HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-22, Page 8■ , ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ in 'Values from now until July 1st. Buy your Holiday. ®. ■ Great ll�on�y : Say Clothrngend Dress Accessories now,our Week End Sales ■■ ■ offer er High Grade Merchandise at C. ■ ■ LOWEST PR10ES- ■ ■ Ladies' Ready- Men s Clothing and Furnishings I to-Wear Fancy striped percale and silk Shirts ....1.50 to 4.25. • Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Blouses, Smart styles every one a bar- gain. 5o only Spring Suits and Coats, all this season's goods, reduced 25 p. c. Dresses—Canton Crepe, Taffeta, Krepe Knit and Satin dresses, all sizes $28.5o to $27.5o. Skirts—Smart stylish skirts, pleated and embroidered, also wash satin, priced at $6.95. Voile and Crepe -de -Cherie Blouses, prices $1.98 to $zo.00. Collars, Belts, Ties, Socks, etc., prices 25c, 50c, 75c and .$ 1.00. STRAW HATS Straw Hats in latest styles; and: Weave, $r.00 to $3.00. Men's and Young Men's Clothing, Re- duced: Genuine Palm Beach Suits._- $2xso All Wool Worsted Suits, $ 7.50,. $29.5a` All Wool Serge Suits $sr.5o to$.37.56, All Wool Tweed Suits. -$x8.00 to $27.59: ■ 11/111/111/IIIimmii11111ntioIItietati tin U � lll�il11111�111■III/Ill/lil/III/III/III/III1111li11/1111111/111!{11/III, Illllli�lllllll/1111Ill/Ill�lll/iI(�III®I111111i111/Ill/11t�lll/ I/III1111� ■ New "Silks, Guaranteed Quality, • Reasonably Men's OddPants $3.95Per Pair -;111 Summer Dress , .Materials Priced. ■• ' Latest. Fabrics, reasonably priced. • New shades and 'patterns, Swiss Organdy, English per yd...... and d Heavy Crepe-de-Chee, per yard `,1■ loo Pairs o Men's•Odd Pants, made froth ■, ette .Silk 1. 9 d E l•h Worsteds; also all" wool Navy; ' Heavy Duchess Satin, Colored Pail $ 6 goo ng is 2.6 and 0o Serge, , sizes 32 to 44. $3 Ratine, Cotton Homespun, VoilesMuslins, $2.5o • tl♦ Men's Summer Shirts and Drawers, 690 per ■' • prices 5o cents to $z.5o per ya`r Heavy Pongee Shirting Y 890 Garment ■ � � 2.00 ■ ar all 0o and .2 n and Merino.Underwear, t rd' 44 5 Balbriggan ■ :� Women's;Silk Hose g8c .Per Pair B t S $ gg sizes in both, at 69c each. ■ EELM'QRE:, 1111,. Wells spoke an the Lord`•s Day: Allianee in the. J?resbyterian'cliurcii•on Sunday, afternoon,. The aitendauce. was not so large as usual. • We have this week to record. the death of Mrs. George Joaiaston, Hunt- ing'field, which took place at Walker- ton Hospital on Thursday evening, where she, was-ope. ated:'on for'appen- dleitis. She was drought: to.he gain- ing rapidly but complications set in which ended in herdeatli, The•funer- al was held. Saturday.,afternonto the. McIntosh' cemetery andi was largely attended., The service being •ooriclucti- ed at the house' and•,giave•by•Rev, Mr: Mcl(elVey,, Teeswater, a former Pas- tor, of Behnore Methodist church. Mi•,.. Johnston has the sr ,apathy of a litrge circle of "Friends in this his hour of sad; bereavement Mrs. Eimer Zinn, who underwent an operation at: Walkerton, Hospital' is we are pleased to report, iinpr.oving: sd'owly;. . • Owing to the heavy clownponr of rain rim Fridav afternoon, the social' under the, auspices of the Women's, Institute, held on Mrs, Corrigan's. l'awu was: not so well' attended: The music furnished by the NVroxeter• O;r; ehestra was very iniich. enjpyedy, also; Herb Jolib of Wingliam. Miss Munro', Toronto, is' the guest of Mrs. Corrigan. . Misses Hazel.. and 13arlinia Dickson of Toronto, are :liolidayibg with. their•, parents here. - Mrs JohnIrwin, who• spent, the winter Months here has returned;'tto, her horse in= the West. •Mr. , and Mrs, Mac' McEwen• and! Robert Law are visitors at the lia-ne of Mr -s. Robert Nichol'. At the Endeavor on Sunday evening a spl'end'id paper; was, given by Irwin Edwards Orr "Contentment," Tire e meeting next Sunday evening will he taken by the Betmoae Wom'en,'s, insti tate. Mr. Geo. McKee of Gorrie, visited on Sunday -tt •James Douglas'. Mr. Geo.. Herd spent Sunday with friends at Rrversdale. ' Rev. C. N. McKenzie and"Allan„ will return from the West on Friday', • Mr, Harry Gowdy is under the weather, heart failure being the catbse:. BEL,GRAArE irtin • Silk, per d Habitau Silks,..