HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-29, Page 7' HIDE MISERY: BEHIND A MASK OF GAIETY. ittle ,Evidenee: Ternpest. uoua Slavic Temperament ti), Sopii.:.AtiiidogStricken , • , i*MoSt noiets,••Mid playos4,bent elan, life :Written' bY 01'7. • ,e:igniers 'tate,:".charaCters- algradeetheit •.,• typOdi.ppi Wring itlieti,lea•tatilir, Soirdeeli- ;:: 1.3Y, we et iconteutlyiand display. 'a iriot.of eniotient, in 'every ebtapter..er' act, III ii'reral life it:hey' are net.doing : • . • . . , After eight yeara Of reii•alibe , „ , ii•.1at liOre brotglyt 'real tragedy In. ..'''40n'earbr."137.friY11.P-tttsitslan.,tteine and ite •1' fileted iincinether Pontiaitien. surtoriuts •almostfineoinprelienstible to the for- .,.etgpsir,. the average- diSP/ays . eiriretiot.et anything- The fiction- •' eited," "Slavonic: teitineratnerit,".. crVer•- 1.. ilOwing With 'ontimuringisr if 1eveieifti3Oa( all, hasr,dreen, dearderoe by,ithestrocesetion Of '1.0)10601re it haa- . tost ea:dot,' tallcing aboutetheir travel' seein: td.; be tryin• g foriget Arena iiiheYandak at .a111 tit •••., „ , . :•' i• ;fathers, hatbands. or. brothers -killed, their -Orison expereenceeeor of their :Wealtheand. preSent PoVertY,..theY • do, ee..1paronally, The.do. •zrot, button, rihalre „Strangers, te' thein tabiti' .161 roe,: althongli some of , 'their. . tales Weirld make the sliadeee of the nibs ti • .• , , •,' .enaltent.,tragetlianst er writfers of ,fic- fit'''''•rier:. therrors writhe in. Stherne- at the larale Stuff they"turned out hi their life - Nor do they "'Stearn exnerienees".. ' among •-theinselveS., , • • • Lack. Funds for Funeral, •,,, , It is *ably .when .Sonle present day itheck,,ireVadre;s, • their liloursest that the ideses of the Pitt earop,•recallieetere:Ameng• the oorreSpond- .- 0,nt's.MoSec.ivitareqiinintateers.,is, a young :'..11,WoMarn prominent in ainateur:-.theatirl-.. •'„,,cal4,etudent"of ballet clailioiniafaiiid• .„",":„•.tirile. 'Of the gay. Spirite. of .aney' partY she -,:attendedt de4:. she 1.caltKe to ican trien,d it() .pisic:.44d to Min?' tallier; tat card, Maar, who had died • 'S'acIdeally the day: liefore. ',Ilis..bodry 'lay • the only. table .4n the little tare- room.apartnient he andr,hae two daugh-6 • 'hers 'hail .oeatinieril. The family had the . Rittritiro, ,of $1-.7`5 • bstween • 1.1 'died- Their Restia,n ..,..,,friendeeeinembeins. of the' sabre circle •eoolally • and: all formerly Weill- to. de, ',Were .atio.- ItVing froin hand to inthrtli., and:Catildn'tileeln iralto the eqatva-- rlent. of $15 to pay', expense•s" of 'a simple fUnera.11. , • • • H. ,• $o,, the, ,daughter . appealed to , the :eiriterleane whom elle- kri yen , for hilt to whom she had ,never, iii.rerealed"eithier her poverty or the past. .1,tragediee her ria,Mity inad unrclergona- .•:::,diffling ,theiWarreandrevoiratien. • • :FernilyeDecirnated ' "tWo.ofilier brothers had .beentkillect the 'reVoiation, their ,property :was, bondiScatted ., and L her ns; -died., • She -11,6reelf married a '••••• tithitaniaii, Who, a. year ago, went to • bria native cotintry in:hope of return- .: t4g Retelar With ituridsii:'.Heware shot •at •the frontier ter trying to Smuggl•e '',inetelitaatclise Itustelar. Her eitter's • bilraliaarkwas•iltattri as ca'1.6OlinrCerr-FSVOILI.- tiOnl.Ste.' T1111 two, daughters+ obtained .'‘'Werke-orreiewitli' a .Goireininent bureau •:raid the:nth er Wit.h, the "Che-kav. oresed- •'eret palice. She worked' foe the ."Che- • lea," ,beca•u,se enabled the • feentiler, _through, trhie.. influence' of the e`"Oireka" to retain two -morns to live ,•. • '..1,46.,...;;; coMbined earnings, of the. two -,:,•datiktriers was • less,:,,thaiii. .