she Will make of the new 'machine.
...We believe it Nvasnot-money thrown
awaY as she will use it to excellent
advantage in,her .work and cherish it
as a remembrance from 'her • own
Following' l5 a.cOpy of the address:
To Miss. Caiotirte Well -wood.
Dear Friend : •. •
The m ein hers of 'the 'Wing:ban.) Aux-
iliary of the Women's Missionary So-
ciety -of the Wingharn ' Methodist
Church with whoin you have been so
closely associated in; your labors in
the mision.field; together with your
mahy friends in this your home church
are pleased tb have this opportunity
• of meeting you -before your return to
your slabors in the far East, and of
conveying to you an expresion of their
esteem and regard.
It has been said that the very es-
• sence of Chistifinity is its missionary
actiVities • and a` cardinal test of the
vitality and sinserety of the Christian
Church is to be found in its mission-
ary efforts. •.
'Phe`last mandate of the Divine au-
thor, "GOand teach all nations,", is'the
the marching order of -the Church.
Leaving all the comforts and assoc-
iations . of a pleasant horne, leaving
behind you all who are near and dear
t� you, you have not been unmindful
of the Divine command and have de-
dicated your life.„to the service of your
Master. ••
• China which you have selected as
your field of labor is the great mis-
sionary problem • of the world, as
every- third person who lives and
breathes, Who toils and suffers on this
earth is a Chinese,
Even when at -home on 'furlough -we
have noticed that. you have not been
idle but have been instant both in.
season and out of season in. bringing
before the people of "this country the
pressing nee( s or increase mission-
ary zeal in the cause of China.
'We trust that your return voyage
may be pleasant and that you may
long be spared to continue in your
noble and selfesacrifieing service in
the cause of Christianity and that we
may often have the pleasure of, meet-
ing you and to hear 'of the -good werk
in which yeu are engaged.
AS a slight token of remembrance
We ask you to accept from us this
Phonograph, trasting that when you
may have occasion to use it, there inay
he 'recalled pleasant memories of your
friends and associates in this church.
• In bidding You an affectionate fare-
well, we,feel assured, that when your
labors on earth shall have ceased, the
angel of time; having dipped his pen
in the .sunbeam will write in letters
of gold on the purest of white marble,
"Well done thou good and faithful
Signed on behalf of the Wingham
Methodist church. •
The -Administrator of the Estate of
Albert E. lIomuth, deceased, will offer
for sale by public auction on Lot 34,
in the r2th concession of the Town-
ship of Turnberry, by John Ptirvis,
Anetioneer, on Thursday, the /3th day
'di July A D., 1922, at n o'clock, the
following property. situate on • the
above premises; • °
About to,000 feet of.pine logsnabout
Soon feet of hemlock logs, about I,000
feet of Om logs, about 340 cedar poles
18 feet long, All the timber riow stand-
ing and 13eing on said Lot 34, nntcept
3 acres previously sold.
There will also be offered for sale
at the same time and place a portable
saw mill with belt about 30 fe,et long
and one cireular saw.„
The standing thither e'dvers abotit
90 aere.a.„1gf land and is principally
cedar,• Both timber ana logs can be
• inspected on the premises at any thne,
Thu portable saw mill, laelt and saw
ate. situate !on the north half of lot
/6 in the "B" Concession of the said
Township of Turuberry and 'can be
inspected oii 'those premises.
• Terms of Sale.Cash,
Etirtiver partictilars can be Obtained
from the tmdersigned or froni Mr.
Jas.• Stapleton at Said let 34 -
Dated this tweittn,seveittli day of
Ytuld' 11' Cat, `I..urribrilly
• ,I(Ottiolna, I. Co.,. ni,.
, !' ,.; , •.,,,
Mts, Bard Slarics.of Toronto, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Finley
and ofber relatives hi town.
Miss Ruth Finley gavq a birthday
„ ,
Part), one day'last week to a nuinber
of her friends. They all enigYed
thernseVves very nittc11,
Mr, Harvey lianey of Brantford,
• spent the rst. with 1V,In and Mrs.