-.. $1.19 to aronet e Satins, per yard' is ' .An excellent quality 'of Women's silk hose ■ with lisle top, double heel and toe, sizes 8k to -al Io, Guaranteed Hair Nets 3 for 25c or 89c per dozen. Princess- Pat H Net, capor .fringe style, colors, Light, Dark Brown, Grey, andBlonde. KINGS' GROCERY DEPT. II Human air e , ■ B •d gh , Black Pure Foods At Money Saving Prices For'h J Bl d Wedding. Presents the Thursday, June 2znd, xq _.... ■h Mr ,and Mrs. Bryce and Mrs. Jiones, of Detroit, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jim- Grigg. Ivtiss' Bella Alliston of London, is renewing old" acquaintances. ' Nurse McCrea las returned to her home after spending the winter in Kingsville. • Robert Geddes, and Mrs. W,, J. Ged- des are visiting friends in Lanark coun • Mrty.,- and Mrs. Scott of Leamington, spent a day with lvEr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Geddes last week. George Ferguson of Toronto, is vis- iting for a few days, with his father. Mr. and, Mrs,, W. A. Bryant •and fainily spent Sunday at Joe Brandon's. • -Mrs. Yule is visiting withfriends in London and Toronto. ■ .s,;(3trite of, the ' Very: Latest Styles FOrlititen who do not care for extreme fashion, The last is almost perfectly straight and is a beautiful shoe in: eve'.y,• part!¢ xla2:. The leather is of the very finest "Vici Kid" which is softand: pliable• and: will give comfort from the beginning. A particulary nice -shoe for "Business Men"—They are madd.:by: Nlurzaysand are. strictly "high grade". You are invited to call in *r. have: a look at them;. The Leaclin Phone 129. WILLII Shoe, Store of Huron Count; Wingham; Ont Messrs. John Stewart and H. Kirk- by are delegates for the Forrester's at Quebec this week. • 'Mrs. Kirkby is spending a few days. with her- sister, Mrs.. McGowan at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. ,Pryce of Wngham, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.. Proctor, , Jas. Taylor shipped a carload of cat- tle and R. J.' Scott' a car of hogs and lambs on Saturday. Mr. Norman Stonehouse of London, spent the week -end with his parents. Next Sunday, June 25th, anniversary services will be held in the Methodist Church at Sunshine Appointment of Belgrave circuit. Rev. C. E. Cragg, B. D. of Wingham, will pteachi in, the afternoon at 2.30 p. m:, and! Rev C. ,•F,: Clarice B. A. of Brussels,willl-ppea.ch in the evening at 7 p:' in Miss Mai1e- line Walker of'Wrngham, ,v5i11_ sing; inr the afternoon and other special "music• is expected forthe evenilig.; service. Special • ,offerings • at " both' •services.' Your presence,and assistance ;will lie .greatly appreciated. The Farmers' Club are ;unloaeling a car load of gasoline and;a:'car load' of oats at the station.•. . - The annual' twelfth'. of "Julya'servibe will be in the heth'odist. cliurcl , on• Sunday, July 2nd ;at : 7. o'clock . Rev. •Bio. Peters will'pseacl •the ser - mon, visiting brethren cordially. ihvitt- ed.' une ri e White Campbells Soups • c , ■' 11111111111III®III/11119111/11111111Ill/Ii1�11111111®1!1111/1lIi111�11101111111111®III/ill/11101111111m111/ll1i1111III■111/111M111/111iIIi111tI !/a�IMIIMIt � Pure, linen cloths and napkins to match, Corsets Specially Priced, .g8c and =.>:g Per Parr Prunes, 2 ib. for 45 ■ ® • , . .. ` • e `■ English Satin Bed Spreads, Down Filled -Satin 350 ■ ■ Sateen Comforters,Jaeger Cantel Hair Elastic top corset of good quality cotton Currants, 2 lb. for._...._ jean, light! boned, all sizes at-g8c per pair.' Sockeye Salmon, lar a tin. li and g _ 45c ■ — ® Bed Blankets, Checked Pullman and Steamer. Sunni r sTet Corsets at $I.19 per pair, _ p — - Rugs, Maseru Linens, Scarfs, Runners, and made of strong net, cool and comfortable for Castile Soap, large bar 18c ■ Tray Cloths; Wilton and Brussels Floor Rugs,Kelloggs' Krumbled Bran _ Igc IN stunner urea,. All sizes.III Jelly Powder, McLarens, 3 for 2sc _ Men'Wool Socks,Pair For 85c Mr's 3 Coates Mercer CottonPure Black Pepper, per lb Zsc ■ ■ 3 balls for 25c. All numbers in- White, Men's Medium Weight Wool Socks, suit- Infants' Delight Soap. 3 for 250 iI I Ecru, also Pink and Blue. able for every day wear, Tin Tomato Catsup, large size 22c AM `a . limn 1nisin i1111iImIll/11111111111/1111111/111i11i111miti IIs MNInilINI 11SIIIL111IMIIII IIIMIIIMIMI1/III111IRIA111/I OIMIIIMIIINIIII111/iIMIII 111AI11■111SMEINIINIIi1 S 15e -1111 ,m. ■ w I Q, BROS,, WINGHA la Al lit ■sounn