$10 monthly, tiviut ittout .. • adiergentismulnig e".•11'eitelto Jor,arcquaitu itnloe e conree- •,P•Ondetrt- lir ea new in a iti,ity tittle reoin oinitire'reixthr fleet- of an elevatorle.ss- • :•ii.iatcart.tnett, It was etriel'enttlitat she had •' wealth*. , she never re.- lerred bcf ,ii.1”.The Other day' she Wane e.oneanteredriS.A.Pallac,e-like Striteture, , ,are, bue of. the, • legest. residenees, Mos, -iL'it!".teve, 'with .carred' oaken stairways and .1 1ateentratree, Iitall".ae..big as an ordniatry. dittY- apartiteirt.ri Sdrhe ono .recilietrieeclettiart the,"rdein wan 'tarnished• - • ..• ., • 'Yetai, 11t0a4, fir said. Anct then, t1a,addea hashaillr: .1"I Was born here. •' • tilt' WatS. 1(1110W." • • She Was tire daughiter of tite.wealth-r "'teat Merellaut in4Vio:seda.. •" , „ HOW LOVO''.1,ighifetiSiBilordpna• il „ifi..:,kin-diy.,:;w1iite-totiled old gentle- • . ,Man,e interested' in. a- bright-ey•ed, bare. • 44011.0 -little' inertivebby Who rasjlying histrade a, 'crowded city A oariittes'tiortod him 'abett t hinteelf and • /113.'werle. 'Acietirditg to ,the ' Stara., as ,....e•rop§itoa by ,Pielliatger, 'there...was a .:Yolinger•brother- to ibe slipi1otte"d, "Jim' „ •:„., • nityekI, who WaS,IaMe .and, "ciluldii:ti earn •-• •Sehl the' sYmpathetta ,,•;que4tione.r," ••••.!'rtii,at-iiiilkes• it hard; you de.b.et ter Oird," figure was erect in• wag e.rolept indignent.. 'Leonid sol body to heine ...to ,; . of help. . What liavin' Itiek if fr (jr of" getting ithingS there.".Wiie 'nobody 'divide; it; With,?" s.trot" r,ttiletl, egri. tit& tiOwsbuy g •;.tife oid ii6bOdY si.1paorer ser , •' Meta '•• " • „ . •-' ri' • • „ ' • •• • • ItittligestiOn..DiSappe4rs'.* he ; the )3fued, Supply.. is fl.rxelltekl,' The urgent aeeclf$f .WifJo.' Onffer. 'frern' indigestion' and' 'Who. the. erttinitreh iralable to' p•erforiti, uSual, _ • .,,, ,Pain and,,diletresra ;after' eattlieViL:13".tlia. *m7:I Os/ isitOWS• . that rit, .Weak to.'„perfOrm, the 1wOrket digeSting, ;the feed taken. thisiertitildirt0" 4°,11iie people foolititty'.tesort mirgativeir, 'brut. these' oulYettoititker 'the' New strength is. giVelt 1aelits,,,t1by Dr. Pink !pine he - Centre sios,e'puts,.euieibiti'uird iLf the bio04, rtipply, . • This it the reatireir•Pria- ceisartiii giving strength and tone, to ,the, ialtoMaCk. and it ,anectrater •Ier. the speedy relief in', stomaCh ditorderS. .tileat,:ifollovo, 'the iiuSe,of D. WiIliam& Iink Pills,'.: .ittre.'aPpettte reviVes.,'1•1fOtidl can; be -taken withoixt discoMfart. and; the buiden ,arird.1 paina of indigeertiOn are '.fehrisekt,1 PrOinineritlatttifiess. man ef;,..14eMtille1,,, bearS.11.66SaiiwaYi ,these int:eases' 'Of ,thi's kind•e.Ite, says:. Was attacked ,witlii • tiOn iaceornntaried. Sterete. eran5.Ps ri!O. the r,stoniach. et :Wes. preserilied for1-bY. the:family doetor,,,htit gol•irgry. .beneilt;Thiel?: I tried i0Oie :Of :the ad yertiSed bat With nee -better result. • Indeed My eenditiOil•WaS gr07411': ,itht.,:werSe.,. Then J read case of: a mat virile nraleed'br. Piak COndition 'was. siMilar to ity and I: -decided :to.;try'ithlis, 'Medicine, . The result, 1. think,,' was . • ainaziegi as the 'use of -sik boxes re: , . . .sttnited:Me to iny,. fernier good'. health. Can. tiler:ref-Ore iirarfnly recoMmend the. use of rthis Medicine -fair stonlaeli trou- Yon • �n get 'these Pills `from •any medicine dealer or by inaileat Ceuta a box or elic boxes for f$2,50 from:The Mealleine Bratila 'the eOteR ef th,e,Oxerstal Palace:, Lon - Y. Mee Ont. • , '• •:.i, • don, contains. fourteen acres 'of :glass. • - • n oivlo the hinob I Want • SehaP11311.et ;Ott' rfid• WOW., oypr tot griatilpar''31 PTO. tio.dar,Y, IVI.Other VII tides. X .kplOw1'-,-;" ,Tirst ata; got ito Nogillift to .414, the•Whele.:daY' 'Perilitin! the X 'want ;to. do, VII 'be iterriblY thengil1; Alw4i biltroyin.c on. the',•goi Peeffin:' arlitilV. the cowif; StUilirit the haler' up in the mows • -Ootitite-te: do the wbeio '..,(410PrtXtrf-thie things, f want 'to . Nue ftti., Yon' DO the tartuo th-a-t4uu„vratitju 01•OktuF apd, eheOSIM' Ibei"e there, Pinkilint'Sonie fun 'moot ,everywhere. Notaiiii'tio do whole day uttoautit, i•deptIn the you Want to do, - WOlaer WhYU. the Mike I eee . Den:Plebe:ye Mu the saave. as 'me. Seekne as. thonon they, go blind Takin' anythingitheyIind; . '• :C.Verldh'Iattlie Whole daYetibriptigh„ Things, that'aley don't' went to (to. • • . iletcher life! when I've growled tall, Worir aa' ine Won't hitch at alt, 'Canoe 1'114i:01c abound a it, Haat& for the place I fit. . , Then I'll spend nry whole! life threugb toirt' rihe tItin.gs that I want to do. , Never Again. . , "Scientific manage/nett is here, to stay. Those who Oppose le are as -shiftless 'as, the old'eari, The old earl, before going to his bath to dreSS'for dinner ete evening, for some reason, corinted his money, six' ilre-pthind noteS, rani laid thera on his drealIng- fable as nanal. On returning freenhis bath he again a:tinted his money, end one of the -five -pound notes wag' miss - fag, Ile looked ruefully at his va,let busily ' fastening pearl studs. in his evening shirt. `Triuniph,' 'said 'flee old earl, 'a loss of live poi:Inds, • I never cotunted. my moneeebefore and I never will again. It•doest t pay. • • . • fl Their ..,urnamesrip &BARLETT Racial • origin — Engiish-tier Source—A localiti or a given name. ' The history of this family name is a bit emu:plea and in some respects ob- , 4 • • In ome instances it is true that. the name may be founded upon the same word, but search 'through the cords fails, to ,diseloSe that this is the principal source of it. • On the other hand there is every evideneethat the name came into Eng- land at the time of the Norinan in- vasion and perhaps again at later periods as a surname inclicaiting that the bearer had come from a piece in Normandy called Es carlae. The natural tendency of the English tongue would be to drop thie initial „ , "E," just wit Was the tendency of the French to prefix an "e" to words be - "e." • Again, 'there is another line of de- velopment indieated, involving three languages., German, French lead Eng- lish. Under tnie explanation the name would virtualli. be thresame as that of Charlet. This, given name, of Ten- . tonic origin, came to be spelled With a "Oh" instead of a "K" in France In . Some cas,ee, being taken back Into Ger- many; an "S" was. prefixed to maiatain bine soft pronunciation, and it became "Schaal')." If taken into English at a still later date, probably 'already. de- veloped into a surname it would rath- er easily have become "Sca'rlo" -and tihen "Searlett" through similarity in sound to "scarlet" , • , • MILTON ee, • . Racial Originngl.sta. Source—A tocality. '•' There is little dolibt about the a tienality of this fatally name., So fre- quently does It appear in lists of names froin medieval English times and from Iceitelities hi which English_ people have s.ettrietd. It is One of pie roast frequently °c- oercing of English family names, rank- ing next only to such mantes Smit'h, ,Tonee and the more Pqmilar of this names made up by the addition of "son" to a given name. •' The' family name of 1VIittto,n ' of comae conies from a place name But in the individual ,caste you'll find it just about hopeless to guess where the original bearers dame from. There Is a toyvn. named Milton in Dorset. There, it one' in Devon. 