HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-29, Page 5Ura Y ne '29f1t, "i:g •w4J' iI ,• Y.. r•a A,C,. .I, ..11 ' • ��, Tr; }.PnnM. ha ,•�`. .. - h:' � .J, .:; •m- :htia - ti>P•��i T I' ` WINGHAM ADVANCE - . , . , ' : io of tate cos gel in the h b ,� we read tlz;r collo � ang, In viers of he PFt>at n, l GRAND MOTOR we r w the the Council of Presbyters e, paga and Is he of Scotlazicl, fart had ;in the cotastittttiozi of the early is to Isszst in tt'aaaitng t ache-,51>eakmg A% � � of arc i ssxad the ljrCserv�ition of tlaest: iixtntsters, 1Vl.issionries on , furlouf;lr r r l alit► 1A1G1'>itYlllX'C'rxp sfo'a011llkxi„IhalIle ext All ilial"l�ll'l t31 lP�1cY� C+aat eletiieuts of I'i eabyterz Gl anti Conf;rc 1, Ln J ni land iililaitl talar i;t as scare e� Prom .9 .. ,south to Y ,, • q tttotial Dicier, In large 'sektions' of ly pos5tb1e for tllezrt tg 11aYc an later- „ Chr'istendom, we ;agree' that they view withnthe officers of the Homs shotild'be''inaintained with the rcpre. Boards. Often while they wait for sentatzvc and constitutional Episco- hour to meet Some itndea secretary, Pato as Permanent defaents in the- or- they see dtgnitories of the church ush- der aiid life _of the united ehtaielt, ered "right ° into the inner sa�ncfttm A choir,gf Ronrati singer$ the Vati- Canadian Methodism has 12 c4nf i can Choir, under Mgi 'Raf#gels Cast- ences, and 2,536 ministers stud pro,bat ricin; has given two concerts in ,the Royal Albert Hall, London, They also visited ]fdinbuigb:' This visit was pro- posed duiing' the •life of the ltte',1'ope who„ said, ."'We are thoroughly anr- mated by. a, •dcs.ire;'to see- the Papal School of lalusic aiid the •choirs meet with all favor, so that to the• honor of Rome, of Art end the Church, it shall make progress in the venerable ti`adi- tioins of Sacred Chant, the sublimity of Ecclesiastical Rites and, the spirit of the Holy Church.” ' Church Unionis having its difficult-. ies in all Barts of the world. In Scot- land where: the two great Presbyterian churches have made such progress. to- wards .amalgamation, Rev:' James Barr, the •eloquent and able leader of those Aar in opposition was only able to master 25' on' his side.. In England wl ei'e 7 three large Methodist bo.dies"liave, as one wt iter. states,'`been "wooing ;and cooing"; for 'several •years, opposition has assumed ;startling,•strength. in a liernorandum signed by soo Wesleyan ministers. ,`The surprise is not only in the numbers' bine the change of at- titude, since it .1s•well-known that the Primitive, and Free IvEethodists were very tiini'il about entertaining the ad- varices of .the. Wesleyans. Rev. Mr. Rattenbury, the young and Successful London preacher, is one of those. in op- bring the ministers of the synod to / ii i I thodists Vancouver to have 'the benefits of - a position. 'In rlust.i a ra tic 11 e retreat'. or conference, Theological col R nor' t' mall, is h ave otecl $ aiid, Lo i egg zo a r 5 P' leges are given sites oil ,the University {.� per` cent. and the Presbyterians Go eyes — '. campus, where they will beaffihated.. ilei: cent in flavor -of Ulaioai. ,, A few points in. church work may be grouped: 'His Majesty; the King, alas through. the Lord High Commis- ner"to tlie•Asseibbly of the Church Miss Ada Clubb spent last 'week at sto y of Scotland : given E2000 for the `pro- her honie here. Miss Olive Terriff visited for a few clays ',last week e'vith Mr. and Mrs. Allen Turner of Lucknow. ster:.of Bayfield, visited last . Mrs. Fo Y '\ r. her i t 1 wool: at the home of her brother, F'aale I-leTiiy..t' Eominur}ity "Q1ub lt' tea "�k 1te,1Y►nderrnerce, onthereterttlycompleted, Greeted' irele.rno oeroad d 82trrisia �,,y�. `y �r coLumsi6- .