Haney, Leopold St, .
Mr. Wilfred 1111ells of Kippen, spent
the ist. with Ifr. and Mrs. W, IlaneY•
1\1Irs. Thos, Forbes visited with
Xitell'ener this week.
Misses Viola and Clara Isard of
Toronto, and Mr.' Charles. Isard , of
BraMPton, are visiting at the home of
their parent, Mr. • and Mrs, Jas, S.
Isard, Victoria St.
-.Mr. Bert Stanley of j'ororito, is vis-
iting with friends in'tovvn.
Mrs'. Ed.Hawkinsand little clatigh-
ter of Orangeville, are visiting with
relatives in ,Inawer •Wingharn,
. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ansley of Re-
gina, are spending a pleasant holiday
at their former lionies here.
111iss Myrtle Walters left on Mon-
day for Guelph, where she will at-
tend the Teachers' Summer Course in
Miss Annie Walters left on Mon- III
NI o Our New Subscribers ,i.
day 'for. Toronto,
•Miss Margaret MacLean Of Toron-
to, Mt. and Mrs. 'W,, Banliffe also Mr,
.and. Mi'. Chas. MacLean of London,
/attended' the HohnesMacLean wed-
ding, this week, '
'Mr.. Clarence Hinscliffe-has gone to.
.Southampton, where he has secured a
situation with the .Bel1 Furniture Co.
Ifr. Jack McKay of Moorefield, was
-visiting in town last week.
• •
Miss' Elizabeth Johns of Port Col-
borne, 15 home •for the summer .vata.,4
FredAndersOn of Ailsa Craig;
was in teWit,laSt.'week.
• itirn:aricl Mrs, R. A. Currie and fain•-
.ily rnotoredno Sarnia an Saturday and
visited With Mr,- Currie's sister, Mrs.
.5. A. Kennedy.
• Mts.. T. .5. -.McLean and daughter,
Miss Thi.n,,r. visited with friends
in I-lensall.
, Miss Irene Mckinnon of •Toronto,
is visiting .with her grandparents, Mr:
and Mrs. NV. 5. Howson.
Mreand MrS.,Robert.:Brooks of Tor -
'onto, are visiting With the latters'
mother, Mrs. MeLean; Catherine St.
• Mrs, Stearns and little .datighter,
June of Painsvillen Ohicin are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Tinting.
Mts. A. E. Burleigh is visiting in
Toronto with her son, Mr. Geo. Bur-
leigh. -
Mrs. T. M. Thompson and daughter,
Miss I eila of Thornton, Arkan5as,
are visiting Ninth the former's sister,
Mrs. j
• Mrs., Thos. 'Gregory left on Wed-
nesday of this week to visit with her
6g:tighter, Mrs. W. A. -Campbell in
Gladys Rivers was a visitor in
town last week. •
Miss Olive Cruikshank of the 0. A.
C. staff, Guelph, is spending a short
vacation at her home on the B. line.
Airs. Abner Co's-ens visited in -Clin-
ton last Tuesday.
Mr. Chas: Keith of town, was.visit-
ing friends in Teeswater last week.
• and Mrs. J. S. Gee of Toronto,'
are visiting with their daughter; Mrs.
'(Dr.) Parker.; '
.,. Mr, 'Thos.' Wright and bride of
Markdale; also Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Truen of Brantford, spent a few days
it the nhOme of Mr, and Mrs,. j.5.
Wright, Lower,Wingham..:
Mr. and Mrs. Jas.' Dail:can of Owen
Sound; Were visitors over the holiday
nt the home of their daughter, Mrs. C.
'R. Copeland. .
Mrs. Winn Kent returned to • her
home innBrantford, after spending the
past week with her sister, Mrs. Chas.
Blueyale Road.