'Phere are 3.Vlatons in Fife and Haots, in Kent and North- ants., M Oxford, Westmobeltnd, York- shire sad in many other sections of England. " Some of tb.e.se, towns, of course, do not' date b•ack medievel tiniest, and the milks. reimaed to in the naming of them are sometimeserealLy factories. • But the 'MKS. which gave the medieval towns their names, of course were grain mills,. • • Cousridering the trumber of towns which were dolled Milton, it is no,won-• der that the faintly name is found so often' to -day and that ,peopiev of this •name' are not necesearrily even remote- ly ,related to one 'another, though -they •to as tar back as twent, generations ago. , 1*, eer,, - • ' -1' '1 • TI!',If/1115004*. .41);IPAPOjn:, ' „ 'irht, Explodes.. t IVED xr,te icoewe coowec •tgerrirvy04111:.! .51r;v60'11"9401)0,103; tiale1:1140ticir leso, aud loSo, and tire plugs •become • tooble. Plazas. clie.COvered thie fact • The healthy otota sWeps weli, and thmiisarids of yeors' beforre it -amain MONETTE'S ST 0 M 11 4.41,11.10. kt,,a wo3cino twuns is never ci:oss jugu existo, Arta timay sret out to de- TROIJI314,4E, NOW PVER- , but aiways haeoPY Jit If! vise, way's of en.surring that -tal'O'Ir Vet`d; conivrE HE mAK 01E4 egC)00- aabCk. upou trol$h ,,w• • orA.TA eevish Mothers if 'ynar aajdren, dp some, like the thlatie gad tbe tba,n4e, 'STATEMENT, not sleep well; if they are cress alto develoPed SteefES provided vedli • • or' .grea deal, Kly.0 Mom POrs iiibtalloons of demi., by mewls' of which riedareo Taulac Complete y Oaen Tablets and they will Soon 1). they axe, carried for macs. tEbe one, Overcame His Trouble After Everything Else FailelL Taalae for it has made a. new Mao, ctf "I: was a lookY day iffillen bgtigla well ,and happY 'again, • The• Tahlate are a lona ,.but thorough laxatire whiehi bowelS, sweeten the store-, ach,tbanish conetipation, onlid digeStiou and prciinote,heelthful sleep. Tli1ey 'are absolutely guaranteed, fres. front opiates and may be giVen to the neiv-born babe With perfect safety. They are sold by, utedicine.,aoalers, or by mail at 25 centS box -,frati-The-. Dr. Williams' IVIedicirie Coe 3:itiock- vale, Out.- . , Dreams That Spell Danger. • The state of ...our health es., revealed In our eleep'bo a niudh greater extent than we might iMagine, FOr instance, tillage who have what are known as "soft dreams," , Which donsietof endless views. .long stretclies of country ,moving slowly past, are asually foanrd to be 'subject to headaches, and violent neuralgia. Frightful dreams -foretell a sadden rush. of bymfie to the head while dreams- about blood point to milamma- thin it saline part of the body. eIn thia eennection a person.may suffer, from nothing more serious that a ,festered finger, and yet the spectacle ot blood ,will form part of his dream. Dreams about rain Or water are of- ten signs of irritatiou 'of the Mucous membrane, and the dreamer' should not be surmised. to wake up with a sore throat. • Should. you dream oE people