•1 AF tv ilio Baiht a lal late!'an h o, 9 P C,fi?R;Hotat,at- Baall�" gary,- Albarta—as this is a loop high- way; of , course, start at any other: point on it he"desires—travel west through the grassy foothills• to the great front -door of the'Rockies which,: a is, incidentally, the gateway to, 'the 13anff .National Park. f At''. Banff,. n where there. is' already a motor camp- site as web as': several good ' Hotels, lie may `linger to bathe in the radium hot 'springs, play golf " among the A 11 . cloud$• or fish in some oft the num- erous.welt stocked lakes o'r:+.streams` of the locality. From Banff' the road` procaeds westward to • Castle, 'thence by, -a' short detour to the wonderful M'. o- aerco •Lake Louise. region to M r g , ARIZONA. gine Lake and ;the -rugged sublimity of_ the Valley of the`Ten•.Peaks, Re- turning, •it climbs by easy grades to. the Vermilion,iPass, 5,264 feet, then `dr_ops'down:.to the .Columbia Valley through. : _the Kootenay Na- -ional Park; to ' Lake Windermere and the'village of ,Invermdre on its shore, Every mile of the way through, the Canadian Parks has':':been built with' an ay to easy travelling_,an d scenic grandeur.. ' Giant peaks, ':Often. 'hel- meted with a snow cap centuries old, guard the way,' ;' Deer, wild sheep,, elk and goat may be"seen feeding fearlessly on the slopes and practic- ally every valley.holds a blue lake stocked with trout, From the Divide tliel.road runs through hitherto un- opened country, which is one of the richest both' in scenery and big game" in the Rockies., Froin, Invermere it drops south, . skirts ` the beautiful Windermere and Columbia'Lakes, the ' latter source of the mighty: Co- lumbia river,‘ through, deep -shaded forests to the International' :Boundary which it cuts just 'north' of Metaline, Washington. Froin Bonner's Ferry it swings south .over excellently .con - .SLENDER blue ribbon of trai , s 5,000 miles 1png,threadiiig tog'eth-• er the ten finest scenic ewels of the western continent -that is. what wee- - tern motor -:snaps ,will show by the .end' of the coming summer. It is called "Grand Circle Tonr" and'.'. it will offer the most wonderful variety natural scenes accessible b • moa o#'zi Y Y A the.in •ldt. : net, Tri qt chain, only'a.' few miles lintar k in the c now in length, remains;to be com- pleted. Then the road will be open" to, the motorists of the continent. This unfinished section, from the Vermilion ' summit near Banff, 'Al- berta, in the Canadian Pacific Rock- ies, -, down '.,to the-Caluinbia Valley, will, Canadian Government engineers say, be ready for traffic by September next. All that remains; to: he done is the grading -and widening • of the unfinished portion of;the road. Then the great loop, dream of-a""few far - visioned Meta, will."be completed, and the stream:p,f tourists may flow along this unparalleled:motor highway. What will it'inean? It will mean 'that, the motorists may start at'Cal- strutted, rads' "thr' z h Spokane 0 oS g> Walla Walla, and Pendleton, where it links up with the Columbia High- way from Portland: Then 't drops 'down past, the eastern entrance to Crater Lake. National Park, to San Francisco and on to• Los:Angeles. Frointhis point. a. sltaort detour will allow the ;motorist to see the famous, Yosemite as' web as Grand'Park and Sequoia Park, the hon'ie of the giant redwoods. -Then, travelling: east; he may visit the Grand Canyon and pro- ceed north via Salt Lake City to the Yellowstone` Park. + From