HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-29, Page 1.?"
Single, Copies Foir Ceot5
esidence Of Christophep Nether
,;••.: • ta 1D,stroyea
,On. Saturday...morning 'the beantift.11
• lariek residence a Mr, and Mrs. Chris.
.Nothery, 0 11 4 oth siderdad between"the
th and, 6th con, of East Wawanosh,
was bUrried to the ground. The fire
sUPposed tp have stated from a
,spark lighting in a pile of cedar elose
to the woodshed and may haye been
sanouldering away for sometime be-
fore •beaking out. Mr. Nethety not-
; ticed'the fire when returning from a
, • neighbor's, ,and it was lucky. that lie
did for Mrs, Nethery was in the cellar
-churning and in a few mintites,, her
only Means of escape would have been
r„ -blocked, ' • •
Neighborg came to. the rescue in
large'riuMbers. and soon willing hands
• Were busy taking out they furniture,
fter it was found impossible tosave
7 -the building, The BlYth fire brigade
.• were also rushed to the scene. The
'building was instired for l01eoo in the
".-"Toimosa Fire'Insurance Co., but $3,5oo
woUld not 'replace'the building. -
Mr: Nethery- will build another
c..thouse as soon, as rpo,ssible in the mean
time, tNefainilY,are•fitting ails; the gar -
for a stunmer dw.elling. Mrs.
Nethery..is a daughter of Mr, John
McCallum of VVingham,
. A, piece of falling glass struck Mr.
Bradburn on the wrist and severed
artery which required' medical at-
tention and necessitated' a`, couple of
,,•00.1„ Wedding Anniversary
Ulaido4 age -le order for
and • Mrs, T. L. Jobb, •wk O will cele-
• )D
rate their 5oth• ;wedding 'a.nniversary
ou Saturday, , July., 1st., at their resi-
y•.,.::43,,aleal?,;c:;.)1111..!OV .itoact. TN'S, esteem-
z'ppd health after sow enjpyng evere
Teek#eSs" this SPring-, •
The Winkharn
Jimior Baseball ChM
played a gOodgame of.ball with the
Renoe boys in the Winghana park
• ,I.orda.y • evening., The7game Was
„, ,
.• 'ivitnessed by,a good crowd, ofspec-
tators and both teams played .a Very
good quality of bali. The Ochre. was
• -9 to -6`in favor of Wingharn, The .vis -
'"tors looked quite natty intheirkhaki
..-''outfits, N. Lr .Geddes and Howard
• Gray were ruinpires. •
Die In Stratford
• •
Mrs: Geo J. ' Wright died at. her
Stratford on Friday,. June 23,
She had., been -,an invalicl for. some
The family Moved from Wing-
• 7.11.a -An to Stratford a few months ago,
Mr Wright was bandmaster here 'for::
a couple of years and is a brother of
A. Vanalstyne of the Junctione
'Th e fate Mrs. Wright received a bad
fall some years ago and while in bed
viect-t e' sad news- of the death
of -a son .terenseaS, : which was 'the'
.ireeans of wigSeetin'her negge
..„,.• .
Wanted for U. S. S. No. s, Turn-
' berry, Protesfant„send testimonials
and qualifications, --State salary ex-
pected. , T-erm'star:ts Sept. 5th.
- A. Douglas, Secretary,
Route i, l3lueyale.
SALE-Youngis and Sows,
ages, apply'Ve A. Gennnifl,
1, Wtngliam
SLE—Seiee'ee pnre-beed. Cock-
erel Spaniel ptflAe. Apply to
• J 1V1
• Lower Wingham.