several times their nen:nal size, it is an in- fallible sign that the. liver is affected; while it has been netieed that when the dreams are of pain la any particu- lar part of the body there is eometh.ing wroug with that part. • NumerouS forms of fever are an- nounced by dreams of an uncommonly terrifying character; while in oases of severe neuralgia aud rheuntatic affec- tions, disturbed dreams artefoceastion-. ally found to be forerunners of an. at- tack, . Indigestion gives rise to very mor- bid 'dreams; into which weeping,,sor-. deather, funerals., suffocation, and strange animals enter. All these thi.ngs are due to the curl- , ous effect which•the mind has over the • body during periods of sleep, for dreaming is a very natural thing, and those who never dream at all are said to be mentally afflioted. ' `How pig is a Bean? — Tommy is fond of squeezing tooth paste out of his shiny new tube. "Don't take too much, this time, dear," his mother said to him. one mornit,g when he was cleating hie teeth. "How much --May ',have?" asked Tommy. ' "Well, I should think a little bit, perhaps as big as a bean." Tommy gave a great pinch. ana out shot the paste. "011, oh!" exclaimed his mother. "Not at all, Tommy. Didn't I say as big,as a bean?" "Yes,'" replied Tommy. "This is a, string bean," Fittingettn the IVfajeetic, the world's largest liner, was a costly proceeding, the stores including 16,000 eups 30,- 000 plates, .2,400 teapots and. '8,000 tumblers. _ By a eurioue "freak" of Nature, • insects whieh are the most beautiful When fnlily developed, are often the most repulsive in the griti5 stage. 147.0t.. c°404reo... share , No NEED to warn the little folks away from the -table beverage when Posturn is served; every reason to invite every member of the family to join in the enjoy- ment of this wholesome, satisfying drink. Pastan' is made from Nature's best wheat, and contains nothing to harm nerves or digestion. You'll greatly relish its full-bodied flavor and aroma. An economical mealtime drink—the large size tin. of.ipstant,Postutn will serve • from 90 to 100 cuPls; . • Made in the cup, in a moment. Instant Postain for Health. "There's a Reason'. Made by Canacliet Poetuni•Cereal Coe Ltd. Virindsor, Ontario ' „ • ' more and the lime grow tittle Para- chateS, whieh Send their ii1eede twist - in g through the air for long distainees, The burro rei$Olved make ,nare of animals: to do the work for them. They grovst rows ot tiny hooks deign ed to catch in the coats of animate., t-vi);Iteime ,ocitaraa;til41:1,banWsihaeys,,ailllidttehepiloprptiyli perfected an efficient form of sprink- ler. When the dry heads are shaken by* the wind, tseetts are shot out in all Teleit410 °11111•64iieal sencl.box tree was the first, inventor of eaplosives. Its seed- ppds are filled with gas, which ex- pands until each. preosttre is reach ed'that. the sheath bursts with a ntoise like a revolver shot, .and the eeeds. are distributed over a considerable area. Can You Make a Speech? There are few more useful aecomp- lishme,nts than the ability to make a good .slieecli, and a little kntowledge will save you great deal of discomc fort when the time comes for you to "saTyr;aeineard forget that• you are making a speech!. • Talk in a quiet and natural inauner, are if you were conversing with a friend. Restrain your emc.tione ; beginners should avoid gestures alto- gether. ,Keep your hands still. The expression of .speaker's face is im- portant. Practise in front of a mirror, Say.vnbat