a Yellow :, 'aril Will take him •tone one da ,s o s journey w north.: to the United. States Glacier National Park ,-aiid` less :than two hours more to the International •noun dary. Following the trail to Cards_. detour, to ton, he may ,make a short1 Waterton • Lakes Park in 'Southern W o Alberta, thus completing his tenth National Park, Thousands: of 'motorists, it:i$ ex- pected will 'follow this scenic 'high- way as soon, as it is thrown open. American motorists will want 'to come north,.. to see the glories of the Rockies; Canadian motori$ts Will i -rni . and want tb see beautiful ::.Cal,fo a i d the: wonders of the- Grand `Carryon :, . and 'the Yellowstone.; This'. will mean an international 'exchange.: of money as important as many an: industry, as web as increased international good will. The new road • also opens up an all Canadian circle tour, via Banff, Lake Windermere, the Columbia Valley and returning over the Crow's Nest Pass to the. prairies. This' will af- ford a 600 mile •trip forte Canadian motorists through the heart of :the i i the Rock- niost;�vondcrful sceiiery i ies, in which` for the; whole distance the tourist will either be among. '.-or in full sight of the snowpeakse Dr Hal'deman;'Neva York. Rev, Rev. G. A. :McIntosh, B,, D., of`Mc-. _ Leod St. liethodist• chilrch, Ottawa, • fSt. James, teto :'ii .minis will be the err J , Moatreah • �y U CH EVERYWHERE { Fred W. Norwood, D. D., City Temp - % CHURCH le London, who is on a' mission of it to America," commands By B. of B. "good wi . c r 1 the fairness of the press:, He said'The' Lambeth Appeal has 'made �'�'"'""�'"'�"� "�" . i "the newspapers p are quite the, contrary another advance. At a, recent confer - what acl expected." Rev. An-"ence of Anglicans and leaders of the • Rev. Dr. Jewett, the great: London I to P the +ree' Churches hi .England points of preacher has given a personal refer-, Berson Rogers, D. D., minister of t I' g , ence: He states tlat`his mind•was :or- Presbyterian Church Antiginish, N. misunderstanding and difficulty by • inducting his son in- considered and a finding signed by the • ; • for the _bar: S., had the.,joy of > G. � iginmade up,him study and moderator. Re- +� � the charge of. McFI oiiilsh.: Rev.. Dx. two archbishops :I�iS fatherhad articicd,an a sol- -to_ . gEpiscopacy • agreed that heby't Kehiaan and Mrs. , Kelman, of Fifth girding Lpiscopacy it is, g a mit his Office" •day as School chance ,assuch for • •. resbyCeriaii`churcli, New York, this ."ought.to be accepted • met his old Sunday School teacher on and Ave.,of Edinburgh, have re-,the.;..ubited cln-cli." As to the Pres- the: bridge iii tietli if where hes lived, , formerly The conversatigia drifted to his plans i turned to Scotland fora quiet Holiday. byteriau and Congregational systems forlife and for the a'bave decision was Confirmed, "I always hoped and pray-1,— ad," the old saint':confessed,''that oil; `t ■ ® ®���� { ®� ��I � �� ������:����A■���� � �� �� �®®®®®®®®�� iA®�®�I® I � ',would go :into the. ininistry,'', The --� statement so impressed hien that helmet altered his course .aiid he-.tfurther lated "It is thirty-five years past and I have. never regretted my decision." Tent preaching in big cities brings .�' results. Tho 43rd.: season of the "Old ma" Gospel, Tent"'has been opened. in New " -m Yorlc. Rev. G. W. McPherson,. the Superintendent for 19 years •. is again mo in charge. He wiltrliave leading evan- m gelists `like Rev. John McNeill, Dr. M. a A. lstatthews, Dr.