HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-29, Page 8F, r
461,0****ito losommOssiiisoli*•••iiinamilimilloacomommislisiiiiiimmaimtaimpiximmionot
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111. „
ilecial Values in MI Departments for JuIj lst.I
(Store Open Friday Night andClosed Saturday)
Ladies' Ready-
DRESSES -Silk, Canton Crepe,
Homespun, Organdie, Voile,
Gingham, special prices $4.50, 27.50
Spring Suits and Coats reduced 25
per cent.
so Only, Wash Skirts, $1.98 and $2.6g.
Men's Clothing and Fur'nishinis
Fancy Percale Shirts 1.50to 3.50•
Fancy Silk' Shirts 4.25 to 6.00
Men's Shirts and Drawers • , 69c I
Men's Combination Underwear 1.25 to 2.50 si
Men's Fine Socks ....... . ........,...25c, 50c,,75c and Y.00
Men's Silk Ties 50c '75c and 1.00 IIII
Men's and Young Men's. Suits
Genuine Palm Beach Suits -
All Wool Worsted Suits
Mr. and, Mrs. David Robinson' paid
friend ui c1iingwood a malt on Sun- ,L
day. , I
Mr, and Mis Rohert Barnard_ of
London, visited, friends in and around,
town over the week-ord.
Mr. C F. „Alai:Lean, is at present ant
the sick list. We hope soon to see,
him around .ets brisk as usual I
Reee J Douglas acconipanie'd by
Mrs. Douglas and 1VOss paidl
Stratfor'l friends a' visit, last week.
• A load of the membersof the local
I. 0. 0. F. lodge, attended Decoretive
Services in Brussels on. Sunday after -
n°°111 -S
M, Geo, Towne received word last
week froin Grand Bend, Indiana, thatl
her daughter, nurse Jean Towne, war
ill. Mrs. ,Towite left on Wednesday.
Her many friends here hone for a.
speedy recoVery. • .
,A burly tramp.Struck town on Sat-
urday. He had one of, his shoes, re-
paired at Mr.: Durst's shoe shop and
promised to pay him: for the joh in
forty years, He next visited Mr. Rob-
inson's general 'store, whe.-e he sectir-
ed a supply of tobacco and walked
out without saying when he would
pay. He had slipper at the Gofton
HouSe and at bedtime asked for a
bed but when pay, was demanded he
had no 113000r* lje slept 'in. the rock -
up and in ,the Morning went on his
way. He was •a big 'able:bodied man,
ati Austrian, and seemed prond'of the
fact that he had been in an interment
=rip during the war. -News.
• Mr. and Mrs. C. Sproal, C. p, R.
section 'foreman, spent the •past 'two
weeks visiting friends in aniVetround
Kitchener. , •,
- Miss Ella, Sandeton' of Toronto,
spent the pashweek -visitingfriends, in
and Mrs. Gavin Mrs.
Nooks and the Misses Hilda and Mar-
garet Abraham- motbred to Stratford
a and spent the week -,end. Mrs. Nooks,
who has been spending the past few
•weeks with ,friends here will remain
in Stratfordfor a few days before re-
turning to her home in Winnipeg.
Mrs. Allan Vatcher and little son of
Months with her parentsdbaaRsinTr
Newfoundland, who has spent the past
few months with her, Parents, Rev. and
Mrs. Holmes, left on Monday inorning'l
IN for lier' home, her parents , accompan-
21.50 111
17.50 and 29.50
18.00 to V.50
• Serge Skirts, special ... a
at . .$6.95• Men,s
All WoltrTawWeHedatSsuits
• :1.00 to 3.00 !Iala
Wash Satin. Skirts, and Crearn
ill nolusligilaustimilittillitilltillmilligniEitimolimuninanicill1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111311111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
• it ' :Wedding Presents FBride-•
Fr the June , en s Wash Dresses Women's Cotton I3loorners •' ''..,, -
?Ii ' Childr,
E,,,,,..elh,en cloths'and napkins to match Ages 2 to 8 years and 8 to f6 years. Pretty 35c per pair ape 3 pair for $i 00 Pink and.