SALE--IMason & 1isch Piano, '
as -good as new, used very little. 'A
bargain fon cash, Apply fo
' The .Advance
FOR SAT E—C'ock.erel Spaniel Pups, 5
pedigreed. Seven weeks old, ./A.p—
' • a)ly 4, Mrs. Toler,
Alfred St., next to Gunns Sonola.
rro the.Editur av the Advance,
Doesn't ,it bate the cars how fast
,the toilue goes Whin a Man begins to
git ould, ' Here is half -of 1922 gone
intoirely, an the golden 'rod cuminont
in blossom, which is a s'oign „a•ri the'
fail av the year, an bay fever, sb it is,
Whin 1 a a bye it seemed as though
wild nivir be twinty wan an ould
enough to give a "-,Cory vote, but
inanny a wan hev '1 givin ince, so
hev, but in shpoite av aY01 the volln- an
wurrukin here we are widout a Tory
Govermnint; anayvvhere in Canada, an
theer are too mannST Grits aven ie. the
Wingham Council, but. I Will say this
fer thixn, they can bate anny Tories
ivir knew fer shpindin money.
Well, 'tis wazi blessin the Grits an
the 15, E. O's,: can't ,shtop 'the craps
frum growin, an the -whole .counthry
is a cleloight to the oyes. Nivir in
awl pe expayrierice did we hev
broightee proshpects .fer a big crap,
The shwate clover is as hoigh as the
finces an shtandin so tick on the
'ground that, a rneadew lark cud hardly
get trop it.
-Me fr,end, Sam Hill teuld me that
whin he got ready to haul' in his hay
he hed to take down the fince besoide
a pasture field to get a shtart, the hay
cocks bein so tick on 'the ground that
he cud n t get in wicl a wagon among
thim. "What did" you do wid it all,
Sant" 1 sez just shtringin him on to
see what he wud say nixt. "Well,
Tim," sez he, "we hev sthaeked awl we ,
hev room fer otttsoide, an intind to
put the rise in the Stun is a
grate wan fer radin awl the jokes in i
the papers an thin slipringin thlm on e
Inds. Ye rne by" hev heard the
Miss Norma, VanStone is home from.
Mrs. Clas, Barber is visiting in
14Fstilizse.,irfoleLl)s is visiting with friends
inMrs, R. S. McGee spent laSt week
Mrs, '15.award of Toronto, is visit-
ing wait her sister, Mrs. R. S. McGee,
MiSs A. F. Irwin of Toronto, is vis-
ititig her cousin, Miss Sadie 13. David -
Mr.' Thos. Bennett of Detroit, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs, 'S. Bee. -
°Miss 'Lina Barber of Sarnia, is
spending .her vacation at her home in
Mss Margaret Edmiston of I(in-
cardine, was visiting friends in town
last week.
Mrs'. Richard Stone and little girl
are visiting with friends in Ripley and,
Kincardine, • .,-*
1VIrs., Arthur Haines ie visiting rel-
atives in and around Palmerston and
Moorefield. • •
Mrs. 11 V. Brool‹s, Toronto, is vis-
iting with her mother, Mrs, McLean,
Catherine St. '
Mr. and Mrs. Artlitir McGee, Blue -
vale Road, ; visited with Belgrave
friends last week.,,
Mr. Ed. Smith and daughter, Laura,
lave returned after sepnding two
week S in ICitehener.
Mrs. Mac Williams of Detroit, vis -
ted with her cousin, Mrs. John Hunt -
r. Mortis. last week. •
r. an rs. Ross a..vs of Stouff-
ville, are visiting at the home of her
father, Mr. A. J.. Nicholls.
Dr. Ernest tirtklater of Toronto, is
;visiting at the home of his, parents,
1\fr. and Mrs,W: S. 1,inkla.ter.
MT,ss: E. M, Mulvey leave this week
for an extended visit with her sisters
in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, - •
Mrs. Clarence Vansickle and baby,
Keneeth, of Brantford, are visiting,.at
the home of Mrs. R. J. Cantelon.
.Mrs. E. H. Dever, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Button has
returned to her home in Detroit;
Mr. Harry • C61*S011 of London; is
spending a shot ,vacation with his
father, IVIr. I-1, Carson, Shuter St.
ould sayin about loyin loike Sa,m.
yVell, ye can undershtand now how
got slftarted. cudeln't .depied
Sam aven at ,elickshure,tanne frl
wud promise .ivir Y enan.who.verint •
hien, bein that aisy an ,good natur
an wantin to plaze "T
thae way wid someemip..' " *
• , Did ye ivir know -sich :Er crap av
June broides, arr 'a betther quality?