> A. C. Nixon, Rev. m J. M. Gray and. Capt. Gipsy Pat Smith'wm on his program of, speakers. • m Dr. Campbell Morgans Mission in ■ Canada. has gripped the ministry and church leaders. i'o make sure that m there, was a cleat call. for his return. ■ to the; Marititue Provinces this fall,, m Principal Mcl(innon, Presbyterian Col- lege Halifax, wrote to all the mini- N. eters in that synod,' He' reports that ■ the response was so remarkable" that m "school for ministers and laymen" has been organized to meet for a week M imnmedi.ately, after the .annual synod. �1 Other denominations are m There will be two sessions.': every day •i� in a large Halifax chuircli possibly the m evening Meeting in a rink, and repro= m aentative mien will assist the'.vtission• - ar - - The Catholic Women's Teague has m had a great _meeting in Rome There m were iyo delegates from, r6 'countries, m „including Mexico, Argentina ;and such j m - conservative, nations as Spain. Coml.., m • toss Wodzicks was tate general presi- m dent and a/larches*. Patrizi the Italian! m leader, It was iiitaugurated.by, :His im k rninentce; Cardinal Merry del Val, t m being specially appointed by the Holy' m Father. In his opening address lie ex -IM lained what "women could: do with-; p out trespassing beyond her .•'great and m noble sphere by means of- the one 1 ■ thing needful, which is 'the 'faith kept ■ pure a.nd entire• and perineating,,.all ■ actions and all work." Solite of ''the I m subaects ' discussed were theatres, I ■ fashions of dress and dances, the at -:_N titlide being "thoughtfully mid use -1 m fully constructive." " i m loners, They have t university, 2 col-, 1!I(ltIXII NIlllitJ1 1111 111111111W111i 11111'111 1111 II 1011111111# eciais leges affiliated with universities, 5 theological seminaries and 9 colleges I�f for music and higher education; Dean Carlisle, Montreal, was one of E' the i,eadiug speakers in Toronto, at pit Mie layinan';s conference. He dwelt on a three points, the church's creed, its re+- cord and its promise, When' Christ !r chose Levi the: publican, he indicated f CLOTHES PEG' SPECIAL the use of business gifts in the work = cif the church, "The church," he said does not apologize for asking for your services; it commands thein:'" He' w 'further declared that it has the highest !t' record in the world as •an institution i. doing good. "The wealth of soulecota-. and — activities ' li ILS ail lac e said W tent'' la l HOLIDAY Don't forget that .stores close on Saturday. ''Because o£ tails' we haves got to do extra business, Big Turnover is our slogan for this week and its going to PAY YOU to COME HERE for your Table Supplies. Quick Sales enables as to have Fresh Groceries all the Otte. Get them: now and buy a ' good supply, strong make 8 dozen for,. ,,....,....„._.....ase THE POPULAR DES- SF,RT Custard, Tapioca, Choco- late, 2 for WHAT ABOUT JELLIES worshipbring to Frim in spite of hard= This is the time of the year when the appetite needs just a. little' ship and : discouragement, ,will still' = ■tempting.Nothingnicer than some nice Jelly. It improves' draw men to it and be its promise for _. h ale tooper cent. flavors,pkgs for...,.2 c the future. ■ the appearance oft e table 7 3 P g S The : success of the Presbyterian iS an in Ica oti•o., ect d is now ea e what apid !Progress n P from all denoininatioais: Westminster Hall lately held ,a meeting of its grad- uates and nineteen attended, all from ll their dliarges in the province. This 1 ■ flat i n B. C,, d ti f church, Good 4'string Brooms::.: .4gc Potted Meat for Sandwiches , 3 tins for ............................. ..-.._..25c . Corned Beef, per ib. tin,. .....