you have to s,ay in as few words as possible. Never epeak about a eubjeot which you do not thoroughly uoderstand. Wlienever pOssible, pre, pare your speech beforehand; but do not attempt to learn it off by heart. If You know what you want to say, the words will Wine to you without any trouble whIen tbe time comes. Practise voice-eantuol by reading aloud, taking ca,re .to pronounce each word clearly and distinctly. The moire the human voice is used the. more it wlll improve. If you want to be heard propenly, speak down; do not pitch your voice as if you were talking to semstody at the end of the room. The motto of all public spetakers, writes "A Former Sufferer," in "How to Make a Speech," should be: Say the right thing in the right way. ' His Hearing Restored. , The invisible eardrum invented by A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring th,e hearing of hun,dretis of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented. this &ruin to relieve himself of deafness 'and head n,ois,es,, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated or wholly destroyed natural drums. A request for inforraation to A. 0, Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth .A.ve., Net;ir York city, will be given pronept reply: • advt. Knowledge. If I kneve you and you knew me, 'Tis seldom we would disagree; But, never having yet cleaved leamie, And treat each other "hOnor bright." Both oftea_6_fail to understand How little to complain .tbiere'd be, If I knew you and you knew me. That each interals to do what's right Minard`s Liniment for sale everywhere My Work. I can do something others cannot do— Let me find that, and do that one thing well. I're failed at many things I've • tried, 'tis tale, • Have come to grief more oft than I can tell. Yet am I not prepared to .own defeat And say there's taught at which I may excstL• I hope and. tru•st;,a.n,d hope aild faith are sweet! - • Some day I'll find MY work—and do it web! —Stickland Weak in Arithmetic. This is a true story; At office -boy In a big business h.ouse approached one of the clerks and, with great solemnity, asked hirn to divide 180 by ten. "Eighteen, of course!" was the im- mediate reply. The boy looked thoughtful. "Are you sure?" he demanded. The clerk! thought•there was a catch somewhere, but was enured that the boy was in earnest. "I've worked it out, and it comes to seveuteet and tell Over," said he, and it took a lot of eXplaining to satisfy him. , • rorest Fires end Furs. The 'question of forest fie,-.' has just been appreached from a new angle, • shinned ilLah,foot„tO Jok)rev,-..,a,l, ..a.,V1,4,e1,11,,:,1,.,,', V11.9l.lafOra.....4901,4*l;'...01t..., ic4,14.ktftrfor. 1, 1.1 . ..4*. 1.tiNit,ik. Qr-$.,./1;116r.' :Op it,,eili, sawaeaarbi'eirrbc:40:1'-,'; 1,11: ' ega,Z)"i.1,1,grig!tif.Al'ng$1111.141,?,l'I'bitbimMIT, 11,Cii.'.'1'..'''''',''' Tr r i, ,i'.1,..".. i''''' •,'""'• ,,,,,i:.,41,i1:,r,i,i•xi.,0,...,11.,.:.':fir, ,,,ii iiixi,,1.4.:',.4.0' :4,,4.....,r,17.ag,yi,,,,4777-.',, i .11a6.10i6.1(J'..40V01111i. POrillirli(4,",' A I+, ,0 : 0 : 1 ,.,:i100:07: lir. 919 .0. tr.40::11 .ain1;)1.11li'•inctiloti.'°'11:..„87H1;11.„6,1.714"' .,f1. hiriai a,••• -••,,...,--•,,,,E,,,,-,:,, relative on spealting te1/1.43•,...4' .• .. ei ,,,e, ,,,- . MI d' LHimen2 FE licit' a III.Ou'rellliii ''' '': • i '' ,,' " ' ' ii • ' '1'''',"i• 'the' 'mart' . vt,' 4,411Lo1.110e,A.