;.:s .English Satin Bed Spreads, Down Filled Satin Gingham and Organdy Dresses in smart styles, White soft Cotton Bloomers with elastic waist, '
'Aii• and Sateen Comforters, Jaeger Camel Hair '. Prices $1..00 to. $3,50. , . . ,band,' all Stzes, 3 pair for $1.0a
.12,..., Bed Bla.nket's, Checked Pullman and Steamer , . , ' ,..•' ,
. '' '
'RI 1\laderitt Linens Scarfs Runners and Sumnier Dress Materials - KINGSGROCERY DEPT:_
'• 111 Tray Cloths, 'Welton and Brussels Floor Rugs• Latest Fabrics, reasonably priced. New , „. Pure Foods At Money Saving Prices •
' 'IA ' ' shades and patterns. Swiss Organdy, English Black
3 lbs Tea , ' $"I 25
New Silks, Guaranteed , Quality, Reasonably Ratine, Cotton Hoinespun, Voiles and Muslins; Best Shelled Walnuts per lb...... ..° 5.9c
Pried. ' • • Prices 50 cents to $t.50 per. yard. ' - Seeded or Seedless Raisins, per lb
" Best Black Pepper per lb 25C -
ThiArsdaY., Jane 29t1-1,
_Thsi.s One -of tile Very,
-Latest Styles •
For Men who do not care for extreme fashion.
The last is almost perfectly straight and is, a beautiful shoe in
every particular. ,
The leather is of the very finest "Via Kid" which is soft and
I ,Pliable and. will give comfort from the begi6ing.
A particular3r"nice shoe for "Business; 1VEee-They are made by
Murrays and are strictly "hig#I. grade", roil: axe invited to call in and
have a look at -them.
Dominion Day, Saturday Next, Store, Closed,
All Day ---Open Friday Until 11 p.m.
• Colored Pailette• .-$1.6e 8
$2:69 and $3:0, Corsets Specially Price'd, c and 1.19 Per Pair . Fresh Soda Biscuits, 2 lb. for
, Heavy- Duchess Satin, per yd
$e.50 Elastic.op g d cualit cotton Best Canadian Cheese, Per lb. • 20C
Heavy Crepe-de-Chene, per yard..
- jean lightly honed all sizes at Sc9per pair. I,aundry Soap, all makes per bar •
7c ,
. , ,
•Heavy Pongee Shirting Silk, per yd 89c
Summer Net Corsets at $1.19 per pair, Extra Good Brooms, reg. $1.00 for 7Sc
Silks -"yto ea,00 made ef att-otig net, cool and comfortable for Sockeye Salnion, large tin
e- zsc
Paranette Satins, per yard... ... and $4.25 • stim.tilei- wear. All sizes: • 6 Rolla To et P
Habitau ,
visiting his uncle, ;Mr. :Geo. Greenway.
Retnember the Garden Tatty on he Methedist Church lawn on July sth.
Mrs. John Geddes of Belgrave, spent
a few -days with Mrs: Ikcibt, Shaw.
Mr. M. MaSterS,..wha'reeeetly under -
Went an operation in Wingfiam Hospi-
tal is able.' to be around' again.
Miss Carlotta Wilson of.Toronto,
spent a few days with her parents at
the parsonage.
Mrs. Griffith and .tWo sons j of
Montreal, Mrs..Sanderson, Mrs. Hut-
chison and'Mrs. Donaldson of Tor-
onto, are up for the holidays atetheir
summer home,
Rev. Wilson preached a fine fare-
well sermon on Sunday night. and
w L s
The Leading Shoe Store ot Huron County
Phone 129.• Wingham, Out.
ied her as far is Toronto. ,
-Mr, Geo. Muir,,who is erecting a
new cottage .on the- properly he re r . Sorry t9 r-po...rt that Cxe▪ orge Walker
cently purchased from Mr. John Hen- is on the,sick
derson, had the misfortune to fall aff The la.ivnesocial held on the Red'
hope he, may --soon be able to be on Rernetribei! the Community pianic of
Sehool lawn was a splendid success."
a_seaffold and injured his foot, we
the job- again.- ' , Brick and CalVin churehes to be held in
Goderiele on Friday, Jun 3oth. Come
EAST WAWANOSH • and bring your ,friends'. You are wel-
mr. Fred Pratt of 'London; is come.
• ing with his brother-in-la.w, Mr. Geo. 'the slum -net- with Mr. Wm. Cole of
NaY-1°1'. Belgrave.