-..29C Icing Sugar, 2 lb. for age yeSI' l t dents are_ ar sixteen theological s u Prunes, (Choice) per lb .-...._r5c bciug trained and quite tc number of I:� men are at'the university 'who will I= laid t i— cuter later. Plans are being o — WHITECHURCH. a. aav ra:.:er Ook The new edition just•, issued by ori of: theGeneral Synod authority of : the', Church of England in Canada is now obtainable at Elliott's Book and eStore _ Stationery We ..have a . comprehensive. showing of the'various styles' and will be, pleased to have a ofyour''patronage. share You are invited to inspect our stock. Elliott Books',' Stationery, .Magazines. Town Ti c k`et `Agency Canadian National. Grand. Trunk Railway. Ocean tickets via abl lines.. 'Messrs. Robert and -Ben, IvlcClena- ghaan and Mr. Harry McClenaghan: of ,Belgrave, attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. John Baker at Clinton on Monday.. Mr. Duncan MacGregor and Mr, Small ,.of Teeswater, visited with the t former's sister, Mrs. Mac Ross on 1 Sunday. • unda Y I 'from here attended number ;Quite a the anniversary services at Lang -side on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Harkness of Wroxeter, took the service, Rev. Mr. Scobie preached in Wroxeter. Mr. Ritchie ie of Ashfield visited. on • Sunday with Mr and Mrs, Joe Tiffin. T: Miss Winnifred Farrier spent Sun- day with her friend, Miss Sadie Petta- piece. Reese and Mr's. Naylor attended the County Council picnic held in Bayfield on Friday Y last. rr tra Don'f forget the s wbe , Y festival on Mr,, Ben McClenaghan's lawn 'on Wednesday evening of this week. Miss Bertha MadKay of Wiughatn, spent Sunday at her home here. Ibtr. and Mrs. Wm. Purdon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pur -- don. of St:• Helens. • Mrs. Jas., Straughan and son, And- rew, and Mr and Mrs. Calvin Strau giian of Aubtirn, spent Sunday with the foriner's,daughter, Mrs. Jas. Laid- law. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joint Falconer spent The Sixtieth Annual Convention of1 the (:anadian^Lutheran Synod Is meet- ma ing this week In Waterloo, Ont The i •' president, rev "Ale, 1<laclrn,rvi'll preach the memorial ser.nion and willlm be assisted by 1)r, I3urgesa, president [ m of the Pittsburg Synod AO interest,", ills>' 111noVatto,n In the proceedings will m m bcsau � open-air sei`vice on the gt-ounds Of the sentin:aey, evhei e tate members of synod will father the college wliieh1m is doing so nnncla to provide pastors for the taiga eg itious The foliotviug brief notes air` given. m ev. l"Borings I Shields, D, 17 , l'or- llinciosommogismai Pnte), Inas been pzc el nig foe' his l,ieatl, I1 Crowded Chautauqua Tent Signifies a Wide -Awake Town Joyous Days ULY 15; 17, 1. PORK & BEANS Small, 3 tins for „ 25c No. 2 size __._..zgc Ex r e Extra 'Lag 4 These 'Are Except ionall y Big Value. Crisco, while it lasts, per lb 2,5c I" Coffee, reg.35c value,per ib.,2 c P 7 . lbs..for:.,-. a c := Corn Meal,5 Extra Quality Dates,,2 lb,.,,.,,25c 'N. P. Soap, per bar:...... _ _ ._:::sec BACON er ib.' c p Sliced •••• 37 En the piece :_ _...1, 34n per lb. l o es Oranges, Ripe Tomatoes, Fresh Cucumbers, Cante,p , b > New Potatoes, Etc: ill tril NO. PHONE ORDER FOR SPECI•A.LS, 0 E11imll®Iii®liiiiilIIiti®iiimIiiElliilt11i11m11m0M11IimilmliMi11®}ll®I1mpiimii1i4111H11 Bananas,i is". 6;1 llllloti]„ III !Il• Mrs. Richardson f l3roivnin returned with him, Sunday with o Mrs." ; -and Miaa l..angside. 1 Mraa Wrn. ilia tin l 1Tass l and Paterson visited with lar. 'ane Mrs,„` aliases Zorra and �tai'y. 