•"1114.S.1•1•,*1110.r.t4•4111, .1.,tlr'OH10...41.11,1'1.1111,,...,1.:.1,.'11:,'.'1'.,:,1',...,.....i1,.1, . . ,•. .. . , .. .. . .. :not . Make /.;11=1/7111#.fni,e1,4.1 ''.1 ' - "4:e. said Artlitir Menet/re., 165A St., Elizabeth, IVIontreal 41VIY oPPOUto• was so bad never knew what it was to be the least bit hutigry. Even what little I did force dowa soured ad bloated me so ba,dly had terrible smothering sensations and aWfui pains. For mantits I 'was Unable to eat any solid foocl end I got in 0. tor- riblY runalewn coadition, becarne o ne 'Vous would w ing the night, and got little Sound sleep. I was constantly looking for something to bring me relief, bat nothing seemed' to reach my case un- til I rat a.cross Tanlac. "Six bottles of 'Pardee completely overcome my trouble I now eat just anything and never havo an ache or pain or a sign of stomach trouble. -I can't recommetd. Tanlac too highly." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. Advt. a I *aloe up all 'dna • The Curse of Selfishness. Selfishness is one of the m•ost des- truotive'of human attributes. 'More is hardly a crime or me,antess that has not its root in selfishness, in the de- sire to get ,something for oneself; and one of the great temptations of wealth. is to develop selfishness an utter dis- regard, for othera. Their rights, their interests, thein needs., their SOrrOWS, their sufferings, make no a.ppeal to, have no.place whatever in, the mind of the selfish...luau or woman, No human being has a right to a career which will satisfy only himself, which has no results to the race. Whatever he is, whatever he has ac- quired, is due not alone to, his own ef- forts, but in large part to the society in which he lives and to the accomp- lishmetts of men in all preceding ages. No man can live to himself atone, and each one of Laie ovve,s. a debt to the world which it is our first duty to pay, in service of some kind for the emu-, mon good. Selfishness and avarice have no part, in the Creator's plan. We were put here to do team work; we were plan- ned for it, and if we do anything else, ir we do that which does not result in some way to the well-being of the -race, we are violating the very prin- ciple of our being. Get away from yourself; interest . yourself in others; love them, hetp them, or you will be•conie as cold, bar- ren and he•artless as an ieicle. C)OAF1SE SAL LAN D.VSALT Bulk CwrIots • TORONTO 1344T viol:Alga Ai CLIFF ,TORONTO 41.3"xies's .7noreatet. Dog laeinettlia Book on • DajG DISEASES • and KoW r;,0 Feed Mailed Fres to ally Ad• . dreso by the .Aarther,, • N. May ?Mover od.,,zuci„ 120 West Zith street New 'York. IJ.0.* Baby W;,', its Cuticlira 18. AI IIINAVGpo Kna.alig sityink- • • • 1 fer. 41: S ooth d Clear a it Baby's tender skiarequires scioth. ing properties such as are found ia the Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum. ' The Soap is so sweet, pure and cleansing and the Ointment so soothing and -healing, • especially when baby's skin i$ irritated. Cuticura'Talcum is also ideal for baby. Snap 2Se. Ointreent25 and See. Talcum 25c. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: • Lymans Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal. SLMF'ICutitura Soap shaves without (RUM. LY CRAZY 1TH P 1 Riad How Lydia E. Pink - p MONEY' ORDERS. • nava S Vegetable Comp�und Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices th hout Canada g You can not lift up the people upon whom you look drown. Jellyfish float about in the water, but earinot direct their course. Thus they are at the mercy of whatever current takes them. Rural Route No. 