HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1922-06-22, Page 6• }pl°111FR I., 7 oil a ED PRICE' WORTH WHILE E AT I SARD S �t Bargains Right in Season to ixxece s of Voile,Choice Dress Patterns, half price. - ..-.._...._5oe; � CORSETS—Clearing Lines, Leduc d to x.x for and girls, Dozen Ribbed. HoseBoysg , IIOSI:. 5 s HOSE—Regular $ 2.50 SILK HEATHER, _ now ,..; ,SOCKS Children s Lisle Socks . r Dozen Ladies Vests,at_-. -----�---- -zsc VESTS -10 to clear GINGHAM -300 yards now on, sale ` xio Men's Suits, fancy worsteds o or Blue now_,.._:__ -_.,,_._$oz: OVERALLS -slack 9 MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHIRTS—For Men` Blueor Brown, SHOES—Vdomen s Strap Slippers and Oxfords on sale at....__ $3 95 a TSHOES—In White, SPORT Black or Brown, at new prices. SOCKS—io Dozengoodwearing socks, ROSE 81 ig value, e, 20 dozen Women's Black, Brown or White Tose onsale. or__ s:oo WA l u oa f . $ ISpick ick of'?5 waists, value p to $4 , WHITEWEAR—Corset Covers, Skirts, DrawersNight Gowns, cent. discount. i"rincess Slips, on. sale at 20 per qualityand width, sale Ribbons ' good. ,___—x5c RIBBONS—Hair SILK -5o ,yards of BlackPailette Silk one yard wide, now__,$x.6g EMBROIDERY—New. Trimming ler Ladies and Children's Whitewear, reduced prices; 5e, 20C, .25C ti, ens Straw Hats, dozen to clear,' your STRAW HATS—Men's 3 pick for - -.... _._..._:_. n5;c - COATS -Ladies Spring and Summer�Coats and Raincoats, on sale at zo. per cent. discount. Is.ard & Co. Eggs Wanted, Highest Prices paid Cash or Trade. i THE COUNTY COUNCIL (Continued from page S) elle Provincial Inspector advise our inspector, Mr. Torrance, to be pres- ent at the County. Home at any of his inspections in the future, which will enable him to make a more definite. report. We recommend that Mr. Torrance be impowered to clear up the Mc- Donald affairs, also that with Mr. Brydone have the 'Hutchison •estate settled up and have the property sold ars soon as possible. • We recommend that Reeve Robert- i, son sell, this property.—W. J. 'Spot- ' ton, Chairman. County Property The County ` Property Report was as follows: \ire visited the Children's Shelter and found five children in all and everything in good order. We were pleased to see a piano in the 'Shelter, a gift of Mr, McICay: of Goderich. We recommend new steps and.repairs 11 �Ib txso Thal r council as laid over from the January session, we recommend a 'committee of five members be appointed, corn - posed of the following J. F. John- ston, representing the connty••eouncii; Oliver Turnbull, : Brussels, President. Huron County . Breeders' A.ssocialion; E. Johnston, Gorrie, representing the Junior Farmers' Improvenieilt Assoc- iation; We Lobb, representing Dairying; Stephen Hoggarth, repre- senting Horticulture. We recommend thecommittee be paid $4 each per day and mileage, meetings to be called by the, chair- man. hair:n1al1 .- Re resolution of Oxford County, re - road 'superintendents; we recommend no action, Re recommendation from Water- loo County, werecon nd no action . request st of H. . A MVFchwen Re e le , J n Provin- cial for a Memorial to the Govermment requesting the taking over the Lake. Road,' on the west of the county as a Provincial highway, we recommend no action—B. W. F, Beavers, Chairman. to the roof of -the Shelter, and also loo feet of one-half inch hose. We visited the jail and found every- thing • neat. and clean with one pris- oner in the jail, and we recommend that he be removed to the House of Finance Committee 'The Finance Committee reported as Billows: Re Auditors' Report, We recommend that the report be received and print- ed in the minutes, With referemrce to clause .auditing quarterly, .we, do not concur in the recommendation. Rc Ale.candrie for school keep -of Donald McDonald we recommend that the Clcik look' into the matter of how long they have been residents,. and also the ages; We rec.onxnnendthe printing account be referred to the Clerk and Treasur- er to be compared with tender before payment is mad.e - We vzould recommend,.,ip buying supplies for county offices that a lit- tle economy be used by those pur- chasing stationery, etc. We tinr zeconmmend that clauses 5 and 6,in the Auditors' Report be adhered t. ' In order to'raise .the suns