'Bolt Reid -eat Sunda with the ''Wesley' Leggatt of I3lueval:e last >4Ir John avoid sP .Y d d tl U F former''s sister, Mrs, Jahr; Pardon. Thursday. They attended the , F. 0. Garden Party there' iii the evening. Henrys. Foster of Bayfield,Ross visited Frank Andrew Fox and dau tier Mrs. Mac visited with i12rs. g enand Miss Lottie, motored to Goderich on. friends in Luel.now last Sunday. visit the former's sister, Monday to , Miss . Eva Dawson .of Winghanp, Eliza'Philips, miss sp , who recently re spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and turned from the West, Mrs. Andrew Fox. • Mrs. Alex Emerson and sons, Jas willAlfred, spent Sundayr Rev. Mr. O, terliout be present and Alf e , pe with Victo $'- he Methodist Emerson on the 4th of Kinloss. to take the services in 11 l .,; Sunday. ." Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stein of Simp church next S y Luck- son, S sk. - are visitiu with,the form - now, and Mrs. Allan Turner of , ;`} � la ; er s :stater, rl[rs. Wit. ;Pardon:' spent Sunday at the home of Mr"! and, PMr.A. E. Pardon is visiting,izi Ower;` and Mrs. Mac Ross:' -" 1 ri ed b Mr:' Miss Eva Morrison left on Thurs- Soiind, He is accou is t y day to train for a nurse in Guelph r William Pardon, who will visit wit1t Hospital. relatives in Port Elgin. P e o Wt vis - I in MThos.; Kew# , g hani , ited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cottle. ' Mr. Archie Paterson of Whit -ham, - spent in ham, -spent. Sunday with his nephew, Mr. Ken Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin and son, Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ken- nedy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin of Wroxeter. Mr: Pete Kennedy spent the week- end with relatives in Guelph. ,• Mr. Harold. Sparling 'motored to Kincardine on Sunday. His mother,. WHEN I AIVI GONE When I am- dead, if 'n•len can say, "He helped the world upon its way With all its faults of word and deed Of what he gave"—then'' in ray grave No greater honor shall I crave. If they can say—if they but can— "He did his best; lie played the man; His way was straight; his soul was His cleafailing notunkind '. nor mean He loved his fellow men and trird To help them"—I'll be satisfied. 11. SfifilEIWIIIII■I F1111EMEN MIIU1lUM1 IPeople =, re Known a n d Ji Enter$., inment they Cho Have Chose the dged by t ;la se, We est �t , 20, 21 Six Joyous �s � o ous. Iia "Filled. with Splendid 1V .usic,' Clean and Humorous Entertainment Inspiring and Instructive Lectures. A Community Event for. Al Hon. Philip',Whitwell Wilson - Former • Member British Parliament Ferguson' Operatic-QHiintette Mre.John Duxbury*England's Greatest Reader lir. GO. W. Kerby, Of Calgary, Herbert Maclarren Instrumental Quartette SOME'. OF THE PROGRAM FEATURES The Embers Male Quartette, of Los Angeles Miss Hazel Huntington Noted New York Opera and Concert Prima Dona Soprano Lieurance's Cremona Orchestra Percival Vivian Broadway. Players in the Great CDietys "Her Own Money" Mr. Gabriel Hines, Co neer-Pianist Children's Pageant ,The Conquests Ir,i Peace' Tom Skeyhill, Noted Australian ilrator Chester F I,ster Rand Season Tickets Now on Sale,„ IZ ;SA' ,ES IVIONEY TO BUY SEA - 8014 T EA-SO14' ICICZTS GET YOURS NOW. tL O.., ;,,c. 9 Adults $2.75, Children 1.35, Wali Tax Included None Sold After C6utauctua Opens Our Slogan: "We IV'.lil Fill the Tent with Season Ticket Holders !" IN IMI(I INNOMNIIt1 lWiS $111111111 kMli i1 :il.i, ��:,.,r1 ,,,,, •R, . 'WI C.,,LIAMS, Secretary, nilgai*143111U; rlI' 1OilIi 11111111 111 lIl Nt IN 'i Pt THIFTY PEOPLE :BUY SEASON'. TICKETS GET YOURS TO -DAY, mar or Mai mil IPA Mi' MQ