June is the proper month fer .weddins,
an I slipake ,expayrierice hevin
been married in that month mesilf.
Av coorse the rrussus is a little head-
shtrong at tonnes, an I hev to make
her do as she loikee, but Attire, eshe
moight hey bin. wurrus if I lied mar-
ried her in anny other month.Shpak-
in av eveddins. remoinds me that 1 am
beetentrt to get unaisy about me ould
brother Matt. Since he got that new
car av his he hes been 'doin a lot av
droivin around the connthry, an lie
awlways.fills it up wid girruls an what -
"1 am not afraid av the young
girruls, fer shure, they are only outc
fer a tohne, but it: is thinunapprop-
riated blessins an widdies, who , go
along as chaperones that may get
afther him... It wud be too bad, so. it
fer' awl that money av his to go
out av the Hay family. • The missus
tells Inc not to worry as 1 aril- so well
known around • these parts that. no
sinsible woman wud want to marry
11 0 4rotiter.
Well the Parliament maytins will
soon both be °tier an the „animbirs
home wid theer salaries in tlieer poc-
kits barrin what they shpirtt in Tbr-
ontd an Ottawa, troyiii to kape up
soides wid the city min, Did ye ivir
know anny sessions av, ayther House
whin, so little Was done? Whin I used
to take a:load av whate arr hogs to
'Wing -ham, an came home wid the
)1 -ince, I felt I had givin valtie.fer me
money,' an aven Whitt 1 thraded harse
I hivir shit" the other fellah away wid
ni empty halter, but I wondher how
nanny inimbifs av Parliathint fake
dape clown timer hearts that 'tis hon
e,s2t,',rnoney they ,do be bringin home
sid thin/. Shure 'tis a quare wurruld
pi:of-rely, so it is.
Yours till nixt wake,
• Timothy Hay.
, .
Huron County, good buildings,
also StoOk, iinplements, and crop.
Write for particulars to
'• Box C., Advance. •
11JR1VATI.1 SALE--I-Ionsehold effects,
•' baby buggy, vegetables-
-and garden. Apply any evening,
• C. Orchard,
Diagonal Road.
:SWINE—Large Yorkshire Swine, Int
, Ported and bred by A, Gemmill,
• ,R, R. No, s, Wingleam
'TO RENT, --Small six roomed cottage
on Diagonal Road, Apply to
T. L. Jobb
. '
chool. Of Instruction
nf Lodge
will'hold a school of instruction in
. •
their lodge rooms on l'hursclay evere•
ing, June 29th, when the third degrea.
will be exemplified by -the degree team,
Refreshments' Will be served.
A Successful Garden Party
The Garden Party at Curries' SCIlool
on Friday evening, was a splendid suc-
cess. The progeeds amounted to 'near-
ly $roo and the booth brought in over
$4o with the g,emal foe Kerr despen-
seng-out the goodies, Rev, Cragg
acted aS eleairman, and an • excellent
program was ‘rend'ered. The weather
mat was on his best behaviour.
A Miscellaneoles Shower
About seventy friends and neighbors
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Olin McCormick, , of Culross, on,
hursdax ev_ening,JUne 22nd., and
ented Mr, Ross Xing with a mis el -
newts shower, prior to,his marriage.
'2oss was taken eOmpletely by sur-
ri;,..e although inacle a vel V suitable
epiv and expressed his ap'Orceiation
sr their kincineSs to him, l'he even -
mg was spent in games and dancieg
till ihe wee small houe,s of tee mem.
Leaves Vol- England
An estimable couple Will leave town
o July letli 'for 'England, .where they
wifl ineftituee reside, viz. Mr.'and Mrs,
ecil Ofeliterd and baby. girl. Mr,
rchard came to Canada in tom and
,orked itt East Wawanosh until tpx6
hen he enlisted with the t6i,t Bat -
lion went overseas, return
d With hie Wife and for the past three
ears they, hayo rosiatd hi \'Vingliani,
tiring which ti he was engaged in
le green house with Mr.
rthatth 1,'hey ail 'on the steam, -
hip • , , • , .