Miss Mae Bone spent Sunday with ,
leer • friend Miss Phyllis Johns of
Mr and_Mrs. George 'Herd of De- • Me. and :Mrs. Jas, Colley mdtored
troit, motored up and spent the week- to Lucan. on Sunday last.•
end with her brother, Mr. Samuel Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Abraham and
Deacon. - • Master Vern, of Ethel, spent Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Sitnmons and son .of at Mr. Thomas Abraham's.
-Whitechurch visited on Sunday with., Mrs. John Wellesl. ey spending a
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shiell. I feve days with her sister, Mrs. Mar-
.wood o,f St. Auguetine: •
Mr. and Mrs. David Giddins' ;.o'f • •
Stratford 'SPent Sunday as Kr: John
Cases/lore's.' . „
1VIeSsrs:,R. Johnston: ,aled, Jack Gray .„.
motored •to Beni-1611er one day laSt. •
Spun glass cloth is, being made for
insulation of storage batterieS.
• The papers continue to „serve up,
Irish stew daily. Would Mr. 'Raney,
mind us varying the menu with a help -
ilia or two of Athole brose?
.An .electric-barra.ge which ch.a.ges
certain areas a water'with electrodes -
has been devised to prevent fish front
entering irrigation canals and ditches
and later perishing by thousands in
the fields,
1 Hanna & Co., 9 Limited Men's tor -11..-
leaves for his` new home at Torontc.) 'gets moldy and they think. it will be of i
' and therefore will not take it tn. 1 ...
'There will be three scholars corn- iii 1 , II
pete at the Entrance ,examinations at
St. Helens. Ivlisses-Luella Rintoul and II
Fannie Turner and Harry Champioa; AN, •
we certainly wish -them success. -
BELGRAVE " -New ,Liries of Society Brand _.
this week. no benefit. only harm to the stock -
ev. T. W. Mills preached at Carlow
,and Attburn Sunday.
Mrs'. Aitken is in Brussels this week-
• presiding at the Entrance examine -
Rev. C. Tate spent a few days at
'Toronto this week.
',Mr. Geo, Haney spent Sunday with
kis daughter, Mrs. J. VanCarnP.
Mr. Harald Holmes and Mrs. Ce
" 'Elliott spent the week -end with
tiyes at Bratitford.
. .M1;4 Cross of Palmerston, spent a
few (lays with relatives here. -
4 . Mr....,Stewart Young of Toronto, was
.13 -re or the week-encl.
i o P llow of Toronto, is
rof..30bai .C4td.Inttry--.PgItip,:tariort C,Ite,patett 'Reciter"
,„ if:bomber th.tn. any other .1•.tis•L the' United /(Inddorn, He will be
Miss' Mary Stokes, "%vita has ' been
home for some time went to Listowel
Hospital last Tuesday for treatment.
She has been a sufferer for a -long
time, may she soon be better.
111..s. "Thos. Burke and daughter are
getting on w'ill, we are pleased to
tePart7 .Tom is wearing a smile. Best
girl .ever,. . ': ,:
Mr., Win. Robinson, and family of
Wroxeter visited at Mrs: Wm, Holt's.,
last ,Sunday, :'
Mr.'and Mrs. Will..King and:Child-
ren, Mr. and Mrs, Job King and Mr. a couple of weeks with her niece, Mis.
Andrew , Pollock -WCre. at Paisley last Yule.
Tuesday attending the funeral. of Mr. Mrs:, 'Ernest Geddes and , children, ==
Samuel Pollock.- . . • are spending a week with . friends at
V 1
Mr: and Mrs, Thos. Smith and Mr. Bayfield. .- ' '
and. Mrs., John. Miller attended the. Mf. and Mrs. Clayton Proctor, Mrs,
funeral of Mr, Sett -Mel Pollock last C N.oCtett and Mrs. C. Robertson 1
Tuesday. r Mrs. Smith is 'a sister of spent a day with friends in Teeswatere
the - deCeased." . . . . Rev, and Mrs. Jones Spentlast 1;veek, 'al
Mr. Robert Bel lingal is home to in . Toropto,
help his father with the haying and Mrs. John McGuire returned hone ill
harvest, He has been employed with after spending a ...few weeks with her. ,-;,.--
Ament Bros,, Brussels. -. sen, and daughter at ralgiiave.