. Mr. and, .Mrs. Samuel Elliott and
three .,children alse Mr. 'Bert Clark-
son Motored from Hamilton and spent
the '1st. With.11r. and Mrs. Chas. El-
liott, Blirevale Road.
Misses Beryl , Pollard and Janet
Cowan of Blyth, Spent the •week -end
with the latter's sister-in-law, Mrs,
Stenrart Cowan,
Mrs, Geo. T. Robertson is spending
a feW weeks .at Rondeau Beach.
Master J.: England of Luckaonin is
spending his holidays with his cousin,
Charles Deyell.
. Mrs. James Williamson of eiBilylLlit,
vwiti6tked with Mrs. Robert DeY
Misses Ethel Chandler, Margaret
Cox and Mr. Stuart BOyce motored
from. Toronto, and spent the week-
end wittli•e foriner's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. yvz. Chandler, Turnberry,
Messrs. Ewart Linklater and Geo.
Cartiphell of Turnberry,, motored to
TOronto; and spent the, week -end.
Mr. F. G. ,Fox of Toronto,' spent
the Week -end• at the home of Mrs.
Richard Pocock,
Miss Margaret Poneck has returned
to Toronto, after spending a pleasant
holiday at her home here.
• ReYn.E. j.
Harris is spending 'his
vacation with relatives in Wobdaock.
• Miss Lottie Madison is home for a
short vacation from Toronto and is
'visiting with Mr. 3. M. and Miss Helen
Graham. , •
A welcome . visitor to town this
week is Mr. Chas:Knechtel. "Charlie"
s RI -loves the old town and called at
Tie Advance Office to renew his. sub-
s Citation to the paper, which he says
he QOtildn't live without. He says he
knows- Timothy Hay so, well that he
is going to spead an evening with him
smoking in their stocking feet up
against the kitchen range and possibly
talking a bit of "pollyticks" too, Mr,
Kneehtel is visiting at the home of his
daughter,. Mrs. J. VV. McKibbon. • I -le
notiets big improvements hi Wingham
in the last conple of years with its
seyosntvrielt.e roads and 'Complete. sewerage
IVIrS1. W. , H. Willis has retttrited.
ftom 'Spending the . Past. month with
hot parents at Vort William, Ileing in
' , . . • „ . . : AdMinistrat1Ori ., , attendanee at their dialubild wedding
The transfer to the Oen. TelePbane :CornparlY' of .Callad.a,of tb
" business and plant ol the North Huron Telephone. Corripany, Limitd
• has been approved by the Ontario Railway and MunicipaltBoarcl,and
the s)steins will be merged July 1st next.
Because it has been found the most satisfactorynlethoct entailing ,
only a small advance payment we have adopted the system of monthly '
subscribers' accounts, and our nev,v subscribers will thus receive their
first rnonthly bill on or about July 1st, next. .
• We welcome North Huron subscribers into the r3e11 System, and
assure them of 01.1.17 desire to make their service all that efficient tele-
phone service ought to be ! .
We will appreciate prompt advice concerning defective equip- '
merit or faulty service. - hoz .
C. B. 'Robinson, Local Manager
• Among the families froth Wingham
occupying cottages at Kincardine
Beach for the next two months are:
Dr. Tamlyn'S, J. W. _McKibbon's, A.
NI, Crawford's, 0. Thonipson's; W. A.
E: R. Harrison's W. F., Vang
Stone's, R. Vansione's, R.S.., McGee's.
Mr. Hugh Halliday for several years
Ford Agent at ListOwel has resigned
and, with his wife has gone on a trip
to the Coast. • Mr, Halliday is a ,form-
er Wingham boy and a brother of
Mrs. H. F. McGee and Mr. David Hal-
liday of toWn.
Miss Bertha Gannett, a recent grad-
uate of the Central Business College,
.has gone to Toronto, where she has
secured a good position.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Zurbrigg and fam-
ily ,motored to Palmerston on Satur-
day and, spent the day with relatives.