E.,.6?„,,..--id-erOfe_S_Stisotnaw,,l,afiovia... School Scc- s
'TEACHER WANTED--Protest14, Ti
•, :, tion No. 9, .1:1 sotteultrisb'he. r• Dllistt-, it
'..1,051. t,0,,,°n:.1,11`-'11c.e, -. :• qualifications.
.§eater ' .salaty. 10
.zenool three mules from Wingham, el.>
John. Elliott,t,. Secretary;
I.' I.
Ratite 5, Ar aglarri,
RENT --A frnisled home; to rent
•• •611;'Alfre •St., on- or •after he i/th
;af Slaty, Apply' to • ,
• ;Mrs. 33,•5., Johnston, •
enders Fon Armstrong Drain And
'tenders will be received b3r the
tiudersigne4 up; till July. 24t11s at r p.-14
tin; 'or sepatate ,teriderS on the, Arni-. w
'Drain; and ,:bra riches, A cheque' ta
'011'.teri per ccitt of elle 'tender inUet-
•,dntpaity,tach SjlplicStion. Lowest;br
:teceSsarity -,accepred: d
loid';i100flOatioIts May -lie 'seen Id
Miss • Miriam Smith of the staff of
the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, is
spending a short vacation in town.
.and Mrs. Mc/wee Chowen and
children- of town are guests of Ifr.
and Mrs: J. G. Chowen of Clinton.
Mrs. Richard Clegg is attending the
Grand Chapter of the Eastern 'Star
which is in session this week in 0
Mrs. 'Paddock and Miss Rose
Coventry- were in Chesley on 'filar
d'itY attending the funeaml, of ' the
Mrs. 'Wm. Chandler has returned to
her' home hereafter spending'st.couple.
of ks weewith her claughter-,s'Nfi-s. Roy
Callaway of Elora.
Mr. -,Russel C. .McK.inney of Tor011'A
to, is spending his ,vacarion with his
wide and aunt, Mr. and 'Afire. Wm. S.
King of Turnberry,
Mr. H. Brook of Colorado, spent a
couple of clays in town this week.. He,
was a visitor-wIth Mr. Jas.' Sleeman:
-Iver. Brook tips the scales at 318 His:
Mr. and Mrs. Bird .and children 're-
turned. to their home in Toronto, and
MrJohn R.Haslam to Devil Lake
• .
D., after attending the funeral of their
mother the late Mrs-, Haslam.
Messrs. John Quirk, W,: H. GurneY,
W. G. Patterson and W G Colgate'
Motored to Kincardine on Sunday to
ettendechereh with the Masonic fra-
ternity. •. , :
Mr. Arid Mrs. Isaac Walker avid Miss
Doris,. motored to Elora on Sunday.
They' were accompanied 'home by
Miss Alba, who spent a weekwith
friends there.
Rev. Father Lameetideari, a 'fernier'
esteemed citizen: of Wingham, renew-
-ed acquaintances in 'town this week.
While iri town lie visited at the. bonne
of Air.- and MrS .John Gibboge,
and MrgGeo. Inglis'end fainL
Of 'Millon, also Mrs, Tohn Inglis,
smith line, Township Of Osprey, were
week -end dait,ors with their cousin
li'Xt. Gavin Al•V 11 Son and otherrelatives
in.. this .Section.
A Fairly Large Umbrella
A. stalk of rhubarb was left in The
Advance Office on Priday which meas-
ured 5g inches from the tip of the leaf
to the end ofthe stalk and eg inches
across the leaf. This was ,geown in
Mrs. E. Aitcheson's garden. .