necessary for county purposes, we recoxninend that a late of 3 mills on the dollar be levied on the equalized assess- meuts of -the corsinty, and that a by- law be gassed giving effect to the same. --W. H, Coates, Chairman. Executive Committee The Executive Committee reported as follows: • Re motion of Douglas and Naylor. re grant to Women's Institute, we recommend that salve be made Re motion of McNabb and "Nayioz re House of Refuge officials' salaries, we recommend - that the motion be adopted: Re motion of Hanley and Miller, re grant to Varna Public Library, we reconsinend grant be made. _ ` S n Y Parke .and 1..111. tS0 n of x Re motion .� r Seafoi tit Hospital, we recointmea,3 that a grant of $75o be given. .e grant to London Memorial Hos- pital, we reconimend a grant of $goo be made. Re request .of Mr. Griffin for in - u ease alit salary, we recoininend no action ' Re motion of Johnston and Ingles, re grant to Trustees' Association, we re omme.nd giant be made, and that theexpeixse.s of.- Mr. Laing and Mr. .Shillinglaw be also paid. • Re motion of Miller and Hanks - for $roo additional grant to Clinton', Spring Fair, we recommend that a grant of $5o be made. -John Douglas, Chairman. Good 'Roads Commission The Good Roads Commission re- reconunend some repairs be made to ported as follows: the=•furnace and 120 feet of "one-half • The Committee met at Clinton on incb hose be purchased. May.4th, to consider the general plan We' recommend a new 'flag be pur- of work for the year. chased for the Court House. A fetter to the Chairman, from the Re motion of Douglas and Tipling, Clerk of Ashfield, asking thatsome we'recommend no action at present.; resurfacing be put on concessions '4' nn We recommend that the phones in and 5 and 8 and 9, as nothing had the Clerks', Sheriff's, -.County Engin- been done on these roads since they eer's and Police Magistrate's office were taken into the Good Roads Sys - be placed on single circuit as former- tem, we recommend some work be ly.—Joha McNabb, Chairman. done there if funds are available Special Committee The Committee decided to oil •cert The Special` Coxnrnittee reported as ' tain sections of county roads, passtn'g follows: through villages, where villages made Re matter of advisory agricultural1- last year, besides theoil was spread more 'evenly and a more satisfactory application •and agreed to pay 40 per. cent. of the cost of the oil. The cost of applying the road oil with the dis- tributor was about half the cost of job made. The Committee met at Blyth on ?Vlay x7th. It was *decided to buy a car of B., C. fir for bridge flooring at Wingham and Wroxeter. The matter of hedge fences was discussed and was left with the En- gineer to make the best terms pos- sible for removal where necessary. The Committee with Engineer Pat- terson and Mr. Irwin, of the High- ways Department, Toronto, made a survey of some, of the roads that have been repaired and .re surfaced, We approve of the general plan of wid- ening the roads, clearing the water l 'fine courses, placing fx o ra`rel at the g ve edges of the road to be drawn in by a drag or small grader when necessary and of making the approaches to brid- ges wider, to as to make travel safer. We believe the crushed stone or grav- el is making ;a superior road to the. ,-uncrushed gravel, being more uniform. and responding better to the use of the drag. g and number of culverts a d small bridges have been left during the past year in an unsatisfactory state of re- pair ` on account of high costs, and this year it is necessary that they be rebuilt, We recommend the Engin- eer n ineer be instructed to make plans and specifications for the sarnc and have the necessary work done where prices are reasonable. An °agreement was made with Me. Eccleston, of Grand : Bend, whereby the ri,-ile e the county is to begiventi c u t Y ,p g for ten years of taking gravel from the lake shore for the sufi of $200, W., Eccleston, agreeing to lay a ce- stient road as near the'•water's edge, er0 the west along the streets as, far east as B3ossenberry'8 hotel, .or, further if sufficient fundis are forth • coming; no money .to be paid by the County until the cement road is conipleted, Re claim of Wn1, "-fait for collision at •'Gargey's