• Miss Catherine Adams accompanied
by .her friend, Miss Alton ofHamil,
. „
ton, are visiting at the minim s home
here.' ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson are vis-
iting with friends in 'Waterloo.
Mr. Arthur Adams motored to Ham-
ilton on Tuesday. where he will visit
with his brother, W. C. Adams,
Mrs. E. Porteous; Mrs. J. Skinner,
•Master :Rae Porteous • of -Stratford,
Miss Jean Rae of T.Cingsville, Mr, and
Mrs. R. Rae and Miss Margaret Rae
an.d Mr. W. Porteous of Lucknow,
•and Aliss Irene Bradley of Ripley, vis-
ited over the ist.• with Mr, and Mrs.
Oliner Thompson.' •
Mr. T. C. King and family have
gene to Bruce Beach where they will
occupy their new cottage for a few
NisLouise Hyslop Of Stratford, is
visiting with her friend, Miss Grace
.W. J. Boyce ,and family motor -
Mr. and Mrs.' A .J. Busch and little OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICAN
daughter, of Buffalo, are visiting with Osteopathy Electricity
the latter's mother, Mrs, Swarts, Shut -1 All diseases treated.
Miss Mae Williamson of Toronto, Street, next Anglican Church, ! (form -
is visiting at her home here. erly Dr. MacDonald's.) Phone 272,
Mr. and Mrs, John Young Kingarf,'
and Mr. and Mrs. Guest i Gains, Kin -
.cardine, spent Sunday with relatives,
! Nixon—McLean—A t• S t. Andrews
in town.
Manse, Wingham, on Saturday, June
Mrs. Daniel Smith, Sault Ste. Marie, 23rd.„, by the Rev. Dr. perrie, Miss
is visiting at the home of her son, A.
James A. Nixon of Lucknow.
McCutcheon—Scott--At St. Andrews
sister, Mrs. Guest, in Kincardine town-
, Manse, On Wednesday, June 28th,
Miss Hodgins of London, is visiting, ence S
ship: • ' by the Rev. Dr. Perrie, Miss Flor-
ebtt to Harvey E. Mc -
with Mrs. Dawson, Shuter St. Cntcheon, both of the townsbip of
Miss Edna Smith of Kitchener, vis- Morris.
ite.d over Sunday at her home in town.
Miss Shirley Donaldson, who has Commits Suicide
been a student at the Academy of U. Theresa Schmitzlen of Carrick
Music, Toronto, for the past three' Township was failnd drowned in, the
months has retuilled to her home on
water trough at the barn of her prem -
Friday for the ho iday season. lises on Wednesday morning and indic-
• Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Wilson have; ations pointed to suicide, Coroner Dr.
returned from their honeymoon and M. H. Gillies was cal.led to the scene.
have taken up their residence on Min-: Mrs. Schmitzler had a bad. attack of
nie St, Mr. Wilson was the recipient! influenza some time ago, which left
of a handsome smoking table and a, her mind tinbalanced, and it is thoug•ht
The following is the'report of S. S.
No. 8, East Wawanosh. The marks
are apportioned as follows: -5o per
cent for Promotion Examinations re-
sults and so per cent for term work.
The pass requirement for ail classes!
is sixty per cent,
V Class—Jessie Menzies, 75 p. c.
Jr, IV to Sr. IV—Blanche Cunning-
ham, 73; Lauretta McBurney, 72; An-
gela' Gibbons, 64.
Jr. III to Sr. III—Annie McDowell;
73; Arnold Vint, 6o.
Sr. II to Jr. III—Zora Bolt, 63;
Bruce Chamney, 6o. '
Jr. to Sr. Il—Dorothy • Vincent,
73; Cleland Bone, 64; Blair Gibbons,
64; Harvey Stapleton, (recommended).
I to Jr. II --Eileen McCallum, 76;
Harold Vincent, 71; Clarke Johnston,
66: DOrothy Stapleton, 65.
Primer—Doris Scott
• May McBurney, Teacher
The following is the report of the
promotion examinations of S. S. No.