Confirmation at St. Pauls
St. Pauls Church was crowded to
the doors on Mondayevening, the oc-
casion being Confirmation by His
Lordship Bishop Williams. The class
consisted of the following candidates,
twenty-four in all. Harold Casemore,
George Arthur 'Finley, Mack Elliott,
Robert Hogg, George Lediet, IfIarold
Groves,4, :fohn 1. Wright,
Mrs, I, J. 'Wright, Mrs, 'W C.
nerd, iNtes. W. F. VanStone, Mrs. Ed-
werd Barnes, Florence Robinson, Ed-
na Chettlebtirgh, Afargaret Sne,11, An-
nie Irwin, Ada taundy, Eleanor Mc-
Lean, Harriett 'Williams, Frances 11 en -
nett, 'Elda Bennett, Harriett Sutton
and Edua„Tamlyn,
Bishop Williams' delivered an elo-
quent discourse fearn the text "Hold
fast the form Of sound. words which
that ha. t recelved," 2nd.','''i\i'intrthy and
Iftth ;VcrSe,. •Mr. Harry Cafs,Op'fVOI:e4
.the congregatiOn n itt a set10.
The Nineteenth Centtiry Baseball
The greatest game of baseball Wing -
ham has ever sen,
Will he played off on Saturday,"`down
by the bowling green,
"'Els there the game will centi-ei, for.
when the ball is hit,
'Twill not, be any short stop will get
it in his mit
But clear to Hirst verandah, or on
the -butter mill,
Or far across the tenniscourt,:..they'll
drive it at their will, N.
For m -such mighty knockers e'er took
a bat to strike
Since nineteenth century wonders
came down the dusty pike,
Two husky teams of ,old boys will line
up for the fray,
And though they're all short winded
and stiff and bald or grey,
And soma are fat and heavy•, and
• some ate going lanie,
They'll show these pesky youngsters
the way to play the gaine,
No hired men from Zurich, no bluff-
ers from the lake,
No tin horn sports from Lucknow,
from thern could take the cake.
There's Dudley Holmes the pitcher,
whose curves are hard to face,
And Curly Somers, catcher, who mak-
es short cuts to base,
VanNorman too and Crawford, both
honest sons of toil,
And Torn McLean, the short stop, who
. once was done in oil,
Jack Johnson, too, the harness man,
still very much alive,
,uungannows bush teague captain, way
back in eighty-five,
Jack Stephenson, the rink man, always
for victory bent, ,
And Freddy Orr and Harvey Shane,
who sell us,tevo per cent.
• Team a
Frank Angus is the pitcher of Pleas-
ant xalley Xing,
Jack Lockridge the catcher, balls to'
his fingers cling;
There's Currie the captain, wh
soon will clean the decks,
And Dinsley Doc. on first base, build-
er of rubber necks;
There's Posliff -from the school room,
his yearly troubles o'er, ,
And Pettigrew, the Major, young as
in days of yore;
There's Jack MacKay, the candyman,
the old boys now among,
Aird Sammy too, the blacksmith, who
always will be Young. 1
These make the econd line up, for
now the slate is full
Except for Dr. Irwin, ivho altva,ys has
a pull.
A new platform is being built at
the C. P clelsot, Wirigharn.
Mr, R, 5, MeGeo is in Kincardine
completing the erection of their new
cottage.' •
• Mr, 'W, H, Willis assisted with the
services . in the Corrie Methodist
church on Sunday last.
The time is. corning When about the
only thing that will scare a horse is
to see another horse in town.
Wingham football team played in
Ethel on.Saturday night and were de-
feated 2-0 and won in Moncton on
Monday night 3 to 2.
Dominion Day Bargains at 'seeds.
Bey your new suit and Gent's furnish-
ings at a big saving. Men's suits re-
duced to $12,5o, 111i5.00, $18.00, $20.00.
Junior Farmers' M,ceting and Junior
Women's Institute will hold a joint
meeting in the Council Chamber, at
8 o'clock on Wednesday, July setlf,
"The Central Theme of True Gospel
Preaching" and "Cain and..Abel" are
the subjects morning and evening re-
spectively at the Baptist church next
v1304101 ommosoi • '
We Develop films
I We Print Pictures'
We Make
if- —Our Pi -ices are Right
Ito" Our photographic department
is the best equipped and rnost up-
to-date in these parts. .