bridge, recommend no acti0tl. . l(e claim of G. A. Glenn, for acci- dent to car on London road, north of Heiisall, recormiend no action, Re letter of ,Joseph Riley, askitig ciepcnses for accident to self on trac- tor in the spring of ' J921, we recoiii- nnend' payment: of $Xo0 for the same: We recommend too feet of one-half inch hose be purchased for the R.egis•- try Office. We examined the Court House and 'IfE W blGid+° M ADVANCE Re accounts from West Wawanosh for three inu;nicipal drains, •amount- ing to $70,90, we ,recommend pay- ment ayMent. when the work is completed ac- cording plans and, specifics tons , Re Engineer's Report, we ° recom- mend the same be adopted. 'anti' the exception of the amount required for resurfacing, which we would reduce by $10,000, . We 1•ecoinend an assessmezit of two mills for good roads purposes be made. to raise the stun of $85,002,8o'for the whole County. We recommend that the grant of Goderich he $ _6,000, Wingham, $5o, - 000, and Clinton $r5,000, We further recommend that the Warden be auth- orized to enterinto agreements with the towns of Wingham, Goderich, sil village, of Hen a (;1'nto and the vi l , t n g, p t ection i s providing for grants n is understb 7, of section 5, of the H ig hwa Y s Im- provement Act, as follows: 1` annual ant of 6 66. be. .That at g u �r $ ,7 made to the ton of Wingham for ten years and a special annual levy, of 6.5 mills, or, $3;944•16, be raised for ten years. an annual grant ,of •$3,055 be That n . made to file village: of ITe sall fox.- ten years, and a special annual levy. of7 -:. mills, or $1,87.8, be- raised for so -years. 7: hat an annual. grant of $3,449.42 he r made to the •totivn of Goderich and a special levy :of i mills, or $1,778.25, P be raised for ten years. That•`ag rant of $1,500 be made to the town of Clinton and a special levy of ti mills be raised this year. Re oilingroads in the village of Blyth and Bayfield, we recoinmend the same regulations as apply to pot- ice villages, that, the village pay 4o per cent of the cost.--a3.1W. F. Bea- vers, Chairman. Education Committee 'The -Education. Committee reported as • follows: of II. G. Mac - That the resignation Donell be accepted and that we 're- Conimend the appointment of Charles Robertson to fill the • vacancy •as on Goderich Collegiate Institute Board. 'We also recommend that correspon- dence, re Parkhill Board of Education be referredback;to the same Board, as we consider salve not, properly filled Ottt, We also recommend the 'appoint- ment of the Warden as 'delegate to Toronto r It on Jul -th and 6th, so a - o Ox o � y, S ` conference, re secondary school tend cont education as our representative as re- quested by`Hon. R. H. Grant, Mini- ster of Education, -Alex Smith, Chair- man. County Engineer After an unusually severe MEN CI RESSES—House Dresses made of heavy quality print in light and medium patterns, full sizes, short sleeves, reg. $2.25 and $2.50, for APRONS••Bungalow styles, made of good quality print in stripes only, special 65c, or 2 for _., __ — ---•-$1.25 UNDERWEAR Ladies' fine ribbed Vests, short or no sleev- es, sizes 36 to 38, special at each. BLOOMERS --Ladies' fine Knit Bloomers at 50c, 750 and 5 ' -.y .- -,..Z pair c per 8 also children's s a _•. 5 P cas O. S. 'VESTS --Ladles fine Vests outsize, 46 to' So special HOSIERY—Ladies' Silk Bose in Black, Navy. and White, (Seconds) special 35c or 3 pair oo F HOSE --Ladies plain cotton hose, black only, size 81 to Io Special per pair. •__ .... 25c Summer Dress Goods, Voiles, Organdies and Ginghams at Special prices. 1W.%Lr1'Y II 7IV11 AIS s wb • • �.1J0 MEN'S SUITS—See our Special at..,-..._..� . _....._ .__.._�...�.:._..,_ r, BOYS' UIT —3n new cloths and of 'les ai....._,.. _:$ 9.75. S 5 � Y AND r BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS .�i�lD ixRAWDRs---a'All •.,. 