u■®®®®®iussuairummun ■ mBollen■timuswani■nimmt ■umnimmiiiime 5 Hanna & Company, Limil nivers WHITECHURCH i Misses Olive and Annie Kennedy, in. 21r. .and Mrs:' A. B. Newberry and Intosh ofisited1Yh Lucknow,lastr. anrs. week. Mc ,-children, Dora, Jack and Gordon, mot- ,ored from Toronto and spent the week -end at the home of their nephew, Mr. eKn Patterson. The boys are • staying for a couple of weeks. Mrs. F, Hubbard and daughter-in- law, Mrs. Edwin Hnbbard and- Mrs. Chas. Lapham and daughter, Marie, ,of Detroit, and Misses Annie and Nellie Elston of Wingharn, spent Fri- - at: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin. Mrs. John Mowbray returned from erly Miss Elizabeth Wilson of Dun - ;visiting friends in lafichigau on Satur- erly Miss Elizabeth 'Wilson of Dunn- dayI vine) who spent the week -end with g her parents, Miss Ag ie Thomas of Bluevale, is 1 e • ' rMvl; and Mrs. W. Wilson of Lucknow. Rev. Mr. Waldon of. Dungannon, ex- changed pulpits with Rev. R. F. Ir- win on Sunday, Next Sunday Rev. Irwin will preach liis farewell sermon before leaving for his new work at Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Bell of Blyth, visited with her brother, Mr, B. S. Naylor on Sunday. • Mr. and Mts. W. R. Farrier and family visited with friends in Bluevale on Sunday. Mr.' and Mrs. Harry McClenaghan of Belgrave, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Naylor and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGee visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Kaley, (she was form- sitvilla Mrs. Weaver. ver. 'i vi ng � n. son , • Mr. and Mrs. Wrri, Martin ad Bruce, spent Sunday at the home oi; his brother, Mr. Chas. Martin of the Wingham Junction.' Mr. and Mrs. Clark Switzer and Mrs, Sutherland of Kirkton, and Mrs. McConnell of Hamiota, Man., visited on Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Henry. . Mr, , and Mrs, Frank Coulter and il:r, and. Mrs. Cuthberlison of Dalhous- ie,: and Mr. and Mrs. John Craig vis- ited in Goderich on Tuesday. Rome, Teeswater. to Detroit with her niece. We ; hope Mr. and Mrs. Haines and daughter, the change will do her good and that Elva, of Holyrood, visited with frientls she will soon be.enjoying better on the tenth last week. • . • - health. Mr. Thos. -Stewart received and de- livered a car of cement this week, ylr.. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers of St, Marys, spent their holidays with relatives here. Mr. Pilkie of Toronto, spend a fetter days with relatives here. On Monday a large number of friends and relatives gathered at tine home' of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jewitt to celebrate with them the 65th'anniver- sary of their wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Jewitt are still enjoying good. health and have the best wishes 'of their many friends that they may be still spared to enjoy many more years together. All Orangemen should attend the.an- niversary serrnon in. the Bluevale one -year ago and is still an active, Methodist Church, on Sunday, June healthy, well preserved man, 251:11, at 7 o'clock. Visiting brethren. Mr. Archie Sterling ,an old Howick .of the Orange Order are cordially in- London,lovas a .visitor, vited to. ineet in the Orange Hall at boy, now of6, o o'clock. with old acquaintances ov^r the week- 3 end. He also lived several years in Stanley, near Bayfield. Ile ' notices many changes since he was a boy here, GORRIE Mrs. G. W. Walker has returned from Kitchener, where she has been undergoing medical treatment. Mr. S. Hunter, who recently dispos- ed of his property with the intention of going to live with his nephew at Agincourt, became 'seriously 111= and' was removed to the Wingham Hospit- al. He is an old, respected citizen; and all hope to see him soon recover- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Fairburn of Lakefield, were visitors over the week -end with Mr. and. Ms �.gt, lc;, t0 n. The ladies i are sisters. Mr. Fairburn lived oirthe same afrm in Smith township for seventy-nine years retiring about one N A i- GLENAN A'T""" The boys who were attending camp at, Port Elgin for the past week, re- turned home' on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Hastings and Miss Francis Anderson of St. Hel- . .ens! spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Robert