Many old. friends will extend- syne- i
pathy to Mr. Jas. Gilmour, formerlyFe. • --
of Turnberry, in the death of his 1".- .
youngest daughtereporothy, who died 111, IKibl3on srug Store
of pneumonia. ' ( -iii
-We understand. that Zurich Base -=-7...- The Ilexalli Draggist
ball team have "gone up and bust. - wincharn, ant: $
Several of the fivorts are away i
"'lame" "d the T esdaY game at FIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111118111111111151111111111B11111111111511111111011111411111111111g,
Wingliam had to be cancelled. ,
The work of our photogvaphiC.departinent his ,hp
, giving satisfaction for year, as our long list'
of satisfied custvrners will show.
The 25th Annual Conventiorr of the
Huron County Women's Christian
Temperance Union will be held at
Hensall Presbyterian church, on July
5th, 1922. Delegates will please wear
the white „ribbon. •
Stealing In Daylight
One •day recently a lady's watch was
missed from the home of Mr. D
• Only recently • the band stand: at Somers,•,Minnie St The watch was
S. A. Officers At Wingharn
Ensign Stevens and Lieut. Woods',04
; the S: A. staff, Clinton, are the
officers here. We welcome t4e0..lt0k,-::
• •
A Great Business ••••,'
Within the month three marc
ly papers have .gone .oitt. of business•
which is the surest evidence„"theSideei
scription price Cannotcome„•
True the cost of newsprint has bcen
slightly reduced, the total reduction•
being equal to two cents per : year an
a year's subscription. .,NewSprint'fs
still three times the price of pre var
days. Ink is from five to six times
price it was ten years ago, TYpe1*
between twO and three tintes
prices. Metal, which during the war
soared to almost prohibited..priceseI*,-.,:iW
still three times the pre-war price.,f,
"Cuts” that in 191- could be ptirchae
ed for 75c are to -day from $2.75
Coal is seven dollars a tori % dearer.".' -!••'`',i'
Postage has been increased.:Six-fold.
The capital required to day to run.
printing business is three times that jt
used to be.
Pretty June Wedding •
A very pretty wedding took .pladei4":-.,
on NVednesclay morning, June 28511, ate',
the liotne of Mr. and Mrs, Geo..,T;•;:',„'.'"!'i
Robertson,. Victoria Si.,
when the' r el des t •daughter, GraCee,
I-3irdys, was married to Ern:dn.
S. Copeland, son of ?'Jr:. M. E, Cope- .;
land of Winghant, Rev. Dr: Perrie.„.e
pastor of St. Andrewe Presbyterian.
church officiated.
The bride, who was given awa-yeby,”"
her father wore her trav:elling suit ol'•
castor broadcloth with,hat to mateli,e,-;;;I:ee,
and carried a bouquet t -•?:f sunset
The bridal chorus .from toherigrn.,,
was played by Miss Gertrude Robeit---t-
son, sister of :the thee;,'
signingof the register, another
of 'the bride; Miss ViolaRobertson
sang "Oh Pronfise Me. The rooms,,'
were prettily decorated with flowero,',''.!'2:,y,'
and ferns and about twenty-five guests
partook of a dainty buffet
Mr. and Mrs. 'Copeland left ,on.
inotor trip through Alusicoka, On
their return they will 1 -aside in ANTinge
ham, where Mr. Copeland is ,a rileam;
ber of the firm of Fry &. Blackball.
Misses Margaret and Mary Roberp.-•
son of 17oronto, and NisS Christine-.
Robertson of illenheiin were home for •
th e wedding.
Wingham Park was painted and now left on a table in a front room, The
it is a miserable sight. Someone who 'hall' floor Was just freshly a ted and
yiclently does not dare to see our
fair town beautiful has spattered -
mon s footprint was very distinctly
whitewash here. and there Over it. see near the front door' •
The death occurred in Toronto On
o Monday of Robert S. Harmer,, his
7oth year. Mr. Harmer was the pres-
ident of• the Canada Furniture 'Mann
facturers and their Winghatn factories
carried. the flag at half mast in his
Mrs. Meredith Hunter, formerly of
Wingham, teak the solo part in the
Anthem "I will Sing' of Thy Power"
at the Methodist Church, .Kincardine,
on Sunday morning, when the mem-
bers of the Masonic. Order attended
the service ,in a body.