9, East Wawanosh:
Jr. IV to Sr. IV—Pass 4:35; Honors
543. Alba Carter, 607; Lawrence Tay-
lor, 544; Harold Kern 478.
Sr. III to Jr. IV—Honors 577; Pass
495. Agatha Coultes, 6o3; Joe Kerr,
558; John Currie, 53o.
Jr. III to Sr, III—Honors, 564• Pass
483. Agnes Coultes, 599; Viola fames,
Sr. II to Jr. III—Honors 438; Pass,
375. Mary Scott, 535; Dorothy Kerr,
483; Nornaan Coultes, 470; Edward
Marsh, 376.
Jr, II to Sr. II—Honors, 4o3; Pass,
345- Alberta Shiell, 421; Leonard
James, 38; Elmer Arbuckle, 262.
Sr,•1 to Jr. II --}lob Arbuckle, Gor-
don Kerr.
Primer—Annie Scott, Jessie Ar-
buckle, Elliott Johnston.
Freda M. Colling, Teacher.
to Paris on Saturday where they spent DR F A PARKE
the week -end with relatives.
er St.
Office adjoining residene'e, Centre
Wilda E. McLean of Ktncardine, to
G. Smith,
Mrs. Todd, sr., is visiting with her
leather upholstered rocker, the gift of
Mr. Hirst and the employees of the
Farmers' Co -Operative Creamery, of
which Mr, Wilson is accountant.
Miss Eleanor Cornyn and little Miss
Jean left on Wednesday of this week
for a few months visit with relatives
in British Columbia and Alberta.
The Misses Bowers are spending -
their summer vacation at their home
in Pleasant Valley.
Miss Mabel 'Walshis home from
Preston for the holidays.
that in a fit of melancholy she drown-
ed herself.
The following is a list of fairs of
various Agricultural Societies of this
Brussels, September /4th and r5th.
Chesley, September 280 and 29th.
Dungannon, October 5th and- 6th,
Durham, September nxth,
Goderich, September 6th to 8th.
Harriston, September 28th and 29th.
Hepworth, SepteMber 19th and 2cith,
'Misses Myrtle and Maria Bennett
Holstein, September /9th and 2oth,
are spending the summer holida.ys at
Kincardine, September 2ist and 2211d.
their home on Francis St. ,
Lion's Head, October 3rd and 4111.
A broken leg, a braised and. tut Listowel, September 2151 and 22n51,
head, 4 smashed motorcycle and brok- London, (Western Fair) Sept. 9 to 16.
en! runningboard Mid •fender ,on an Luelcnow, September 28th and 291h.
aorteiscuoltns ToiflutasndaacniidgehnttMildmay, September. 18th and letli.
Milverton, September 28th and 29111,
ut a7p.e3otoll'eel
when a motorcycle collided with the Mitchell, September teth and 2oth.
'Fire Chief's car at the corner of Nile Mount Forest, Sept. 20th and ntst.
and.Brunswick streets, Stratford, Wm, ea . c
,../Weil Sound, September 12th to 14th.
and Robert Mellride were on the Paisley, September 26111 and 27th.
motorcyCle and Wm, is in the hospital ,7
,JahtlerStOrt, October sed and 4111.
with his leg. broken at the hip, .while Pinkerton, September 20111.
Robert escaped With slight in.unies Teeswater, October 3rd. and 4th.
and Mrs: R. l'..Mci3ride, now. of Strat- l'orcinto,,(National) Aug, 26 to Sept o,
mostly bruises. They are sons of Mr.
: Tiverton, Oetoher 31-51,
ora, but fOrtr er residents of Winghanl. Illiderwood, October toth.
Chief Kannele was bruised badly ell Wiarton, SePtembar n6t1i and
one shOulder in the-prash. , , • .•,.. 'Wingham, Senteinber 25 h ii I 2 6t1 1., ,
t 4 <
Pretty London Wedding .