750 C0M;BINATION$ A ." .. , $I.sa I/iR N'S RAW SILX S IIRT WitTa 0tyllax', special w.... -$4 75 ()duce 'W.xtited „ I MI i11101X 011 NON NNROONII ■ s ■. deeds ,A:'Sp eci' l a ty. ■ NNNNA UUuI**NN aNNNNui spring stores Remedy for CATARRH LOU and BA LSAMEA,Iong known to the med- ical profession, has recently been introduced • into Canada, and this won- derful remedy is now available for every- body: -Already it Inas won phenomenal success, and is effecting .remarkable recoveries in the treatment of Asthma, Catarrh, Weak Lungs and other respir- atory troubles. Buy . a bottle today J. W. McKIBBON, Druggist Wingham, Ont. as affecting the roads, I act pleased to . report that most .of the Comity Highways are in as good condition .as can be expected• It is pot possible to maintain fain t lie roads as they exist at present in such a condition that they • will not become rutted and muddy during -a season in the spring, but considering that this season pre- vails for only a few weeks each year, and that comparatively little traffic Government subsidy for Good, Roads •.. 84,036.04 Back interest on mortgage No. 282,06.25 No. 2 21 9,00 No. 3 240,00 Total Assets $178,080.13 Liabilities The, Debenture Indebtedness of the 1t that time the extra County of 'Huron is as follower 't] roads debentures, $20,000, payable ill 20. years at 4 per cent., half yearly. No payments made ---$20,000.0o, PerI ~ fu • $6o,oco 73 � ,avv ?10. 6, i9 .,. r for patriotic purposes for 10 years• et 5 per cent. interest, payable half yearly, On this Debenture $37,000 1 i ce of a Ua a t leaving t•t been .s b x 1 paid, 0 .. O 00 00. ' $ 3, 000 _for for'60 .f No. By-law o • Per , $ at patriotic purposes for ten years 5 per cent interest; payable half, year - tees e t n bridge e x -thatIo forb g .F -1a No. cosi` of constructing a roar. will Per By-law 2, 9 9, withstand all conditions of weather and temperature is not as yet felt • ismade, to be justified. Ari effort rir 1 n 110wever, to have all,roads trimmed t ned and planned so that . they are in a smooth condition for the remainder of the year, when the traffic is heavy and a sznootl road is demanded. " It is. found that our rOa S construct- ed truct- ed of crushed gravel are much more efficient and withstand the wear . of traffic and the effects of- the eletnents much betterthano-dinary gravels. has This is due to the interlodking tend- ly., On- this Debenture $x1,000 e ency of the angular particles of which been paid, leaving a balance of crushed material is composed; to- $49,000.00. gthe eNo, o, '1917, for $52o,000 -law eth r with -the excellent binding.effeat Per By-law , secured by file stone dust and;screen- for patriotic purposes, for ten• years ings. Moreover, a muddy surface it at 5 per cent, :interest, payable half not produced during wet weather as is Yearly. Ori this Debenture $35,000 the case when the bonding mateza r' l has been, paid, leaving, a balance of contains an :excess of clay. Consider- $84,500.00, r ing further that the surface of the. Per. By-law No. 2, 1918, for ,96,000 crushed gravel road is composed of for patriotic purposes, payable in 5r suchmaterial as may be dragged xo or 'r5 years at 5 per cent., interest smooth, the conclusion is reached that. such' roads are much to be preferred for modern traffic, to the water bound= Macadam, which is so ' difficult to maintain ''nrider heavy auto traffic without a surface treatment of bitum- inous:materials.. On this Account an attempt is being made to have our six crushing plants running continuously throughout the season, if possible, as, the material can most usually be placed on the road at a inucli lowef ` price per yard than ordinary gravel, and the superior road secured makes it desirable that as. much crushed gravel should be pro= duced as our equipment will handle. A great deal .of satisfaction in many respects is derived from the gravel pits purchased by the. County, and accordingly, three more pits have been purchased this year, -one: in Howick,. one in Grey, and one in Usborne. The County now own seven gravel pits: Since the County of Huron assum- ed the present system of Highways, a great deal of maintenance work. has been done on the old bridges and culverts of the county, with a view of postponing reconstruction until prices are lowered'and labor becomes mare: plentiful.