'With umpire, Ammy Musrove, to
• give decisions fair, •,
And Davie too, the piper we'll know
that all is square.
So Come and see this battle 'twill do
•ycm far more good
Than any kind of medicine twstir your
sluggish blood.
Prize for winning team a string of
fish donated by A. Buttery.
Lille up of players for the morning
game eof baseball on 'July isteat Wng-
Dudley Holme, Pitcher
David Somers, Catcher,.
John Johnston, ist. Base
v. R. VanNorman, 2nd. Base
John Stephenson, 3rd. Base
Fred Orr, Outfield S.
A. M. Crawford, Outfield R.
T. j. McLean, S. S.
II. W. Shane, S. S.
Frank Angus, Pitcher
John Loekridge, 04tcher
"Doc" Dinsley, Ist. 13ase
A. L. Posliff, and, Base
j. H. McKay, 3rd. Base
Major Pettigrew, Outfielder S,
S. Young, Outfielder R.
W. A. Carrie, S. S.
Dr. Irwin, S. S. R,
A. H. Musgrove, Umpire
D. E. MacDonald, Rase Umpire
Garden Party
A Carden Party will be held on the'
Methodist church grounds, Bluevale,
on Wednesday evening, JUlyth 1e22,
AVingliam Citizens' I3and in altend
ance. Tea served froui 6 to. 8.30.
Booth on, ,e,totinds. .Admission
Change In Bake Shop
'Mr. A. j. Nicholls wishes to pub-
licly thank his customrs:for the SPIOn-
clid patronage which he received dur-
ing. the past forty years and to be-
speak for his successor, Mr. Gibson,
continuance of that patronage and
good will.
He also wishes to draw attention to
all those owing accounts that same
must be paid by Jul' 3rd.
Programme For Band Concert
T. 'Medley March, Homeland, f,ient.
J. Waldron; 2, Overture, Royal Pag-
el -it, Barnard; 3 \raise, Unrequited
Love, :1,;) 1nek; 4 Selection, The
Quaker Girl, I,. Moncton; 5 Motcean,
Heart M•utruurs Rolfe; 6 March, The
Rambler, Crumbling.; 7 Gavotte Bells
of St. Malo, B. Rimmer' 8 Seletion,
Plantation Mel9clies, A. Hayes, God
Save the King. john W. Davis, M.
V., C. M, Bandmaster,
Enjoyable Picnic
A most enjoyable picnic was held
no the Lower Wingliam flats on NVed-
nesday afternoon laet, when Several
of the directors of the Turriberry Agr-
icultural Society and their 151VC8 were
present. The cold weather prevented
a much larger crowd from being
Pres ell l% After hIltchcOnl
president of the .:,\gricuttural SOciety
called theIneetieg to order and short
addresses. wore given is' John roynt;
r, Rooth and A, G.
At the Jane 'session. of the Bruce
County council, held- in Chesley last
week; $,000 was granted to the build-
mg fund of the •National Sanatorium
at ,Gravenliiirst, and $3,000 grants to
each of the county hospitals at Kin:-
earchne and Walkerton.
The Presbytery of. Maitland has
sustained the tall from the united
Charge of Kinlough and Riversdele.to
Rev. W. A. McWilliam, of Mount
Forest; and he was inducted on the
2.eth inst. The indliction services were
held in the Kinlough church,
If the items of news from your loc-
ality are not reported in The Advance
do not blame, us, but send those items
to its, they itiay interest* some of Our
readers' who five in other parts and
take this paper, We will be pleased
to have you phone us as many times
aS you know of any news.
Kincardine baseball team were de-
feated in Winghame on Friday even-
ing by a score of 10 to 8. At the end
Of the 6th innings Kincardine lead by
6 to 4 Aenott and Garner both made
Splendid hits, Arnott punched one clean
over the butter factory while Garner
knocked it nearly to Mr. Hirst's house.