Purdon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray and ,children and Mr. and Mrs, David Ken- nedy and children, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ban- nerman of Salem, Mr, and Mrs. John McDonald of Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Garton. Miss Isabel Fox intends going to St. •Catharines on Wednesday to pick 'fruit for her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Warton, Mr, and Mrs. F. L, Creighton and soli; Francis, of Sa •nia, visited with her sista, Mrs. J. 1). B+ieeroft for a couple of days last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wil Falconer of Blue- a1e, spent:Sunday with Mr,• and Mrs. olin Fait her. . viiss Hurley • of Detroit, '•was .a vis- itor +with her 'cousin, Mrs, Dai,; O•'Ca'l- Ialianlast;yv est, . Fite basebdll bens Were.: defeated 11x• El th bY the tl:yth boys, by a score of A7 to 13, on Friday night;," More prac- Jilide, boys, children, of Morris, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Weir on Sunday. Miss Mabelle Stokes spent the week- end with her friend, Miss Myrtle Ben- nett Wingham. M'r. Alex Baird, who was working near )3rampton, was home over Sun- day. Miss Irene McKinney of Bluevale; spent the week -end with her friend, Miss Addie Breckenridge. Mr. and Mrs. John Casemore of 'Morris, visited on Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Wrn. Baird. Mr. and Mrs., John Hatton, Sr,, of Rainy River district, is 'visaing with their daughter, Mrs. Win, Campbell. Those interested in the Armstrong Drain attended the Court of Revision in Bluevale on 114onday, Miss Stella Bennett of Wingham, spent a couple of days last week on BLUEVALE Rev. R. L. Wilson will preach a combined Orange and Farewell ser- Mon next Sunday, June 25111, at 7.30 p. zn: in the Methodist Church. BRUSSELS Harry Keys, 12th concession of Grey Township had five head of cat- tle killed by lightning recently. His loss was covered by insurance in the Howick„Mutual, The 12th of July will be celebrated Miss MaryStewart of Corrie was. in Brussels this. year. ' Itoin e over he week -end. ' While driving home the other night. Mrs. Iv'. Masters of end. to, is vis- Jaines McFadzean of town, was run Os- itingwith relatives Here at present, into by an automobile, driven by car Gorsalitz, of Grey Township. Mr. Mr. Arthur Shaw is on the sick list; McFadzean, who was accompanied by we hope he will soots be O. K. again• his little nephew, escaped with a bad Mr, Harvey Messer of Toronto, is shaking "tip and a few minor bruises, visiting at his home here for a few but the buggy was demolished and the weeks, horse lacerated, requiring 17: stitches Mrs, J, W. King has gone to Ot- to close' one of the wounds, tawa to attend the closing of Parlia- Rev, Mr, Moore of Strathroy, is meat, supplying the pulpit of Melville Mr, Wat. Messer has gorse to Palnt- church in the absence of Rev, Mr, erston, where he has secured a posit McLeod, who is attending the General tion as fireman on 'the G. T. Ra,' Assembly, Messrs; John and Edgar McMichael were at. Port Elgin with the gth Greys, tig 'n 1`lxat'Pleases 5 5 s i e 5 a 5 5 w 5 5 5 s_ 5 A 5 A lil 5 5 5 5 III iIN'ISIII all hill III IM the tenth: Horse and report having a good time. ria Thf.,.±e- was service rtt the* ninth( Mr, Roy Adair shipped a couple of I, 'I''he Advance for Job printing is reg cars of hayfrom here :this week. equipped with the latest model type - Mr, Robert Musgrove took in the setting machine, arid the most modern. Greyhound Excursion to Detroit last facilities for turning ottt all classes of - Yob .Work in .a Manner; that is pleasing week, It F3 we 1, ine-our 1customers. Mrs• Henderson has returned i,o to school ''last Sunday, owing to the pairing of the chttrrh, next Sunday the service will be held in the Gienaitnoti school of house, , ... Mks. 'T. Aitkettis visiting with Miss .4112 �Jw..L......:uk� LA.1..Y3Q...,.vxiul..,.lilWll:iii91lYFAM1Ah{� hk,.Yl'iw.n.i 'OSi}~. 7411 }1a3dar - e Li d ikoi. a.r 9 Thurs., Fri., Sat., Juni 22'- 20 to 30 per cent. 0� Everything in Both of Our Stores 5 `I Winikattcs ares( Cash. &tore I hurl 1111111 ilill11 A111MAI (/It .. 1 ., .1Ik i IM1INI I 1 ilk 11111 INIi ! I 11111(! 1�1 III�MIIi�IiIIM�III�Iillillifl�Ill�lil�llll�lilNlkN IIIMd 1 �1111�11 1 111(11!