1, Alascouelie, Que. The minard's Liniment People, Sirs. --I feel that I should be doing a wrong if I neglected to write you. I ha,ve had four tumors growing on my head for years, 1, had them cut off by a sur- geon about fifteen years ago but they grew again till about three months ago I had one as large and shaped like a lady's thimble, on the very place where rny ha,ir should be parted and it was getting so embarrassing in public that it was a constant worry to me. ' About three months ago I got a bottle of your lini- ment for another -purpose and saw on the Sabel good for tumors.. Well 1 tried it and kept it for exactly two months, with the result that it has entirely 'removed. all trace of .the tumor, and. were it not Shat they had been eut'fifteen yea.rs 8.ga, no mark would be seen. I have not been asked for this testimonial and you can use it as yen see lit. •(Signed) FRED 0. ROBINSON. am a farmer :and intend using 33flina,ra'S mittiment on a mare for a strained tendon, and am honing for &woe results. FRED 0. R. elped Mrs. Beecroft Hamilton, Ontario. --"I have suf. • fered for three years from a female trouble and consequent weakness, • pain and irregularity which kept trio ° in bed four or five days each nionth. I nea,rly went crazy with pains in my back, and for about a week at a time I could not do my work. I saw Lydia. E. Phalcham's Vegetable Compound advertised in the `Hamilton Specta- tor' ,e,nd I took it. Now I have nor pain and am quite regular unless I overwork or stay on my feet from. early morning until late at night. I keep house and do all my own work without any trouble. 1 have recom- mended the Vegetable -Compound to • several friends."—Mas. EMMY BE -E- ,'• CROFT, 16 Douglas Bt., Hamilton., • Ontario. • For nearly fifty :,•ears women bare been telling bow Lydia E. Pielcham'a Vegetable Compound bas restored their health when suffering with female ills. This accounts for the enormous deinaud for it from. coast to coast. If you are troubled with any ail- ment peculiar to -women why don't you try Lydia E. Pinkliattee Vege- table Compound? It has helped others, let It help you. .1( e ,VARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. • --•"Z7Z4,717ireZeZ, Unless you sec the name "Bayer" on ta'blets, you are not get - ling Aspirin at all. Accept, only an "unbroken package" of i'‘13-ayer Tablets of Aspirin,"'which contains directions and dose The trapper is the latest individual to worked out by physicians during 2:2 years and proved safe by add his testimony to the damage forest '11* fo • • firep, go to the great tur iudustry. Ttse . • tut is foram, liras iflurti everY COldS ee e dian interest and benefit trot one. Sueh 'HeadachRheumatism being tire oaise, and as 00 per cent, of all forreS1t 111MS are started by human Earache agency, is It not foolish and criminal Too lhache Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Pain, Pain that we allow fires to l'avage oirr 1rfaudy "Bayer" boxes of 12 teblets---ArVO bottles of 24 and /00-17.r1ggist1i. , 1' forests? . Aspirin is the trade marlt (registered iii.aanadh.) ot 'Player 31Tanuraetar:„. or trope., . .. • ttootioacidostor or smioyiloaeld.. viriiii,.1 it is mistl knovvix thot si,nvIn inosne Usyrir I 11$B1.1e No. 28—'gl.), r . 17,1allotooturo, to olislmt the public against:Imitations. the Tithliqr. , TtoyArtV ,(Nutipa, Ititt/i be stamped with tirote. genetat trade Mark the 1"1344'ex crot:t411' ' ,1 • ',r;r • ' . .. . , ' ''''''''''' a..., a ,aaaiat a,a a a - 1 1 1,1 ,„.