Mr. Stanley 111D,otrald has: been. Mr. M. Clark of Chicago, is visiting I
hired to work for john Fraser' for his'sister Mrs, Wm. Geddes. , . .
tWo. months.- . . . , . Bishop!Williams held Cchifirniatilm , =
A Union Picnic: is to be. held in Mr, Service in the Anglican Church on
Brown's Grove, :Boundary, better Monday,- there was a class of six re-,
known as T. R., Bennett's .on Saturday, cciiind into the church.
. ,.
JOY ist. Come andhave a good time, Jas. 'I'aylor . arid. R. J, Seott .each
. Mr. Frank Sinith, Morris, is making Shipped a car of cattle and R. J. Scott
his bottle at present .at Mr. Bernicer'a car of hdgs and sheep on Satutday.,
Payne'S. Hi's health is not very good. ' - .
. . .
• days vith-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,Geddes Pi • It 1 oung en s- - laits,, a- range
M .' S ' ,
Mr, Crooks of BruSsels, spent a few =- ..%), .
per, leave on Saturday for Saslzatehew- 1 -of Cloths at popular ,IiriC'- " --..-
an where they will 'spend the summer., ft ''',„ , ,. . . ...
Mrs. • Wells of Toronto, is spending = - . •
lasioeveek. " ' •
Mrs. Cam. Robertson and son, Har-
, es $27.50 to $40.00
It • is . a le.4,ordcd ,farA Ploi. titt ittxbury delivers anutially greifer
'• wbert he appearsjcta itt (')11.9;t1tant:Itili. this Summer..
kohlattt (Ito. Ito. leth 21 t
• al, eS „„
Pain Beach Suits that keep
you cool, Society Brand
Tailored $15.06 to $20
-, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Marshall motor -
1 Grenadine Silk Knit Ties the
Mr. Alex Rintoul is building a new ed to Londoa • and Springbank last
driving shed. Mr. Will Rintoul. of week, where they attended a reunion i . $
Mr. and Mrs. Henry are at present Miss Margaret Ross was a week -end i ' latest novelty in neck-
Wingham, has the contract, of the latter's friends,.
engaged with Mr. James Martin for visitor with her cousin, Miss, Rena
Mrs .John Warnsley' of Bluevale, i1 Mr, Peter Muir of Toronto, is. home Wear -$1.50
the stuntner, , N ' HallgiL _
at present visiting relatives around for the holidays, -
Fordyee and Donnybroek, •, Miss Addle Breakenridge visited re -
'Air. and Mrs. Chester Taylar visited Mr, Dan Murchison, who Ita been 111.
at Auburn, on Sunday last, • visiting with friends iri this vicinity .-ti
his stables by putting in cement floors. yl, for the, coming year, . =
Sorry to hear that Mrs, Samuel leffray, , •al
hope for a speed3r rcroV.-crY. Spent Sunday at her home here. 7 ---
Mr, James :Dow intends renovating 0:levier-marl School has been re-engage Souter Taylor's on Sunday last. .Miss Myrtle Benuett, teacher at •en
Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Taylor visited at has returned to his home in Lueknow.
Mr. `Leask lleGee is putting up a cently with 111nevale, frierals, ' •
fine hen. pen and Mr, R. Catrick of Mrs. Angus Stewart of Howick, is is
Whitechurch, has the contract. visiting with her daughter, Mrs. R, F.,
Phillips is net well„. We .sineerely Miss Annie Metcalfe of Kincardine, iii
:lames will find it very cone -cetera in
Mr. Jahn 'Martin exhibited the big
00 accoliet or ale Wet 1,4*(qtillel. :LI ' .
the fat tire,
steer and horse at 'Ripley and Tec- , ------ \
water lately, Hopper -1.0 Seaforth, 00 Wednesday,
Quite a few in these parts are lillv, June 21St., to Mr, and Mrs. W. 1),
ng quit(' a tinie saving SWct!, (novel' MI* el', a S o 1 1 ---H a rve y Wilnier,--
. , , BORN, '
ij -1:a1f4', it, . ,:") t".4:•11,1,,:,i,'Sli,,,Siale:N,;'",' '-,'.0...ler 't l'41,'-' '; 'f."' It:41i'. , , , r. I' ..','' tar'', 0'1,0'4 •,Ju''''''1.'",`', '1„,,, t',„ - L0,4„,,,,,,,,:.1t,,i,,,;dielli 'il 11,414 mi.,,,,t;',.
It., ' , '' ' • „,j, .•J .i,, ....
• • -
• - - - - - - -
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