, • „
The London Free Press of Jnetc.
contained the following- -wedding
notice which will be of interest to
several readers of this paper because
that me groom is a former WU-Agit-a=
boy and a nephew of Miss Sutton and.
Mr. Chas. Sutton of town.
"At ing-h noon, Wednesday, at the•
Cronyn Memorial Church, a charming
wedding took place, when Lorna, the
youngest daughter of Mr. and- Mrs,.
Thomas Jeffi-ies, Albion St., became
the bride of Herbert Beresford Agnew,
lof this city, SOrl of Mr. and Mrs. joho.
Agnew, Sackville street. Rev. Quirt- '
tin Warner officiated. The bride, who,
was given in marriage by her father„
wore a smart travelling suit of navy
poiret twill with black French harm
and corsage of pink rosebuds and val-
ley lilies. .Her niece, Miss Helen Hop-.
per, was -the bridesmaid, frocked ha,
navy taffeta with wide brimmed Bann
of navy blue wreathed withgarden/. ne
flowers, and ccirsage of 'orchid sweet..
peas and pink rosebuds. Ernesk,...,-*--,
. A
new, brother of the groom, was bmfet
man. Following the ceremony, Mr,,
and Mrs. Agnew left at once on filar;
honeymoon, ,going to Torontoi add ,•
thence by boat to Montrealcandi %ben-
bec. „On their return they wire' nesidin
on Adelaide St., London," •
Poison Pen Artist In Bruce
An anonymous letter writer has bee=
making- life miserable for Mr. Fin,-
layson, a resident of Tiverton, Threats
to end his life and destroy property
have been received from a party whce
cleverly made up his letter from print-
ed characters clipped from newspapers
so as not to reveal his penmanship.
Mr. Finlayson has spent $500 on de-
tective fees trying to run down hiz
persecutor, but all such efforts were.
At the June session of the Bruce -
County Council, Mr, Finlayson asked
to have a portion of the bill paid by•
the County, but the County Council-
lors thought this was a matter for the
provincial authorities to deal with and,
took no action.
Be Careful What You Sign
An elderly farmer up in Arran town-
ship came very nearly being- put oat':
of lions; and home recently through.
the signing of a document, the con --
tents of which he did not understand.,
It appears that a Tara implement deal-
er was asked by the firm he re.pre--
seined to have some responSibIe- per—
son recommend him as a trust worthy.
person to handle their businessi. Then
prospective agent suggestec'e the.fagra--
er in question and the general agent.,
going out to call on the farmer se-
cured his signature to a documante,
which he (the farmer) thong,fit only
a recommendation but which in rear—
• ity, was a guarantee. All went welt;
for the first year, and the i'aritteit-
readily signed again the second year..
This time, however, the 'Tara agent.'
got away behind and the! compavar
came forward with a elafm of $5n00nx
against the innocent and ignorant
farmer. The farmer engaged_ the ser-
vices of lawyer C. J. Mickle o5Una-
ley, who arranged to Meet repeo5nnten-
tives of the implement company at
Walkerton. To these Mr. Mickle
pointed out that the farmer was an of
man and that to take $5,00o from him
would put him on the road. Thc com-
pany, it appears cotild have made the
farmer come across with the fan
amount, if it took his last cent, butt
Mr. Mickle's line of argument influen-
ced them to half up with the farmer
and accepted payment of $2,soo, widen
was the amonnt the unfortunate maw
paid for his experience.—Mitchell Ad -
While some flappers may be flippetr
than a flapper ought to be,
One can't be both it flapper and
flipper too, you see
For tho' she may be flipper than site
„ should be as a flapper,
Still she's note the les8 a flapper or,' • •.
• that's how it looks to me.
If you're father of a flapper who 'it •
you seems much too flip, or
whon,e'eerr it g?,tnttlobe,
fancy thwo,
T. advise you take a, slipper 'and wit*
that there slipper slap'er '
And that flappet won't be flipper Male; •' •
she thinks, is sufe, youll see ,