A conteniporary gives the following
advice to its delinquent subscribers:
"If• you have frequent faintimg, spells
accompanied by chlls, cramps, corns,
bunions, ebillblains epilepsy, and jaun-
dice; it is a sign that you are not well
and liable to die any minute. Pay your
subscription in advance and thus make
yourself solid foe a good obituary
notic." We pass the advice along
for any of our subscribers who may
have observed these symptons, or any
of them, in themelves.
Wedded In Stratford
• A pretty wedding was solemnied,at
the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mts. S. Wright, Downey St.,
Stratford, on Friday, June a3rd., when
Miss Myrtle L. Wright, became the
bride of Mr. Norman Cecil Merkley,
second' son of Mr, and Mrs. Ezra
Merkley, Wingham,," After a short
honeymoon trip they9will take up their
residence in Wingham. A reception
was held at the home of Mr. And Airs.
E, 1\i1eekley on Tuesday evening.
Bandmaster For Sure
Win ghem. Chi zens' Band have at last
sec -tired the services of a bandmaster
and a good one. None of the men
who have, been in town for a few
days have satisfied the band commit-
tee as to their -efficiency, but they have
now secured a man who will evident-
ly fill the hill:, Sergt. j. W.' Davis has
been musical instructor With the Roy-
al Canadians at London. He served
Clueing the war with the King's Royal
Rifle Corps and also Might Ob-
server with tne Royal Air Foce. Mr.
Davis also Kids a degree as member
of Victoria college of Music; Londo,
He is a member of the Orange Assod...,
'Mims and a member of King Solomon.:
Lodge, A. R &:A, M.
Wo welcome, Mr, and A.Irs. Davis
and family aS.14sidents Of Wingham.
1.1y,tave.;rnoved into the brick 'Cot-
tage on the Itiste. north of
IOsCJihinC 1t,
Irishman In The Toils
Patrick O'Connor, a young Irishman
Just out from County Kildare, Ire-
land, has fallen foul of the law,and lies
in the County Gaolawaitingtrial next
Tuesday. It. appears that O'Connor
went to work for a. farmer on the 14th
'con. of Calross and is charged with
decamping with two Snits. of clothes.
Prov. Constable Blood was called in
by the farmer to 'help locate his miss-
ing hired man. Constable Blood trac-
ed him through Wingham to Huron
Co., and finally located him in the
Township of Morris, working r a•
farmer. O'Connor is a giant. 6 feet
3 inches tall and about 23 years of age.
The Constable ' arrested him and
brought him to Walkerton where he
appeared before Magistrate McNab
and was remanded for trial until next
Tueday' at 2' o'clock. ---Walkerton
Seli-Marshall Nuptials
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Manse, Tees -Water, .on Tuesday,
June 2th r922 at '71.. 2 0? ci 0 Ck noon by
Rey. W. A. Bradley when Geneva A.,
(Jean), eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. 'Walter Marshall, TeeOwater, was
united in holy bonds of matrimony to
Mr. James F. Seli, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Sell of Wingbam.
•The bride was attended by her sister,
Miss Minnie while the groom was ably
supported by his friend, Mr. Lloyd
Hingston.of Wingham. The,bride was
attired in her travelling suit of navy
blue French Gabardine with hat to
match and carried a .shower boquet
of carnations and roses.
After the •ceremony they proceeded
to the bride's home where a dainty
wedding dinner Was served, only the
immediate friends and relatiVes being
The happy couple motored to Wing -
ham and mid showers of confetti, left
on the afternoon train for London
Where they will spend their honey-
moon. On their retura they will re-
ide in Wingham,
• Mt' letitteRelteefolekteM. ,._•Villelielerattsepeweesieleemeettmer etteeieneyeeetteey..,
We have just the styles for
Strap Slippers and Oxfords in all White, Black and
White, Patent and Kid, New Sallay Sandals in all
Patent arid Patent Cmbinations. Sandals and Sli-
pers for Boys and Girls.. .
ieeeiteettfieltaMitleVeeeilerisieeeilei ree..7.4ereTt