• Labor at present is Thursday, J'u CHIROPR CT IC CH II DR. J. ALVIN FOX I Chiropractic furnishes t h e most complete and scientific method of Health culture known to -day. It is the only method of direct Spinal Adjustment •• Other so-called Spinal Adjust- ments are an attempt to trade on . the reputation of Chiropractic. This is a Golden Rule -Office and recognizes Christ and. His Principles as Paramount.'' Chiropractic gives. value in full for - every•dollar invested. Adjustnient given for all dis- eases where there is reasonable hope of recovery. r , Office 1 h ou s, Io to 12 am, m, 2 to5and 7to8p.m, Phone 191. Windham Saw & Planing Mill We now have"a full stock of Lumber of all kinds, dressed, and undressed. Sash Doors, Nouldin s , Shingles, , Lath, Beav- er, Fibre and Ruberoid Boards,,. also'roofing, plain and slate sur- faced and steel fence posts. Prices'` ,are lower now than they have been for some months and some lines are sure to ad- vance. Call and get prices for any of the above. Coal ii all sizes, hard, soft, and Snlithing :always, on hand. 'MacLean Lumber and Coal CO. generally plentiful, and in many places unemployment exists, prices are also isfelt that lower h ie Y raid -and it cons d the present is an opportune -tithe to reconstruct many of the old wooden bridges and culverts, which have so. long been. a .meriaince to traffic and a source of continual• expense for main- tenance. Plans, and specifications have been prepared for the reconstruction .,of a large number of these, but: no contracts have been awarded. An -estimate•of the requirements. for 1922 .of the County Road System is as follows: Bridge, and culvert construc- tion $2o,000 Ditching, widening -and -hill cutting. _ 15,00o Repairs to bridges and cul-` - Oiling _ 3,000 Dragging 4,000; Snow Roads 869. Machinery and repairs 4,000 Special° grants 5,000 4,000 payable half yearly. On this'Deben- leaving a fore $7,000 has been paid, balance of $89,000.00. Total Debt of the County of Huron, $265,500.00. • . 8 000 B'LYTH 2nd, x922 isS Laura ]?;akintu,:rettirned ta<!; her work in the yJuighaxxi ;tlospitil o Wednesday last. 1'American, ` 11C doctors at all 1105 pn- tai• have, discovered a remedy' to stop hiccoughs. A good malty peoplewould like to find something with which to start them. Mr. Frank . Metcalfe, Gove5 ninent Fruit Inspector for the Western Pro- vinces left for Regina where his head- quarters will be for some time super_ visition. ng the small fruits for exporta 1V r. Wm. Bennett, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs, Livingstone;, suffered a slight stroke but is improv- ing. About a year ago Mr, Bennett was stricken with a paralytic stroke and was nfitied to his bed for sev- eral inontli ., Mr. Damon Crittendon is attend- ing High Court of the Canadian Order of Forresters iri Quebec as a delegate from the local Court. The second game of the Maitland League ,series was played on Thurs- day between Whitechurch and Blyth, the local team defeated the visitors. Mx. and Mrs. Wm. Davis motored up from Toronto, and spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. William Cockaline. Superintendence $173;800 Anticipated subsidy from the Provincial Gov 8o,000 Balance $93,800 Auditor's Report The report of the County Auditors was as follows Receipts Credit balance in banks; 1st., 1921 . - Adninistrafion, of ; Justice County rate's • Land tax. .,.._ Schools • • Licenses Jan. .. $.x1,73?:74.' 9;061.48 257,409.02 • 1s..2 . 74 43,969.72 962.00 Canada 'Temperance Act ::1,113,91 Miscellaneous 25.00 Registry Office • 2,535.2 Loans -. 249,839.2 Interest - 3,907.25 20.00 100,768.40 40.09 7,159.05 $788,70.5.92 $ 11,939.62 85,34494 16,116,02 3,568:2z 9,404.25. 3,518.68 Sale of old Plank From Good Roads Jury Fund Huron County Home Total' -Receipts' Expenditures Administration of Justice Schools Huron County. Home County Property Municipal Government Goal - Printing, postage and station cry 1,626,92 Roads and bridges - 5,777.31: Miscellaneous 120,00 Charities 827.76 Grants - 7i64o.o0 3,450,00 Mothers' Allowance . 2,420,00 Good Roads 178;507.33 Debentures redeemed :, .:'39i000.00 Coupons and i n t c r el§ t on 2I ,795 4I School Management loans n Notes retied r 350,000.00 Land tax • 259,35 JuryFund 29.80 Total Expenditure..$741,55:51 Total' receipts ................$788,725.92 . Totales n ed itures ' .61. p Credit balance......,..$74x,345 47,380.31 Outstanding'cheque9,141.41 Cash in Banlc$56,521,72 6 21,72 Huron County Home Expenditures :...,.:, .,.,..$ 16,116,02 Receipts 7,159:05 Deficit . $ 8;956 97 Assets Credit balance iii Bank. T_lnpaid county rates-- Clinton ates-Clinton '"' • 3,969.52 Goderich .,. 3,251,08 Howicle 3,00000 3,000,00- 1-Itilletr 4,911.80 Mortgages , :........... :..... .,.,16,360.00 Hay cicbentures - 6,178.70 West Wawarrosh deben. 1,765,2$ $ 47,380.31 EAST WAWANOSH Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Walker` of Elora, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Wal- ker ker on Sunday. Dont forget the Strawberry Social on the school grounds on.. -the lath con. on Friday evening. Mr. Jas. Dow has "keen busy filling his silo with sweet clover, '"What did to dire a cough which was Rack - jug my system toP ieces." "Om) very hot eveninge ' n 'l ast s um- ner,whllexn the mountains, acool breeze suddenly ••came up which. left • me thoroughly chilled. Next - day I felt a slight cold in my head but thought nothingof it. . The lowing ' in . day, the cold had : develoiied Y into a cough. This kept up for some weeks but instead of getting better the cough kept' getting "Worse. A odeveloped in m tiieldi sensationp y- ng. throat. I tried everything I, could think of to get rid of it, It was womrse when I went to bed. As soon as I laid down the tickling sensation: started and the only relief I could, get was to sit up in bed. Towards: morning, I sometimes, : from shear exhaustion, niel raged to get 'a: tie sleep: During all this time ! 'cough was getting i worse. Some- times in these severe fits of copghing• spasms I was left weak and exbaus-- ted. Anything I tried only gave me temporary relief. I couldn't. :take anything but liquid foods. I couldn't sleep.' I- was losing weight every day. At tunes I' suffered the most intense -.agony with headaches.. A friend of mine told ane about Carnol. After trying, it for three weeks .1 no- ,ticedthat my cough was beginning to • soften' that, my appetite was re • turning, 'that the headaches had left me,that I slept longer? After taking seven bottles .of Carnol, I am • perfectly well .and enjoying better than I have ever had 'before in my life." Writes Mrs. 'J. of Montreal: Camel i_a•:to. d. by .your druggist• and if you can conscientiously say, after you have tried it, that it liasn t done you any good, return the emp- t' 'ttle to him and he will -refund o . boMoney. your mon y. .10-122 Sold b Y. J . Walton M cKibbo n Correctly Fitted .-Eyeglassses WR.HAMILTON °Pinetrisa WINGHAM ONT. NOTE SANITARY_ '— 'TAPE BOWS OF DUST COLLIC}NG CU,iS Most comfortable in the world arse Always look for ibis Libel SANITARY Mattress AND Cushions•. ARE , GUARANTEED Jas. Walker & Son e 1 1 aar of Extra No 1Feed Oats Is due to arrive here about the middle of this week. -Phone your orders early. We are offering these at a low price off the car. - A Car of Recleaned Screenings Is 'expected to arrive about theend of this week. These Recleaned Screenings are about se per cent. Wheat and will be sold at $2o.00 a ton off the car. Flax Meal at a Low Price We have just received a quantity of Flax Meal for feeding purposes and will sell at a very low price $3.5o a hundred in five bag lots. GOOD POTATOES WANTED JOHN E. HOMUTH `() SUCCESSOR TO HOWSON & HOWSON (j Flour Teed S eds Potatoes,,eta Phones: Residence z75, Stare 40 f GRAND TRUNK; RAILWAY SYS. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY . I m. o a. m. x Lv. KINCARDINE 5 p�, 4 5.3 ' Lv. RIPLEY - .:... , .. 2 .._ -.: _-..- . __:...-_.__... ,_- 5:50' a.m. 04 P.m Lv. LUCKNOW 6.og a.rn. 2421 p.m. Lv. WINCrHAIVl 6.4o a.m. 2.54 p.m. Lv, BRUSSELS ::.... _.__ 7.o6 a.m. 3.18•p,m.' Lv. WE LISTO L 7.5P a.m. 4.01 .tn, La. PA LM E R STO N _ ,......, .. _., _..-__ ..__..,_::,._ S.aB a.m. , 4.z3 p.m. Ar. GUELPH ..,.:. :.:..... 9;45 a.tn, 5,36 P.m. Ar. BRANTF'ORD Ar.i'•]iAMIL.`ON..:... .. ...-..... ...... ...:.... x.00 p.m. 1.00 p.m. 8.3o p.m. Ar, 'I`OIZONTO _ 11.ro a.m. 7.4o p.tn. • RETURNING—Leave Toroilto6.5o a.ni. and 5.02 p.m. Through coach .Kincardine to Toronto an 'morning train. Parlor. Buffet car Palmerston to Toronto onmornii g train and Guelph to Toronto n venin train. o evening g 1'or full particularsapply to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents. 41 !1t ,�.Ht 419 I_ii,� 4,tll,t� (�t 4'.111 'J1,4,d�. !4ti }11l V.`fpnt ii 41101 IM'41r�1{ Ikttl:d,llix.p Ifll,.li.i �� F" 4SIt+ti,,DIP..,9 �.0 .I. �,� P�P.IIxIW<Yl wt,h,u.,,t.L n'w.I.s.I